Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1917, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Use the telephone for
Easiest Way
Telephone Tyler 1000
VOL. XLVI. NO. 277.
Expedition of Nearly 12,000
Leaves for European Battle
fields at "Earliest Pos
sible Moment."
Recruiting Points Will Be New
York, Chicago, St. Louis,
Boston and Other Cities.
Washington, May 7. Nine regi
ments of army engineers; composed
exclusively of highly trained railway
men, will be the first American troops
sent to France.
They will go "at the earliest pos
sible moment," the War department
announced today, for work on com
munication lines. Nothing will be
given out as to when and from where
they will sail because of submarines.
The new forces will be volunteers,
raised at the nine great railway cen
ters of the country. Each regiment
will be commanded by an engineer
colonel of the regular army, aided by
n adjutant. All other officers will
be railway engineers or officials.
The expedition will have a total
strength of between 11,000 and 12,000
men, each regiment being composed
of two battalions of three companies
Recruiting Points.
Every branch of railway workers
necessarv to the building or opera
tion of lines will be represented and
the War department expects a re
sponse to the call that will insure a
force already trained to the minute,
an army of experts in railway opera
tion. Recruiting will be directly under
the colonel of each regiment. Re
cruiting machinery of the regular
lervice or the National Guard will be
placed at their service and it is hoped
that the .enrollment of the trorjpswill
take little time. The recruiting points
will be New York, Chicago, St. Louis,
Boston, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Atlanta,
San Francisco and Philadelphia. :
Officials believe the railroad broth
erhoods will co-operate in . the re
cruiting efforts. The railway com
panies already are organized for co
operation! under the Council of Na
tional Defense.
War Department Statement.
The department's statement!,, fol
lows: '"The War department has sent out
orders for the raising as rapidly as
possible of nine additional regiments
of engineers, which are destined to
proceed to France at the earliest pos
sible moment for work in lines of
communication. It is requested of the
press that no speculation or rumors
regarding the force be carried other
than that given out. All details re
garding the force will be given out as
fast as compatible with the best public
It was explained that these engineer
forces were not in any way connected
with the army organization planned
by the War department and already
made known. They represent an ad
dition to the total military prepared
ness program upon which the country
is now engaged.
Because of the technical nature of
the tasks before them it is regarded
as probable that no preliminary mili
tary training will be necessary for
these troops and that they can be sent
forward as rapidly as they can be re
cruited, officered and supplied with
personal' equipment.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair aat; probafely rain
Cr mow west portion,
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour, Dep.
Comparative Local Record.
, 1917. 191B. 1915. 1914.
Highest yesterday, . , 62 89 7ft &4
lowest yesterday ... 39 61 39 4::
Mean temperature ..GO 75 E4 4R
?recipltat1on T .11 T T
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal at Omaha Bince
March X. and compared with the past two
Normal temperature ,,,..60
Deficiency (or tho day 10
Total deficiency since March 1 94
formal precipitation n inch
Deficiency for the day..... 13 Inch
Total rainfall eince March 1....6.32 inches
Excess since March 1 1.06 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.3.08 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915.2.38 Inches
Keportf From Stations at 7 P. M.
3 tat ion and State Temp. High. Rain
of Weather. 7 p.m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, clear 36 40 .09
Davenport, clear , 58 60 .00
uenver, rain
Des Moines, ptly, cldy.. 60 64 .00
Dodge City, clear...... C4 fitt .00
Zander, cloudy 44 4M .01
North Platte, clear.... 5t
Omaha, clear 57
Pueblo, ptly. cldy 4ft
Kansas City, clear 56
bait ijftKe. cloudy
Santa Fe, cloudy 40
sherldan. ptly. cldy.,., 4K
Sioux City, clear f 4
Valentine, clear 6 fix
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L, A. WELSH, Meteorologist,
2 e a. m , 40
A itv F R a. m 39
H k r 7 a, m. ........... 42
I iSx I A 8 a' m 46
JFW A 9 a. m 51
J 10 a- m 63
GubJL ill I 11 a- m M
wE&MmSsi " 13 65
ZrW&uW' r 1 p- m ' 67
Br I"! 2 p. m 59
S " ' 3 p. m 60
rtf 4 p. m , 61
w S p. m 62
tidfiS&g 6 p. m.... 60
"r 1 p. m 67
' J 8 p. m DS
Nebraska Executive in Procla
mation Asks State Organi
zations to Act Speedily That
Policy May Be Framed.
