THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 13, 1017. 8 C LIVE ST0CK MARKET Cattle Score Big Advance for for Week Lambs Break All Rscords Hogs Forty Up for the Week. Omaha, May 12, 1917. I, bee p. fr.5.t: 4.148 3.2: 9.112 3. Mil 270 26.11' 6 31.951 3S.M2 40. 1 OB ao,&70 Receipt wrre Call Is. Hog. Official Monday 4.81ft 8.577 Official T-jesday. t-.v.l 1 11.066 7,f.S .40 f.3.:4 7 54. i4 S4.70S 41.1 7U Official Wudn.-fday . Official Thursday ... OfflrUI Friday Ehtlmmte Saturday Rlz days (hi work . Sam daB lt week. Same two wkH nico. 8a me three hks mko. Sams four wk. aito . Bam e days lull year. C.I tit 3.Si :.7i 17i 53.1U :C.31I J . t 3 in. 3 4 is, si; Cattle- The markol a uaual on Safrilay Win pra flirt. My bare of frccli Bu,piloj of cattle, there belli mill. I rig of any t-tmse Quence on tsa l. Fur tsw wick receipts have been very moderate, In fact the lifrhteHl with one exception for a number of welm back. On the other ha ml the reef tptit for the month to dale are I ho largest that lle-y have hecn for over five yearn. Tim market with lighter offerhitf ha been uladlly working upward unltl at the close of Ihe week price are around 60t-7.'c higher. The ad vamio Im born largely on Die me dium wrlifht cattle and on yearlings, while choice heavy Irervea have not shown n much Improvement. Ah compared with the itreme low point no me len Hay a ago yearlings are an mud. as tl.DUfcl.u higher and In some canes more than that. Cows and helfem have been ftnulimlly Working up and are Around 60 cents higher tor the work. Blocker and feeders have b'-en Hght upply and good d uniand all the week and have sold very freely with the result that the market at the close Is a little stronger. dotations on cattle: Good to choice treevos, f U.00&U.00; fair to good beeves. tll.0oen.40: common to fair b.-eve, 19.60 011.00; good to choice heifer, llO.OOtf 11.00; good to choice rows. I9.7&&10.7; fair to good cows, .7iflSB,76; common to fair cows, $6.60(f-1.76: prims feeding steer. 6.7& 10.90; good to choice feeder, f.04i 10.00 ; fair to good-focdera, $8. &0(f9.(H); common to fair feeders, $.7&8,60; good to choice stocker. 19.60 ft 10.50: slock heifer. h.2l,d( 0.2s; stork cowe, 7.'i0r 10.00; stock calves l.80rl0.r0; veal calve. 9.00(f 13.36; beef bulls,. stsgs, etc., iN.oo&io.oo, . Hogs In addition to the fresh receipts offerings Included ten or bo loads that were held over from yesterday, and as shipper nutlet was only moderate packers had all th hoga at their dixposal that they could us. The result was that while Chicago opened strong and 10c higher the local mar , kt, which has been high compared with the Windy City trade, was slow tn opening, and once started was not over fio higher as a general thing. There was a great deal of unevenness In values, some sales being called right at 10c higher, while others were no more than strong to a shsds up. Late rounds were slow and weak, and many of the later sales when finally trmdo were little If any better than steady. It wns pretty well along In the day before a decent clearance was fin ally mads. The general quality today was hardly as good as yesterday, a big propor tion of the offerings consisting of mixed ' hogs, and as packers were not overly eager at any stage of the game, plain mixed kinds wen slow sale, some of them tn faet never getting so. much as an offer until late In ths day. Tht bulk of ths offerings sold at 115.70 11.00, with tbs best kinds on up to $18.16, which cornea within a nickel of equaling ttfia record made last month. There was also nulla a sprinkling on down below the bulk. The week opened with a sharp break, but - values reacted the following day, and mar kels Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday . wera ths best seen here tn several years. The advance continued Friday and Saturday, but ths undertone was sluggish and closing rounds wore weaker both days. Today's values are 40Q60c higher than the close of last week and are a big half dollar above Monday, the low day of ths week, Representat've sales: No, Av, Bh. Pr. No. Av. II..1M 400 16 60 73. .IM Sh. Pr, 80 16 6S 120 16 76 S00 IS 86 120 16 90 240 10 00 10 It 16 ,19t 40 16 70 14. .IM 88. .196 ... IS 90 94. .108 0. .134 180 16 90 83. .til 82, .217 80 16 9& 79. .230 7$. .271 189 It 06 44. .448 Sheep Wooled lambs, In the course of an other phenomenal week, Just about dupli cated ths upturn scored a week ago. There Is really no way to describe the market ex cept to say that the top at this week's close, $19,00, Is an evon $1.20 higher than the best pries paid last Friday, This would I lull cats thst thft market is close to $1.26 up for the week. The supply has been light all week, several days only three of four cars of good woo led lambs being orrered. and under ths Influence of good pauklng outlet prices have simply advanced by leaps and bounds. Of ths western markets Omaha led ths procession all week, local prices being actually higher thsn Chicago figures on several occasions. New records were es tablished every day and have become as common as dirt. Ths current high mark Is $3. IS higher thsn three weeks sgo. and Is is. 66 ttlghsr than was ever before paid In May. The market for clippers has not advanced quite so rapidly as wooled prices, but at that It shows an upturn of between 76c and $1.00. Lambs weighing eighty-four pounds, very well finished, of course, sold to $16.26 on the close, as against a quotable top of $14.50 a wesk ago. Old sheep tn the shorn clsss, while not up as much as lambs, are sharply higher, ths advance amounting to Mt76o. Kwea sold aa high as tl2.26, and on the close ean safely be quoted to $12.60. A week sgo a very choice kind was selling at $11.86. Quits a few plain to medium ewes have beep in eluded In the offerings. theae eel Una at 811. 