Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Lloyd George Uses Phrase Be.
ferring to Entrance of
U. S. Into War.
London, April 27. In an important
speech at the Guild lull today. Pre
mier Lloyd George discussed the mil
itary situation, the Irish auestion and
other of the major problem! with
which the government is now en
gaged. .
In referring to the subiea menace
and the food problem, the premier
said: "
"There is no doubt we nave lost
many ships, but they brought Amer
ica in and I am perfectly satisfied
with the balance. America, after great
patience, came to the conclusion there
u no Use of waving a neutral flag
in the teeth of a shark and it is def
initely with us -to put down tB is men
ace once for all."
Real Chance to Fight.
After alluding to the organization
of the ministry of munitions, the pre
mier aaid:
"Now, thank God, our men have' a
' real chance in the fight. The story
now it different from what it was in
, the early stages of.. th war. Before
r June, 1915, we loaf eighty-four guns
and a considerable number of prison-
ers. Since that date we have not
: lost i single gun, while we have cap
', tured 400. Regarding prisoners, we
I have taken at least ten to one. The
: tide has now turned. Victory is com
, ing increasingly nearer, That it the
i explanation of the despair which has
, j driven them to black piracy on the
high seat.
Food Problem Biggest.
' "This is the next job we have to
' deal with. Our minimum problem it
; to feed population of 45,000,000 in t
country which it not self-supporting.
. 'to provide the necessary material and
- food to-equip our armies and keep the
teat free . for the transport of the
troops of ourselves ana our allies.
That hat had to be done against the
(warm of pirates moving unseen un-
. der the trackless seas, since the Ger
, mans determined to sink all craft in
discriminately without warning. -
"The best brains of America and
Britain ire concentrated on this
probiem, There never was a human
problem- which was not soluble, and
. I believe this is no exception to the
rule."- - ' v . '
Dealing with the effort to make the
country self-supporting, the premier
' ' airi ftnarantMi n tbp farmer anft th
fresh acres of land under cultivation.
,- "1 lo not tay that the war it go
ing to continue through 1918," Mr.
Lloyd George went on, "but it the
German knew that by holding out un.
- til the end of 1918 he could win, he
would hold out. If he knows that
; the longer he holdt out the worse it
' will be for. him peace will cpme much
"' earlier." "' '". . .
, The nriemer said plana were being
made for the 'harvest of 1918, which
: would guarantee that without a ton
if of foodstuffs coming from abroad nb
' one would starve. But the country
must help in -husbanding foodstuffs.
Settle Irish Question Now,
"We mutt convert Ireland from a
suspicious, surly, dangerous neighbor
, to a cheerful, loyal comrade. Settle
: ment of-the Irish question it essential
for tht.peace of the world and essen
tial -to' ayepeedy victory in the war,
I appeal, to -the patriotism of all men
to sink everything for the one pur-
pose of getting this question -out-of
, the way 4 :,' - v -
... .(Cwtlnuad. from J tiohl
ington, who supported the selective
draft. -,' ,,
"The man who must conduct the
war, our commander-in-cheif, urges it
at .i wise' and necessary measure
now," laid he. "The military author-
mis aimott -without exception urge it,
The tenate committee, that hat fully
examined into it, recommends it. The
lessons of this great war point to it
at a wise course. Why should X not
vote for it?" .. .. . ' ' '
The. Washington senator said that
he knew many ot Ms constituents are
opposed to the selective draft, but
that he believed those constituents.
expected him, to weigh and consider
questions and perform hit duty;
Kenyon Favors Amendment.
'Senator Kenyon said he expected
to support the bill, but wanted ex.
emotions in favor of men of emolov
menu of military value changed so
that the pnwer of enforcing such ex-
emptioni would not be in the hands
of military men ilone. He approved
the La Follette amendment for civil
tribunals to pass upon question! of
exemption. ; -
The Iowa senator declared he fa
: vored also an ".amendment which
, would permit Colonel Roosevelt to go
to the front in-coramand ol American
troops. "": - " . ;
."It vJould be an- insDirintr thine,
. he aaid, "if Colonel Roosevelt could
lead a division tide by side with the
; tri-color of France. Xothiiuz would
help brina) the war to a speedy end
as much at that. ..But .they say it
Counting Blouses' by Thous
ands in Special May
Sale at. ' .'
Greataat Number of Blouea Tver In
volved la On Day SaU Sota
a. Now Racord at th Julius
- Orkin Storo, 1508-10
' Douglas St ; .
