14 Your dealer hat supply of fresh Suakist Oranges awry day. Theae are tha uniformly good oranges Order dozen today. , . Sunkisl Uniformly Good Oranges CdihtahrrakGrmnEiehafa 30c 6s 3c Now on Sale at ; Leading Grocers and Department Stores FLOUR FLOUR FLOUR Blue Bell, Gooches' Best, Sunkist Flour,, all the leading brands of flour at less than wholesale cost. Per sick, 48 pounds. .. .83.25 With each order of 12,00 or over. Strictly Freeh Country Eggs, per own 33 Beechwood Creamery Butter, per pound 45 E. C. Corn Flakes, per pkg FANCY TABLE POTATOES Fancy Table Potatoes, peck. .85 25c can K. C, Baking Powder, per can .......... i... .......19a Large can Table Peaches. .17V4 STEM GROCERY Free Delivery. Mail Orders Fillad Promptly at Above Prices. -213 South 24th Street. . Telephone Douglae 2514. ENLIST l THE ECONOMY ARMY of grocery buyers who arc making daily savings at tha Baikal Stores' every day low prices, a few of hun dreds arei APPLES: Washington White Win. ter Per main. Best Apples, now, per boa. . .$1.96, 12.19 and 12.42 ORANCESi Sweetest ever) no need to waste high pricod sugar on these. They keep fine, too get a ease, only 83.17 P to 83.68 Per doien. 21. 24. 26 end several other siaee. . .. ( LEMONSi A carload now in, the best juicy kind, doa, 16c to I9& Get a case, Lemons will soon be much higher -ceae, $4.33 Get our prices on Flour before buying. Market tends upward." Loganberry juice called LOJU. It's a splendid drink, 30c bottle, 24 MAPELENE, maple ' flavor, 35c bottle for ., . . , , i . . . . , . .28 15.00 Orders Delivered Free Within a Reasenable Distance. Smaller Orders, Over $1.00, for S Cente. Ste 'r - The Basket' Stores f' Jis-S FUr.ec. ' - UUfc .PRODUCTS I nine ! in 1 IVY 1 AD J(ome Economics department Simple Desserts With Cornstarch - Of the innumerble recipes masquer ading under different names, a great many of thennmaybe traced to a common origin sweetened flavored Jiquid stiffened with cornstarch. Peo ple who scorn the humble "Cornstarch l'udding" will gladly eat it if prop erly garnished and served under an other name. , The only problem in cooking cornstarch is to cook it long enough for the raw taste to disappear this disappearance being a sign that the starch granules are in condition to be easily digested. Thirty to forty-live minutes' cooking in a double boiler is none too long for the thorough rooking of the starch. If egg is added, it had best lie stirred in during the last five minutes of cook- Quart Large caii Table Pears, .t.174 Large can Table Apricots. 17 tte Sunbright Cleanser, 3 pkgs. .10(2 Swift's Pride Washing Powder, 8 pkgs. for. i.'..10 EXTRA! EXTRA) EXTRA I Extra large sweet Navel Oranges, 60e Btie, per doien .30 MEAT SPECIALS No. 1 Pot Roasts, per lb. .17 He Fresh Hamburger, lb IK Fresh Home-Dresser Chickens, per pound No. 1 Steer Chuck Steak, lb., 20 No. 1 Pork Chops, per lb. . . .23 & MEAT MARKET rrT'rrnTr ffffT Tr-THii SEEDS, flower or garden, 2 pack- ages, for .5 Sunbright Cleanser, 3 S-cent cans, 10, one package....... .14 Blueing, bottle ..6 Clothes Pins, 36 for 5 Toilctecr, use it instead of Sani- fhish) 25c can.. 21 Ammonia, bottle f) Rex Lye, can g 9 Bars Diamond C Soap. . . .25 Shinola Shoe Polish, lOe boa 81 25e Shinola Home Sets 18c lOe Jet Oil Shoe Polish. .... .Se Thread, 3 spools... ...13c . DRIED FRUITS '.. , Raisins, Seedless, bulk, Ib..,.l4c Seedless, pkf. i , ' .", . ,18e Seeded, pkg. i'. ...... . J , .13e Currants, washed, bulk, )b...'