I PART ONE. " NEWSSECTION PACES ONE TO TWENTY Bee THE WEATHER Unsettled; Cold VOL. XLVI NO. 46. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1917. FIVE SECTIONS-HFT- PAGES. SINtJLE COPY FIVE CENTS. HUNDRED DIE RWRINIDAD MINEi ARMYDRAF TBILL The Omaha Sunday ' - . '- q(( - TO PASS HOUSE ABANDON HOPE FOR ENTOMBED COALDIGGERS State Inspector Believes None, Left Alive of Scores Swal lowed Up by Hastings Blast. NO FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED Attorney Oeneral of Colorado Makes Investigation of Disaster. PLACE CONSIDERED SAFE Hastings, Colo., April 28. Virtually all hope of saving any of the 120 men entombed in the Hastings mine of the Yfctor American Fuel company here yesterday morning by an explo sion was abandoned tonight. James Dalrymple, state coal mine . inspector, who came from the mine late today, gave it as his opinion that there was no one left alive in the mine. Rescue men who have been in the mine expressed themselves simi larly. Attornv General Hubbard and Mr. Dalrymple reported to Governor Gun- ter that there was no suspicion or toul play. Nine Bodies Found. Nine more bodies, making a total of fifteen, were found by the rescue crew. .. . . , , The crew came out shortly after 9 o'clock this morning. One hundred and nineteen men were entombed in this mine by an explosion yesterday md it is feared all have perished. As soon as the lirst rescuers emerged another crew entered the mine bearing stretchers to bring out '.he, bodies. Outside the mine scores of volunteers pressed forward eager io oe in xne next sum iu gu ipaiuc,. foremen went about among the crowd picking the sturdiest and most experi enced men. - "You can't all go, boys," the super intendent told them. Fire in Mine Out The, rescue crew reported the fire in the mine was out and that work of repairing damaged, portions and clearing fallen rock coal wnicn par tially blocked the air passages was proceeding rapidly, fi. F. Bartlett. nresident of the Vic tor-American company, said he be,-v,m-,,A mm. -f tit m.n huA a r.hance for their lives because among those entrapped were several trained in res cue .worK. uavia Jn.eese, saiciy in spector or all of tne Victor-Amer-jean comoanv's orooerties. was in t! : mine making an inspection when ths explosion occurred. He is believed in have been lost. "We cannot explain the explosion," said Bartlett. "Electric lights were used in mine, no miner was permit ted to have electric caps tor nring blasts and all blasts were fired by a shot firer. The mine was frequently inspected. Every precaution was taken to -make it safe." Hint at Alien Plot. Leslie E. Hubbard, attorney general nf Colorado, and an assistant arrived ;his morning to investigate rumors :hat the explosion was the act of an .lien enemy and to probe into con ditions touching the observance of mine safety laws. "The condition of the mine lends some color Jo the theory that the txplosion was of an origin that you don't think of," said General Hub bard. In an explosion in the same prop erty in 1912 twelve men were killed. As the rescue crews descended into the mine this morning they carried bottles of oxygen for resuscitating any men they might find who bore signsvof life. ' Besides Mr. Hubbard, James Dal rymple, state mining inspector; Joe Basoni, Italian, consul, and a deputy inspector went into the mine this morning. Basoni is looking after the interests of ajjy. Italians among the entombed miners. The Weather ' For Nebraakft Unstttled; snow west; rain or mow cut; continued cold. Temperature! at Oman Tettorday. Hour. Def. B a. m fi a, in, i 40 : 39 ; 35 i SB i 96 l 17 38 'r ...... as 34 i .34 14 33 l 31 i a. m S a m a. m 10 a. m 11 a. in 13 m... 1 p. m ' I p. m I K p. m p. m 7 p. m ' ComparatlT Loool 1tcord. Ttmperatur and precipitation departure from tha normal at Omaha: 117. 1911 HIS. 114. Hlfheit yesterday.,.. 39 88 47 Loweat yeiterday.... , 83 44 60 It Mean tcmparatur .. 36 K 74 41 Precipitation 1.20 .09 .00 .00 Normal temperature ... 86 Deficiency for the day 20 Total exceaa since March 1 ... 20 Normal precipitation , 1 a Inch Exceaa for the day 1.07 Inches Total rainfall alnce March 1.... fi. 09 Inches Exceaa aince March 1 1-08 Inched Deficiency for cor. period. 111. S.lOtnchea Deficiency for eor. period, 191&. I. fi Inches "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. I A. WELSH, MeteorolofUL 1 "PUT AMERICAN FLAG ON THE FIRING LINE" Theodore Boose velt, in Ad dress at Chicago, Advocates Sending Army Abroad. SAYS MAKE IT SEAL WAR Chicago. April 28. Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt, after an enthusiastic reception here today, delivered his first war speech at noon at a lunch eon given by the Chicago branch of the National Security league. "Put. the American flag on the fir ing line in France, Flanders or the Balkan peninsula at the earliest pos sible moment and keep it there as long as the war continues over a constantly growing fighting force until the war brings victory," was the anneal delivered here tonight by Theodore Roosevelt to the peo ple of the west in a speech in the Stock Yards pavillion under the aus pices of the National Security league. "I come here tonight to appeal to the people of the great west; the peo ple of the Mississippi valley, the peo ple who are the spiritual heirs of the men who stood behind Lincoln and, Grant," declared Mr. Roosevelt. "When once waked up to actual con ditions you have always stood with unfaltering courage and iron endur ance for the national honor am' the national interest. I appeal to the women as much as to the met., for our nation has risen level to every great crisis only because in evry such crisis the courage of its women flamed as high as the courage of the men. , Stand by President. "I appeal to you o take the lead in making good the president's mes. ge of April 2, in which he set forth the reasons why it was our unescapable duty to make war upon German' We can make the president's message stand among the great state papers in our history, but we can make it good only if we figlit with all our strength now at once, if at the earli est possible moment we put the flag on the firing line and. keep it there over, a constantly-growing army unlit- tli war closes by a ,peace "which brings victory to the great eause of democracy and civilization, the great cause of justice and fair play among the peoples of the world. "We Americans are at waK' Now let. us fight. Let us make it a real war, not a dollar war. Let us show that we haver the manhood to pay with our own bodies nd.not merely to mre other men io pay .with their bodies. ' Let us fight at once. Let us put the flag, at the front now, at the earliest moment, and not merely an nounce that we are going to fight a year or two hence." in his ' luncheon address Colonel Roosevelt urged that the use of grain for the manufacture of alcoholic drinks be prohibited for the tta-iod of the war. He urged obligatory mil itary training, lhe expansion and im provement of the navy and asserted that an expeditionary force should be sent to France.at once. Present con scription plans, he said, would denv service to many men wfio wished to volunteer. Cut Out Intoxicants. "The world is facintr a shortage of food," ' declared Colonel Roosevelt. Soon we in this country shall face a shortage of food. Therefore let us use all the grain we have for food and not for intoxicants. Now that the war is on, let us forbid any grain or corn being used in the manufacture of intoxicating iquorstLet the gov ernment help the farmer by mobiliz ing laDorj it necessary, tell our young men that it is a case of farm and arm. As yet, our people are not waked up to the vital significance of this war. This is because,at the moment we are safe behind the British fleet. We cannot afford to owe an ignoble safety to the British fleet or to risk our national future upon the chance of some other nation showing more foresight and efficiency than we are willing to show. We sin against our children if we fail to prepare our whole national strength for the pro tection of the republic." V Premier of Bavaria Goes to Talk With ' With Vienna Chiefs London. April 28. Count Hertling. the premier of Bavaria, says a d patch from Munich, by way of Am sterdam, to the Central News, is going to Vienna to confer with the Austro-Hungarian cabinet ministers regarding peace prospects. Winnipeg Puts Limit . un iraaing in Futures Winnipeg. Manitoba. Aoril ,28. Announcement was made at the Win nipeg grain exchange today that no trading in futures would be permitted in the pit nereatter without first ob taining sanction of a censoring com mittee. ' German and Swiss : Frontier Is Closed Zurich, Switzerland, April 8. (Via Paris.) The German-Swiss frontier has been strictly closed to all travelers and postal serv ices. No German newspapers have arrived since. Wednesday. This is usually the prelude to an impor tant military move. ' Conditions af Urn CmMi-v' - Ffc the best and cleverest answers, not exceed ing SO words The Bee will give prizes as here enumerated. Address Picture Puzzle Editor, The Bet. Answers must be in by Wednesday, May 2, Awards announced