Live Stock, Grain, Poultry and
Home Economics the
Chief, Topics.
Governor Neville has issued a proc
lamation calling upon the various or
ganizations of the state to appoint
delegates to the conference in Omaha
May 22 to 25, on the subject of con
servation of Nebraska's food produc
ing resources.
The proclamation, which is signed
by the governor and by Dr. George E.
Condra, executive secretary of the Ne
braska Conservation and Public Wel
fare commission, follows: "
Believing that , immediate steps
should be taken to conserve Ne
braska's food supply and to increase
production for national purposes, and
in line with the duties of the Conser
vation and Public Welfare commis
sion, as denned by the statutes of the
state, we, the officers of the commis
sion, do hereby urge and invite .-the
citizens of Nebraska to select from
their various organizations, agricul
tural, education, social, religious 'and
industrial, representative delegatess,
to meet in the city of Omaha May
22 to 25, to discuss the conservation
and increase of foods, and formulate a
practical policy to put into effect
throughout the state.
We urge the co-operation in this
conference of all citizens of the state
as individuals or representing some
association or organization in the
fields of agriculture, labor, commerce,
education and social and religious ac
tivity. The meeting will be held in the Mu-mcipirt-Awiittjrinrrnlt'frill
be' divided
into four main classes the conserva
tion of live stock resources, the con
servation of grain, conservation of
poultry and eggs and gardening and
household conservation.
The home economics department of
the University of Nebraska will have
many demonstrators here to give ac
tive demonstrations daily in the prin
ciples of canning, as well as in com
bining food and substituting.
Launched at Sunday .Meet.
This state-wide movement for the
conservation and mobilization of Ne
braska's resources was launched at a
meeting in the Hotel Rome Sunday
under the governor's direction.
Members of a general committee
appointed by the governor at the re
quest of The Beeand E. V. Par
rish of the Commercial club bureau of
publicity, agreed upon a plan that will
place, the state upon a war-time
The committee is composed of ex
perts and heads of Nebraska's most
important industrial .commercial and
agricultural organizations. An execu
tive committee was named to draft
detailed plans and push the work in
every county in the state.
By this action Nebraska takes the
lead of all of the state in the Ameri
can union in so organizing its forces
that it will be in a position, at any mo
ment's notice, to respond effectively
to any call that may be made upon
it by the Council of National Defense.
Other states probably will follow the
Nebraska plan.,
On Governor's Committee.
Members of the governor's commit
tee are: O. G. Smith of Kearney,
head of the Farmers' congress; E. R,
Danielson, Lincoln, secretary of the
Board of Agriculture; Charles R.
Graff, Bancroft, president of the Live
Stock Breeders' association; R. L.
Herron of the "Farmers' Union;"
Emerson Purcell, Broken Bow, presi
dent of the Nebraska Press associa
tion; George E. Condra, Lincoln, of
the Soil Survey league; W. W. Burr,
Lincoln, head of the state university
Department of Agronomy; Miss Alice
Loomis, Miss Wilson and Mrs. David
son of the state university home
economics department; W. F. Baxter,
chairman of the Omaha Bureau of
Publicity; E. V. Parrish, manager of
the Omaha Bureau of PubBtity; Ever
ett Buckingham, F. L. Haller,
(Continued on Pnge Two, Column One.)
