Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 A
Digest of the New Laws
(Ostitis! from Fag IU.)
poltciss, HMpt mutual and assessment as
sociations, to b capitalised for not lee
tfcas I Amenda suMlrlsion It,
Uoa 8311, nrlMd statute.
H. V. 18Xv Autbortss reciprocal or Inter-
Insurance contract to be made by Individ'
vale, partnership and corporation to
damnify anr of their namber for loee on anjr
elaea of risk except life insurance. AUowa
eon tracts to be made In their behalf by an
attorney agent or other designated repre
sentative bavins; the power of attorney.
' H. R. HI. Authorise! atate Insurance
board to apply the same restrictions to
Insurance companies and agent from
other state seeking to do Business in
brark Wtilch are Imposed reaper lively In
their noma state upon nebrasKa com
panlea and agents seeking to enaare ti
business there. Contalne special provisions
ror reciprocal restriction governing loan,
surrender and non-forfeiture valuea of life
Insurance policies. Amends section 1160,
revisea oiaiuies.
H. Tt. S 6 1. Specifies procedure for rll
fng application for Insurance agents' II-
censes, and for the granting and revoking
or sum men. Amena section sis?,
vised statute. t
H. R. HI. Provides that fees of slate
tnsuranc department shall be turned Into
the state general fund. Amend sectlog
Ukit revised at to tee.
R, R. Bi9, Forbid state Insurance board
from Issuing a license to any company
until it ns complied witn in state law rela
tive to the filing of Its annual report
Amends section iisi. revisea statutes.
H. R. 441, Permit admission of foreign
insurance eompanie to do Business In Ne
braska after It has mad on annual report
to the tnsuranoe department of It home
tale or country. (Present Jaw requires
roar annual report.) Amends section 1371,
revised statutes. , t -
H. R. IS 8. Provide a fin not exceeding
lift or penitentiary tmprlsonsment for on
to ten years, for stealing en automobile or
motorcycle, receiving or buying one that la
stolen, or concealing the thelf or the stolen
H. R. HI Provide for a distinctive typo
of number plate to be Issued by the secretary
oi sis i to auiomoou manufacturer and
dealers, for ft fee of $1 paid to the eounty
treaeurer. A many duplicate shall be Is
sued as tna applicant may request, and ha
shall pay SI cent for each one. The us
of such, plats on machine in private use
or kept for hire 1 forbidden, and 1 per-
mi 1141 on iy ior in purpose or demonstrat
lng machine. Amende section SOU revised
statute and section I chapter tl, session
H. R. lot. Forbids the w of automobile
neaangnt or greater brilliancy than four
candle power, unless so arranged that no
part of the beam cast ahead shall rise
more than forty-two Inche above the level
surface ahead at a dlstane of seventy-rive
feet or more. Use of spotlights forbidden,
eicept where ray are projected directly
upon the ground and not more than thirty
feet In front. Amend section 1061, revised
statute. ,
8. V. 74. Increases penalty for theft of
automobiles, making it llflO to 1806 fin and
three to six months in jail, with liability to
the owner for twloo the amount of damage
sustained. Amend chapter Sol, session
laws, 1811. l. ,
H. R. 17. Require public: garage owner
to keep a record of. license numbers, engine
numbers and name of owner of all auto
mobiles or other motor vehicles left In their
charge for sal, rental, livery, storage or
repair. The nam of the person leaving the
machine muet also be taken In each In
stance. Oarage owners and employe ere
required to notify the snerlff and polio
offlcera whenever an auto whose engine
number has been altered or obliterated
flome Into their possession, that being con
sidered prima fact evidence that the ma
chine was 'stolen, it must bo held for
twenty-four hour thereafter, or until the
officers have mad an Investigation. When
th owner or driver I personally known at
the garage, the number of his machine need
not be recorded after th first time. For
violation of these provision a fin of 1 100
to 1600 Is provided. Tbe aot also make It
a criminal offense knowingly to buy or re
i eelve any automobile or ether motor ehlcl
Whose engine number ha been tampered
with, or which ha been defaced rn any
way rendering It Identification difficult or
....puMmic, wimoui nrsi ascertaining that
the person selling or delivering it has a
legal right to dp so. The penalty for thta
U fixed at Penitentiary imprisonment not
J"1'"! two Wr. of fin not exceeding
l,,i,s or both. The same penalty Is pr.
vided for removing, defacing, altering or de
stroying the manufacturer's serial number,
which 1 made a felony.
