Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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10 A
U-Boat Warfare Outs Off Sup
plies and Government Adopts
Strict System.
Omaha University Lads Respond
To Call of the Rifle and the Hoe
Both Cities Anxious to Be Host
to Congress Which Eventu
ally Must Assemble.
Deputation Arrives in Holland
and Beveals Japanese Plan
for Selfish Interest.
Lady Irene Denison, only daughter of the vastly wealthy earl
of Londesborough, whose engagement to Prince Alexander of
Battenberg is just announced in England. Prince Alexander
is a brother of the queen of Spain. Although the Battenbergs
were originally a German house, they have resided in England
so long that they are now generally regarded as English.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
The Hague, Netherlands, April 30
A deputation of natives from the
Dutch East Indies waiting on the
queen of Holland to represent the
necessity of a more adequate defense
of their country was an unusual inci
dent recently witnessed at the royal
A deputation of five natives and
two Europeans made the long passage
from Java to the mother country to
lay before her majesty, her ministers
and Parliament the text of a resolu
tion on this subject passed at big
popular demonstrations at Batavia,
Sourabaya and numerous other cen
ters. The leader of the deputation sug
gests that a sum equivalent to $400,
000,000 should be borrowed, half by
Holland and half by the East Indies,
out of which the former should pay
for the building of eight armored
cruisers, while the latter would see to
the equipment of the required naval
base, the supply of submarines, tor
pedo destroyers, mine layers, coastal
defense and the organization of a
militia with officers' training colleges
nd munition fartories.
Abdul Muis, the representative of
the Sarekat Islam, brought definite
demands formulated by those whose
envoy he is. He said in substance:
"We are ready to co-operate in form
ing a native militia to defend our
country against Japan, whose domina
tion wntiA h far mnre undesirable
than that of Holland: but in itturn
you must introduce drastic reforms,
social, economic and political, and
make Dutch India a state ruled in the
interests of and by the natives, under
Holland's leadership.'
"If the Indian supports the Hol
lander, this is purely for his own na
tive interest," declared Abdul Muis
to an interviewer. "The great danger
lies in Japanese domination. Even
during this war, it seems, the Japan
ese government entertained certain
plans in respect of the Netherlands
East Indies, and only the intervention
of the United States and Great Brit
ain prevented their realization."
New Painting by Raphael
Is Found in London
(Correspondent of Ths Associated Press.)
London. April 25. A painting by
Raphael has just been brought to
light in London. A few months ago
a London picture dealer bought in a
salesroom a copy of the picture in the
Uffizi Galleria of Florence, known as
Raphael's "Madonna of the Well."
For a. Ions' time oast it has been
known that this Fbrence picture was
not actually by Raphael, but a copy
of a picture presumably lost.
The London dea!er sold his "copy
of a copy" for a modest sum to one
of bis clients, s well known collector
of early Italian art It was entrusted
to an expert for 'cleaning, and the
cleaning off of some apparently su
perfluous paint revealed the existence
of another picture underneath, and
actually of the same subject When
all the top paint was taken off there
was revealed a remarkable piece of
work, which was immediately pro
nounced by experts the unmistakable
work of Raphael; in fact, the picture
from which the Florence copy was
. It is less finished than most of
Raphael's work, which is probably the
reason why someone "improved" it a
; century later by repainting the whole
canvas, but it is declared to be In the
same style as his famous "Visitation"
in the Madrid gallery. Its history
' cannot be traced back more than fif
ty veirs. when it was brought from
South America, where it had prob
ably been originally taken from spam,
The oresent owner has no intention
of selling the work but it will shortly
be placed as a loan exhibit in one of
the London miblic galleries, its mar
ket value would probably exceed
New Loan for Holland
Forecasted by Minister
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
The Hague. Netherlands, April 30.
A new loan of $200,000,000 is fore
shadowed by the minister of finance,
Marie Willem Frederik Treub, half of
which is to be used for the conversion
of the first war loan of 1914, which
amounted to $110,000,000. Bondhold
era of the latter issue participating in
the new loan will receive a bonus.
Such a conversion operation, which
cannot actually take place before Jan
uary 1 next, will mean a substantial
economy in interest, in consequence
of the easier money market now ob-
taining. The first war loan bore 5 per
cent interest, and the last 4 per cent.
The minister proposes to reserve
, the revenue of new taxes for pros
pective social legislation and to find
the means for loan redemption by
making life and fire insurance a state
monopoly. He is opposed to a tobacco
or alcohol monopoly.
Armored Cars on Mexican
Trains Carry Machine Guns
' (Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Chihuahua City, Mexico, April 28.
Armored cars are now being at
tached to all passenger trains operat
ing between here and the border at
Juarez. These cars are converted
from steel gondola cars, which were
made in the United States and sent
to Mexico with shipments of coal for
the mines and railroads. At the Mexi-
can Central shops here, drills are used
. to cut small square port holes along
' eacn side ot these cars, leaving the
top side of the square uncut in order
that the metal may be bent outward
forming a lip or shield tor the eun
ner who pokes his rifle through the
Machine guns are often mounted
on blocks of wood with their muzzles
protruding from these holes and are
manned by de facto gunners hiding
behind these improvised breast
works. Steel rails are bolted to the
top of the cars in order to give ad.
ditional protection to the men operat
ing the rfles and machine guns.
i I ",ii'. e- j i ( I
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Gossip After the German
!. Minister Leaves China
(Correspondences' The Associated I'ress.)
