Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY '12, 1917."
Chicago School Lads . - ,
Want tij Work on Farms
Superintendent John O. Snoop of
the Chicago public schools has writ
ten to railroad officials in Omaha, no
tifying them that he has 1,500 Chicago
boys between the ages of 16 and 18
years who have volunteered for farm
work and ire ready to be sent out as
soon as their services are needed.
The Chicago superintendent savs
(Hill uuys Ul wonting age aic uciiik
given U11 L1CUIIB O.I1U BIG UVIliK ...
leased Iron, the Chicago schools f
month earlier in order that they may
do their bit in increasing the agricul
tural resources of the country. He
adds that of the 1,500 available for
service in this territory many have
worked on farms.
PIG PORK LOINS, PER LB...... j....'. 1878c
FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS, LB. .......... . 19c
BtMi. Pot Rout, lb 14',c
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 17' ic
Young Veal Roast, lb 13', c
Young Veal Chopi, lb ......17ic
Porterhouse Steak, lb ,.22'ic
Pll Pork Roast, lb...... 18',c
Pir Pork Butt., lb. 20c
Snar. Ribi. lb t',c
Mutton Chop., lb .18',c
Dallvariaa made to- all parte of tba city,
Mutton Soaiit. lb UVic
Extra Lean Rerular Hams, lb 2Vic
Suitar Cured Hams, lb 20c
Extra tean Breakfait Bacon, lb...34',c
Sugar Cured Baron, lb 27 '',c
From S l S p in. Pork. Chop!, lb. .18t
From 0 to 10 p ra. Lamb Chap,, per
lb., t ,.13',c
Mall ordera tilled at the prleM.
1610 Harney Street. .
Douglas 2703.
Jome Scommics Depavtment
LowXost Meats
In some recent dietary .work done
by my classes in the high school the
question came frequently, "What kind
of, meat can you serve that doesn't
cost much? What is there besides
plain stew?" The idea seems very gen
eral that steaks, chops, roasts and
stews are the only meat possibilities:
and when the first three are barred
by prohibitive cost, there seems no
resources beyond the last. And of
stews, the kind most generally known
and used is the inevitable beef stew
with potatoes and carrots. Not that
such a stew is not palatable; it is, but
it is also tiresome, the following
recipes are an attempt to suggest
meat possibiltti when the 'ncorae will
Let every man and every woman assume the duty of careful provident use and expen
diture as a public duty, as an order to patriotism, which no one can now expect ever to be
excuses or forgiven for ignoring. Buying at tne tfasKet btores neips you 10 save,
Plant Garden, Everybody fi doing? It
Seeds, Gardtn or Flowr, t pkgs...S
Tomato and Cabbage plants, dos.,,.10e
O ran feat Famous Redlsnd NaTels, 13c,
IS, 17 auj. and several other iliei.
Lament Af tht weather fata wanner
yon will want mora, rat them baton
they advance.
NOW $4.33 par eaia: dot. Mte to 19
Brad Two Be loaves or one 10a loaf, 9e
Tip Finest Moca and Java blend itaal
cut. Grade usually sold for 0c, lb.. .43b
Independent A favorite wherever known,
46c grade, lb. can, 29c t in 2 -lb. ean,.S6e
Caib Habit A 86e grade 26a
Thrifty Habit Sweet Drinking San toe
blend, lb. ...20o
Washington Inetant Coffee Small, 2ftc,
large, ......
Cocoa Tip, H-lb. can....... 20c
W. H. Baker"i lb. can 23c
Peetum, Inetant 60c can, 4Se; 80o
can, 27c
Cereal Coffee 80e site ......... .23c
Corn Flakes, Krinkie, lGe pkg....l2e
Corn Flakes, National, pkg. so; 8
for "e
Pout Toaitifi, 16c plfir... 13c
Shredded Wheat, 16o pkg. 12c
Vinegar Cider neually aold for 86e, our
price au
Bottle 10c iiM c
Ptcklef, Mustard, Sweat, Sweet mixed,
Sour or Sweet Beltsh, 10c bottle. .9c
8 for ....26c
Armour's Catsup, 260 alia ........ 31c
Rawkeya Catsup, 26c lire ...22c
Worcestershire Sauce, bottle 0cj 8 2Bc
Vacht Club Salad Dressing 9c
flour, gat our prices, market too
tmcertain to Quota prlcea.
