THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 13. 1917. 3 B Council Bluffs Social Activities Annnouncements have been re ceived of the marriage of Mr. Roy C. Smith, son of Mr. and Mr. E. C. Smith of this city, and Miss Lillian Smith of Los Angeles, Cal. The wed ding took place May 2 at University 1'lace, Neb. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. C. W. McGaskill. ,of l'irst Methodist church. The wedding was attended by Mr. and Mrs. E. C Smith, Miss Maude Smith and Miss Caroline Dodge of this city. After spending a few days here, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their home in Basin, Wyo. Tuesday morning, Mr. L. H. Lar son, Denver, Colo., and Miss Irene Espelund, this city, were quietly mar . ried .at the parsonage of St. John's Lutheran church, Rev. C. J. Ringer, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen will take a trip south and will then make tneir home in Denver, Colo. An informal dancing party was given on Monday nignt by Mrs. M. A. Metzger, in honor of her son, Theo dore, who is a member of the Na tional Guard and may be called out at any time. . Mrs. J. R." Reed was hostess for the garden club Tuesday afternoon. The gardens were so delayed by the bad weather that apple blossoms and tulips and a bunch of dogtooth vio lets were the only contributions. A very interesting talk on native lish plants, which have been intro duced into this country was given by iVirs. a. ti. Sylvester. Mrs. L. t. Whitehead, discussed Darwin tuliiw. May 22 the club will meet at the home of Mrs. A. M. Jackson instead ot with Mrs. Sylvester. An informal musical closed the sea ton for the music and drama deoart ment of the Council Bluffs Woman's club Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Wallace. The meeting was weu attended and the program w as toiiowea by a social hour and re. iresmnents. Mrs. T. Q. Harrison was hostess for the Morningside chapter of St. Paul's guild on Tuesday afternoon and the time was spent in rolling bandages for the Red Cross society. May 22 the ciud meets at the home of Mrs. John ureizer. The members of the faculty of the high school entertained at a banquet Tuesday evening at the Young Wo men's Christian association in honor of the five high school teachers who have enlisted in the officers training camp at Fort Snelling. The table ana room were decorated with rifles nags and tne national colors. The place cards were decorated with English, French and American flags. Patriotic songs, verses and toasts completed a. very delightful evening. The marriaee of Mr. Chris I Christensen, this city, and Miss Virgia wiia oi MCLieiiand toolc place on Wednesday afternoon at the hnm of Rev. D. J, Hower of the Trinity ivLcinouisc cnurcn. Mr. and Mrs. Christensen expect to make their home on a farm near McClelland. Mr. Leroy Crounse and Miss Marie ,Glissman were married at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Schnorr on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The double ring service was used and was witnessed by a number of friends and relatives. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Frederick W. Evans of the First Presbyterian church. The bride was attended by her. cousin, Miss Helen Solath of Weston, who carried tne rings in a calla lily. 1 he bride wore a dark green travelling suit with a georgette crepe blouse and wore a corsage bouquet of bride's roses and swansonia. The house was beautifully decorated in pink and white and the same color scheme was used in the refreshments. Mrs. Will Schnorr and Miss Mueller presided at the table and Miss Nelson, Miss Dobey and Miss Denison assisted in serving. Mr. and Mrs. Crounse left on a late train for the east and UDon their return will make their home at 320 North Second street. Mr. Crounse is city ticket aeent for the North western and his bride is a graduate of the Jennie Edmun'dson hosnital. Wednesday afternoon the Flower .Mission held its regular meeting at the home of Miss Dorothy Felt. After a short business meeting, at which it was decided to defer the plans for the