10 B MB" ft THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 29, 1917. Om& Omaha Miibii T &a. - ' 'i 'mi "t w , fon National fialmWppk, r. ? VI W ( 1 ) Rillrtn, unn of Pr. ind Mn. Louii Swurtrlander. (2) HiMa Lnore, dsuirhter of Mr. and Mrt, A. S. Herman, 4002 Seward. (3) Billy, anti of Mr. and Mm. M. Laurit- arn, f 1 1 North 2fith St. M) Elmfr, aon of Mr. and Mra. E. J. Mc- Minui, 2443 Hartman Ave. (fi) Hnn'tta, dauirliter of Mr. and Mm. John It. Nillnon, 1325 North 33d. Ionard, non of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel iNathnn, 2115 California. (7) Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rourke, 2806 California St. (8) Virginia, daughter of Mr. and Mra. R. W. Ogden, 2215 Manderaon St. (9) Vivian, daughter of Mr. and Mra. B. MacEldon, 422 South 26th St. (10) Ann Eliraheth. daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. D. Fatton, 331 North 41bU ( ID Katherine Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kolbe, South 10th. (12.) Margaret Elisabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mra. H. M. Anderson, 3247 Center. Photos by Rembrandt and by Heyn. A ES IT'S oCroamy Creams Children, with all their buoyant natural eagerness, can eat all they want stuff themselves it they'may because its and parents can let them have it with every confidence in the world. Our name im plies those qualities you most desire. EatA Plate Ofc Cream Every Day B - 7w j On the Babies of Today Depends the Future of "Our Country" If Pur Babies Are Better "Our Country" Will Be Better Start Right Join the army who are striving, who are battling to improve our citizen ship at the foundation. NEBSEECO LAWN MIXTURE Makes a turf like a carpet for the baby to play on THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY . 1613 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 736. "BABY NEEDS" SPECIALLY PRICED FOR BABY WEEK At the Sherman & McConnell Drug Store There is no problem confronting the young mother more serious than that of what to feed the infant, and what hygienic and toilet requisites to supply. In the matter of foods only those of undoubted -purity are permis sible, and these must be perfectly fresh. The nipple and nursing bottles, when used, must be of the most approved .pattern, while rubber goods of all kinds must be of the best. We buy our infant food direct from the manufacturers and consequently are in a position to absolutely guarantee the freshness of every article we sell. The same is true with regard to rub ber goods of all kinds. We enumerate a few articles of these lines, but this list is necessarily small in proportion to the number of articles we carry. "You Can Save Time and Money by Trading at the Five Sherman-McUmnell Drug Stores." NURSERY REQUISITES Nipples Forty kinds or more in shapes in describable, most of them Sc each and 45c per dozen. 3 -r 4 Nursing Bottles A dozen kinds, 10c to 30c. Ask us for the "odd" kinds. Sponges Soft "Silk" Sponges,- both flat and round, 10c to 25c. Bath Sponges, 25c td $1.50. And little ear sponges with bone handles. Teething Rings Various kinds of bone, ivory, cellu loid, hard and soft rubber. 10c to 35c Droppers For eye and ear washes and other medi cines. 5c Each Rubb er Gloves We furnish won derful v a 1 u e s in this line. Some at 39c 49c and $1 a pair. Let us show you Medical Aids Honey-01, a sweetened and pure castor oil, per bottle 25 35c Genuine Fletcher's Castoria for 21 Ku-Co, the protective stearate of zinc (Talcum), per can. ..25 Hand's Baby Remedies, per bottle 25 Mother Kroh's Baby Remedies, per bottle 25 Mennen's Borated Talcum, per can J2 Rexall Baby Talcum, can... 15 Prescriptions for Baby will be carefully compounded at any one of the five Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores. Water Bottles 5 Good Drug Stores Some of them as large as Ba by and some so small that they may be laid on his lit tle "tummy" without harm. Also little In fant Syringes made of soft rubber. Baby Foods Horlicks Malted Milk, 39. 69 and 82.74 Nestle's Food 25. 45 and $2.25 Mellin's Food 45 and 64 Dennos' Baby Food, 65. S2.50 Benger's Food 25 and 60 Eagle Condensed Milk, can. .19 Mead's Dextri-Maltose, can . . 50 Eskay's Food. .25, 45. 65 Ask us for the articles you can not find other places also for those you can. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 5 Good Drug Stores Cor. llh and F.rnam. Cor. 24th and F.rn.m (Th Harr.rd). Cor. 16lh and Dodg.. Cor. 16th and Harney (Th. Owl). Cor. 49th and Dodg. (N.w). Th. Wt End Ph.rm.cy.