7 Tew THE WEATHER ' Fair The Omahanday Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOURTEEN VOL. XLVI NO. 48. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING,' MAY 13, 1917 FOUR SECTI ONS FORTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. RITISH TROOPS TAKE BULLECOURT; CHICAGO GRAIN WILD. SPITE OF BAN MAY WHEAT PRICE PUT AT $3.1 S BY CHICAGO BOARD Action Partly Protects Shorts Who Oversold Stock Sight by Many Mil lion Bushels. in BULLETIN. Chicago, May 12. The most sensational advance in the history of the present crop, if not in history, marked the trade' in wheat today when net gains rang ing from 27 to 32 cents were scored in the July and September options. July wheat closed yesterday at $2.46; today it closed at $2.73 to $2.75. September which closed the previous session at $2.14, closed with bids ranging from $2.44 to $2.46. Chicago, Hay 12. The decision of the Board of Trade of Chicago to terminate trading in May wheat and the fixing of the prices of that option at $3.18 by a committee which met this morning had practically no ef fect on speculation. For weeks new business in May wheat had been comparatively slight and what there was simply accrued to the more distant futures, when trad ing was resumed today and after hesi tating at the opening with prices lightly tinder yesterday's close, July wheat shot up 15 cents and Septem ber H'j cents from the early bottom. Partly Saves Shorts. The action of the board in no way applied to these options and trading in them was active and feverish. July sold to $2.61 and September to $2.28!4. In effect the fixing of the May price was to save shorts from further losses and to prevent the longs, among them representatives of the allied govern ments, from obtaining further profits. The settlement price, however, per mits of handsome gains on wheat bought even two weeks ago. The resjlutions of the board refers to the actim of the directors as a "patriotic duty" and remarks that further trading in May wheat might "unduly stimulate prices."' There was no promise in the resolutions that the situation would not be repeated in July, or even September. 1 Text of Resolutions, The resolutions adopted by the board read. "There is comparatively little wheat in Chicago or territory contributary thereto and available for delivery on May contracts." This statement was said to have stimulated home buying. The opera tions of agents for the allies was not referred to as "speculation," as they are known to have been buying fu tures, with the idea of taking the actual grain when delivery day ar rived, but the subject is mentioned in the preamble in the following words: "Represertatives of foreign gov ernments, millers and others are now trading upon the exchange in wheat for May delivery." Those with My contracts are no tified to close them by May 16. If not closed '.he board wil' assume that the actua! wheat is ready for deliv ery. Failure in such cases, to deliver, will constitute a grave offense against the board nd will be penalized as such, according to the resolutions. There are in Chicago public eleva tors 219,000 bushels of wheat of the grade required for delivery on con tracts, A rough estimate places the amount contracted for at perhaps a hundred times that quantity. Thus, had not the board intervened, prob ably 99 per cent of the contracts would had to have been settled at any price, even $10 a bushel demanded by the holders of the contracts, in trade parlance k.iown as "longs." They held the .sellers, or "shorts," abso lutely at their mercy. The situation differed from a cor ner in that the holders were scattered, whereas iii a manipulated corner, the supply is congested in the hands of an individual, or a "group of specu lators acting as one man. J Allies Make Profits. As a mat'.er of fact.JJie allied gov ernments, through their food com missioners, held a natural corner. At one time tney were "loiig" 29,000.000 bushels of wheat in the Chicago mar ket. Much was closed out some time (t'ontlnurit on Fait Two, Cnltimn Two.) The Weather TVmprn lures at Omaha Yriterday. i i our. jjf 5 a. m 6 a. m 1 a. m 8 a. m 9 a. m bz 10 a. m E6 11 a. m 60 13 m.. 64 1 P. m , fi6 Z v- m 7 3 p. m 69 4 p. m 68 6 p, m. 68 t p. m 67 7 p. m 66 Comparative Loral Record. 1917. 1916. 191G7 191 4. Hlprhtst yesterday... fi 66 90 lb Lowest yesterday. . , , 45 48 61 39 Mean temperature. ... 57 V 62 76 44 Precipitation OD ,18 .00 .00 Temperatures ami precipitation departure from the normal at Omaha yesterday; Normal temperature . (1 Deficiency for the day - 4 Total deficiency Flnce March 1 Ill Normal precipitation 4 .13 inch Deficiency for the day 16 inch Total rainfall chite March -6.33 inches Kxcm lnve Mnrvh 1 33 Inch Deficiency fr cor. period. 