THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: MAY IS. 1917, AUTOMOBILES Willys-Overland, Inc. k. V 2047 Farnam St. Douglas 3292-L ". The following cars having been rebuilt and relished, are now ready for delivery at bargain prices; twenty-two of them: 51916 Model 83, Overland Touring. -' 21916 Model 75-B, Overland Touring. 1 Model 75-B, Overland Roadster. 11915 Model 80, Overland Coupe. . 11916 Model 84, Willys-Knight Touring. 11916 Model 84, Willys-Knight Roadster. 11916 Model, Crow Elkhart Touring. 11915 Model, Chandler 6-cyl. Touring. 11914 Model, 7-R, Carter Car, Roadster. 11913 Model Cadillac, 7-Pass. Touring. 11916 Model Briscoe, Touring. 1 1915 Model Mitchell, Touring. 2 1913 Model Mitchell, Touring. 11914 Model, Buick Roadster. l MnHpl Grant Roadster. 11914 Model, Maxwell fast). ' Pricei ranging from $125 to $850. Willys-Overland, Inc. Used Car Dept. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE Largest Dealers in Used AUTOMOBILES West of Chicago 1111 Cels eight-cylinder touring, nearly new $!,!'& 11 Haynes six tourlnir, nearly new, 900 lilt Stearns Knight touring prac tically brand new Hudson tlx forty touring, oellent condition & 116 Moon touring, Ilk. new, sacrifice ... 1911 Overland roadit.r, nearly new. 4D0 1911 Knrplre touring, run J. 100 ml log 400 191 Dixie touring, run very Utile... 460 1918 Maxwell touring, good condition 400 1911 Chevrolet touring, run very little "0 91 Saxon roadster, nearly new..,. 3&0 11S Col. touring, four-cylinder, tin. shape - 19I& fltudsbaker touring good ahap. 376 29)6 Ford roadater, wlr. wheela, fin. .hap. '- 1914 Mitchell ilx touring, elegant condition throughout 1911 Btudebaker touring, good .hap. 200 S2b 1914 Apperson touring 400 1V14 uaaiano touring, gooa snaps, make an offer AUTO CLEARING HOUSE s J20I Farnam St, Tel. Doug. 8310, Open Sunday., Open Evening. NOW IS THE TIME This If th. place to buy regular auto : bargains. Compare than quality oar prloet w with other prices: 19)1 Dodge Tour., elec. light, and tarter ,.$486 1911 Maxwell Rds., rune Ilk. new... 1M 'J 1914 V-M Buick, new paint, good tire. 436 1911 Model II Overland, new paint.,. Wt 1918 Model (I Overland Rds., new tire, spot light, .torag. battery, eleo. light. 131 FORDS FORDS , FORDS W Are the Used Ford Men. 1917 Touring, run 100 mi lea. a bargain. . 2911 Touring, natural wood wheela, de mountable rime, I new Goodyear tire. 1310 1915 Ford Touring, good tire. SSI 3916 Ford Touring. needs .onto work. ,116 1916 Ford Rds., new tire., good .hap. !&0 1014 Ford Touring, lota of extra. 100 See Ua for a Square Deal. Monty Bank Guarantee. Part, for 100 Different Make Can, 50c on the Dollar. AUTO SALVAGE AND ' EXCHANGE , piuin to?,. no s. nth t. AUTO CLKATUNO" HODRB. 120, Farnain 8L Douaiaa S319. mi Haruci ; 1,11 Ford Roadatar !& 1,11 Mxw.ll Ill 1,11 Kmnlra I C W. FRANCIS AUTSTCO. Uaed Car Xapt. 1111-11 Farnam St. Douglas 111. Almoat any matte at raaannabla price., Continental tourfng cr, pirfeot .tiap, w4 vary llltl., aito, Mgni sana tari.r, UUl tlr. and rim, .tc, 13U. CROBSTOWN QARAIIR, 111 gouth 84th St.- Houg, 4 Hi. tTi'b TIRE SHOP. Tin npalrlni la our apeolalty. TRRB SERVIOH. THE T1HU SHOP, D. F. Crow, 1MI Farnam. Dout. 4171. Wrf Will Uador now Ford (or you eld one. INDUSTRIAL OARAOE CO., goth and Harney. .Douglu. BSGI. , TKI.L, ft H1NK1.KY. WE BUY AND SKLL USUI) FnnD8. 8311 HBrnoy 8t Doug. IMP, 1117 FORD touring uar. South 3. HeO B St., Phone WILL pay caah for 1017 Kord or good 1110. !6!0 B at. Phone Smith aid. BARGAINS In usnd Fcml vara. Holmen-Ad- hlna Co., 4111-17 8. 2tth. Phone S. 371; ' CASH FOR YOUR U8K11 CARS. AUTO EXCHANOK. 310 FARNAM. D. 101J. BERTSCHY "Kan-Fla-lt SuthMt ror ner 30th and Harney flte. Douglaa lsr.8. SrORD oar foTaale, 1135. 