State Officer
B. T. US. Changes fleh and gam law.
Cut out spring shooting season on migra
tory waterfowl, to correspond with federal
law and Canadian treaty. Forbids the kill
ing of quail, turtle dove, plover, swan,
whit crane and Chines pheasant at any
urn or tna year, on month added to
open season on prairie chickens, sage
chickens and grouse, making It run from
fteptember 1 to November 10. Odb season
on jacksnlp, Wilson -snipe, kill deer and
yellow lees, now September 1 to May l.
shortened to period from September 14 to
December J I, same season allowed for
ducks, geese and other migratory waterfowl.
Protects catfish from being caught with
eines, end from being caught at night
with hook and line. Provides that no hunt
ing or fishing license shall be Issued to
any person not naturalised cltlaen of the
united state, wnere the same persona vio
late the fish and gam laws a second time,
the penalty provided I a Jail sentence of
ten to thirty day. Increase salaries as
followst Chief deputy warden, from 91, too
to si,foo superintendent or nsn natonerie,
from 91,100 to 11,80; three regular deputies,
from 971 to 910 per month. Thro itra
deputies, to work from July to October. In
clusive, at 9100 a month, ar created. The
traveling expene allowance for th regular
deputies i increased rrom flu to 900
Kr sac nr. and lot in special deputies
It 1 fixed at 9200, Emergency. Amende
ssctlons S4, 3676, 1677, J6.8 and SC7,
revised statutes.
H. A. 440. Reorganises ttat printing
bureau with the governor a it official
head. Authorise him to appoint a deputy
printing commissioner at 11,600 per year,
who shall award the contracts for printing,
stationery, blanks, books, typewriter and
typewriter supplies, and otrio auppiie lot
all stat departments, which shall furnish
him witn quarterly stimate or tneir needs.
The stat urtlverslty, stat normal schools
and Slate Board of Agriculture ar excepted
from thl requirement, but th university
nd normal school must secure their print
ing end supplies on competitive oids, tna
contracts to be subject to the printing com
missioners approval. Repeals sections ai
to Hit, inclusive, revised statutes. jtmer.
genov. r
H. A. (17. Creates a bureau of state hall
Insurance to be conducted by. the tnsuranoe
commissioner under, authority of the State
insurance board.
H. B. 619. Authorises state eon
tlon and welfare oommiselon to keep rec
ords and preserve specimens 01 deep wen
borings. - utves commission in rignt 10
Inspect drillings at any stage of their prog
res and require persons In charge to sub
mit full data. Emergency.
H. n. eJ7. creates tnrse new mapeotore
of welshts and measures under stat food
oommisston. making six in all, and looreases
pay of all six from 94.60 to 96 per day.
Emergency. Amend section 7616, revised
statutes, and section I, chapter 141. sessions
laws. lilt.
H. R. Ml. Create a stat publicity bu
reau, under the conservation and public
welfare commission, and provide for ap
pointment -of a director of publicity to nave
charge or the work. Amend section tilt
revised statutes. .
H. R. III. Minor change In administra
tion of pure food laws. Smergeney. Amends
action J63I and 1637 revised' statute.
H. R. 466. Repeal all provisions of law
requiring bond to be registered with the
secretary of state, and leave th auditor's
offlo as th only place where registration
required. Emergency, Amende sections
III, 386, 414, 466 and 1619, revised statutes.
H. R. 608. Increases annual tees for per
mit Issued by Food commission, as follows:
Manufacturers of Imitation - butter and
from 960 to 9100: creameries and.
cheese factories, on first 100,009 pounds or
leas of product, raised' from 99 to 910; on
each additional 100,000 pounds or fraction
thereof, from 91 to 91; cream eampter,
from II to 91. - Lower fe charged retail
dealer la Imitation butter and cheese, from j
910 to 96. At) such fees, when paid In, ar
to be credited by the state treasurer to the
Food commission Insteaa of 10 the general
fund. Amend section 1841, revised statutes..
ft. R. 411. Empowers Board of Control
to appoint all executive and medical officer
in stat Institution under It supervision;
thl class to Inolud superintendent. . as
sistant superintend eat, wardens, deputy
wardens, commandants, stewards, matrons
and, chaplain, .Amend lection 1.18,, re
visea eiaiuies, . , r
8. 'F, S6t-Anow atate auditor ten dare'
tint for drawing warrant after claim
ar filed. ., Amend section 1644,- .revised
statutes. ' -j.
