THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1917. 17 MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooma for household good, and ptanoa; moving, packing and nipping. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAQK CO.. Ml So. Uta St. Dougla. 41 6i GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOK WAREHOUSE." Packing, storage and moving 111 N. lltb St. Phono Doug laa tit. FIDELITY Sff,- FREE Pbons Doug Hi, XII for oomplstt list ot vacant house and apart maata. Alao for storage, moving'. 16th ana Jackaon Sta. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO- Expert aervloat prompt attention. Tout novlng your packing, your storage. Main Cftloa Central Furnltura Store. 16th and Howard. Tel, D. 7785, Maggard Van and two men, II. as par bour. Van and Storare Co.. Movtnr. Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phono Doug. 1498. alobe Van and Storage Co, For real rorvlce In movl-if. packliig and storing, etui Tyler 330 or Douglas 4338. I. C. REED Express Co.. Moving Packing and Storage, 1307 Farnam eiiweu, a us. uoug. bi. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. SEVEN ROOMS, MODERN Two Blocks South, 26th and Farnam Sts. " Realizing the growing valuea of prop- . erty In thia vicinity, It will be worth your while to sea tma 7-room strictly modern home at once. We will give somebody a good buy In the next few days and can accept tUrOO to 1700 cash. Inspect this property carefully on the Inside. Go di rect or call us, and then make us an offer. Located at 519 South 26tn avenue. HIATT COMPANY, 34G-7-9 Omaha Wat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. FIELD CLUB BARGAIN. Brand new home, having large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, three good sized airy bedrooma and oatn on second noor. situated on a oeauii ful lot. with plenty of room for garden. Thia property la an undeniable bargain at ia,70, on very easy terms, location, 891 South 38th Ave. See ua tor appoint ment. I PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors, ll Omaha Nat'l BIdg. Phone Doug. 1018. WEST FARNAM BARGAIN In the heart of the West Farnam Dis trict we have Hated an unusual bargain, a fine corner lot? paved street on both sides, caving all Dald: a dandy 7-room strictly modern house. In fine repair, thor- oughiy modern, nun not water beating Plant: room on the rear. end of lot to build a small apartment house. Price for the whole property only $fi,500. House now on orooerty rents for $50 per month. with the rear end of lot unimproved. For appointment see PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors, 1 Omaha Nat'l BIdg. Phono I). 1016. WEST FARNAM, $6,250 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Built for a home; 7 rooms besides one room on the third floor; strictly modern, with four bedrooms, hot water heat, tile . hath, fireplace, oak, mahogany and white enamel fi- lsh, eaat front lot, one block from oar line, with cement driveway and garae. Location ime ana extra gooa value. GLOVER & SPA.N (Realtors.) Douglm 8963. 9 lg-20 City National. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished Is oak; located at S923 N. 26th St Price 13,150. Terms. Will take small cottage In trade, NORTHS NORRIS. 400 Bee Bids. Phone Douglas 4279. VERY fine 8-room residence, newly painted and decorated and rcaay to move .into; located at 3411 Hawthorne Ave,, Bemis Park district. This particular location Is one of thesmost sightly in all or Omatia friced rignt; terms, inquire jom. r.c, 2210 Evans St. Webster 4856. NEAK 36th and Farnam, 7-r. mod., well ar ranged home. In a good district, for $3,500. F. D. Wead, 310 B. 18th St. 2533 DAVENPORT ST. 4 rins.; $18. . E. H. Benner Co. D. 8406. North. - 2509 EMPLETON. The owner of a 7-room house at the above address has ordered us to sell at once. Large lot 60x132, on paved street. Can be handled on terms or with discount for cash. PAYNE . VESTMENT COMPANY. 537 Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. Doug. 1781. $500 SAVING In buying a home already built, owing to Increased cost of buUdlng. So here is your opportunity to buy a splendid home of 8 rooms and bath, strictly modern rooms, 'large and well arranged. Fine south front lot, 60x130 feet; has large ga rage, street paved and paid, one-half block to car: everything one could expect In a home. Owner must sell cheap at4- 14,600; has given us a price of 13,950. Terms can be arranged; located east of Kountze park. RASP BROS. (Realtors.) 210-12-14 Keellne BIdg. Tyler 721. ' IN MILLER PARK DISTRICT. 7-room. stucco house, near Miller park; beamed celling In front room; atl oak fin ish downstairs; upstairs white enamel; built-in bookcases cabinet, buffet, etc.; south front; large sightly lot. Price only $4,860. BIG 4 REALTY CO., ' 1015-18 W. C W. Bid. P. 3486. 