Shoe Polish 2-In-One or Shlnola, 20e
box 8e
S for 22c
Bull Frog or Peter's Pasta 4e
Royal or Jet Oil Liquid, 10c bottle, So
Gilt Edge, 26o bottle 21c
Bhinola Home Sett Dauber and
Polisher; uaualy sold for 26c, our
price la lfte
Cedar 00 Polish American Lady
26c alia t , 18c
size 19c
60c else 38c
$1.00 else ....72c
American Girl, os tin .Be
8 for 28c
Clothes Bankets ......... .Wc
Blueing, 10c bottle 4c
Ammonia, 10c bottle ., ....8c
Ammonia, gallon ....,,..,.,. .26e
Diamond C Soap, 9 bars for 25c
Whit Borax, Naptha or t let trio Spark
, Soap, T bars 20c
Excel Soap, like Ivory, 6c bar. 4c
Cocoannt Oil, Pumice or ..Tar, bar. .4c
Olive Cream, bar 8c
! Chloride of Lime, can ........ ..12c
Bon-Ami, Powdered or bar, 9ej $ (or 28c
Pyramid Washing Powder, 6e pkg., 19c
Gold Dust, 25c pkg. ........ .21c
Hippo or email Pyramid, Bo pkg 4c
Soap Chips, lb 12c
Edtna Washing Powder, 6e pkg 4c
8 for 10c
Olives Sylmnr Ripe, pt. can, 20c f ojt.
can . ...v..., ... Sic
Queen Olives, pt. 17c qt.... 33c
Splendid variety, Beat Quality Meats.
Prices as low as postible for the high
grade we carry.
Veal Roast, lb. ...18c
Veal Stew, lb 14c
Rib Boll, lb ....14c
Beat Creamery Butter, 1 lb. car
ton 43c
Good Creamery Butter, 1 lb. car
ton , 41c
Good Tub Butter, lb. ..40c
neat Tip Butterine, Tinted, lb...8c
Beat Tip. Butterine, White,, lb. 27c
Cash Habit, lb 25c
Magnolia, 2 lb. roll 41c
Fresh Eggs, dog,, 35c 2 doc. for 68c
buy mora at our stores from produ
cers. ,
Lincoln and
$5.00 ord.n D.liv.r.d FREE within ruion
abl. distance. Sm.Il.r ord.r, over $1. for 8c.
Boy Now From Tod
Twenty Million Oranges
" 20,000,000 oranges from California's bumper crop are now
being shipped to retailers every day. Buy ,now. , Prices' are
not high. There are ten sizes of Sunkist at various retail
prices, and alT sizes are uniformly, good, thin-skinned, juicy and sweet. '
For health' and economy eat more oranges and vegetables and less,
meat Gtre the children oranges in place of candy. Oranges aid digestion '
and thus increase the efficiency of all other foods. All retailers have this
fruit in abundance at attractive prices. '"," s "v"
Calibrate Pnrit 9mn Kaduno, A Co-Oiwr.flvm,
hot AngalM, Mlfijral.
Inn w. Tin n as A '
Dniforaly Good Oeanges 1
Package Foods
The housewife who specializes on ISSt Ws nn MrmnmM
table, and serves original, tasty, novel dishes. ST offers to you a
multitude of America's choicest foodr ready-to-serve meats, ' r r
fish, soups, vegetables and fruits. Bring variety to your table
viwiuit, auina oi tnese famous Uval Isabel dainties tody
13lh anil ..,.;! :
' Mia and Q SI..