00011.79, ' Since midweek I hero have been no spring lam be of real good quality here. Tuesday prime natives sold up to $17.76, and at pres ent a ton of $18.00 Is being quoted, i Wooled sheep seem to be a thing of the past ror this season, small lots were nere, coming In with shipments of lambs, but there wss nothing on which quotations could no based. i Quotations on sheep and lambs:, Mexicsn, $I8.I019.00; Umbs, fed westerns, II7.76lll,6o; ismos, shorn. H.60tf lb,40 spring lambs, $16.60018.00; yearling, shorn, tltoolt.nO: wethers, shorn, $11.00 jis.vv: ewes, gooq 10 rnnire, sm.vuvi4.iu awes, fslr to good, $l2.&(t(pll.7&, ewes, plain to culls, $1.60 12.26; ewes, shorn. $10.70011.60. St. Louis IJt Stock Market. Rt. "Louis, May 12. Cattle Receipts. 760 head: market steady: native beef steers. $7.600 13.00; yearling steers and heifers, $8.60013.00; cows. $6.00011.00; s lockers and feeders, $R. 00010.00; prime southern beef steers, $8.00011.60; beef cows heifers, $4.2601,00: prime yearling steers and netrera, $7. 60010.00; native calves, $6.00014.00. Hogs Receipts. 4,500 head: markst light, $16.60016.10; pigs. $9.76014.36 mixed and buti-hers $16.66016.26; good heavy, $16.20016.40; bulk of sales. $16,760 nneep and Limbs Receipts, none; mar- Ret nominally atady: lambs. 816. 00818.0(1 89.60013.00; yearlings, $12-76014.76; clipped lamos, i City Live Hteck Market. Kansas City. Msy 12. Cattle Receli -309 head: market steady: nrlme fed steers $12.26018.00: dretuie-1 beet steers. $9,600 iz.ou: western ateers, l9.onwu.EiO: cows. $6.60010.76: heifers. J9, 00011. 60; stockers and feeder; 9N.36bll.Otf; bulls. $8.00010.26 Calves, $8.00013.26. Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market Higher; bulk of sales. $16.76016.36; heavy $16.20016.36; packers and butchers. $16.00 016.26: light, Hi. 60016. 00; pigs, $12,600 Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 60T ,Rd mantel steany: lam be. 914.60019 00; year lings, $13.00019.60; wethers, $13.00016.00 - " ' ' 1 St. Joseph Die Stork Market. St. Joseph, Mo., May 12. Cattle Re celpta. 100 head; market steady; steers, ts.V90lz.7o; cows and heifers, $6.6011.86 caive. is.uuf n.uo. Hogs Receipts, 2,600 head; market loe higher; top. $16.36; bulk' of sales. $16.76 Oie.ib. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 309 head xnaraei steady; iambs. 917. 00019.00. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, May 12. Cattle Receipts, 700 head; market steady; native beet cattle, v.4ROi3.70: Blockers and feeders. 27.60 10.36; cows and hellers. $6.66011.60; calves. t.VVI.Z3. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market strong and 10c above yesterday's average bulk of sales, $16.OO01 36; light. $16,200 16.30; mixed, $16.760 16.49; heavy, $16,709 16.46; rough, $16.70016.90; pigs, $10,600 . 1S.4U. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head market steady; wethers, $12.00014.76 tamos, sit.uuof is.vti. Bleox City Live Slock Market. fJloux Clly, May 12. Cattle Receipts. anv nesa; market Heady, beer steers, $10.50' 012.60; butchers, $9.00010.50; fat cows and belters, $7.600 11.90: tanners, $6.6007.26; torkera and feeders. $7.60010.60; calves, 9S.tC0I2.69; buns, stags etc., tT.6O01O.OO feeding cows and heifers. $7.00010.00, Hogs Receipts. 6.00ft head; market 10c higher; light, $16.60015.70; mixed, $15.76 . 9716.90; heavy. $15.96016.10: ptgs. $12.50 41t.69: bulk of sales. $13.70016.00. Sheep and lm be Receipts, ivo neaa; 9narket ateady; yearlings, 314.50015.60; wethers, 114.00011-00; ewes,. $13.00014.26; lambs, $17.90018.16. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Pressure of Strong Demand and Advancing Market Makes Wheat Trade Lively in Omaha. Omaha, May IS. 1917. The trade in wheat was excellent today and umler preftpure of a strong demand and an advancing Zulu re market tho cash artl do ruled from 9c to 14c higher, entail llxhlng new high levels on all grades of wheal. KecelpU of wheat were pretty good, hut sellers had no difficulty what ever In dlnpottlng of their offerings and almost all the samples were void before noon. No. 2 hard brought tho top of the mar ket at 13.46, but prices on (his grade ruled generally from $3.40 to $3.44. No. "i hurd wheat sold generally from $" 40 to (3.42, while No. 4 hard aohl Around $ :; . 