Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    5 A
Digest of Laws Passed by Late Legislature and Sighed by Governor
iHis; UMAHA SUNDAY b: APRIL z j, ' Mil.
The legislature, which adjourned Tuesday, pissed 273 new laws, which
are herewith briefly digested. Governor Neville vetoed three of the meas
ures passed, which reduces the total number of new laws to 270. The accom
panying digest contains the gist of all these laws, pave the prohibitory law
and the amendments to the Omaha charter, which. art published elsewhere in
the news columns of The Bee: - - , -. '
If. R, If, Appropriate lift Wfl tor le.fl-
iauv expanse, ttmersency.
H. R, 1. Appropriate llfft,MI for
lalatlva malar 1m. Emersranor.
H, R. 170. Appropriate caih fttfid and
mlollanou receipt of aU atats normal
chools to their raapoctlv um.
H. R. 111. Appropriate Inoom from
normal achool endowment fund.
II. R. ITS. Appropriatei library fundi
of all stats normal choot for the pur
chase of books and supplies. - Bmrenor
H. R. 19, Appropriates proceed of the
,86 mill levy for the state normal schools
to their maintenance, under direction ot
ftata normal board.
H. R. 28 S. Appropriate lt,7T0.IS t
pay bark salaries of supreme court com
missioner and their stenographer, from
September IS. lilt, to April 1, 1817. Emer
u n nm Hi Til tl At
deficlenoles Incurred by the board of con-
trol and state Institutions under it super
' vlilon. Deflclencle Incurred at these In
stltutlotur: Olrls Industrial achool, Ge
neva; orthopedic hospital, Lincoln; women's
industrial home, Minora; insane noipirai
Norfolk; home for dependent children,
Lincoln; tuberoular hospital, Kearney;
achool for deaf. Omaha.) Emergency.
H. R. 231. Appropriate $.000 for spe
cial exnensa of Nebraska National Guard
In eonneotlon with demobilisation of troops
returning from Mexican border. Emergency.
H. R. 1 J B. Appropriates $1,100 for ex
panses of railway commission tit making
car shortage and other special Investiga
tions, Including pay of wttra help, aimer
gency. '
H. R, S 41. Appropriate e,TOs for tnlsosl
Hneoua Improvement at itata fish hatcher
les near Gretna. Emergency.
H. R. 846. Appropriates 6,000 to aid the
southwest Nebraska district fair at May-
H. R. 10T- Appropriate proceeds of three
. fourths mill university, building tax levy.
' Emergency.
H. R. 156. Appropriate 9MM for Mildred
Honk and two children, family of Prank
Honke, Insane patient at Norfolk hospital,
who wa paralysed by falling from aa up
per tory. Emergency,
H. R. 102. Appropriates 5M04 to In
demnify owners of cattle, sheep or wlne
killed by order of the state veterinarian
on account of foot and mouth disease. Ap
praised value limited to 1106 a head tor
cattle, $7 a head for cheep, and 1 cent a
pound for hogs; two-third the appraised
viua tn k mid tti awnar. Emertenoy.
H. R. 181. Appropriate prowed of ono-
flfth mill levy for state aid on ages, smir
H. R. 168. Appropriate 20,oo for trans.
portatlon of Nebraska elvil war veteran
(both union ana conieaeraiej, suns w
sand returning from the Vtcksburf peaco
celebration. October IS to IS. Emergency.
H. R. K00. Appropriate $1,600 for state'
share of expense In straightening and im
proving the channel of Dead Man's Run,
near the state farm at Lincoln,
H. R. 730. Appropriates $50,006 for addi
tional Industries at the state penitentiary,
cr elsewhere, as the board of control may
determine, and to provide working capital
therefor. Emergency.
H. R. 16. Appropriate $16,000 to pur
tnase a new steel car for use In distributing
fish from state hatcheries.
H. R. $01. Appropriate 11,000 to buy
medals for National Guardsmen who served
on the Mexican, border. Emergency.
H. R. 80a. Appropriates $100,000 for
mobilization and maintenance expense of
Nebraska National Guard and other mili
tary organisations of the state which, may
: be .called Into the federal service for war
with Germany. Emergency.
H. TL 691. Appropriates B.O0S for ex-,
' perlmental pump Irrigation, with the pro
viso that one-balf the cost thereof In any
community shall be borne locally by the
county or by some commercial club. Irri
gation or agricultural association. Wher
ever the experiment Is successful, the local
organisation shall refund to the state Its
share of the expense. Administration of
fund placed In the hands of the state uni
versity regents. ,
H. R. 763. Appropriates SIS.SOS to pur
chase additional land at the Kearney tuber
cular hospital. .
H. R. . Appropriates UM9 to sup
plement the Bessey memorial fund, and
provides for its administration by the
stats university regents: fund to be invest.'
ed for the benefit of the widow, Lucy A.