4001 South 34th. South 4300. A BARGAIN Ullhurn Electric, In flue con dttlon. Tf a), Bfa. ' WK PAY cash fur Fords. Auto Uwlvage A Ktchange, 110 8. IT Mi. Til UClt" (or hufcvy hauling, good cmi.UUon. for sate oft tradr- for Ford, liar, ft&ao. AutoTLivtry and Garages. KXrBUT auto repairing. Hterviee car si ways raarty" Omaha Oarage, 1010 Uar- '. eny 8t. Tyler 615. . Auto Repairing and Painting. PAINT your own car fur f. You cun puiut your own oar a. perfectly as an ex our t. Autonamol In nt a (mint pttlnt rt((uiros - .kill, Autoiiamt'l la nilnr and luster both In Bt lrlea overtilnut. Jet black and eight colon. Free booklet "D." Auto namel Co., Rornrxter. N. Y. $100 reward for masnoto we can't repair. Cotla repaired. UaynOorfrr. 210 N. lath. Trfw and Supplies. i T1RH PRICK WKKCKKHS. 1HI8 IS NO I IN I Tilt B, $0x1,.$ 1.50 30x3V... 8.t0 3?x34..!10.SS 13x4.. 12 UQ 34x4 .. 13.00 3.r.x4V. H.7E Second-hand tire, and tubes; expert tire and tube repairing. Douglita HH7:', COMBINATION TIKE FACTOItl, HO J 14 Jackson. A la. wanted. Omaha, Nab. Motorcycles and Bicycles wT?"have" a flno lnr of uari mid rriiullt 'Harley-Davldaona, Excelsiors and Indians. Kveryono absolutely KUaranleed to be a represented, and in firs I i-Ihhn vondllion. Theoe machines wt-ro taki-n In trade on new ''tixcfllnlont and HnrleyH and are priced very low. We ship subject to In spection; Write for Hut No. 253. It, fre.. FLOYD CLVMKR MUTORCYOLK OARAOE Urewley t'olo. il A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCIBS. Bargain. In Uaed machlfiea. Victor 11. ' Roo., "The Motorccl. Man." $7th and treavewerth. Horaeo Live StockVehicles Wanted. tWO thor'ouhbrd I'oland t-'hlna sows, with . 11 plge, 1 weoka old. Address &. at, ut man. 7611 8o. 30th 8t. So. ! 118. WANTED Shetland pony, buggy. Phone 8. , HORSES for aale. 1711 W.batar t AUTOMOBILES Special Speedster (very Terms to responsible parties. MONEY TO LOAN rimNlTCRIC, planai; and note. as security. 140, 1 mo If. goods, total coat, ts.uu, 140, 1 mo., .ndoried not.., total oo.t, $1.10. Similar, largo am'ts, iiror-ortlonatt rate. PROV1DKNT LOAN aoClETT. Omanlcod by Omaha Buslnass Mon 411 Roai Bid. 18th and Farnam. Ty. 111. LF.IiAL RATE LOANH 124.00 1240.00 or more Raay payment.. TJtmoat privacy. 140 Pan Ion Blk. Tel. Dou. 11,1. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. MEDICAL DTI. K. It. TARRY PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. V. R. Tarry cure, pile., fistula and ether reetal dlaeaae. without surgical op eration. Cur. maranteed and no money paid until oured. Writ, for book on rec tal dlsesaeg with leatlmonlals. DR. B. R. TARRY 140 Be. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WHY SUFFER 7 Late.t and Moat Solontlflo Treatment (or All Dlicaars. Dr. Charles Barnea, MI-621 Roe. Bldi. Msamlnatton and Consultation free. He 1. curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOUT Delay, are dan- cue. If you can't call, write. Hour. 1 a. m. to 6 p. m.; TrUft, to 1:30 .venlnga. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE aucoeaefully treated without a aurclual operation, can or writ. tir. Frank H. Wray. 101 Be. Bldi. Chiropractors DR. KNOI.LENUKKQ, SANITARIUM Lady attendant, 34th and Farnam. P. 7311 Dr. C. J. Lawr.ii;., Balrd Bldg, D. 1411. Dr. Francea Dawson, 101 Rosa Bldg. T. 3360. bra. Johnston. 