THE OMAHA SUWDAT KKE: MAI 13, 1'JIT, 5 B Economy Is the watchword In every House and home But you never Can be thrifty If by stinting You've begun It's every Woman's duty To buy The Very Best It never pays To buy What's cheap But goods that Stand the test. tTERE'S a bit of news you' AJ- surely welcome I Lamond's, that' ultra-smart shop on the second floor of the Rose Bldg., is going to sell all its handsome silk skirts this week at reduced prices this is an event very much worth while, for every skirt is spick and span new. There are stun ning plaids and stripes, cool looking white and black checks, Gros de Lon dres in horizontal stripes in lovely softened shades on white grounds. Then there are the fashionable Khaki Kools with splashy designs, and ele gant Shantung silk skirts and soft foulards. Saddle-bags and patch pock ets and unique girdles are distinguish ing features. The satisfaction of wear ing one of these lovely skirts will be greatly heightened by knowing one has secured a bargain in its buying. Filet-topped kid boots are tremend ously smart for summer wear. J1 :-4m LET POLLY BUY IT I The Omaha Bee maintains a Free Shopping Service for the benefit of its out-of-town readers, or for shut-ins in the city. Be specific in your wishes as to color, fabric and size. Purchases will be sent from the stores C O. D. Address "Polly The Shopper" Omaha Bee Or Phone Tyler 1000. For QUALITY Is lasting And proves To you It's worth Next time YOU Go a'shopplng Demand "The Best On Earth" For every time A Woman shops She helps The merchants so Buying Better Values Is ECONOMY You know. collar was particularly stunning. An other one, which would surely cause murmurs of admiration if worn to your Summer club, had a jacket of apricot satin and a skirt ot white silk la jerz. Women who have an eye to economy and at the same time wish the best of Quality will do well to look at the garments at this Up town shop. I understand that The Fine Arts society is considering bringing to Omaha a collection of Japanese prints. Did you know that one of our shops is showing some that are 200 years old? T F YOU are a reader of one of our voguisli Eastern magazines, you'll have noticed a page containing many fascinating novelties for Milady Dainty but why send to N. Y. for these captivating fripperies when the Alia Shop, 207 S. 18th St., has them? Fragrant satchet bags, vanity bags, ribbon clasps, guest bags containing powder, putf balls and tiny French roses to adorn lingerie all the lit fTHE Chinese influence in interior positively, they are as enchanting as - decoration has today spread far a fairy tale in their delicate loveliness. wide throughout the entire coun- Billie Burke pajamas and nighties of t!c subte touches any girl would love. iiji. wivuaiu u. ,r tiiiLim a mtj n ...... vjt bum uivai cmjuisiic uc- v showing some very interestingly beau- signs. If you're planning your trous- t r AGIVE a trarden of exouisite flnwfrj in full hloom. their fraff- iful imnorted Chinese Rues, which seau you really must see Thomoaon- I . . f. . . 1 feel safe to predict will in but a ihort time supersede the Persian, Turkish and Indian Rugs as decora tive floor coverings. The simplicity, quaintness of design and rare combi nation of soft colors places the Chi nese rug foremost among rug types. Belden's silk lingerie. Dolls dressed as Red Cross nurses are shown in one of our stores. ranee mingling in the summer breeze. That garden of your dreams can be a possibility. Lee Larmon, Fonte nelle Florist, has engaged an experi enced landscape gardener to help you with your Spring planting. He'll ar il ERE'S something worth your i .... r i -j ,. , witii your ouiuiK uiauim. iicu i- careful rnnirtirair.n I Vrti- J n , . , , If you wish to spnd a delightful hour gown, suit, last year's toP:coat gloves IXZZ : ' Z Z, ! wnwf Rnrn.rt'ln. .nd .? ZV 1 'T or,n.y ?th?f ""'"J1 V yftui. summer will be the envy of Wilhelms Rug Department and see tides can be made to look practically ln vour frj,nds and neighbors Call the genuine and exquisite Chinese as good as new with the up-to-the. Sir Larmon Dou 8244 o ? further Rugs on display there. 'Twill be minute methods that are employed bv ' ' ' the Pantorium. In these days when ' evervone IS ervincr rrnnnmv I ran e. i Colored ribbons are noted on many think of no better way to retrench, r , . jnn. nv rh viv rirt'f mi-i. .. more than wprth your while. net frocks. 