Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 16

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is Going On
in Society Circles
Oon Unoed mm I'M On)
honor of Mrs. Welch. They will re
turn to Omahi by way of Kansas
City, Mo., for a visit with Mr. Welsh's
people and numerous parties will be
given for the bride there. Upon their
return they will be at home at the
Blackstone for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker have
taken the home of L. G. Doup on
Jackson street for the summer and
will move from the Blackstone
Mr. H. P. Whitmore and Miss Eu
genie Whitmore are at the Maryland
m Pasadena.
Among the Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Arnoldi and
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, who visit
ed Mrs. Arnoldi's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, have returned
to their home in Los Angeles.
Miss Edna Jones of Washington,
D. C, arrived Tuesday to visit her
sister, Mrj. Joseph Byrne, and Mrs.
Byrne. ' '
Mrs. A. F. McCreary.jwho has been
spending several days jh Carroll, la.,
returned- Saturday afternoon to the
home of her uncle, Mr, Gurdon W.
Mrs. Grayson Heidt of Savannah,
Ga., and Miss Helen McKinley of
Cleveland left Saturday evening for
their homes after a stay of two weeks
-with Captain and Mrs. James F. Mc
Kinley. Mrs. John E. Burke and Mrs.
George Lundt, mother and sister of
E. L. Burke, are guests at his home
on their way from California to
Maine for the summer.
Mrs. Anra Cather, r -turning from
Toronto, Janada, and Miss Bess
Kaley, returning from Los Angeles,
are visitinp their brother, Mr. J. L.
Kaley. and Mrs. Kaley, enroute to
their home in Lincoln.
Theater Parties. -W.
T. Page and J. N. Davidson
have box reservations for the per
formance of "Robinson Crusoe. Jr.."
at the Boyd Thursday evening. Jo
seph S. Zipfc! and A. F. Johnson have
reservation for six guests each: Mrs,
C R. Hannan, jr., of Council Bluffs,
Harold Krammer of Columbus, A. C.
Carter. W. B. Young and W. W,
Turner havt reservations for parties
of five; Ben Rosenthal, William T.
Burns, Jack Hughes, L. C lalmage,
A. V. Kins'er, Charles Beaton, W. H,
Wheeler, A. I. Root. Dr. I. E. Sum
mers, Harry Peterson, H. Colon,
Wallace bnepard, jr., hurley Lonant,
R. M. Speltz, A. S. Ritchie, J. Gil
liam and M. C. Peters will have four
somes, and J. D.'Reed, C. F. Russel,
w. n. ncuicK, o. w. napicr nave
reservations lor three each.
In and Out of the Bee Hive,
Mrs. Ross Hyde has gone to De
troit for two months' visit with her
mother and sister, Mrs. Thrall and
Mrs. Nebe.
Mist Dagmar Sorenson hat gone to
Butte. Mont., to mend the summer
with her brother, Alfred Sorenson,
on a ranch.
Senator G. M, Hitchcock and his
daughter, Mrs. Harry JJoorly. re
turned from Washington . and other
eastern points Xuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Anderson left
.Saturday morning f jr a vacation trip
inrougn trie western part ot trie state.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett
leave today for Boston and New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton
have gone to New York and Wash
Mist Kits Chabot returns today
rrora a two months' visit in Chicago.
All Saints' Benefit
Misses Esther and Grace Smith
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Crittenden Smith, and Miss" Eleanor
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Smith, will give one of the
special dancing numbers at the June
leie lor tne oeneht ot All Saints
church, which the Sunday school
children, under the direction of Mrs.
Franklin A. Shotwell, will give on
ine win noagiano lawni June Z. Tick
ets for the performance are in the
Hands ot the children for sale.
Chlld'i Birthday Party.
Mrs. Paul Sutton gave . a small
party at he. home Saturday afternoon
in honor of her daughter. Pauline's,
tenth birthday. Decorationa were in
rea ana green. 1 he guests were:
Mre. Leonard Sutton.
. I-- Ml l
Toeephlne Hudrtcks, Marearet Uouibu,
mmrj uray.
people motored to Papillion, accom
panied by Miss Ethel Beaubou and
Mr. L. C. Allison of Hugo, Lolo.
They are stopping at the Hotel ronte-
nelle for the present ana win oe ai
home after June 1 in apartment 17,
the Flo-Les. The bride wore her trav
eling suit of navy blue with gray hat
and shoes.
Miss Kuth J. Anaress inn mr. n-
od V. Johnson were united in mar-
age Saturday alternoon at J o ciock
the apartments m inc
mother, Mrs. Annie Coles, in the An
gelas. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn winiam
Kennedy were the only other wit-
csses ot the ceremony, ine jcv.
