, Larr 2 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 13, 1917. JUNKERS PUSHING FIGHT ON HOLLWEG Organ Says Kaiser Must Elim inate Chancellor if He Would Save His Throne. Copenhagen (Via London), May 2. The Germania, organ of the clerical party, indicates that Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg docs not intend to make a statement with regard to peace terms before the ' Reichstag, having finally decided that it was in advisable at the present time. ' Meanwhile the conservatives are growing more desperate as the work of the constitutional revision commit tee proceeds without any intervention from the government to dam the wave of reform which threatens the political influence of the junkers. "Where is Hindenburg to raise the fallen kaiser's banner again and de fend the rights of the throne?" cries Prince Zu Salm-Horstmar in the ' Prussian House of Lords. The prince is president of the German Naval league and one of the war horses of the conservative old guard. The South German Gazette, the or gan of the south German cftnserva tives, suggests sending a deputation to the emperor to warn him that his throne is in danger unless he dis misses Von Bethmann-Hollweg. The suggestion is taken up by the Kreuz Zeitung, representing the Prus sian junkers and the military aristoc racy, the Deutche Zeitung and the Refchsbote. Other conservative papers echo the cry that the Hohenzollern throne is tottering unless a new chancellor comet to suppress the reform move ment with an iron hand. In spite of all Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollweg still seems very strong and there is no in dication that the emperor's confidence in him is seriously shaken. Burglar, Surprised in Act, Fights Way to Freedom As Edward Criss, 1901 South Thir-1 teenth street, entered the front door of his home at 10:30 Friday night, a negro prowler entered the back door. Criss hurried to the kitchen and the two men grappled. Around the room they swung, knocking chairs and other furniture over. The intruder wrested free and ran away. ' "He was a powerful fellow," said Criss, who is nursing facial and bodi ly bruises aa the result of the' en counter . ; i i Hawk a Garden Cop. A. R. Kaltimlll, a rtlred drucslit, who lives on a term near Bomerfltld, Pa., baa a novel policeman to keep tho chtoksns out of bli varden. Last winter Rathmlll set a trap tor muskrata. An Inqutsltlvs squirrel put In the trap and down swooped an Im mense hawk to oat. the unfortunate squir rel, but whllo thus snsased ths hawk got Met In the trap and aluoa has been captivity. The hawk waa not seriously Injured, and on beliif taken to the Rathmlll home, where he was fed and kindly treated, ho aooo became a pet of the family. As Ions aa hs Is furnished plenty of fresh meat the bawk seems happy and contented In bis con finement. Ho Is prevented from flying away by a small chain fastened to one of his less and fastened to a post. . Recently chickens got Into Mm Rath. mill's gardsn and threatened to destroy her ' crops. Then a bright Idsa occurred to her Hhe steked ths hawk out In the garden, making him policeman, and after that not a -hen, not even a bravo old roostsr, set foot In the garden again. Philadelphia Record. t Tho Same Offense. There wns rerently brought befora a poMce magistrate In the south an old darky who hnd fsllen foul of a bulldog while In ths act of entering the hen houso of ths dc-ir a owner. "flnn't I glvs you ten days last month for tills seme offense" asked ths mails trats. 'It wns tho same hen bouss you were trying to get Into. What have you got to say for yourself T' 1 The darky seemed perplossd. "To honah," hs sstd, "yo' asnt ms to ths ehaln gang to' trying to steal aoms ebloksns, lldn't yo'?" "Yes, that was ths eharga." ' "An. don't ds law say yo aan't be charred twice with do sama offenseT" "Thai no man ehalt be twloo placed In jeopardy for tho tdenttcat not, yea," "Dcr, yo' honor,, youras gotta let ms sy), suh. t was after do earns chickens, auh." Philadelphia Ledger. Britain Serves Warning On Munitions Strikers London, May 12. The govern ment issued a grave warning to munition workers tonight, saying that it cannot permit strikes to continue and aggravate the delay in the production of munitions Engi.-.eers are striking in various parts England All loyal citizens, therefore, are called upon to resume work im mediately and the government gives notice that all persons incit ing to the stoppage of work on . munitions are liable to conviction for an offense entailing life servi tude. The notice says the stoppage ot work was clearly unauthorized by the trade unions. MAY WHEAT PRICE PUT AT $3.18 BY CHICAGO BOARD (Continued from Pago One.) ago. They had wanted the actual Brain, but finding that the bottoms necessary to carry it abroad were not available, they reduced their holdings and by force of circumstances took a handsome speculative profit. They contracted tor delivery ot further wheat in July and September and the status of their deals in these months is not definitely known, save that they already have a-big profit on paper in both options. Does Not Stop Speculation. The elimination of May contracts by no means eliminates speculation in grains. The action of the board, while not interfering with the free dom of contracts on the part of either individuals or governments, compels those requiring wheat for immediate consumption to make purchases from farmers