THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 13, 1917. C REAL ESTATE Improved North. HOMES NEAR CREIGHTON COLLEGE M,000 A 9-room house, all modern, with five Led rooms and sleeping porch; corner lot, on paved stroet and boulevard; garage (or two cam. (1, 200 s rooms, thoroughly modern: three bedrooms and sleeping porch: cor ner lot; paving all paid; garage In base men L M. 500 S-room. modern, house, with oak tinis.ii, In very good condition; on boulevard. Just north of California St. 1500 rash will handle, GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, i"ngma ;9fa. 918-20 City National KOUNTZE PLACE COTTAGE Neat 6-room modern cottage, flue coi iht lot, paving paid; located at lilM and -Mamierson. HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 69. 245 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bids. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. One of the swellest little bungalows in .Miner park; 5 rooms and bath on first floor; full cement basement, furnace heat, large lot on paved street, built-in book rases, built-in buffet, dandy sun room am sleeping room. Can be handled on catty terms ry me ngnt party. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 6.17 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bide n. 1781. THINK OF IT NO CASH Just move In and pay $30 per month to buy this brand new oak finished and all modern bungalow. Full cement basement, furnace, all decorated, large lot and dandy location, near Ames Ave. car line. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, (Realtors) ?22 Kilii Wile, riimcliia SSHI. DON'T FAIL TO INVESTIGATE THIS. Soven-room, all modern, well finished with two large lots, 102 ft. frontage, east front, near 36th Ave. and Fowler. Price only 13,250; terms. BIG 4 REALTY CO., IH15-16 W. O. W. Bids. D. 3486 or T. 96: FLORENCE BOULEVARD A new, B-room bungalow, strictly mod ern, full basement, oak floors and finish, with the best plumbing and lighting fix' tures and built-in features; large lot. This bungalow is in our Farkwood addition, where all the homes are new and on the prettiest drive In the city. Price, (3,360, i orms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 4f0 Bee Bldg. Phona Pouglaa 4270. LOTHROP SCHOOL DISTRICT BARGAIN. Splendid house, 6 roomi and reception n;iii; all modern; line not water heating plant, full cellar, cement walks, fine lot fruit and shade: paving all paid. Thii property can be bought for less than you can build the house. Investigate at once. P. J. TEBBENS, Realtor. CO 5 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone D. 212. ONLY $2,350 5-ROOM COTTAGE Modern except heat and In good con- lliion; fine large lot with shade trees. tuvner has left town and has Instructed us to sell either for cash or on easy terms. Located 4107 North 2flth St. NORRIS & NORRIS, 4iio Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 427. 24TH AND BROWN. Kivp-room bungalow, almost new, all nun-lorn except heat, large lot well built mul nicely finished. (2,860; easy terms, BIG 4 REALTY CO., 11115-16 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 3486 or T. 96S. GOOD 6-ROOM HOME; $100 CASH Don't rent when you can buy for $17.50 monthly, Paving all paid. Fine location, near 24th and Binney. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., 801 Omaha Nat'!. Bk. Bldg. D. 420. PINKNKY ST. BARGAIN. New bungalow of 8 rooms and aleeplng porcn. oak unlsh, handsomely decorated, worth (4,500. but you can buy tt thla week for $3,950 on Rasp terms (which are dead easy.) Immediate possession will get you Immediate possession. RASP BROTHERS, REALTORS 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tylea'Til, WE HAVE FOR SALE. An 8-r. all mod. house In Bemls park at Bargain price. 3305 Myrtle Ave. A 6-r. all mod. house at 3029 So. 21st St. for $1,800. Also a number of new bungalows which w built. Price and terms easy. ARNDT & TAYLOR, 1S25 Laird St. Web. 2039. Nifty Stucco Bungalow 5-room and bath, oak finish, walls all decorated, modern and up-to-date In every way. Lot 40x140; near Wilier Park school; immediate possession, price only $-',960, cash or on Rasp terms (which are easy); flulck action will get you a dandy home and a fine to plant your garden, RASP BROS., Realtors, 2110-15-14 Kecllno Bldg. Tyler 721. LEAVING CITY Must sell my home near Florence Blvd Eight-room house, modern ; hot water hoat; full basement; large attic; 60-foot Routh front lot on paved street; near el lurch and school; 3-mlnute car service. $1,200 cash, balance easy payments. 2038 Fowler Ave. Colfax 1931. FOR SALE by owner, six-room bungalo' modern in every way; oak finish, hot water heat, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases and window seat; south front; paved street. 2434 Brown St. Tel. Col fax 4R9. OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER Wants to sell r-r. all mod. bungalow at 1(100 Laird, raved street, ft block to car. Terms. ARNDT & TAYLOR. Web. 2039. BEAUTIFUL Kountze Place home for small er house, acreage or will sacrifice for cash. House has 8 rooms, beamed ceilings, fire place, hot water heat, almost new. Call owner. Webster 3R20. NEAR 30TH AND M ANDERSON. 6-r nearly new, mod. ex. heat; choice lot, fruit and shade trees; Immediate pos session. Price only $1,850; $160 cash, bal. monthly. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. TWO FULL LOTS WITH THIS. 7-r. all mod. home, east front. Good location. 