3 3 to 3,37 and tho sample grade brought from 13.30 to $3.40. During the early part of the cash ses sion Ujh trade In corn was rather atow. tin ih.i traders began to get together shortly before the clone and quite a number of Hale were reported at prices ruling from tcady to 1c higher. While corn aold pretty clone around yes nlsy's market, but the yellow and mixed grades advanced about In tho commercial gr fiile of yellow selling at $1.60f 1 .SI. while the better grndea of mixed brought from tl.69'i to II. til. ft trado in oatn was active, with the market quoted from it fourth to three fourths cent higher and Hie demand for this cereal whs moderately actlvo. Itye was In excellent demand at an t 9c advance, but barley wua quiet at nomi nally unchanged prices. Clearances were: Wheat and Pour equal 31.1.0')0 bushel: corn 610,000 bushels; oats, 406,000 bunhel. Primary wheat receipts were .T5J.0OO bu. nd shipments of 1 ,008.000 u., against re ceipts of 1,001,000 bu. and shipments of 361,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts ware 761,000 bu. nd shipments of 386,000 bu., against re ceipts of 720,000 bu. ..and shipments of 64K.O0O bu, last year f'rlmsry oats receipts were 703,000 bu. ml shipments of 788,000 bu.. against re ceipts of 1,1x1,000 bu. and shipments of s94 000 bu. last year. CAIILUT ItKC'KU'TS. Wheat, OfltH. 137 I ilea go 56 Inneapolls 181 Duluth , ..; 67 ma ha , 43 unsHS f'lty 67 I.OUIS i 71 Winnipeg 73a These sales were reported todsy: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars, $.1.46; car. $3.44; 3 curs. $3.43; 1 car. 13.41': 6 cars, $3.41; i cars, $3.40. No. 3 hard win- 1 car. 13.42: 3 cars. 13.41: 3 2-6 cars. $3.40. No. hard winter: 1 car. $3.38; 1 ar, $3.37; 1 car. $3.23. Sample hard win ter: 1 car (rum mixed). $3.40; 1 car, $3.83; car, i-& car, $3. 30. no. 8 spring: cars. $3,33. No. 4 stirlna-: 2 cars. 13.16. No. 2 mixed. 1 car, $3,40. No. 3 mixed: . car, $3.43. No, 4 mixed: 1 car, $3.30: 2 cars, $3.16. RyeNo. 2: Z-S oar. $2.26. Barley No. 4: 1-6 car, $1.60; 1 car. 11.41, Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, $1.8644. No. white: 11 cars. 11.86. No. t white: t cars, $1.66; 1 car, $1.4 4. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.62 U. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, $1.81 14; 2-8 cars, 11.61; 1 car, $1.60, No. 2 yellow: cars, 91.81. no. 4 yellow: 1 car, ll.gost; car, $159. No. . t yellow: t cars. 1.69. No. t mixed: 1 car (near white), l.Zi; 13-6 cars (near white), $1.02; 2 care, $1.61; 2 cars, $1.0U; 1 oar, $1.00. No, I mixed; 1 car, (near whits), $1.82; 4 cars, 1.60 Vb ; 1 var, $1.60. No. 4 mixed: car (near white), $1.61; 1 car, $1.69. Oats Standard; 1 car. 72ttc. No. t whits: t cars, 72ttc No. 4 white: 7 cars, 7114c. Sample white; 6 cars, 70 '4c; cars, 70o, Omaha Cash Prices "Wheat: No, t hard, $3.29IJ2.4&; No. S hard, $3.8803.43; No. 4 ard. $3.3408.38. Corn: No. 2 white. $1.64 No. I white, $1.6401161 No. 4 white, $1.6401.64; No. 6 white, $1,630 64; No. white, $1.8201.(2U: No, 2 yel low, $1,6001.61; No. $ yellow, $1.6001.91; No. 4 yellow, $1.6901.80; No. 6 yellow, 1.6901. 00; No. 6 yellow, $1.6901.69a ; No. mixed, 91.guui.oi; No. i mtxrii, 11.69 "AO .OU; No. 4 mixed, tl.S9ftl.69tt : No. 6 mixed, tl.t8tt01.69; No. 6 mixed, $1.68 .9. Osts: No. 2 white. 72tt072c! stand- tfd, 72 072ttc No. 1 white 7272c; 4 white, 71W71c. Bsrley: Malting. 1. $801. 63: No. 1 feed. I1.2MM..18. Rye: No. 2, $2.2803.26; No. 3, $2)2202.24. Ijocsi range oi optional Art. Open, High. 1.0 w, Close, j Yes. WhL I t 26 1322 2 63 266 S 34 2164 stay i isnib 1 26 2 S2U t at 1 60 1 49 1 40tt; lit 263 216 15914 146tt 139 I July 2 62 Sept. 8 It Corn May 1 69tt 1 48 1 tt IVi 3H 62 tt 1 60 1 49 1 0tt 73 tfittl 64, 151 147 July 8epL Oats Mar 73 6tt 7m 64 tt 68 July Wept. 63 MTsI 63tt Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan 4b Bryan, stock and grain brokers. la South sixteenth street, Omuhat Art. iOpen High. Low. Close. '' Ye'" Wht ' May 818 July t 49 t 76 246 2 !7 360 Sep. 1 II 8 46 214 2 46 211 Corn. Msy 1 67 1 63 167 1 61 167 July 1 47 1 60 146 1 49 147 Sep. 1 28 1 42 13$ 1 42 139 Oats. May 70 73 70 73 tl July 66 67 66 67 68 Sep. 16 67 66 . 68 66 Pork. Msy 38 76 July 8$ 00 39 10 3S $7 30 00 39 00 Lard. i May . 22 26 22 87 22 36 23 37 22 $0 July 22 60 22 60 23 40 22 60 22 46 Ribs. May 30 tO 20 05 20 80 30 66 20 56 July 20 77 20 83 20 66 20 82 20 70 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Extraordinary Jump In July Wheat Feature Opening. Chicago, May 12. Stoppage of trading In the May delivery of wheat did not long delay fresh advances In the price of other options. Although the markst at first showed material declines on account of lack of support buying was soon resumed In sufficient quantities to make quotations jump In the same extraordinary fashion that nae oi late Kept the wheat pit in a tur moil, July delivery leaped up ISc to $3.69. as against $2,4602.49 at the opening and 1 compared with $2.49 02.50 at yester- nays iinisn. aieanwniie September soared 1 to $3,27, a rise of 901Oo over night. j The immediate reason for ths big new advance wae the Issuance of an .official statement by the board, which was con strued In some quarters as indicating that the supply and demand situation was even more bullish than bad been generally as sumed. It wss said the entente allies were large holders of July and September contracts, and presumably, as In regard to Msy, would Insist on delivery of the wheat that the contracts called for. Lack of offerings and continued demand characterised the rapid bulge in values, in the late dealings July went to $2.76, a rise of 29o from opening figures. September ascended ,32o to $3.46, The close was excited. 