Omaha, Nbk
Douglal 10S3.
South 1741).
Reader are cordially invited to
aik Mii Qrois any questions
about honsehold economy upon
which ihe may poasibly give help
ful advice; they are also invited to
give iuggestiont from their expe
rience that may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems;
allow an expenditure of only 5 cents
per person. Some of them will prove
slightly more expensive and a few
possibly a trifle cheaper. The cost may
not cover vegetables where large
quantities are called for, as in stew.
A sliank ot beet is (he cheapest
meat on the market. As a meat it
proves not so cheap because of the
small amount ot edible meat on it.
However, made into a good soup with
plenty of vegetables and rice or bar
ley,' it satisfies the desire for meat
and turnishes a nourishing dish.
I 0. potato.., out IntolH. lbl. bv.f
H-ln. .How Vt amall ftnton, cut In-
13 o. turnip, out Into to thin allc.
. H-ln. oub S T flour '
11 a. carrot, out ..Salt 'and pppr. s
lh. turnip.
Wipe meat with a damp cloth, cut
in lJ4-inch cubes, sprinkle with salt
and pepper and dredge with flour. Cut
some of the tat into small pieces and
try out in a frying pan. Add meat
and Stir constantly, that the surface
to stew fifteen minutes before taking
from -tire. Ihicken stew with two
tablespoons of flour mixed with
enough cold water to pour easily.
MEAT SOtr. '
3 lb. ihanU ot beef, k e. turnlpa or cab-
1 c. burley, rice or bate,
macaroni. S c. carrot..
2 T. onion Halt and pepper.
2 T. parsley. ' l
Wipe the meat with a damp cloth,
remove the fat if there is too nuch,
Try the fat out for drippings. Cover
the bone and the meant (but in rather
small pieces) with cold water and al
low it to cook slowly, but not boil, for
four or five hours. Add barley or rice
two hours betore using. Add-vege
tables cut into one-half inch cubes one
hour before mealtime.
As suggested, a beef stew is not
the only kind"of stew to serve, but a
well-made beef stew is an excellent
dish. The making of any other stew
is very similar.
Variation of stow.
1. Substitute veal or lamb forj the
peer. -2.
Substitute two-thirds cup rice fo:
the potatoes and add wi(li the vege
3. Add four tablespoons of minced
oarsiey at the end
4. Use lamb and substitute one cud
barley tor uie potatoes. Cook as rice.
Umtt the turnips and add one.
half can of peas fifteen minutes be'
ore stew is done. v
o. use part canned tomatoes in
may be quickly seared. When well pface 0 part 0f the water, or add one
browned, put in kettle and rinae frv'
ing pan. with boiling water. Cover
with boiling water and boil five min
utes, then cook below the boiling
point two and one-half to three hours.
Add vegetables, except potatoes, and
seasoning the last hour of cooking.
Parboil potatoes five minutes and add
Uncle Sam is mobilizing the
housewives. Your country has
asked you to conserve the food
supply. Don't leave it to your
naignnor; do your bit.
What Waste Means
There are twenty million homes
in our country. One ounce of
waste in each means the loss of
1,800,000 pounds of food daily.
xou are asked to end this waste
to buy food for food-value. ,
Is the most nutritious of all foods.
and has practically no waste. A
quart of milk is a full quart of
lood-vaiue. it is tne only lood
that supplies the body with all the
nourishing elements required to
sustain it. But milk is not an.
economy, unless it is sare.
Alamito Milk Is Safe
It's Pasteurized '
Pasteurizing kills all dangerous
bacteria by hosting the milk not
boiling it and cooling it rapidly.
Each bottle is sterilized and
capped by machinery, and from
cow to consumer, your health is
safeguarded. , .-
Enlist With Alamito
And do your bit by preventing
- waste, i
, Ask Your Grocor or Phono
The Alamito Dairy Cq.
cup tomatoes toward the end. An ex
cellent combination is lamb, rice, to
matoes and chopped green pepper
added at the end.
i 7. Mexican Stew Add corn, lima
beans and tomatoes.
