Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Baggage Car and Two Pa
senger Cars Leave Rails,
Six Persons Being Hurt.
Crete, Neb., April 27. (Special
Telegram.) While the mixed train
on Jhe Crete-Auburn branch of the
.Missouri Pacific was crossing
trestle about two miles southeast of
Crete at 3:30 this afternoon, the bag
gage car and two passenger cars left
the rails, rolling down the embank'
ment. The baggage car turned over
twice and Louis Horni, mail clerk,
and J. S. Spaldilig, baggage man, both
of Auburn, were cut about the head.
The passenger cars turned over.
but once and no one of the thirteen.
passengers were badly injured. 1 tie
most seriously injured were:
Warren Davis, brakeman. Auburn.
Ralph Ryan, Lincoln, strained back.
L. K. Bride, Lincoln, back hurt.
E. R. Curray, Lincoln, cut above
the eye.
A broken rail is supposed to have
caused the wreck.
Fremont Fire Department
Holds Its Annual Social
Fremont, Neb., April 27. (Special
Telegram.) The annual social of the
Fremont fire department Thursday
evening was largely attended, over
.'00 firemen and their families taking
part in the festivities. John C. Clc
land, president of the. Fremont de
partment, presided. Mayor W. C
Wiley and Alfred Softley gave short
talks. Miss Yada Phelps and S. S.
Hamilton tavored with vocal solos
and an or:hestra enlivened the pro
gram. Da'icjng followed.
Fremont druggists at a meeting to
day decided to go out of the liquor,
business after May 1. They will kee'p
no whisky or wine in stock for sale.
Alcohol for use in compounding their
own medicines will be carried. Thev
will not renew their federal licenses.
None of the Fremont druggists ap
plied for city licenses at the monthly
council meeting.
Mrs. Ann M. White. 76 years of
age. mother of Walter G. White, for
mer president of the Nebraska Trav
elers' Protective association, died at
her home at Scribner. Mrs. White
was a native of Pennsylvania and
came to Dodge county with her tins
band and eight children thirty years
ago. .Mr. White died ten years (go.
Light childien survive.
Nebraska Elks Elect Their
Officers and End Convention
Lincoln. Neb.. April 27. (Special
T.-leei am.) Nebraska F.Iks closed
their siai- convention here today with
the election of the following officers:
S. W. Smith, Omaha, president;
. George F. Corcoran, York, first vice
president: G. I). McGirr, Beatrice,
second vice president; W. W. Jen
nings, Falls City, third vice president;
Frank F.. Green, Lincoln, secretary;
G. R. Nicof'pmiis. Fremont, treasurer.
Orai:d U'and was selected for the
1"1!1 i"?-jtiii. The afternoon was
devoted to social pleasures, ending
will) .i hall in the lodge room this
Strike of Lincoln Carmen
Is Over, Says Company
Lincoln, April 27. President Sharp
of the Lincoln Traction company de
clared today that as far as the com
pany was concerned the street car
strike was over. The officials assert
that regular service is being furnished
on all lines but one, and that night
service will be resumed within a short
Hundred Trapped
In Burning Mine
Near Trinidad
Trinidad. Colo., April 27. Fir in
the Victor American Fuel company's
mine iso. i, at Hastings, near here, is
believed to have trapped 120 coal
miners, members of the day shift.
Fire was first noticed coming out
of the mouth of the mine shortly
after 9:30 this morning. Helmet
crews which entered had made no re
port this afternoon as to whether or
not they had reached the entombed
men. '
The cause of the fire is unknown.
Beating Way to Destitute
Family; Hurt Under Train
Sherman Wage, 41, was caught be
tween two passenger coaches at the
Union depot Friday, afternoon and
sustained a broken shoulder and pos
sible internal injuries. He is in i
precarious condition at St. Joseph's
hospital. He told police surgeons
that he has a wife and five children,
destitute at Canton, III., to which city
he was returning, after having gone
to South Dakota to settle on land.
Wage himself was penniless and
wilt be cared for by local authorities.
Deolare Business Is Not Profit
able and Ask Commission
for Advance.
Omaha Women Prepare
Big Supply of Bandages
Four large boxes of surgical dress
ings made by Omaha women's war
relief classes have been shipped to
the New York headquarters, where,
after being properly wrapped in
waterproof paper, they are to be sent
to Paris. Besides bandages, pillows,
bath mits and surgeons supplies.
there were 150 blankets which were
donated by M. E. Smith & Co.
We saved the six prettiest ones to
send to our rooms in the American
Ambulance hospital," said Mrs. O. C.
Redick, who is in charge of the work.
Menocal Name rommlaalon.
Waahlnjlon. April 27. Official notlflri-
Hon reached the Slate department today
that President Menocal of Cuba had named
commission to sail Saturday for the
nlted 8tates to confer with th American
government official! resardlnc Cuba's par
ticipation In the war.
(From ft Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., April 27. (Special.)