30TH AND MANDERSON Nearly new S-room, modern except heat, very fine lot, with fruit and shade trees, plenty of room for tine garden. Price only $1,900; about $200 cash, balance monthly. Let us show you this at once. Rasp Bros., 210 Keellne BIdg. Tyler 721. A SPLENDID modern home on Florence Blvd. Can sell at a very attractive price ' Teruis on major part. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., ' 929-30 City Nat'l. Doug. 8862. $100 CASH, $17.50 MONTHLY. A good 6-room house on Binney St. Paving all paid. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., 801 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 420. FOR sale or lease, one or both lots, each 46x132, at N. W. Cor. of 16th and Daven port Sts. Make best offer to, Mrs. H. L. Hawver, Melrose Hotel. Los Angeles. Cal. STRICTLY modern bungalow, .6 rooms, 22nd and Ames Ave. , Webster 4228. South. THO FINEST NEW RESIDENCE. A on the South Sid from any angle. Inside or out Modern to the minute. Brick veneer. Full cement basement and fin ished attic Enameled tubs in laundry, with washer operated by eleotrlo power. Hot water heat furnished by oil burner furnace. Bath room, 8x10. tub and shower. , rtompletety tiled. 10 rooms, I alone cost -. 1587 to finish and decorate. Interior oak finish. Sun parlor and screen porches. New brick garage with concret runway. Plot COxlEO; beautifully lawned. Built by the owner at an original cost of $14, 000. Has sold bis business Interests here Desires to leave the state and directs us to sell for 112,500. Any reasonable down payment accepted,. Listed - exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC.. 492S S. 24th 8t Phone South 1274. SIX room si modern except heaC- 11.500. ' Terms. See Owner, 2814 N. 31st St Web alar 4008. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Soutu A GENTLEMAN'S HOME Overlooking Uanacotn Pari. P,ot 160x llu. Contains twelve large rotfmi. ttnee uaths with toilet, innumerable eloeeis and pantries; steam beat, seven flrepia and finished In oak and mahogany. Price u.ouo, and only iz.fiuo cash required. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC 4926 3. 24th St, Phone South 1247. NEW HOUSE, JUST COMPLETED. Corner 40tb and 1 Sts., one block from school. Fine, level lots. 60x160. Contain I large rooms, city water, eleotrlo lights and louetrrice, Your own term SOUTH OMAHA ' INVESTMENT CO. 4925 S. Z4tb St. Phone South 1347: MONTCLA1R BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, S large light rooma Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 13,800. Easy terma Another new build- in for 13,860. Call Douglas 1731 daya,. wainot 1580 evenings, , Miscellaneous. HERE IS SOMETHING NIFTY BRAND NEW 5-R., ON ONE 1 FLOOR. BEST BUY IN OMAHA MOO to 1600 down; easy payments. Se lected oak finish; finest full basement; ex tra high floored attic; lot. of windows; vestibule; living loom, bullMn bookcases, dandy dining room, buffet, plate rail, French doors Into large sun room, bed room, another large bedroom, kltohen. built-in cabinets, refgr. rooraA You should se. this. Call us today. L. N. OSBORNE. TYLER 9. K. S. TRUMBULL. 135 1st Nat. Bk. BIdg. O. . 1734 J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 442 Bee BIdg." Douglas 8087. WORLD REALTY CO Building? Sun Theater REAL ESTATE Investment 14-ACRE TRACT ON WEST DODGE NEAR PEONY FARM . Sightly rich land; will make an excel lent Investment tor someone. Price only $1,000 per acre. GEORGE AND COMPANY REALTORS, 902 City Nat. Bk. BIdg. Phone D. 768. 12 PER CENT INVESTMENT. Four 6-room and one 7-room modern houses, In the center of the residential dis trict of the South Side for $9,750. Halt cash. Rent for $110 monthly and ever vacant Will trade the lot for a large, modern Imposing residence. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4926 8. 21th St , Phone South 1247. HOME BUILDERS Invests Its funds only when secured by mortgages on new properties built by Home Builders. $1.00 SHARES GUARANTEED 7 per c..t Offices; 17th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha. APARTMENT. 176,000 Income 12 per cent; one year old; very fine location; mortgage $25,000 and will accept $20,000 in trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS & CO.. Douglas 1-313. City Nat Bank BIdg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS, 620 First National Bank BIdg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE OS TRADE. - Will trade a modern frame business ybulldlng in center ot the shopping district on the Souta Side for Nebraska land. The store on the first floor rents for $25 and the flat upstairs for $46 monthly. Valua tion In trade, $4,600. No boot money paid. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO 4926 S. 34th St Phone South 1247. GOOD OMAHA INCOME PROPERTY. and part cash to exchange for Douglas or Snrnv mtitv.fnrm lnr) V , BOX, 3542, BEE. HAVE a $26,000 hardware, doing good business, and $10,000 in money. Want Western Iowa or Eastern Nebraska farm. S. S. and R, E. Montgomery. 