H. R.. tel.- Raises Inspection fe for
larger hotel, rooming; and apartment
houses and restaurant, a follow!. For
twenty steeping rooms, 93; for each addi
tions! tea room, M additional. Leave
smaller eetabllahment on th 91 t basis.
Require certificate of registration to be
framed and hang In ft conspicuous Manner.
Amends section 1116, revised statute.
H. R. 116. Relieves relatlvee from pay
ing for maintenance of Insane patients at
state hospitals, upon furnishing satisfactory
evidence to the Board of Control that this
cannot be done without depriving other
dependents of proper support. Amends
ensntsr seesion lawa ins.
H. R. 431. Consolidate hotel commission
wiia rood, drug, dairy and oil commission,
and provides for appointment of special
aepuijr w ia minister note! laws, emergency,
Amends section 61 W, revised statute.
H, rt. is. include or nuns of certain
state officers' reporte In the appropriation
ior iaei oiennium. emergency,
S. F. CO. Reorganises state health de
partment, under constitutional board con
sisting of the governor, attorney general
and state superintendent Abolishes pres
ent board of secretaries and provide for
new advisory board of four members,
appointed by the governor, who must be
graduate physicians, having had at leaet
seven years' consecutlvs practice. Two of
these are to he selected from the regular
school ons from tbe eclectic, and one from
the homeopathic. The duties of the ad
visory board will be to give counsel to the
Slat health department, meet with It when
requested, and conduct examinations for
processional certificate.
Act creates a state health officer, who
will be the active head of the state health
aepsnmeni, si a salary or ss.ouo a year.
nm nun oo a graauai oi some recog
nised medical college of at least five years'
standing and must hav-. had experience In
Eudiic neeua worn, n win oe appointed
y the state health department, or board
proper, ior a term oi lour years.
'in following assistants and salaries are
provided: Kpldemlologlst, 13,600; bactert
ologlst. 13,400 ; sanitary engineer, 92, 000
stat stlrlsn. 11.100: laboratory attendant
940; four clerks sad stenographer 9340
each. T)
The department I allowed the sm of
910,000 per year for maintenance, (delud
ing traveling expense, printing and labors
lory supplies.
Th department li given genoraT; 'super
visory authority over all public health mat.
ten and Is empowered to regulate medical
colleges, including ine granting oi cert n
cates to their graduates. It may conduct
Investigations, summon witnesses od take
testimony In the same manner a a court.
It will also have charge of the collection
and compilation of vital statistics. . Re
peals sections J710 to 2711, Inclusive, and
actions 873. 3741, S713, 1760, 3! 61.
iiei ana sbss, revised eiaiuies.
S. F. 99. -Create a permanent gtato for
ests tlon commission, naming th governor
as Its head, and authorising him to appotnt
tnree deputy commissioners to serve with
out salary. First appointment to be made
within thirty day after th act take ef
fect, for one, two and three years, reepec-
tlvely; thereafter three yeers each. The
commission shall meet to organise within
sixty days after It appointment. It duties
are to study foreotry condition and meth
ods throughout the state, collect' Informa
tion and data, disseminate such Information
for the public benefit and co-oprat with
communities and organisations In forestry
wort. ,
I. F. 314.--Kmpowers state entomologist
to establish Quarantine against ehloraent of
ureciea nursery siook rrom omer states into
Nebraska, and authorises seisure and de
struction of sny such stock. , Amends sec
tion , revisea statutes.
8F. 320. Raises state veterinarian' sal
ary from 92,400 to 91,000.- Amends section
147, revised statutes.
g. F. I. liaises bond of deputr attorney
general from 910,000 to 936,000. Amends
section 1716, revised statutes; ''
H. R. 610, Puts enforcement of fir
oacap law, and inspection to- safeguard
th publlo from danger of fire. In th hands
of the fire commissioner, and transfers to
that official duties heretofore placed In
the hands of th hotel commissioner and
the labor commissioner. Emergency. Re
peals section 3134 to I1JS, Inclusive, and
sections Sill to 1166, Inclusive.