Bessey, and for the widow and dependents
of other deceased professors of the uni
versity who served In that capacity for
RUAwrbpriates ISS.SOS for eon
struotlng a steel and. oonorete or brick hog
barn and grading land on the state fair
H. R. T. Appropriates 1MM t par
ens additional land at Norfolk Insane
hospital, Bmervency. . '
H. R. 800. Appropriates lll.OvS t match
federal funds allotted to Nebraska for voca
tional education In public schools, and IS.IOS
additional for administering the fund. Cre
ate a state board of vocational education
comprising the governor, treasurer and stata
superintendent. Repeals vocational educa
tion act of ISIS (chapter ili, session laws).
m n ion Atmronrletea IS4S.X4 to reim
burse the heirs of Robert W. Bcott aa In
mat of the soldiers' horns at Mllford, who
dlod In 1911. for money belonging te him
which was used by the Institution, ..
R. R. 7S7. Oeneral deficiencies bill. a
proprUtlng a total of $48,703.88. This In
cludes $38,900 a a fund for paying each
National Guardsman, private and noncom
missioned officer, who served on the Mex
ican border last year, and was afterward
mustered out, the sum of 1S as reimburse
ment for civilian clothing lost, damaged or
destroyed. Emergenoy,
H. R. 106. Appropriates proceeds of the
regular 1-mlli university levy and the uni
versity cash fund to the support of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. Also Imposes a new
levy of .7$ mill for speolal activities of the
university and Its branches, and appproprl
ates these specific amounts from the pro
ceeds thereof: Agricultural extension, fTS,
lf6; maintenance of Omaha Medical col
lege, $76,000; equipment of hospital build
ing at medical college, $60,000 ; maintenance
and permanent Improvements at Curtis agri
cultural school, $76,000; sub-station at North
Platte, $61,000; sub-station at Boottsbluff,
$8,000; sub-station at Valentine, $11,100;
conservation and soil survey, $26,000; experi
ment station at Lincoln, $86,000; animal
pnihology. $10,000; additional land for state
farm, Lincoln, $12,000; agricultural botany,
$3,000; collection of fossils for state museum,
$5,000; state entomology, $10,000; legisla
tive reference bureau, $16,100; maintenance
of hospital at Omaha Medical college, $100,
000; new laboratory building at medical col
lege, $120,000; experimental fruit farm, $10,
ooo; Mrs. Lucy A. Bessery, Emer
gency, ' : -
H. R. 620. Appropriates $1,000 for the re
lief of Mrs. Lottie May Winer and two minor
children, the family of William h Wiser, a
patient at the Lincoln Insane hospital, who
committed suicide by drinking carbolic
acid secured through the negligence of an
: attendant. Emergency.
H. R. 704. General salaries bit!, appro
; priatlng a total of $027,710 for salaries In
state office, departments, bureau and In
stitutions, except the university and It
branches, the state normal schools and
boards and commissions, which are support
ed wholly by their fees, including IB1.140
state superintendent's oaah fund. Emer
gency. H. R. 716. Oeneral maintenance bill for
state departments, Institutions, boards, com
missions. Carries $8,147,740. Emergenoy,
ft F. SI. Allows Omaha school board
to levy a maximum tax of 86 mills for sup
port of school. (Now II mills.) Emer
gency. K. R. V16! Establishes a state school of
Irrigation at Ctcottsbluff, on land to be
deeded to the state tree of cost Regents of
the state university to have charge, and
maintenance of school to b provided for out
-of regular university levy. Bite to be se
lected by the regent. (The United States
government has donated a section of land
which will doubtless be chosen for the pur
pose.) H. R. It. B tree state school apportion
ments upon enumeration of children In each
district, Instead of on school attendance.
Amends section 1, chapter 121, session laws
H. R. 61. Allows forty days' time prior
to second Monday in June for parent or
guardians of children desiring to take ad
vantage of free high achool attendance law
to notify the county superintendent, Emer
- gency. Amends section SI16.
H. R, 406. Reduces majority requirement
for voting school bonds from two-thirds to
three-fifths. .Amends section 441, revised
H. R. 710. Requires every public school
, to have a flagpole on It grounds, at least
twenty feet high and patnied white, Upon
which the ceremony, of raising and lower
Ing the flajr shall be held on patriotic
holiday and special occasions. Non-com-
' pi lance with the act Is declared a tnlsde
.meanor, punishable by $10 to $100 fine.
H. R. 41. Changes law governing coun
ty high schools by graduating taxes foi
that purpose Inversely In proportion to the
' number of high school grades taught with
in an ordinary district. Where the Courne
' .of study goes no farther than the ninth
grsrt. three-fourths of the tux shall be
levifd; tenth grade, onn-bslf; eleventh
grade, one-fourth; twmh grade, wholly
exempt, Amndea section 1,110, revised stat
utes. H. R. IS. Provide for exchange of state
school land located within federal forest
reserve tracts for an equal aereage of gov
ernment lands, and the leasing of any lands
so acquired by the state.
sX F. S4S. Raises maximum school tax,
exclusive ot school bonds and special war
rants, from 16 to 46 mills In oltles of 1,
$00 or more population. Emergency.
Amends section SKI .revised statutes, and
chapter 124, session laws, 101$.