T. J. Mackay officiated. Mr. and Mrs.
olinsoff Iclt lor a lira wcti t-
ing trip in the east.
Tk. mzrrizae nl Miss Elizabeth M.
Lloyd, daughter of Mrs. H. W. Lloyd,
to Mr. William J. Boelter, ton of Rev.
and Mrs. C. W. Boelter of Grand
Island, took place at noon Saturday
at the home of the bride t mother.
Only the immediate familiet of the
young people witnessed the cere
mony. Little rem anu nximcui
Deemer were tne riDDon sireicneri,
and little Charlotte Lightfoot Lloyd
was the ringbearer. Mrs. Daniel
Rni-lter of Wahoo and Mr. and Mrs.
John Lloyd of Valley were out-of-town
relatives at the wedding. Mr.
and Mrs. Boelter left in the afternoon
for a wedding trip and will be at
home after June 1 at 2530 Davenport
Red Cross Tet Fundi.
Sixtv-fiv! dollars it the sum cleared
by the members of Mrt. Dick Stew
art! division ot tne Kea i-ross worn.
ho, unde the leadership ot Mrs.
Walter Roberts, have been serving
tea each afternoon at the art exhibit.
Before the close of the exhibit on
Wednesday they hope to swell the
fund to $1W.
Back from Honeymoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart Odell
have returned from an extended trip
throush the south and east and are
now at home at the Hunter Inn,
where they have taken an apartment
until the completion ot tneir new
home in Dundee. Both young peo
ple were well known in the younger
set Their marriage wat a complete
urorise to all their friends. Mrt,
Odell. who was formerly Miss Helen
Jo Ann Pfeiffer, wat an officer of
the graduating class ot central ilign
Glee Club Concert
Mount Saint Marv't academy will
give its first annual concert at Creigh
ton auditorium Tuesday evening. The
Creighton Philharmonic orchestra
will assist. The Glee club includes
Clara Parkins Veronica Moran
Marr Kent Lola Pen-In
Margaret Wasner Oraee Aldrlch
Anna Koaemlll
Marai-arat Vlndhelm
Alio Oetormaa
Mario Roaoh
Jeiila Lana Drafoo
Kaye Chamber.
Catherine Wheeler
AncomDanlet. Mies Beryl cooper.
The committee on arrangements
includes Misses Margaret Wagner,
Faye Chambers and Jessie Lane
Dragoo. Patronesses are:
Joeeph Barker
H. V. Barklor
T. C. Byrne
William J. Coad
T.' J. nwyer -
J. R. Dwyer
Thomaa Flynn
John Latenaer
John Madden
B. MoDormott
M. R. Murphy
K. W. Naeh ,
Louie Naeh
Thnmaa F. Qulnlan
Adolph Stern
' H. a. Wlndhetm.
Blanche Duaan.
Myrtle Mutton,
alary Riley.
Paul Sutton, Jr.
Idary Duaan.
Alloa Dusdale.
Retina Groegen.
Marie Weieh, .
M altera
Jac Sutton.
Joe Sutton,
Wedding Announcements.
A quiet wedding took place at the
residence of Rev. George L. Peters
Wednesday evening. The contracting
parties were Mr. Zellet J. Wilkinson
and Miss Stella Eggers, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Eggers. Ac
companying the bridal party were
Mrs. D. R, Eggers and Harmon
gers, mother and brother of the bride,
, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Wilkinson, Mr.
Emerson Dawson and Miss Bernice
The man-tarn of Miss Ftnla Cm.
nedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
A. Kenciiy, to Mr. Thomas Ham,
solemnized in Papillion Tuesday
cy the Rev. Johannon. The young
Affairs of Past Week.
Mr. George-Walker gave-an Or-
pheum party to a group of the Cen
tral High school social tet Friday
afternoon. Ine following were pres
Mteaee Mlieee
Luolle Moody ' Dorothy Oermaln
Franeaa jonea Bllen uulnter
Alice Andereoa
Meeere. Meeere.
Albert Baokaa ' Kenneth Baker
Rex Beck Ooone Walker .
Arthur Paynter
A kitchen shower was given in
honor of Mist Marie Svacina. s bride
of next week, at her home Thursday
evening. Those present were:
Mlaeee- Mlaare
Marie Svacina, Alice Broi,
Anna KIIUa.ii. Lillian Bros,
Anna nine, nmma Hornlnf,
Marie Yrehout, Hermlne Stock,
Maria Riley. Alblna Hodek,
Anna Hlnrlk, Rose 8vaclna,
Marie Jlndra, Emma Svacina.