1335 W. O. W. Bldg, D. tin. Dentists Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W. O. W. BMn" luff. Dcut. Rma, III! Boa. Bldi. D. 2110. PERSONAL THE) Salvation Army Industrial Horn ao- llalts yuur old clothing, furniture, maga- sines. We oolleot. We distribute. Phone Doug, 4U6 and our wagon 'will call. Call and Inspect our new bom., U10-1118-111 Dodge tit. TOBACCO U8KH8 Do you Want to quit th. habit? Oet my "Pay When Cured" plan. tiworn statements ana pnysicians endorsements on application. A. K, Wolf, Lock Box ".fit Wichita, Kan. BATHS nnd massage. Central High Insti tute. 1606 Harney St Doug. 7097. Open evening a. yl'l'S 1 cured my daughter by alutple die. vovery; particular, fre. Z. Lepw, 80S Ave., Milwaukee, Wla. PRIVATE homo for .Irk ladles, heat car.; very real, zhod Bristol St. web. 310a. LUELI.A WEIIST11R, massage and manl- ourlng. Ill Paiton Blk. Red 3400. MAM BRUQMAN, scientific masseuse and batha. SO! Karhach Blk. Red 3737. SCIKNT1F1C maasaga. CO Ba. Bldf. Phone DouglH.1 .371. HOUSE painting done In eirhaug. for dental work. Phone Harney lltao. VIOl.KT HAY TIIKATMKNT 411 Bee BJdg. Kdna William., niasssgc, bath, 331 Neville. Ml SB LILLY, bath, massage, 1133 Farnam, Manicuring and muss. 10H3 Famuin. R. 11, E. BilQTT, massallug. 3130 Harney. D. 1110. REAL ESTATE A BARGAIN " , LOOK THIS OVER WILL SACRIFICE MY PROPERTY, LOT USiXlll WITH TWO-STORY BRIIK BUlLDINa !!W78, OROCISRT STOCK AND FIXTURES. THIS 18 ELKUANT CORNER PROPERTY SITUATED IN THW HEART 06" TUB CITY AND AT PRESENT OCCU PIED BY TUB OWNER AS A GROCERY STORK, RKTlRINO PHOM BUSINESS. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THIS ONE OP THE BKST GROCERY STORES IN THE CITY. ACCOUNT FRONT AGE ON TWO STREETS THIS WOULD MAKE A SPLENDID LOCATION FOR AU TOMOBILE OR ANY OTHER BUSINESS 622 SOUTH MAIN ST., Council Bluffs, Iowa. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. St acres, good 7-rooin house, barn and Karaite, 40xH, foment floored; al) other ueoeaaary buildings: food orchard; tine lawn and trea; an Ideal small farm: 14 mtlea from town. Prlc, $13,600, Located on high road to Calhoun, 218 ACRES. 2 IN aires, wrll Improved, hlah land. 76 aiT under plow, 50 acres alfalfa 40 ncrea Hover, south rough, seeded 3 yearn ro; the halame la prairie pasture and aonrn timber. Mortirngo $l4000; payable yearly. Isolated 1 north of Omaha P. O.. half a mile weat of 8. W. corner or Ft. V-a'aoun. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. 171B. 1011 Oranha Nat Bank Bldf. REAL ESTATE Buy A In Minne Lusa Where you can build a home amid the best of surroundings where all street improvements are now in where you can play tennis, golf or base ball in the summer, or skate in the winter, in beautiful Miller Park where building re- , strictions protect you and your neighbor where EVERYBODY is building where the most re markable development ever seen in Omaha is go ing on NOW where lots are low-priced at pres entwhere you can get lots with all improve ments, including sewer, water, grading, side . walks, trees and lighting system PAID FOR, for $550 to $850 on easy terms Come Out Today Call M. 0. Headley, Colfax 3482, or 1 - F.L. Gallup, Colfax 120. Charles W. Martin & Co. REALTORS. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. 50 Cents a Week For Lots BETWEEN BENSON AND DUNDEE IN 4 Morningside FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET . i BETWEEN LAFAYETTE AND BLONEfO You Pay $1 Down You get possession of the lot at once and . You may fence or cultivate the lot f You may put in garden You may build or not, as you please ( You pay no interest for two years You pay no taxes for two years SEE THESE PRICES $135, $155, $170, $195, $205, $235, $245, $285 Special Sale All Day Today Take Benson car to 60th Street in Benson. Our free automobile meets every car and car ries you a few blocks south on 60th street to Morningside. We sell only on the ground. ALL DAY. AND EVENING Bring Your Dollar and Come Today N. P. DODGE & CO. 15th and Harney Sts. Bee Want Ads Bring Best Results Try Them. REAL ESTATE Lot Phone Doug. 829. REAL ESTATE