Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 14

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CopTrifSt, 1817.
Adopted from the Western Picture Version Produced by Signal Film
Corporation end Featuring Helen Holmes.
A Gain for Us
A Gain for You
Because we are enabled to take advan
tage of the Cash Discounts in the purchase
of our stocks. It's an advantage we never
lose sight of.
Because in selling for cash all losses from
bad accounts and expenses of maintain
ing a credit department, are eliminated,
and prices are lowered accordingly.
The Overland Disaster.
If Wilson returned with his party
Jo Mountain Springs cherishing the
idea that his troubles were over, he
was greatly mistaken. An officer at
the station informed him of the rob
bery of his car; but as Wilson was
about to explode in anger his inform
ant added: "Burke ran down the
thieves and caught them."
Wilon found Burke upstairs. He
listened to the story of the rbbery
and congratulated his subordinate.
Desmond was standing by. And
through some obscure mental process
he reached as he listened, the conclu
sion that Burke was in all probability
a thief himself.
With the head of the operating de
partment involved in an intrigue to
wreck the road and a crook running,
" the claim department, the division
faced a hard time. Wilson now con
ferred with Desmond as to the quick
est mean of forcing enough stock
holders to part with their holdings to
give Wilson and his friends control of
the line. "And to give you a clear
field," said Wilson finally, "Frost will
go east with me You will take his
place as general superintendent.
Frost, of course, iiad no choice but
to acquiesce in the arrangement.
During this interval Tony Marshall
reported to Lowenstein. "Telephone
Burke," said he to the pawnbroker,
"that I got away." The boldness of
the Raiders in using the wires now
further enmeshed them. At the mo
ment the. call for Burke reached the
office, Wilson summoned him. Des
mond, passing Burke's desk took up
the telephone to answer. "Is it ;rou,
Burke?" asked Lowenstein.
"It is," answered Desmond.
"Tony got here all right." .
'Tony what Tony?"
Burke, listening to Desmond's talk,
Iiurried apprehensively toward him,
r1ord on Burke's wrist. Both were
powerful meit, but Desmond was too
quick. Lowenstein ducked into the
bullet proof safe at the back of the
room, and the next instant Burke's
arm was twisted behind him in a ham
merlock. As the gun dropped from
Burke's hand, Marshall sprang on
Desmond's back. But Desmond,
anticipating the move, stooped sud
denly, and Marshall spilled over hjs
shoulder to the floor like a piece of
jelly. Desmond then whipped out his
gun, rapped Burke over the head, and
covering Marshall, the handy superin
tendent stood master of the situation.
When Burke recovered conscious
ness, he still refused to surrender
leadership, and left the. room with
the open threat he would yet get even.
When he had gone, Desmond called
for an expression of views. "The first
thing to do," declared Marshall, "is to
get Masters out of ai." And on
learning the situation, Desmond
agreed this must be-tlone.
At Webb's home Helen was telling
her good news. "The capture of
Buck Masters," she exclaimed,
"means my father's release."
But Desmond was making ready to
release Masters. At the prison he
tried for an interview. Guards gave
him no chance to talk privately to
the prisoner and Desmond being a
stranger to Masters, the' two could
reach no understanding. Desmond,
not easily baffled, sat down at a table
before the grating, and taking a pen
cil from his pocket, began tapping in
an absent-minded way while he talked
to Masters. The latter caught the
idea and listened. Desmond, using
the telephone code, rapped: South
end jail nard 2:30; watch for rope."
Masters signified he understood,
and Desmond left.
At 2:30 that afternoon the pris
oners stood lined up in the jail yard
for inspection. Policemen and detec-
i jjj
took the telephone from his hand and
tared at him. Desmond smiled;
"Burke, we all talk alike; perhaps we
think alike." ;
Burke, ignoring the remark, spoke
sharply into the telephone himself.
Desmond turned to Helen Holmes:
"Is there anyone on our pay rolls
whose first name is Tony?" .
"I believe there ia. I'll see." Pick
ing up an employes' register, the
found Antony Marshall listed as
agent at Waynes.
"Has Waynes been robbed re
cently" asked Desmond further.
Helen took from her desk (he data
on the claim of the Remington com
pany for the stolen typewriters.
Desmond, now satisfied, walked
over to Wilson. "Burke is a crook,"
said he.