Application for an increase in tx
press rates in Nebraska, of approxi
mately 38 per cent has been filed with
the Nebraska Railway commission on
behalf of the American, Adams ind
Wells-Fargo Express companies.
The formal filing of the application
followed a conference between repre
sentatives ot express companies and
the commission several months ago,
at which time the former were re
quired to make special compilation of
figures for the information of the
commission, as to earnings and ex
i he companies ask that they be al
lowed to operate under interstate
commerce commission rules and reg
ulations. which they say forty-tw
states have adopted. They say that
the Nebraska rate is non-remunerative
and discriminatory as against inter
state commerce commission rates.
Rate Expert U. G. Powell says that
the interstate commerce commission
rates are on a block basis, with tar
iffs fixed by blocks and not by dis-
tance. He says that the basis will not
apply in as small a unit as the state,
where a distance tariff is a just one.
The Nebraska legislature passed
the Mhley act in 1W, which made
general arbitrary reduction of intra
state express rates in Nebraska of 25
per cent.
Youth Killed Under Disc.
Ashland, Neb., Arlril 27. (Special.)
Chester Kellogg, 11-year-old son of
Arthur Kellogg, six miles southeast
of Ashland, was killed Wednesday
evening when a four-horse team the
lad was driving before a discing ma
chine ran away.
John Cutright, Jr., New
Assistant to Reed
(From ft Staff Corrcspoii'l' lit. I
Lincoln. April 27. (Special.)
John Cutright. jr.. son of J. W. Cut
right of the Lincoln Star, has been
appointed by Attorney General Reed,
as assistant attorney general, an of
fice provided under the ne prohibi
ten act to enforce the provisions of
the prohibitory law.
Aged Woman Ends Life.
Wolbach, Neb., April 27. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. . H. Lyons, a widow
living in Wolbach, committed suicide
by takujg yioison last night. Mrs.
Lyons was 7i year of age.
Wisconsin Senate Expels
Disloyal Socialist Member
Madion, Wis., April 27. Senator
Frank Raguse, Milwaukee socialist,
was tonight expelled from member
ship of the Wisconsin senate for con
tempt, disorderly behavior and con
duct unbecoming a senator of Wis
consin in making a disloyal statemcHt
in the sena'e Tuesday.
The senate first adopted a resolu
tion demanding that Raguse be
brought to the bar of the senate and
,ign a retrittion. This resolution car
ried. Raguse refused to sign. Then
followed tht expulsion. Raguse dared
my ablebodied senator to enlist with
tint in the United States army.
Congregationalists of
Iowa to Meet at Red Oak
Red Oak, la., April 27. (Special.)
Through the efforts of Rev. R. J.
Montgomery, pastor of the Congre
gational church here, at the annual
Congregational conferenceof Iowa
held last year at Davenport, Red Oak
will entertain the conference next
month. The dates are Max '5 to 17
and the plans for the week are
largely well near completed. It is
expected that 200 or more ministers
and delegates will be present at the
conference, among whom will be a
number of leading men of the church
in Iowa and outside the state.
Persistent Advertising Is (Tie Road
To Success.
Bayer Tablets
Accept only Genuine
Aspirin sold as follows:
BftTftT-TftblcU of Aaplrin told tn
bene of
of 100.
pocket bene of 12-bottlM iftf 24 and
Byr-Cpuli of Aspirin aoM in
Malfltt neujuan&a rJ am aim! hn dutm-
ftiavftMvs whi lea wmrj paxaagfl ana every IQDIOI
Guarantee of Purity" "-" "vfC
Die tada-aark "Ataria" RU APatOfc.)
acaa thai the aatajaacNKauder at aalcrfaaqa ip thtsa
tabki and tannin md a ajiatta Jam aa.ijirtiiav
s mm
A Special Sale of
$1.00 and $1.95
322 South 16th St.
Regular $27.50 Values
Saturday Dresses of Serge, Crepe de
Chine and Taffeta Silk Fifty beautiful
styles to select from. N
You don't need all cash to get one pay
while you wear in regular weekly, semi
monthly or monthly amounts.
Write for Our Spring Catalogue
Sporting Good
Of every description. Com
plete stocks.
Main Floor
brandeis Stores
Bate Ball Outfit
Get ready for the season.
Main Floor
Hart Schaffner & Marx Special Productions
We might say very .pedal because they are super-excellent.
The Best Clothes Your Money Will Buy
The fabrics are the best in the world the linings and
trimmings of the highest grade and every stitch put in with
true "craft" spirit. The models are patterns especially
selected for us.
Suits and Top Coats to Fit Every Type of Man and
Young Man in This Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx
Every Garment An Example of Unusual Value
$18, $20, $22, $25, $30, $35, $40 and $45
- v ; '
Real Styles for Men of Odd-Sizes
Big men, stout men, very tall men, all odd sized men, will be fitted
here correctly.
It Is not necessary for any of these men to have clothes made to
measure and suffer the delays necessary when this is done. We guar
antee to fit you perfectly.
