Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Have Issued Orders to Em
,. ployei Liquor Must Kot Be
Handled After May 1.
In i fight lo 4 finish the railroads
have locked horns with Old John
Barleycorn, and ao far aa Nebraska
ia eomerned, they propose to put
him oat of business at the end of the
present month. 1 .','
All of the lines operating into and
through Nebraska have issued cir
cular to agents and the circular! are
substantially the same. They recite
that under the provisions of the Ne
braska laws, "effective at midnight
April 30, it will be unlawful to have
in our possession, transport, or de
liver intoxicating liquors destined to
any point in Nebraska. It will also be
unlawful to receive for shipment to
points outside of the state after-midnight
April 30. -,
"Effective at once, you must refuse
shipments destined to points within
the state. - For points putside the
state where liquors can be legally
shipped, such shipments must be ac
tually in our possession and billed be
fore midnight of April 30. All liquor
on hand must be delivered before Slay
The circulars are issued on advice
of the legal departments of the re
spective roads and it is asserted that
all agents will be held responsible
for violations.
i Problems for Road.
One problem that confronta the
railroads is to determine how they are
going to handle liquor shipments en
route to destination and that can
not be delivered before May 1, the
date' when the prohibition law be
comes effective.
The law provides that delivery
must be made before May 1 and ft
also provides that carriers must not
have liquor in their possession on
that date. With them the question is
what is to be done with the liquor if
it cannot be delivered within the pro
scribed time. There is no provision
of law for its destruction and while
the carriers are liable for violation
of the law if they have it on hand,
there is no way by which they can
dispose of it.
Under the law the stuff cannot be
shipped back to point of origin, for
in so doing, coming from the east or
south, it wuld have to go into and
through dry territory, which in itself
would be a violation of the provisions
of the Nebraska law.'
In handling shipments of liquor rail
roads have been doing -an enormous
business in the last ten days. Con
signments of from one to 100 gallons
have gone forward to hundreds of
towns in Nebraska, Wyoming and
South Dakota, but aince Friday morn
ing there has been a decided falling
off in the business.
lord Northcliffe Offers
i Paper to U. S. Publishers
Washington, April 2SV-Lord North
cliffe, the noted British publisher, has
offered the output of his print paper
mills in northeastern Canada to
American newspaper publishera to re
lieve the print paper situation; The
output of the mills it 60,000 tons a
year and sufficient factor to prob
ably break the present high market.
Bucket Brigade and the Bottle
Battalion Go to the Trenches
Forces Recruited to War
Strength to Mark Passing;
of John Barleycorn.
. The parade is on.
, The bucket brigade, whose badge
is the o'erflowing can, has been re-
enforced by the bottle battalion,
whose distinction is a bulging hip
pocket or a slender, oblong paper
box. Each has recruited to full strength
to pay last homage to ol' John Bar
leycorn, who is neither late nor la
mentedyet. Nebraskans are indulg
ing in what Mark Twain might call
some "fremature" obsequies for Old
Man Booze. .
There is merry making at the wake,
Everybody smiles, even the bartender
who ia about to loss his job and the
bartender's boss, who is about to loss
his business. It's a happy gathering
that is in at the death.
Forth from any saloon, the "drys"
daily see a steady file of convivial
livers. It is not that they come forth
from the saloons that peeves the dry
rooter. What they bring forth that
irks him.
"Gimme a bottle of preparedness,"
nonchalantly a customer confides to
the white-coated alchemist across the
Convention to Organize Flan
for Recruiting for United
States Army.
Bohemians of Nebraska, Kansas
and Dakota are holding a convention
in Bohemian Sokol hall, Thirteenth
and Martha streets, for thi purpose
of uniting all people of Bohemian
descent in an organiied and uniform
effort in recruiting at' able-bodied Bo
hemian men for the United States
army and navy, and also for the pur
pose of raising funds for the Bo
hemian Independence committee that
ia working in diplomatic circles in the
allied countries and striving to obtain
independence for the Cisco-Slovaks,
more than 12,000,000 people.
At the head of this committee if
Professor Masaryk, former member
of the Austrian parliament and now a
lecturer in King's college, London.
His American wife ia still in Bo
hemia. A number of leading . Bohemians,
former deputies, professors and jour
nalists, who escaped from Austria, are
in Russia. France, Italy, ttt, and have'
organized Bohemian units for the
armies of the individual allied coun
tries. From among the Bohemian prison
ers in Russia most of whom have vol
untarily left the Austrian army, there
is being formed a regular Bohemian
army, numbering about 100,000.
The duty of the Bohemians in the
United States from the beginning of
the war has been to aid financially the
families of Bohemian soldiers in Eng
Four-Cylinder Roadster
Low-Cost Luxury
rpHAT a light car may afford luxuryin the tame de
gree as a big car may never have occured to you.