Armstrong-Walsh Co. Specials 3,500- -No. 8085 Miircr St., 7 rooms, completely modern and up-to-date In every partic ular. Only pne block from the Leavenworth street car line and two blocks from the east and west aide Park ear Unea. The lot la 46il28. Terms if desired. -Two five-room cottnjjcu. Ground 182x120. Plenty of worn for two more cottages on the property. One houtte ia only three years old and has every modern con venience. The other ia modern with the exception of heat. They are now rented for 36 per month. Priced right to clone out an estate. -No. 4821 Decatur street. Best buy In town. Six-room, two-atory square house. Oak woodwork and floors on the firit floor. Hot water heat. Laundry tuba in the basement and hot water heater for the summer time. The lot la large, being 45x160. God garage on the rear of the lot $1,175 cash, balance $26.20 per mo. -S. W. corner 24th and Bio n do, 68x120. First class business location. Three 6 room cottages now on the lot, renting for $42.(0; per month. Best bargain on the street. -DUNDEE, fi rooms practically new. Jnst repainted and redecorated inside and out. First claaft plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and attractive fireplace. South front lot 50x135. It's a little beauty. (3.600-S3.576-H.500- cr.,2&o- SMALL INVESTMENTS 2 brick 'stores and am.ll Sottas, on North 3d. Always rented at 1 4 9.60 per month. Price 3 frame houac Two comnletcly modern a tot 86x75, near the corner of Park avenue Price $5,000. $1,600 eash will handle. A brick flat, near 23d and California: always occuaied at 1100 nar month. Croaa In come $1,200 per year. The price U only $9,000. on your money. 2 brick flat, and frame cottage. Easy Each flat and the .bouse have separate hot quarter sawed oak. The lot has a frontage of much less than they should bring, l,00 per There U a Building and Loan Mortgage now on Near 26th and Harney. Corner lot, 106x62. per year. Price $17,600. Ground rapidly increasing In value. Only a block and one-half from the West farnam car line. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, REALTORS tSS Ron Bldi. Tyler 1B8, New Dundee House $4,500 ; Owner will consider residence in good neighborhood as down payment on this de sirable home, which is brand new, having 7robms, including living room, dining room, . kitchen, 4 bedrooms.bath, enclosed sleeping porch, and front and rear vestibules. Fin ished in oak and French gray enamel, with oak floors throughout and complete in every detail. Located on east front corner lot. This place is a bargain and could not be du plicated today within 20 of theprice we are asking. This is an exceptional opportunity for one who has a good lot and cannot afford to build, to secure a new home on easy pay ments by exchanging a lot and paying the balance monthly like rent. Let us know what you have to offer. George & Company REALTORS. , 902 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 756. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Annie Lennahan and husband, to Olive Hays, Thirty-fifth avenue,. 135 feet south of Poppleton avenue, west side. 40x130 $ V, G. Oliver and wife to H. J. Orove, Lucas atreet, Benson, "00 feet eaat of Burn ham avenue, 60x128 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to J. L. Conn, Twenty -seventh street, ISO feet south of I street, east aide, 60x160 Ralph K. Clarit and wife to Claude W. H. CaHHert al, aoutlieast corner Thirty-seventh and Fowler avenue, Diixisa Delia Hacket et al to Joapphtne A. Orace, Forty-sixth street, feet north of Plnk'ney atreet, east side. 50x130 Delia llackett et al to Iva M. Hulii- han. Forty-sixth street, 345.B feet north of Vlnkney stroet, east side, 60x130 South Omaha f-and Co. to