5ADENA Dresses! Each one lirly breathing of the sunshine J Miss Adams of The Little Tot's pest, "The Moth," is apt to play havoc Section of Benson & Thome's had any spots of grease or dirt are to show me the other day real lit- 'eft on them. The Pantorium guaran ty tailored affairs of Devonshire fees that moths will not bother them cloth and gingham in suspender ef- " 'eft in the bag, or box, in which fects over white guimpes, and in love- hev are returned. Better phone ly shades of cornflower, rose and por- Doug. 963 the first thing in the celain blue, with dainty hand-touches morning, of embroidery. One frock had a whole picture on a pocket. Myl how TTS no wonder The Ideal Pleating "Little Sister" would love one of Company turns out such satisfac thesel In ages 2 to 6 years. tory work, for Manager Ver Mehren employs only expert workers in his Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rabbit have shop. He is very fortunate in having come all the way from Los Angeles, a young woman from Vienna named California, to make their home in Josephine Vogelsang, who is really Omaha. They're stuffed dolls with an artist on the embroidery machine, long, long ears, and are dressed in She was embroidering butterflies on a pink and blue gingham suits and lovely crepe de chine smock when I dresses. If your kiddies have learned called there the other day and the dex to love "Peter" in a story book, they'll trous Manner with which she handled love him still better for a plaything, her work perfectly fascinated me. nemstitcmng, braiding, beading, pleating and button-work are also beautifully done at "The Ideal." garments away without first having ?nd .'' colrful flowers f he them Hrv rl.,n. f. ,.w Sunny Climes from whence they visited OUCH adorably, ducky frocks as them dry cleaned, for that nanuhtv Sunry A N important suggestion to the Girl Graduate! Of course, she'll want the daintiest of white pumps or boots to wear with her lacy white frock on that momentous occasion of came. Last summer when 1 California I saw these unusual little frocks and had the pleasure of meet ing the charmingly clever woman who creates them, so you can imag ine my great delight in discovering them in one of our own shops. Yes, at Benson & Thome's they have some of these artistic dresses for chil dren 8 to 16 years of age. and when vou see them you'll agree with me that PERSONALITY is the domi nant note in each orfe. Japanese crepe, pongee and silk-cotton Georg ette are the materials used, but the colors and unique touches of hand embroidery put there by an artist's hand are the appealing features. Ask Miss Peterson in the Misses' Section to show you "My Little Pasadena Dresses "you'll love them! joy I If you have tired, aching feet these warm Spring days hasten to Miss Johnston, Com fort Shop, Rose Bldg., and have her remove your soft corns or callouses you'll want to shout for joy at the relief you'll have. Miss Johnston also removes superfluous hair by careful electrolysis. TVTY High School readers may be glad to learn that they can rent Historical and Eccentric Costumes for Class Plays from Theo. Lieben & Son, 1514 Howard St., who are the largest costumers in the West. CHEERS I Show your patriotism by wearing a tie that has a flag em broidered on it, oj one with red, white ana olue stripes. Lucien Stephens n MUSIC By HENRIETTA M. REES. MAHA fins at last h.irf a fa..!.. of community singing. It V I was only a sample, but is was enough to prove to the audience present its im niense value in community work, and in advancing the get-together idea, Under Mr. Kelly's directing il was interesting to see what a different spirit was breathed through the music than is usually expressed It isn't that the people do not have tne same spirit hack ot their singing it is just that they do not hrmg it out. They do not notice that they arc not really expressing it, unless there is some leaderwho by clever raillery points it out to them, and actually lollies them into doing it the way it ought to sound. And then it is easv to see the difference, the community singing the other evening opened with the singing of "America. Director and pianist struck a vigorous tempo, and it went well the very first time. The second time it ,went much bet ter, and at the close Mr. Kelly said Uravo. But at the close ot the con cert, one verse of the same song was repeated, and than it was even better. There was more solidarity, a greater freedom and swing, and the leader did not have to pull the audience to his tempo, for the people had caught it, and found it just as easy to sing that way as to drai along. Another interesting and rather amusing feature was that the singing improved by a marked per cent when