H. R. 133. Authorise State Board of
Control to take a census of blind person
In Nebraska provide bom teaching for
those unable to attend the etate school fdr
blind, assist them In finding employment
and obtaining a market for t heir product,
employ iisia agent and Teachers, and loan
money to those needing It lor pursuing
advanced or technical studies or engaging
in vuiineas.
tat. Amends section SOU revised statu tea,
U. R. 661. Provides punishment of three
to twenty years' Imprisonment In the pent
tentlsry for robbery or attempt robbery with
the us of a deadly weapon Initde a build
ing, and Increases th penalty for rape,
arson, burglary and deadly assault to the
earn period. Amends section 1544, revised
statu tee.
H. R. 711 Validate titles to 10,000
acres of saline lands sold by the state to
private purchasers, under doubtful legal
authority. Emergency.
U. R, 739. Gives library boards the nowmr
of eminent domain In acquiring real eetate
for library building sites. Amend section I
aw i, revisea statute.
It. R, 423. Reorganises Nebraska N'a.
tlonal Guard to conform with nktinn!
fens act and create ft atate council of
peal sections SIOI, 3606, S906, 3107, Hot,
39ZH. tm. 2946 and' 3147,' revised statu!.'
H. R. 331, Makee It a mlirimMiinp .
leave open a gate on private land except for
wit owner id no ma. inn nrnulilai nniu
of 910 fine. Does not apply to gates open-
riiro riBuie-oi-way. emergency.
8. F. I. Require actual consideration to
V " , m u reai estate aeeds,
KSa1 mnd c.on.vynce, if not Jew than
9100. Penalty, 10 to 9600 fine. ,
H. R, 103. Denies professional certifi
cate to Itinerant doctors or to those tak
ing promissory notes of patients upon a
guarantee to cure; note so givn to be
void. Makes It mandator ah -i k...
of health to refuse or revoke certificates
for these and other Dclfled
Amend section I, 721 revised statutes.
H. R. 13. Make a closed season from
February 19 to November 1 on fur-bear In
animals, Including muskrats, mink, rae
ooon, oppossura and otter. Amend section
9,661 revised statute.
H. R. 101. Fixes bushel weight of follow
lng articles: Grains and graas -seeds, broom
corn seed, II pounds; rap seed. 10; red
top seed, 14i spelts. 49 (raised from 40):
popcorn, unsbelled, 70. ,
Vegetables Green beans. 61 pounds; onion
seta, top 36, bottom 22; green pea In pod,
SO; rutabagas, 60; sweet corn, 60; miscel
laneous root crops, It. ,
Fruits Cherries 40 pounds;
pears, 46; plums,
grape with
Hi quinces,
lounda; walnuts and
10; coke. 40;
H T, 10. Makes It unlawful, for per
one, firms or corporations to Issue or pro
mulgate falsv financial statement. Penalty,
maximum fin -of 9104 r maximum term
of thirty day, where th valu of property
obtained thereby la lee than 939, and Im
prisonment In the penitentiary for not more
than, five years where, the, value is greater
than that- - v , ''' - ' ',-''
Hi R; -199. Prohibition Mil. - V 1
S. F, - It. Provides, that wher s. 'sur
viving spouse shall willfully fall to provide
g suitable horn ftnd malntenaao for .the
minor children of th decedent: or Shall
elect to partition the homestead, then tna
somestead rights of ouch survivor ahau ter
minate and th premise deecend to the
heir In th tarns manner as other real
I W9 (CwnUumMMlMiq , .
fliiVl'rj ' v tii t t m rat h k
X -"ftS T 4. ,otli II la,
"s . rjc' iVy 1 1 m'
Liquid Lightning
H Let .Little Ampere toke care of your battery, and you'll always
, . t)abletogetout of it the liquid lightning that gives bright lights, .
11 - nappy starting, and perfect ignition. -, i
You can't take it out if you don't put something back.
.. Vonmurtkeep it filled with water and is fully ehusd condition. Ami
II if you let uiteit it repilarly.yoa will btaun that it'i always iuU ol liquid
II lightning that hu put the crank out of commlwioo.
' , II Com. fa for roar WillvdUrriot Cml. Vlkminnlal , ' v
,11 BMtUty lot row mm mho our, mU mpoin. s
Nebraska Storage Battery Co,
. 2203 Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 6102
V ' '; ; w'V"- ';';"
Kuie Peanuts, 31 pot
hickory nuu. hulled. 60.
Miscellaneous Charcoal.
ooal, 80: salt 80: short, so
Amends section 7624. revised statute.
it. R, 120. Corrective act relatlna la snv.
ernment land . surveys. Eminsnnv. Am.nri.
chapter 102, session law 1916.