11. 3.63 inchs Deficiency for cor. period, 1915. 3.11 Inches vl . 1 Axtell Farmer Sells $90,000 Worth of Wheat And Then Loses $6fl00 Hastings, Neb, May 12. (Spe - cial Telegram.) A record for a single farm was made yesterday when Nels Merrin.an living near Axtell sold his accumulated wheat crop of three years, 30,000 bnshels, (or $90,000. It was thj product of approxi mately a section of land. Had Merriman waited until today he would have received $6,000 more, the price having advanced from $3 to $3.20. OMAHA RED CROSS MAKES DRIVE FOR 20,000 MEMBERS Committees Representing All Classes of People Appointed to Lead in Whirlwind Campaign. Omaha is mobilized for the whirl wind Red Cross drive for 20,000 mem bers. The work begins Monday morning at 10:30 with the blowing of whistles and raising of the Red Cross flag at the courthouse. e Appointment of committees repre senting all classes of people in all sec tions of the city have been made and no effort has been spared to make the newly founded chapter do its share in the movement. Hearts Are in War. Washington, May 12. President Wilson, speaking today at the dedi cation of a Red Cross memorial build ing to the, women of the civil war, declared America united had gone into the present war solely because it be lieves in the principles upon which the American government was founded. "The hearts of the people of this country are in this war, he said. "They think that -here is an oppor tunity to express the character of the United States. We have no grievances of our own. We went into this war because we are the servants of man kind. We will not accept any ad vantages out of this war. We go into it because we believe in the principles upon which the American government was founded." The building was dedicated both to the women of the north, and the south, a fact on which the president dwelt in emphasizing that the coun try is united in the present war. "I pray God," he said, "that the out come of this truggle may be that every element of difference in this nation may be eliminated and that it will make a single people out of those who call themselves Americans. 1 believe that this is already beginning to hap pen and that the spirit of this peo ple is already united. I hope that this will be the beginning of a process which soon will require the erection of another beautiful memorial to a united America." Illinois Defense Council " Advocates Food Control Chicago, May 12. The State Coun cil of Defense, composed of sixteen of the most prominent business and professional men of Illinois, today adopted resolutions urging congress to enact at once, as a measure of the utmost necessity, a law creating a commission for the absolute control of food stuffs, fuel and other basic commodities. Theresolutions declared that "it is vitally necessary to our country and people that there be immediate con servation by the United States of foodstuffs, grain, fuel and other basic commodities, and that upon prompt enactment of proper legislation of this kind will depend the safety and preservation of our nation and our success in the war." -i J. Ogden Armour was among the members of the committee who signed the resolutions. Balfour and Party Guests At Luniheon in New York New York. May 12. America's most distinguished leaders of indus try, commerce and finance today paid high honor to' Arthur J. Balfour, Brit ish secretary of state for foreign af fairs, and members of the war mis sion visting this city at a reception and luncheon at the .Chamber of Commerce. Among the 900 persons present were J. P. Morgan, Jacob H. Schiff, Otto Kahn, John Claflin, Willard Straight, James' A. Farrell, A. Barton Hepbarn, George B. Courtelyou, Au gust Belmont, William Guggenheim, Cornelius Vanderbilt. F. W. Wool worth, Frederick D. Underwood, Henry Morganthau, Henry Clues and Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler. Schlusselburg Revolt Story Is Contradicted Pctrograd, Friday, May 11. (Via London, May 12.) The report that Schlusselburg, twenty-one miles east of Petrograd, had broken away from the temporary government and de clared an autonomous community, is denied by the chairman of the execu tive committee of the district com mittee. M. Tcheidse, president of the coun cil of workmen's and soldiers' dele gates, and other deputies who have made an invstigation in the Schlussel burg district report: "There is tin Schlusselburg republic. Schlusselburg is untied with Petrograd." President Wilson Calls Omaha's Determination of New Members in Red Cross Splendid President Wilson praises Omaha Red Cross work ers highly in a telegram sent from the White House yesterday. The president's message follows: "The White ftouse, Washington, May 10, 