Peking, March 26. Before leaving
Peking with the German legation staff
the German minister, Admiral von
Hintze, issued 'a farewell message to
the Germans in China, which has been
widely commented upon by both Chi
nese and foreign newspapers.
Admiral von Hintze came to the
orient shortly after the beginning of
the war on a Norwegian ship, un
heralded and unannounced. After his
arrival in Peking he made himself
known to trie foreign office and the
story of his trip to. China became
known. He was German minister in
Mexico previous to assuming the Chi
nese post. In his farewell message he
"May the Almighty God, on whose
altar we place the laurels of our vic
tories, and from whose bosom we
create new strength and presever-
ance, take all the Germans in China
under his protection.
Baron Maltzeii, the councillor of
the German legation, his wife,
Baroness Maltzen, M. Krebs, the
Chinese secretary of the legation, and
his wife and daughters are accom
panying the minister. Only minor
members of the legation staff are per
mitted to remain to assist the Dutch
minister in handling German affairs.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To Success.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
The Hague, Netherlands, May 3.
Nearly all Holland has been put on a"
system of government rations because
of the virtual stopping of grain im
ports from America as a result of the
ruthless submarine warfare and the
poor crops of potatoes and other vege
tables. The entente allies had long
since put in use a system of ration
ing the Hollanders in the matter of
grain imports, but now the halt in the
movement of all shipping- has caused
a virtual cessation of all imports.
A bread card system had been in ef
fect since February. Under the new
plan pptato and rye flour is mixed
with American flour, effecting an
economy ormore than 50 per cent in
the consumption of wheat. Owing to
a shortage of the stocks of potatoes
the allowance has been reduced and
potatoless days have been established.
The monthly ration of peas and beans
to each person amounts to a little
more than one pound.
Everything ft Controlled.
The other prime necessities of life
that are under direct government con
trol are being distributed to each
community according to the number
of its inhabitants, the local authorities
then dividing the supplies among the
Holland is beginning to follow the
example of Germany in establishing
central kitchens. The principal one
thus far put in operation is at Rot
terdam. It provides about a quart
of warm food for a sum equal to four
American cents. When prepared the
food is rapidly transported to seven
teen parts of the city, where distri
bution is made.
Food and hunger demonstrations
occur occasionally. In these social
ists are active in bringing the needs
of the people to the attention of the
government officials.
'Too Rich Cream.
"To Illustrate the uses of advertisements,"
says a well-known theatrical manager,
"there Is one experience X had of which X
often think.
"I was drlvlnr when I came to a farm
where there was a meadow to let. The owner
of this farm would have niade-a good adver
tising manager, for the btg poster announc
ing that the meadow was to let was worded
as follows:
" 'This field to let, seventeen acres, for
graslng. Persona having old cattle, or cat
tle with strong appetites, had better be cau
tious In turning them out to graze here, as
my grass Is so rich that It would be liable
to Injure them for the first week or so.' "
Philadelphia Ledger.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To Success.
These students of the University of
Omaha prepared to leave school for
the farm or the army as soon as the
faculty decided to let the boys go
with credit. Some of them have gone
already and the rest will leave within
the next week.
Perry Allcrton, jr., has left for Cen
tral City, where he will spend the
summer doing general farming. Hu
ge nt Simni.Mis will leave Tuesday for
Eden, Mont., to do ranch work. Edgar
Ernst, a senior, leaves this week for
Springfield, 111. He will be on a truck
farm. William Roberts has already
left for a large dairy farm. Others
not in the picture who have gone to
the farms are I. Cohan, Roderick
Hoover and William Botts.
Roads Neglected While the
Men Are Fighting at Front
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
London, April 26. In consequence
of the depletion of labor and increased
traffic in the munition areas, road
deteroriation is becoming very pro
nounced, and there will be work for
thousands of returned soldiers aftef
the war, before the surfaces will be
returned to their former states.
The Berg Clothing Co.'s
1415 Farnam Street
Famous Hill-Climb of
In a hundred cities Hudson
dealers have won the local rec
ords with the Super-Six.
Not in America only. In sev
eral countries Super-Sixes have
won the hilf-climbing records. ,
But the Pike's Peak climb
last September was the world's
supreme test. There twenty
great cars, all specially built,
met for a race to "the top of
the world." The Hudson Super
Six Special made the best time
of all.
What They Drove
The Super-Six, remember, is
a small, light Six. It doesn't
win by size. It won these tests
just as it won all other worth
while records by endurance.
This invention patented by
Hudson has minimized motor
friction. It thus added 80 per
cent to the motor's efficiency.
It nearly doubled the motor's
You don't care to climb
Pike'a Peak at the speed the
Super-Six showed it could do.