Airplanes Drop Four
Bombs Near London
London, May 7. A hostile airplane
dropped four bombs northeast of
London this morning, it is officially
The statement announcing the air
plane raid reads:
"In the early hours tiiis morning a
hostile airplane appeared over the
outskirts of Northeast London and
dropped four bombs. One man was
killed and a man and a woman in
jured. Slight damage was done to
buildings. "
No one in the area where the Ger
man airplane dropped bombs saw
anything of the hostile machine. The
people were awakened by the explo
sions, but by the time they reached
the street the machine had disap
peared The bomb which caused the
casualties fell on the roof of some
residential buildings and the other
missiles landed in a nearby swamp.
endeavor hold meetiif '" w"""oe?t UhU W. F. Baxter, Omaha; G. E. Condra, Lincoln!
E. Purcell, Broken Bo'JO?iJ,,;,l;,',,',H "" ney. Standing, left to right: W. W. Burr, Lincoln;
E. V. Parrish, Omaha jla tlatTTlEJancrof t ; F. G. Odell, Omaha; Roy Gustafson, Omaha.
People in Many Cities and
Towns Turn Out in Crowds
as Preparedness Spe
cial Passes.
Weather Keeps Some in Fields,
' but' "Hosts "'Bear the"
Norfolk, Neb., May 7. (Special
Telegram. Beginning at Columbus
this morning good crowds attended
meetings held' by the lecturers and
demonstrators on board the "Pre
paredness Special."
Weather was fine and attendance
somewhat lessened by the fact that
farmers felt Imperative duty to utilize
every minute in fields, but interest in
domestic science and gardening work
was great and the town meetings were
alt large and enthusiastic, especially
those for school children.
The special made long stops only at
Columbus, Humphrey, Madison 'and
Norfolk, but lecturers were dropped
off at smaller' stations between and
at all stations crowds gathered at the
depots to welcome the visitors.
At Humphrey, where a two-hour
stop was made, a band met the spe
cial and d long procession escorted
lecturers to various meeting places.
At Enola, where the train paused iust
long enough to let off three speakers,
a band was playing and a fine crowd
waved flags and cheered.
Each speaker made repofts of the
numbers addressed and the day meet
ings ending at 6 this evening showed
upwards of 4,500 in attendance. The
special remained at Genoa over night
and the three meetings in town were
largely attended. An interesting fea
ture of the stop in Genoa was a visit
to the Genoa Indian institute, where
the Hereford herd famous throughout
the west was highly complimented by
dairy and live stock experts.
Recruits Are Signed,
Accompanying the special are rep
resentatives of the army and flaw and
they report recruits in every city visit
ed. Lieutenant Governor Howard
meets the train at Fullerton tomor
row and will remain with it several
days. . i
Whatever reeling ot antagonism
there may be on the part of farmers
towards being addressed by "book
farmers was soon dissipated, tor the
lecturers made no effort to tell farm
ers how to farm, but impressed upon
them the necessity of doing what thev
know how to do just a little bit more
efficiently this year than ever before.
Professor Franzcn and Miss
Loomis of the State College of Agri
culture are prime favorites among the
tanners and larmers wives in tins
section and their meetings were large
ly attended. Dean Burnett is expect
ed to join the party tomorrow and
remain with it the rest of the week.
Unusual activity is manifest m the
corn propaganda and the corn acre
age of this section will be 100 to 150
per cent greater than any time during
the last ten years. Oats are showing
splendid stand all along the line.
Anthrax is Epidemic
In Carter County, Okl.
Ardmorc, Okl., May 7. Six hundred
head of live stock are infected with
anthrax in Carter county, Oklahoma,
according to Carl Russell, federal
farm agent here. Veterinarians under
his direction are making a desperate
effort to check the spread of the mal
ady, he said, and are vaccinating peo
ple as well as horses and other animals.
U. S. Prepares for
Three Years' War
Cleveland, May 7. Newton D.
Baker, secretary of war, who was
here today on personal business,
indicated that the War depart
ment is making preparations for
a three-year war at least and that
he has little hope of an early
Senate Eliminates Embargo
Section Clauses Objected
to by Wilson After a
Secret Debate.