22028c net higher, with July at $3.75 and Septemher at $2.46. corn roi lowed tne same course ss wheat. Trade wss very light. After opening 0 1c lower the market rallied sharply and scored deckled gains over yesterday. Further advances were scored in the last part of the session. Tho close was unset tled at gains of !03c net. Trade, rs in oats took their rue wholly from the actltfn of other cereals. Huylng power, though, was not greatly In evi dence. Strength of hogs and gratn caused pro visions to average higher. FirmnesB was most apparent In pork and ribs. lmcbko ussn I'nces wnest: Nos. 3 and red and Nob. 2 and 3 hard, nominal, Corn: No, 3 ellow, $1,6701.68; No. 3 yel low, $l.6501.7; No. 4 yellow. $1.64, Oats: No. X white. 72073c: standard, 72V0744c. Rye. nominal. Barley, $1.26 01.63. Seeds Timothy, $6.0007.60; clover. is.uutriT.ou. rroviaiona: rone,; lard, $22.37022.47; ribs. $30.61 0 24.00. nutter unastliea; creamery, aztjiSTc. Kggs Higher: receipts. 21,737 cases; firsts. 310:ilc: ordinary firsts. 30U21u; at mark, cases Included, 30033c. rota toes Receipts, l& cars; uncnanged. Poultry A! tve, unchanged. NEW VORK GENERAL MARKET. Sugar Futures Are, Easier Under Continued Belling. New Tork. May 12. The market for sugar futures was easier today under con tinued Bellltn;, which seemed to come from Wall street and Cuban Interests, prompted by the liberal offerings In the spot market Closing prices were 7 to 11 polnta net lower; Msy, 6.10c: July, 6.81c; September, 6.28c; December, 4.96c." Raw sugar, easy; molt usee, 6.81. : centrifugal, 6.31c. Refined, steady; line granulated, 7.(001. 50c. Butter Weak; receipts, 6,860 tubs: crea- ery higher extras. S039c; creamery eitrss, (S3 score), 88 03c; firsts, 8tK- 027tto; seconds, 6036o. Eggs Irregular; receipts, 82.764 eases; fresh gathered extras, 37u; fresh gathered storagu packed flrsta, 3&03c; fresh gathered flrsta. 34036c. Cheese Firm; receipts, 4.108 boxes; stste fref.h specials, 26c; do average run, 26 c. Poultry Live, firm: broilers. t5043c; fowls, 26c; turkeys, 16019c; dressed, quiet; prices unchanged. OMAHA OKNKRJL MARKET. Whn'esale prices of beef cuts: No. 1 ribs, 23c; No. 2 ribs, 22c; No. 3 ribs. 16c. No. 1 loins, 28c; No. 2 loins, 26c; No. 3 loins, 20c. No. 1 chuuks, 17c; No. 3 chucks 16c: No. 3 chucks, 16C. No. 1 roundu. 18c; No. 2 rounds. 18c: No. t rounds. 17 c. No. 1 plates. 16c; No. 2 plat s, 14'jc; No. 1 pistes, 14c. Cheese No. 1 fancy, domestic, 46c; No. 1 domestic, 40c; jlock Swim. 33c; twins. 27c; triplets, 27c; dslslca, 27c: young Amer ica. 27n; New York white. 29e; Blue Lake, brick. 26c; LI m burger. 30c; French Roq -fort, :6c Rgga Fresh, delivered in Omsha by ex prenn. cases te. turned, per case, I. SO. Uulter Delivered, Omaha, refrigerator, freight or express, fresh, up to 3,000 lbs., per lb , 31c. Poultry Live, delivered In Omaha: Springs, smooth legn. 21!r; hens. 20c: stags, under 6 lbs each. 14c; old cocks and heavy rUrh, 12c; turkeys, fat, 22c; turkeys, old ton 20c. Guineas Knch, any site, 26c squabs Homers, it oas, earn, 84.00; Homers, 12 ox. each, per dox. jer doz.. , 13.00 Pigeons p.r dox.. tl.20. F It I ' I TH Oranges : 26fls. 288s. 3!s. $2.76 box: 1,'OOh, 216a, $3.26 box: 100s, 2s, 1 fiOa. 17(ia, $;t,60 box. Lemons: Fancy 300s. 36"s, $6.60 box : choice 300s, 360n, ti.OfJ box. Grapefruit: 36s, 14 60 box; 46s. 34.76 box: S4s. $6.00 box : 64s. 808, 96s, $6.60 box. Apples: Wine Haps, $L'.60 box; V. N. Pippins, 11.76 box; Ben Davis, $6.00 bbl, Ban nan, 5c lb. Pineapples, $4,00 crate. Honey, 24s, $3.26 case. Vegetables Potatoes, eating, 13.00 bu.; new. No, 1, $4,00 hamp. Sweet potatoes, $2.76 hamp, Carrots, 4c lb, Cabbage, crate lots, Be lb. Asparagus, home grown, $1.26 dox. Lettuce, head, $1.10 Hot., Cucumbers, extra fancy, $1.60 dox.; fancy, $1.36 dos. Tomatoes, extra fancy, $4.60 crate; choice, $4.00 crate. Onions, Texas, 12.60 crate; wax, $2.76 crate. Peanuts No. 1, raw, 10c lb.; No. 1, roast ed, 11a lb.; Jumbo, raw, 12o lb.; Jumbo, roasted, 13c lb. Honey $3 6 per case. Pish Fresh halibut, per lb., 14c; fresh I'Uflsh. 20a and 19c; black cod-sable fish, 11c; frejh salmon, pink, 17c; fresh trout, 17c: fresi yellow pike, 20c; fresh blue pike. If any. lbc; frenti buffalo, 12c; fresh ling cod, 10c; salmon, dressed falls, 14c; round, salmon, dressed red stivers, 17c; smelts, 10a; freah whttefish, 32c; fresh Spanish mackerel, 16c; fresh red snapper western, lie; fresh carp, dressed, 11c; fresh roe shad, 66c: fresh buck shad, 43c frozen catfish, 10c; black bass, 16c; baracuds, 14c; frozen btueflKh, 14c; tlleflsh, fresh or frozen, 13c; smoked whiting, 10-lb. baskets, per lb., 16c; kippered codfish or grayflsh, 10-lb. baskets, per lb., 18c; pickerel, frozen, dressed, 1 lc; round, 9c; pickerel, skinned, 20-lb, baskets, ready for pan, $3.20. Berries Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. $3,00 pts. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, 16.60 quarts. . Omaha Hay Market. Receipts continue light on both 'prairie hay and alfalfa and the market is higher on all grades and demand good. Hay Choice upland prairie, $23.000 24.00; No, 1, $22.00j28.00; No. 2, $19.00020.00; No, 2, $13.00016.00; No. 1 midland, $22,000 28.00; No. 2, 818.OO019DO: No. 1 lowland, $16.00017.00; No. $12.00013.00; No. 3, $8.009.00. Alfalfa Choice, $26.00027.00; No. 1, $26.00026.00; standard. $22.00023.00; No. 2, $19.00020.00; No. 3, $14.00016.00. Straw Oat, $7.0007.60; wheat, $6,000 t.60. Metal Market. New York, May 12. Metals While busi ness has been somewhat less active, a fair demand has been reported In the copper market during the last week and prices have been firmly maintained. Quotations for epot and nearby delivery of electrolytic were practically nominal today, ranging from $81.00 to $33.00, while July also was reported scarce, with quotations for the third quarter ranging from about $29.00 to $30.00. Later deliveries were quoted around $28.00 on the average. Iron wae un changed. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis May 12. Flour Fancy patents 40c higher, quoted at $17.10; first clears 60o higher, quoted at $14.90; other grades unchanged. , Barley $1 1 7 q 1.67. 1 Rye $2,3002.36. Bran $34,6006.50. Wheat May. $3.30;, July, $2.84. Cash; No. 1 hard, $3.4908.54; No. t northern, $3.3403.39; No. 2 northern, $3.2403.34. Corn No. it yellow, $1,68 01.60 . Oats No. 8 white, 76076c. Flaxseed $S 403.52. OtUj Market. Now York, May 12. Cotton Futur a opened steady; May, 19.76c; July, 19.66c; October, 18.93c; December, 19.04c; January, 19.08c. Cotton futures closed steady. May, 19.86c; July, 18.71c; October, 1909c; December, 19.19c; January, 19.26c. Spot, quiet; middling, 20.16c. New Vork Money Market. New York, May 12. Mercantile Paper 4 06 per cent Sterling Exchange Sixty dsy bills,. $4.71; commercial sixty-day bills, $4.71; demand, $4.76; cables, $4.76. Silver Bar, 74o; Mexican dollars, 68c. Bonds Government and railroad, steady and heavy. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, Msy 12. Wheat :.o. 2 hard, $3.2403.42; No. S red, $3.36; Msy. $3.27; July. $2.71. Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.59 01.60 ; No. 8 white, $1.6901.69; No. 3 yellow, $1.69; May, $1.58; July, 1.49. St. Lonl Grain. St. Louis, May 12. Wheat No. 2 red, $3,4003.41; No. 3 hard, $3,4003.60; May. $3.38; July, $2.68. Corn No. 1, $1.66; No. 3 white, $1,720 1.73; May, $1.63; July, $1.61. Oats No. Z, 71; No. 8 white, nominal. Bank Clearings, Omaha, May 13. Hank clearings for Omaha today were 36,194,866.35 and for the corresponding day last year $3,381,965.34. Tho total clearings for the week were $36, 140,558.05 and for the corresponding day last year $22,849,890.14. Elgn Butter Market. III., May 12. Receipts, 60 tubs at Elgin, 27c. Omaha War News Indue Madden is assisting Uncle Sam by using the police court as a sub-recruit:ng station to Ret men to work on the tarms. four men, tnree negroes and one Mexican, arrested on charges of vagrancy, were admon ished to go to the country. "I don t know nothing about farms." said the Mexican. "You don't need to know anything about it ail you have to do is to work. "Well. I'll consider it." He was given until this afternoon to consider it and be on his way. One noisily dressed negro mopped his face with a silk handkerchief and promised: "I'll sure accept a position on a fa'm if 1 his the oDDortunitv. iedee.' judge Madden, who recently insti gated a court oi domestic relations, savs that since the state has gone dry he has had practically no cases in the new court. "THE STORY OF WYOMING OIL" Now In prciwiiitton. Will rontain full iita tistic, shout production of wonderful Wyom ing field, and FACTS rfit.rdinir most ac tive companl... WRITE TODAY FOR FREE COPY : alio , Two-Color Map FREE Of Wyoming Oil Fields I,et m. demonstrate that your an.wer to thii advertisement WILL BK WORTH MONEY TO YOU IF YOU WILL ACT PROMPTLY. Just writ, "SENT FREE BOOK AND MAP" with your nam. and address on a postcard. HARRY J. NEWTON 384 Danham Bldg. Dnr, Colo. sbb 1 First Mortsaee Bands rrt Ot INVESTMENT O0 Osnomlnatlona $100.00, 9500.00, $1,000.00 A SURE AND SAFE INVESTMENT FIRST TRUST COMPANY 4th Floor, First Nal Bib Bid,, Omaba. WHEAT SOARS HERE; OUT OF JAY OPTION Cash Advances Ten to Four teen Cents Per Bushel on Millers' Demand; Chi cago Ban Anticipated. Prices on cash wheat on the Omaha Grain exchange went soaring yester day. The price advanced 10 to 14 cents a bushel. Receipts were forty-three carloads and the offerings brought $3.33 to $3.45 a bushel, with the demand ex ceeding the supply. Nearly every thing was taken by millers in Omaha trade territory. There was a greater advance in the July option than in the cash. Friday night it closed at $2.55 and Saturday it opened at $-' 53. It soon sold up to $279, the high point of the day. The Chicago July option Friday night closed at $2.49)4. opened this morning at $2.4914 and sold up to $271. The fact of Omaha prices on July being 8 to 9 cents over Chicago is said to be due primarily to the heavy demand by millers. Corn failed to share the advance with wheat, though it sold up a cent, going to $1.60 to $1.65 a bushel, with ninety-two carloads on the market Oats were up '4 to 54 cents a bushel and sold at 71H to 72J4 cents, with the receipts thirty-five carloads. , Omaha Traders Clear. The fact of the Chicago Board of Trade fixing $3.18 a bushel as the basis tor the settlement ot trades m May wheat did not cause a ripple of excitement on the floor of the Omaha Grain exchange. Ten days ago members of the Omaha exchange anticipated a wide fluctuation in May, and at that time ceased trading in the option. Terms of settlement were agreed upon and all trades' were closed at and around $3 a bushel. As a result, yesterday when in Chi cago there was a scramble of the shorts to cover, Omaha grain traders were in the clear. Barton Millard, president of the Omaha Grain ex change, said "The action of the Chicacro Board of Trade has had no effect here. Few, if any, of our traders have been caught short. We anticipated the situation and the prospect of high prices and I am of the opinion that every trade in May wheat was closed fully ten days ago. Two weeks ago most of our people quit tradhr in the May option and ten days ago all of the deals were closed. I think everybody is in the clear. "There was no hunch given to any one, but, on the other hand, we con cluded that the option was high enough and got out." Scandinavian Nations WU Continue Their Neutral Policy Stockholm (Via London)'. May 12. An official announcement in regard to the result of a three days' confer ence by Swedish, Danish and Norwe gian ministers says that the conferees determined unanimously that the three countries should maintain a pol icy ot impartial neutrality. 