Saturday will long be remembered as
"Blouae Day" by nundreds of Omaha
. women. It will be the logical tirao to
supply one'i ntire summer'! supply
of aheer cotton blouiet, aa well as
dainty Georgette Blouses. Shipment!
have been pouring in by every ex-
prete, bringing the very last word in
House styles. Early shopping Satur-
, jay will have its full advantages dur
ing thit tale better service--better
tatortmenU, and avoiding the usual
I Saturday afternoon shopping crowds.
Friday. Total.
Army 13 1.275
Navy , 12 " 3M
National Guard .1 311
Marine Corps 1 37
Totals..... 27 2,159
David Lamar, .Wolf of Wall
Street, and Six Other Amer
icani Also Arraigned.
New York, April 25. Franz vpn
Rintelen, alleged German "master
spy," and seven Americans accused
of having conspired to institute
strikes in munitions plants were
brought before the federal court to
day for trial. ,
The other defendants are David La
mar. known as "the wolf of Wall
street;" former Congrettmen H. Rob
ert Fowler and rranlc uucnanan oi
Illinois, former Attorney General
Frank S. Monnett of Ohio, Henry B.
Martin, a Washington lobbyist, and
Herman Schultcis and Jacob C. Tay
lor. They are taid to have operated
through the medium of a "labor's na
tional peace council."
Counsel for Rintelen sought delay
on the plea tht hit client will be un
able to obtain fair trial now, a the
jury will look upon him at an enemy.
Judge Cushman overruled this objec
tion, as he did also a plea by the
other defendants, that as "loyal
American citizens they should not oe
forced to ttand trial with an alien
would demoralize our army. It teemt
to me it would demortlize the irmy
of the enemy more."
Conscript, Wealth Alio.
Senator Kenyon read figures to
show enormoui increases in the in
comes of corporations affected by
the war and added:
"I want to say that while I am vot
ing for conscription of men, I am go
ing to vote later on for conscription of
the great incomes of this country. In
mv iiida-ment every income above
C100.000 should be commandeered or
conscripted for the beneht ot tne gov
ernment to carry on this war. That
proposition is going to come up be
fore we get through with the tax bill.
Senator McCumber declared that
10,000,000 best trained officers and
men would not win the war for the
United States if the submarines were
not overcome. t
Volunteer System Failure. ' ;
finlistmenti in the army since April
1, Senator Calder declared, show the
failure of the volunteer system and
"sustain completely the argument
that the United Statu cannot raiae
an adequate forcet by that system."
"Talk about raising 1,(KK;000- men
overnieht it nonsense. The United
I Statet hat been actually at war for1
three weeks and the ranks of the
resular arm'it and National Guard have
been open to more than ouu.uuu vol
unteers. - tney are still open wme
open and the volunteers are coming
in slowly.
Mother of Late General
Fred Funston is Dead
EmDoria. Kan.. ADril 27. Mrs. E,
H.-Funston, mother of the late Major
General Frederick Funston, died at
the home of her daughter here last
niKht: She was 72 years old. '
Mrs. Funston was I at the time
of the sudden death of her son, which
is said to have aggravated her weak
ened condition. Notwithstanding this,
she went to California to attend his
The burial will be at Iola, Kan.
ieprtmat Ordtra.
Waahlnaton. Anrll J7. (BMCIal Tala
tram.) Mra. Nlll L. Floyd, appolntad
poetmuter Pralmburir, Linn county, low.
vie. Sirs. Abel, 4teftd.
Rural latter .carrtara appomtea:
Iowa Eithtrvllla. Laonard. S. Knudaon
Eathervllla. Shlrlayib. Powt Ottawa, Oscar
Stewart; Red Oak, Ralph J. Karnea; way
land, Frank D. Clark.
South Dakota Morrlitown, MIHon If. ale
Ml l Man.
Tba comptroller of th currency hai ap
proved the chant of the title of the Qer-
man National bank -of Haatlnea, Neb., to
the Nebraska National bank of Haatlno.
- Th Increae of th capital ot th Ocrlna.
National bank of Carina, Nab.;, from l!M0o
to 110.000 and th Increae ol tk City Na
tional bank, Clinton, la., from S1&MO0 to- -have bn approved.'. -,
city mall, delivery service will a itab
llshled on Juna 10 at Cleat Lak la with
two carrier and one vubetltute.