"Burke?" exclaimed Wilson. "Non
sense 1"
Desmond smiled. "Watch me," was
all he Said. Taking a pair of hand
cuffs from a drawer, he walked to
ward Burke, again sitting at his desk,
and reaching out unobserved, he
slipped one over Burke's wrist. At
the sudden touch of the steel, Burke
sprang to his feet
"What's this?" he demanded,
you take me for a crook?"
Desmond eyed him; the special
agent's face reddened under the cold
gaze. Desmond, uttering no word,
transfixed with his eyes the dishonest
officer and Burke, turning oale. nro.
tested, stammered and asked what he
" meant.
Never answering, Desmond unlock
ed tne nandcurt. lust an extra pair
I thought you misfit be able tn ue.
said he, laying the set in Burke's hand.
Burke hotly demanded explanations,
urn Desmond only returned to Wil
son, leaving the special agent to
wipe a cold sweat from his forehead.
vviison, nimseii now convinced, was
Jor discharging Burke instantly,
"Don't do it," said Desmond. "He
may oe just the man I need."
At noon Burke left thi nfr,i- fnr
lunch. Desmond followed him. The
1 special agent walked straight to Low-
enstein's and was admitted through
the back door. Inside, he found Mar
shall and Lowenstein and at once be
. gan abusing the pawnbroker for care
lessness in telephoning. Desmond, out
side, and listening to the noisy re
criminations, stepped back and threw
his full weight against the door. It
gave, and he broke into the room.
Burke, whirling, drew his gun and
covered the intruder. Desmond, with
a laugh pushed the gun away and
gazed at the three men. "You're a
nice outfit," said he, sitting coolly up
on the edge of the table. Burke was
very angry. "I(am general superin
tendent here now, continued Des
mond, and there 11 be no more loot
insr unless 1 sav no."
The three men looked at one an
other. "That puts my hand on the
table," continued Desmond insolently.
ieciare yourselves. Burke realized
that Wilson's representative was a
crook, but he stepped boldly forward;
"I'll be boss here or nothing."
Desmond scanned him unmoved. "I
guess." he said quietly, "you'll be
. It was a show-down. Burke shoved
his gun into Desmond's belt. As he
tried to pull the trigger. Desmond
v struck at the muzzle and his lingers
tives walked down the line to dis
cover, if possible, any professional
crooks. On the stone wall above this
motley group a guard in the sunshine
sat examining his rine. taking - a
long rope from the back seat, Mar
shall coiled Ht, and while Desmond
crouching behind the car with a small
mirror in his hand, flashed the sun
light into the guard's eyes, Marshall
flung his rope. It fell over the top
of the wall, the loose end dropping
inside the fan yard. Masters saw It.
and when the prisoners were on their
way back to their cells, he ran to the
wall, climbed the rope hand-over-hand
to the top, slid down the outside and
jumped into the tonneau. Marshall
threw a robe over mm. and the car
hurried away.
Helen, faithful to her devoted
father, had gone with Webb to the
penitentiary to see him. "As soon
as your double is brought to trial
sne said consolingly, "you will be
Masters was taken to Marshalls
quarters. Somewhat bewildered. Mas
ters began to thank Desmond. "Every-
Doay Knows you witn that mustache.
said Desmond coldly. "Shave it off."
turning to Marshall, he added
Keep away for a while from
Waynes.". He then handed him some
baggage checks. "Have duplicates
maae 01 tnese, ana you can get a new
outtu trom the baggageman.
Losing no time in preparing the
false checks, Marshall and Masters
presented them and got away with
trunk and two suitcases. But in these
thev found no c ot hes that would fit
And when the victims of the theft re
ported to the claim department, an
angry scene followed. Helen, hearing
the - complaint, telephoned Webb:
"This looks like Raiders' work," she
declared, explaining. Bring down
grip, and we may land more of thein
alongside Masters. Webb, losing no
time, started for the office.
Wlison was now about ready to go
east In feav thl fiM nmnnJ
He bade Roy good-by, and with Frost
boarded his special train. The train,
on a fast schedule, was descending the
hill east of Mountain Springs when a
wheel under Wilsons car gave way on
a curve. The car jumped the track
and rolled fortv feet down an embank
ment. -A hurry call sent by emergency
itikiiiiiiic 10 me springs orougnt a
wrecking crew, Desmond and Roy
with it. Under, the ar they found
vviison ana rrost: Doth were dead.