1 lie an uoncement says: "As before, the ministers aban doned the idea of taking the initia tive themselves, or in consort iwth other neutrals, with a view to media tion between the belligerents or other measures to the same end. The conference opined that col laboration should be established with other neutrals to safeguard common interests to the end of the war, or after, including the interests that neu trals will have in the work which pre sumably will be undertaken in estab lishing principles of international law for the future." Hans Kolehmainen Wins The Modified Marathon New York. May 12. Hans Koleh mainen, unattached of New York, won the Evening Mail s seventh an nual modified marathon race today. His time was 1:7:11.8 tor the distance of twelve and three-fourths miles. British Destroyer Sunk, . Says Berlin War Office Berlin. May 12. fVia London.1 The admiralty announces that a Brit ish destroyer was sunk in the engage ment on May 10 between light forces and British cruisers and destroyers. WYOMING OIL FIELDS MAD SENT FREE for the asking These maps are furnished by the BIG BEAR OIL CO.. whose properties are located In the Big Muddy field in the midst of producing wells. Drilling la rapidly progressing and indications point to early success in bringing in a well of good production. If you would like to help us PUSH AHEAD to ultimate success and be one of those to share in the profits, we would say that the sharss are now 7C fully paid and non -assessable. Write us at once for full Information and map you incur no obligation. Wm. G. Krape Inv. Co. 943 G. ft E. Bldf., Denrer, Colo. K'HIIiilllilMiSllIllll Only Two Days, Remaining to Buy CROWN OIL AT $1.25 PER SHARE. j The price positively advances to $1.50 per share commencing May 15 x Th. Crown Oil Company la now paying monthly dividends of ' 1 regular and 1 extra, or at the rate of 24 per annum Ths eompany controls leases on B1.S7S acres of proven oil lands in the g Irvine and other fast growing fields of Kentucky. Production Is now in excess p of S00 barrels dally with consequent carninga almost four timea in excess of divi- p dend requirement.. Four wells are now drilling. Eighteen proven locations are im- mediately available and the management ia confident production will he increased g to 1.000 barrels dally within ninety days, when it 1 probable that even more .uh- .g staotial dividends will be paid to atookholders. p BUY CROWN OIL NOW Both for Its substantial dividend return and a material enhancement in market m value over the next few months. . , We have thoroughly investigated the eompany and feel safe in advising im- mediate purchase of the shares. We have only a limited amount of stock available, but will accept orders postmarked up to midnight Tuesday, May 16th., at $1.26 per share in the order they are received. m To assure a prompt allotment, orders should be telegraphed at our expense, s letting remittance follow through the mail. m PROSPECTUS SENT ON REQUEST Make all checks, payable to 1 J.T. RIVERS - 1 1 ' SPECIALIST IN DIVIDEND-PAYING INDEPENDENT OIL SECURITIES 42 Broadway, New York. Room 303. FRANCE COURTS UNCLE SAM'S TRADE Minister of Commerce Believes Closer Business Relations Will Follow War. TARIFF BUILDS BARRIERS (Correspondence of Ths Associated Press.) Paris, Feb. 21. Etienne Clementel, minister of commerce, is giving con sideration tc the expansion of trade with the United States after the war. "The interests of America and France," said he to a correspondent of the Associated Press, "have grown so much closer during the war that I am sure they will continue to de velop when peace comes. The tfade policies of both your country ana of mine before the war made exchanges difficult. Our financial relations with the United States during the war make it desirable, from our stand point, to increase our exports to the United States, and you, on your side, have been showing a great interest in expanding your foreign trade. These motives ought, I conceive, to bring about a new working arrange ment, in which both countries shall treat on-a reciprocal basis. From such information as I have, I believe that the goverments of both countries will be disposed to take up this ques tion at the proper time." M. Clementel considers that the trade barriers between France and the United States are as much the crea tion of the American government as of the French. "The obstacles raised by the French tariff against free im portations from America," said he, "are largely the consequence of the American tariff policy. French manu facturers and exporters do not com plain against high rates