the lights were turned out and the music and words were flashed upon a screen, tins may have been partly because there are many people who can read and carry lower parts who can not just guess at them from the melody if thev do not happen to know them. But I'd be willing to wager that the largest part of the im Drovement was because it was dark, and it was easier to sing when there was no danger of somebody in front turning around and looking at you, a proceeding which, when one is shy about singing anyway, is almost enough to completely paralyze one's vocal chords. The chances are that the person who turns around could not have done half as well. Perhaps, f we had more community singing, the shy ones would become more ac customed to singing, and would not mind if any one turned around and looked at them. LEADER OF THE ST. LOUIS ORCHESTRA. If we could have community sing ing every week at a stated time and place, upon the Lhicago plan, as out- ed in these columns last winter, lor Musical Notes OUCH A RE you an artist? If you are, VOU may be intrreufpil tn 1nr her life, and so I'm going to tell where of the many materials for all branches 1 ve seen tne latest styles in orad- ot Art work which can be procured uation Footwear. At Napier's Boot- at The A. Hospe Co's Shop. Every- erie, Rose Bldg., there are slim, thing needed for oil, china or water shapely, white, high-laced boots of color painting, for sketching and even white buck with Baby French heels, for tapestry, canvases, academy or 2-inch Louis Quinze heels for $8.00 hoards, tube-paints, easels, palettes, or white linen boots, the acme of designs, paper of all sorts and ato- refinement, for $6.00; also a generous mizer china gold. A catalogue sent assortment of kid or fabric pumps on request will help you further in at $5.00 and $6.00. your selection. Several of the new Military capes "C1 VERY Boy may feed a soldier " were seen on the streets this week. i-l but every Girl will knit him a naif f tnl :c -i - EVERYBODY interested in the carry her knitting about in one of the ? Firntm, hi these for only S0c. L Sweet Girl Graduate, attention! Knitting Bags that Orchard & Wil- .u-you- wlsh ,0 se,e the -,ve7 late9t Is there anything as a gift that she helm's show in their Gift Shop Cre- 8 '? smart necKwr' ,,e.ths 'ome would adore more than a Wrist tonne, silk. Tananese challis and vd- ""usual patterns in beautiful Japa- Watch? If there is, I can't imagine vet. They will send two or three for nese Sllk crePe,"Js or LW- ill l certainly saw some Deauiies mis juui appruvai. week at Arnold H. Edmonston's pret- ty jewelry shop, 2d floor Rose Bldg. IpVERY up-to-date summer outfit Watches with the finest of Swiss J-i will include at least one sweater movements in round and octagon for the popularity of that sensible shapes some with enameled and en- affair is greater than ever for Summer graved cases. The works have a 20- wear. Sweaters of Dure thread silk in the fetching Cossack blouse style in Kelly green, corn color, rose and blue, for $14.75 imagine getting a SILK SWEATER at that price ! Fibre silk sweaters in all the new shades and black and white effects for $5.50. See them at F. W. Thome's year guarantee. Ask Mrs. Nieman to show you these dainty little watches nd choose one as the ideal graduation Sift. np HE charm and novelty of the new JL TUST the prettiest thing for your summer luncheon table! Table Cloths with napkins to match, clever ly embroidered in porcelain blue shades with designs of cranes, blue birds, cherry blossoms, chrysanthe mums and butterflies. Thev are im- portations from the Orient and may oe lounci very reasonanly priced in that fascinating Japanese Shop The Nippon Importing Co., 218 S. 18th St. rivals in Snorts Hats at th Drahos-I.uttis Hat Shop, 1706 Doug- Uptown Shop, 1812 Farnam St. are irrcsisiilile! I hie, new modes OUCH perfectly good looking Bou- doir Lamps as Orchard & Wil- hclm have in their Gift Shop. They of unquestionable stvles in Panamas, THE enchantment of Far East coun- are 20 inches high to the top of the L.inna cpiiis, Diishet weaves, f ang iok. Hawaiian and Santo braids in ivl'.ile and colors. Plan to viit this week the "most pv'ginal hat sh ip in Omaha" and sec th:sc charming sum mer styles for yourself! duid and are only S.1.UU. You can pay any price for a shade, or buy the frame and cover it yourself. If I've aided YOU to find new and interesting things in the Shops when you go to BUY, please just tell them "I read about this in Polly's Shop ping Columns." FIRST. REMEMBER IT'S MOTHERS' DAY! See what I've found in the SHOPS today: Silken skirts and Sports hats gay, Little Folk's Frocks, silk lingerie, Knitting bags and embroideric, Sports-togs, silk sweaters bright, Costumes for your CLASS PLAY night. Smart neckwear and chic white shoes. .