THE BEE: OMAttA'. SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917. 17' FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. In lb month of April, 117. Tha Omihi Baa Printed lB.lbO PAID WANT-ADS. Tb1 It tb great eat number It hai ever art tiled In any one montn beroro. Tbls hu been accomplished by giving th publlo BEST RESULTS AT 1 PER WORD about tht rat charged by our neat-tat competitor. Why Pay an Exhorbttant Price? FOB BENT MAT l&TH. Ftve-room iteam heated apartment In tha Chula Vlata. SGth and Poppleton Ave. Very desirable, US. 60. Conrad Young. 322 Brandeti Theater Blrtg. uougiaa ion. ST. CLAIH. Uth and Harney, 3-rouora apart ment. Call Harney 647. North. FOR RENT 4 rooina, all modern except beat, equipped with Alurpny-in-a-uoor bads. Painted walla. In a new building. SIT per month. 816 No. 16th St. Inquire J. .B. Robinson, ms nee mag, uoug. ai, TWO light housekeeping- apartments, two and tbree rooms, all modern conveniences. Close In. 410 Sweetwater Ave. FOUR-ROOM, steam-heated, $18 mo., near post office. Q. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. EST A BROOK apartment, four rooma, $26 month. O. P. Stehbins, isio unicago. Miscellaneous. MORE tbarti modern new brick; sleeplnj porcb, nice lawn, excellent location; walk' in distance. D, 6. H. 1803. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STOREROOM, 16th and Pine; very reason able rent; gool location for small busi ness. ALFRED THOMAS. 308 Farnam Bldg. 141S DODGE ST. 22x1 32 ft 2 floors and basement with elevator, E. H. Benner Co. D. 8406. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR nam Bldg. First Truat Co. D. 1151. SMALL grocery store and 4 living rooma, $10 a month: 44th and Cumlne. MODERN store, corner 16th and Chicago. G, P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. RESTAURANT with fixtures, gas stoves. stools, at 107 South 15th St Offices and Desk Room. CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses, LANDLORDS, ATTENTION! We will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, bouse or flat within 20 day. on the South Side, or pay you a months rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL, 126,000. mt B. J4th St. Phone South 1I4T. WE HAVE A CUSTOMKR for 7 or 8-roonl house, west. Allen Barrett. D. 7788, MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY SS- FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete Hat of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, lfith and Jaclinon Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Bxaert service; prompt attention. Tour moving your pacmng, your auirngv. Main Office Central Furniture Store. lth and Howard. Tel. D. 778S. FIRKPKOOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 So. 16th St. Douglas 4163 MiggaFd vTnX? Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing. and Whipping. Phone Doug- 1438. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real yervlceln moving. packtrg and storing, ca.l Tyler 2 SO or Douglas 4338. J. C. REED Express Co., Moving Parking and Storage, 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. CHEAPEST CORNER ON FARNAM STREET 108U134, at the southeast cornrr of 27th and Farnam. The next corner in line for development. Special price for a few days. GLOVER .& SPAIN, (Realtors) Dourlas 3962. 919-20 City National. In the month of April, 1917, The Omaha Bee Printed 18,350 PAID WANT-ADS. This la the greatest number It has ever printed In any one month before. This has been accomplished by giving the public BEST RESULTS AT lc PER WORD about the rate charged by our nearest competitor. Why Pay an Eshorbltant Price? CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. $200 DOWN AND $J0 A MONTH. Seven-room strlclly modern home, locat ed within three blocks of cathedral. Nice lot, south front. Owner wanting to leave the city, Is sacrificing at $2,6110. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, ' K37 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1781. ELEGANT 8 -room modern residence, newly painted and decorated; splendidly located, at mil Hawthorne Ave., Bemls Park dis trict This home priced right Terms. Inrulre JOSEPH PICK, 121 Evans St. Webster 4856. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished in oak: located at 3928 N. 26th St Price 13,150. Terms. Will take small cottage In trade. NORRIS & NORRI8, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4279, North MODERN BUNGALOW HOME Brand new, five-room bungalow, more than modern, all on one floor, with ves tibule and coat closet, hatl, parlor, dining room and sun room, all finished In oak and oak -floors throughout, bath In white ena mel, kitchen and bedroom in t he natural pine, colonnade book cases, buffet, French doors, table and cabinets tn kitchen bullt-ln. Full-floored atttc with five wln- "ilows and elec. light. Full cement base ment, 28x36 feet, floor drain, coal bin, Fox furna it. Hardware ts all the famous "Yale and Towne" bronze, fixtures are solid brass, xhades are Orchard & Wll helm's beBt duplex; every detail. In fuel, has been carefully planned and only the best used by day labor throughout, by skilled workmen. High and sightly loca tion. In the new Leavenworth Heights Addition, light between the brick en trance pillars at 4:131 Leavenworth St. Key at our office. When can you see It? S OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-2 Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 4911. FORCED SALE. Non-reildcnt owner Is here to set! Number 4962 North 35th St.. a 6-room house: has water, gas and electric .light; lot, 40x126. Price 81,700. 