Little Things On Sale
At Beaton's
$1.25 Clark's Rye. full quarts,
for 05e
Bottled in Bond.
$1.25 Vermuth tlellan, 81.10
$1.25 Gordon Gin. ... . .81.10
$1.25 Irondequoit Sherry or Ca
tawba, full ouarU......60e
25c Bass Ale or Stout. . . . .10
11.00 ' Pfver's VivlU Extract,
per ounce 59
75c and 50c Extracts, 20 odors
. to select from, per ounce 20?
$2.25 Mary Garden Extract, per
v ounce .' $1.59
10c La Prueba, imported, ea., 5?
10c La Purencia, box of 25,
for i ...$1.25
tl.00 Hood's Sartaparilla. .79
3 5c box fine Linen Stationery,
for .14
50c Syrup of Figs . . .-. .... 34
25c Sloan's Liniment. . . .. .17
Mail Order Receive Our Prompt Attention.
Beaton Drug Co.
15th and
Desperate Efforts Made by
Germans to Drive Britons
from Captured Posts.
tDy A-wlatad Freei.)
Desperate efforts of the Germans
to drive the British from the cap
tured heights on the Arras front have
failed after four days of the bitterest
fighting that the world has seen since
the bloody days of Verdun.
Military critics expect the attacks
will be renewed if the German matt
power can ttand the awful drain, at
the retention by General Haig of the
hills crowning the plain of Douai
spells almost certain doom to the
votan line, the last protecting'bar
rier between Douai and Cambrai.
French Critic Analyze! Gains.
Paris, April 27. Under the caption,
Whv We Attacked." a writer in the
Matin points out that before the pres
ent forward movement began the
German man undoubtedly waa to es
cape from the grasp of the allies. He
'To frustrate this Man the French
and British widened the frontiOf their
attack so as to overlap the front on
which the Germans were retreating.
The result was that the enemy found
both his wmgt involved, ne decided
to fight on the first line, and the
French plan was altered to suit.
"The result of the first and tecond
days' fighting was that the German
lost fully 100,000 men, and, what was
more important, were obliged to en
gage thirty-three out of their fortv
three reserve divisions. The dearly
bought but valuable results of the
Aisne and Champagne operations
are thus: , , ,
First, the enemy was prevented
from carrying out hit own plant thus
disposing of the famous Hindenburg
scheme, which was to be followed on
the conclusion of the retreat from
Novon: second, the enemy was
obliged to order his troopi to hold
out on the lirst line, but the whole line
has been captured, a tactical success,
to which must be added heavy losses
in men, material and guns."
French Official Report. .
The French hav captured several
trenches on the heights aiound Mor
onvilliers and have alto gained ground
near Hurtebise and Cerny, the war
office announced today. One hundred
and thirty cannon have been cap
tured since April 16. .s
the statement follows: ...
"The artillery finhtinsr was rather
spirited south of St. Quentin, in the
sector between NanteuU-La-Fosse and
Sancy and near Ville-Aux-Bois. Dur
ing the night German surprise at
tacks, against our tfont were re
pulsed. "Near Hurtebise and Cerny we
gained ground and took forty pris
oners. Near Moronvilliert we cap
tured several trench elements knd oc
cupied a point of support east of the
.mountain without a name. During
an incursion into the enemy lines at
the forest of Le Prctre French de
tachments inflicted" heavy losses on
the adversary, destroyed shelter nd
brought back prisoners.
"Between Soissons and Auberive
since April 16 we have captured 130
British Capture Important Posts.
London, April 27, Important posl
tions between Roueux and Gavrelle
and near the Arras-Cambrai road have
been captured by the British, the war
office announced today. .;.'."
The statement reads:
"The enemy made a minor unsuc
cessful attack last night near Fayet,
northwest of 5t. Quentin.
"Durin the nistht we captured the
quarries on the eastern outskirts of
"Near the Arras-Cambrai road and
on the spur between Roeux and Gav
relle important enemy positions were
captured by ut.
''Northwest of Lens a German raid
ing party was repulsed,. .
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To hucress
$1.00 and $1.95
322 South 16th St.
Films Developed FREE.