And yet Scripps-Booth cars have been bought chiefly by
those who have been accustomed to the luxury of costlier
cars. .
They like the Scripps-Booth because it is a car they can
drive without loss of dignity.
They quickly discover that it rides with all the comfort
that they have experienced in the larger, heavier cars.
They find that their wives and daughters can handle it
as easily as they do.,
We should like to extend your interest in the Scripps
Booth to a demonstration of its excellent performance.
V 2B14 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
, ' Phone Oouglaa 8218.
Foor-Cyftmler Roadster
f M
Fmw.rvlinA r.
f bieht-lvl inner Knur Piuran. PJ
mahogany. "A solution for pale peo
ple," orders another. A third demands
some aicee. Jbacn gets nis package
and walks out to join the parade of
other be-package9 and homeward
bound persons. .
The charge of the 600 which lured a
certain Mr. Tennyson to write poetry
has nothing on the charge which
countless . thirsty Nebraskans are
making upon the oases. Bottle after
bottle disappears from in front of the
big, bevelled mirrors as man after
man enters and emerges.
So great has the drain been upon
stocks that many thirst emporiums in
Omaha will close their doors today.
Drouth has already descended upon
many places out state for the same
From now until May 1 police are
watchfully waiting. They anticipate
a cork-popping period of intense ac
tivity, which, they say, will reign from
8 p. m. Saturday to past midnight
Police surgeons have stocked up
with cotton bandages for cracked
heads and made other preparations
which have converted . their quarters
at central station into a human repair
shop. '
Old Man Booze is dying, but he's
got such a kick left in his alcoholic
system that all Omaha's guardians of
law and order declare they must stay
awake three days and three nights to
watch him.
land, France and Russia, the Czech
prisoners, etc
There is a local branch of the Bo
hemian National alliance in almost
every Bohemian settlement in the
United States, and one object of the
convention held here ia to stir en
thusiasm for both the Bohemian
struggle for independence, as well as
for United Mates army recruiting. ,.
All Claaset Attend,
The participants at the convention
are clergymen of Catholic and Pro
testant denominations, as well as free
thinkers, laborers, farmera, teachers,
The convention will last over today
and will be concluded with a program
of apeechea by prominent Bohemian
speakers, music and singing. Sunday
afternoon will be devoted to a pa
triotic meeting, which. will be held in
the Auditorium. Among the speakers
at thia meeting will be Professor
Hastings of the Nebraska university;
Professor Simek, Iowa university,
Rev. J. Krenek, Silver Lake, Minn.;
Joseph T. Votava, Omaha, and oth
ers. ,The Omaha Letter Carriers'
band will play American patriotic se
lections. , i - ,
Will M. Narvis Chosen Head
Of Order of United Workmen
Little Rock, Arkv April 28. Will
M. Narvis, Muscatine, Ia, today was
re-elected supreme master workman
by the supreme lodge, Ancient Order
of United Workmen.
Twenty-Five Norwegian v i
Ships Sunk Since Feb. 1
London, April 28. Twenty-five
Norwegian ships conveying food to
Norway have been sunk since Febru
ary 1.
t v J 111 ir i,.n,fn, ,.:
CmUiUKntlick. 1
New Tork, April SI. Lord Cnnllafe, i-ov
ernor of. th Bank at Bnetena. and a mam
tor of th. Brltlak war oommUalon, oama
to Maw Tork from Waahlnaton todar to
apena the woak and wita old frianda. It
waa aald nil vlalt waa purely ooolaL
Dresher Brothers Clean and
Press Clothing-, Ruga,
Etc., Thereby Ler.aening
Danger of Damage
by Moths, Etc
A recent article by W. G. Mc
Murchy Washington newspaper cor
respondent, quotes the warnings of
the United States Department of Ag
riculture in regard to clothes moths
and similar destructive clothes de
vouring pests.
Protection from the pest, an ' ting ,
to the specialists bf the i nited
States Department of Agriculture, is
secured only by constant vigilance
and careful inspection and treatment.
Winter clothing: before beina: stored
should be thoroughly brushed and
beaten and exposed out of doors to
strong sunlight for several hours and
then put away in moth-proof con
tainers. (Dresher's improved clean
ing process of course makes much of
the above unnecessary.)
Loose rugs are not so apt to be in
fected by the moths, add the experts,
as the closely tacked edge of the
carpet, but they should be swept on
the other side as well as the uooer
once in a while. (Dresher's auDerb I
rug cleaning ot course makes all of
these preparations unnecessary.)
The government reports are learned
and aincere it is highly important
that your clothes, comforters, rugs,
etc.. should be keot acruoulouslv
cleaned and disinfected. Thorough
cleaning work is, of course, better ren
dered at an establishment prepared to
nanaie an kinds ot work on this order.