Boy ocnt over nisatlier. men, ris
ing, dazed, he perceived Desmond. H
clutched at Desmonds' arm and hid
his face against his shoulder. Des
mond was plainly uncomfortable. He
mutierea an attempt at consolation
loull be the road s next oresident.
he said at last. Shocked at the hrart
les.tness of the words. Roy drew back.
Desmond's eyes dropped. With a
shrug, he walked away, leaving Roy
n viiucrmg.
(End of Sixth Episode.)
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
10 success.
The Berg Clothing Co.';
1415 Farnam Street
Nearly $100,000 Worth of Beautiful Silks,
Bought for Spot Cash From the Leading Manufacturers, Will Be Sold for
Spot Cash, Beginning Monday, May . 14th.
At Fully xh Less Than Regular Prices
10,000 Yards of Imported French All-Silk Georgettes
Regular $1.75 Yard Quality, in a splendid line of the most desirable
colors, 40 inches wide. Spot cash secured us this entire line of a promi
nent importer, at a big discount. Our Cash price to you in this sale. ...
$2.50 Dress Silks, at $1.48
$2.50 to $4.00 SPORT SILK,
at $1.98 and $2.50.
150 yards of high-class Sport Silks in a variety
of weaves. Plain and Satin Striped Rookie Suits.
Handsome printed Fairways, Sportussah, Tussore
Silk, Imported Pongee Suiting, 72-inch Jersey Silks,
64-fnch Striped Jersey Suit- d 1 QQ tO CA
ings, etc., cash price P 1 VOf J.OvJ
100 pieces of Novelty and Sport' Striped Taffetas,
smart plaids and checks, 40-inch Satin Striped Tub
Crepes, printed and plain French Radiums, Paisley
Printed Crepe de Chines, Satin Striped Crepe de
Chines and Radiums, etc., worth up to 1 AO
$2.50 yard, cash price, yard.
$1.50 Dress Silks, at 85c
2,000 yards of plain and fancy Dress
Silks, including 86-inch Chiffon Taf
fetas, 36-inch Satin Mescalines, 86-inch
Striped Satins, 36-inch Sport Silk
Failles,. 27-inch Color Pongees, 27-inch
Novelty Louisiennes, checks and stripes,
27-inch Print Taffetas, worth OCr
hp to $1.60, cash price, yard. . . OOC
$1.00 Fancy Silks, at 55c
75 pieces of new Spring Silk in a va
t riety of weaves and colors, Cheney's
'All-Silk Foulards, 27-inch Chiffon
Taffetas, All-Silk Moire, 27-inch In
dia Silks, 27-inch Messalines, Novelty
Satin Messalines, worth up to Pr .
$1.00 yard, cash price, yard. . OOC
$1.00 All-Silk Pongees, 48c
100 pieces of imported Shantung Pon
gees in the natural tan and bamboo,
shades, the ideal summer Silk. This
is the 33-inch width, and worth to
day $1.00 a yard, cash AQ.t
price, yard Ol
" I r '
75c Liberty Satin, at 35c
1,500 yards of 24-inch Liberty Satin in
a good line of colors, black and white;
Checked Silk Poplins, Satin Messalines,
27-inch Color Japanese Silks, 27-inch
White Japanese Silks, Novelty Printed
Poplins, worth up to 75c yard,
cash, price, yard
May Sale
Wool Dress
$3.00 Wool Goods, $1.50 Yd.
15 pieces of 56-in. Handsome
' Sport All Wool Suitings, In
the latest colorings; just
what you want for a sum
mer suit Regular price $3.
Cash price, per yar. .$1.50
$1.50 Fancy Suitinfi, at $1
15 pieces of Silk Stripe Suit
ings and Fancy Oatmeal
Cloths, in Pekin Stripes and
the latest spring colors; reg
ular price $1.50 yd. Cash
price, per yard $1.00
fl.00 Sport Strip Mohairs,
50c Yard
20 pieces of new Sport .
Stripe Mohairs, in medium
and light shades; nothing
better for summer wear.
Regular price, $1.00 yard.