805 Om. Nat. Bk. BIdg. ' WANT to exchange 4 good bouses, close In, always rented, for land. Price 812,000. Mortgage $3,500. Box S408 Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. APARTMENT SITE. Northwest corner 80th and Cass, 128H feet, east front on 80th and 76 feet south front on Cass A 12 4-room Apt. house suitable on this corner $7500 would be about right for this ground, but $4,600 will buy It now. Will pay commission to agents. ( C. M. RYLANDER, 854 Omaha National. , North. AFTER lootflng at MINNA LUSA1 300 dtf- ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will Come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 Omaha Nat Bank BIdg. Tyler 187. HAVE a bargain price on vacant lots on Cuming St C. A. Grlmmel, Doug. 1616. South. FOR RENT Lots 7, 8, 9, In block 2, Ktnts addition; lota 6, 6, block 8, W. 8. Selby's addition, South Omaha, fine land for potatos; in quire at J. Treitschke. Omaha. Phone Doug. 4436. Miscellaneous. HAVE tract of ground boundeiPby three streets, with sewer ana water in, contain ing 20 lots. Anyone wanting building lots it would pay them to Investigate. Can be used for a suburban home.. Do not compare this with acreage. This Is right in the city, close to car line and good school. Can give terms. For further In formation see TRAVER BROTHERS. 810 "-F!rt National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6888. DANDY LOT. 60x135, two street frontages; easy terms. Call Douglas 1064 or evenings. Harney 4168. BEAUTIFUL 50-foot lots. Price $220, only 82 cash and 60 cents per weeK. Doug. 3392. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. TWO ACRES IN ALFALFA Only a short distance from Benson, on one of the highest sites In the country. Has half acre in small fruit. Price $1,200. $20 cash, $15 per month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Reed. Office open even ings. 7 till 9, " HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney St 5 5 Dundee. TWO lOTS, DUNDEE, $3,000. restricted district, overlooking Happy Hollow, near boulevard. Streets and alley paved. Corner 61et atjt Webster, one-half block to ?ar line, $3,000, and assume $300 unpaid paving taxes. Buy of wner and save commission. JOHN M. MACFARLANP, Attorney-at-Law, 309 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. DUNDEE PROPERTIES Well located lots on easy terms Mod. ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and sre , GEORGE & CO. REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. EIGHT CHOICE LOTS IN DUNDEE AND HAPPY HOLLOW. , Three lots on the very top of the hill nvorlooklng pundee and Evans ton, four lots on or near the Lincoln high way. One tot In Happy Hollow. All of the above lots are splendidly lo cated and adjoining the very best lin. provements. Lots are 50 to 7B feet lb width. Prices from $1,600 to $8,000. 10 PER CENT FOR CASH ON FIVE OF THESE LOTS AND 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT v ON THREE LOTS. Vary favorable terms on detersed pay ments, call our office tor further lnfoi mation and look for our signs In Dun- dees new addition and Happy Hollow. WORLD REALTY COM PANY, REALTORS. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater BIdg. 5-ACRE blk., Fa Ira ere and Browntll Hill district anap. u. j. uanan. South Side. ACREAGE PROPERTY. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. Ofrers the Following ACREAGE PROPERTY. 2V acres on car line, JuSt outside city lim its, 8-room bouse, good cistern, 60 fruit trees and fine well that cost $360. Price $2,000; part cash. 24 aores. Just over the line In Sarpy county, away from the high taxes. Rich, level land, first broken In 1918. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, i.Q0tt. Terms can b ar ranged. 10 acres at the end of Albright car line, Price and terms can be agreed upon and made satisfactory, win divide. 1 acres on Fort Crook car line; new room house with full cement basement; new barn 14x18, for 12 head of stook and other good outbuildings; fenced for chick ens: good well. Price 12.660: part cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., 4825 SOUth 24th BU fhone BOUtU 1247. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOT on S. 25th St, 80x160 feet. A modern I- room cottage on the back end of this slightly terraced plot. Will take auto and mall amount of cash as first payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4926 S. 4th St Phono South 1247. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS, 86.00 CASH. $6.00 MONTHLY. Sizes, 69x150; In alt parti ot the South side; city improvements. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 S. 24th St. Phone South 1347. Miscellaneous. TWELVE ACRES, WEST We have a tract of land consisting of .. twelve acres In the west part of the city that has Lcn platted into lots ana all Improvements have been put In the streets. The tract Is ready to put on the market and sell out. The estate that owns this land does not care to be in the real estate business. hence will sell this tract to someone, who can make a handsome profit by going ahead and selling it out. As you know, values in the western part of the city are increasing rapidly. We are prepared to make easy terms or payment. A: P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS, 620 First National Bank BIdg. Fhone Douglas 603. .HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION I On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and have you pay for it on small montniy payments, wunouc win interest SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO, INCORPORATED CAPITAL $26,000. 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES.' On the South Side, on full slxed lota, ranging from $1,600 to $8,000, In different localities, with all city Improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a small cash payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. H ACRE tracts, $476, $10 down, $7.60 mo. Close In, near car. Douglas 6074, REAL ESTATE--B'ness. Pr'pty LOT, 60x161; trade or cash. Terms, phone evenings, Harney 8364. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOU desire to sell, rent or trada your property, please call at our office and let us show you our progressive -methods and itnaurnansed service. We have faith in "prlntera" ink' and lCyur proposition is listed with us, it will be made known to a hundred thousand people or wherever all the Omaha newspapers are read. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., Inc., The largest real estate company, from BtbndDOlnt of service and eauloment. In Nebraska. We are running 200 lines of advertisement In , this valuable paper dally. " ! 4926 B. 24th St. Phone South 1247 LISTING bouses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties waiting. Western Real Estate, 413 Karbach Blk. P. 3607. LIST your 6 and 6-room houuBs with us. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY Co., Tyler 496. . ARNDT & TAYLOR can assist you. 1825 Laird Street, Webster 09. FINANCIAL $1,600 MTGE.. bearing 6 pet. semt-annualy, secured by property valued at $42,000; Talmage-Loomis Inv. Co., W. O, W. BIdg. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, 6 and 6 per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th. omana, wen. - City and Farm Loans 6, Gtt and 6 per cent. Alao first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-18 Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. FARM MORTGAGES. Well secured, bearing 6 pot Interest. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 Frist Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Tyler 2668. 6 PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences in amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnai.i St. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. H. W. BINDER. , Money on hand for mortgage' City Nat Bank Bldg. fil AND S per cent farm and city first mortgages for sale. B. H. Louges, Inc. G38 Keellne Bldg. . OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 6, bhk and 6 per cent W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. NtT DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. 8H0FEN & CO.,1 PRIVATE MONEY. CITY LOANS. OARVIN BROS., Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. MONEY HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $500,000 city and farm loans, 4 hi per cent Eseltn, 612 Paxton Blk. Kea nvi. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. lfith and Farnam Bt. , LOW RATES. C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Bran- dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. Stocks and Bonds. 1,000 SHARES Onanman Iron stock for sale. Expects to pay big dividends this year. C. E. Updike, Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Financial Wanted. WANTED to borrow $1,600 on real estate security. Will pay 10 per cent Interest. Box 8709, Bee. Abstracts of Title, Kerr Title. Guarantee and Abstract Co.. 305 8. 17tb St.. ground floor. Bonded by Alans. Bonding and Ins. Co. RKiDBSTluW'ccC" oldest abstractof floe In Nebraska. 200 Brandels Theater. FINANCIAL Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Rtprsatnt prompt pay Inaurano. eonv panic, M, Bldg.. Omaha, N.b. FARM AND RANCH LANDS J. J. ME'MOK. 1M930 City Nat'l Bank bldg., sells farm land and retail lumber yards. Great bargains In Western Neb., and Eastern Colo, lands. MichiganLands. GET LAND"! It will mean a profitable business for you. in Michigan Fruit and Clover ueit, where general farming, stock, vegetables, poultry, fruit, all pay. 60,000 acres to set sot from. Near towns, schools, churches. Only $16 to $2S an acre, $38 to $100 down, $7 to $10 monthly for 40 acres. Lower terms for smaller tracts. This in eludes Insurance. Your wife gets the land If you die before paying up fully. Wo employ experts to show you best farming methods. Full Information and big booklet fres, Owner, George Swig art, D1846 First Natl Bank Bldg. Chicago. 