William Hanluk, Thirty-fourth street, 100 feet south of I street, east side. 60x130 Frank Kozlow&kt to Alike Mltkos and wire, Thirty-tourtn street, it leei south of K street, west side, 50x130 Frank Sevtck et at to. Frank Pavelec, Dominion Htreet, 4 feet east or Tanth street, south aide. 48x126... Katie Frondel and husband to 'Kelson A. Morgan, Dorcaa street,, lvO foet east of Fifth atreet, south side, 60x100 Krtflon A. Morgan and wife to Louis Christiansen, Dorcas street, 100 root east of Firth street, . soutn side, 60x100 650 Glenn A. Wilms and wife- to Georire A. Wilcox. Finiftin avenue, juv ipui north of Cuming street, west side, KOxlSfi 1 Nathaniel Master and wife to Mary B. Glover, lioyd street, l&o lot eas of Thirty-sixth street, south side, 50x130 1 Augusta Anderson and husband to George J. lianaen, weouer street, Mb feet east of Thirty-sixth street, north side, 60x159 f- 1 T. J. Hanson to C. U Pease, southeast corner Thiriy-urst auu waaisun streets, 64x130 1 Joseph McGuire a-d wife to James Walsh, Military avenue, p ii notth of Bryan street, east side, Irren. appr., Boxll&l 00 Bentamin F. Glllett and wife to Peel er Johnson et al, Thirty-first street, 1U.7 feet south of Pacific, east aide, (0x169 Peder Johnson and wife to Benjamin F- Oillett, Charles street. 100 feet east of Forty-eeventh atreet. north side, 60x140; Charlea street, 350 feet eaat of Forty-eeventh street, north side, 60x140 1 Prenlea Real Kstate Co. to Minnie I. Huffman, southeast corner Forty sixth and Lafayette, StixUO 1 Hastings A Hnyden to Catherine Sal vatore, northeast cornor fortieth and Wirt Btreets, 60x102.8. , S16 Alfred K. Jorgensen and wife to Se vert Olson and wife. Fifty-first street, 203.! fet south of Leaven worth, east sMc, 6o13S 2.300 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Omia Loan and Bulldlnr association, southwest corner Twenly-ilrst and Clark. 143x140 .30 LEGAL NOTICES. POLlCB AUCTION SALfcJ. In accordance with the provisions of the statutes of tho state of Nebranka, i will sell at public auction at the police court room. Klevonth and Podge streets, in the city of Omaha, state of Nebraska, at 1:30 p. m Wednesday, May lth, 1017, all unclaimed personal property which may have been In the ponseptilon of the poltre magistrate or chief of police six months prior to said date. This sate includes all kinds of roods, surh as cutlery, bicycles, harness, watches. drefS goods, clothing, trunks, grips and re volvers, all sold without reserve to the highest carfh bidders. Come and get bar gains. rroceeas ot ssie iurnen inio n. u., city and county treasurer, credit or tne Omaha Police Relief and Pension Fund As soHation. . H. W. DUNN. C 187 i nior oi ro.icw. poi.u k auction walk. In accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the state of Nsbrndka. I will Hel! at on be auction at ins I'oiice mauon, Eleventh and Image streels, in the city of Omaha., state of NvUrafka. at 1:30 p. in. Wcdiii'sdny. May 16th, 1817, one Ford auto mobile, flve-oaasenaer. too and windshield IRIS model, in goon" order, which haa been In my pnnseshKlon over six months and still nne la In ied. Thin auto la In goud condition nnd will be told to the highest bidder for cash. H. w. urn:. C lit Chief of Police. REAL ESTATE 24th street. Lot runs thmiut-h from 9ith tn $4,500. and the third modern exeunt heat. Tcmtml nn and Pacific .tract.. Present rtnt J6S.S0 Will .how you better than 10 per cent net walking distance, near 26th and Davennert. water heatlnr nlante. Finish ia of the finest 04 feet. These properties are rented now for year. The price t. $10,000; $4,000 eash. the property for $8,000. Four brick flat, now rented at $1,980 5 ACRES Highly Improved, good