1 Cash price, per yard... 50a
' Specials in
A special
line of fan
cy Collars,
worth up to
75c, Cash
price .45i
O r g a ndie
and Geor
gette Col
lars, were
$1.5(1, Cash
price . $1.00
A dandy
line of Col
lars, were
25c, Cash price. . . .17c
Fancy Jabots, were
$2.25, Cash price, $1.75
Fancy Jabots, were
$1.50, Cash price $1.00
A special in all Linen
Handkerchiefs; Cash
price ... ...7e
Men's and ladies' all
linen, in fancy corner,
Handkerchiefs, Cash
price ISc
A very good line of
Handkerchiefs, Cash
price 3Vc
Fancy Drape Veils,
were 75c, Cash pricev
at ,49c
Chiffon Veils, in all col
ors, were $2.00, Cash
price $1.49
Fancy Veiling by t the
yard; were 50c, Cash
price, yard 35c
A Wonderful Showing of Fine SuitsjfcQ
Made to sell at $50, $55 and $60; nearly all are makers' samples and Isssfei
only one of a kind. We secured a great bargain for cash and offer ft J Jr
you the benefit in price. Cash sale price, choice ,
-Elegant new designs in the most desirable fabrics and colors. Poiret Twills, fine Wool
Jerseys, beautiful New Silks and choice Summer Suitings, in all popular shades, includ
ing a fine line of blues. s .
Hundreds of the dainty new styles in fine Ging
hams, Voiles, Tissues, Crepes and Linens. Re
markable assortments and values, at our opening
Cash Prices
$7:50, $10, $12.50, S15 and $19.50
Hundreds of classy Skirts in pretty Silk Taffetas,
plain colors and choice Novelties, in sizes to fit all.
Great values at our Cash price -86.95
In fine Satins', Taffetas, La Jerz Silks, Silk Jer
seys, etc., in the season's newest modes and color
ings. Exceptional values shown at-our Cash prices.
See them Monday
$19.50. S25.00. S29.50 up to $59.00
$15.00 SILK DRESS SKIRTS, $10.00
Fine Silk Skirts, in big assortment of choice Silks,
plain colors, Novelty plaids, checks and stripes.
All sizes and a wide range of colors; our Cash
Price 810.00
In Jap Silks, Crepe de Chine and Habutai Silks,
Made to sell at $8.00 and $9.00. Charming designs
in an colors ana sizes. Our Cash price, for Mon
V" 90.VO
that sell regularly to $3; our Cash price, $1.98
During May, June and July, at a very moderate cost, we offer expert service at
a very big saving in price. 4th Floor.
aaaaaawa "VViViiVWiVWVWuVuViruViAAfuWl
May Sale of.
Wash Dress Fabrics
Our May Sale of Fabrics (wash
able) opens with a wonderful
collection of the very newest
weaves, colors, novelties, staples
adaptable to every requirement
where cotton or silk and cotton
is featured.
Dress, Waist, Skirting, Suiting
and Trimming Materials.
Plain Voiles. We feature the
very best quality, 40 inches
wide, in every new shade, at,
Cash price, yard 50
Printed Voile. The quality and
beauty of design and colorings
of the Reception brand (40
inch), is fuljy attested by its
popularity. Cash price, yd, 29
Satin Stripe Voiles. Plain colors
also white grounds with tinted
satin stripes, wonderfully rich
in effect; all 40 inches wide,
light and dark shades. Cash
price, yard 89
Cross Stripe Voiles. Sheer and
crisp, dainty designs, transpar
ent fabric with stripe forming
Bayadere effects. Cash price,
the yard 59d
Skirting,,. Plain Colors. Splen
did quality Herringbone weave,
gaberdine; all the best colors;
(36-inch fabric); Cash price,
yard ..' 35
Sport Suitings, ' Taucolor
grounds or. white; every new
figure in original color combi
nation; (36 inches wide), Cash
price, yard 29
Windsor Pliise Crepe. The orig
inal fine quality, printed in ail
the dainty buds, lover's knot
and small figures. Cash price,
yard .'. .19
We make your wall paper bill small. Years of quality giving meth
ods have built an enormous' wall paper business. Our big output, Cash
buying, gives us a purchasing power that enables ub to quote low prices
and justifies us in carrying an immense assortment '
50 patterns, of printed Oatmeals, Two-tones, Grass Cloths, Tekkas and
Tiffany blends. These are new, up-to-date, with nice cut-out borders.
Regular price 60c -per roll, at this sale only, per roll 21 6
Genuine Plain Imported Max Welton, non-fading papers. Regular price
60c per roll. For this sale, per roll VQ6
Pretty cut-out borders to match.