annual luncneon until the next meet ine. and oossiblv omit it for the vear. the afternoon was spent socialy. Miss ten, miss Lucy bpooner, Miss Vivian Oray and Miss Margaret Keehne con stituted the refreshment committee. Thursday evening the three classes in physics at the high school taught by Prof. Morean. united in eiviiiir a party at the Boat club. A large num- Der ot tne members ot the classes was present as well as Prof, and Mrs. Morgan, Lieutenant and Mrs. Walter H. Nead, Prof. Chinn. Prof. Darling ana rrot. rteitter. ine evening was delightfully spent in dancing and re freshments were served. A number of the members of the art department of the Council Bluffs Wo man's club attended the exhibition of rrencn and Belgian art, brought to Omaha by the Omaha Society of Fine Arts. Miss Mary Nesbit returned Wednes day from- California, after a year's leave- of absence, to resume charge of the Jennie Edmundson hospital, of which she was the superintendent for three years. Miss Anna C. Goodale, who has been acting as superintendent during her absence, has been called to Ames to superintend the first aid worK at the state college, which necessitated Miss Nesbit's return at an earlier date than had been ex pected. ' . Mrs. Robert S. Moth entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon Friday in honor of Mrs. Hammill of Britt, grand matron of Iowa of the Eastern Star and Mrs. Sutherland of Manning, dis- irici inspector. Principals in Woman's Press Club Plays on Tuesday Ralston Social Notes Mrs. D. L Howe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howe of South Side. A son, Robert Taylor, was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Propst Satur day. May 5. at Lord Lister hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hazen were visitors in Omaha last Sunday. Judge Madden Knew it Was ; Either Promise or Threat "I drink all I can whenever and wherever I can get it." Bob Engel, itinerant, informed Police Judge Mad deawhen arraigned on the charge of drunkenness. "Fifteen days," said the judge. Two playlets written by Omaha women will be presented for the first time Tuesday evening at the Black stone by the Omaha Woman's Press club. 1 he are the Upner Crust, written by Mrs. Martin Harris, and A Record Romance, bv Miss Hen rietta Rees, musical editor of The Bee, both playlets having won prizes in a contest sponsored by the Press club last year. Mrs. Harris, herself; Mrs. Grant Williams, Homer Conant and John W, Kennedy take part in "The Upper Crust," which Mrs. Effie Steen Kit telson is coaching. Mrs. Harriet Smith hldrige, Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy, honorary president of the Press club; Miss Madge West, Hugh Wallace and Roy Sunderland have the roles in "A Record Romance." Miss Mary Irene Wallace is coaching the play of Miss Rees. Original Irish monologues in cos tume, given by Miss Joy Higgins, and piano numbers by Mrs. Edith Wag oner, both members ot the rress club, will add to the entertainment. The orchestra will include three West sisters and Louise Shadduck Zabris-kie. West Ambler Social Activities Charlie Howland returned Sundav from a month's visit with relatives in Sheldon, la. Mrs. Fred Lynch arrived Monday from Detroit for a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Vickers. Holly Camp, Royal Neighbors, cele brated the fourteenth anniversary of its organization Tuesday evening with music, dancing and refreshments. Miss Dorothy McMurray returned Sunday from La Grange, Wyo., where she taught school last year. Mr. M. (jooddell drove trom brand Island last week to spend his furlough from Burkctt Home with his daugh ter, Mrs. Eugene Pittman. Mrs. ulen Uerkm entertained sun- day for her week-end guests, Miss. Alice Lynch, Valentine, Neb.; Mr. J. E. Rail and Mr. Roswell Potts. Mrs. E. G. Grover will entertain the Wjest Side Women's Christian Temperance union at her home in Eckerman Thursday afternoon. Mr. 1. Howland has returned from a trip to Texas, but find no place like home. He has purchased a farm near Calhoun. Miss Mane Carlsen came home Sat urday