111. FOR SALE CLrOVER-LAND:-FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, ball unknown. Root crops, dairying, graalng. Ideal, Fine roads, market; 148 growing daya. Aver age Killing frosts uotoner i. Terms easy. George Rowcll, jr., 83 Bacon Blk., Mar- quette. Mich. Minnesota Lands, IMPROVED 1C0 -acre farm. II miles from Minneapolis; 40 acres cultivated, balance meadow and timber; $3,000 worth buildings. Will sell for $6,000; easy terma Schwab Bros., 2028 Plymouth Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. " Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. FarmHO cash and $5 month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 8 big markets, Write for photographs and full Information. Munger, A-119, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, GREAT bargain, $6 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri, price only 9209. Aaaress mox ens, rexceisior springs, wo. Nebraska Lands. $5.50 FOR 440-A, Nebraska homestead, Imp. stock and farm land, close to the main line of B. A M. By. and three good towns; south part of Cherry county. Sod house, trees 70-A. ready for the pic Farmed up to 1917; good crops. $600 cash, all the time you want on the balance. This is a snap and win mane you ricn. u. j. Canan, 310 Mccsgue Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly Improved, pries $18-60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY. Douglas 2410 680 Brandels Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 aores up. we rarm rne rarrn wo sen you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' Association, 16th and Howard Sts., Oma ha. Douglas 9371. ' TWENTY acres, mile and one-half from Florence, 4 acres In grapes, Z alfalfa, 86 oak trees, two-room house, barn, two chicken coops. Possession at once. 1710 N. 25th St WET lands made dry enough for orops or no pay is our way or draining tana, no tract too large or too wet Guarantee Drainage Co.. Oakland, Neb. . SQUARE SECTION. 420 acres valley; hotel wanted. Charles j. Augustin, Shelby, Neb. North Dakota Lands. GET to know Herbert Hodge, Fargo, , N. D. The gateway to prosperity. Dakota and Minnesota potato, sugar beet, hemp, clo ver, oorn, alfalfa, stock, dairy and small grain lands; money-making alluring farms, low In price, high In production; rapidly advancing In value. Largest ex change list In the northwest. Can and will match anything you submit to me. South Dakota Lands. WE HAVE some highly improved farms In the vicinity of Watertown, 8. D. These are corn and alfalfa lands and we are making very attractive prices and lib oral terms. Dependable agents wanted, t MIDWEST LAND CO., 1067 Omaha Nat. Bk. - Phone D. 1160. Wisconsin Landr FOR SALE The best land In Wisconsin, ad joining the best market in America, z per acre, cash. Arnold Co., Superior. Wis. Texas 7-anda. YOU CANT GO, WRONG If you Invest In our $28 per acre corn and alfalfa land In the Trinity River val ley, east Texas, sold on easy terms, and will take in some trade. Call or write for literature. Next excursion May 15. W. S. FRANK, - i 201 Neville Blk,, Omaha. AUTOMOBILES FRIDAY'S USED CAR BARGAINS IS Dodge, looks like new $450 15 Maxwell Rds., starter, lights 2S6 14 Bulck Rds., runs like new 426 15 Overland tour., new paint 226 17 Fond tour., run 600 miles, bargain. 16 Ford, new tires 236 14 Ford tour,, high tension mag 200 15 Saxon Rds., new tires 100 We are the used car men and always have good used cars for sale. All cars sold on the money back If not satisfied plan. Also parts for 100 makes of cars at 60 pet. of the original list If you need anything let us know. Orders filled the same day we get them. , AUTO SALVAGE & EXCHANGE. Doug. 9070. 110 S. 17th. ' CAR SPECIALS TODAY. Ford in $166 cash. excellent condition, only Studobaker, 6 -cylinder, equipped with electrlo starter and lights, $400 cash, Chandler, just overhauled and in fine shape, electrlo starter and lights, seat covers and new cord tires, $500 cash. OMAHA CHANDLER CO., 8520 Farnam. Phone Douglas 8867. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Doug. 8290. 2047-9 Farnam. Touring cars and roadsters of Overland, Studebaker, Maxwell, .Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. HUDSON SPEEDSTER Recently overhauled, painted and is in excel lent shane. Owner will sell (or $300 cash. May be seen at 2304 Sheriran Ave. DO NOT FAIL to see our line of used Fords vbefor. you buy. AH Id good condition at numerate prices. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO., Authorized Ford Agents. Tyler 513. 18th at Burt. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. ' 22AD Farnam St. Douglas 3310. 118 Haynes 1900 1J5 Ford Roadster 225 W9 Maxwell 175 UK Umpire 400 C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Depl 2216-18 Farnam St. I .xlas 853. Almost any make at reasonable prices. CONTINENTAL .touring car, perfect shape, used very little, elec. light sand starter, extra tire and rim, etc., $215. CROSSTOWN GARAGE. 