Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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    I& A
New Type of Frame
Used on Monroe Car
One of the most annoying troubles
found by motor car drivers up to the
present time, appears to have been
satisfactorily eliminated from the new
Monroe touring car.
With the older forms of frame con
struction a very rigid body has been
Goodyear Rubber Co. to Erect
Bunkbouses for Men Who
Wish to Till SoU.
necessary in omer to avoid door rat
type. This new frame construction
makes it possible to build the body of
lighter sills, making less weight, '
When the doors are fitted even the
roughest kind of road will not pro
duce a rattle. Nor can they be un
latched to swing open. There is only
one car using this type of frame con
struction which sells for teas than
$.1,000. It is the new Monroe touring
car. . . , . ,
Here is the Way Omaha Will Soon Look
tles and eventne swinging open 01
doors when traveling over a rough
road. . .
In the new Monroe the frame side
members have a depth of over six
inches, which is nearly twice the
width of the average frame. This
means not only an exceptionally
light frame section, but far more rig
idity than is possible with the other
Complying with the wartime call
from Washington to "protect the
food supply," the Goodyear Tire and
Rubber company is already getting
into intensive agriculture, in addition
to its many other activities. Every
foot of ground the company owns and
that is not needed immediately for
building purposes will be placed
under cultivation at once. Fortunate
ly the company has available many
hundreds of acres of rich land right
now. This land, which was acquired
recently, surrounds a lake which is to
be used to form big reservoir for
supplying water to the factory. .
The Wingfoot Clan, Goodyear's
factory newspaper, describes the pa
triotic venture thus:
"The work will be in charge of the
labor department. Goodyear men who
wish outdoor work and who wish to
undertake this patriotic work for the
growing season are requested to fill in
the blank and send; it in.
Great for Onions.
. "The land at Fritch's lake com
prises farm land, orchard and wood
land. Over 100 acres can be cultivated
immediately and we can quickly clear
any additional land needed. Between
fifty and sixty acres is the finest muck
and will grow huge crops of onions
and like garden produce. - The prin
cipal crops will be potatoes, navy
beans, wheat, corn, peas, etc.
"Bunk houses will be erected at the
lake to house the men at work on the
farm." .
Goodyear offers this as a sugges
tion to other patriotic manufacturers
who have tillable land now lying idle.
In addition to becoming a farmer
itself the company advises every one
of its employes who has a home to
plant all the garden possible this year.
The editor says in conclusion: "Every
bit of food which can be raised is
needed to prevent a scarcity of foods
and an-even higher cost of living than
we are now experiencing, during the
. coming year." :-;
0-L-D Highway Will Hold . '
Annual Meeting at McCook
The annual meeting of the Omaha-Lincoln-Denver
Highway association
will be held at McCook, Neb.,
May 15. .
The advisability of adding "the
Buffalo Bill Trail" to the name of the
.highway is one of the subjects sched
uled to come up for decision. ' Dr.
G. A. Condra will give an illustrated
lecture on practical road making un
der conditions existing in Nebraska.
Many good roads boosters in addi
tion to delegates are expected to
attenu the meeting. ..
Snow Does Not Stop the
v Delivery of Allen Cars
Carl Changstrom says that even
the inclement weather , of the last
week -did not keep the dealers over
' the territory from coming in and
driving away Allen cars. Me reports
two, driven out to Holdrege, one to
, . Ecottsbluff, one to Grand Island and
tine to Scotia.
''V. I Will if m il t 111
1 J I I l City Planning commission
v psl ' ""WeT atia7s.i.i
A A"-
Greater Omaha, with .Florence and
Benson annexed, will be eleven miles
torn the north limits of Florence
to the present southern limits of the
South Side. The city will then em
brace thirty-seven square miles. Or
dinance covering 'the formalities of
adding two more suburbs to Omaha
are being prepared by the city legal
department for introduction by the
mayor. The Florence-Benson annexa
tion bill carried an emergency clause
and authorized the Omaha city coun
cil to annex without submitting the
proposition to a vote. During April
the city council annexed three strips,
viz.: Between Benson and Omaha, in
the Elmwood park district and Clon
tarf precinct, these areas being indi
cated by interlineations on the map.
Mayor Dahlman stated thai Florence
and Benson will have been legally
annexed before June 1. A popula
tion of nearly 7,000 and four schools
will be added to Omaha. .
. i , Oblp to Moet MoCojr.
If praaant plan ara carried out Gaorra
Chip will all battla Al McCoy In Brook
lyn IB tha aamfl ring- whera McCoy laaptd
Into fama by knocking out Chip In ona
round. .