from Cherry county to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. O. Carlsen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baarman re turned from Ashland Monday, where they had spent a week with relatives. Mr. andjMrs. J. r.. Uarman had tor their week-end guests their cousin, Mrs. George Hawthorne and daugh ter, Helen, of Sioux City,, and Miss Ida Kaley. Mrs. Herbert Kobinson gave a din ner Wednesday for her mother, Mrs. M. Robinson, Ithica, Neb, and her school girl friend, Mrs. Arthur King of West Side. Mrs. P. J. Traber gave a dinner Wednesday for her house guests, Mrs. Roy McDougal and son, Billy, Lin coln, and Mrs. George Ketchum and M. Isit, Worth Omaha. P. L. Robinson, general missionary, northern Nebraska, with headquarters Graduation A Gift Time We have made special effort this year to show the handsomest assort ment of novelties for graduation gifts, even including watches, rings, bracelets, brooches, fobs, etc. nothing is more highly prized through one's entire life than the graduation gift. The Hallmark Bracelet Watch, 15 jeweled Fill ed case, warranted 20 years $15.00 Same movement, 14k solid gold I2S.00 And our $25.00 Hall mark watch for young men is worth seeing. C. B. Brown Company Diamond Merchants and Jewelers 16th and Faxnem Sti. The HALLMARK I Store CAST OF "A RECORD ROMANCE"-UPPER ROW: MISS MARY WALLACE, COACH; HUGH WALLACE, ROY SUNDERLAND, MISS HENRIETTA REES, AUTHOR. LOWER ROW: MRS. HAZEL SMITH ELDRIDGE, MRS. HARRIET MACMURPHY AND MISS MADGE WEST. y I . V I I IP , Mm CAST OF "THE UPPER CRUST" MRS. E. S. KITTELSON, COACH; MRS. GRANT WILLIAMS. HOMER CONANT, MRS. MARTIN HARRIS AND JOHN W. KENNEDY. in Fremont, was the guest of friends here the week-end and spoke of the work at the mission in East Ambler Sunday. Mrs. M. F. Brewster is entertaining her sister,- Miss Margaret Forrester, Salem, S. D.. this wck. Mrs: Jack Graham has as her week end guests Mrs. Clyde Fisher and Miss Loretta and Masters Leroy and Louis of Omaha. Mrs. Glen Gerkin entertained the following members of the West Side kensington Wednesday: Mesdames Thomas McDonald, George Nicklin, M. Potts, Jack Graham and J. Hercht. Charlie Rosaker of Benson and Miss Clara Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jensen, were married Wednesday afternoon by Rev. J. Seesko. Dinner was served by the bride's parents to a large number of friends. The happy couple are at home to their friends on West Dodge street. Wednesday, morning at St. feter s church occurred the marriage of John Duffy ot West Side and Miss Winni fred Humphrey of North Omaha. They left the same evening for Sioux City and otner points in Iowa oh their wedding trip. They will ' reside in Omaha. , A surprise party was given Satur day evening by Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Johnson of East Ambler in honor of the birthday of heir daughter, Miss Frieda. Those present were: The Misses Hertha Jorgenson, Loretta Brown, Meta Johnson and Mabel Johnson, Messrs. Roy Frankum, Ray mond Owens, Lon Nicholson, Robert Brown and Rudolph Johnson. There was music, games and refreshments. Sunday last at thc First Baptist church at Stoutland, Mo., by Rev. J. M. Bandy, occurred the marriage of Irwin Howland, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Howland, and Miss Mayme Ryan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. I. T. Sco field of Stoutland. They are at home SViS JSDJTJj VMQQNEJ? on the groom's farm five miles from stoutland, Mo. Mrs. E. G. Grover, assisted by Mrs. J. J. Fulmer. entertained the all day meeting of the Ladies' Aid Thursday with a lunch at noon. A great deal of sewing was completed and plans made for a farewell reception to Rev. G. Sill in connection with the receiv ing reception of the new pastor. Rev. R. E. Chemowiih. Mrs. F. Butts and Kev. u. Gill were honor guests. The following members of the Royal Neighbors Birthday club enter tained Wednesday afternoon at cards: Mesdames F. Cockayne, J. Bostick, F. Lynch, F. Dunn, E. A. Winn, F. Mar shall, S. Faulkner, J. Wisler, W. John son, N. F. Thompson, J. Cole, A. Han