1917 Gould Dietz,' American Red Cross, Omaha: Omaha's proposal to enroll 20,000 members in the American Red Cross is a splendid evidence of patriotism in the misfortune of war. The men who are willing to give their lives for the defense of their country deserve to find the people- they protect prepared to care for the 300 STOCK YARDS MEN RELEASED TO -"WORKON FARMS Live Stock Exchange and Com mission Houses Agree to Pay Difference in Wages to Meet Food Demand. Three hundred employes of the Union Stock yards and the live stock commission companies will be re leased May 15 to take job9 on farms to aid in the production of foods for the war emergency. This was decided upon this morn ing at a meeting of the Live Stock exchange. The yard company and the com mission men will get along with less help between May 15 and September 1, the time' for which these men are released. The South Side employers will hold their jobs open for them till they return. To Pay Difference. At the same time they have offered to pay the difference between the wages the men will receive on the farms and what they are paid when working in the yards. The shipping out of the men will begin at once, through the Stock Yards labor bureau. The work of the labor bureau, es tablished at the exchange three weeks ago, is progressing satisfactorily. Sec retacy Stryker, who has charge, is de voting practically all of his time to this work. Mr. Stryker said he is having diffi culty in finding single men who are experienced in farm work. A num ber of married men have applied for farm jobs. Many Boys Volunteer. "When farmers and stoekmcn apply for help they should state whether they can use married couples," he said. "The question of finding good places for school boys is one that is demanding attention. "We need more places for boys. They responded nobly when we issued the ball for farm volunteers. In fact, so many expressed a willingness to go that we are having difficulty in find ing places for them. If the farmers realize that these boys are all husky youngsters, willing to work, the ques tion of supplying them with labor will be easily settled. Fire Causes Big Loss in Canadian Munitions Plant Toronto, May 12. Fire in the Guff Ammunition works here tonight ex ploded 39,000 five-ponnd shells and caused damage to the plant estimated at $.150,000. Spontaneous combustion is believed to have caused the lire. Your Bit Will Help Her Bit ONE DEAD. ONE FATALLY HURT IN KEROSENE BLAST Seven-Year-Old Rosie Orlando .Starts Fire With Coal Oil; Sister May Die and Parents Burned. Rosie Orlajido, aged 7 years, was burned to death yesterday anu ner sister, Anna, aged 5 years, was prob ably fatally burned while they were trying to light the fire with kerosene in their cottage home at 2225 Pacific street. Mrs. Carmelia Orlando, their mother, sufferec. severe burns about the hands, breast and shoulders in a heroic effort to save the lives of her babies. The father, Joseph, who was con fined to his bed as the result of a runaway accident two weeks ago, was burned about the hands while quench ing the flames which theatened the life of Mrs. Orlando. Rosie lifted a gallon can of kero sene over some glowing coals in the stove. An explosion followed. She and her younger sister were blown half-way" across the kitchen, the plastered ceilings and walls were wrecked and the can which held the kerocene was reduced to a shapeless mass. Dies at Hospital. Rosie, Anna and . Mrs. Orlando were rushed to St. Joseph hospital, where Rosie died a few hours later. Anna is not expected to. live. Mrs. Orlando will be crippled for life, physicians say. The flesh was burned from her fingers and bones exposed. Tony Orlando, aged 9 years, police the story of the fatality. "Rosie said she was cold the totd and started to light the fire." he said. It burned slowlv and I saw her cct the can of kerosenes I walked out to the yard and the next thing 1 heard was an explosion and mamma's screams. I saw lots of fire in the house and I told' Mrs. Johnson about it. She catted the fire department." Tony is one of. four children of the Orlando family who were not in the house when the accident hap pened. Rosie and Anna were the youngest of the children. Flour Prices Continue Their Upward Course Minneapolis, May 12. Flour prices continued their upward trend today and fancy patents touched the new high point of $17.10 a barrel, 40 cents above yesterday's top figures. First clears advanced 50 cents, being quoted at 514.90. to Enroll Host Evidence of Patriotism sick and wounded. A large well organized and efficient Red Cross is essential for such a result, therefore it is both patriotic and humane service that ia rendered by every citizen of this country who becomes