815 'South 24th St. Doug. 4442. THE TIRE SHOP. Tire repairing is our specialty. FREE SERVICE. THE TIRE SHOP, D. F, Crow, 2518' Farnam. Doug. 4878. WE will trade you a new Ford for you Old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas 5261. A 1914 MAXWELL with delivery tody, five demountable rims, rresto tank, uooa running condition. Sell cheap. Douglas 9035, 729 S. 18th St. TELL & BINKLEY. Auto repairing; expert mechanics, 2318 Harney St Doug. 1640. BARGAINS in used Ford cars. Holmcs-Ad- hs Co.. 4911-17 8, 24th, Phone S. 271. CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE. 210 FARNAM. D. 3085. BERTHCHY "Kan-Flx-It Southeast cor ner 2flth and Harney Sts. Douglas Z&2. FOH'J car for sale, 8135. -4001 South 24th. South 4360. Sou tli N Ml BARGAIN Mllburn Electric, In fine con ditlon. Y 31, Bee. OR SALE One 1916 Ford roadster. 210 Bee Bldg. AUTOMOBILES WE 1AX cash (or Fords. Auto aalvag at Ksrhang., 110 8. 11th. Auto Livery and Garagei. EXPKRT auto repairing. "Servlc. car at way. ready." Omaha Garag. 2010 Har eny Bt. Tyler 655. Auto Repairing and Painting. 1100 reward for mugneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. H.ysilorrer, 210 N. lMh. Tired and Supplies. TlllB PRICH WRISCKICItS. THIS IS NO 1 I.N 1 TIRK. 1IO3..II.S0 S0xtt..l 1.50 UxS4. .110,26 ;3(..'120 m ,. is. no icxit,.. 16.TI Second. hand tires and lubes; expert tlr. and tube repairing. Douglas COMBINATION TIRK FACTORY. 1403V, Jackson. Agta .ranted. Omaha. Neb. Motorcycle nd Bicycles H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 17th and Leavenworth. POULTRY AND f ET STOCK WHITE Leghorn hatching eggs, Y4 per l'oo"; 7&0 per 16. Da by chicks all ages. Orad man's Kgg Factory. Florence 818. FINK Black Minorca and Buff Orpington eggs. Frank A. Agnew, South Side, Qmaha. TWO erf am colored Angora cats tor sale. one male and one female, full grown. ENGLISH Cos oh Dogs for atle. Web. 3401. 2121 Seward Maria Ahermathv ' CYPHERS Incubator and hover for sale. Walnut 8974, Horses- Live Stock Vehicles Wanted. W AN iTED Shetland pony, buggy. Phone B. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TAnRY PILES, FISTULA CUKED nr. m. n. Tarry euros pi other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until oursd. write ror book oa rec tal diseases with testimonials,) DR. r 240 Bee BIdg. E. R. TARRY WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 61 3-6 3 ( Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He Is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU7 Delays are dan out. If you can't call, write, Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m,; 7:80 to 8.30 evenings. Sunday by appointment RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation, can or writ or. Frank H, Wray, 308 Hoe Bldg. Chiropractors DR. KNOLLENBERG. SANITARIUM Lady attendant, 24th and Farnam. D. 7298. Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg, D. 8461. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602 Rose Bldg. T. 2866. Drs. Johnston, 1836 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6B28. Dentists Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 912 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dt-nt Rms, 808 Ross Bldg. D. 2186. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial' Horn, so- llclta your old clothing. lurnltur.. maga zines. W. oollect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and lnspsct our new bom., 11101H2'1U4 Dodge St. Joseph t 4 ine jJinK Call Room 133, Hotel Harley. tLel I a. BATHS and massage. Central High lnstt tine, mob Harney Bt uoug. 7097. open evenings. PRIVATE horns for sick ladles, boat care very reas. anon Bristol Bt. web. z08, LUldLLA WEBSTER, massage and mani- curlng. 618 Fan ton Bile Red 8400. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karhach Blk. Red 2727. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee BIdg. Phone uougias eavs, Edna Wilnams,f'massage, bath. 228 Neville. MISS LILLY, bath, massage, 1822 Farnam. Manicuring' and mass. 1628 Farnam. R. It" E. BROTT. massaglng, 2120 Harney. D. 9638. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, planoo and notes as aeburlty. 4U, e mo., tt. goods, total cost, I3.&D. $40, 6 mo., endorsed notes, total cost $2.60. Smaller, Jrfrge am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organized by Omaha Business Men 432 Rost Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 668, LEGAL RATE LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments, i I utmost privacy. 840 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug, 2296, , OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wallace A. HUdreth and wife to Emma E. Wheeler et al, southwest corner Forty-second and Lafayette avenue, 60x83 $ 1 Pearl A. Welshana to Jennie M. Shaf fer, Fortieth street, 112Vi feet south of Nioholas street, west side, 3 7 'A xlOO ; ; 1 Elisabeth S. Blachley to Edward npann, Twenty.sixtn street sixty four feet south of Patrick avenue, west side. 34x66.. 