In Umaha this, of course, means the
establishment of Dresher Brothers,
Dry Cleaners and Dyers, 2211-2217
Farnam Street
Phone Tyler 345 and a Dresher
man will immediately call, or leave
your work at the plant, at Dresher,
the Tailor's, ISIS Farnam Street, or
leave your work at one of the Dresher
branches 'in the Burgess-Nash or
uranaeu Mores. ,
Dresher's pay express or parcel
post charges one way on any size
Shipment to any point in America. ,
Kaown br Their tfambora.
To ona of tha mambaro of a committee
ot Inipaotlon on tho tour of a nenltentlary
a convlot oonfldad:
"it la a tarribla thing to be known br a
number tnatead of a name, and to feet that
all my Ufa I ahall bo an objeot of auaplcion
among tha poltoe."
"But you will not be alone, my friend,"
aald the vlsltory coneoltneljr. "Tha aame
thlnff happene to people who own automo
bllee." Philadelphia Ledlen
tjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiini
Tiro pump, power
tranamiaaion. ,
f. o. b. Lantinf, Mich.
You need only to look over Reo specifications to prove this. Buy
ing a truck presents a problem which can be solved by getting -facts,
and we urge you to do this. Tell us what your hauling prob
lems are and if they can be solved by a Reo truck there will be
nothing in our proof left for your imagination. Reo trucks are ,
- built and sold on facts remember that, and apply the thought to
any truck you are considering. v
- Distributors Eastern and Northern Distributor Southern and Western Nebraska
Nebraska and Western Iowa I and Kansas
Who is the
New Dorris Agent
in Omaha?
1 HIS advertisement ia an open message to ONE man. - He is an
automobile dealer. 1 He has a substantial following among the class
of people who demand the best motor car made and who expect tc
pay a fair price for it. yy,:'y- 'V'V
When this agent and ourselves get together, he'll be the livest
automobile dealer in town, and everybody will know. it. "
Tha Dorris car hat a twelve-year record of permanent success). Last month'
an aggressive nev management took control. The capital was increased to
$1,000,000.00. The new money is for the express purpose of extending the
facilities of the plant and increasing production. The new sales policy provides
for local newspaper advertising to awaken owner Interest and to back up tha
Dorris dealer to tha limit.
, You men who know tha high-grade market know that tha Dorris is ona of
the few really high-grade cars in America, a true pleasure car, absolutely de-
pendabla and satisfactory. :'TT
The Dorris represents the ultimata refinement of fundamental features
that time and test have proved correct valve-in-head motor, unit power plant,
multiple disc clutch, long, easy-riding platform spring features since adopted
by many of tha other better grade cars. .The Dorris represents tha most desir
able standard equipment put on any car at any price.
Weetlnghouse starting and lighting ayatem.
Bosch DU 6 magneto ignition.
Stromb.rg carburetor, with water-jacketed
' admlaaion pipe.
St.wart-Warner vacuum gasoline ayatem. '
Full floating Tlmken rear ail.; helical
b.v.l gear drive. ' :
Warn.r speedometer, driven from trans
r . mission.
364V4 tlrea' front and Goodrich,
Firestone or Goodyear optional.
driven, integral with
Seven-Paeaanger Touring Car....... $2475 Four-Door Touriat.. 2475
Seven-Paeeenger "Arcadian" Limousine
All fA. mbov on thm farnam
Two-Ton Worm Drive Truck
, .. .Went. a.
7Ae ueme M-tom l roc la m marvel or efficiency una economy.
- mpptlcation to certain fine, of Otuinett j. pnfilabh in tlath and smite.
See our dUtrict Vepreeentativ. if yoa are the agent with
) A-l clientele and want a real live, growing factory back - ' . -
of you every twenty-four hour.., Get the full details. ;
H. H. CANNON, District Representative V "
- 245 Omaha National Bank Building. t" OMAHA, NEB.
blithe News All the Time First
Upholstering finest grade genuine black
leather. French pleated, double, spring,
luxurious cushions. . . j .
One-man Pantasote top and duet cover.
Rain vieion windshield, ventilaUng top and
bottom. ';. ...
10-inch, oteetrio headlights with double
bulbe and dimmer. Star diffusing lens
' optional.' -..
Our new proposition to Dorrie dealer, ia
a remarkably attractive one, unique in tho
history of the industry. It provide, for
degree of factory co-operation never known
before. It'e worth seriously,
no matter what your present or former
connectione may have been. - i
Four-Pamnger Coup..! ,'....$3250
Five-Paasenger Sedan 3350
Omrrit ix-9yiimdT .AajWa.
a. St, laais)
A b .tancA, afapeiufaMs. Aa
- Ton Reo "Heavy .
Duty" Truck
f. o. b. Lansing, Mich'.
in The Bee.E
Eigtt-Cyuoder Towa Car . 257
t- li'-'.i.-... ihiii...iji I. r I ma I mmm