The Omaha Sunday Bee FAST TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE 70 EIGHT PART TWO MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLVI NO. 48. ' OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13. 1917. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. News of the Week in Social Gircles : Activities 'in Women's Realm r I1 1 rg ' , il -.-- wwCMv5i-WS- fCS ICxI 1 111 fill 1 1 1 I 1 i Red Cross Work and Golf Links Make. Social AM OME call this ttie between-sea- Ssons time, others attribute the social dullness to Red Cross war relief work, but some just to golr. Uur desk calendar bears the picture of a little blond-haired, bare footed cherub blowing his pipes while two fleecy, lambkins frisk down the green hill. Above in the blue sky float big white clouds. Such a rest ful and refreshing scene the Country club presented Monday when the Omaha Woman's Golf association met for their -opening play of the season. The club house was practically de serted, but the velvety green links were dotted with spots of color. Even golfing has a bearing on the Red Cross now for all over the coun try there is talk of appropriating golf Out Doors Lures the Society Folks The call of the outdoors will not reach its full strength until all the country clubs have opened their doors for the summer. At a meeting this week it was decided that the Field club opening will be held the even ing of May 26, the same evening as the initial dinner-dance at Happy Hollow club, for which announce ments were issued last week. Sey mour Lake Country club has grown impatient, so that although the cafe will not be put in shape until later the members have gathered for one pre season dance this week and will en joy another on May 25. Carter Lake club is waiting for the water to pass above the freezing point before it gathers its happy family together again and will celebrate Decoration day with its first reunion. Two days later Seymour Lake club will inau gurate its season. June is to be marked by numerous outdoor fetes and benefits. Unitarian church members are hoping to bring Portia Swett back to Omaha to give the open-air fete in Joslyn gardens. If they are not able to do if they are planning with much foresight to cap ture the nimble dancer as she flits back to the east after closing her sum mer camp in the Rockies. Then they will give a glorious autumn festival among the reds and browns of au tumn's falling leaves. At least one June fete surely will be htld. This will be the All Saints' Sunday Seliool June fete at the home of Mrs. Will Hoagland, which is dated for June 2. Mrs. Franklin Shot well and her mother, Mrs. Lois Coch rane, are taking charge of the work and have arranged a delightful pro gram nf dances, drills and songs with the added novel feature of a mati nee dance in the house for the young people at the close of the outdoor fete. Everyone who is so fortunate as to be numbered among the friends of Mrs. Myron Learned is eagerly an ticipating the outdoor performance of her masque of country life the middle of June. The thought of this delightful form of drama presented in the open is sufficiently attractive of itself to draw interest, but this par ticular little play is sure to have em bodied in it some of the charm of the author's own personality. If Han sconi park is chosen (nr this Red Cross benefit it will lie full to over flowing with all of us Calendar a plank funds for Red Cross. At the Chicago Country clubs they are talking of turning prize money into Red Cross funds. In New York the women golfers are planning to give their tournament entrance fees to Red Cross treasurers and to cut down their prizes. Just what Omaha women will do along this line has not yet been decided. Mrs. Walter G. Silver is considering the matter and has pre sented several schemes to the mem brs of the association. ' Next to golfing the favorite pastime in society is afternoon tea. This is the only unadulterated form of en tertainment left to the hostess. Bridge parties have been coining dollars for good causes and will continue to do so for some time to come. " Dancing parties are excellent money-getters as Mrs. i nomas Latham Davis . will prove after her circle of All Saints' Parish Aid has given its dancing par ty Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dana C. Bradford Luncheon and dinners are altogether too expensive for benefit affairs, so the tea is the reallv satisfactory wav ot getting together socially. Mrs. John L. Kennedy s tea last Tuesday was a delightful affair. The euest of honor, little Mrs. E. Tohn Brandeis. "set the informal note by appearing in a simple dark costume with large hat and soft turs thrown carelessly around her shoulders. Many of the guests came in street attire from their vari ous centers of activity, so that no one' was confined to strictly afternoon dress. The hostess and Mrs. George Brandeis were two most charming figures in their light afternoon frocks. Tuesday seems a good day for tea, because this week Mrs. Charles D. Beaton, too, has taken Tuesday for her tea, in honor of Mrs. Wilson Austin of Pelham Manor, N. Y., who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrew, and for her mother, Mrs. E. A. Wurster of Milwaukee. Mrs. E. A. Wurster, jr., of Milwaukee is also expected to be in Omaha for the tea. One of the interesting events of the week will be the presentation on Tuesday evening of the prize plays of the Omaha Woman's Press club at the Blackstone. About 200 inter ested people will gather for the eve ning. Several dinner parties of Press club members and friends will be given at the hotel preceding the per formance. , Sojourners Return Home. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Allison and their daughter and son, Miss Grace and Charles, arrived home Friday from Asheville, N. C, where they spent several months. They will not remain long here, however, as they plan to go to Colorado or Wyoming for the summer. Mrs. W. II. Murray returned last Saturday from California, where she has been s,ince February. Mrs. Albert Swartzlander has re turned from Washington, where she spent part of the winter, having gone east in February. Mrs. John A. McShane, accom panied by her niece, Miss Blanche Burke, of Portland, Ore., will be home Wednesday from California, where she has been for two or three months. Mr. and Mrs. McShane went I to Texas the midfffe of lanuary. Mr. McShane is still there oil business. Social Calendar Monday Bridge for Mrs. P. K. Walsh, Miss Mercedes Caughlan, hostess. Luncheon at Blackstone for Mrs. F. V. Krug, Mesdames Fred Pearce and L, A, Gibson, host esses. Y. W. H. A., special meeting, Pax ton block club rooms, 8 p. m. Junior Bridge club, Miss Eugenie Patterson, hostess. Tuesday Dancing party by Mrs. T. L. Davis' division of All Saints' Parish Aid, at home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford. Tea for Mrs. Wilson Austin and Mrs. Erwin Wurster, Mrs. . Charles D. Beaton, hostess. Jones-Kindt wedding." Le Mars club dance at Keep's academy. Wednesday Dinner dance 'at Country club. Custer Trio club card party at Crounse hall. Peterson-Worley wedding. Informal chafing dish supper for Miss Nancy Haze, Miss Eliza beth Finley, hostess Thursday Original Cooking club, Mrs. Sam uel Burns, hostess. Prettiest Mile Woman's Golf club, opening field meet. Friday Elks' club musicale. Dinner and reception at Black stone given for senior nurses at Methodist hospital. Saturday Dinner dance at Country club. Tea given by Mrs. ArthurCullen. Dinner at Country club, given by Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake. Luncheon and shower for Miss Nancy Haze, Miss Alice Gideon, hostess. , As I -' " """ UfS Zeia WerxAev Vivid Sport Clothes Seen on the Links WHAT" will be worn on the golf links in Omaha this summer was just as definitely indi cated at the opening day on the Country club links Monday as the summer fashions set on the board walk at Atlantic . City on Easter Suday. The Bee photographer trained his camera on the riot of color and patterji at the first play of the sea son. Black and - white stripes, checks, plaids, jersey cloth and truly futi'rist floral designs were carried out in the snorts suits worn. The nattiest and newest of vividly colored sweaters vied with the trimmest of tailored cloth golf togs, all on the colorful green. Here are a few. Fore! Army Folks Known Here Mobilized For Duty at Various Army Stations M AJOR LEONARD WILD- MAN has been ordered from duly in Washington to Chi cago, relieving Colonel Sam. ucl Reber. Captain Alexander Maish has been ordered from Frankford arsenal, Phil adelphia, to Washington for duty with the chief of ordnance. 'Mrs. Maish was formerly Miss Pauline Bourke of this city. Harry McCormick went to New York Sunday to see his son, Scott, who . goes to the training camp at Plattsburgh in the officers' reserve corps this week. Major Robert L. Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton, formerly Miss Bess Her of this city, are stationed at Fort Crook, having been ordered there to relieve Major Frederick Krug, who goes to Washington, D. C, for duty the lat ter part of this month. Mrs. Krug and Miss Katherine Krug will go to Wyoming for the summer and join the major later in Washington. Lieutenant Stewart Bryant, U. S. N., cousin of Mrs. Harry Nott, for merly of this city, and brother of Miss Katherine Bryant, now Mrs. Warren Strong of St. Paul, has been on duty in Washington since his return from Constantinople with Ambassador Morgenthau last winter, and was one of the escort on board the Mayflower accompanying General Joffre from Hampton Roads to Washington. Captain Thomas L. Holland has been assigned to duty here as assist ant to Colonel Bingham, of the army quartermaster's depot. Daniel H. McCarthy, 21, son of Col onel Daniel E. McCarthy, chief of the quartermaster's, department in Chi cago, has begun training at Fort Sheridan for the cavalry division of the officers' reserve corps. Young Mr. McCarthy, well known in Omaha, has given up the business connection with his uncle, that he entered after graduating from Georgetown uni versity. Donald Kiplinger. son of 0. D. Kip Iinger, arrived Wednesday from Cul ver Military academy, where he has passed examinations fot-iirst lieuten ant. Jarvis OlTutt arrived home Thurs 2ay.fro,n Yalc a"d goes to Fort Snellmg with about twenty other Yale men from Iowa and Nebraska. They were all given leave from college with credit for the year's work. Manderson Lehr of Albion, Neb., sailed lasr Sunday from New York with a Beloit college unit of aiflbu lance drivers for France. Mr. Lehr is a namesake of the late C. V. Mander son of tins city, and a son of Mrs. Henry Lehr, who was a cousin of Mrs. Manderson and who has been here with Miss Elizabeth Black much of the time since Mrs. Manderson's death. Young Lehr was a football star at Beirut and prominent in all school ai-livitirs. Hugh Millard, son of Mr. and 'Mrs.1 Alfred Millard, was aboard the steam er Rochambeau which recently had such a narrow escape from a subma rine. Mr. Millard goes to join the American ambulance corps. Looming on Social Horizon. Miss Elizabeth Finley ill enter tain Miss Nancy Haze and'.the girls of her bridal party at an informal chafing dish supper Wednesday e,ven. ing. Miss Alice Gideon will give a luncheon and shower next