0. F. 4$. Authorises the board of edu
cation In ny district containing over 110
children of school age to levy a maximum
school tax of 4$ mills, after the question
has been submitted to a vote and carried
by a majority ot 60 per cent; or to Issue
bonds or special warrant for school pur
poses, making a special tax levy to redeem
the same, when two-thirds of the members
of the board and a majority of the voters
have expressed themselves In favor of doing
so. Emergency; Amends section C601 re
vised statute.
H. R. $17. Allows county superintendents
mileage when visiting schools, at the rat
of 10 cent per mile traveled but author
ises the county board to limit such mile
age to one visit per year to each school.
Amends section 14(1, revised statutes.
H. R. HI. Changes law governing or
ganisation of small city school districts so
as to take thoee of 1,000 or more popula
tion, present minimum, 1,100, Amends sec
tion SI4S revised statutes.
K. R. SSI. Raises high school tuition
rate from SI to $1.10 per week. Amends
section $614, revised statutes, and chapter
lis, session taw
& F. SIS. Provides for election of vlt
lag school district trustee at the regular
village election, to bo voted Tor upon I
separate ballot. Emergency. Amends seO'
tlon 67SS. revised statute.
H. R. 168. Reduces minimum school year
requirements from nine to eight months in
districts levying a fifteen -mill tax, and
from eight to seven months In district
levying' a twenty-mill tax, enabling them to
share In the state school apportionments.
Emergenoy, Amends section 4746, revised
H. R. ill. Fixe time ot annual meeting
la rural high school districts on the first
Monday of June. Puts affairs of each such
district In the hand ot three trustees, one
to be elected each year. Allows the voters,
st annual meetings, Instead of the board of
trustees, to tlx or change the site ot the
hich school, by a two-thtras majority, ad
portions expene of maintaining the rurat
high achool upon the various component
districts In proportion to their assessed valu
ations, the county board to make the neces
sary levy on an estimate prepared by the
trustees and approved by the voters at the
annual meeting. . Two-room rural high
schools teaching agriculture, home econom
ics and -vocational subjects are to receive
$260 of state aid annually; three-room
schools. $360: school of four rooms or more.
$660, The state superintendent. Instead of
the county superintendent. Is to act wltn
the board in determining the qualification
for admission and general rule ana regula
tions. Nonresident pupils are to be oharged
$1.60 per week tuition. Emergency. Amende
actions siqb. saos, ibvh. eivi ana ssie. re
vised statutes, and chapter US, session laws
H. R. 404. Raises 86 -mill school tea
limit In Lincoln by authorising- an addi
tional levy of S mill for buildings and I
mill for renalrs durlns the next four years,
Makes city treasurer ex officio treasurer of
the school district.
H. R. 160. Provides for an elementary
and an advanced course in the training of
rural teacher at state normal schools. The
advanced certificates shall be good to town
and village schools.
H. r. so. Permits educational trust fund
ot the itato to be invested la federal land
bank or Irrigation bonds. Emergency.
Amend section S.S46, revised statutes.
H. R 18. Cuts Um limit for filing ap
peal In supreme court from six month
to three months. ' Amends flection 8116.
revised statutes, ISIS. v
& F. 116. prohibit plsclng of hills,
signs or advertisements ot any kind, ex
cept road markers on bridge or culvert.
Penalty, fine not exceeding $100, and com-
a F. SB, Requires the district court to
suspend sentenoo- and execution t judg
ment against persons convicted of misde
meanors, upon th filing by any such per
son or his attorney of an affidavit statins
tnat an apDeaiwiii a taken to the euoreme
court and prosecuted in good faith. this
affidavit must be presented within three
days arter sentence and judgment are pro
nounced, together with a reasonable bond,
to be fixed by . th court . Amends section
V71 revised statutes.
n. n. si. Heueves ucensea emctaimere
(undertakers) from Jury service. Amends
section s,ist revised statutes.
sv F. 161. Inoreaies salary of district
court clerks In counties 'of 16,000 to 26,000,
from $1,600 to 11,800, where fees are suffi
cient to oav the larser salary. Amends sec
tion It II.
H, R. its. increases certain salaries of
state supreme court and state library as
follows: "Judges' stenographers, $1,000 to
$1,200; second assistant reporter, $1,000 to
J 1,300; two assistant clerks, each $1,000 to
1,100; deputy librarian, $1,000 to $1,200;
stenographer, $$40 to $1,000, Also adds an as
sistant librarian at $1,100. Amends sec
tions 1,164 and 1,167 revised statutes.
K. R. 111. Create a new district Judge
In the Third district (Lancaster county), and
one la the Tenth dlstrlot, comprising Phelps,
Kearney, Adams, Harlan, Franklin and
Webster counties. Gives governor power to
appoint nevrbeneh Incumbents to serve until
general eleotlon In 101$. Transfers Arthur
county from the Thirteenth to the Seven
teenth district, and Logan from the Thir
teenth to th Twelfth. Emergency. Amends
ohapter II, session laws 1116.
8. F, 40. Provides that legal notice need
not be published oftener than once a week
In dally, semi-weakly or trl-weekly papers,
where the law requires publication for a
specified number of weeks. Publication un
der suoh circumstances must be on the same
day each Weak, and on some other day than
Sunday. .