100 patterns of the nicest bedroom papers in the city, with nice cut
out borders; regular price, 25c; per roll 7
10,000 rolls of regular 12Hc papers, suitable for any room in the house,
on sale, at, per roll .IVi:
W$ carry all brands of wall paper cleaners 3 cans for. ....... .25
Cash Specials in
Drugs and Toilet -Goods
25c Johnson's Talcum, our
Cash price 14c
50c Sempre Giovine, our
Cash price 30c
25c Saniflush, our Cash
price 16c
10c Peroxide Soap, our Cash
price 7c
1-lb. Epsom Salts, our Cash
price . , 9c
Horlick's Malted Milk, hospital
sue, our Cash price $2.7Sy
Nearly Every
Woman Wants a
Don't You?
Gormantown Zephyr, 4 fold, our
cash price, Bkein 23c
German town Zephyr. 8 fold, our
cash price, skeip 23c
Saxony Yarns and Shetland FIom,
cash price, skein 19c
A. A. Knlttinf Yarn cash price,
kein, at 69c
Spanish Knlttinf Yarn, cash price,
skein, at f 35c "
Vicuna, the new aweater yarn
cash price, ball.... 43c
Buying and Selling for Cash En
ables Us to Make These
Low Prices.
SUGAR ....'.$1.00
9 hart Diamond C Soap X8c
4 pounds choice Japan Rice 25c
8 pounds Ft icy Japan Rice 25c
E. C. Corn Flakes, package 7Vic
XiWounce jars Peach Pretervea soc
2 fi -ounce jars Pure Strained Honey.. 30c
Ripe Olives, per can loc
16 -ounce caas Condensed Milk..,..12c
OU Sardines, per can , 6c
Baker's Cocoanut, per can loc
Dried California Grapes, pound 7 Vic
t-lb. pkg. Diamond H Pancake Flour. I Oc
Jello, package Oc
La Franc Laundry Tablet and Satin
Starch, package , sc
Pork and Beans, per can ..15c
Cleaned Currants, per pound 22c
Muscatel Cooking Raisins, pound... 12Vc
California Seedless Rafsins, pound , . 12V,c
Choice California Prunes, pound. ,. 12i,c
Seedrd Raisins, package. . . . f .
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb 20c
Fancy Maracaibo Blend Coffee, lb. . .25c
Ankola Blend Coffee, lb 30c
The Best Tea .Sittings, pound 15c
Choice BaikctFJred or Uncolored Japan
Tea, per pound 35c
Choice English Breakfast or Gunpowder
Tea, per pound. 80c
The Best Full Cream, Young America,
Wisconsin Cream or Brick Cheese, per
pound , 30c
Best Creamery Butter, per pound. . . .44c
Fancy No, 1 Country Creamery Butter.
bulk, per pound 42c
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, pound.,.. 35c
IB pounds Best CoVking Potatoes to the
P 75e
S heads Freah ?,eaf. Lettuce 10c
Fancy Head Lettuce 5c, 7 Vie
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb...l2Vic
Fancy Fresh PeaB, quart 7 Vie
Fresh Cauliflower, pound 12 Vic
Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per
bunch , 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, pound 12Vac
Iarge Cucumbers, each 10c, 12 Vic
New Potatoes, pound 8 Vic
Freah Parsley, bunch 8Vc
Home-Grown Oniops, 8 bunches 5c
They will be higher in a few days.
This is Extra Fancy Fruit. Nothing
finer or cheaper.
SO sixe. each 12'ic, dm., 91.45
24 sise, each 15c, dos., $1.75
t-er case . .
Summer Housefurnishing Needs
Greatly Underpriced
White Mountain Refrigerator,
white lined oak case, 100 Its.
capacity. Our cash price. .$23.50
Galvanized lined, 50 lbs. capacity,
Our Cash price $14.75
Green finish screen doors, our
Cash price '.$1.39
Hardwood oil screen door, our
Cash price $1.69
Adjustable window screens, our
M -inch ' garden
price, foot . . . .
-inch garden
price, foot . . . .
hose, our
hose, our
, ..9c
Hose nozzles, our Cash price, ,39c
No. 8 copper bottom wash boiler,
our Cash price . . . $1.98
17-quart granite dish pans, our
Cash price 39c
6-quart Berlin kettles, our Cash
price 39c
Carpet beaters, our Cash pricje . 10c
1 , . , , it Pays TOY MYDEN'S FIRST It Pays , , '