Jill k aljW
a mm m r a- i
Hart Schaffner & Marx Chesterfield Top CoaU, full
silk lined .$18, $20 and $25
Trench Coats Hundreds of them Hart Schaffner
Conrnckt Mart fckaffmr lc Mml
"Prep" Suits, $18, $20, and $22.50
Hart Schaffner & Marx, made in special sizes for young men
32 to 34 ; full; half and quarter silk lined ; in Pinch-Back, Half Belt
and Belt All Around. AH the newest colorings. Properly propofi
tioned in boyish figures, with the best of style and finish.
Omaha Headquarters for Golf Suits
Imported and domestic fabrics, in Pinch-Back, Half and Full Belted
models. All the richest designs. Suits, $12.50 to $35.00. Pants, $3.50
to $7.50.
Ask the Salesman to Show You the Hart Schaffner &
Marx Label "A Small Thing to Look for,
But a Big Thing to Find."
Second Floor, Men's Building. Rid Up On the Mortal Sulrw.y
, ; l : :
2000 Men's Shirts at 95c Each
Very excellent shirts, comprising many snappy striped effects, in corded madras,
percales and repp cloth ; all cut full and extra well tailored. Extraordinary' values, and
it would be well for you to anticipate your entire Summer needs. AH sizes.
Silk Crepe and Peau de Crepe Silk Shirts
$6.50 to $10.00
In endless variety, of stunning patterns; including the popular two and three
toned stripes, also plain colors. The silk in these shirts was purchased for us far in ad
vance of the extraordinary rise in prices, and thus we are enabled to offer to Omaha
men the most extraordinary values in this part of the country. This is one of the best
lots of Shirts to be found in this country, and it is well known that this is the headquar
ters hereabouts for Silk Shirts. BUY ONE OF THESE SURE.
Men's Fine Silk Shirts, at $3.25
WE MADE a good buy of this lot of Shirts, and io sr. able to
offer Shirts at this price that you would ordinarily pay much more for.
Fancy Roman-Striped Shirts, also in the very neat patterns. Made
of rich, heavy quality Tub Silk; all sizes, 14 to 18. Cut extra large
and full and well made in every detail.
Neckwear, at 50c
New arrivals in beautiful Silk Neckwear; the patterns are superb
and the quality of silk in these scarfs you will find in other stores at
much higher prices.
Spring Weight Underwear, 98c
Medium weight Ribbed Union Suits, with long or short sleeves, in
white and ecru, ankle length; made of fine quality combed yarns; in
all sizes.
"Munting" Union Suit, $1.00 to $3.00
Sold exclusively by the Brandeis Stores in Omaha. Men who
wear them know that they mean supreme comfort and satisfaction.
We have them to fit every man long, medium or stout complete
assortments. In most all styles; short or long sleeves, ankle length,
knee length and athletic styles. I ,
Silk and Fiber Half Hose, 25c "
185 dozen; first and second qualities; most all shades for Spring
wear; sizes 9 to 11.
150 Dozen Men's Silk Neckwear, 25c
Just for a flyer we are offering this lot of Silk Neckwear at
2Se. Many of them made from the silks that go into the regular
60c ties. New patterns., -
Main Floor, M.n'i Building .
Cort Shoes for Men
Simply Can't Be Beat
WE KNOW, because we
specialize in Shoes for men
that possess the maximum of
style with the maximum of
comfort. These Shoes are
first for quality of material,
excellence of make and finish. Every pair of genuine
Cort shoes has the name of makers, "Henry Cort and
Co.," stamped in gold on the inside.
Price, $8.50, $9.00 and $10.00
Better Get a Pair of These Now
"Trustworthy" Shoes at $4.00
Four dollars now, but we may have to change the
price most any day now. Better get a pair or two, be
cause they are the best Shoes that four dollars will buy
for you anywhere.
, This is a Specialty Shoe Shop for men specialty
stylet specialty service.
1 Main Floor, MeVa Building
Men's $2.50 and $3 Hats
Sample Lines at the
Lowest Price
Men's high grade Felt
Hats and Tweed Hats, for
Spring and Summer wear;
in fancy mixtures, all sizes
Stetson HaU
This store is headquar
ters for the famous John
B. Stetson Hats. They are
the very best you can buy
at these prices. That's the
reason we have made this store headquarters. Prices
are .$4.00, $5.00 and $7.50
Mayo HaU
Sold and controlled exclusively by the Brandeis Stores ;
every hat absolutely guaranteed to give satisfaction to
the wearer; best hat in Omaha at the price $3.00
Brandeis Special Soft and Stiff Hats at $2.00 .
Boys' Headwear
Boys' Rah-Rah Hats, plain and fancy colors, also wash
hats, at 50c, 65c and $1.50
Boys' Caps, blue serge and fancy mixtures, 25c, 50c, 65c
and ..............$1.00
v i Main Floor ;