or grain dealers rather than through the medium of a contract for future delivery on the noor ot tne ex change. Mr. ratten was asked wnat action was eontemDlated to prevent a re petition in July of the May situation. inat remains tor tne iuture to de cide," he said. Kansas City Stops May Trading. Kansas Citv. Mav 12. New trading in May wheat on the local board of trade has been discontinued under the terms of a resolution adopted today by the board of directors. It was ex plained that the action was taken solely as a patriotic move and with the idea of en-aneratinff with the ffov- ernment in the national crisis. Minneapolis Continues. Minneaoolie. Mav 12. The board of directors of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, at a special meeting today, decided to continue trading in May wheat Aged Woman Burned to Death. Beatrice. Neb. May 12. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Frank Fisher of Barneston was burned to death last evening while working about a bon fire. Her clothing caught fire and was burned from her body before assist ance arrived. She waa 60 years of age and leaves her husband and seven children. ' . ; Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The Berg Clothing Co.'s NEW LOCATION 1415 Farnam Street HcttS Hatch I ALL WORK GUARANTEED I Ss H. CLAY IN Nstllls lldg. mm ana Third Flaw Dr. Bradbury, a Soft Dentist THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD The men who climb to dizzy heights in busi ness the top notchers in every realm of hu man endeavor must have that steady nerve, and physical endurance that come from living in harmony with natural law. Get right with nature by keeping your teeth in the best pos sible condition. See that there are no cavi ties, no gum affections, no hidden troubles. For the people who da thing good teeth are essential. DR. BRADBURY , Is the Dentist who can help yon achieve your aim in life. He can give you Dental Service that will give you the nerve and physical en durance that goes hand and hand with good health. Known hv Avar 1 1 A nnn sflttaftait natrrtna frti nxixacuona, crowns ana Bridge work, nates, Hum Treatment And the X-Ray to locate what is invisible to the Eye. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 28 Years In Omaha. 921-22 Woodmen of the World Building. Phono D. 1756. 14th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Hours 8 to 6 Sundays, 10 to 12. Wanted--A Man of Force H who has demonstrated his ability to do the right Jt thing at the right time without being urged or told. a. A Targe corporation wants this man, and, realizing that only a high-caliber man will do, is ready and willing to pay whatever he is worth. (I Selling, promotion or financial experience is de- sired, but not absolutely required, because a really capable man the kind we want can adapt himself. d If you are over 30, broad-gauge, business trained J and looking for an opportunity limited only by . your ability, write fully regarding yourself and give address in full. Interview will be arranged. Address Box S771, Bee. LAUDS AMERICAN WOMEN FOR THEIR WORK. H fv i I m I , i -i.it. .1 CONTINUE ATTACK ON WARM BILI General Offensive of Affected Interests Against Measure Still Under Way in Congress. CARDINAL FARLEY UNDER GOES OPERATION. 1ADY ABESJOEEit, New York, May 12. Lady Aber deen, wife of the former lord lieuten ant of Ireland, who is at present in New York in the interest of a central ized international relief committee, pays tribute to the women of the city for their organization of the Militia of Mercy. The organization, which was formed for the purpose of caring for the fami lies of National Guardsmen called to the war, is gaining in strength, and Ladv Aberdeen has consented to make a series of speeches in its support. Washington, May 12. The general j attack on the war tax bill continued j today before the senate finance com-' mittec. I Taxation of parcel post packages was advocated by representatives of railroads and express companies whoi contended it would be only fair to tax packages sent by parcel post which competes with- the express companies. The cent a pound tax and higher duty on coffee was assailed by Frank R. Seelye of Chicago, president of the National Coffee Roasters' associ ation. He suggested a flat 2 cent tax in stead and declared many large retail ers, such as mail order houses and chain stores would escape the pro posed tax. Lower retail coffee prices because of a prospective large crop, probably the greatest in the world's history, were predicted by Seelye. Representing interurban electric roads, Arthur R. Brady of Anderson, Ind., said the proposed taxes dis criminates in favor of automobile lines having established routes com peting with electric roads. The proposed tax on electric power was opposed by Z. V. Taylor of the, Indian Public Utilitie company as' amounting to 5 per cent of gross rev enues. The advertising taxes of the house bill were attacked by E. A. Frost of Chicago, representing poster and fe (mi ; I ;J .:M WHAT REASONABLE MEANS ORY LAW Attorney General Reed Has Real Puzzling Question Put Up to Him From Thurs ton County. CAKCJNAI FASUsSV Considerable concern for Cardinal Farley has been felt as a result of the reports that he has been compelled to undergo an operation. These reports, coupled with his age and the fact that for several weeks his health has not been of the best, has caused some anxiety. The exact nature of the operation has not been made public. It is said tj have been for abscess. outdoor advertising interests. The tax, he asserted, discriminates against poster interests, by exempting news paper and magazine advertising. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., May 12. (Special.) Will some good tried and true patriot who knows what a- "reasonable amount" of liquor is as set forth in the new prohibition law, inform the attorney general of Nebraska, so he can answer correspondence received covering that question. Mr. Reed, , not being an imbiber, does not consider himself competent to judge. He said today that in his opinion it would depend a great deal on the age of an individual. Using the insurance tables, a man 25 years of age would naturally be expected to live longer than a man 50 or 75 years of age and therefore it would require more liquor because ot the longer duration of life. The county attorney of Thurston county writes that there is a certain farmer in that country who since April 27 is said to have stored in his home 150 gallons of whisky and twenty-six barrels of beer. He de sires to know if that may be consid ered a "reasonable" amount under the law. The attorney general is willing to admit that it would be plenty for him, but it might not even be a "reason able" amount for some other people. AUSTRIAN AMBASSADOR SAILS FOR HOME. l CX ' j Lsi&AI Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. TAKNOWSKV, Count Adam Tarnowski, Austro Hungarian ambassador to the United States, who since his-arrival as the successor of former Ambassador Duniba, has not been recognized of ficially by the government, photo graphed as he was about to depart on board the steamship Ryndam. Count Tarnowski is returning under a safe passage guarantee as a result of the severance of diplomatic relations be tween the United States and Austria. (Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. .J-nA-i. " hehompson Tielden Store 0 ; (T) ... HER TRAVELING SUIT i i 7" 3ft Dame Fashion says it should be either blue or gray in color plain tail ored in style, with per haps a . belted effect or braided, ai. preferred. The price depends upon individual choice and can be satisfactorily de termined anywhere be tween $25 and $65. HER GOWNS Can express much indi viduality and may be of Georgette or Chiffon Ta ffeta or combinations of both. If she chooses, they may be of imported Voile and nets with de lightfuly dainty embroid eries. A, service dress is not -to be forgotten and here again her selection is not limited. f HER MILLINERY Fashions that add so much to the charm of the occasion and the trip. Graceful, becoming hats of caterpillar braid with hair edges, embroidered with Tuscan, with trim mings of flowers, velvet and ribbons. For travel dress or sport wear A general utility hat in fact, she chooses a beautiful black braid model, a soft becoming effect, much favored. THROUGHOUT the store the bride receives greatest consideration this coming week. Preparations be gun long ago have culminated in lovely displays now nothing has been overlooked that could serve to make se lecting pleasant and profitable. And whether the bride has set a limited ex penditure or has placed no such re straint, she will find the Thompson Belden store ready to serve her best. HER LINGERIE May be hand made and hand embroidered from the Philippines gowns and chemise. . Then, too, are Crepe de Chine gowns, envelope chemise, corset covers, bloomers and one-piece pajamas; all of beautiful silk. And embroidered sacques of Crepe de Chine, incredibly lovely. Then, too, are boudoir caps of Laces, Nets, Chiffons, Crepe de Chine and combinations of lnces and ribbons and embroidery with rosebud trimmings. Shimmering White Silks For The Bridal Gown ' None but the June Bride could have spread for her approval such an as sortment of Silks that embrace every weave one could desire for every purpose, particularly the bridal gown itself. Thompson-Belden Silks Fa mous More Than SO Years HER LINENS So appreciated and treas ured by every b r i de Wonderful selections here o f Italian Filet work, French Cluny, hand em broidered Madeira work. Fine Damask sets Linen Huck Towels. Hand i em broidered Pillow Cases hemstitched Linen Sheets and -'Pillow Cases. Hand embroid ered Sheer Bed Spreads and finest Double Satin Damask Cloths and Napkins in matched sets of all sizes. HER NEGLIGEES To suit her fancy are Crepe de Chine creations with lace adornments and startling Japanese fancies and other pleasing ideas of distinction. Petticoats may be of Taffeta or Jer sey, with silken flounces and should blfend with the color scheme of the suit. So delightfully varied are showings, that a personal view-' ing is almost necesary to appre ciate them. HER BLOUSES No problem, for many are needed. For traveling, a tailored blouse of linen or dimity. Ma,ny with stocks. For luncheons, clever wash blouses that are plain, but very dainty. One should be of Georg ette and that either two toned or beaded. A ser vice is offered that is of real assistance in choosing. HER ACCESSORIES She will find distinctive things that add to every costume the final touch of elegance. At best we can mention, only a few and request a personal visit as the only satisfactory way of knowing their interest ing qualities Neck Fix ings, Gloves, Hosiery; F o o t w e ar, Hand Bags, Veils, Parasols Details, but, oh, so important to the ensemble. f 7