8. Serve with dumplings.
2 iba. brlaket of cornH lb. fucnlp.
beef 1 lb. carrot,
tt lb. cabbage 1 onion '
ft lb rutabagaa
Wipe meat, cover with cold water
and bring slowly to the boiling point.
Boil five minutes, remove the scum
and cook below the boiling point for
about three hours. When tne meat
is tender remove-it and cook the'vege-
tables in the water. The vegetables
S11QU1V uc tut llliu small picico.
Stews may be cooked in a casserole
after the first browning. This process
develops very good flavoring. Ur a
stew may be cooked on top of the
stove; placed in a baking dish and
covered with pastry to make a meat
Die. Biscuit or shortcake dough is
good for covering a meat pie. Allow
twenty minutes in the oven to bake
the crust. A different kind of crust
is a layer of mashed potato which is
UiftosT Mbxejopi factory ir (Imerico.
PIG PORK LOINS, PER LB ..... . 18c
xounv veai noaat, id. .. ... .idysc Chop., lb.....,.....17",o
Porterhoui. Steak, lb ,...22Vic
Steer Pot Boast, lh ...14V,o
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 17ViC
Pir Pork Roast, lb . lS'ae
Pit Pork Butt., lb..,. 20V.s
Spar. Rib., lb 14c
Mutton Chop., lb IS'jc
Extra Lean Regular Hams, lb. ... .24V9c
Sugar Cured Hams, lb 20e
Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb...34Vc
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb...'. 27V.C
From 8 to S p. m. Pork Chop., lb., ISc
From S t. 10 p. m. 2-lb. Cb. Lvd..30c
DaUvart. mad. to all part, of th. city, -Mall ordera filled at thee, price.
113 Nerth 16th StrMt.
Doufflas 2307.
i Every Healthy, mjA'
(jUI Normal Child '813J
rs GOOD FOR Y0U''4
IjlkS Th Special for This Sunday u ' 1
It "' "NOUGAT!! ; ' .i
j La5 Order From Your Druggist - cIi 1 II
:'airmont Creamery
Strawberries Both Fine
And Cheap on the Market
' This is the good old strawberry
time. The strawbery crop down in
Louisiana is bounteous. If it is a
forecast of crops in general we shall
have great plenty. Strawberries on
the local market are now selling at
only tO cents for a quari box and
they are certainly fine berries, hist as
fine in flavor as they are in appear
ance, too. So strawberries and cream
and good old-fashioned strawberry
short cake and strawberry pie and all
the many good things that can be
made with strawberries are finding a
big place on Omaha tables. Now is
certainly the tinie to eat them. With
strawberries' at 20 cents a quart, they
cost less than twice as much as pota
toes. Twenty cents a quart would be
$1,60 a peck for strawberries, while
potatoes ace selling at 83 cents a pecK.
Potatoes hold to about the same price
as last week. They come chiefly from
Idaho and Colorado with a few also
from Washington state.
Cabbage holds to its high price,
around 15 cents a pound, at which
figure cauliflower is selling also.
Rhubarb is extremely plentiful and
tv large bunches 'cost only a nickel.
Home grown asparagus is of ex
cellent quality and small price. 5 to
10 cents a bunch.
Cucumbers can be obtained at :
cents each. Onions, both the little
green fresh ones and the big ones of
other years are plentiful Lettuce is
fine and radishes, too.
Big, fine "ox heart" cherries from
California, the kind that come in
'those flat boxes, arc on the Omaha
market at about 40 cents a mound.
Oranges are plentiful at the usual
prices. Grape fruit is still here, but -no
longer so abundant. Fresh limes
are 40 cents a dozen.
Fresh string beans at 15 cents a
quart or thereabouts arc very good.