8250 cash, bal ance like rent. This is a nnp. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Blk. Doug. "600. Foil ante or least-, one or bulb luls, each fii;xl32, at N. W. Cor. of 15th and Daven port Sts. Make heat offer to Mrs. H. L. tl,wver Melrose Hot!. Los Angeles. Cal SIX rooms, modern elp hTat- $T600. . Terms. Sea Owner, 2814 N. 31st St. Web ster 4108. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. THE FINEST NEW RESIDENCE. on the Sou'h Side from any angle, Inside or out. Modern to the minute. Brick veneer. Full cement basement ana tin is hod attic. Enameled tubs in laundry, with washer operated by elec trio power. Hot water heat furnished by oil burner furnace. Bath room, 8x10, tub and shower, completely tiled. 10 rooms. 8 alone cost 85$ 7 to finish and decorate. Interior oak finish. Sun parlor and screen porches, New brick garage with concrete runway. Plot 60x160; beautifully lawned. Built by the owner at an original cost of $14,- 000. Has sold bis business Interests here. Desires to leave the state and directs us to sell for 812.500. Any reasonable down payment accepted. Listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC., 4926 S. 24th St Phone South 1274. A GENTLEMAN S HOME. Overlooking Hnnscom Park. Plot lBOx 180. Contains twelve large rooms, three baths with toilet, Innumerable closets and pantries; steam heat, seven fireplaces and finished In oak and mahogany. Price 811,000, and only 12,600 cash required. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4926 S. 24th St Phone South 1247. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction. 6 large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 13,800. Easy terms. Another jiew build ing for 83.650. Call Douglas 1721 days. Walnut 1680 evenings. 6-ROOM cottage, fine condition. 11.600; will consider good lot as fL-st payment. 261 and Pierce. Telephone owner. Red 1881. Miscellaneous. 5-Room Cottage Modern On Very Reasonable Terms and at a very low price. This cottage has electric lights, gas, city water and sewerage; only one block to car; beauti ful hedge around the lot; nice neighbor hood, call Tyler 60 and ask, for Mr. Clark, orrice open evenings, 7 fill 8 p. m. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney Street. NEW, strlt'tly modern 6-r. and bath, oak finish, oak floors, high grade lighting fix. tures; full basement; furnace heat; dandv lot; one biock to car and school; located a little north of Fort St., on 28th Ave. Price, 13.100. Easy terms. RASP BROS., REALTORS, 210-12-14 Keel Ins Bldg. Tyler 721. R. S. TRUMBULL. 1305 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 443 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. WORLD REALTY CO ;,Iheater REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty II. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist m downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investments 12 PER CENT INVESTMENT. Four 8-room and one 4-room modern houses, In the center of the residential dis trict of the South Side for 19,750. Half cash. Rent for 8110 monthly and never vacant. Will trade the lot for a large, modern. Imposing residence. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. APARTMENT. $76,000 Income 12 per cent; one year old; very tine location; mortgage $25,000 and will accept $20,000 In trade; bal ance casn or negotiable papers. 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 8892. CALKINS A CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat. Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A, P. TUKET A SON, REALTORS, 620 First National Bank BMg, HOME BUILDERS Invests Its funds only when secured bjd mungaKPH on new properties omit ay nome nunaers. $1.09 SHARES GUARANTEED 7 per c- t. Offices: 17th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE building, excellent, close-in lo cation, on 1 cased ground ; ground rent nominal; sacrifice price, $500. Telephone ttea mis. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE. Will trade a modern frame business building In center of the shopping district on the South Side for Nebraska land. The store on the first floor rents for $25 and the flat upstairs for $16 monthly. Valua tion In trade, $4,600. No boot money paid. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4325 S. 24th St Phone South 1247. TRADE THAT VACANT LOT FOR AN INCOME PROPERTY. We have a house consisting of two 5 room apartments; house Is 2 years old, In good condition, front and dining rooms finished In oak. balance In hard pine, hardwood floors throughout, full base ment, soundproof walls; Is reiftrd for $35 per month. Price $3,200. Will take in one or two good lots in good location, valued up to $2,500. BIG 4 REALTY-CO., 1018-16 W. O W. Bldg. Doug. 3486. CLOSE IN FLATS FOR LAND. Two good, strictly modern St. Louis flats, Income $960 per annum. PricelO, 000. Mortgages $3,200. Owner wants land not too far from Omaha, EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., 801 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 420. In the month of April, 19 IT, The Omaha Bee Printed 18,860 PAID WANT-ADS. This la the greatest number It has ever printed In any one month before. This has 'been accomplished by giving the public BEST RESULTS AT 10 PER WORD about Vt the rate charged by our nearest competitor. Why Pay an Exhorbitant Price? GOOD OMAHA INCOME PROPERTY 4 and part cash to exchange for Douglas or Sarpy county farm land. ROX 354. DEE. WANT to exchange 4 good houses, close in, always rented, for land. Price $12,000. Mortgage $3,500. Bo 3408 Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTiSR looking at MINNA LUSA 300 dlf- rerent buyers decided that It was the best proposition op the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU Will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg. Tyler 187. FOR SALE A fine lot a Carter Lak.: Club at a great bargain. Box 3511, Bee. Miscellaneous. liAVB tract of ground bounded by thre- streets, wim sewer and water In, contain ing 20 lots. Anyone wanting building lots It would pay them to Investigate. Can ha used for a suburban home. Do not compare this with acreage. This Is right in (he city, close to car line and good school. Can give terms. For further In formation see TRAVER BROTH K J -ij. 81P First National Bank Bldg. Douglas b86 DANDY LOT. n13u, two street frontages; -as terms. Tail Douglas 1064 or evenings Harney 41tlA BEAUTIFUL fin-foot lots. Price 1220, onl 'i en .s h and 60 cents per week. Doug. 3392. FOR SALE Or will lease acie lot. H. Bascombe, owner. 3S01 Newport avenue. Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. IMPROVED ACREAGE I acres. A fine corner, 4 blocks from car, school. In Benson, high, sightly loca tion; Improved with l-rnom house, tn fair condition. 1 rleea at ia.lbU.ou. urouna alone worth the money, HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 80. il Omaha Nat'l Bldg. FOR SALE Five Improved acres. Money Is growing while you sleep. Part cash. Mr. Pallas, 6938 McKlnley, Benson, Neb. Dundee. SOME GOOD DUNDEE HOUSES AT LOW PRICES $4,250 Webster Street, near 49th. This Is a 8-room, x-story, alt modern bouse, 8 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Decorated throughout. Oak first floor. Furnace beat. $4, 00 Capitol Avenue, near SOth. This Is an 8-room, 8-story frame house, modern beamed ceilings, decorated throughout. Oak finish. Furnace heat. $5,250 Underwood Avenue, near 60th. This Is a soon 7 -room all modern house, onk finish first floor, 4 bedrooms, furnace beat. $(1,25i California Street, bet. car lines. Tbls Is an exceptionally well built ail modrn, 7-room house. Oak finish the first floor. Selected pine the sec ond floor. Furnace. Stairway to floorsd attic. Lot 60x185 ft On all these houses we can make very reasonable terms. GEORGE AND COMPANY Realtors Phone P. 7(, l: City Ksfl Bk. Bid. QUICK SALE. Special prl.e on Dundee house near vlst St., 7 rooms and sleeping porch, ill modern: well built; garage, nee at once, H. Benner Co., Ramge Blk. D. 840(1. 'DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO. BARGAIN DUNDEE LOT, EAST FRONT. $460 cash, 75x128 feet. F. D. WEAD. 810 SO. 18TH ST. o-ACRE blk., Falracre and Brownell Hall district, snap. c. J. canan. South Side. ACREAGE PROPERTY. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. Offers the Following ACRE AUK PROPERTY: 2 U acres on car line, lust outside city llm Us, 2-room house, good clslern, 60 fruit trees and fine well that cost $260. Price $2,000; part cash. 24 acres. Just over the tine In Sarpy county, away from the high, taxes. Rich, level land, first broken In 191fty Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, $6,000. Terms can be ar ranged. 10 acres on Benson car . line. Price and terms can bo agreed upon and made satis factory. m acres on Fort Crook car line; new R room house with full cement basement new barn 14x18, for 12 head of stock and other good outbuildings; fenced for chick ens; good well. Price $2,650: part cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., fuza couth Z4tn st i'hone south 1247. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOT on 9. 26th St., 80x160 feet. A modern 6 room cottage on the back end of this slightly terraced plot. Will take auto and small amount or cash as first payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC., 4926 S. 24th St Phons South 1247. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS, $6.00 CASH. $5.00 MONTHLY. Sizes, 60x160; In all parts of the South side; city improvements. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 8. 24th St. Phona South 1247. Miscellaneous. HOMES EEKERS, ATTENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy tne lot you select, buna a home after your own plans and have you pay for It on small monthly payments, without extra Interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL $26,000. 