house, ham, well, orchard, garden plants: fin condi tion. Widow. Compelled to ell, only 14,500. Not fatf from Country club. HARRISON & MORTON la Omaha Nat. D. 914. INVESTMENT SHORT distance from Farnam on 26th St.; fair Improvements; earning fair in terest, 140,000. " ) HARRISON & MORTON 1 Omah Nat. B. 314. INVESTMENT Highly improved, coming . business property en Dodge, ner S4th, $76,000. HARRISON & MORTON lis Omaha Nat. D. 314. " CORNER STORE . W. corner of 13th and Howard Bis. new brtck building, 2Sx6 feet, one story and good cement basement; The corner room Is vacant now. It was a saloon. A smalt room fronting 13th St.. used for lunch roora.nd small room on Howard, . uaed as barber shop. These rent for S26 each. The corner would make a good atore for many purposes. Price $18,000, on terms to suit. This considerably less than cost to duplicate. HARRISON & MORTON II Omaha Nat. D. 314. Property Earning 20 Per Cent On Investment. 1138-41 N. 17h St., double frame house and 6 -room cottage in rear: renting for o per annum. Price 13,350, fl.S&u casn. oai ance at 4 per cant. leiT.ia riai-lf flt . 1 stores and flats abovn, rent ins; for $880 per annum; 91.000, 91,000 rash, balance at per cent. 3321-23-Ss N. tth St.. t stores, flats above. cottage In roar. Renting for $900 per annum. Price $5,500, 93,000 cash, balance 6 per cent. H. A. Wolf, Realtor. Ill War. Block. Tyler II. GOOD HOUSE LARGE GROUNDS On llth. almort faelnr Millar park. ov.rlooklnr Minna Lma 141-ft. .a.t . front by JtO North front Good l-room house; flv. lota In all. Sell all or part; ; price 11,000. Good place for growing r.miiv. Lot. of garden and fruit. Old coupl. hav. to niek. change. Term.. HARRISON & MORTON 111 Omabe Nat. ! ! REAL ESTATE UPTOWN TRACKAGE 88x115 at N. W. Cor. 15th and Jones. One block from Caatle hotel. Four blocks from the heart of the retail district. With out question the best location In Omaha for combined wholesale and retail busi ness requiring trackage. Ground slopes to the east, affording unusual opportunity for an all-day-llght basement. The price more than riftht. Only $30,000. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY REALTORS. Tyler 1580. f1fr- CHOICEBRICK RESl- " DENCE, WEST FARNAM On 37th St., south of Farnam. House Is practically new, built with solid briok nnd tile walls. Rooms are large and well ar ranged, and the house is equipped with every convenience that money can buy. Tile roof. Brick Enrage for three larne cars. Price la 126,000, but we want an offer for this beautiful home, as the owner is determined to sell it. Call us at onco and arrajifce to inspect the property. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY Tv1pM538. RBALTOR3, 33.1 Row Bldg. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 811 North 41st Street $4,000.00 6 rooms, modern, nearly new: oak finish 3 rooms, oak floors throughout; Interior very attractive Corner lot, on paved street, one block' to Farnam car. Close to both Cat nolle and Protestant schoots. The cost to build this bungalow today la within 9350 of tho purchase price of both houae and ground. The value of th ground It about $1,000, Can bo sold on easy terms. HIATT COMPANY 2(1-7-1 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 10. NEBRASKA AND WYOMING WESTERN WHEAT LAND. WHEAT NOW SELLING AT $3. Why not get a section of land In Kim ball county, Nebraska, and southeast Wyoming In Laramie county, the Golden Prairie, and raise wheat where one crop often pays for the land, when properly farmed. Wonderful chances to make money In small grain for the amount per acre this land will produce. 437 miles directly west of Omaha, Price $16 to $25 an acre. Buy now O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. 