son, F. Kern. F. Isbere. S. Morris. F. Groman, J. Seger, S. Farrar, P. Nel son and Miss L. Wisler. Miss iGurtha Long gave a silver shower Friday evening in honor of Miss Addie Gantz, who will be a June bride. Those assisting were: The Misses Evelyn Roessig, Dorothy Mc Murray, Emma Weisenberg, Sarah and Lillian Givens, Marian Dowling, Katharyn Carroll, Fanny, Margaret and Lizzie Armburst, Clara and Ruth Elmburg, Emma Palm, Margaret, litiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiMimuiiim I There'i a Heap of Fun In a Camera If yon haven't succumbed to the lur of amateur photography you have not yet experienced the fall Joy of life. The amateur photographer followi the pleeianteet and moat profitable pastime yet devteed. Our Store la the Amateur Photofrapher'a Headquarters ylJIMrl.'.ltA'J 16th and Howard. Douglas 846. niiiiiitiiifiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiitiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiKDjiiiiitiiiiftiiiiiinf Fact Is, You Can't Help Playing Well on This-- -j- GULBRANSEN-Made Player Piano $375 $2.50 Per 10-Year Week Guaranty Genuine Mahogany, k. Walnut or Oak. Special Sale of MUSIC ROLLS ALL WEEK 3 Popular 75c Rolls, for $1.00. The Pianist STRIKES HARDER when the music calls for an ACCENT. He does it almost unconsciously. And when the music requires a sub dued, dreamy expression, HIS MUS CLES RELAX almost unconsciously. You see, his ear catches the rhythm, harmony and meaning of a piece of music ; and his brain sends impulses, by . way of nerves, to his arms and fin gers. Then muscular force now heavy, now light-changes those little mes sages from the brain into various shades of TONE. Now: You'lffind yourself playing the Gul-bransen-made Player in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY. The only differ enceand it really isn't a big differ ence is that those brain-messages will go to the muscles of your legs and feet. When you want to accent a note or :hord, you almost unconsciously will push one foot down sharply. You CAN'T HELP DOING IT if you love music! It will "COME NA TURAL." And the Gulbransen Action mil RESPOND instantly like LIGHTNING 1 That's the great quality of the Gulbransen re sponse! The EXACT SHADE OF FORCE that you put into the footstroke will be answered with THE CORRESPOND ING SIIADE OP TONE. Get that word "correspondingt" We don't mean that you'll produce just an accent always the same degree of ac centbut that you'll get the RIGHT SIIADE at the RIGHT TIME, as a skilled pianist does. Oh, yes, there are other Play ers, but we, as Player Special ists, tell you emphatically: the Gulbransen-made Player is the "best buy" on the market. A. HOSPE CO. The Victor Store." 1513-15 Douglas St. I M.nii'e and Dorothy Pahl, Mesdames F. Thomas and Carl Long. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. J. Long and Mrs. Arthur King. The evening was spent with music and games. Musical History Repeats Itself in America Today Even at this late day in the history of phonograph and player-piano music we occasionally hear folks ob jecting to what is called automatic and semi-automatic instruments on one score or another. "They make music too easy for young people," it is said. "Keep them from their grind at piano or violin or vocal lessons; make them think there is little use in working hard for some thing that can be bought in perforated rolls or small black discs.'1 It is interesting, in this connection, to look back a few hundred years to the beginnings of musicalNAmerica. When in the early sixteen hun dreds preachers here and there be gan to advocate the introduction of new songs into the churches, and thus thaw out the Puritan ice which had encrusted all forms of musical ex pression and reduced the stream to a tiny trickle of stereotyped psalm tunes, people began to object quite stormily. Song singing was a "new way." Otjier music was almost an unknown "tongue" to most of the people. There were too many tunes to be learned. No one could learn them all. Songs might open the door to instruments, and instruments were the work of