You don't care to go 102 miles
per hour, as a Super-Six stock
chassis has done. Or 1819 miles
in 24 hours, also with a stock
chassis. ,
But you.want the car! which
holds those records, if you buy
a great car. Not because they
prove capacity, but because
they prove endurance prove
that no service you will ever
demand will equal its capacity.
All-Round Ruler
But the Hudson is now more
than monarch in performance.
It is fully as distinctive in style
and beauty this year, in finish,
in equipment and in luxury. It
has a new gasoline saver, in the
form of radiator shutters,
which, through controlling the
heat of the motor in part, over
comes the disadvantages and
waste of the present poor grade
of gasoline. It has a patent
pneumatic carburetor, exclu
sively Hudson, self-adjusting to '
evey engine speed.
In whatever you prize most
performance, style, beauty
or economy you will find the
Hudson leader. That's why it
leads all other front-rank cars
in sales.
The New Speedster is here
2563-65-67 Farnam St.,
Open Evenings Until Nine.
Phone Douglas 1970.
John Je.ikins, son of President Jen
kins of the university, vill soon ioin
the engineering corps. Alexander
Crawford ,vill go with him. The onlv
other young man of the school to
enlist m the army work was Wilfred
Muir. He has joined the Fourth Kan
sas cavalry.
Two of the students are going to in
crease the meat production of the
country by raising chickens. Mike
Lipp has chosen a farm in Iowa for
the purpose, while James Smith is
going to use several lots in Benson.
(Correspondence of The AssoelatHd Pxees.)
The Hague, Netherlands, April 24.
Where will the eventual peace con
gress be held, at Berne or The Hague?
The question has recently formed
the subject of public discussion in
the Netherlands, where it is natur
ally hoped that the latter city will
be fixed on for that purpose. That
the choice will lie between these two
there is considered here little reason
to doubt. Either city would form
a convenient center so far as its sit
uation is concerned, but the presence
of the Peace Palace in Holland's dip
lomatic capital, and The Hague's gen
eral reputation as the scene of the
peace conference, give it, it is claimed,
an advantage over its assumed rival.
Holland has a great interest in the
choice falling on The Hague, for that
is about the only chance of her se
curing a voice in the weighty confer
ences that will fix Europe's destinies.
As questions will inevitably arise at
the peace congress vitally affecting
the nation which holds the mouths
of three northern Europe's great wa
terwaysthe Rhine, the Meuse and
the Scheldt the sitting of such s con
gress at The Hague might prove of
the greatest importance to Holaid,
quite apart fromvthe welcome inter
national pestige which necessarily
would accrue to the state within
whose borders it is held.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To Success. '
S'ii PANOR'S ?S"S'S&'Si W
' -' 1 . -, ,
J amain ill i n i I iiiiiiiiliwi mm mnm nun 11 iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiu i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiMM I niiiiB! iiiiiiiiiniHiin mini mmm c
I INI i..: . n V W v. i HI a?
1 7 . If V
Phaeton, 7-pssenger.$1650
Cabriolet, 3-passenger. 1950
Touring Sedan....... 217S
til Limousine 2925
l Limousine Landaulet.. 3025
a UWII VI . . i7U
Town Car Landaulet. . 3025
1 (All Prices f. o. b. Detroit)
1 W
New Underselling Store
Announces Extra Low Prices
For Monday and Tuesday
Pumps and Boots
Many stylos to choose from; straps,
cross bars and smart plain straps
with street soles and flJQ A C
leather Louis heels. . .
White soap kid, with smart high
front. Hand turned soles aqft white
kid covered Louis XV.
2-inch, heels JttJ
Smart black kid colonial. The new
square tongue mode.1 with large
1 1 1 M- nralfaJ onl
lem-uei UUllliC, nuit auu 4C
Louis XV. 2-inch C QCL'
The English sport pump of soft
black c&l with the new slightly
higher heel and per
forated vamp
Lily white lub leather, 8 M -inch tops
and white leather covered d C Q C
heels light street soles. . .POe7J
Gray kid, also ivory slid, with the new
boot cloth topping. Classy novelty
pattern, with kid cov- d'T QC
troA T.nnia hftela P
White reinskin (genuine), soft glove
fitting fabric. White covered Louis
2-inch heels and 8 -inch QC
tops, at iPT.7fJ
Delicate gray, also ivory. Light
shades of shoe soap kid with
Louis XV. covered heels and
light street soles. Also in the
new mustard Q gg
color ...
Genuine S u p e rior
white shoe soap kid
with high kid cover
ed Louis heels and
light street soles
- vrr
J Order
Walking Boots
Dull celf, street soles. Just the
for college and high school girli
Same in white Queen's Q
Blacktkid, white fabric topping,
street soles and new higher English
walking heels,
at -
White Queen's doth, soft end
white enameled soles and heels
semi-Cuban walking Ati
itvle p'Tsriaj
Smart brown calf with per
forated vamp pattern. Brown
leather tnghsh heels and
street soles,
ho. w-
- u IV r. r
M lit! I V
ei.r. rs BK.
of j-mjtj&i e r
till 10 p.m.
Shoe Company
O ltVsnsiieeSkU(UtsnsG