Members Say Consideration Is
Unnecessary if Taken Into
Executive's Confidence.
Washington, May 7, After five
hours debate behind closed doors the
senate eliminated modifications in the
embargo section of the espionage bill
to which President Wilson objected.
' Senators understood the I govern
ment has information to show that
under present conditions information
of military value is getting to the
enemy and that the censorship sec
tion would stop it. '
Retention of the embargo section
was supported by facts showing that
despite all precautions supplies are
getting into Germany through neutral
Senator Martin, the democratic
leader, told senators President Wilson
had called him to the White House
and said he would be embarrassed in
dealing with the question of supplies
getting into Germany if the senate
passed the embargo section as amend
ed with restrictions last week.
Senators Lodge, Fall, Reed, and
others declared that the senate would
never have been put in the position
of having to reconsider its ario" if
the president had called in leaders
before the bill was sent to the capitol
and explained the need for this legis
lation. Portugal Rents German
Ships to Great Britain
(Correspondenca or The Associated Press.)
Lisbon, April 20. Sixty of the seventy-six
German merchant steamers
which were in Portugese ports when
Portugal entered the war and which
were promptly seized by the govern
ment have been turned over to Great
Britain on a rental basis. England
has rented the ships for $7,000,000 a
year, to be paid after the war.
The renting of the ships to Eng
land has caused a good deal of criti
cism, particularly at this time when
the lack of merchant ships is sending
up the cost of living and disturbing
the whole range of Portugal's exports
and imports.
One of the most serious results
from the lack of shipping is the coal
famine. Ordinarily coal costs about
$6.50 a ton, but the price now is $37
and $40 a ton.
Explosion in Munitions
Plant Kills One Man
Kingsport, Tcnn., May 7. An ex
plosion early today at the Federal
Dyestuff and Chemical company's
plant, whicii makes munitions,
wrecked a portion of the buildings,
killed one man, fatally burned some
others and left one missing. An in
vestigation is being made.
I I 1.1 V ' , mmm.
Supreme Court Approves the
Agreement by Which Mrs.
Manchester Holds Office
for Remainder of Term.
Attorneyr for-Mres' MamshestierH
Get $25,000 and for Mrs.
La Rocca $14,000.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The battle for control of the
Woodmen Circle, auxiliary of the
Woodmen of the World, came to an
end this afternoon when the Ne
braska supreme court approved the
agreement made by attorneys repre
senting Mrs. Emma B. Manchester,
supreme guardian of the circle, and
Mrs. La Rocca and the faction that
has been trying to oust Mrs. Man
chester fro moffice.
Will Serve Out Term.
Under the agreement Mrs. Man
chester is to act as supreme guardian
for the remainder of her term, sixty
days, and no attempt is to be made to
interfere with her discharge of her
Mrs. Manchester, however, must
dispense with the services of W. H.
Hughes of St. Louis; R. L. Forgan
of Oklahoma City, John W. Croft of
Chicago and Alfred Stover of Pennsyl
vania. She cannot employ or discharge as
sistants without the sanction of the
other two members of the executive
Mrs. La Rocca will be permitted to
edit the lodge paper, hut must submit
her articles to Mrs. Manchester for
Attorneys for Mrs. Manchester are
to receive $25,000, while attorneys for
Mrs. La Rocca will get $14,000. This
shall be paid by the grand lodge as
shall $8,000 additional spent for other
items connected with the suit.
Judge Jesse L. Root, who acted as
referee for two weeks, is allowed $300
for his services.
Stout, Rose and Wells, John J.
Sullivan and Arthur Mullen were at
torneys for Mrs. Manchester and F.
H. Gaines and Jefferis and Tunison
for Mrs. La Rocca,
What Decision Means.
The dispute grew bitter with the
split in the convention at Memphis
in April. That convention divided
into two factions, one headed by Mrs.
Monchester and the other by Mrs.
Mary La Rocca.