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On the South Side, on full sized lots, ranging from $1,600 to $3,000, In different localities, with all city Improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a. small cash payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. V, ACRE tracts, $476, $10 down. $7.60 mo. Close in, near car. Douglas 5074. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOU desire to sell, rent or trade your property, please call at our office and let us show you our progressive methods and unsurpassed service, We have faith In "printers' ink" and If your proposition Is listed with us, It will be made known to a hundred thousand people or wherever all the Omaha newspapers are read. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. Inc.. The largest real estate company, from standpoint of service and equipment, In Nebraska. We are running 200 lines of advertisement In this valuable paper dally. 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. $8,000 TO INVEST WANT OMAHA PROPERTY. If forced to sell after May 1 write me. I will buy several 4 to 6-room houses, all or partly modern, tn good rental dis trict for Spot Cash; terms no object price must be very reasonable, small lots pre ferred. Give name, address, lowest price FOR CASH, full dlscrlptlon of property and ground. Incumbrance and rental In first letter or I will not reply. I positively will not disturb your tenants. Address RO. box 788, Omaha. Neb. In the month of April, 1917, The Omaha Bee Printed 18,350 PAID WANT-XDS. This Is the greatest number It has ever printed In any one month before. This has been accomplished by giving the public BEST RESULTS AT lo PER WORD about & the rate charged by our nearest competitor. Why Pay an Exhorbitant PrlceT HAVE several clients for 6 and 7-room mod. homes; cash and on easy payment plan. Owners please answer. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. !29-80 City Nat. Bldg. Doug. RS62. WANTED TO BUY 8-ROOM Bungalow or small nouse, west, southwfHt or Dundee. ALLEN & BARRETT, 513 Be Building. Doug. 7768. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties waiting, Western Rea. Estate, 418 Karbach Blk. ,D, 8607. WILL pay cash for old, well located house. (jive complete description and price or nothing doing. Box 3534, Bee. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WB BELL THEM.. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Tyler 496. LIST your property with M. uller. Us gets results. 1057 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1166. FINANCIAL $2,800 MORTGAGE, bearing 6 pet semi annual, secured by property valued at $7,800. Talmage-Loomis lnv. Co., W. O. W, Bldg, INSURANCE, flrt, tornado, automobile. C. A. Orlmmell, 849 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Real Estate. Loans. Mortgages. City and Farm Loans t, Vt and 6 per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-1$ Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. 11. W, BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City Nat. Rank Bldg. $500,000 city and farm loans. 4 .4j per cent. Kftclin, 512 I'RXton Itlk. Red 740. CITY and farm loans promptly -m a do. Rates 5. &s and 6 per cent. Reasonable com mission. L NIT ED STATES TRUST CO., 21J South 17th, umaha, Neb, FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgage. PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residence In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission, lETKRS TRUST CO., 1823 Farnam St. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co,, Omaha. 6H AND 6 per cent farm and city first mortgages for sale. K. H. Lougea, inc. 888 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. K. CO..1016Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 8, bVt and 6 per cent, W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1148, NO DELAY IN CI.OHlNOLOANS. W. T. Oreham, 604 Bee Bldg. SHOTEN CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. 5 ri (!ITT GARVIN BROS. 72 LOANS. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 5 MONEY HARRISON A MORTON. 116 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. T. D, Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. LOW RATES. C. O. CARLDKRO, 813 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. Abstracts of Title. KeiT Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co. 306 8. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. RERD ABSTRACT CO.. oldost .bstmot of- flc. In NfbrsskiL. 200 Thit.r. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com pantes. 