1.700 Wenceslaus Sadll to A.' Musll, north east corner Tnirieenin and Freder ick, 60x93 1 Joseph Grebe to Reuben A. Payne, uottner avenue, loo reet north of Rood street west side, 60x128 1 John E. Holm and wife to Thomas Joseph Shower, Stirling avenue, Ben son 617 feet north of Military av enue, east side, 60x128 2,600 LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE" Fred Ward Sumption. sr.,-wtll pleas, takt notice that hi. father died on February 14, sit, leaving snare in nis estate to mm. providing he call personally on undersigned exeoutor, Cleveland, O., within on. year from March 3. 1017. W. H. BBNHAM. Executor. 1021 East Ninth Street, Cleveland, O. Third Mexican Sentenced For Killing of Officer Miguel Aguirre, third member of the trio of Mexicans chartred with the murder of Cornelius Cross, special officer for the Northwestern, pleaded guilty to manslaughter before Judge Scars in criminal court and was sen tenced to from one to ten years in the penitentiary. Cross was slain in the Omaha rail road yards on the night of January 12, when he surprised three robbers in the act of looting a box car. He engaged in ' revolver duel with the robbers. Macario Peres Roniers. " convicted of first degree murder is serving a life sentence. Police say he is the one who fired the shot that killed Cross. Julian Looez. another member of the band, pleaded guilty to second de gree murder several weeks ago and was sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary. To Shell U. S. Port Would Make Big Rush to Colors At the National Guard recruiting station the falling off in enlistments is attributed to a lack of patriotism. according to Lieutenant McShane. However, says tne lieutenant, u German submarine, or a German war ship, should run in on the Atlan tic coast and destroy some American shipping, or throw a few shells into some of the cities, you would see the boys drop everything else and rush to the colors. It needs something of this kind to Jtir tficin up and realize what this country is up against." Mayor Favors Draft For Single Women Mayor Dahlman favors selective conscription of tingle women from 18 to 30 years of age. "I have in mind particularly the need of help on the farms this season," he said, "Women are not adapted to all torts of work, any more than men of sedentary oc cupations would make efficient ditch diggers, but there ii much work the women could do on the farms. They could help the farm ers' wives. Many city women should learn to do their own housework and thus relieve their servants, who could go to the farms. Women now have the elective franchise and I see no rea son why they should not be sub ject to selective conscription the same as the men." SHERIFF MAY NEED. 'REAL' BOOZE TASTER Douglas County Official Un certain About Contents of Jugs and Bottles Seized at Larson Farm. Sheriff Clark may have to hire the services of an "official taster" so that he can compile a correct list of all the wines and liquors seized in the whole' sale' confiscation of contraband booze at the Anton Larson dairy farm, Six tieth and Center streets, last Wed nesday. Five hundred gallons of whiskies. 1,200 cases of beer, as well as wines, gin and other intoxicants are stored in the court house. Denning hearing of the case next Friday. ine sheriff knows that the beer bottles contain beer and the whtskv bottles contain whisky, but some of the, liquor in jugs and casks he is not SU 8UIC OI. Chief Deputy Foster was appointed "official smeller." He sniffed the corks of scores of the jugs and handed down an opinion on the contents. But some of Jhe aromatic liquors baffled him. "I wonder what thev are." quoth he. "I suppose someone really ought to taste them to make sure. bo the sheriff is in a quandary. Shall he trust to the chief deputy sheriff's sense ot smelt, or will tie nave to call in exDert tasters in order to find out what some of the unlabled jugs con tain r Tis said he'll have no trouble in getting volunteer tasters. South Side Man is Fatally Hurt When Struck by Elevator y 1 Leonard Gallet of South Omaha was probably fatally injured Friday morning at the plant of Simont Bros, company, 1119 Howard street, when his skull was fractured and about eight inches of his scalp torn away. His head was caught by a descend ing freight elevator. Gallett, a water man, was on the second floor. He stuck his head into the elevator shaft and was struck by the lift, which was descending. He was nastened to a hospital, where little hops is held out for his recovery. Fiften Fined for the Violation of Speed Laws Fifteen drivers of motor vehicles were fined in police court Friday for violation of traffic laws. The list follows: William Elias, 1506 William street, $1 and costsj E. M. Rohrbrough, 3020 South Fiftieth avenue, $1 and costs; D. R. Bryant, 2104 ArAes ave nue, $2.50 and costs, F. Stromberg, Florence, 2.5tf and costs; A. Drabek, Florence, $2.50 and costs; B. Focum, 821 South Twenty-fourth street, $2.50 and costs; W. R. Harper, 4611 Capi tol avenue, $1 and costs; Max Silver man, 2416 Hamilton street, $1 and costs, sutpended; Carl Fellows, 402 South Thirty-eighth street, $2.50 and costs: B. Bravman. 