10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 6. 1917. LODGE ROOM NEWS OF GREATER OMAHA Seymour Guards, W. 0. W., Baising Funds to Pay Ex penses to National Meet. - PYTHIANS SUPPORT WILSON The Seymour Guards, Woodmen of the World, will give an informal dance in Crounse hall Tuesday eve ning. This will probably be the last opportunity to assist this organization in raising funds to defray expenses in attending the national encampment of the Woodmen of the World in Mo bile, Ala., July 23. The arrange ments for the dance are in charge of C. C: Clark, Barton Nash and H. H. Roth. . South Omaha Camp No. 21 1 will meet Wednesday evening in Wood men of the World hall, opposite the postofficc. Kobin Hood Camp No. 307 Flo rence, will hold its regular session of the month Monday evening in An cient Order of United Workmen hall. The wrecking of the town hall, Ben son, which was recently purchased by Thomas Camp No. 523, is progress ing. It will probably be : moved within the next week and work com menced on the new building which will be the future home of the camp. Pomixtouski Camp No. 482 meets today at 2 o'clock in Pulaska hall. Thirty-third and h streets, to confer Woodcraft degrees and transact other business, Kosciuszko Camp No. 352 will confer the Protection degree today at 2 in Woodmen hall, Twenty-seventh and L streets. . .' Zisknv Dab No. IIS meets today a'fr tn AVIfwIr In T.irnnr nail. fTwntv first and U streets, where art enter , tainment will be given and candidates initiated. Columbus Camp No. 69 will hold its regular monthly session today noon in Prague hall, Thirteenth and William streets, where applicants will be instructed in the lesson of Woodcraft and at the same (time re ceive policies of insurance. Woodmen Circle. Welcome Grove No. 52 will give one of its entertainments in Druid ' hall Twenty-fourth and Ames, Mon day evening, when a large class will be received into the order. The drill team, nnder the leadership of Veretta Crane, will take charge of the floor work. This will be its first perform ance. .(. ' Welcome Grove No. 52 will arrange t an early date for a "children's day" meeting. The club room will be used to entertain the children of the members. Refreshments will be served, with special program given by the little ones. - The entertainment by W. A. Fraser Grove No. 1 last Friday eve ning was enjoyed. It was the eighth of series of entertainments given by this grove during the winter. The grove will meet Friday evening to transact the monthly business. A large class will be present to receive instructions. The Dora 'Alexander guards will be present. Nebraska Lodge No. 1 wili hold its regular meeting Monday evening at e in Crounse hall. There will probably K 1H . 1. - 1. f All Knights are urged to be present. The -I . . . 1 uaaici ui iiuantc ins peen inairucteq tft rva ml nf hia fatnnna nmiU.l... Something is bound to happen in the near future under the fifteen and one-half order of business. Texas. Tnriiana falUnf-nla an1 CUi U...m k.J their innings. Nebraska is due for ins oig cleanup, lou must) be . t llllt C. , -A committee was appointed at the ii jr meeting to aratt suitable resolu tions to the oresident and to consrremi nfolfoinfl. th ttnanimn.aa axnnA..' f Nebraska Lodge No. 1 in the present crisis. - .- The grand lodge meets next week at Lincoln. Nebraska Lodge No. 1 will be represented by Brothers Ten nings, Britt and Dvsart. Grand ChanriT1nr AnHarann mnil r....jl ' Trustee Dodge from No. 1 will also menu. L; ; Fraternal Order of Eagles. At a maatino- rt Km,!), n.nal. held last Tuesday evening, the new initiation was introduced by the joint degree committee and was' received with much nraica Tlta aan.a .AV will be put on Sunday, May 6, at 3:30 p. m., at riorence Acne, and at the aamn tima anrl nlar ha init mittee will hold its regular weekly meeting.' ' On Tuesday, May 8, at 8 p. m. the newlv annnintan1 mint it..H jw.v u.sm team will initiate a class of twenty-four uiiiuiuhci at soutn umaha Aerie. At this initiation the full amplified work will be put on and there wilt also be introduced many features and stunts. ThlS Will ha fha ,- !.. I..!.:.... t . - ...a. vi.so .ll.Liailull