644 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS MichignLands. GET "LAND ! It will mean a profitable business for you. in Michigan's Fruit and Clover B)t, where general farming, stock, vegetables. poultry, fruit, all pay. 60,000 acres to select from. Near towns, schools, churches. Only $16 to 15 an acre. $25 to $100 down, $7 to $10 monthly tor 40 acres. Lower terms for smaller tracts. This In cludes insurance. Your wife gets the land If you die before paying up fully. Wt employ experts to show you beat farming methods. Full information and blr book et free. Owner, ueorae w. Swigart, DH46 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago, ill. - FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, halt unknown. Root crops, dairying, grazing, Ideal. Fine roads, market; 143 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 2. Terms easy. George Rowell, jr., 22 Bacon Blk.. Mar quette, Mich. Minnesota Lands. IMPROVED 100-acre farm, 16 miles from Minneapolis; 40 acres cultivated, balance meadow and timber; $8,000 worth of buildings, will tell for $6,000; easy terms, Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 3 big markets. Write for photographs ami mil information, Munger, A-119, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. GREAT bargains, $6 down, $5 monthly buys eo acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, souineast Missouri, trice oniy suu. Address Box sub, uxceisinr springs, mo, Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 4H0 acres Rock county, Ncbrsska, lm proved, mile running water on Nlo brara river, 76 acres hay meadow, 160 acres under plow, 50 acres hardwood tim ber, balance used for pasture, easy terms. S. 8. R. E. MONTGOMERY, 805 Omaha National. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1,440-acre ranch, southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly improved, price $13.60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 2410. 6R0 Brandels Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments b aorcs up. we farm tne farm we sell you. The Hungcrford Potato Growers Association, 16th and Howard Sts., Oma ha. Douglas 9871. WET lands made dry enough for crops or no pay is our way or draining land, no tract too large or too wet Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. EAST Central Neb., 80 acres, highly Im proved iarm, close to town, snap, terms, possession at once. S. S. and R. E. Mont gomery. SQUARE SECTION. 420 ACRES valley; hotel wanted. Charles J. Augustm, fctrieltiy, la. South Dakota Lands. 160. 240 AND 320-ACRE farms, highly Im proved, lor sate, nesr watertown, a. u. MIDWEST LAND COMPANY, 1057 Omnha Nat'l Bank Bldf. Dousr. llflfl. Miscellaneous. $2,000 Down Secures 361 Acres, 35 Cows and Heifers, $ horses, 6 hogs. 80 hens and turkeys, M. machine, H. rake, wagons hay rack and loader, grain drill, harness es, farm tools and growing crops. Milk sold at door, 76 acres valuable wood; fine apple orchard, balance fertile loam tillage and wtre-fenced, spring-watered pasture; good 11 -room house; 3 barns, silo, granary, too, wood and poultry houses. Owner, retiring, sacrifices everything for $21 an acre with easy terms. Traveling Instruc tions to see It on Page 17, "Our Spring Catalogue," of farm bargains In a dosen states. Write today for your free copy, E. A. Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 3073, 205 S. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. CHOICE western farms and ranches for sale. Also relinquishment. Write hmerson Realty Co., Kimball. Neb. AUTOMOBILES In the month of April, 1917, The Omaha Bee Printed 18,50 PAID WANT-ADS. Tills is the greatest number it has ever printed in any one month before. This has been accomplished by giving the public BEST RESULTS AT lc PER WORD ahout the rate charged by our nearest competitor. Why Pay an Exhorbitant Price? WlTLYlT-OVERlNblTNCr USED CAR DEPT. Doug. 3290. 2047-9 Fnrnem. Touring cars and roadsters of Overland, Studehaker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland. Mitchell, Buick and Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested Out-of-town buyers. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam St. Douglas 2310. 16 Hudson mod. 6-40. '16 Huynes light six. '11 Maxwell. '16 Davis. CONTINENTAL touring car, perfect shape, used very little, elec, lights and starter, extra tire and rim, etc., $S16. CROSSTOWN GARAGE, 316 South 24th St Doug, 4442. WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas 6251. c. wTfrancis autoco Used Car Dept. 'J216-18 Farnam St. Douglas 853. Almost any make at reasonable prices. TELL & BINKLEY. Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 2518 Harney St. Doug. 1540. 1914 FORD touring, new tires, $176. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., 2107 Farnam. Dour Ian tiOHFi. NEBRASKA Aufo Repair Works. Services and prices tight. 218 S. 19th HtD. 7390. CASH FORYdflR8EDCARS. A T.TTO EXCHANGE. 2107 FARNAM. D. 6038 BARGAIN Klectrlo car. In excellent condi tion. Call D. 776 or Walnut 772. BERTHCflY "Kan-Flx-It." Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglss 2662 WE PAY cash for Fords. Aulo Salvage ft exchange, no h. 17th. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." umaha oarage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler, Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfcr, 210 N. 18th. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES PRICE. Made with two old tires. GET THE ORIGINAL "2-IN-l TIRES. Guaranteed for 3.000 Mllea. 3x1 ...$.o.:i0xl .. .$7.16132x31 ...