2 blocks to car. Good barn. Price $3.50. terms. Arndt & Taylor, Web. 2039. NKW 6-room cottage, Miami St. near 24th. Owner will sell on terms or will take acreage near Omaha In trade. E. H. HonnT Co Douglas 840R. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 5 rooms, I and Ames Ave. Webster 4228. 2nd South. THE FINEST NEW RESIDENCE.' on the South Side from any angle. Inside or out. Modern to the minute. Brick veneer. Full cement basement and fin ished attic. Enameled tubs In laundry, with washer operated by electric power. Hot water heat furnished by oil burner furnace. Bath room, 8x10, tub and shower, completely tiled. 10 rooms, S alone cost SjS7 to finish and decorate, interior oak finish. Sun parlor and screen porches. New brick garage with concrete runway. Plot 60x150; beautifully lawned. Built by the owner at an original cost of (14, 00. Has sold his business interests here Lcalres to leave the state and directs us to sell for (12.500. Any reasonable down payment accepted. Listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC.. 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1274. FUR FRF IT ANl CHICKENS. 21 17 S. 4filh St. Good 8 -room house, tuning electric light and furnace, located 4.ii Join, with Kcveral apple, peach and fhcrry tres. all bearing fruit. There Ix hI.mi barn, ' hiHieti bouse and ahedti. I'liiitv df : i a 1 1 h 1 . 1 fpat" for gardens and lil.-l'.-n l'rtcf. tr huuaht at once. (UflRi. win v.-ry attractive ale terms. ' i i.oOM IS, in;. M'-frig.!..- r.Ulg. Douglas 370. REAL ESTATE Improved South. BARGAIN 2433 SOUTH 20TH ST. We have two cottages, one 4-room and one 6-room, both lu good condition; lot 37x134 feet, and a big bargain at the price $3, 7 &0. Easy terms. You can live in one ol these cottagea and make this property pay for Itself. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Pldg. Phone Pouglas 4270. A GENUINE HOME. In Hanscom park neighborhood, lot 50x150. with well-built, all modern house, 8 large rooms, oak floors, all in good re pair. This In an excellent home for s good-slied family and far more economi cal than the housea now built. Would cost $4,000 to build; lot worth $1,200 to $1,500. Will sell for $3,760. Might take vacant lot clear an first payment. GEORGE G. WALLACE, REALTOR, 614 Keellne Bldg. SEVEN ROOMS AND LARGE LOT, $1,350. Near Beals school. 46th and Center, good well, cistern, cave, barn, fruit and shade, electric light; $250 cash and .bal ance on easy payments; a chance to pick up a snap. P. J. TEBBENS, Realtor. 605 -Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone P. 212, A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Overlooking Ranscom Park. Plot 160x 180. Contains twelve large rooms, three baths with toilet. Innumerable closets and pantries; steam beat, seven flrep1ait ana nnisnea in oatc ana mahogany. Price n.uuu, ana oniy i2,&uu cash, required. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC 492$ S. 24th St Phone South 1247. NEW HOUSE. JUST COMPLETED. Corner 40th and I Sts., one block from school. Fine, level lots, 60x160. Contain 6 large rooms, city water, electric lights and toHeL Price, $1,760. Your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4925 & 24th SL Phone South 1247. WALKING DISTANCE. $2,300. Near S5th Ave. and Woolworth, 7-room house, mod ex. ht with nice lawn 76x12 ft., and fruit This place is very cheap. F, D. WE AD, 310 8. 18TH ST. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, S large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $3,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing for $3,660. Call Douglas 172a days. Walnut 1580 evening. EASY PAYMENTS 4-room house, south front lot, fruit trees, etc. Must be sold. Make offer. Phone Douglas 8255, or call at 2423 Val ley St. NEARLY new house, 6 rooms and bath; luuy modern; 714 south 86th St. Small cash payment. O. H. Swingley, 410 Bee Bldg. SIX rooms, modern except heat, $1,500. Terms, see owner, 2814 N, 81st St. Web ster 4906. 5-ROOM bungalow, hot water heat; paved ireei, near tianaconi rarK, S2,snn. bargain. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous. VERY ATTRACTIVE OFFERING OF THREE BUNGALOWS AT $2,400 EACH. $200 Cash Payment, $22.00 Per Month. These houses are delightful homes and modern In every particular, I will be glad to show them Sunday morning. Call Har ney 2218 between 7 and 8 Saturday night, or 9 to 10 Sunday morning. HERE IS SOMETHING NIFTY BRAND NEW S-R., ON ONE FLOOR. BEST BUY IN OMAHA $400 to $500 down; easy payments. Se lecte4 oak finish; finest full basement; ex tra high floored attic: lots of windows: vestibule; living room, built-in bookcases, dandy dining room, buffet, plate rail, frencn aoors into large sun room, oeo room, another large bedroom, kitchen, built-in cabinets, refgr. room. Tou should see this. Call us today. L. N. OSBORNE, TYLER 496. $100 CASH Makes the first payment on 4717 N. 42nd St.; a good 6 -room house with gas and electric lights; water and sewer are In the street. Only a block from car line and school. This Is a good buy. 4616 N. 37th St.. a 6-room cottage with a good well, only a block: from car line, Lot ' 47x133. $100 cash and balance monthly. 2609 N. 18th St., S 6-room modern ex cept heat cottage that Is a fine buy on these easy payments of $100 cash and bal ance monthly, 3230 Emmett St. Is a 5-room house, partially modern and on a corner lot, for $100 cash and balance monthly. Buy this for a home, CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, (Realtors) Pouglas 200. 