8. F. 101. Calling of grand Juries, and
the times for them to sit,- made optional
with ths district court of each county.
Amend section SOU, revised statutes.
H. R. 171. District court clerks em
powered to aprpove bond of guardian for
the sale of real estate. Amends section 1610,
revised statutes.
a F. 116. Makes It the duty of sher
iff to ferret out orime, arrest criminals,
obtain evidence regarding offenses against
the laws and present it to th county at
torney and grand Juries, and file Informa
tion against person who he has reason
'to believe have broken the laws. Also
provides that ths sheriff shall, when so
directed In- writing by th county attor
ney, make special Investigation Into re
puted violations of th law and report
thereon. Hi expense In suoh Investiga
tions are to be paid by the county board.
B. F. 178. -Creates office of messenger
to county attorney in Douglas county, at
a ialary of $125 per month. Emergency.
H. R. 163. Makes It unlawful for a
county Judge to recommend th employment
of any particular attorney to persons hav
ing business In hi court, or to suggest
that any attorney 1 undesirable or unfit,
or to Influence aueh persons In any way
in th choice of a lawyer. Penalty, Im
peachment and removal from office.
S. F. 171, Permits clerk ot dlstrlot court
to approve referees' sal bonds In partition
proceedings. Amends section SSOS, revised
F US. Provides that the district court
shall fix the place of sale, within the
county, when property I sold under Judicial
order by a referee In partition proceedings.
Amend sections 8118 and 1300, revised
S. F. 41. Authorises ths dlstrlot .court
to award ths custody of minor children, and
provide for their care and maintenance. In
divorce suits where no decree ot divorce
Is allowed. Amends section 1ST7, revised
H. R, lit. Limits Jurisdiction of Justices
of the peace to their own districts.
Amends section 8161, revised statutes.
H. R, III, simplifies procedure In
change of venue from one Justice of the
peace to another, anywhere In the state,
or from a Justice of the peace to a Judge
of the municipal court la Omaha, Provides
for speedy trials, where obange of venue
Is taken. Amends sections $404 and B40t,
and repeals sections SltO, $400 and 8401,
revised statutes.
H. R. ill. Limits the authority of a
Justice of th peace In replevin eases to
his own district. Amends section I486, re
vised statutes,
K, R. 114. Permit th appointment ot
some person other than a ' Justice of the
peace as polls magistrate In case of vac
ancy, but provides that In Omaha th
mayor shall designate a Judge of th munici
pal court to serve la that capacity without
extra compensation, when a vacancy occurs.
Amends section Sill, revised statutes,
H. R, 138. Deprives Omaha municipal
courts of concurrent Jurisdiction with the
district court la certain matters, and makes
Its Jurisdiction concurrent with that of the
county court and police magistrate. In
rreaats the salary of municipal court clerks
from $1,200 to $1,100 and rrqulrer him to
account to the city treasurer for fees col
lected. Provides that litigants not able to
pay shall be relieved of fees ordinarily
charged. Amends sections 1, IS and It
Ohapter 111, session law 1016.
S. F. $4. Cut time for notifying credi
tor against estate of d ascendent from
sliiy to forty days after administration
papere or letters testamentary are granted;
and euts time for filing of claim by credi
tors, from six to three months after auch
notice. Amend sections 1381, 1884 and 1116,
revised statutes.
H. R. 161. Fixes procedure by which a
debtor owing $60 to a l.otw, may gradually
pay off his obligations without going
through bankruptcy or bolng harassed by
garnishment or attachment proceedlnga.
a F, 100. Permit the clerk of the su
preme court or any clerk of the dlstrlot
court, after serving eight years, to take
examination for admission to the bar.
Amends section S66, revised statute.
B. F. 137. Validates legal Instrument
which may have been originally defective,
after being recorded for ten years. Emer
gency, Amends section 6! 40, revised staL
a F. 141. Continues supreme oourt com
mission for two years and allows It two
stenographers Instead of one. Permits th
commissioners to become candidates for Ju
dicial offices, and forbids them to ongago
in toe practice or law.
H. R. 401 Prohibits olerks of the dis
trict oourt from retaining naturalisation
fees or any other revenues or perquisite
of the office other than what the law
specifically permits. Reducee the salary,
additional to fees allowed, from $1,000 to
$600 In Gage county. Amends section 1410,
revised statute.
H. R. 101. Raises salary of deputy dis
trict oourt clerk In Gage county from $1,000
to $1,300, and fixe salary of t$l,100 for sam
official In Lancaster county. Amends sec
tion use.
a F, Sl$. Fixes term of constables at
two years and limits the Jurisdiction of each
to the district of the county Judge, Justice
of th peace or municipal Judge who ap
pointed him. Emergency, . Amend ssotlon
8637, revised atatutee.
8. F, 100. Change law governing the
ua of convict labor outside the penitentiary.
Puts all contracts of this kind directly In
the handa of th Board of Control, Instead
of th penitentiary warden. Allows conviot
labor to be let out to counties for read
and bridge work or other public projects.