a member of the American Red Cross. I am deeply gratified by the recognition this fact is receiving everywhere and wish you and your associates every success In mobilizing Omaha's patriotic impulses for a loyal and effective service to the nation. "WOODROW WILSON." HOUSE VOTES TO LET ROOSEVELT RAISE AN ARMY Lower Chamber Instructs Con ferees to Restore Senate Volunteer Amendment to Military Measure. Washington, May 12. By a vote of 215 to 178, the house today, after a stormy debate, voted to instruct its conferees on the army bill to restore the senate amendment to permit Col onel Roosevelt to lead a division to France. When the house action on the Roosevelt amendment was reported officially tJ the senate Chairman Chamberlain without debate secured permission to withdraw the report from the senate and resume confer ences on the bill. T. R. Is Delighted. Oyster liay, N Y., May 12. Colo nel Theodore Roosevelt made no secret tonight of his delight over the action of I lie house, but he refused to discuss his plans for putting a mili tary force in the field until his au thorization to do so becomes official. "i am deculy grateful at what the house has done." Colonel Roosevelt said. "I feel ihey have taken a step which is eminently wise and patriotic toward enabiii g us to utilize an ele ment in the country we would other wise not utilize at all. "This will enable a mixed force of regulars and volunteers to he put at the front (hiring-' the time necessary for training the great army raised un der the selective draft." Utah Is' Third State to" Fill Regular Army Quota Washington, May 12. Utah filled its regular armv quota yesterday and became the third sate to do so. With 746 men to supply, Utah has furnished 751 men since April 1. The other two states are Nevada and Oregon. Recruiting fell off considerably yes terday, the total for the day being 1,405, or more than 2,100 below the daiy average of the last week. Anthracite Shipments Up One Million Tons Philadelphia, May 12. Shipments of anthracite coal in April exceeded those of the same month last year by more than 1,000,000 tons, according to statistics made public today. Total shipments for the month were 5,892, 299 tons, as against 4,528,784 tons in April, 1916. ALLIES ASTRIDE ARRAS-CAMBRAI ROAD; RECAPTURE DISPUTED TOWN; HEAVY FIGHTING RAGES UNABATED English Carry Important Trench in Hindenburg Line by Storm and Other German Position Over Battle Front of One Mile and a Half. Near Roeux, General Haig's Report Says. POWERFUL ATTACKS MADE ON TEUTON LINES French Are Keeping Up Destructive Artillery Fire on Aisne and Champagne Fronts, Harrying Prut sian Foe by Outpost Attacks. . BATTLE BEING WAGED London, May 12. The British troops have established themselves In Bullecourt, the scene of terriffic fighting during the last few days, according to the official report from British headquarters in France tonight, Fighting still continues. The British also have captured in Important German trench of about two-thirds of i mile astride the Arras-Cambral road, as well as German po sitions over a front of one and a half miles near Roeux. Heavy pressure la being exerted by the British armies along I fifteen mile front between Asheville and Queant. According to the German war office dense masses of British troops were employed in a series of attacks along the roads leading from Arras to Lena, Douai and Cambrai. Hundreda of prisoners were taken. U. S. TIGHTENING NET ADOUT THE KAISER'S LAND America Influences Neutral Nations in Shutting Off All Supplies to Germany and All Its Allies. - Milan, May 12. (Via Paris.) The Swiss gove.nmcnt has informed Ber lin, according to the Corriere Delia Sera, that the recent commercial agreement between Switzerland and Germany cannot be carried out be cause of the rescinding of transpor tation contracts by all American steamship companies with Switzer land, Holland and the Scandinavian states. The pap'r sees in this news the putting into effect of a complete economic olockade of Germany, and also states that the American gov ernment proposed to neutral countries that their ruppties would be assured if they agreed to suspend absolutely all exports to Germany, even as com pensation for exchange. Suit Against Rock Island Road Won by State Officers (Prom a Staff Correapondant.) Lincoln, May 12. (Special.) At torney General Willis E. Reed and Secretary of State Pool won a suit brought by the latter on advice of the former to compel the Rock Island railroad to pay an occupation tax in this state based on the total valua tion, of its entire property. The suit was started in district court, but taken to federal court, and Judge Munger of that court has held that the road is liable) for a tax based on the