of duty as much as against the uncertainty of the interpretation of your tariff laws by customs officials and the inquisi torial practice of investigating the selling prices in Europe and the cost of the manufacturer in assessing the ad valorem duties. What Yankees Pay. The American Chamber of Com merce, in a bulletin issued January 18, gives the subjoined table of im portant classes of goods on which im porters from the United States are obliged to pay higher rates of duties than those imposed on similar articles of European origin: Percent Uxtsa Duty on Amerl Class of Goods. . can Articles. Portable and semi-portable steam engines SO HydrauMo engines, pumps and venti lators 160 Weaving, knitting and spinning ma chinery 60 Presses and machinery for printing 50 Machinery and accessories for printing trade , 60 Sewing machine. .,1 Dynamo-electric machinery Electric and electro-technical apparatus, average General machinery, milling, hoisting. lc 60 60 Complete apparatus, not specified 60 Boilers 60 Refrlgersting apparatus, average 100 Cotton knit goods 50 Woolen knit goods r0 Silk knit goods, average 23 Glass and crystal ware 60 Rubber goods, average 50 Ham and salted meats, average 50 Cheese 133 Canned fish loo Slates for writing or drawing. ........';. 50 Special steels, average 60 Chemical products, average 50 .Pencil. 50 Ail yarns, except manila, hemp and New Zealand flax 50 Fabrics, embroideries and clothing of all materials, average 60 Shoes, average (or one franc per pair) 50 Leather gloves loo Transmission belting 60 Imitation Jewelry 50 Watches and chonometers 100 to 800 The State department appears to have had under consideration in the winter of 1913-14, the revision of the commercial treaty between France and United States. Myron T. Herrick, the American ambassador then, sent extensive reports on the whole sub ject to the State department in prep- Investment Vs. Speculation Investment under ordinary conditions means an assured income. Speculation assumes tho element of chance in most caries. Which do you prefer? This com pany offers you a definite regular in come of 12 per year on your invest ment paid by check the first of every month. Shares $11.00. Par value $10.00. THE STANDARD ROYALTIES CO. Of Okmulgee, Okla., controls oil lands which are now producing over 3,000 barrels of oil dailyassets 1,000.000; income five times dividends. High prices compel people to increase their incomes let us help you. Detailed information on request, or send draft or money order covering your subscription. E. C. Kingsbury & Co., (Fiacal Agent.) 608 Kittredge Bldg., Denver, Colo. WYOMING OIL If interested in Wyoming Oil Stock, write to UNIT OIL CO. Thermopolis, Wyo. 1 drafts er monr orders the undersigned. cration for negotiations. William G. Sharp, the. present ambassador, has. it is understood, also taken certain tentative steps in this direction. The declarations of M. Clementel indicate that the French government is prepared, when the time comes, to go into the subject afresh with the object of putting on a permanent and more liberal basis the commercial re lations between France and the United States. Russian Thieves Have Mass Meet to Reform; Bystander Loses Purse Petrograd, May 12. (Via Lon don), May 11. A mass meeting of thieves was recently held at Rostoff on the Don to demand a share in the new freedom and a chance to turn over a new leaf. The chief of the local militia and the president and several members of the council of work men's and soldiers' deputies were present on invitation. Practically all branches of the profession of thievery were rep resented and several of the most accomplished members made speeches, in which they outlined the difficulties confronting them and declared that if was impos sible to return to honest pursuits without help and support of the community. The speakers complained that recently the population had risen against them, and in some in- . stances went so far as to lynch some of their brothers. Chief of Militia Ralmikoff ask ed for help and support by the people in aiding the efforts of the thieves at reformation. . One of the bystanders com plained that he had been relieved of his purse containing six rubles. The thieves roundly protested that it was not the work of a pro fessional and took up a collection to reimburse the victim. Eighty High School Students Hold First Volunteer Drill A squad of more han eighty Cen tral High school juniors and seniors took part in the first volunteer drill Friday afternoon. The officers of the company are Paul Nicholson, captain; William Boyer, first lieutenai t; Owen Comp, second lieutenant, and Ben Sterns, first sergeant. The officers will be changed from time to time to accus tom as many as possible to command ing. Today from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. the company will construct a rifle range in East Omaha, where they will prac tice every Saturday. Reichstag Will Discuss Alsace-Lorraine Next Week Amsterdam (Via London), May 12. The first item on the business pro gram for next Monday's meeting of the Reichstag will be an interpella tion with regard to Alsace and Lor raine, according to the Wcser Zeitung of Bremen. It is believed, says the newspaper, that Monday's sitting will be fully oc cupied with the discussion of the Alsace-Lorraine matter so that the speech by