$2.50 Pixie Cameras. ...$1.50
We rent Cameras for 10c a day
M. Q. Developer, for.... 25a
25c Carter's Liver Pills... 14a
$1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey
for .-..79
50c Lavoris 34
25c Wright's Silver Cream Pol-
ish, for :.'.-. :.....i7f
10c Emery Boards . .5t
25c Barkeeper's Friend . . . 14e
25c,Nature's Remedy 17
25c Mentholatum 16c
50c Nadinola Cream 29
25c Colorite 19c
50c Kodol Dyspepsia. . . . . .27t
50c Lambert's Listcrine . . . 29J
$1.00 Pinsud's Lilas Vegetal
for ..'... 59
50c Durham Duplex Razor and
Blade, for 5c
$1.00 Tanlac 79
35e Castoria l9e
50c Samuel's S-P. Capsules 29
25c Lustrite Nail Enamel. .16
25c Lustrite Cuticle Ice,..16e
Three Members of State in
Congress for Selective Draft
and One for Conscription.
(From a Staff Correspondent,)
Washington, April 27. (Special
elegram.) When the vote in the
house it taken tomorrow on the bill
authorizing the president to increase
temporarily the military service of
the United States, it will show a de.
cided change in the Nebraska delega
When five days ago it looked as if
members from .Nebraska would
hehompsonBelden Store
All purchases Charged
Saturday Will Appear on
Jfowyjunt Statement
New Trimrnins
The latest apparel modeli show
' trimmings of very; kind are in
favor. Bandings and Motifs in
beaded, Paisley, cashmere and
metal combinations, alio bright
colored embroidered, effects are
good. Metal 'girdle,-tassels and
ball trimmings In great variety.
Fresh New Styles
In Neckwear
Painty Collars and Cuffs of Or
gandie, Silk and Georgette, Geor
gette Collars trimmed with ex
quisite lace, Pique Collars and
Cuffs for the coat, Vestees of
Lace, Organdie and Georgette,
Stock .Collars and Jabots made
of. lace.,
' ''',- '' -1
There-is . an appealing newness to
all of these that is seldom found
In ordinary showings.
A Day of Specials .
in the Toilet Goods,
Pebeco Tooth i Paste, 26c'
Pond's Vanishing Cream, 13c.
'4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap,
13c a cake.- -
Java Rice Powder, 21c a box.
Hughes' Ideal Waterproof Hair
Brushes, triple bristle, for only
The Blouse Store ,
Newness and distinctiveness at
a moderate price characterizes
all displays. Special attention
is directed toward the new
wash blouses, for $2.95.
Sunf ast Overdrapes
Rose, green, blue and brown Sun
fast Overdrape material, attrac
tive patterns, 75c a yard. .
Sewing Machine ifK
Sale Saturday 1HV
Your Choice o! Twenty Fine Machines
used Sewing
Machines that
are really woirth
from $15 to $,5.
We need the room, so offer them Saturday at one price,
J10. But remember, Saturday one day only.
Singers Whites
New Homes Domestics
Eldredges Wheeler-Wilsons
DonCdrll-to take advantage of these wonderful bargains.
' 100 Kew Ball-Bearlng Whites for Rent. "
Our Repair Department Is (be Best.
ISth and Harney Streets. Douglas 1M2.
Open Saturday Zrenisg Till 9 O'clock.
28, 1917.
vote almost ss a unit for the volun
teer proposition, now it seems certain
that Stephetit md Reavis will be
joined by Kinkaid in voting for the
selective draft idea and the fourth
member of the delegation may tee hit
way clear to ttand for conscription
when the ballot is taken at 11 o'clock
tomorrow. .
Representative Sloan during the
consideration of the bill to increase
the military force, tonight, in expla
nation of his position said:
"I see no reason for all this delay.
Conscription filled all the space be
tween the lines of the war declaration.
It wat voiced in the war message and
I debated it then. I have my choice
now. 1 wat ready to express it then,
and did. I shall again do to by my
vuic. I was convinccu uidb pauiui-
ism would impel men to the colors
quicker than conscription could. Let
us express our choice of method and
then vote to raise tne army tor wnicn
there it no choice.
"We hear nothing now of linking
New Arrivals
SUITING SILKS in choice new
weaves and fashionable colon,
many at old prices. Excellent
weights in taffetas, $1.50 a yard.
dreds of patterns entirely differ
ent from the ordinary; 36 inches
wide, popular prices, too, $1.60,
$1.75, $3, $2.50 a yard.
Saturday Specials
In the Silks
Five pieces of Haskell's $2 Black
Taffeta, a fine weight for ser
vice; Saturday, $1.66 a yard.
Natural Shantung (33-34-inch.)