Tomatoes are on hand from Florida.
browned in the oven as any other
crust. This kind of pie is called Cot
tage Pie. v
To add flavor to meat that has
simply been boiled, it may be cut into
pieces and combined with a cereal
and a highly seasoned sauce. Soup
meat is very palatable treated this
way. Some of my students were very
scornful of a combination of beef,
hominy and tomato sauce baked to
gether in the oven; but after tasting,
several of the most skeptical were
convinced of the palatability of the
1 c. flour It. butter
2 t. baking powder 0. milk, acant .
1-1 t. .all ' - -
Mix and sift dry ineredients. Work
in butter, add milk gradually. Remove
enough liquid from stew so that when
dumplings are dropped in they will
rest on top of meat. Drop by ' spoon
fuls and let cook about twenty min
utes. The stew should be thickened
before dumplings are dropped in. 1
14 IbaT flank steak 1 onion, thinly sliced
c. potatoes, tmnly o. .tewed tomatoes
Have the butcher score the steak
when it is bought. Sprinkle with salt
and pepper. (Dredge well with flour
and lay in baking pan. Place a thick
layer of potatoes over it, then a layer
of sliced onion. Pour the tomatoes
over, cover closely and cook slowly
in oven two and one-half to three
hours,. One-half h,our before the meat
is done, remove the -cover. Add
water if necessary, arid leave it to
cook uncovered. In serving, place it
whole on a platter and cut down as
through a loaf.
Ihe onlv inexpensive meat that can
be treated as the choice cuts are
treated is hamburger steak. Because
it i$ in such small bits, and the meat
fiber is so broken, it can be broiled
or pan-broiled, thus giving the special
flavor that only broiling and pah-broiling
can give. A thick cake of ham
burger requires ten minutes' broiling
just as other steak. Serve with salt,
pepper and melted butter or drippings.
ways," mix salt, pepper, minced onion
and half its quantity of bread crumbsi
Form into cakes and cook in a small
amount of fat. ' ' '
Steak Stanley.
Arrange broiled hamburger cakes
on a hot platter, cover with cream
sauce to which has been added horse
radish, about 2'tablespoonfuls horse
radish to i cup sauce. , .
lbs. lean beefl c. water
ground wlta 1 egf,
lb. aalt pork It. salt
1 e. milk - . K t. Denoer
IK T. melted butterl o. bread crumbs .
Mix all ineredients thoroughly to
gether, bake in a greased dish forty ,
minutes in a moderate oven: i his dish
is very good served hot with a sauce,
or sliced cold without a sauce. To
mato sauce or brown sauce are good
to serve.
Dandelion Greens.
Wash-carefully and pick over, three
pints of dandelion leaves. Cook in
boiling water until tender, about fif
teen or twenty minutes. Drain, chop
fine and season with salt and pepper.
Garnish with slices of crisped bacon.
Dandelion Salad. , ,
Wash carefully and pick over one
pint of dandelion greeds, k Mince fine
and add an onion and three strips of
bacon, cut in dice and browned. Then
take I '
t aalt ' IT. bacon fat
K t. pepper -1 T. vinegar
Heat in saucepan and then pour
over the salad. It may be garnished
with thin slices of hard-boiled egg.
Boiled Lettuce.
Wash lettuce "well to remove the
sand, then trim carefully, discarding
the blemished, and darkened leaves.
Tie up in a clean napkin or piece of
cheesecloth. Cook in boiling water
for twenty minutes. Drain and cover
with a cream sauce. Sprinkle with a
teaspoonful 6f grated cheese. Serve
as a vegetablefor lunch or dinner.
Tested Recipes
Cherries. White lettuce leaves
Pecan nut meats. or endive.
Wipe, remove stems and stone
cherries: fill cavities thus made with
pecan nut meats. Arrange on white
xettuce leayes orv endive and serve
with cream mint dressing. Strawber
ries, fresh pineapple or a combination
of fruits may be used in place of
stuffed cherries.
t. salt.
6 T. butter
2 egg yolks.
1-3 c. milk.