H. R. 60. aive undertaker a preferred
claim of 9100 for funeral service against
the eetate of deoedenta. imaodi
1360. revised ttut.a .i T.
H. R. 161. Prescribes leral mJhA f,
measuring hay tn the stack. Measurement to
be taken from th ground on on side ovr
in. siacK u tn ground on th other aid,
from which shall be ubtrantafi th
width of th stack; th subtracted to be dl.
vided by two, tn order to obtain th average
height; the width and height, as thus de
termined to be multiplied together with the
intin( giving in ouuo content.
S. p. 31. Requires any benton mnri,.
personal property to socount therefor, from
umm io tim. 10 in mortgagee, and In oase
of loss or death of th mortgaged property
to glve.notke In writing within ten days.
Penalty,- 96 to 9100 fine" or jail term not
O. V. 161. Prohibits Sundav harlMr A,k
anywhere la- -the state, -except in case, of
sick nets, charity or neceeelty. Penalty, 910
fin for first offence, and 916 to 960 fin
Or Jail term nnt nMllnar kUo ...
subsequent offenses.
b. v. us. -Requires building contractor to
apply money received on contract to payment
tor labor and material, where liens would
uiiiarwitrtj ne against me owner of the prop,
erty. Petialty, 1100 to 'H.OOO fine, or jail
term not exceeding slx months, or both.
H. R, 126. Allow cemetery associations
twenty year old to- condemn and take over
agricultural land located within a city or
villages. Amend ..section, 688, revised
statute. ' . -
H. R. 80, Make franchises of gas? elec
arto and power corporations assessable, where
their main plants are located. Instead of
where general offices are, Emergency.
Amena section csit,
H. R. 898. Validate title of eld ex Deri
ment station at Culbertson which was sold
oy tn university regent to a. E. Solomon
unar an act passed by th 111! legislature.
H. R. 8l. Re-enaots the law of HI 6,
regulating employment agenolesv which was
held unconstitutional by the iprm court,
with saving provisions to guard against in
validity. Repeals sections 1 to 18, Inclusive,
chapter 201, sessions laws 1616.
H. R. 890. Validates real estate convey
ancee and other Instruments executed be
fore July i, 07. wMch may have been
technically defective In their execution. Such
Instrument to become jerallr blndinar ana
year aftsr th act take effect.
H. R. 687. Change law providing for
regulation and testing of agricultural seed.
Smergeney, Amenas cnapter ill.
W 1616.
Bills Vetoed
B. T. T9. Providing for th deposit of
state funds In bank offering to pay the
highest rates of interest. Vetoed because of
provision requiring banks to bid for active
checking accounts as wall as for Inactive deposits.
H. R. 19. -To perpetuate corners fixed by
legal survey. Vetoed becauaa a word waa
oroiuea, renewing ine Dill meaningless.
H. R. 80S. One Item of 910,000 In this
diii, proviumg ior investigation - or animal
disss, vetoed because It was duplicated
by another Item In the earn bill. The bill
Is th on carrying general appropriations
for th university. It waa signed by th
H. R. Creating new district Judge In
th Third and Tenth district and changing
boundaries of Twelfth. Thirteenth and, Sev
enteen th districts. Vetoed on account of a
provision requiring one Judsa In the BJ inv
ent h district to be elected from territory
west of th 100th meridian. 1 Another bill,
H. R, 111. earrylna all the nroviatnn t u
R. 94, oxeopt the on objected to by th gov
ernor, was paaaed and signed, and th new
judges provided for have both been appointed).
An Atlanta lewvar tell a ...n
tied Judge In on of th town of th south
who was trying on of hi first criminal
cases. Th prisoners was an old neara
charged with robbing s hen coop. He had
been in' court before on s similar charge
and was then aoqultted.
"Well, Henry," observed the Judge, "X seo
you're In trouble again."
"Yessuh," replied the negro, "the last
time, jedge, you will recollect you was my
"Where Is your lawyer this time?" .
"I ain't got no lawyer this time," said
Henry. !' going to tell the truth "New
York Times.
For Good Printing at LowPrices
Printed BulnM (tad,.
IkJ..- . -... Hwli.lU.ll I3JS0
HmiB, StatMBMrt. nl Otlw Nat-
SomoUo nd FrleM of All KlnO
PrlntMl Matter Sent Wtot TJpoo UfOMt.