$8.25 3x4 ...10.16134x4 10.501-15x4 .. .12.25 A line aHNortment of good, aounnd-hHiiri tlrs and tube cheap. Aulo parts for nbI at half prlei. EXPERT TIKE AND TUBE REPAIRING. 2-IN-l VULCANIZING CO., Dour. 2914. lfilfi.jx Davenport St.. Omaha. Agents wanted for "a-in-r tires. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. TIRE PRICE WRECKERS. THIS NO. J-IN-1 TIRE WE SAVE YOU HALF ON YOUR TIRE COST. Simply send us one old tire and we will rebuild It with ne- fabric, new cushion gum. new sidewati ana new treading. giving from one-third to one-half more strength than the original tire bad Guar anteed 3.000 miles. 30x8..$ 7.60 9ftx3tt..$ 8.80 82x8 V. , . $1 0.25 lixi. .$12.61 $4x4 . .$13.00 36x4H. ,$1.J6 Second hind tiros and tubes Expert tire end tube repairing COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 1403Vi Jackson St. Oman... Neb. AGENTS WANTED. " THBT1RE SHOP." Tire repairing ts our specialty. FREE SERVICE. THE TlllE SHOP. G. A O. TlRtt AND Vl'LC. CO.. specialists In tire repair work; sntinfartlon guaran lard; new and used tires. 3428 Leaven worth St. Tyler 21C1-W. D. F. Crow. 2518 Farnam. Doug, 4178. SAVE 90 per cent I'ost on lire vuUauialng. I'hone Omig. iitti Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLET-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains tn used machines. Victor If Roos, "The Motorcycle Man, S7th and Leavenworth. JUDICAL DR. B, R. TARRY, PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr E H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ol her rectal diseases without surgical op ration. Cure' guaranteed and no money pain until cured, write ror nook on reo tal diseases wllh testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. VII Y SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Bsrnes, 513-520 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours s a. m. to 6 p. m , 7:30 to 8:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE Successfully treated wiibuut a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 308 Bee Bldg. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERG. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 24th and Farnam. D. 7215. Dr. C. J. Lawrenre, Balrd JBldg. D. 8461. Dr. Frances Dawson, J02 Rose BldgVT. tiW Drs. Johnston. 1326 w76. W. Bidg. IxTfiTl. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 112 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rms. 30ff Rose Bid 1X3186. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so llclts your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 I'nnge m. . BATHS and massage. Central High Insti tute, 1506 Harney St. Doug. 7097. Open YPUIIIKB, PRIVATE home for sick ladles, best care very reas. 2BH6 Bristol St. Web. 3908. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and manl- minng. 619 Paxton Blk. Red 340O. MAE B RUG MAN sclentlflo masseuse and oaths, ana Karbach Blk. Red 2727. SCIENTIFIC massage 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Edna Williams, massage, bath. 228 Neville, Anna Fisher, sulphur baths, mass. D. 156K MISS LILLY, bath, massage, 1322 Farnam. Manicuring and mats. 1R23 Farnam. R. 19. EMMA BROTT, massaging. 2120 Harney. Horses-rLive Stock- Vehicles three HORSES and a grocery wagon ior saie. zkzsp snerman Ave. TWO horses for sale. J. Bastian, 29U8FlsK nam. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WHITE Leghorn hatching eggs and baby cnicKs rrom matured stock. Phone Flo rence 218, HOUDAPJ and S. C. R. I. Reds, eggs for nau iniiK. -ouax 1Y. Wib N. 17th, ENGLISH Coach Dogs for sals. Web. J40I. mi -aeward. Marls Abermathy. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security, ", o iiiu., n. ponns. loiai cost, S3, DO. $40, 8 mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, 12. 80. Smallnr, large am'ts. proportionate rate, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organized by Omaha Business Men. 432 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. LEGAL RATE LOANS -'uv ju.uw or mors. Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 340 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 3296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE TRA NERS Jennie Korlnko to Jerome Korlsko and wire, Twenty-second street, 168 feet north of O strnnt east side. 2x130. 9 1 George F. Relm to Hugh H. Harper, i nirty-nrst street, 60 feet aouth of PopDleton avenue. West side. KIWI 4ft 1 Emma Harte and husband to William jj. croman et al, southwest corner Fifty-first street and Boulevard ave nue, 4.R2 acres 1 Delbert M. Slnan and wife tn Mabel Lavender, Marry street, 82 feet esst of Forty-third street north aide, 44 xl08 1 C. W. Mendenhsll to C. C. Wyer. southwest corner Twenty-ninth and f'harles streets. 68.75x107 3.000 E. Maud Holden to William N. Cham bers, Twenty -fourth street, 461.32 feet south of Harney street, west skis, 37.16x142.69 2 Hiram 8. Manvllle and wife to An drew Swanson 'and wife, Plnkney street, 560 feet east of Twenty-seventh street, south Bide. 40x90 2 William C. Plateau and wife to Harry a. woir, southwest corner Twenty eighth avenue and Pratt street, 49.76 X120 1 Harry A. Wotf and wife to Allen Bha- lander et al. southwest corner Twenty-eighth avenue and Pratt street, 49.76x120 1 James W. Murphy to Walter Madden, Twentieth street 136 feet north of Missouri avenue, east side, 35x130.. 