60S Bee Bldg. SIX ROOMS A SACRIFICH For Bale by builder, his own residence. Has been completed about six months. In a new addition with paved street. This Is the best planned 6-room house In the city. It has a breakfast room, vegetable cave, fireplace in living room, a large bed room with an Ingle-nook and fireplace on second floor. This will have to be seen to be appreciated, and the price Is not more than you will pay for an ordinary house. Call me and ask about It. WALNUT 991. RAILROAD MEN, ATTENTION! (S00 starts you out right on the pur chase of a new bungalow at 628 William St. It contains five nice rooms, large attic, full basement, strictly modern. In cluding furnace and open plumbing; elec tric lights. Price (3.100, with $500 down and balance like rent. Close to work, where you can save both rent and car fare. AYNE & SLATER CO. (Realtors). sin umana is at, Hirtg. rnone Doug. 1016. FORECLOSURE BARGAINS, 3514 N. 27th St., 7-room cottage, well built, strictly modern, roomy and com fortable home. Lame lot with space for garden and chickens. zmzz apruce St., n-room, newjy aeco rated, comfortable house. Has an excel lent hot water heating plant. If you are look! nit for a aood home at a very rea sonable price, Investigate these bargains. UILiJjKKT U. -L.UUMIS, 105 McCague Bldg. Douglas 370. MODERN flats, income $.15 mo. Will take in a $20,000 clear Improved farm or ranch on this. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 929-30 City Nat. Doug. 8862. SEVERAL fine apartment sites facing high school. Great movement in that location. Bargains. Sea me soon. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. Building. R. S. TRUMBULL, Nat, Bk. Bldg. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Insur- a nee. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. REAL ESTATE R'ness Pr'pty FT. proMiH-ctlve business. I (.000. firos Income 12 per cent. Can be made 1&. Great bargain. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chi cago. H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist 1 In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty CORNER 17th and Chicago, business prop erty, very low price to clone estate, only I Blocks from P. O. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chi. 4 LOT, 60x161: trade or cash, Terms. Tele phone evenings. Harney 3864, REAL ESTATE TRACK AGP. TRACKAGE. Northwest oorner of nth and Mason Sta.. 66132, .hutting U. &.M. tracUs. Price, 810.0UO. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., Realtors, 505 Soulh lath St. Pouslaa 722. AVAI.ON 3 room. 820. Sec Janitor, 603 s :sth si GARVIN BROS. REAL ESTATE Investments A FINE CORNER ON LEAVENWORTH ST. For a short time we are able to offer a corner lot on Leavenworth St., not far from Park avenue, with improvements comprising two 6 -room all-modern espe cially well-built brick flats and 7-room all-modern frame house, with ground space having frontage of 100 ft. on Leav enworth and 98 ft. on side street, for the sum of (13,500. The improvements will produce about $100 a month, which win carry tne investment, while the prop erty steadily Increases in value. There has been nearly a 60 net. Increase in value of Leavenworth property oast of i-ara Ave. v ny not Invest your money in property with a future. Further par ticulars on application to THE BYRON REED CO., REALTORS, HARNEY ST. CORNER EAST ON 26TH ST. With Improvements that pay better than 6 per cent on the total cost. Located for a substantial increase in value and the cheapest corner on Harney St. today; (25.000 cash required. FARNAM ST. CORNER 1084x134, at the southeast corner of 27th. This Is the cheapent corner on Far nam St., clcre-tn, and next In line for de. velopment. Trice tor a short time Is $6,000 below actual value today and bound to sell for more money shortly. See us for full particulars, GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, rioutlaa 3968. 819-50 City Nallonal. 14-ACRE TRACT ON WEST DODGE NEAR PEONY FARM Sightly rich land; will make an excel lent Investment for someone. Price only $1,000 per acre. GEORGE AND COMPANY , realtors; 802 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 7B. $30,000 Northwest corner 16th and Howard Sts.; lot 66x132 ft., leased for 93 years at $6,400 jew. io reaDnrAiRflmnmt Thru. story and basement building, with 6 re. tall storerooms 1st floor anri hntai n si rooms on 2d floor; 32,000 square feet floor Price Of hiillrilnr nt ni ( $30,000, or about one-half the value of GEORGE AND COMPANY, REALTORS, OS City National Bank Bldff, Phone D. 7r,G. $44,000 65 . on 16th St.. with 3-story and basement brick building. Retail stores Jni iwr. uroas rental, above (4,600 per $24,000 5 per oent 6-year first mort gage held by an eastern insurance com- uj, -v.uuu casn xor equity. GEORGE AND COMPANY, REALTORS, Hi City Nallonal Bank Bldg. Phon. D. 756. It PER CENT INVESTMENT. IW Croom an4 en, 7-room modern nouaea, In tho center of the residential dla trlct of the South Sid. for 9,760. Half caah. Rent for 1110 monthly and never .-t,u win iraae the lotjor large. .uiyuBiug reaiaence, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4S25 S. 24th St. Phon, South 1J47. good miwp Lot 50x171, fating east and north, cloae to new alte of St. Peter'a Calhollo church. Now occupied by 8-room house; room on back of lot for a double brick without ,,.., vaiue oi present house. Can be uuuaiiL ior utile more than cost of Price, 14.200. ALFRED C. KENNEDY GO., , Realtors, 216 South 18th St. Douglas 722. A GOOD INVESTMENT. A business corner that la sure to In crease In value, with new and substantial Improvements; now paying better than 8 ' cent " desirable tenants. Price ..o.vuu; ,B,uuu cash, 'balance terms. easy WORLD REALTY SALTY CO Sun ITh, 4ENT BARi MPANY, Douglas 5:142. iTheater Bldg. APARTMENT BARGAIN Beautiful pressed brick apartment, only short diatance from 24th and Farnam. Gross Income about 13.000 per year, and will pay big on Inveatment. Price 26,000 Terma can be arranged. Always full and how hate waiting list. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, (Realtors) 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglas S32 FARNAM NEAR24TH 67x152 Present brick Improvements will pay all carrying charges and some Interest on the Investment. Price, $1,000 per front foot. Armstrong-Walsh Co., REALTORS, 333 Rose Bldg. HOME BUILDERS Invests Its funds only when secured by mortgages on new properties built by Home Builders. 11.00 SHARES GUARANTEED I par C-. t Offices: 17th and Pouglaa St,.. Omaha. BUSINESS CENTER rflRMtlp A aure money maker. 17th and bodge 132 feet on 17th St. Renting for (2,40,) a year. A good place to buy now. 8-room house on 24th near Leavenworth, renting for 822. Price 12,600. F. P. WEAD, 310 S. lNTK ST APARTMENT. 876,000 Income 12 per cent; on. old; very Una location; mortgage 826,000 and will accept 820,000 In trada; bal ance cash or negotiable papers.. CALKINS & CO., Douglas 1318. City Nat. Bank Blda. TRANSFER CORNKH. 17 Ron SOUTHEAST CORNER, 45TH & GRANT. epienom business corner with perma nent brick stores. Rental 88111.00 per year. 83,000 cash. Balance long time. O. S. F.RWIN. 612 Beo Bldg. P. 1144 SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. p. TUKEY A SON. REALTORS. 020 First Nallonal Bank Bldg. A GOOD Income property, close In, well lo- caiea, wnere property is advancing every day. Will accept a good farms on deal. A. W. Toland & Co., 448 Bee Bldg. Doug. 0707. Cr.6 AND 2688 Pouglas, 8738 rrntel, 810,000. -,n mi. ,isi, on eaey terms, 83.000. JOHN N. FRENZER DOUG. 664. REAL ESTATE To Exchange ISO ACRES, S. Dakota farm, improved. Lxch. houee In Omaha, wet or northwest. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. l2S-30iCity Nat. Doug. 8162. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE. Will trade a modern frame business miming tu center of the shopping district on the South Side for Nebraska land. The store on the first floor rents for $25 and the flat Upatairs for (1$ monthly. Valua tion In trade, (4,500. No boot money paid SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1(47. For Sale or Exchange Nine-room hones on full corner lot In north part of the city. Price $3,760. Own er will trade for Income property or home In Dundtte and pay cash difference. Prop erty clear except part of paving. J. H. DUMONT & CO., (REALTORS, 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone D, 690. 440 ACRES nilddle" Nebraska stock "and farm Intnl. close to three towns and main line of B. & M. Ry. South part of Cherry county, ho men leaders' Improvements, sod house, 16x26, trees, 70 acres ready for the plow, $600 cash required, bal. In exchange will auHUine. This will make you rich. Interested call for all particulars. C. Caiian. 310 McCague Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. New homo of seven rooms, bath, sleep' ing porch, screened front porch, modern throughout, vacant lot, good auto, smaller place taken as part payment, you are looking for a home or investment soetms. 4114 NO. 2lst St. COl. 8669. GOOD OMAHA INCOMB PROPERTY. and part cash to exchange for Douglas or Harpy oounty farm land. BOX 3543, BEBJ. 1 HAVE a $25,000 hardware, doing good Duamess, ana siu.uuu in money, want Western Iowa or Eastern Nebraska farm. S. S. and R. E, Montgomery, 805 Om. Nat. BK. BUlg. WANT to exchange 4 good bouses, close In, always rented, for land. Price $11,000. Mortgage $3.500. Box 8408 Bee. FROM owner: Nlco modern eight-room nouse, good location, for sale or trad for smaller. Har, 6530. 2601 So. SSd St, HAT have vou to trade me for a Chalm- err mamer six ; sutoT Box 8833, Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. FARNAM STREET 48x134, improved $26,000 94x132, vacant $21,500 142x132, partly improved $35,500 All of the above are between 24th and 40th streets, and the prices are right Compare them with other offer ings and with recent sales and you will be convinced. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Douglas 590. North. AFTER looklDK at MINNA L.USA S00 dlf. ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their iudament by buvlna lots. IF TOU will come out today you will unnerstana wny tne others are buying. CHARLES V. MARTIN & CO.. 142 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. I5A8T front lot in Clalrmont at a low fig' ure If get quick action. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., flSB-ao City Nat. Doug. SIBf. A VERT desirable lot in Evans ton addl tlon Low price and good terms. INTERSTATE REALTT CO., 29-30 City Nat. Doug. Miscellaneous. DANDY LOT. fl"xi36, two street rrontsges; easy terms. Call Douglas 1064 or evenings. narney hob. ONE ot choicest building ota In Happy HO 11CW, $3,000. Lot D, block 8, Belvldere, acre lot, boule vard assessment all paid, $660. C lots between 26th and 2Hh and Sptldfng ana Bprague, sis.iuu, ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler (Owner), BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots. Price $220, only 2 cash and 60 cents per week. Doug. H9i. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. FAIRACRES HOME 10-room brick veneer residence, with about 4 acres of land having 498 feet frontage on brick paved road; grounds aro beautifully landscaped with trees and shrubbery; large brick garage on prem ises; arrangement of house Is ideal; large central hall, dining room on north, living room on south, with fireplace; sun room and open porch on east and south: 4 bed rooms and 2 tiled bathrooms on 2d floor; 2 large rooms on 2d floor; living room and hall finished in birch and mahogauy; din ing room in oak; sun room white enamel. House heated with hot water. For price ana terms can GEORGE AND COMPANY REALTORS, 102 City National Bank Bldg. Phone D. 766. CHOICE LOTS CHEAP Two on southeast corner SSth and Hart- man Aye., $226 each; two east front oh 33d, near Jaynes St., $2&0 each; one on Walnut St., half block west of 61st car. $266; $6 cash and $6 per month will buy any or tnese. lieai estate is tne founda tion of all wealth. RASP BROS., 2 1 1 4 Keeline Bltlg. Ty 1 er7 21. "TRADE TOUR CAR FOR A HOME. Nearly new, well buitt 6-room, strictly modern house, oak living rooms, built-in features, stairs to large attic, refrigerator room, chicken hounes, lawn and shade trees. Will take light csr as part of first payment. Owner leaving city; will sacri fice. 2928 N. 68th Rt. Benson 769-J. Dundee. ABSOLUTELY THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN DUNDEE Owner Is leaving city and has Just listed his beautiful new bungalow. Thlt house is modern in every convenience and finished in every detail. Location Ideal, being on the corner of 49th Ave. and Cuming M901 Cuming St.). high and sightly, Both streets pavcii and paving all paid for. House has SIX extra large rooms and bath on one floor, fine full cement basement; also dandy floored at tic and garage on rear end of lot. These Improvements are less than one year old and the house Is built in a very solid and substantial way. If you want to see something different come out and look it over. See the beautiful decorations in all tho rooms and notice the effects ob tained by the use of up-to-rlate Indirect lighting fixtures. This bungalow Is a little benuty and .furnished bo completely that you will he delighted with It. At the price of $4,000, on a reasonable cash payment, we defy competition. There Is nothing in Dundee that will compare with this property at this price. Re member, it is on a corner and the PAVING 18 ALL PAID FOR. These kind of op portunities are not many. Go out at once and look this place over, or call us and we will be glad to drive you out at any time, PAYNE & SLATOR CO., REALTORS, Hole Agents, 616 Omaha Nat. Big. Phone D. 1016. REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. DUNDEE LOTS ARE SCARCE Ranging In price from $900 to (1.300; located In a restricted district, close to the car llni. with sewer, water, gas, side walks and paving all In. BUT WE STILL HAVE A FEW In Dundee's newest residence district, south of Dodge St., between 4Hh and 61st tStn These loti ere well graded and ready to build on and protected by reasonable building restrictions. In buying theae lotea the man of small men-ns has the chance to have his home tn Junt as Ideal surroundings as the man of large means. A small rash payment will start you. We will be glad to show you these lota GEORGE AND COMPANY, Realtors. 756; 903 City Nat'l Bank Bldg, NEW DUNDEE HOME FIVE ROOMS $3,450 $450 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY A brand new home at 4610 CaDltol ave nue with large living room across the front of the house, dining room and nice light kitchen, two large bedrooms and bathroom; fult-slied basement; furnace heat; laundry drain, etc.; large lot 60 i.e. loraiea one ana a quarter blocks irom uundee car, THE BYRON REED CO., REALTORS. Douglas :7. It3 S. 17th. DUNDEE SPECIALS $5,600 J U.torv frame house, in nr.A Inrm tlon; line shade trees and shrubbery; liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and nsn- try on first floor; oak finish; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleenlna noroh on sd floor? imrvo well ventilated attic (unfinished); good cement floored basement; fine plumbing mm iiRiuing nxiures; splendid furnace. i.miri inn over; i a txifiiv $4,760 Here is an un-to-dute hunralow rooms and bath, that Is built right; all finished In oak; fireplace end built-in Bookcases In living room; good plumbing uu iit-nuna piani; wen ventilated base i.i-jiu, wiui cement noor. This Is an at- iracuve nome, so aon t pass It up. C. A. GRIMMEL, Realtor, 84 Omaha Kat'l. Bk. Bldg. Ph. Doug. HIS. SNAP DUNDEE LOT (.o-ft lot S blocks to car; high, sightly MMuun. n.atou. coming in same block sur less man ii.BUO, see us at once, HIATT COMPANY, Tyl.r 60. ?4 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg DUNDEE, $5T0(T I rooms, Ideal arrangements, large Hy. Ing room with Areolae and built.. hnntr. cases; dining room, den and convenient klthchen on the Brat floor, with three " oeorooms ana enclosed sleeping porch on the M floor. The decoration are wxceueni ana tne house practically new, but too large for presont owner; situated on a south front lot between two car lines. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, """i"" "Da. Fis-ZtJ nity National. TWO LOTS. DUNDBUl. ii nnn restricted district, overlooking Happy Hollow, near boulevard. Streets and alley paved. Corner 61st and Webster, one-half block to car line, $3,000. sflid assume $300 unpaid paving taxes. Buy of wnor and uu hi miss ion. JOHN M. MACFARLAND. Attorniv-at.T,Bw 80$ Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. aAS. DUNDEE HOME, $600 DOWN" AND $46 A MONTH. e rooms, practically new, full t-story house, large lot on paved street; oak fin ish and oak floors; furnace heat; house newly decorated. If looking for a genuine borne on easy payments, here's one for PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located tots on easy terms. Mod rn, attractive homes. Before buying GEORGE & CO, ACRE blk., Falracra and Brownsll Hall """ onap. u. j. uanan. BEAUTIFUL $-ROOM HOME, $6,000, Neap 60th and Cass. A well arranged mortem home, with attractive brick porch F. D. WEAD, $10 8. 19TH 8T. DUNDEE BARGAIN 4B0$ Capitol Ave., 7 rooms. Good fur nace. Copper gas heater. Full lot. Non resident owner says cut the price to $3,200 for quick sale. Don't telephone. Come In and see us about It, E. H. Benner Co., Ramge Blk,, 15th and Harney. toil SALE By owner. Dundee home for the newly Weds." S!t rnnma nA hf-amlr- fast room, fireplace, sleeping porch, Or will trade for larger house and pay cash difference. Box 8844. Bee. South Side. ACREAGE PROPERTY. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. Offers the Following ACREAGE PROPERTY t 2 acres on cap Una, just outside ell ltm. im, 4,-ruum nouse, gooa cistern, 60 fruit trees ana line well that cost $260. Price $2,000; part cash. 24 acres, Just over the line In Sarpy county, wjr irom me nign taxes. Klch, level land, first broken In 1916. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, $6,000, Terms can be ar ranged. 10 acrea at the end of Albright car line. rrice inn terms can be agreed upon and made satisfactory. Will divide. acrea on Fort Crook car line: new 6. room house With full cement hnmnt- new barn 14x18, for 12 head of stock and other good outbuildings; fenced for chick ens: BOOd Well. Prlom (9 flf.lV n.ri SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., " buuiu tia st, I'nooe Boutn iz7. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOT on B. 25th St., $0x160 feet. A modern 6- room cottage on the back end at this slightly terraced plot. Will take auto and small amount of cash as first payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., 492S 8. 24th St. Phone South 1247. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS, $6.00 CASH, $5,110 MONTHLY. Sizes. 60x150: In all narta of tha ffoiiih Side; city Improvements. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 S. 24th SL Phone South 1247. Miscellaneous. HOMB8EEKBKS, ATTENTION! On a small cash navment wa will hiiv the lot you select, build a home after vour own plans and have you pay for It on man monthly naymsnts. without extra Interest SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INCORPORATED CAPITAL $i!6.000. 4926 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On the South Side, on full sized lots. ranging from $1,600 to $3,000, In different localities, with all city lmnrovements. near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a smait casn payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., ACRE tracts. $475. 110 down. 17.60 mn. Close In, near oar. Douglas 6074. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIFTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parlies waiting, western Real Eetat, 411 Karbach Blk. D. 3607. 1ST your 5 and 6-room houses with ua. WB SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 49. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOU desire to sell, rent or trade your property, please call t eur office and us show you our progressive methods and unsurpassed service. We have faith "printers' Ink" and If your proposition listed with us. It will be made known to a hundred thousand people or wherever all the Omaha newspaper are read. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., Inc. The largest real estate company, from standpoint of service and equipment. Nebraska. We are running 200 lines of advertisement In this valuable paper dstiy. 4935 S. 34th St. Phone South 1247. GOOD homes and close In property, F. Weed, 310 S. 18th St., Wead Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loam, Mortgages, CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6. 54 and I per cent. Reasonable com' mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. $12 South 17th, Omaha. Neb. FAKM MORTGAGES. Well secured, bearing 6 pet Interest. HARLET 3. HOOKER. 940 Frist Nat. Bk, Bldg. Tel. Tyler SnRS, 1'KR CENT to I par cent on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1833 Farnan St $6,000 MTUE., bearing $ pet. semi-annual, secured by property valued at 814.600. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co,, W. O. W. Bldg, MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches, we also buy good farm mort- gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. U. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loana city Nat Hank Bldg. 1 AND s per cent farm and city first mortgages for sale. K. 1L Louges. Inc., 3B Keellne Bldg; OMAHA HOMES, BAST NEB. FARMS. o KEICFBJ R. PI CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l, FARM and city loans, 6. 6H and $ per cent w. il, Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 164 NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Oraham, $04 Bee Bldg. SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE) MONEY. 5i2 CITY LOANS. OARVIN BRO8. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. ;q MONET HARRISON 6k MORTON, ' 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Blda. 8600.000 city and farm loans. par cant. u.fliin, oi, i-axinn nut. tinn 7401. 1100 to 810,000 'mad. promptly. F. D. Waad, w.aa mag., istn and Farnam Sta. LOW RATES. C. O. CAI1LUBKO. 