Mefldalrtce Meedernea
Rd Morlarty, Jamea Jaroeh,
Frank Slyer, J. Svacina.
A birthday surorise nartr was given
in honor of Mrs. N. J. Nunemaker
Monday evening. Ked. white and blue.
with American flags, were used in the
decorations. Mrs. Nunemaker as
sisted in planning the affair. Present
Meeera. and Ueodamee
Dan Oalnee, i Lawrence Frees,
A. M. Browar, Joee Freea,
Meedatnee Mearlaraoe
W. E. Huecho. W. B. Unwell.
F. T. Bweedman.
Mlea Kelher Wlndburs.
ut. ji. r. inurcn.
Meeere. . Meeere.
Ronald Feetherstone, Chrle Hall,
Jamea Dolby. Dick Freea.
Personal Mention.
Miss Lula Mae Coe. assistant
the dean of women at the University
ot - Nebraska, was called home be
:ause of the illness of her father, Mr.
m. i. uoe.
Mr. John A. McCreary, who has
been seriously ill for the last month
is gradually improving and hopes to
go nome soon.
A. J. Love, who has been at Oarlr.
son hospital with a broken knee can.
was moved to Loveland Farms last
Miss Laura Scott is confined to her
room at the Colonial as. the result of
a tall downstairs Tuesday.
. F. Arion Lewis, jr., left ihis week
to spend his summer working on his
utv.i,. m taiiii near ncuruil, icO.
Etot Piece of Furniture from
the Big Four-Story 12th Stmt
i Warehouao Mutt Co.
Largo aeeortmmt of high grids
2-inch Poat Bode, regular val
w from $8 to $12, ttC QQ
on silo bow, it. . . . J)OeOi7
Abo eloeing out ill the Ico
Boxes, Baby Buggies and Oil
Stoves, ote, it sacrifice prices.
i I! ;
s.ll A
Social Gossip,
Vfra. N. H. Tvson has gone for t
visit with her parents in Adei, la.
T. C. Peterson has gone to spend
two weekt at Excelsior Springs, mo.
Mr. H Rvan and daushter. Flor
ence, have gone to Dei Moinea for
two weeks.
Mrs. E. A. McGIasson and ton.
Carlton, leave next Friday for their
new home in Detroit
Mrt J. J. Roshone entertained the
Aufwiedersehn club at her home
tear Werlnpgrfav.
Vfra RraHfnrd Hilet left last
Thursday for Valentine, Neb., where
she will join tier nusDana to mam
an extensive trip.
Mr. rirar es Kosaker ot Benson and
Miss Clara Jensen of Omaha were
married last Wednesday.
A daughter was born to Mr. ana
rs. S. A. Davis last Thursday.
Mrs. J. W. Welch was hostess for
the Tri-City Birthday club at her
home Monday atternoon.
Mrs. James weimer ot ronteneiie,
Ta i a auest at the A. S. Ruth home,
Mr, l.rshe Moore was nosiess last
Wednesday for the One Dozen Ken-
aintrtnn club.- .
Mr. and Mrs.-E.. t. raaaocn. enter
tained tt tk card club Tuesday eve
nino 1 M
Mrs. Frartk.Riiter returned to heg
home in Ceiiterville, S. D., last week,
after s visit here with her parents.
The Women s Christian lemper-
anre Union is olanning for S parcel
Dost social to be given in the near
Mrs. Fred Kilker entertained Mon
day evening at her home, the guests
were: Misses Mabel Nelson, Betty
Hansen, Vera Marshall, Jessie Bellis,
and Pauline Sour wine; Mrs. rJrad'
ford Hilea and Mrs. Oscar Oleson.
The marriage of Miss Ruth farker
and Roy Jeffrey of Omaha, took
place at the home of the officiating
minister, Rev. A. J. McClung, Mon
day. The attendants were: Miss Irene
Parker and Earl Byara. Mr. and Mrs,
leffrev will be at home in Omaha. .
Mrs. J. S. Marshall entertained at
dinner Tuesday evening in honor of
her uncle,E. E. Fitch of the west.
The women . of the Methodist
church will hold in all-day May ba
zar in the basement next Friday.
A receotion will be held next Tues
dav at the home of Mrs. I. W. Welch
by the Woman's club, in hono.- of
Mrs. E. A. McGIasson, a member,
who leaves next Friday to join Mr,
Ejff .lb., ,,TT
f Sacrifice Furniture Sale
W awe forced to tall the balance of the $25,000 stock of high-grade
V Ob Sale ia Our Salesroom, Corner 14th and Dodge.