2310 North Fifty- sixth street, $1 and costs, suspended; on charges ot speeding. C. H. Rohrbough, 2707 Farnam street, $1 and costs, suspended, charged with operating a motorcycle with muffler open; J. L. Cottrell, 1912 Sprague street, $1 and costs, sus pended; C. C. Wenn, 1409 Jackson street, $1 and costs; O. M. Reynolds, 2624 Brown street, $1 and costs; J. M. DeFrance, Strehlow apartments, $1 and costs; C. H. Mullen," 2203 Grant street, $1 andtosts; on charges of operating their automobiles with bright lights. Governor Wants Defense Organization Started Governor Neville has requested Mayor Dahlman to start the organi zation of a Douglas county. council of defense which will serve as a unit of a proposed state council of defense. ine governor suggests tne appoint ment of the following committees of the county organization: Finance, publicity, food production, conserva tion and distribution;, co-operative agencies, hygiene, medicine and sani tation, recruitng. 1 Wheat Jumps Up Over Ten Cepts on This Market An advance of 0'A cents a bushel lifted Omaha cash wheat to $3.3354, with the lowest prices for grade, $3.28. TJie receipts were seventeen carloads. Corn sold at, an advance of 'A to 2 cents. The receipts were eighty carloads. Oats were unchanged from Thurs day and sold at 7!871)4c, with thirty four carloads on the market. Men Wanted to Help , Collect the Income Tax "Seventy positions as income tax deputy collectors, inspectors and agents are open at salaries of $1,400 to $1,600 per annum. Collector of In ternal Revenue Loomis has received word that a competitive examination to fill them will be conducted. Ap olicants should ask for Form 1312 at the postoffice, St. Paul, Minn TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Spocial Summor Classes begin Monday, May 14, 8 P. First Lesson. Our farms aro most reasonable. Twenty-eighth and Farnam. GARDEN SPOT HERE IS WORTH $500,000 Mayor Secures Tract from the Fontenelle Hotel Company County Pioneers to Plant It. ' The mos; valuable garden site in Omaha is a tract of land adjoining the Fontenelle hotel and valued at half a million dollars. This probably is the most expensive piece of lauti in the United States de voted to gardening in the high cost crusade. The Fo".tenelle Holel company t'.onatcd the use of the land and Mavor Dahlman, 'hrough Director Fleharty of the municipal garden bureau, ar ranged with President McArdle of the Douglas County Agricultural as sociation, for cultivation of the tract. The produce will he given to the poor of the county. The city sold $400 worth ot seed jiotatocs aiid small seeds Thursday, "he seed dopartnient will be open Sat urday afternoon, for the convenience of city gardeners. More lots and tracts are wanted by ihe city garden department. A widow and seven children were given $4.80 worth of seeds which would have cost them $10 at regular retail prices. The Rock Island rail road gave the family the use of two acres near their home on Z street, South Side. D PHOTOPLAYS. DOROTHY GISH in 'Her Official Fathers' -MUSE- Margaret Illington in r "SACRIFICE" '111 . LAST TIMES TODAY f RUTH CLIFFORD I DOUGLAS GERRARD, in ' i '.'ETERNAL LOVE" iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiinliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil AMUSEMENT". THE SCST OF VAUDIVILLI LAST TWO TIMES 'cisude'CIMInirfater It Co.: Nellie V. Nichols and Currant BUI MATINEE TODAY, 2M Early TAMAIJT 0.1 A Curtain I VIII VII I U.IV NEXT WEEK Sea, on Closes With LYDIA BARRY, Aleaandw Carr A Co. and Other Eac.ll.nt F.aturaa. AUDITORIUM To and Including May 16 . FRENCH AND BELGIAN ART Largest Art Exhibition Ever Shown in Omaha Open Week Days 10 to 10 Sundays 2 to 10 Admission 10 Cents BRANDEIS ""TBS ?,r' M- ST. ' LOUIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MAX ZACH. Conductor - - LILLIAN SNELLING, Contralto ARTHUR HACKETT, Tenor Popular Program Popular Price 'Jick.U, SOc to S .SO SEATS ON SALE BOYD- Tb.ura.-Frt Sat. May 17-1S-1S. WITH BIG MATINEE SATURDAY. Last and Bast Show of Season. AL JOLSON In N. Y. Whrtar Garden Sp.ctac.Io "ROBINSON CRUSOE JR." Nights! 50e-Z.S0 Mat.i SOc-S2.00 SEATS NOW . CHINKO and KAUFMAN CURLEY and WELCH CLAUDIE TRACY WOLGAST and GIRLIE FREDERICK WARDE, In "HINTON'S DOUBLE" BASE OMAHA VS. DENVER MAY 12-13-14-13 ROURKE PARK" Monday, May 14 Ladies' Day Gamoa Called at 3itS Box Seats at Barkalow Bros. GRAND BALL Given By VICTOR B. LUND, Recorder, and J, JOHNSTON, Sr. Warden, ot the ORDER OF STAGS (Omaha Drove 138) at the SWEDISH AUDITORIUM 16th and Chicago Sta. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 12, '17 Jacobe' "Union Mualc Admiaaion, 2bc '. Everybody Welcome Join the Harney 5143. 3fllS f&ytmmmmmm''mm'mmm