Permits two or more counties to contract
Jointly with the Board of Control for em
ployment of convicts en county line roads
or bridges. Emergency. Amends chapter lit,
session laws int.
H, R. 706. Oeneral claims bill, appro
priating a total of $81,788.10. Emergenoy.
fl. F. 187, Amend Torrone land title law.
Validates all proceedings heretofore had
under the law, regardless of minor or tech
nical erro.-s. defects or discrepancies, but
give parties having adverse interest three
months' time to avail themselves thereof for
the protection of their own rights. Amend
section i, , is, ii, is, io, zs, 76, 101 and
103, chapter SIS, session laws 101 S.
H. R 174. Changes seal of probate
fees as follows: In estates of $2,000 to St,
000, reduced from $36 to $26; In estates
of more than $10 000, raised from $36 to
$40. Reduces fee in adoption proceedings
from $8 to $1. Amends section 1, chapter
80, session laws 1116, and section 944$,
revised statutes.
H. R. 182. Provides for thirty day no
tice of hearing on petition for probata of
foreign wills, where the testator has been
dead more than -two years, and authorises
the court to dispense with the regular ad-:
ministration and enter a decree for the
heirs, under such circumstances. Amends
sections 1808 and 1310, revised statute.
K. R, 141. Authorise lodge and fra
ternal societies which maintain state home
or other Institution for the care of incapac
itated member or the children of Incapaci
tated or deceased members to act as ad-1
mlnlstrators, guardians, executors or cura
tor of uch person or their estates.
Amends section 610, revised statutes. ,
a F. $7. Simplifies satuts providing for
constructive service on unknown defend- j
ants. Amends section 7601, revised statutes. I
a F. 1 to, Raise public defender's salary :
In Douglas county from $1,200 to $2,400. I
Emergency. Amends chapter 166, session
laws ltlS. , ,
Cities and Towns '
H. R. 61. Municipal expansion act for
Omaha, extending city boundaries to take In
Benson, Florence and certain area not here- I
toforo Included within any municipality. I
Permits future expansion by taking in other !
iracis not agricultural In character.
Supplements ohapter 46, revised statutes
1813; repeals sections 4,061, 4,072, 4,074,
4,076, 4,076, 4,077 and 4,078, revised statutes
1013, and chapter 111, session laws 1016.
H. R, 78. Authorises second -class oittes
to license, regulate and prohibit pool and
billiard hall and bowling alleys. Amanda
section o,iM revised statute.
H. R. 130. Authorise dty of Valentine
to plat and sell aa town lots land owned
by munlripality outside its own limit.
Applies generally to cities of 1,000 to S,000
population. Amends section 6080.
H. R. 151. Reduces majority require
ment for water bonds In second clsss cities
and villages, from two-third to three
fifths. Emergency. Amends section BUS.
H. R. 611. Reorganises food commission,
allowing the assistants and salaries:
Twenty-two Inspectors, $4 to $S per day (In
crease, SO cent per day); secretary, $1,600
(Increase of $620); bookkeeper and three
clerks, $1,006 each (Inorcaae of $160 each);
state chemist, $2,400 (Increase of $600); as
siitant chemist (new), $1,600; seed analyst,
$5 per day; chief inspector (new), $188 per
month; other help, as necessary not more
than $1,000 per year each. Emergenoy.
Amend section 2627 and 2628, revised
statutes. -
5.Ft.31.8Chlrt,r WU for cltle of
000 to 16,000. -
a F. 01. Authorises city of Omaha to
levy maximum tax ot $1 mills for municipal
purposes, I mills addition for sinking
fund to pay Interest on bonded indebtedness,
and S to 4 mill additional for sinking
fund to pay bond principal. Emergency.
Amend Motion 4311 and 4101, revised
H. R. 421. Permits division of townships
In forming supervisor districts. No village
to be Include 1 In the same dlstrlot with a
city of 1,000 or more Inhabitants. Whenever
the legislature ohangea. ths law so aa to
require a change-In supervisor district boun
daries, th county board shall make such
change at the next regular meeting after
the new law becomes effective. Amend
sections 000, IBS and 1063, revised statute.
a F. 188. Provide for an optional plan
of government for munclpailtles, known as
the city manager plan, and permit adop
tion thereof by popular vote In any city
ot from 1,000 , to 100,000 population Ths
bill permit any city to adopt the pi an
without disturbing existing laws. Upon the
tiling of a 10 per cent petition, It Is pro
vided that the question of adopting the
provision of th aot shall be submitted to
the people at a apeolal election within sixty
to ninety days.
H, R. 111. Permits second clsss oltles
snd villages to annex territory separated
from them by the grounds of any state In
stitution. Amends section 1088 revised stat
utes, a F. Sit. Allow cltle of 1,000 to 26,000
population to Issue Intersection paving bonds
not exceeding $16,000, without submitting
them to popular vote. Amends section 4021,
revised satutes.
a F, 101, Authorises mayor and council
or board of trustees In cities and villages,
except Lincoln and Omaha, to appoint a
cemetery board ot six members, to servo
without pay, for the purpose of administer
ing a munlclpally-owned cemetery. Pro
vides for a special tag levy not exceeding
S mills, to be mode by th mayor and
oo unci) or board of trustees, for the ears
and Improvement of cemeteries. Emer
gency. a F. 10t. Permit the metropolitan wa
ter district of Omaha to manufacture and
ell ice. Provides for filing, auditing ana
Final Clean-Up of Our Liquor Stock
- Come down now and get your' whiskey and
alcohol for future use. Don't wait until the last
minute, at the best goods go first
522 North
allowance of claim against th district.