Follow the exampla of your frianda and neighbor and pur
chase from na during this big sale. They have saved money and
Sn can, too. The bargains we offer cannot be duplicated anywhere
Phone Donglaa 1317.
Corner 14th and Dodge,
Omaha, Nab.
Health Talks
1 jf
spend tne summer witn ner soi., ur.
. F. Anson and Mrs. Anson.
Mrs. L. B. trD nas gone easi on
an extended visit.
The Dundee Catholic circle met
Monday with Mrs. William Eck.
The Young People's Society Chris
tian Endeavor of the Dundee Presby
terian church met for a social evening
last Saturday at the home of Mary
The Women's Bible class of the
Dundee Presbyterian church met for
a business and social session Friday
afternoon with Mrs. Clara Maxwell
and Mrs. Jennie Fitchie, at the home
of Mrs. Maxwell.
Dr. H. B. Lemere spent Monday
and Tuesday in Lincoln, attending a
medical meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Slabaugh are
in their new home at 5015 Western
Miss Mercedes Caughlin entertained
at bridge Monday for Mrs. P. K.
Mr. and Mrt. J. C. Chadwick leave
soon for the east, to attend the wed
dinsr of their son John Chadwick, to
Miss Elizabeth Craig of Rosemonv,
The eighth grade B class of the
Dundee school gave a movie Wednes
day afternoon at the Dundee theater,
clearing a large sum for the Red
Cross. ....
Mrs. A. L. Corey ot St. faul, Nta.,
and Mrs. M. M. Thompson of New
York City are guests ot their sister,
Mrs. D. L Johnston.
The Thursday Morning Bible :la;s
meet this week with Miss Ellick, Forty-ninth
and California streets.
McGIasson in their new homein De-
The annual meeting of the Baptist
church was held last Wednesday at
the Odd Fellows hall. It was opened
with a 7 o'clock dinner, followed by a
few short talks by the pastor, Rev,
Thomas Anderson, and several lay
men. Miss Helen McGuire gave a
reading and Mr. Oliver sang a solo.
Mr. McCloud of Omaha was the
sneaker of the evening and gave a
very interesting and entertaining talk
on the history of the Baptist church.
These officers were elected tor tne en
suing year: Deacon, John Hamer;
trustees, J. 1 Pickard and E. Boyce;
clerk, L. r. fans; treasurer, jonn
Wallick: Sunday school superinten
dent, Benjamin Fletcher; chorister,
O. McGuire; pianist, Mrs. Kay Kobin
son; assistant pianist, Mrs. E. Boyce.
There were over 100 in attendance.
Society Notes
- Miss Elizabeth Burbank of Minne
apolis, was the guest last Saturday of
her cousin, Mrs. Mary t. van Lrieson.
Mrs. George Hoagland has gone to
San Francisco to meet Captain and
Mrt. David Stone and family. Captain
Stone has been assigned to duty at
San Diego.
Mrs. H. C Anson has returned from
a year's absence in California and will
school teacher, Mrs. John Tuttle, a
surprise party Saturday evening. The
evening was spent with games and
music, after which luncheon was
The Hillside Circle will have charge
Mrs. W. H. Putnam of St. Thomas,
Ontario, Canada, who has been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. L. D. Smith, left
tor her home the first of the week.
T. H. Earhart of Clarinda, la., has
been the guest of his brother, J. A.
Mrs. and Mrs. W. Beck have moved
to North Platte, Neb., where they
will make their home in the future,
Mr. Beck having opened up an archi
tect s office.
Wilfred Shaw has gone to Grafton,
Neb., to spend the summer on a farm
in the hopes of regaining his health.
Mrs. G. S. H.yden Thursday after
noon entertained the Ladies' Aid so
ciety of the Methodist church at her
Maynard Shaw has enlistee in the
cavalry and has gone to Fort Lc-n,
Colo. Me was a memner ot tne graou;
J. V. Shipley leaves the first of the
week for an auto trip through Ne
braska, on business and pleasure.
Mrs. G. A. Spencer has obtait ed
patent on a doll and has opened a
studio at their place north of town,
where a number of assistants ar al
ready employed. VT
i,,.k Hihn Broadwater. Neb.,
spent the first of the week in tlor
ence, visiting friends. While here
he purchased a carload of cattle for
his ranch. , ,
Luther Drexel, who recently suf
fered a broken wrist in a collision
with an automobile, has recovered suf-
ncieniiy 10 rcsuun; wui.
atmg class ot tne nign scnuui ii
year. He has been making his home
with Captain and Mrs. W. J. Brc tell.
Ardrew Nevey, road commissioner,
has been putting the roads north of
Florence in firtt class condition. He
cut down the high bank on the .o.
ner of the Calhoun road and Daven
port street, so that autoists can see
the approach of machines from the
north and east.