Sunday, May 6. . Awards and But Answers in Last FRENCH MILITARY CHIEFS WARN U.S. OF PLAY AT WAR V Visiting Army Experts Tell American Officials Bushing Into Field Without Prep aration Disastrous. FIRST HAND DATA NEEDED Must Have Accurate Knowl edge, of Fighting Conditions at Battle Front. STATEMENT BY H0VELAQUE Washington, April 28. The military section of the French mission, headed by Marshal Joffre, during conferences continued today with representatives o- th War department, warned" the United States that active participa tion in the war without absolute pre paration and previous contact with field operations would invite enor mous losses. This became known today, after Emile Hovelaque, general counselor, speaking for the mission, had outlined a statement to be made tqmorrow by Marshal Joffre to the American pre". "You must realize,"-!.; M. Hove laque, "that Acuericans cannot be trained i.i this country to play at war. "They should be there on the field. Americans should know these things fit st hand and what war really is be fore they go into it on a large scale. "Unless America has accurate knowledge of real war conditions in stead of play war it may coat you much. "You will be surprised how rapidly the conditions change. Lieutenant Colonel Remond, who probably knows more about artillery than any man in France, said to me only yes terday, 'I am afraid of getting stale before I get back to France.'." "Preparedness Burglars" -Steal Drugs and Whisky ' Activities of the "preparedness burglars" have again given the police something to, worry about. 1 Joseph Belitz, saloon keeper at 2528 South Twenty-fourth, says burglars broke into his place and carried off twenly-four gallons of his best whisky. ' - The Elton drug store, .1240 North Twenty-fourth, Says burglars broke in and carriedvaway their entire stock of heroin, cocaine, morphine and other simulants. ' A Toast to the Flag! What 'Tea First Priie . Second Prize Three Prizes Five Prizes Am wen row tpnralt heflt ol Week's Contest Are to be Found en Entente Missions , Invited to Omaha The British and French military commissions now in America will be invited to-come to Omaha as the guests of the Commercial' club. . Club officials telegraphed Sena tor Hitchcock and Congressman Lobeck asking that they convey personally to these commissioners the invitation from the Omaha Commercial club. The club points out Omaha's im portance as an assembling point for military supplies and troops in time of war, and gives this as a reason why the foreign .commis sioners should be greatly interested in seeing Omaha and familiarizing themselves -with the city and its facilities. , - PERKINS SUGGESTS COT IN WHEAT PRICE New York Man Believes Mini mum Should Be Dollar Fifty. SCORES FOOD SPECULATOR Washington, April 28. George W. Perkins of New York urged the sen ate .agriculture committee today to press immediate action on the food situation. 'He recommended a mini mum prici of $1.50 for wheat, $1 for corn, $6 for beans and $1 for pota toes at the nearest point of delivery and also the assurance to tlie farmer of labor and o-opcration to permit distribution on a larger scale. Mr. Perkins also denounced food speculators and predicted more riot ing in New York if some action is not taken soon. Subsea Bombards Harbor On Coast of Algeria Berlin, April 28. (Via London.) "A submarine has successfully bom barded the harbor works, important for transports, near Gouraya, west of Algiers," ays an official statement issued today. "One loading bridge was demolished and another badly damaged." Red Cross Ball Funds Coming Along Swiftly The hustling Red Cross ball com mittee, braving the showers, is con tinuing Its canvass of the merchants for donations for the new Red Cross chapter. It reports splendid co operation on the part of the business men. A number of features are being planned for the ball and a large num ber of reservations continue to pour in. , Is It? Prise for Beat- Answers.' . . . .. ' 12.00 in Cash , , , i V The Original Picture ' (each) 2 Orpheum Tickets . - - (each) A Popular Novel be written in Mule, ipse in picture or on paper, as preferred.' Last Page of Today's Feature Section NEW. ADAHSOR LAW COSTS STATE MUgH Railroad Commission Estimates Higher Freights Will' Amount to This. ' OFFICERS COMPUTE TOTAL MFrpm s Bteff Correepontlent.) Lincoln, April 28. (Special.) Pas sage of the Adamson law and the high cost of living will cost the people of Nebraska about $4,000,000 in trans portation of freight, according to" an estimate made by the State Railway commission