-laenct uags wiin rare pcriumes, Dainty watches for your wrists. Lovers of "Art" must not be missed. Embroidery, so Japanesv, Rugs Oriental most Cliinesy. BE ECONOMICAL-don't delay. Have your "Cleaning" done right away. And anything else vou wish to find.' I CAN' I-l ELI' YOU-bear in mind. Yours very trulv. POLLY. Advertisement. tries is tucked within a bundle of "Eldridge's Special" incense. It comes m a pretty box and is made by the maker of incense for the imperial fam ily of ,'apan. Its dreamy fragrance brings to mind rosy dawns and the ntirnli- ititcW n( tUm n.. ,Fr: en.. NOTHING is so freshly Springlike a bundle, t W. H. Eldridge's Import as a blouse with a lacy frill, ing Co., 1318 Farnam St. There's one of French voile at Ben- son & Thome's trimmed with dainty F'VE told you before about the clcv V& lace and medallions of exquisite A er Bungalow Aprons made to or Duchess lace that s positively entranc- der by Kiss Cole of The Lingerie jig in its sheer loveliness It's priced Shop, but did you know she makes p9J5. If you re fond of high-collared Sports Skirts of wash materials that blouses to wear with tailored suits, are equally as good looking? Her tnere is a pretty style with groups of work has that tailored appearance so ?m "nn '"serts of dainty filet mucl. desired nowadays. Nurses' uni or :j.0O. forms and house dresses are also neat T . " . ly made at this little shop. u.n ucwiLtjjjjig lrresisriDiei are u tl 11 uuijifjsuu-ociucn s. ixo Dnoai - cinating best these days, for it chest ever held anything more delight- has been proven that clothes have a full dainty. Envelope chemises of wonderful psychological effect, and white and flesh crepe de chine with we can surely help things along by Mie filmy witchery of lace and ribbons, looking gay and cheerful. Have you or with wash-satin yokes with hem- seen the galaxy of beautiful Sports Uitcned designs in bow knots. Bloom- Dresses shown at F. W. Thome's :rst in xaiiorea enects ot white wash latin with rows of hemstitching at the knee or pale pink ones with inserts of tucked Georgette and adorned with toy little French rosebuds. But you should see the silken robes-de-nuitl Lptown.Shop, 1812 Farnam St. I've never seen the equal grouped to gether at one time! One I noted with a rosc-colored silk la jerz coat that had about a dozen rows of smock ing at the waist line and an immense The Tuesday Morn in jt Musical club an nounces a chanjre of policy for the coming year. Membership will hereafter b permit ted to men aa well at women. Any on de sirlnflf membership la asked to send correct nam and address, with check for annual dues of 16, directly to Mrs. Arthur Meti, the membership secretary, S626 Dewey ave nue, as soon as possible. In order to assist the program committee In planning the next season's work. By having the memberships go directly to Mrs. Metis It eliminates the former necessity of their being sent through two members of the club, often entailing useless delay. Pupils of Martin W. Bush will giva a musical at Schmoller 4 Mueller's on Wednesday evening. May 18. Those taking part will be Misses Ruth Hart. Helen Hunsle, Miilred House, Heen McAneney and Mrs. Clifford Cairns. The St. Louis Symphony orchestra which will appear at the Brandela theater this aft ernoon, prides itself upon the teamwork of the organization. It prides Itself upon the high quality of work df its different mem bers, who are engaged with careful judg ment. Consequently the pay roll Is high. The personnel of the orchestra includes, in its various sections, men of International fame, whose services are always In demand for symphony work and whose salaries are correspondingly high. Also, in order to do the best work as a symphony player, one must make that his chief occupation; so that every member of the orchestra in on a week ly salary basis. Hugo Oik, the concert meister, is well known among the violin cog noscenti. In listening to Paganini's "Moto perpetuo" for violin, on the talking machine, one day the idea occurred to him to write a second part to It note for note with the first part and really more difficult than the orig inal. At a recent meeting of the Violinists' guild he appeared, with his fiddle under one nrm and a record under the other, placed the latter on a phonograph and nonchalantly gave a performance which would