Hi '
m '
WHY is the upkeep of the
. average automobile
greater than the owner
When Weight Is Superfluous
We ask this: Does it seem fair
that the great majority of motor
ists must learn what constitutes
superfluous weight only by bay
inf experience with itP ' 1
The Franklin owner is pro
tected against any such condition,
because, for lSyears, the service
the Franklin Car has given has
been bssed on Scitntific Light
The weight of the Franklin
Touring Car 2280 pounds is his
weight standard for any open car,
and the weight of the Franklin
Sedan 2610 pounds his stand
ard for enclosed cars.
Result You Can See
, He knows how useless is the
weight of 177 water-cooling parts
eliminated by Franklin design.
, . . Y W '
e ' . ...... : ' ; t..i .. . - p '
If we were to cram the answer
into one sentence, we would say:
Because the average owner doesn't
know, before he buys, the relation
between the weight of a car and the
cost to operate that weight.
One big source of repair bills snd
depreciation wiped out at one
stroke I
He knows how Scientific Light
Weight puts his car in the twenty
miles-to-a-gallon-of-gasoline and
10,000-miles-to-s-set-of-tires, .
class. . ,
He knows how the rack and
strain, the wear and tear of heavy
weight is avoided by light, flex
ible construction.
Investigation of wtitht discloses
to the Franklin owner all the
facts about operating cost, com
fort, safety and reliability, btfort
hi buys.
Franklin Scientific Light
Weight means something to thi
man mho rtgardt kit tnontj a
worth fact valut.
2205 Farnam Street . , . . . Phone Douglas 1712
- - ! L XJI "1 U Ll,. J.XJ.l.J-. Il.-J -JS
rTHIS new fivt-passenger Paige Unwood "Six'jo" quality
I I has simplified the actual physical effort of driving a
' -a- motor car. . W have tried to design and manufacture
to this Linwood a ear which a woman or youngster can
drive with ease snd safety. See the linwood, ride in it,
drive it and see whether or not we have succeeded. i:. ,
The motor is tremendously powerful and flexible, The gears
- shift noiselessly with a pressure of the finger. - The brake
it quick, easy and sure. The entire control will give you
, a new conception of pleasurable and luxurious driving.
You wiO not only enjoy ft, but you will be proud of the
Linwood, because, in addition to it mechanical excellence,
it is a Paige -"The Most Beautiful Car in America."
Stratford "Sla-Jl" seven-passenger
Fairfield "Slx-46" seven-ptnenser
Linwood "Six-39" five-passenger -Brooklands
"Six-51" four-passenger-Dartmoor
"Six-)9" 2 or 3-passenger
Limousine "Slx-5 1" seven-passenger
Sedan "Six-J 1" seven-passenger
Sedan "Six-39" five-passenger
Town Car "Slx-Jl" seven-passenger
$1405 f.o.b. Detroit
$1375 f. a b. Detroit
$H7Jf.o.b. Detroit
S1695 f.o.b. Detroit
SI 175 f.o.b. Detroit
$2750 f.o.b. Detroit
J23O0 f.ab. Detroit
$1775 f. a b. Detroit
$2750 f. a b. Detroit
Paige-DetrQit Motor Car Company
, Detroit, Michigan- '
u;4-,.f8.t. 0MAHANEB. n-Tiaa..
Imh CaW TarrMaty Avallabl ta Oara.
j3ife" 'iis ms m 1 mil I sun ii 'tr-fl
. Never have we had so many voluntary ex
pressions of satisfaction and good will from Cole ;
Eight owners, i :
Never has our output been so great nor
spoken for so far in advance.
' Never has the Cole been more strongly en
trenched as America's dominant Eight
Weight of public opinion based solely upon
the quality of the car is responsible.
. Each day the"growing demand for the Cole
Eight is more difficult io meet '
- So we suggest that if you want a Cole Eight
now next month or the month following order
H today. .
i''"t .'.i .." . Prices
- Seven paatenger Cole Eight Touring Car - - $1795
Cole Eight Tuxedo Roadster ...... $1795
Four Passenger Cole-Springfield Tourcoup $2295
Beven Paaaoigcr Four-Door Touraedao . - $M95
Prices f. o. b, factory
, and subject to change without notice
Retail Distributors ,
2210 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 5268.
m . .- Cole Motor Car Company
; lndianapoIla,U. 8.A.
Wholaaata Diatributors for Iowa and Northern Nebraafcau
Some Good Territory Open for Live Dealers.
. 2210 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
; 1414 Locust Street, Dee Moinae, la.