The controversy was referred by
the supreme court to Judge Root as
referee. His investigations would
have included the taking of tsctimony
from about seventy-five witnesses, liv
ing in twenty states. Just as he was
about ready to start on this big task,
a true was agreed upon.
The truce in effect provides the af
fairs of the circle shall remain in
statu quo until the meeting of the
convention at Atlanta in July. At that
time the Supreme Forest will take
Moose Must Pay $18,000
For Death of D. A. Kenny
Washington, May 7. By refusing
to review Alabama court proceedings
the supreme court put into effect de
crees awarding $18,000 damages
against the supreme lodge of the
Loyal Order of Moose for the death
of Donald A. Kenney during initia
tion at the Birmingham (Ala.) local
lodge. Kenney died after receiving an
electric shock from a "brand board."
Joint Commissions Represent
ing All Allied Nations Be
gin Work of Coordination.
Supplies Ordered by London
Will Be Bought in U. S. and
Rushed to Seaboard.
Washington, May 7.Two allied
war commissions sitting continuously
one in London and the other here
appeared today as one of the first
actual steps to co-ordinate the power
ful resources the United States brings
into the war with those of the allies
across the sea.
The commission in London with
representatives of all the allied na
tions, including the United States,
would receive and decide upon the
apportionment of sea borne traffic'
lite commission here would men
charge itself with getting such sup
plies to the seaboard, either by direct
purchase or tnrougn present agencies.
Will Apportion Traffic.
While the inroads of the subma
rine menace continue it is absolutely
essential to conserve every ship for
the most needed freight and the only
way that this can be done is to have
the allies submit their needs to a
central body in London, which shall
have power to give priority to the
most nressintr.
At the same time a commission in
this country knowing exactly how
mucn was wanted woum uuy ir. juui
ciauslytand keep the railroad lines
open to the seaboard.
Balfour Awaits Reports.
With the areat bulk of the detailed
work now distributed amongst vari
ous subcommittees British foreign
Minister: Balfour HOW is tvvaltinsf re
ports. Today he was officially re
ceived at the supreme court.
Later the new Belgian minister to
the United States paid a visit to Mr.
Balfour. Samuel Gompers, president
of the American Federation of Labor,
called with the Brtish labor leaders,
who have just arrived in this country
upon bis invitation.
Clause in Danish Treaty
Protects Interned Vessels
Washington, May .7. It was re
vealed in the house today that an un
published provision in the agreement
with Denmark by which the Danish
West indies were acquired by the
United States was that German or
other warbound ships in th island
would not be seized or conhscated.
The disclosure was made by Chair
man Alexander of the commerce com
mittee presenting the administration
bill to confer congressional canction
upon the president for seizure and op
eration ot enemy warbound snips tn
American ports. When Republican
Leader Mann asked for more intor
nation Chairman Webb of the ju
diciary committee warned the house
that it was not a subject to be dis'
cussed publicly. m
Mr. Alexander then explained the
purposes of the bill which he said was
to give the president full power to
take title to the ships except in the
Virgin Islands and to provide for
then operation or lease by the gov.
Says That Brewers Use a'
Small Percentage of Grain
Washington, May 7. Headed by
Gustave Pabst, a delegation represent
ing the brewers of the United States,
was heard today by the senate agri
cultural committee on Senator Gron
na's bill to forbid the manufacture
of grain into alcoholic liquors during
the war.
The delegation told the committee
that the brewing interests are ready
to co-operate with the government in
any way and did not ask considera
tion from any standpoint other than
of fair dealing and public policy.
The actual amount of grain used in
brewing, principally barley, they told
the committee, represents less than
three-quarters of 1 per cent of all
the grain produced in the United
Recruiters Avoid Monday
Rush by Working Sabbath
By examining and enlisting thir
ty-eight men Sunday, contrary to
their custom, the army recruiters
avoided the usual Monday morning
rush. Thirty-four more men were en
listed and sent to fort Logan train
ing station by noon Monday.