Including claims for damages, and re.
quires personal injury clalmsnt to submit
to examination by the city physician.
Amend section S, chapter 148, session laws,
1011 and section 4144, revised statutes.
a P. 11. Reduces majority requirement
from 10 to 66 per rent In voting bonds for
municipal gas, waterworks, heating eleo.
trio light and power plants. In cities of 6.
000 to 16,000 population. Raises the ma
jority requirement on the question ot estab
lishing such municipal plant from a sim
ple majority Xo 66 per cent Amends sec
tion 464, revised statutes,
H. R. T 8. Amendments to Omaha charter.
H. R. IS. Allows second elasa cities and
village to vet bond or levy taxes for
a municipal distributing system to supply
consumers with electricity power, steam or
other utility service purchased from another
city or village. Permits municipalities of
th seme olaas to sell sh service outside
of their own limits. , Amends Motion 6148
revised atatutee. .
H, R. 606. Am pit (lee power of th city
ot Lincoln in regard t paving ana other
wise improving streets, alleys and public
ground. Emergenoy, Amend Mctlon 4624,
revised statutes, and chapter Bl, session
laws 1016.
H. R. 701, Empowers ond-clM cltlen
and villages to purchase or condemn land
outside their own limits for cemetery pur
poses, not exceeding 140 acres. Amend
section S16t, "revised statutes.
a F. 844. Allows Omaha city commls
Ion. on request of the mayor and comp
troller, to buy municipal supplies not ex
ceeding $100 in cost, additional to supplies
rurnisnea en contracts. Amends sections
4174 and 4876, revised statutes.
H, R. 110. Provides a penalty of $10 to
$60 tine for each day that a pool or billiard
halt or fowling alley Is operated without a
county HoenM, outside an Incorporated city
or village, Amends section lilt, revised
a F. US. Charter amendments for oltles
Of 8,000 to 86,000 population. Emergency.
Amend MCtione 4174, 4816, 4877, 4016, 4930,
4S31, 484$, 4066, 4074 and 4876, revised stat
utes, and chapters 86 and II, session laws
H. R. 177. Authorises second class cltle
to aoquir real estate by gift or purchase,
and to erect and maintain thereon adito
rlum for soeiat and recreation purposes, to
be operated by th municipality. " Special
tax of S mills authorised (or erection of
building, and 1 mill per year for mainte
nance, On filing- of a 10 per cent petition,
a bond Issue shall be submitted, requiring
three-fifths majority to carry. Emergency.
a F. 188. Allows $16 a month pension to
widows of Omaha policemen who died while
In the service prior to 101$. Amends Mo
tion 1161,
H. R. 140. Tncresses sewer bond limit
In cltle of 6.000 to 16,000 population, from
$100,000 to $200,000. Emergenoy. Amend
section 4066, revised statutes.
a F. 221. Raise salary of Omaha Art
chief, $8,000, to $1,6001 provides for three
assistant chiefs, raised from $2,100 to $1,600;
creates Indefinite number of battajlon
chiefs at $1,000,
H. R. IT. Permit counties, cities and
villages to establish and maintain forest
reserve tract. Approval of state fores ta
tlon commission required tor any such
project. Upon the filing of a 10 per cent
petition with the oounty board, city coun
cil or commission, or village board, it
must submit the proposition to the voters
at a general or special election. Bond
Issue to bo submitted at the same time
Any city or village empowered to acquire
land for forest reserve within fifteen mile
outside of Its corporate limits, and to ex
ercise polios jurisdiction over such area.
Tract to ba developed for aork and pub
lic purpose and conserving municipal wa
ter supplies. I
K. R. 100. Provides that In counties hav
ing 80,000 or greater population, where two
or more candidates on the same party
ticket are running for the same office (a
presidential elector, members of th legis
lature, etc.), the name .shall be rotated on
the general election ballot. Amende chap
ter SO, session law 1018.
H. R, 104. Require county board to
submit bond Issue for county high schools
whenever petitioned for by one-third of
the voters in the county, regeraiess or wner
they lire. Require three-fifths vote, In
stead of a majority, to carry such bonds.
Repeals section s.tli revised statutes.