800 Hastings & Ifeyden ,to Justine Hemple- man, southwest corner Fifty-eighth avenue and Q street, 106x277 .... $00 Alice Sullivan and husband to Lem Tibbets, Twenty-third street 190 feet south of N street, east side, 60x130 8,000 Mabel A. Pettegrew and husband to Charles D. McLaughlin, Thirty-first street, 45 feet north of Fowler ave nue, west side, 45x138 600 John P. Fllnn lo Churiea Watson Hull. Cuming street, 2U7.6 feet west of Twenty-fourih street, aouth side, 22Axl36 1.2S0 VVIIItem D. Croman and wife to Emma Harte, Imogens avenue, Benson, 1,191 feet north of Military avenue, east side, 63x226 6.400 LEGAL NOTICES. Tht, Milage llitard ot Trustnes of th! Village of li.lR-h, N.b., will retytve through Us t'lerk sealed bldn up to elirht o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May 20, 1917, for Ave hundred feft of standard lire hose 111 nny-ioot lengths with standard automsllc couplings Rita.,' tied. Bids must stats fully ss to msk. and quality of hose snd bid price must be F. O. B. Leigh. VILLAGE CLERK. Illness and Domestic Trouble Drive Woman to Suicide Mrs. Rav Rauch. 23 years old, 3620 Bedford avenue, a nurse, called her parents into her room late yesterday atternoon and told them she naa taken poison. rorsrive me mother, but 1 could not helpt it," she said. "Please take good care of Dorothy and George," Efforts to save her life failed. Domestic troubles and ill health are believed motives for her act. I'or the last year she had been separated from her husband, Ray Rauch, and had tried to suppSrt her two small children. HAPPENINGS IN THE JAGIC CM Rifle Club May Be Organized Among Employes of Pack ing Houses. CRACK SHOTS VOLUNTEER A Rifle club may he organized among the employes of the packing houses and the stock yards. There is an abundance of raw material in the yards to make a good rifle club or a troop of cavalry. Military training would bring the men up to a high standard in a short time, as they are already crack riders and expert shots Just what status the organization would take is not known, but it is probable that the keynote will be "lo he ready tor eventualities. Clerks Get Increase. Officers and directors of the Union stock yards National bank have granted their employes an increase in pay. The increase comes in the shape of a bonus, 20 per cent of the salary of the employe, payable quar terly, i lie lirst payment was made on the first ot the month, every em ploye in the bank, officers excepted, is artected. Rush to Pay Taxes. Deputy Treasurer John Hinchcv and Tax Clerk Jim Krajicck have been working hard since the first of the month receiving tax money. The county tax is due now and will be. come delinquent May 10, after which there will be a nena tv of 1 ner cent. The city taxes are due now, but do not bcome delinquent until July I. Payments can be made at the sub- treasury olhce. Better Train Schedule. New stock train schedules on the Crofton and Bloomlield branches of the Milwaukee, which will greatly as sist the stock shippers ot that section in getting their stock to the Omaha market, have been announced. Under the new arrangement the shioners call now load their stock as late as 3 p. m. for shipment. It will be deliv ered here about twelve hours later. As a result of this new schedule fifty five carloads of stock from these branches arrived yesterday morning. Play the Right Angle. We're doina more to nrotert von from the burdens of the high cost of living than any other firm in our line in the state of Nebraska. TJiat's the way we feel and think here at Flynn's. vve carry the most dependable quali ties made in America and we average down to a price that makes the fel lows with inferior qualities humn to meet. Just now we are offering some wonderful values in ladies, misses and children's ready-to-wear gar ments, boys' suits and small-wear hosiery for the family. I he man who buys a suit without first seeing this H. S. & M. line will be playing the fifty-fifty game from the wrong angle. And we will be the other victim of his thoughtlessness xi costs notning to look, we have a beautiful ranee in all wnnl. nrirerl from $12.50 to $35.00. Let us show you. John Mynn & Co. Bullish Lamb Market. Lambs took another climb yester day, going 30 cents higher than on Wednesday. Wool lambs went at i , i , . i.u ana snorn lamns Drought 14.30. Wool ewes were $14.00. while the shorn ones were $11.50, making the value of a ewe's fleece but 10 cents more than a lamb's. Stock Inspector Dies. John F. Starr. 1323 South Twenty. second, public inspector at the Union stock yards, died yesterday morning at St. Joseph's hospital. Mnale t'ltr Gossip, For Rent Stores, houses mil.... ...a fists. SOUTH OMAHA 1NVKSTM ENT CO. "The Old Peahody Pew" will be nreaented by the ladles of the Baptist church Krlrf-i. evening. R. C. Besvors' Grocery snd Meat Market 4Ut South Twenty-fourth street. Tele, phone South 4300. The ladles of the United Preshvlsrlan church will hold a rummage sale at S163 Bcuth Twenty-fourth street, Saturday. Desk Sergeant W. T. Smith of ths fLmth Side station duinpe' twenty gallons 0f wnieay into tne sower yesterday. The liquor hsd come Into possession of the notice dur. Ing the last year, having been conflacated in venous raids ny the department. A smoking roof called the fire aensrtment out to Twenty-seventh and O streeta, yes- n-ruay auernoon. 