The navy station also expedited its
Monday morning work by examining
thirty-seven men Sunday, .twenty
three were signed up Monday morn
ing. Two recruits were also signed by
the .National tjuard.
Train Bearing French Party
Is Derailed in Indiana
Terre Haute, Ind., May 7. The spe
cial train bearing the French commis
sion was derailed near Areola, 111.,
early this evening, four or the six
coaches left the rails, but did not Up.
set. No one was hurt so far as is
Teutons Making Desperate Ef
forts to Prevent Outflank
ing of the Braye-Gra-onne
Famous Chemin-des-Dames,
Key, to Important Section,
is Captured.
, Paris, May 7. The Germans con
centrated their efforts yesterday
morning in attackj on the west of
the French., front in the region of
Laffaux and in the afternoon on the
eastern section from Braye to Cra
onne. The French held the whip hand
and beat off wave upon wave of the
enemy's dwindling reserve, with ter
rible losses.
More than that the Frenchmen,
after hours of stiff fighting, still had
the energy to dash forward and main
tained fresh positions in the regions
naturally fortified.
German Flank In Danger.
The desperate resistance of the
Germans and the frequent counter at
tacks in force are comprehensible
when it is realized that if the French
capture Allemant and Pinon they will
outflank the whole line running north
to St. Quentin. General Nivelle, how
ever, has no sinecure, as he is con
fronted by the famous Siegfried line,
a system of fortifications on which
the Germans have lavished weeks of
work and which is of the most formid
able type. ' '
On the right wing German bat
talions streamed out of Filain wood
to attack Froidmont farm, which
stands midway between Chevregny
and Hill 185. They were practically
annihilated. .'
..JjepcU Suet. Important.. ' ' .,
It would teem difficult ioi the Ger-
mans to prevent the French from
reaching the Oise canal and the Ail-,
ette: river on this Mrt of the front.
The famous Chemin-Des-Dames.
the key of the whole section, is now
in great part in possession of the
French; in several places tfley have
even gone far beyond it It was the
possession of this road which enabled
the Germans to hold up the French
advance for so long. Its capture alone
shows the importance of the success
gained by General Nivelle in the bat
tles of Saturday and Sunday,
Britons in Bullecourt.
British Headquarters in France, Mar
7. (Via, Lcndon.) The British have
pushed their way well within the town
of Bullecourt. Hand to hand fighting
has developed there.
Renewed fighting broke out about
Bullecourt today. The British, who
had been holding positions south and
east of the village, where thev had
been violently attacked during the last
four days, moved forward just before
dawn in a general attack upon the vil
lage itself. "
There had been patrol lighting in
Bullecourt before this, but todav's at
tack was cjf an enveloping nature. It
met with stubborn resistance, but
steady progress was being made as
this dispatch was written, and khaki
clad troops have passed well to within
the town, which Jies absolutely astride
the Hindenburg line, the front trench
and two systems of support trenches
all being within the village limits.
British Official Report.
London, May 7. After sharp fight
ing the British have pushed forward
west of Bullecourt and have taken
a number of prisoners, according to
an official statement issued by the
war office today.
Insurance Co. Shortage
Nearly Two Millions
Pittsburgh; Pa., May 7.-J. Denny
O'Neill, insurance commissioner of
Pennsylvania, was today appointed re
ceiver for the Pittsburgh Life and
Trust company, on the petition of
Harry Rowans, special counsel named
by the Department of Justice to in
vestigate the affairs of the corpora
tion and criminally prosecute all per
sons connected with the alleged mis
appropriation of $1,900,000 of the com
pany's funds.
First Sunday in May ;
Advertising in The Bee
(Wsrfleld Areney HnsurementS)
Gaining Right Along
SUNDAY, MAY 6. In Inches
Local Display 1077
Foreign Display .......... 343
Automobile 900
Classified 701
Total. , . 3021
Local Display. 1055
Foreign Display. ., 97
Automobile 764 .
Classified ...1000
Total 2916
Keep Your Eye On The Ben