2716. 1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WEST FARNAM APARTMENT SITE. 20S ft. east frontage with a depth of 165 in the best of the West Farnam district; one short block to Farnam car line; solid ground; only 16 ft. frontage In same neighborhood sold at $24 000. Price for quick sals, $26,626. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. ST1S. 1018 Omaha Net. Bank Bid. CLOSE- IN CORNER 1 INVESTMENT. 67.4 feet on Davenport St. and 10S feet east frontage on 81st St. This haa a good brlcjc house on corner. We offer the north 60 feet of this property at $1,900 with the house or the entire 103 ft. frontage for $3,000, A good location for email apart ment O'KEEFE .REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. Vin. 1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. VACANT LOTS. . Northeast corner 41st Ave and Burt, BlttxlSD, all street Improvement In and fully paid for. Including paving on both streets, A fine tforaer to build double bouses or several homes for Investment, located one block from three car lines. $260 to $300 cash; balance easy terms. FONTENELLE BOULEVARD. and Wirt St., N. B. corner, 46x118, with 60 ft. parking In front. A choice residence lot, 1 block to car, Z blocks to ochool, Price $700. $10 cash; balance $10 per month. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. .S71B. 1011 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. MILLS COUNTY 80 ACRES. 50 acres In cultivation, 8 acres alfalfa; 20 acres timber, lays rough; 8 -room house, barn chicken house, corncrib, spring and running water, 1 mile to railroad loading station. Price- $00 an acre. Liberal terms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. 2716. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Bungalow Bargain A real snap in a neat little bunga low, built three years ago; has oak finish, a real fireplace, hot air fur nace and cemented basement, with laundry sink, the best of plumbing, light fixtures, stairs to attic. There are two good bedrooms, large liv ing room across the house, one end of which is the dining room; good kitchen, and pantry. A house for simple life and yet everything is the best. This is on Grand Ave. and 22A St. Paved street. Lot 50-ft. front. Good place for a garage. This is as complete and clean a lit tle home as you will find. Owner, gone to the country, makes price of $2,700, on payment plan. House ready to move into. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. TO MKHT the Increased cost ul" living you must place yuur money whore It will yield it great 6 r income. A 7 per cent participating cumulative pre ferred Htoik with the highest grad of security means an ex ceptional investment. This stock will not yield less than 7 per cent and participate in th profits of the company over that amount, making a very at-' tractive, socure investment. For particulars regarding; this in vestment address Box 34::. Hoe. "SOME GOOD DUNDEr HOUSES AT LOW PRICK $4,260 Webster St.. near 49th. Thla Is 6-room, 2-story, all modern house, bedrooms and sleeplnn porch. Deco rated throughout. Oak first floor. Furnace heat. 14,500 Capitol Ave., near 50th. This is an i-room, 2story frame house, modern, beamed ceilings, decorated through out. Oak finlwh. Furnace heat. $(,300 Underwood Ave., near 60th. This Is a good 7 -room all modern house Oak finish first floor; four bedrooms, furnace heat. 16,260 California St., btween two enr lines. This Is an exceptionally wtll built all modern house. Oalt finish th first floor; selected pin aeoond floor. Furnace, stairway to floored attic. T-ot DOxl35 feet.. On all these houses wo can make very reasonable terms. GEORGE & COMPANY ' Phona D. 7t. 193 City Nat Bank Bids