Chancellor von Bclhmann Hollweg on Germany's war aims is not expected before Tuesday. Two Ways Of Offering Stock for Subscription The first Is to sell the stock and then with the proceeds determine the value of the property. The second is to prove up the value of the property before asking the public to purchase the stock. In announcing the 200,00(9 shares of tbe Cypress Copper Mines Company for subscription at 76 cents per share, we personally spent tn excess of $10,000 in preliminary development work (SI assays from various workings of the property show an average of $32.28 per ton) for the purpose of ascertaining the value of the Company's holdings. Accordingly we feel fully justified in recommending the shares of this eompany as splendid investment. The prevailing high price of copper with indications pointing to higher prices, should mean substantial return to the careful investor in copper stocks. The Cypress Copper Mines Company, located in the state of Arizona, which in 1916 produced 675,000,000 pounds of topper, is not a prospect, as there has been done to date approximately 2,000 feet of underground development work, Ore In dicated la of an estimated value of $8,000,000, or equivalent to $3 a share on the entire capitalization. The company at present is actively operating, and with further development work the present value of the company's holdings should be substantially increased. Write today for prospectus, giving comprehensive details of development work, future possibilities and a map of the company's property. Ask for A-103. HARVEY A. WILLIS & CO. 32 Broadway. (Established 1901) New York. After Midnight, Tuesday May 15th, shares in the CROWN OIL COMPANY will be advanced to $1.50 per share, and no further orders will be accepted at the present price of $1.25 per Share BUY NOW! Send us your orders immediately. Tele graph reservations at our expense, and follow with remittance via mail. This company it paying dividends of 1 regular and 1 extra each month, or 24 per annum. Current earnings four timea in excess of dividend requirements. Four well, now drilling. Present daily production of over 500 barrels should be at least doubled within the next ninety days. Oil grades a, Somerset, selling at $2.20 per bbl. to the Cumberland Pipe Line. Principal holdings located in the fam ous Irvine Field of Kentucky. Many hundreds of conservative investors have purchased Crown Oil stock since we first offered it for public sale. All indications point to increased earnings and larger dividend disbursements as the com pany's production increases. When active trading commences on tho New York Curb, as it Will immediately upon completion of our sale of treasury stock, we anticipate very much higher market prices. Don't delsyt All letters, orders or reservstions at $1.2S per shsre will be honored, tt postmarked or sent before midnight, Tueaday, May 15th. Alter that purchasers must pay $1.50 per ahare, or higher, at the market as soon as trading is initiated. .... j ti . Make all checks, drafts or money orders payable to E. M. FULLER & CO. Specialists in 50 Broad Street. SENATE VOTES TO DROPfflSORSHIP Section Cut Out of Espionage Bill; Another Deadlock is Now in Prospect. Washington May 12. By a ma jority of one vote the senate entirely eliminated tiie administration's hard fought newspaper censorship section from the espionage bill, and then by an overwhelming vole, de feated an :.t-empt to reinsert the sec tion in a different form This act'on, if permitted to stand on final passage of the bill, leaves the nouse on record in favor of the censorship 'and the senate against it. and probably will throw the question into a conference conimfttee for sri tlement, where the fulj force of the administration will be exerted to out a censorship through in some form Without a record vote the senale adopted an amendment bv Senator Reed to make the whole bill effective, only for the duration of the war. Vote on Censotship. Senators voting to eliminate the censorship were: DEMOCRATS. Ashurst, Bankhead, Broussard. Chamberlain, Gore, Hardwlck, ' McKellar, Bred. Suulsbury, SIUpUIs, Smith (Ga.), Thomas, Underwood. V ard a man U. REPUBLICANS. Jones (Wash ). KollOfffT, Martin. Borah, Brandegee, C'alder, Cummins, Curtis. ' Pernald, France, FrelinKliuysen, Galliniser, Gronna, Hardin ir. Keiyon. UnFollclte. pV, N orris, I'agr, .Sherman, f IS moot, SntherlH nd, Townrit'iid, Johnson (Cat.), Wutson 24, Total. Against striking out the ship: DEMOCRAT'?. Culberson, Fletcher, Gerry. Hollla, Hue (.hi sr. James. Jones (N.M.). Kendrick, Kin. Kirby. Myers. Overman, Pittmin, Ransdoll, Robinson, Sliufrolli, Slicpimrd, Simmons, Smith (Ari.-. Smith (B. C). Nlnni Thompson, Trammel I, Wnlsh, Williams, Wolcott 27. REPUBLICANS. Nelson, Polndexter, Sterling, Warren, Weeks Total 38, Pomerene, Brady. Colt, Hale, Lodge, McCumber, McLean. WYOMING OIL We have 840 acres in the (rreatest oil producing district of Wyoming the SALT CREEK FIELD which is producing 15, 000 barrels a day. Arrange ments have been made with the OHIO OIL CO. to drill our wells and work hat commenced. We ask you to co-operate with us on a plan that we feel will bring big re turns. Literature explaining de tails forwarded on request. Write today. No obligations. THE RUGBY OIL COMPANY 409 Chamber of Commerce Building DENVER COLORADO Oil Securities New York.