H. R. 106. Requires county clerks to
keep permanent records of births and
deaths. Changes Vr"flnt, taw so that local
health registrars ahsll report monthly to
the oounty clerk, instead of to be the state
Bureau ot Vital Statistics. These reports
must be In duplicate, and one copy of each
must be mailed by the county clerk to the
stats 1 bureau. The other copy win no re
tained In the clerk's office. Registrars are
allowed double fees for making duplicate
reports. - Amends Motion 1,760 revised
a F. 187. Relieves Gage and Stanton
eountle from paying Interest on old Inasn
fund tax Indebtedness to the state and pro
vides for settlement of accounts due from
other tjountlea under th nm head. Emer
gency. S. F. 114. Permits counties to aoquir
land and buildings for oounty fair purpoMs
and to operate fairs. '
R. R. 31. Forbid any county officer to
draw salary In any on month greater
then one-twelfth of the annual salary pro
vided by1 law. Carries minion amendment
to law requiring officers to report on their
fees. Amends section 2464, revised stat
utes. H. R. Its. Provides four-year term for
the following county officers: Sheriff, treas
urer, clerk, surveyor, attorney and superin
tendent. Does not extend terms of present
officials, but will apply to those elected In
1011, Retains provision ot present law lim
iting treasurer to two terms. Does not affect
county Judge, whose term Is fixed by the
constitution at two years, or county assess
or, register of deeds, or clerk of th dls
trlot oourt, Whose terms are now fixed at
(our years. Amends sections 1,064 arid 1,086
revised statutes.
H. R. 8. Provide for voting county road
bonds, to bo used for grading and otherwise
Improving highways, including construction
of bridges and culverts. County boards au
thorised to obtain surveys and estimates for
such work and afterward submit the propo
sition at a regular or special election. Three
fifths vote on the bonds required to carry
them. Bonds limited in amount to 10 per
cant ot ths taxable property In the county,
and in duration to thirty years; Interest
rate not to exceed 8 per c it. tf bonds
carry, county board shall let contract for
th road work, Two counties may unite In
Improving oounty line roads.
a F. 22. Allows Douglas county attorney
five deputies, one at a salary of $2,600 and
the other four at $1,000 per year, Emergency.
Amends section ttOO. reslved statutes.
a F. 101. Prohibits county surveyor, a
well as other county official, from being
Interested in any public contract. Amends
section S7S, revised statute.
a F. 7. Raise Douglas county Judge's,
salary from $1,000 to $4,000 and his clerk
from $1,800 to $1, S00 and limits alt county
treasurers, Judges and olerks to one-twelfth
of their annual aalarles in any one month.
Emergency, Amend chapter 41, session
laws 1116.
a F. 30. Empowers any village, county os-4
township to employ a community visiting
nurse and levy s tax of not more than 6
mill to psy the salary and expense. Upon
the filing of a II per cent petition, the gov
erning board of any village, county or town
ship is roii ut red to submit the question to a
vote ot the people. A petition of the seme
lie will require submlmtion of a proposition
to discontinue the employment of a com
munity nurse where there Is one. Special
proviso permits city of Omaha to employ
visiting nurses or any charitable or philan
thropic association and pay th expenses out
of the municipal general fund.
H. R. 123. County surveyor to view and
report on es'obllshment, alteration or vaca
tion of public roads. Amends sections 2860,
2160 and 2860 and repeal section 2866, re
vised statute.
H. R. lis. Permits Tork county to have
16th Street
five county supervisors, Instead ot Mvea,
with th city of York a ono district, and
the remaining territory to bo divided Into
four districts ot equal sis. Amends section
lost revised statute,
a F. 124, Amends lew governing removal
ot county seat. Provide that after on
election on that question, It shall not be
submitted again for ten years. Petition
for relocation must name the place to
which It la proposed to remove the county
Mat, and not more than' one place shall
be considered at th um election. The
qame of th town where th county seat Is
located and the name of the town to whlvh
removal 1 proposed wilt be printed on the
ballot, and voter shall designate their
choice a between such town only. Repeal
section Sit and 841, Inclusive, revised
H, R. 101. flubs 1 1 tut es county attorney
for oounty Judge as on of the three offi
cer who are empowered to fill vacancies
In th membership of county board.
Amend section 1177.
H, R. 877. Make th oounty treasurer,
I netted of th stats treasurer, fiscal agent
for th payment of county, township, pre
cinct, municipal, school dlstrlot and other
subdivision bonds, or the interest thereon.
Where a subdivision He In two or more
counties, bond and Interest may be made
payable at the office ot either oounty treas
urer. In remitting for the payment of bonds
or Interest, the oounty treasurer la required
to UM New Tork bank exchange. Federal
Reeerve bank exchange or Its equivalent
Amends sections 866 and III, revised
H. R. 861. Provides that county fund
donated for aiding fairs, shall be used first
for the payment of premiums. Amends sec
tion S, revised statutes, and consolidates
chapters T and S, sessions laws, 1011.
H. R. 68. Permits county boards to pro
vide financial aid tor blind persons, not
exceeding 1X00 per year for any man over
11 year old or any woman over is, who
does not have an Income of that amount
from other sources. To obtain such aid,
th penton must have been a resident of
the stats for flv year and ot th county
for one year. The act doe not apply to
Otoe county, where the state school tor
blind Is located. .
H. R. 118. Prohibits county Judge from
practicing as an attorney In counties hav
ing a population of more than 16,000. Ham
restriction applied to municipal Judge of
Omaha. Amend section S76 revlatd statute.