today., The state commission has received a notice from the Interstate Com merce commission that railroads of the country will be permitted to make an advance in rates on interstate ship ments of 15 per cent over present r .les because of the added expense to. the carriers due to the passage of the Adamson law andthe general raise in evrything because of high prices. It is estimated this will mean a raise to the entire country of from $300,000,000 to $350,000,000. . Germany Threatens If Prisoners vAre Put On Hospital Ships Copenhagen, April 28. (Via Lon don. I Announcement was made be fore the Reichstag main committee in licrlin yesterday that Germany will adopt the sharpest reprisals if Ger man prisoners are embarked on hos pital ships of the allies and exposed to the danger of torpedoes, The sinking by the Oeunans of the British hospital ship Lanfranc last week caused the death of fifteen Ger man wounded, who were being trans ported to England. The 'British admiralty announced that inasmuch as the Germans were sinking hotpital ships without any regard to international law, the dis tinctive markings of these vessels had been removed and, furthermore, that virtually all of the hospitar ships had on board German wounded. The French government announced that on account of Germany's policy, Ger man soldiers would be embarked oh French hospital ships. Superintendent Clemmons , Will Go on Duty Soon (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April' 2. (Special.) State Superintendent W. Jl. Clem mons will be able to return to Lin coln and assume the duties of the office in about two weeks,, according to a mtssage received at the super intendent's office today. ADMINISTRATION WINS ITS FIGHT FOR SELECTIVE CONSCRIPTION IN THE HOUSE BY DECISIVE VOTE Volunteer Amendment Which Was Advocated by Men Op posed to Draft Measure) Measures as Drawn by the General Staff of the Armr Rejected 279 to 98. ' senate Includes the Chairman Dent of Military Affairs Committee, Who Sponsored Movement, Gives Up Counting Long Before Roll Call is Finished Kitchin Does Not Vote. MANN WITH THE PRESIDENT CLARK AGAINST HIM Washington, April 28. The administration won It. fight for the mili tary draft in the senate tonight when an amendment authorizing a call for 500,000 volunteers was rejected by a vote of 69 to 18. , , Washington, April 28. Administration forces overthrew opponents of the administration selective conscription The volunteer amendments were stricken from the measures, '. , I Th vote was on an amendment by Representative Kahn, who has led tha figh for the administration, moving to strike out the volunteer amend ments inserted by a majority of the ot tne president ana tne army war college. It assured the passage of the bill as drawn by the army experts. The vote to sustain the provisions of the administration bill was 279 to 98. - BRITONS BEGIN NEW ATTACK TO NORTHOFSCASPE .Germans JSrinK forward FreBh Division to Meet the As sault Across Wide j Front.; :v- BATTLE RAGES FIERCELY English Artillery Succeeds in Clearing Away Part of Wire Entanglements. FRENCH CAPTURE CANNON , BULLETIN. London, April 28. The British troops have captured Arleux-Eri-Gohelle and .German positions on a front of more thsn two miles north and south of that village, says the official report from Brit ish headquarters in Frsnce today. The Berlin official report said artillery fighting increased at . .dawn between Loos and St Quen tin and that soon afterward in- - fantry fighting was resumed along the whole front. , British Open Attack. London, April 28. The British have opened an attack along several miles of the front north of the Scarpe river, the war offic announced oday. The British troopt are making good progress in the face of considerable opposition. tl , Paris, April 28. Heavy artillery fighting; occurred last night between St. Quentin and the Pise and in the Champagne, the war office reports. On the Verdun front the-French raided German renches and brought back prisoners. , Since April 16 the French have cap tured 175 cannon of all calibers, 412 machine guns and 119 trench mor tars. The number of prisoners has reached 20,780. . Artillery Opens Battle. British Headquarters ill France, April 28. (Via London.) Another attack was launrhci by the British ar tillery this morning 1 he blow was stiuck on the front . between the Scarpe river and Lens, on the ground over which some of the most desper ate fighting has occurred since the British inaugurated their offensive on Eas'cr Monday. The struggle now in progress is very bitter. The Germans, in