'tns damage was alight. George McNeill, negro, charged with steal. Ing a bicycle, was arrested yesterjlsy morn In . by Detectives Allen and Zaloudek. Mothers, send the children to the tittle folks" matinee al tho Besse tomorrow. A grand program has been arranged for their piaaure. -Adv. Francla X. Ruahman and Beverly Ttavne tn "The Great Secret," and Netty Gordon In "Forget Me Not." Bolh of theae nlcture. at tha Besse theater tonight, eure. FIRB INSURANCE, choice Of 11 leadtna- tompanles; prompt ssrvlce, lowest rates. OUUTil UMAHA iN VESTMKNT CO. Wa WlSh tO thsnk fllir manv frlenrie ind neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the lllnass and death of our beloved husband and father and brother, and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. William ncnoen ana family. Mra. P. J, Trautmann. A ball game between teams from tha Jungman and Madison schools was called on account of rain. The score vt. 2 to 1 In favor of tha Jungmans when hostilities ended, Tha features of the game were the pitching of i'rank Prusha and tha field ing of James Oi.rada. More Apprentice Seamen Apply Than Can Be Cared For No more apprentice seaman will be sent to the Great Lakes training station until further orders. A tele gram to Lieutenant Waddell says no room is lett to accommodate new sailors. Fifteen apprentice seamen accented yesterday, were accordinelv sent to their homes and will he notified as soon as they can be taken care of at the training station. I his does not mean that we will stop enlisting apprentice seamen." Lieutenant Waddell said. Conditions are such at the stations that more men cannot now be cared for. The halt will only be temnorarv. orobablv a week." Lieutenant Waddell said last nieht the men enlisted for apprentice sea men would be give full Day and other allowances while waiting to be called. Yesterday was the banner day for the total number of enlistments in the army. One hundred and thirty three men were signed up from the Omaha office, exceeding by twenty seven the record made Wednesday. Children Vtli: Honor Joffre. Chicago, May i. Throe hundred thousand hoot children will honor General Joffre tomorrow. Principals of schools were in structed to hold pslrlotlo exercises. The Joffre party will reach the city at noon. Arrest Grand Rapids Man Here on Embezzlement Charge William Briber, manager of the Co lunihia theater of Grand Rapid , Mich., and general agent there for a large automobile concern, was a--rested yesterday afternoon at the Union depot on complaint of police of Grand Rapids, where Beiber ii wanted on a charge of embezzlement. With Beiber was his wife and 5-year-old son Jack. Beiher says he is innocent and that he is being prosecuted by a Michigan automobile agent. Omaha police had waited fo Beiber three days. Beiber had sent his trunks to Omaha previously and when he presented checks for them was ar rested, fie had bought a ticket for Green River, Wo. He will waive extradition. rilOTOIM.AVS. Thur Fri. Sat. Baby ian Osborne v in .m , "Sunshine and Gold" A Delightful Human Interest Play. KIDDIES MATINEE pel SATURDAY MORNING, fSf 10 to 12, Admission "rv' "Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation" Made in Co-operation With U. S. Army and Navy. Recruiting officers from Army, Navy and Marines are stationed in lobby and will gladly give any information desired regarding servjee in any of these .departments. MUSE VIVIAN MARTIN JACK PICKF0RD in "The Girl at Home" Victor Moore in "Ballads and Bologna" Laet Times Today SARAH BERNHARDT In "JEANNE DORE" AMI KEMENTS. Doug. 494 The Best of Vaudeville ' Last Two Times of ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW With -Greater Morgan Dancera MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 curtain TONIGHT, 8:10 NEXT WEEK Cluade Gllllngwafer, Nellie V. Nichols Headling Ex cellent Big Bill. BRANDEIS T0" Mat, 1:10 Ev'na. Silo. AND SUNDAY LAST FOUR TIMES W. GRIFFITH'S Spectacle "INTOLERANCE" THE WORLD'S GREATEST SHOW Nlghti: 23c to $1.50; Matt.. 25c to $1. Boxes Matine!, $1.50; Evenlnft, $2.00. BOYD MATINEE TODAY, 2:30 1 " TONIGHT AND SUNDAY ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN Preeents His Big Musical Success KATINKA Prices 25c to 2 Coming AL JOLSON THREE KELTONS CIRCLE COMEDY FOUR DUDLEY TRIO WILLIAMS AND WATK1NS BABY MARIE OSBORNE In FIT. Crsat Acts. .BASE BALL Omaha vs. St. Joseph MAT G-tf7-B ROURKE PARK MONDAY, MAY 7TH LADIES' DAY Gaines Called at 3:15 Box Seat at Barkalow Bros. Before You Move Phone or call us and let us tell you about our efficient moving service. Moving Packing Storing Our large padded vans, with experienced movers, will make moving a plena- OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. Phone Douglas 4163 80S South 16th St.