have made an audience at "12 per" gasp in admtrtnv wonder. A program under the auspices of the Mu sic department of the Woman s club. Poutti Side, will be held at the residence of Mrs. R A. Crcssey, 4204 South Twenty-sucond ftreet, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. May 19. The following will take part: Mildred Bliss, Mildred Farrcl, Nettie Goettsche, Goldie Pred, Clara Schneider, Gertrude Weed ing, Archie Baley, Joe Herman and Alexan der Rohrbough. pupils of Frank Mach, vio linist; Lydia Halstead and Carl Slbhert. pu pils of Millie Ryan, vocalist; Rosaline Goldenberg. pupil of Frances Baatcni, pianist. The accompanists are Margaret Bliss; Althca Fuller, Anna KilHsn and Grace Wieding. Mrs. E. Kerrihard, vloliniat, one of Frank Mach'i asr istants, presents the following pu pils in a recital at the Conservatory studios at Red Oak, la., on Tuesday evenfng. May IK: Berntce Allan, Maxine McClure, Ruth McClure, Marjorie Stevens, Ruth Watkins, Crystal Thomas, Egbert Auman, Lloyd Thomas. Florence Bass, pupil of Garnet Rog ers, and Clarke Cozad, pupil of Lynn Sackett, will assist. A joint recital will be given by Florence Noonen, pianist (pupil of Helen Mackin), and Winifred Edwards, contralto (pupil of Goodwal Dickennan), in the Arlington block, lfill Dodge street, on Wednesday, May 16, at 8:15 p. m. Miss Edwards will aing two groups of English songs and one of French songs, including one aria. Miss Noonen will play sonata in D major by Haydn ; eoncert waits, Mosxkowski ; "The Lark," Glinka-Balakirew, and "March Mfli taire," Schubert. Friends are invited. Tuesday evening. May 22, will be the date of the public recital to be given by a number of Johanna Anderson's voice pupils at the Young Women's Christian association auditorium. Thyra Johanson will sing at the Carlson-Witiell wedding at the First Swed ish Baptist church May 16. A costume operatic recital will be given in the Elks' lodge rooms Friday evening. May 18, at 8:80 o'clock by the pupils of Mrs. Millie R. Ryan under her direction. It III be for Elks and their ladies cnly. The lodge meeting will be held at 7:80 o'clock on that evening. Informal dancing will fol low the concert. Thone taking part in the program will be Hugo Didrickson, Mrs. Louis hnettle, Mr. Rosenberg. Mlxs Margaret Te- ten. Louis Knettle, W. E. Shafer, Miss Lydia Halsted, Miss Ruth Gordon, Cnrt Sib- bert. Miss Florence Etsworth, Miss Allegra Fuller, Miss Bertha Coffey, Miss Mury Crawford, Miss Zara TrovilJo. Accom panists, Miss Allegra Fuller and Miss Eliza beth Underwood. Much interest has already been shown in the special summer harp school conducted by Loretta Dp Lone, Lyric building. Mins DeLone will give a harp recital in Howell, Neb., next week. 1 -N. i and inlcrf st devtloped, spread to the oiusidc communities and centers. In those days of stress a little singing might relax the nerves, and clarify the atmosphere. Besides we could learn our own patriotic songs, and those of our allies, and perhaps know the words to all of the verses. And just think of the lovely folk songs ; c do not know, and even of those I that we do that we never have the 1 chance to sing, some of which we ; haven't heard since our mothers, in I the old-fashinncd davs of lullabies. used to hum them as they rocked our i-radlcs and we dozed off peacefully to sleep. There were a great number of public-spirited people at the Mendelssohn Choir concert the other night. Why not get together and lay out some workable plan for community music for next year? MAX ZACH AT THE BRAXDEIS THEATER THIS AFTERNOON'. a nominal sum, it would undoubtedly be a great torce in the social enjoy ment of the people. The Chicago plan, in brief, consists of a Civic Music as sociation made up of contributing members who pay $50 or more, sus taining members wlio pay aiu a year, regular members who pay $2 a year and who make up the largest propor tion of membership, and neighbor hood members who pay 50 cents a year. Many special contributions are made by clubs and organizations, among them all the leading musical clubs of Chicago, the Chicago Associ ation of Commerce, the Chicago' Woman's club, the Orchestra associa tion, the Department of Public Wel fare, the Board qf Education and oth ers. 1 lie association promotes not only community singing on the mu nicipal pier, but neighborhood cen ters and provides music entertain ments and instruction gratuitously or at little expense in the small parks and playgrounds and other civic cen ters. The money of the association is spent for superintendent and steno grapher, musical