Five pieces of $1.00 quality,
Saturday, 59c a yard.
and fancy silks of all sorts.
Qualities sold regularly up to $2
and $2.50 a yard. Saturday,
your choice, $1,49 a yard.
An Enlarged Apparel Offering
For the Week-End
Decidedly Interesting Values Saturday
Suits. $25
Tailored and Sport Models,
in men's wear serge, gabar
' ' dine, wool jersey and mix
it lures. Featuring exceptional
Specially Priced
Corset Cover And Open Drawer
Combination, sizes' 34j 36, 38, re
duced as follows: :
f 1.75 quality
$2.00 quality
$3.00 quality
$3.50 quality
$4.75 quality
-' $1.29
- $1.39
- $2.19
- $2.49
- $3.29
third Floor
nave 20
boats and drowning people, but we
hear all about the critical problem of
the eatt. The real motive for war ex
itted April 5 and wat manifest to
those in authority then as now, but
the American people were not in
formed. Men neglected study and de
liberation then and their judgment
wat accepted. By that decision the
nation it bound. There thould be no
more delay by thit house.
"The men who voted againtt war
have delayed neither in committee nor
house swift legislative action. They
yielded no constitutional right then;'
they shrink from no duty now. They
will probably show to the nation and
the world that while they were guided
by judgment instead of impulse they
will not shrink from action or respon
sibility." Peter Peterson. Lincoln, minority
leader of the Nebraska house of rep
resentatives, who has been in Wash
ington on matters before the War de
partment, left today for New York,
but will return to the capital on Monday.
Hosiery Sale
A Month-End Event
Children's Hose offering unusual
values. Two numbers fin black
silk lisle hose, sires 6 to 8, alto
cotton hose In black and white,
sires 6 to 9H. A fortunate pur
chase permits us to offer
These 35c Hose, Saturday for 25e
f I.2S pur thread Silk Hot for
woman, Saturday, $1 a pair. The
price is for the on day only.
Black and white pure thread silk
hose, lisle tops and soles, both
regular and out sizes.
Saturday, $1.00 a pair.
There Is True
Economy in
Coats, $15,
Stylish new models, favored
fabrics, tined, half lined, or
unllned as preferred. ' ur-'
prisingly good values.
Dix Dresses ;
$2 to $5
Recent arrivals in materials suit
able for spring and summer wear.
Dye-fast colors, not to be injured
by frequent tubbings.
'. ! ... . Bailment
Bar Fins studded with Rhine
stones, Beauty Fins, Fancy Chain
Girdles, . Gold Lingerie Clasps,
Glass Beads, all colors; Enameled
Bar Pins.
Notion Section
I )&ew"fleri( Wanted"! J
V ic Per Wodt en Phone Orders
War Time Bread Will
Keep Fresh Much Longer
New York, Apri' 27. In response
to the suggestion of official Washing
ton that everything possible be done
to conserve the nation's food supply,
the Hotel Martinique has placed on
itt menu a special kind of bread that
represents a saving of wheat flour. It
haa been named "Martinique Old
Glory Bread," and it is said to be
even more nutritious than the ordi
nary bread,
Julea Biron. French chef, says a
similar kind of bread is being eaten
now throughout France.
He gives the recipe as follows:
Four ounces rye flour, twelve ounces
whole wheat, three pounds white
flour, one quart water, oue-half ounce
yeast, one ounce salt.
Besides containing more nutriment,
this war-time bread will keep much
longer. It can be kept at least a
week without getting stale and it t
really at its best several days after it
is baked.
In the Newest Fashion
Variety is emphasized in these
showings of new silk and leather
bags; styles that harmonize with
new costumes.
IN LEATHER: Seal and Crepe
Seal Bags, in black and colors,
silk lined, fitted with coin purses
and mirrors, $1.50 to $20.
IN SILK: Plain black bags, also
novelty effects in colors, fitted
with coin purses and mirrors.
Notion Section
White Voiles
large variety of checks and
stripes, copied from imported
fabrics, 38 inches wide, 50c yd.
VOILES in small designs, very
attractive, 28-inch, 65c a yard.
Linen Section
A Large Shipment
of New Untrimmed
ShapeS Baaemant
Milans, Lisere, Shiny Straws, in
the best shapes of the season.
Every good color and black.
Styles are sailors, tricornes,
mushrooms, rolling sailors
Qualities QC
to $3.85. Saturday yj
Trimmed free of charge
when materials are se
lected in the Basement
Millinery Section.