I. II lull I 1 hill If,
onsider yusaf ety.
the five inch frame If
H " is ine solid toundation which is the IU!
best insurance against accident. II
'11 uec into a Liberty today. Ml
L ' 281F"Bm St, Om.h., N.b. - Ml
VSv' ' rheaa Oeutlu 5218. '' Mi
Motor Situation
As Viewed by the Hudson Company
i Demand and Supply
Last spring's demand for the Hudson Super
Six was at least five times supply.
Thousands of buyers waited weeks for their
cars. Thousands, after waiting long, turned to
1 other cars. And thousands, when they saw our
waiting list, were discouraged in advance.
We figure that 15,000 people were forced
to take tars which they wanted less. ,
This Springs Outlook
All winter long we have kept our factories
running tinder pressure. Yet Hudson dealers
have only small stocks aheadv '
; L 0ur production will be only one-fifth more
than last year.. That is our factory limit.
. Lack of freight cars is holding back ship
ments. There are frequent complete embargoes.
No Hudson dealer,, before the active spring de
mand, can get any large reserve stock.
Even at this writing, with deep snow on the
ground, we deliver many cars by road. Today
81 cars start for Columbus, Ohio 191 miles
'. away. ,.;
v , . The War Situation '
Many motor car plants, in event of war, are
. likely to be. commandeered. So with steel plants,
which furnish motor car materials. So with bat
tery plants, electric plants and others on whom
i we depend. . : v
This is a contingency which none can now .
. analyze, but which all of us must consider.
, Buying Capacity
.'. -The general. belief is that, whatever comes,
this will be a year of unexampled prosperity.
The farmers are getting high prices. The de
mand for their products is not likely to lessen.
And the eveidence Is that most lines of industry
are going to be taxed to the limit .
No previous year has at this season promised
so wide a demand for cars. ; . .: .
.The Hudson's Place . '
;', Last year the Hudson, despite our shortage,
outsold any other front-rank car. In fact, it was
the largest-selling car with a price above $1100.
This year it will certainly dominate in a
larger way than ever. .
The Super-Six motor, controlled by our pat
ents, is still used in Hudsons only. It is still su
preme. No other motor shows anywhere near
like performance or endurance. 1
L Last year the Super-Six won all the worth
' while records. In speed, in hill-climbing, in long
distance and endurance it out-performed every
rival. In endurance tests it excelled as high as
62 per cent .
And now there are nearly 30,000 Hudson
Super-Sixes in use. There are 30,000 enthusias
tic owners. Last year at this time there were al
. most none, for the Super-Six was new.
; ; Men Must Have It
This year, fine car buyers by the tens of thou
sands will, demand the Super-Six. They know
ita supremacy. Our claims of a year ago have
been proved in a hundred recorded tests.
Last year, buyers forced to other cars did not
know what they missed. This year they do know.
Lesser cars will not content them. The demand
for the Super-Six this year will be overwhelm
ing. . .
New Hudson Features
This year's Hudsons have a shutter on the
front a wonderful gasoline Saver. They have
a motormeter, so the driver can regulate engine
heat; They have a primer, which the driver
operates from the dashboard. .
They have plaited upholstery. They have
bodies which were first molded in. wax, then
sculptured to perfection. Then built by famous
craftsmen with every dainty touch.
.And still 'this car the greatest car in the
world undersells many rivals. In fact, no other
front-rank car sells anywhere near so low. .
' Choose Your Car Now
Our advice to all who intend to buy fine cars
is to select that car at once. Many of you have
already decided on the Hudson Super-Six. More
of you will choose it when you know.
At this moment, we think, you can get de
livery at about any time you say. The prece
dents show that in a month or two you cannot.
We urge this to save disappointment To
avoid the ill-feeling that is caused by delay. The .
Hudson has lost much good-will in the past year
by keeping thousands waiting. We shall no
lose yours in that way if you'Jl act today.
Pka.ton, r . . .
C.brioUt, 3 pui.r, , .
Touring S.dan.w.
.... 1950
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Limousins $2925
' (All Prieoa f. o. b. Detroit)
Town Car. . . .'
Town Car Landaulet . ,
Limousine LandauUt.
. 3025
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2563-65-67 Farnam St., Omaha.
Open Evenings Until Nine
llr A im w"
Phone Douglas 1970.
Wftlltp ii