entire valuation of its prop erty, which is shown to be $72,000, 000. The road has contended that the tax should be based only on the value of its property in this state, which was placed at $12,000,000. The amount in controversy for the year 1916 amounted to $1,950 over and above the amount admitted by the company, and with the balance due to July of this year will make more than $2,500 due. Mr. Pool says the decision means a saving to the state of about $10,000. Dodge County Attorney Pushes Case Against Hotel Fremont, Neb., May 12. (Special Telegram.) A temporarys injunction restraining Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Fitz simmons from continuing to operate the St. Regis hotel in Fremont was granted in district court by Judge F. W. Mutton. County Attorney J. C. Cook filed a 'Complaint under the Al bert law. Affidavits from men who had visited the place and had been guilty of disorderly conduct were se cured. Fitzsimmons came to Fremont two weeks ago from Spalding and has siifce been in charge of the hotel. Ten Million Men Are Subject to Conscription Washington, May 12. Ten million men in the United States will be sub ject to the selective conscription on July 1, within the ages agreed upon in the conference report tn the war army bill,1 Director Rogers of the cen sus bureau announced today. This number of men between the ages of 21 and 30, inclusive, represents very nearly 10 per cent of the total esti mated population of between 103,000, 000 and 104,000,000 on July 1, 1917. IN VERDUN REGION 1 On the Aisne and Champagne fronts the French are keeping up, a destructive artillery fire and harrying the Germans by outpost attacks. Less energy is being displayed by the Ger man artillery along the line heldjjv the French, the only exception being the Verdun region. British Official Report. The British statement reads: "Succesful attacks were delivered on the Hindenburg line near Bulle court; alto astride the Arras-Cam- ' brai road and north of the Scarpe last night and early this morning. "We gained our objectives at all points and have taken some hundreds of prisoners. "Local fighting resulting In our favor also took place during the night east of Lempire. "Successful raids in which we cap tured several prisoners were made east of Ypres." Berlin Says Attacks Fail Berlin (Via London), May 12. British attacks today on the Arras front failed with heavy losses, ac cording to the supplementary official statement issued by the war office this evening. The statement reads: "The British attacks reported in this morning's communication were delivered between Gaverelle and the Scarpe, on both sides of the Arras Cambrai road, and at Bullecourt They failed with heavy losses to the enemy. At Roeux. the fighting still continues. "On the Aisne and in the Cham- U. S. Army Aviator Breaks All Altitude Records San Diego, Cal., May 12. All ' American aviation altitude records were broken Friday by. Captain W. A. P.jbertson, jr., junior military aviator at the North Island training school, who reached a heicht of about 16,400 feet. The American record had been held by Victor C -Istronf, who was killed at Newport News, Va., on Wednesday. It was 16,335 feet. Captain Robertson came into the public eye through a flight which he made last January with Lieutenant . Colonel Harry G. Bishop. The two started from NJrth Island to Calexi co, in Imperial Valley, but were car ried far from their course and were lost for nine days in the desert of Sonora, Mexico. Secretary McAdoo Will Try to Attend Omaba Meet (From a Staff Correspondent) Lincoln, May 12. (Special.) Sec retary McAdoo, as well as Assistant Secretary Vrooman of the president's cabinet, is expected to be in Omaha on May 22 to attend the session of the conservation and Council of De fense meeting. Governor Nevilc sent the two invi tations to be present and this morn ing received replies fron. both. Mr. McAdoo said he would try to. arrange matters to be there and would inform the governor later as to his plans. Mr. Vrooman expects to. be this part of the west about that time and will so arrange his affairs as to take in the Omaha' meeting. ; Phillips Found Guilty . Of ShooiiTig Mrs. Davies Aurora, Neb., May 12. (Special Telegram.) Late last night the jury in the criminal case of Leo Phillips brought in a veri'.ct of guilty and he will be sentenced to the penitentiary by Judge Good. He was charged with shooting Mrs. J. F. Davies with intent to do her great bodily harm. The trial lasted four days, and was hotly contested. Mrs. Davies declared on the witness stand that Phillips intend ed to murder her. Many experts testified at the trial nd alt of them declared that the actions of Phillips showed a defective mind, u t 4