Pare pineapple, remove eyes, cut ii
slices, separate into small pieces,
sprinkle with sugar and put asi4e.
Mix and sift flour, bakingpowder,
sugar and salt, and work in butter,
using the tips of the fingers. Beat
egg yolks with milk and add to first
mixture, stirring with a knife. Toss
on a slightly floured board and pat
and roll to one inch in thickness. Cut
in large circles, place on a buttered
sheet and bake in a hot oven. Split
and spread with butter. Arrange one
piece pn serving dish (buttered side
up) and cover with pineapple, then
with inverted other piece and more
pineapple.'Pour over this:
H lb. marshmaliows. H c. pineapple Juic.
o. confectioners' or water.
Cut marshmaliows in pieces and
melt in double boiler. Dissolve sugar
in hot pineapple juice or boiling
water, add to marshmaliows and stir
until smooth and hot. Ladies Home
Companion. ,
2 c. flour.
4 t. baking powdtr.
1 T. sugar.
Xt Can't you see dancifig happiness in LaTV.
.JT the eyes of the youngsters when lO"
' X, ' N Apricot Marmalade ' oC
a blending of vanilla Ice Cream and the very choic- 1
est California Apricots is serveeT tomorrow for
5 ' In nearly every city block you I
v can ind vi dealer who sells J
Let Us Help You Cut the Living Expenses
to 6 Iba. I Pisr Pork Chops,
Yniinr Pi Pork Loins.
sversgl, per lb ..,...
Young; Pig Fresh Hams, 4 to 6 lbs.
Average, per lb 19
Young Pig Shoulders, 4 to 6 lbs. aver
age, per lb... t 163iC
Choice Steer Beef Roast, lb., 17Vsc, 20c
Choice Stew Sirl6in Bout, lb. ... . .10c
Choice Steer Rib Roast, lb....... 20c
Choice Steer Sirloin Steak, lb 20c
Fresh Beef Tenderloin, lb 35c
Good Peas. 8 cans for. ,' . . .25c
Large Bottles of Pure Tomato Catsup,
2 bottles for 25f
Choice Steer Boiling Beef, lb....l2Vsc
Fancy Loin Lamb Chops, lb 25c
Extra Fancy Young Veal Roast, per
lb., at - 17V2c, 20c
Young Veal Breast with a pocket for
Mtressing, per ib 15c
Live Lobsters, each -50c
Extra Large Hard Shelled Crabs, at,
each . . . 35c
Home Dressed Young Roasting Chick
ens or Fat Hens, lb 23y4c
Fresh Calf Sweet Breads. Ib 35c
Best Granulated Sugar, 11 lbs. . . .1.00
All Brands of Creamery Butter, per
io., my .
Diamond C" or Swift Pride" Soap,
bars for 5c
Urge Package Pyramid Washing Pow
der, per vkg .....19c
.Our regular
Our regular 25c Coffee, special,
dt -.
86c Coffee, special.
per lb.,
, . . .20c
ExtrtS Fancy Ripe Pineapples, each. .10
Extra Sweet Oranges, dosen..l8c, 15c
Extra Fancy SpiUenbarger Apples, per
Large Thin Skin Lemons, doien....20e
Good Eating Pears, dpsen 15c
Extra Fancy Strawberries, large boxes,
t boxes for. 35c
Fresh Tomatoes, 2 lbs., for 25c
Large Cucumbers, each.... 10c, 12'jr
Extra Fancy White Potatoes, peck, 75c
New Potatoes, peck $1.10
Green Onions, bunch... ."2c
Large Artichokes, 2 for '.....25c
Large Head Lettuce, per head, 5c, 7Vjo
White or Yellow Onions, 4 lbs., for 25c
r Ice Cream Parlor and Our Lunch Room, ,
ream Sodas and Sundaes, Always 5c
; We have charigea1 smr delivery schedule We delivet all over the city.
Visit Our I
lea Cream J
no 7 oarcroi AS
.we most if-y-rrm