81! Bran nan Bldg, D. 686. Stocks and Bonds. 1.000 SHARKS Onahman Iron stork for Rapacta to pay big dlvlil.nda this yaar. v.. ju. upniH., Anarus isiag,, jainn.apolls. STOCKS AND BONDS ot all kinds bought anu sola. It. tt. Kami, S08 Hall Bldg. Abstracts of Title. Varr T""' Qu'rante. and Abatract Co. in, H. 11 , B a.niin.4 Aaa. Bondad by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of. flea In N.braska. 206 Brandela Theater. Miscellaneous, GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt nay Inauranra enm. panles. (46 Brandela Bldg., Omaha, Nab. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama Land,, CATTLE RANCH FOR SALE Beventy thousand acres, $,ntlfl of which Is under S-strand heavy barbed wire fence. Well watered, good pasture months of year during which time cattle fatten rapidly without feed. Within SO miles of Birmingham, Ala.; within about 4 miles of two trunk railways, affording .,,0,,., ouiiuriunuips ior selling milk, butter and all kinds of farm products, A , "M of Ct" 00 HMture. about 60 of which are milch cows, balance young oattle. known as feeders. This is the greatest opportunity In south for a cattle ranch. A load of poor --a..- ami, in (ma pasture April I were in good condition May 1. Pasture suffi cient to carry 1 000 head. A ranch of iimjiuriiuiia )a arsrce. There Is one 8-room house, barn and dipping vat on place. Inspection desired. Pries $76,000, of which $18,000 oash l,u 9,w wi, i, lsu, ana 116,000 each succeeding year until entire amount Is w.i.n mix is per eent interest Will deal direct only. No agents need reply ;; u. . j. ason, za mown Mam Bldg., Birmingham. Ala. Colorado Lands. LOOK HERB nflN'T xnaTT ' ' Choice Colorado farming lands on 18 years time, one-tenth cash down, balance one- jianteentn per year at 9 per cent Interest 6 at- 8mv per acre, jieoier Land Co. Hugo, Colo. Kansas Lands. KANSAS LAND. 820 acres In Trego Co., Kan., raises be tween 20 and 80 bu. of wheat per acre. Would sell or trade equity. Land valued at $26 per acre. $2,000 due In Dec. and $2,600 due in Ave years. E. B. Linn, 224 No. 19th St., Omaha. Neb. 268 ACRES, Osage county, Kansas, well 1m- provm; want rancn, hock, Holt, Brown counties. HUFFMAN, 413Bee Bldg, Michigan Lands. GET LAND! It will mean a profitable business for you. In Michigan's Fruit and Clover Belt, where general farming, stock, vegetables, poultry, fruit, all pay. 60,000 acrea to select from. Near towns, schools, churches. Only $16 to $2$ an acre, $26 to $100 down, $7 to $10 monthly for 40 acres. Lower terms for smaller tracts. This In cludes Insurance. Your wife gets the land If you die before paying up fully. Wa employ experts to show you best farming methods. Full Information and big booklet free. Owner, George W. Swlgart, D1246 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago, III. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, hall unknown. Root crops, dairying, grating, IdeaL Fine roaua, market; 143 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 2, Terras easy. George Rowell. jr., 22 Bacon Bile, Mar quette, Mich. Minnesota Lands. PIPESTUNE COUNTY, MINNESOTA. 60ft ACRES Extra aood stock farm, two complete sets of buildings, running stream. io acres pasture. 70 acrea native meadow, 35 acres clover. 10 acres alfalfa, balance 1n corn and small grain. Three miles from rinemone, 3,oo population. 40 ACRES Good set of buildinas. 100 acres plow land, balance pasture and hay. our miles from Pipestone. Prices and terms rltrht, Must sell one or both nieces this year. Owner, Win. B, Hubbard, ripestone. IMPROVED 100-acre farm, 16 miles from Minneapolis; 40 acres cultivated, balance meadow and timber; $3,000 worth of buildings. Will sell for 85.000: easy terma Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Min neapolis. Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $5 month ly; no interest or taxes; highly productive land: close to 8 big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. Hunger, A-11V. N. T. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. GREAT bargain, $5 down, $6 monthly buys in acres gooa truit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 808. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mississippi Lands. WE HAV1S for sale 040 acres coal land, opened and ready for operation; six-foot vein clean coal; railroad grade t mine; need rails yet; can be made large pro ducer In short time; will lease, bu prefer sell to responsible parties. Write for par- iculart. Merrltt Brothers, Box $18, Wal lenhurg. Cold. Nebraska Lands. NORTHERN NEBRASKA FARMS. We are authorized to offer the follow ing farms: 180 acres, well Improved, nar Tllden, Pierce county, $30.00 an acre. HO arres, choice, well Improved, two miles from Page, $100.00 an acre. 320 acres, splendid farm north of Val entine, Cherry Co., $25.00 an erre. THE W. F. SHELTON CO., REALTORS. WORLD-HERALD BLDG., OMAHA, NEB, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. BUFFALO COUNTY FARMS. Thla farm Is one of the moat perfect farm homes and best located that I have on my Hat, price and all considered. Waa Improved by the owner; extra good house worth abou $6,000; barn In proportion, granary, corn cribs, stock scales atid stock sheds. Lots of woven wire fence In good repair. Farm Is in city school district! fruit and forest trees make It homelike. Lawn, cement walks, to coal and cob sheds; extra good cistern. Quite a por tion of the land la level, some is a little rolling, pasture Is rough, but all good soiL 320 acres, price, $76 per acre. t K. DAVIE8, Kearnoy. Neb, FOR SALE My 320-acre farm, 6 mllea south of Brule, Keith county, Nebraska. About 176 acres In cultivation, more as good can be cultivated; the farm land la table land, good productive soil and near ly all level; 2 groves, balance pasture; farm fenced and cross-fenced; wall and windmill, 4-room house, t closets, Inside well finished; barn hr 12 horses, with hay mow, granary and grain slide from mow; good chicken house; Bell telephone. Price $10,000. Will sacrifice for eash or half cash. O. K. Davies, Andrews Block, Kearney. Neb, FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1,440-acre ramih, southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly Improved, prtca $12.60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 2410. 