directors, teachers and accompanists, all of whom are paid, as it is right they should be. If Omaha had a civic music association, we could, at least, start on a small plan, having community singing once a week, and as the organization grew1 Art Life in Real Figures Strong in This Picture The art life of a great city is shown in "The Power of Decision," the Metro-Rolfe feature produc tion starring Frances Nelson, which will be seen at the un theater on Tuesday and v.'edn.sday. Historic Greenwich Village, which has become the center of New i ork s artistic activities, is iaitlifully depicted in the play. Margot, the heroine of the story, is a mi del who has been be friended by an old artist while in the depths of poverty. At a sale of his effects after his death she meets z young illustrator, Wood Harding, for whom she then poses exclusively. He marries her, not telling her that he has a wife living. When she learns the truth, she goes to another city and poses for a woman artist. Later she meets and marries Austin Bland, a novelist, whose new book Harding is engaged to illustrate, Margot posing for the pictures of the heroine. Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. Edith L. Wagoner Announces A .ummar court, embracing private nuitto len.oni and claaa lessons in theory and eai training-, at vary special rates to students registering before June 1. For Appointment Phone Harney S96S. Residence Studio, 222V, park Ave. Summer Harp School 4k Term Opens May IS Harps Furnished to Pupils f( ! l LORETTA DE LONE pill SOI Lyric Bl.iB. Doug. 8704. FRANK MACH Concert Violinist and Instructor Produces Results Studiof Arlington Block Phono Douglas 1952. Effie Steen Kittelson ART OF EXPRESSION Tachniqut of the Speaklnir Volet, Physical Culture. Pantomime, Dramatle Art IIS Balrd Rlda-.. 170J Douglas Stmt Phone Tyler 1419 VERNON C. BENNETT Concert Organist, Pianist and Teacher NEW STUDIOS 438-437-438 Rose Bldff., Sixteenth and Farnam Sta Tyler 2467-J. CORLNNE PAULSON PIANISTS AND TEACHER OF PIANO Studios Rooms 4 and 6, Baldrlga But., 20th and Farnam Sta. Residence Telephone, Harney S78I. ANNIE E. GLASGOW VOICE CULTURE AND PIANO Studio SOS Karbarh Block I0 South ltth 8U Phone. Rod 184. Florence M. RRoades VOICE AND PIANO Studio 614 McCague Bid?. AUDITORIUM To and Including May 16 FRENCH and BELGIAN ART Largest Art Exhibition Ever Shown in Omaha. Open Week Days, 10 to 10. Sundays, 2 to 10 Admission 10 cents Victrola Trade Week Commences Monday, May 14 'Trade In" Your Small Victrola Towards a Great LARGE One Very Attractive "Trade" Propositions Will Be Offered You This Week You ve Enjoyed Your Small Victrola, but, the Larger the Instrument the Great-s er the Joy. Every day almost, we are approached by those who suggest that we make some sort of a "trade deal" where by they may "trade In" their excellent, but small sized Vic trola, towards one ot the massive, Improved, larger, models. However, we are not always possessed of a sufficient stock of the larger sizes to make such "trade deals." Large Victrolas have been exceedingly scarce: they are still ( scarce: even In the face of ail the efforts put forth by The Victor Company to supply a Quantity sufficient to meet the demand. t Just now, however, we have completed preparations and have a sufficient stock of the larger models to war rant our announcing a SPECIAL "VICTROLA TRADE WEEK." We will, during this one week, offer you some very attractive "trade" propositions. Now's the time. You've thought of "trading" many a time and HERE'S your chance. Don't put It off, for every preparation has been made to offer you JUST the "trade" deal you've been looking for, If you will make the deal within "VICTROLA TRADE WEEK." Call, phone or write. If you are too busy to call at the store we will Bend a man to your house to see your Victrola and tell you what sort of "trade deal" we can make you. TTlIESE handsome, massive, heavy, improved LARGE Victrolas are the very' acme, the absolute zenith of musical perfection. They represent ALL of the tonal glory that man has been able to procure from a musical instrument. You might even trade in your small Victrola towards one of those handsome, large ELECTRIC ALLY operated Victrolas. All you have to do is to connect up to any electric liaht socket and start playing. There won't be any more WINDING to do. This "Trade" Event is Limited to One Week Better Call, Phone or Write in Soon. Cjnly. THE SIX MICKELS Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha Also at 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.