Social Items
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McKay and J.
K. Linkenfetter of Mitchell, S. D.,
tpent Sunday in Florence the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams.
James Nicholson returned aionoay
from Douglas, Wyo., where he filed
on a Homestead, ne ana nis lamny
will move there this fall. Mr. Nicnoi
son will spend the summer in Iowa
with his brother, while Mrs. Nichol
son will visit with relatives.
Joseph Roseboro, James Q. Bren
nemen, sr., C. E. Wall, James Bren
neman, x., and Douglas Myers spent
Sunday in Calhoun.
A number of the young folks are
getting up a paity to attend the dance
at Bennington Saturday evening,
of the services Mother's day, today,
at the Presbyterian church. Miss El'.a
Pickering, general secretary of the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion, will give the address.
The Rnsv Bees of the Florence
Christian church gave their Surday
1Z U -mP " Vmh W OSMOND
life i$i
-si- a- briars wiurii Shimon
yy'll a mm eaAiia
lwate YL HriKATat.
Now for the Diamond Engagement Ring and Wed
ding Presents. Buy on charge account at Loftis Bros.
& Co., where prices are always lowest.
1 1 SO Ear
Screws, 14k solid
gold, 2 fine bril
liant Diamonds.
Venr, t$90
special, at
$9 a Month
Men's Favorite
767 M II ' I
Rins. aix-prons
Tooth mount
ing. 14k eolid
!"...... 5
SI.S5 l Week
Economy lies in
pure hating a
Good Watch at
a low price.
Here's the Watch
21 Jewel, 16 Size
Hampden Witches that
will pus! railroad in
spection, only
$2.50 Mo.
An unparalleled bargain
in a 21-jewel movement.
Adjusted to temperature,
isochronfom and 6 posi
tions, 2 6 -year double
strata gold filled eat.
Open Daily till 9 P.M., Sal,
Call or write lor Catalog No. 903.
6i3 BROS" ca xs,
.till 9'.30 phon, Dom. 1444 and our eieeman will caU
Main Floor City National Bank Block.
409 S. 16th St., Cor. 16th and Hirnoy Sti,
Omaha. Opp. Burs;ois-Nash Co. Dipt. Storo.
f !' J!l .'IJJj
A perfect spins insures perfect
Dr. Burhorn can read your spine
as you would s book.
It Is from this analysis that he
ean and will locate the cause of
95 per cent of your ailments.
I do not treat the affects ot
your disease I adjust the cause
Nature does the rest
I want the chance to prove my
above statements.
Consultation free. No obligation.
Adjustmmts aro '91.00.
Outaido Calls aro 92.00.
Dr. Burhorn, Chiropractor
Car. tSth an Farnaei Sta.
Sulla 414-411 Reee Bids.
Float tXnif. S347.
Palmer School Graduate '
"Chlroaraette Fwmtala Head"
will redden your blood, in
crease your energy and
tone up your whole sys
tem. If your druggist
hasn't it, address '
Box 337, Omaha, Neb.
Perfect in color. Perfect
in cut. Absolutely blue
white. Weight guaranteed.
14 carat solid gold mount
ings. We will take these dia
mond ear screws in ex
change, at price you paid,
on larger stones.
Bros. Co.
16th and Douglas
'if J MS
This institution is the only ona
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
Prices Now, $1875 to $2475
After May 15, $1975 to $2575
Buy Now Save $100
On every hand you see costs rising of food, clothing, shoes, all
products. It is the same in the automobile field.
Labor costs, parts costs, raw material costs are all being forced
upwards. All automobiles one by one have announced higher
prices to cover these ascending building costs.
Foresighted contracts made at former prices have enabled us to
maintain the price of Detroit Electrics this long. Now we, too,
must raise in price.
There is only one other way. That is build an inferior Detroit
Electric. That we will not do.
To the automobile industry, as well as the motor car buying pub
lic, the name Detroit Electric for ten years, has stood for qual
ity, and that high quality will be maintained.
After May 15th you will have to pay $100 more" for the model
you want. But you will know it is a Detroit Electric in every de
tail of its construction. You can save a clear $100 if you place
your order before May J5th, and at the same time insure yourself
against the need of gasoline and lubricating oils, which are ad
vancing to a prohibitive figure.
Come in and have your demonstration today. Pick out the model
you want and you can figure you have saved a clear $100. Remem
berMay 15th the price advances $100. Act now!
Anderson Electric Car Co.
x Dirawt Factory Branch
E. M. BOTTOM, Manner
3814-16 Farnam Street
Phone Harney 800