680 Brandela Bldg.. TWENTY acres, mile and ona half from Florence, 4 acres In grapes, 2 alfalfa, 36 oak trees, two-room house, barn, two chicken coops. Possession at once, 1719 N. 25th St. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up. we farm the farm wa aeii you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' Association, 16th and Howard Sta Oma ha. Douglas 937t. FOR SALE By owner, 10 or 60 acres ot highly improved farm land, within threg miles of Omaha limits. W, F. Bockmeyer. Benson, Neb., R. F. D, WET lands made dry enough for crops or no pay is our way of draining land. No tract too large or too wet Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. SQUARE SECTION. 420 acres valley; hotel wanted. Charles J. Auguatlo, Shelby. Neb. New Mexico Lands. THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO will sell at public auction to highest bidder during June, 1917, forty-five tracts of state land, ranging tn area from 40 to 13,000 acres. In proven farming districts of Colfax, Mora and Curry counties. Minimum price, $6 per acre. Terms 6 per cent of purchase price In oash on date of sals; balance at any time within $0 years at 4 per cent Interest payable annually In advance. Dates of sals and complete Information about these and other auotlons of state land and general Information about New Mexico, Its lands, resources and opportuni ties, sent free on application to Dept. I, Commissioner of Publlo Lands. Santa Fe, New Mexico, South Dakota Lands. WE HAVE some highly Improved farms In ina vicinity or watertown, 8. D. These are oorn and alfalfa lands and wa are making very attractive prices and lib eral terma. Depsndable agents wanted. MIDWEST LAUD CO., 108T Omaha Nat Bk. Phono D. 11$. Texas .Lands. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG If yon Invest In our $31 par acre corn and alfalfa land In the Trinity River val ley, eset Texas, sold on easy terms, and will take In soma trade. Call or writ tot literature. Next excursion May IB. W. S. FRANK, ' 101 Neville Blk.. Omaha, Utah Land's. FRED homesteads; $20 adVesj circular free; ooa locations reasonsnia xees. Home teaders Guide, Salt Lake City, Utah, ii uranaeis Tn eater .mag., umana. t Wyoming Lands. WYOMINO S RESOURCES 1 Hav hardly been Scratched." That state la rich In landa splendidly adapted to ag riculture, dairying, stock raising, etc., that can be bought on easy terms and long time. Toll me what you want and I will . aend to you authentic Information abao- . lutely FRIQW. . A. SMITH, Colonlintlo.i and Industrial Agent, Union Pacific System, Room 1022 Union Paclflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb, Miscellaneous. 160-Acre Farm With 5 Acres Corn, 7 Wheat a acres potatoes, I acrea cow peas, 4 acres tomatoes, 2 acres oats, t acrea clover, all growing; wire-fenced pasture; estimated 2.600 cords wood, worth $3.60 per oord; big orchard of 140 apple treea and cherries, plums, peaches, pears, grapes and strawberries; dally mall, near neighbors, convenient to high school, vll- ' lage; comfortable -room house In good repair, telephone, new barn, poultry house, corn, grain and dairy houses; aged owner retiring to smaller place, make low price, $4 600, and If taken soon throws In the growing crops, 2 horses, colt, oowe, 300 chicks, 20 geese, farm tools, wagona, machinery, harness. Incubator, etc., eto. Eaay terms arranged. For details see page $0, "Strout's Spring Catalogue," copy mailed free. B. A. 8TROUT FARM AGENCY, Dept. $073, 206 So. 13th St.. Omaha, Neb. SEND YOUR NAME TODAY. Receive of." rare rrom isnd owners, agents, everywhere. UNITED REALTY ASSOCIATES, .Toilet, III. FARM LAND WANTED WANTED to hear from owner of good busi ness ior saie. mate cash price, full par ticulars. D. F. Rush. Minneapolis. Minn. AUTOMOBILES C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. USED CAR DEPT. Has some used truck and pleas ure cars; most any make; plenty of Ford roadsters and touring. Some , at your own price. These cars must be seen to be appreciated. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. (Maxwell Distributors) Salesroom 2216-18 Farnam. D. 853. Service Station 2212 Harney St. I I.I. SACRIFICE NEW MAXWELL FrVB. PASSENGER TOURINQ CAR. PICK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF AT MAXWELL SALESROOM. MUST BB SOLD THIS WEEK. PRE8ENT COST 8706. MAKE ME AN OFFER. BOX 8266, BEE. UDSON SPEEDSTER Recently overhauletf, painted and is in excel lent shape. Owner will sell for $300 cash. May be seen at 2304 Sherrran Ave. DO NOTFAIL to ace our Una of used Fords before you buy. All In food condition at moderate prices. . SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO., . ' Authorized Ford Agente. Tyler 613. Uth at Burt.