under the auspices of the new joint s ic.m anp mucn interest is being man uested in this event Antar nf Vaataa P.. - Maple Leaf Chapter No. 152, Order i me t..Mcr oiar, win oe represented at the meeting of the grand chapter of the order at Lincoln Tuesday. Leg islation affecting the future growth of the order will be enacted. The fol lowing past officers of Maple Leaf v.uyicr win anena: jvatnerme Kens ington, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maynard, jji. -im jars. D. r. i nomas, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cain Mrs. Frank Rudolph S"V.J- n- "owara, Mr. ana Mrs. ( L Shoolt-Mrs. W. H. Thomas. A. Jackson, E. N. Bowles, Meta Wolf. ' T1 C IT vcim ui nonor. The past chiefs of Washington . ?: WI" mm 1 nursaay at the home of Mrs. Kate O'Brien, 3521 Webster .treat frntn 2 5 Tk. L.ij u. ivugc iiciu lis regular meeting May 3. Chief of Hon- ui Bj.ijr uong orougni in a report of ' District convention at Fremont. M, Klahartw n AAr.. -A .1 I , . wuimhu me UlCIQDCrS on the trials and hardships we may b called upon to endure on account of war and the necessity of preparing - vi IUG anllic ' Harmony Council No. 1480, Knights and Ladies of Security, will hold a dance at Ancient Order of United - Workmen Temple, Fourteenth and Uodge, Saturday night Knights and Ladies of Securitv. Omaha Council No. 2295 will give V dance Monday evening, May 14, at the Swedish auditorium, Sixteenth and DOUAl OLD BATTLEGROUND City in Allies Path a Victim of Wars Since Beginning of History. Directly east of the Vimy Ridge and fifteen miles by rail northeast ot Arrs lies Douai. The historic city in the midst of the Douai plains, is the subject of a war geography bulletin issued by the National Geographic society. The bulletin says: "Bisected from north to south by the canalized River Scarpe, the city of Douai, which a the outbreak of the war had a thriving population of nearly 40,000, is situated on a marshy plain. Its beginning goes back to Gallo-Roman times, and during the numerous conflicts which decimated this section of Flanders in medieval days it frequently suffered at the hands of English, French, Spanish, German and Flemish armies. One of the most notable contes s at arms in its history was the city's resistance to Louis XI in 1478. an event long celebrated every year1 by the Fete de Oa, nt Halt a century alter tne French king was discomfited before its walls the place fell before the Spaniards. In 1667 it finally bowed I the forces ot f ranee under Louis XV. Then came the Du of Marl borough and Prince Eugene in 1710, but the English regime was short lived, for th-ec yes-.n later it became definitely a part of the French domain by the treaty of I'trejlic. "Douai is celebrate in ecclesiastical tory as a popular place of refuge for Enjlish Roman Catholics, who fled f.-om their native ind 'uring the reign of Queen Eliza"). th. Cardinal Allen established a scmin ry here, where priests were educated for England, and it was here also that the text of the Old Testament was epared and later combined with the New Testament, previously translated at Rhvhns, the whole being published' at Douai in 1609 .s the tnglish Roman Catholic Bible, and known to day as th'! famous )ouai or Douays ble. "Before it tell a victim to the Teu tonic advance upon Paris Douai was a thriving industrial center. One of its ist important establishment was a large cannon factory. "Among the famous es (ln the world of art and letters who have shed luster on Douai as their birth place were Tea.. Bellegambe, the elder, the painter, surnin.ej 'Maitre de Couleurs;' Mine. Desbordes-Valmore, the poetess, ai.d Giovanni da Bologna, itlntor." Washington Post. - HEAT KEEPS HEART GOING Organ Would Continue to Beat After Death Under Certain Conditions. The question "Why does a man or an animal diet" has been answered, "Because the heart stops beating." But any hunter or fisherman who has drtssed his own catch can testify to the fact that the heart does not stop beating at the moment of th animal's death. Oft;n it will continue to pul sate rhythmically for several minutes after it has been removed from the carcass. The most recent answer to the "Why?" of this is that the heart muscles themselves possess the in herent quality of contraction and will contract, or beat just as soon or as long, as the conditions of environment are right. That is their business, and they can no more refrain from doing it under the right conditions than a rose could help giving out its frag rance. ; i In recent experiments it has been found that heat is the principal ele ment necessary to the development of the heart muscles--and their subse quent action. It is possible to grow the heart muscles of a warm-blooded animal in an incubator. During this growth a single muscle cell has been observed to develop and wander away from the mother cell and begin-to beat of its own accord. Again, several in dividual cells may attach themselves to each other in a' colony and beat rhythmically together as long as the environment is favorable. But let the tempe: ature of the incu bator be materially reduced and the action of the heart muscles becomes, sluggish. Reduce the temperature itill further, and gradually the rhyth mic action ceases altogether. The cells cease to perform their natural function because their environment js no longer right In other words, they die because they are cold. According to this theory, the heart muscles could live on independently of a body, if kept at the proper temperature for their best development Popular Sci ence Monthly. . - - WHY MEN AND WOMEN DRINK One Reason Is That Alcohol Is Anti dote for " atigue and Fooo. Poisons. . . Why do men and women drink? The answer is that some men and women drink because alcohol acts as a temporary antidote against distressing food poisons that come from overeat ing und as a temporary stimulant against alarming fatigue poisons that result from lack of exercise. Thou sands of men and women would lose their craving for alcohol if they would exercise more and eat-less. The main rrasun for drinking, how ever, lies deeper, it has to do with the soul development and character development of men and wome. who drink (after the first start, which may have come, alasl through social pres sure) because they do not wish to face the facts and necessities of exist ence, because they dislike difficult things. Drinkers are easy-going na tures that cannot stand the gaff, spirit ually soft handed, incapable of seizing the nettle of life and boldly crushing it They woul fain live in a genial, comfortable world without work an noyances or duty annoyances. And as clear vision reveals hateful obligations all about them, they prefer a muddled vision. Then, as years pass and conditions become more unsatisfactory, they drink to avoid seeing these conditions, which are the consequences of their own inefficiency and neglect And so they swing along in a widening vicious circle. The mori they drink the more inefficient they become, and the more inefficient they become the more they drink. ' In many' cases, by inevitable pro gression, drink leads to drugs, and. men and women who start gayly with cocktails and cordials end in the abominable hells ot cocaine tortuie. I know j theatrical woman, who step by step, through the insidious ways ot alcohol, morphine and co caine, fell i':to utter degradation. If Gas 1 1 tra -ana. 7 lange Week May 7th to 13th $3.00 Reduction on all Cabinet Ranges for this week only. Omaha Gas Company I KMI 3 libu'll Like PaABLO TTHE new. unfermented, non- alcoholic drink that is really thirst quenching. Sparkling am ber in color, PABLO has that "hop" flavor that adds zest and makes for good fellowship. After the theater or evening's entertainment, in fact any time, PABLO off ers you that delight ful, cool, refreshing beverage with the good old "hoppy" taste. Order PABLO, ice cold, at Cafes, Hotels, Restaurants, Soda Foun tains, or any place where drinks are sold. Have your grocer deliver PABLO by case for your home. Keep it on ice ready to serve. PABLO adds a touch of goodness to the, before bedtime lunch or the un expected call of friends. iou ll like the snappy invigor ating taste. Try PABLO today. PABLO is pure and healthful. Made by Pabst at Milwaukee THE PABST CO. .1 d Gteggffl gap to alaaaaaaaaaa--a-aSa-.--- taiucago streets. ,