Saturday in honor of "Miss Haze, whose mar riage to Victor Becklund takes place this month. The Le Mars club will give t dance at Keep's Dancing academy Tuesday evening. The Junior Bridge club will be entertained by Miss Eugenie Patter son on Monday. Mrs. H. S. Clarke, jr., entertains one of the Monday bridge-luncheon club May 21. Club members will be guests of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf at the Equal Franchise bridge party June 4. Mrs. Myion Learned's masque of country life will be presented for the benefit of the Red Cross Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16. at 4 o'clock. The place has not been chosen. All members of the cast will be chosen this week. Prettiest Mile Woman's Golf club will hold its opening field meet Thurs day at 2 p. m. at Miller park. The affair is in charge of the field com mittee. Come to Live In Omaha. Mcrton L. Corey, registrar and at torney for the federal land bank, who recently came here from Hastings, has bought a home at 1343 South Thirty-sixth street." W. W. Livermore of Nutley, N. J., arrived Wednesday to make Omaha his home. Mr. Livermore will live with Philip Chase at the Bransrbrd, the two young men having been roommates last winter in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hundley of St. Joseph. Mo., have come to Omaha to make their home and are at the Blackstone. They have a son, Mar vin, who has joined the reserve corps at Fort Snelling Social Gossip. Mrs. Frank Colpctzer plans to go to Chicago this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wilkins. Mrs. Coutant, who is her guest, will remain in Omaha during the absence of her sister, Mrs. Brinker, with whom she lives in Chicago and who expects to go to California on a trip with Mr. Brinker.- Mrs. Reba Morgan is in Lincoln to stay with her grandchildren while their parents, Mr. Proudfit, are at Ex celsior Springs. Frank M irsman went to California last week t j his fath'-r. E. M. Mors- man. who is still ill. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ' Mot small, jr., just' returned Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Atkisson an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Olive Myrtle, to Mr. Clarence Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Nelson. The marriage will take place June 4. Miss Dcl plia Nelson, sister of the bride groom, will be bridesmaid and Mr. Elgin Lindman, hit .cousin, best man. . Mr. and'Mrs. Henry Haze have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Nancy, to Mr. Victor Backlund, Tuesday evening, May 22', at 8 o'clock at the Jrirst United Presbvtenan churn, tr narry Macumber, the bride s sis ter, will be matron of honor and Miss Gertrude Thompson, maid of honor. Ribbons will be stretched by the following Tri-Delt sorority sisters of Miss Haze, the Misses Bernice Thomas, Katherine Cone, Alice Gideon and Ramona Troup of Lincoln,- and Miss Estelle Jensen and Miss Elvera Backlund -of Stromsburg. Little Ruth Macumber will be flower girl and Justina Frazier ring bearer. Mr. Harry De Lametre is the best man. Mr. John Chadwick. son of Mr. and Mrs James C. Chadwick of this city, is to be married on June 9 to Miss Elizabeth Craig, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Craig of Rosemont, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick will leave Thursday for New York to attend the wedding. Miss Craig is a Bryn Mawr girl and Mr. Chadwick a Cornell grad uate. The wedding is to be a quiet home affair, with only, relatives present. Among the latter will be Rear Admiral Chadwick, uncle of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. lames Chadwick will be east until Au gust, part of the time at their for mer home. Englewood, N.'J. . Another sou of Omaha to be married next month will be Mr. Everard Child, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowrie Childs, who is living in Philadelphia. He is to be mar ried on June 23 at Harrisburg, Pa., to Miss Helen Hammond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Ham mond of that city, granddaughter of forme.- Governor poter of Penn sylvania, and coutin of Vance Mc Cormick. The wedding will be a church affair, followed by a small reception. Mr. and Mrs. Childs ex pect to leave here about June 20 to attend the wedding. , Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien an nounce the engagement of-their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Charles Harrower. The wedding wil! take place June 14 at St. Cecilia's chnrch. Miss Clara O'Brien and Miss Mary Harrower will be the bride's attendants and Mr. Albert K. Bruiting and Mr. Robert Har rower. will attend the bridegroom. Mrs. William Monsky an nounces the engagement of her daughter, Bessie, to Mr. Arthur Katskee the wedding to take place in the near future. from there two weeks ago, and Rob ert Morsman has made three trips out to see his fatther. Mrs. George Brandeis and her sis ter, Mrs. Harry Bosworth of Chicago, left Saturday for French Lick Springs, Ind., for two weeks. Miss Caroline Dodge has gone east to spend the summer, part of the time in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tyler have taken her home in Council Bluffs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Coles, accom panied by Walter T. Page, left Thurs day evening for Charlottesville, Va., where Mr. and Mrs. Coles will visit Mr. Coles' brothers until his health is improved. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Welch are in Cleveland, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian D. Joyce. Mrs. Joyce has issued invitations for a luncheon at the Cleveland Country club in (Continued on Pago Two, Column Ocaft