anutipa.iun vi anoiner ormsn ci fort, had brought up reinforcements. Fresh German divisions have been identified by the British. Defenses Torn Away. ? In today's drive the British faced a well organized trench system, pro tected by wire entanglement and held by strong forces of Germans. The artillery preparation which had been in progress lor several days did much o, mage to the defense works, but there remained many troublesome strong points between Roeux, just north of the Scarpe and Gavrellej North of Gavrelle satisfactory prog ress was made so far as could be judged and early in the day prisoners were being brought back. South of this place lhe British got on toward Greenland hill, taking a trench north of Monchy. It is reported that the British have occupied the town of Arleux and half of Oppy, but furious German counter attacks are developing and the situa tion is one of surging changes. The fiercest imaginable fighting is under way for the wood west of Roeux. prohibition feature bill in the house on the first vote today. military committee against the protests '$ The volunteer soonsors were - tounded at the tremendous strength developed by administration forces, When the members lined up to pass the tellers it looked almost as if the ' whole , house was about to: vote f0r . conscription.' ' . ' Chairman Dent of the military com mittee, heading the volunteer forces, finally gave up -counting the votes. Miss Rankin, the Montana member. voted for the volunteer amendments, as did SpeakerXlark and Chairman Paduett of ihtiinvtDmmitif v. . puuiium ieauer Aiann voiea inr rnn... scription. Democratic Leader Kitchin. busy with revenue legislation, did not vote. . . .. i When Representative Saunders of Virginia, presiding, announced the Kahn amendment had carried 279 to 98 there was thunderous applause from the floor and the crowded gal leries. As today's vote in the house was in ' committee of the whole it was taken ' by tellers and without record. Thjs record vote comes later. On passage of the bill. , . . ; .. . While the administration supporters were winning their victory in the house the debate was proceeding on the bill in the senate. The chances of the administration bill have been considered better in the senate than they were in the house Men of Allies Must Go. Chairman Webb of the house judici ary committee announced that "a lit tle later a bill will be introduced pro viding that all citizens of allied coun tries, who are of military age, shall be rounded up and turned over to' their respective governments. An amendment offered by Repre sentative Van Dyke, Minnesota, was adopted 147 to 105 providing that "no person under 21 years of age shall be enlisted without the written consent of his parents or. guardian." The age provision of the bill fixing it at between 21 and 40 drew a lively fire. Amendments were offered to raise the maximum age as far aj 60. Representative Piatt of New Hamp- ' shire predicted no draff ever would be made up to the 40 class and Rep- ' resentative Mondell predicted that in conference between the two houses the age provision would be put back to between 19 and 25.' Ami.nHmr.nta tn niu tUm ....Z-a Jge limit above 40 years were de feated. A proposal by Representative Miller of Minnesota to substitute the ' fenate bill ,-.gc limit of from 19 to 25 years for the 21 to 40 years' limit of 'he house b'll was dcfca'ed 270 to 6. So overwhelming was this defeat that it was predicted that the house con- ferces wonid ' insist 'on the 40-year limit in the conference.. Amendment Beaten. I An .amendment' hjr ' Representative Stephens of Mississippi providing "that all mule members of congress under 50 years of age shall be subject to draft" was rejected. An amendment by Representative Lever, chairman of the agriculture committee, exempting farmers from the draft, was adopted by the house, 126 to 100. . Senate Debates Roosevelt Plan. -Debate in the senate today was be gun by Senator Harding- of Ohio, in support of the. administration bill (CoDtlnQfHl on t'aze Two, Columa One.) Company of Engineer f . Officers for Each Camp ' Washington, April 28. A com. Ie" company of eserve engineer officers, 150 strong, wiH be established at each of the fourteen officers' training camps to be opened May 8. Applicants qualified, will be com missioned immediately and given the pay f their grade, although they may serve as' orivati in the nrnvminna! 'company during the three months period of training. - Compete.it engineer officers from the regular army will be assigned to each company as instructors. r. .