the devil for the seduction of mankind. The forefathers of the people had got into heaven on the wings of the ortho dox psalm tunes, therefore there was no need for other music than that. A long, hard 6ght .was started against the icebergs of prejudice. Point by point was won by the lovers of music (new men from across the sea). Finally the organ was admitted to some of the more daring churches, and the list of tunes increased from five or six to a dozen or more, here and there I There seems to be a pronounced demand for music among the masse and anything which aids in bringin music to the people must of necessit) find a permanent place in our lives. The skeptical had best pass judg ment slowly. F.ven musical history is repeating itself. ' Missouri River Fleet Is Doubled in Size "The Elk" is the name of a new steamboat just obtained by the Mis souri River Navigation league. It ii expected to conic into Omaha Sun day afternoon with a cargo from De catur. It will ply between Decatut and Omaha, following the course ol the Julius F. Silher, which is also tc continue to handle transportation be tween the Nebraska metropolis and the little river town to the north. The new boat will push no barge, but carry its full cargo of 150 tons on the deck. Grain and live stock will be handled. Hugh Gallup of Decatui has taken an option on the boat froir Sioux City parties who owned it. The boat has been operating on the uppei Missouri, handling grain and working on government contracts. 1 Dr. Tarbo & Gordon Having dtapoitd of our Watch and Kb ravlnf School, wa solicit tho patronage of tha public. Guarantaalnf xpart work. Watch Work and Optometry at raaaon abla prlcaa. EYES TESTED FREE. 31 Brandala Bldg. "Ill GiVeltou 3 Minutes To Remove Blackheads ! A fturprlae In Mora for Thoaa Wha Have Bfcn Trying f Get Bid of Them for Yeart," Says tha Stag Beautj Queen, Yaltaka ffuratt. BY YALEHKA Bl'BATT. REALLY, I lone patience aome tlmaa when I receive lettera from aotno of my frlenda, atat 1ng that thy have been e team in g their fncea and plnrhtng the ittln In a ceaaetaM endeavor to get rid of those obftttnale pea (a, blackhead. Of cour, I know it la bftcauae they do not know how. Nevertheless, I see aa a result of these practicea thousand of otherwise smooth skins becoming covered with large pores which face steaming always causae. And ptneh tnu causes spots which take a long time to illsupptiar. Small blackheads are usually present by the thou sands. Now the remedy for this condition Is simple, and - It never falls. A little powdered nernxtn sprinkled on a wet sponge and rubbed over tha blackheads removes them all in only a few momenta. It may be diffi cult to believe, novertheleas It can be proven by anyone. Try It and you will ANSWER", TO QUKSTIONft. MISS B. B. Sprinkle liberally some hydrollsed tain tn your arm-pits every morning and you will be free all day from that terrible arm-pit perspiration, and all disagreeable odor will be re moved Instantly and prevented from forming This Is Indeed a wonderful ar ticle. e e EVANGELINE P I have often fleen told that I could make "mint of money" with my complexion formula If 1 only half tried. Hut I guess I'm not cut out for that kind of work. I pre fer to let those have It who need It, and Heaven knows there are millions who do need It. This formula produces start ling results on the complexion In a few days, making It spntless and beautiful, no matter how "had" It was before. Tt . te msde by mixing sn ounce of slntone with two tableapoonfuls of glycerine In a pint of wnter. Your freckles, too, will vanish quickly, see GENEVIBVB T. Why not face the facts? There la only one thing which will force hair to grow, and which will atop falling hair, I, myself, tried In years preceding, almoct everything sold for making hair grow. Yotaj now are go ing over the same ground. Save your hair, your years, and your money. Do as I aay now, and get from your drug gist one ounce of beta-qulnol, and mix It with eVther a half pint sack of water and alcohol, or one pint of bay rum. What It will do to your hair In a