'H. R. T ft. Authorises oounty boards In
counties having more than 8,000 Inhabitants
to Mil land or lota belonging to the oounty
and uee the proceeds In establishing a poor ,
hous or a county hospital, or both, and to ,
issue bonds bearing I per cent for that pur-;
pose; such sal and bond issue belnv In all
Wi Save You Money Theri Arc Reasons
The Home Beautif ul
is the hope of the world. Homes mean more than
mere places to live. Much of the just pride you take
in home life is directly traceable to the way your
home is furnished. Practical, comfortable and pleas
ing surroundings add to every other good influence
that goes to create the home beautiful.
Thrift and economy in buying your home furnish
ing needs. To seize the opportunity that saves you
money without risking value, for your expenditure,
brings the satisfaction you are seeking. Our two large
stocks,' the Raymond at 1513 Howard and our home
store at 17th and Howard, afford you JUST this op
portunity. Your purchases from us at either or both
stores can be made free from "high price" complaints.
V, ......
Living Room Comforts
Furniture that is comfortable to look t
Furniture that is comfortable to use;
Furniture that lasts. '
Practical parlor and living Toom appointment ii nowadays made up mostly of odd easy chairs
and rockers, not necessarily matched, yet selected so that they - $ 1 ft Tt 0 OC
harmonize. Big Spanish leather covered chairs, like illustration......... v0lJ , apuJ
The same frames and same styles, Covered with handsome . ; t1fi 7i $27 0
tapestrys and velours,.... . : , ,
The Grandfather's Clock, shown in the picture, stands 7 ft. 6 ins. to the apex. It is a solid
mahogany case, dependable works, a good timepiece, has Westminster chime : ' Q Cf)
and cathedral gong strike. Price Pt7UU
V . . .
William and Mary Suite, Table, Chairs and
Buffet, in Jacobean , , $77 25
Fumed Oak Buffet,
45-inch length..
A Full Week
ja Big Feature
-Monday and all
I m
( - week r"'
9x12 Brussels!..'. .$13.75, $14.75,
9x12 Wilton Velvets.... $21.75,
9x12 Axminsters, choice designs
9x12 Royal -. Wiltons, 5
frame weaves of best
worsteds. $39.75, $43.50
and .....$52.50
Many new patterns
of prettiest
sign to select.
case subject to a prior submlMlon of the
question to the voters, requiring a majority
of votes east on the proposition to carry it.
H. R. 844, Authorises county boards to
pay a bounty of 10 cents for scalps of pocket
fophers. Hcalp must Inrrude tn two front
eeth of th animal killed, Payment la to
be made out of the generat fund.
H. R. 760. Permit county board to re
ject bids for furnishing book, blanks and
stationery for publlo use. and to buy such
material tn the open market In case bids
are rejected or none ar filed. Emergency.
Amend sections 4088, 1080 and 1001, re
vised statutes.
H. R. 731. Raise salaries of Douglas
county officer as follows: County Judge.
Peruna, Only
Spring and AH
Mrs. Wilton Robison, No. 744
Nsle St., Toledo, Ohio, writes: "I
feel like t new person. I have no more
heavy feelings, no more pain, don't
belch up gas, can eat most anything
without it hurting me. I want to be
working all the time. I have gained
twenty-four pounds. People that see
me now tnd saw me two montha ago
aeem astonished. I tell them Peruna
did it. I will say it is the only remedy
for spring and all other ailments."
Our booklet, telling you how to
keep well, free to all. The Peruna
Co., Columbus, Ohio. ( :
Those who object to liquid medl
cinea can now procure Peruna Tablets.
The Dining Room
Golden Oak Buffet,
48-inch length . . . . i , .
Golden Oak Dining Chairs,
Spanish leather seats, each.
Golden and Fumed Oak
diners. .
of Dining Room Specials;
Shown Every Day 'at Both Stores
This pair Twin
$3,000 to $4,000; judge' olerk, $1,800 to
$2,600; assessor, $1,400 to $8,000; deputy
treasurer, $1,000 to $2,500. Emergency.
Amend section 2461 snd 1461, rvlse4
statutes snd chapter 41, session taws 10 lis
8, F tt. Make Douglaa county treas
urer the collecting and disbursing agent ot?
the Omaha school district and the Metro
politan water district, with no additional
salary, but allow the county a commission
of 1 per cent on all money Collected.
Amends section 4147, revised statute.
a F. 02. Raises pay of copyists 1st -pouglas
county register of deed offlee from
(rnntlnned on Pa Wlv, Column One.)
Remedy for
Other f
I Have
No More -i
Pain, Don't
Belch Up
Gat, Can
Eat Most
It Hurting
Me. Gained
shown in . the ac
companying piuture
is an exact illustra
tion and is built on
the classic lines of
the William and
, Mary period, in fine
wood selections of
American black wal
nut. The ' price, for
entire suite of six
chairs, the side
board, table, china
cabinet and serving
table $313.
Beds, black walnut.... $72.50
f ...
Wood Beds
Tn every suite design, in oaks, walnuts, ma
hoganies, maples. $11.75, $12.75, $14.50, $16.75
Mahogany Poster Beds. $18.00
, Twin sizes and full sizes.) , . ;