short time, will astonish you. Tour hair will be queenly, grow abundantly, and you'll be the envy of your friends. Tou have the secret now. It costs little, and never falls. see MRS. B. O. F. Hairy armsare un pardonable when you can free them In only a few minutes, completely and with out Injury, by a new simple means. Moisten the hairs with sulfo solution, and In a few momenta the hairs will be entirely dissolved. There 1s nothing else known so remarkable In Ita action aa this. It leaves no redness or spot such ss Is Invariably caused by the superflu ous "hair-burners" so commonly sold. The skin, no matter how aansltlve, Is al ways left smooth. 1 1 ' CUniOUS. It Is almost Impossible it, find a face powder that la not "chalky" and that does not lay on lh spots after a few hours. Borne time ago 1 had my own face powder made, so exquisitely fine that It Is Invisible when applied, al ways "stays on." snd of course has no chalklneaa whatever. I was prevailed upon to allow It tn be sold, and you can now get It In drug stores, as "Valesha Suratt Face powder" for fifty cents, In flcuh, while and brunette. e MIHH T, A. P. There's no reason In the world why you cannot get rid of the wrinkles, my, not In the least. That in, If you do as I say. Get two ounces of eptol from your drua-slat, and dis solve In hslf a pint of water, adding one tablespoonful of glycerine. This will make a cream. Apply this freely every day. atop worrying about It, and tn a very short time your mirror will begin to call ynu to have a look at yourself. tJeep wrinkles, crows' feet, lines of sge, will surely and quickly vanish. It sur passes anything known for this purpose. " TN DOUBT You're right. Soaps do dry up the natural secretions of the hair, and cannot remove the film of fatty substances and scales forming on the scalp. These must be dissolved away. This la done In a wonderful way by using a teaspoonful of eggol tn half a, cup of water. This makes an extra ordinarily rich shampoo. A doson or more, of theie headwashes can be- ob tained from a twenty-five cent package of oggol at the drug store. MRS. H. O. For bust development make up a mixture of two ounces of ruetone, half a cup of sugar nd half a pint of water. Of this, take two tea spoonfuls three times a day and at bed time. This will develop the bust If any thing can, although this cannot always .be guaranteed. ess' MRS. H. T. You can get one of the beautiful Suratt pillow-tops, In orange and purple, with my Jarge photo and signature In the center1, at the special price of fifty cents, by sending the price to "Secretary to Valeska Suratt, Thomp son Bidg Chicago." SORROWFUL In the future, when ever your druggist cannot supply you with eptol for making my wrinkle-remover, send the price, which Is 60 cents, to my secretary, to the address given In the preceding paragraph, and you will get the article by return mall. PERFECT HEARING FOR THE rMlh THE LITTLE GEM EAR PHONE awarded tha GOLD MEDAL, hlgheet award for Ear Phones In competi tion with all hearing instruments at Panama Pacific Exposition. Look at it and you SEE tha aimplest and smallest device in the world; use It and you FEEL that you have the most wonderful piece of mechanism yet devised for suffering mankind. Let us prove we have conquered your affliction. FREE DEMONSTRATION AT OUR STORE Monday and Tuesday, May 14th and 15th From 9:00 o'clock a. m. to 6 o'clock p. m. THE LITTLE GEM EAR PHONE, the latest patented perfect hearing device. With It you can bear under all conditions, tn the church, theater and general conversation, Tha AUTO MASSAGE atop bead noises and makes tha cure of deafness possible. Remember, wa would not allow such a demonstration la our stora unless w had investigated the instrument thoroughly. An expert from New York City will be with us on the above days. Wa most earnestly request you to call, make a test privately and recelva expert advice without charge. Every instrument guaranteed. Ask or writs for book let. Tell your deaf friends. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Corner 16th and Dodge Street. IE