.22e . 11 -ounce pkg. . 14c , I Oft JT St01eS Oleomargarine Practical housewives find tha sav ings due to the use of Silver Churn Oleo margarine enable them to buy many additional dainties for the table. But aside from economy, Silver Churn gives rn oaf gatufactory rcaulta for table nM ' and cooking purpose. Government inspection is your assurance) of parity; Armour's Oval Label guarantees its quality. . Ask for Silver Chora by 13th 4 Joaea w. i- th A Co-Oparation. Readers ire cordially invited" to k Hill Orosi my questions bout household economy upon which she may possibly give help ful advice; they ire also invited to give suggestions from theit expe rience that may be helpful to others meeting the same problems. ing, for egg is not improved by long cooking. A plain cornstarch mold, made from a pint of milk and suf ficient to serve four people will cost 'about 14 cents and provide about 1,000 calories, or units ol food value, ex cluding egg, the pudding would cost only 10 cents plus, and would furnish something over 900 calories. CORNHTABCK MOLD. 1 pint milk Few sralna Hit I t. vanilla 4 T. ciirnsturfh ti to 1-1 c. ausar t atf. If dcalrcd. . Heat milk in double boiler, reserv ing 14 cup to mix with the cornstarch. When milk is scalded, add cornstarch paste and ill other ingredients, ex cept vanilla if egg is not used. Stir till mixture thickens, then allow : i cook thirty to forty-five minutes, stir ring occasionally. If egg is added, beat it slightly with the salt, add sugar, then stir into cooked corpstarch mix ture the last five minutes of cooking. Add vanilla, pour into wet molds and chill. Turn out and serve with cream, fruit juice, or a special sauce. ' Sometimes only the yolk of the PROHIBITION May First will be the last of liquor. The people have voted it out. But there is one drink that will always remain. You cannot use it to excess. MILK will never be prohibited. It la a food drink. It is man's most perfect food. Contains all the elements of nutrition; the sole food for the baby: a build er of bone and muscle in the growing child. Alamito Milk Is Safe Milk is a culture for germs. It must be free from germs before it is safe for consumption. It is made safe by pasteurizing. Alamito Milk Is Pasteurized When good milk is perfectly Jasteunzed, you may indulge reely. No food gives more nutriment. No food is as cheap. Today's watchword is "Econ omy." Limit your other foods, but increase your milk supply. Your health and your purse, will benefit. LET ALAMITO SERVE YOU. : Ask Your Grocer, or Phone Douglas 409. The Alamito Dairy Company v mi PmcIim Fancy Mulr ........14. Pmiwa Lara shw, lb 14e CANNED FRUIT j PMra Mountain Bartlatt, can. .2Ie Paaehaa Mountain HalVM 23c Apricota Lara, can 13c Crackara Graham, lb 14c Dataa Dromedary, pkff . ,.13e Corn Flakaa National, pkf., Scl 3 tor S2c Cora Flakaa Krlnkla, lars. ISc pkf.. 12c Milliard S-. tumbler. Si 3 for 22c Catsup Armour'a 25c ala ...21c Lataup Hewaare, m wa... MEAT DEPARTMENT Our Sanitary Markota handle the boot of Maata, both Fresh and Cured. CHEESE Full Wiaeoasia Cream or brick, lb ....SO. Sail Whlt.ll.h, lb., 7ct 4 Iba 25c Herrmf , Rolled Mop, lb 4c I 3 lbs, 10c Aaaorted Mackerel. No. 1 18c No. I 44c. No. S ........ Sc S-lb, Pall.... M1.47 Milker Herrinf, S-lb. pell.. jl.ia Criaco lc, Sac, 11.64 Sawtay SSc end See BUTTER7-Boet creamwr. lb. carton. BUTTER-t-B at ...... Cood Tu B ...eao Butter, lb. 44c name, x COMPANY uuTrz, Ms. St, Omaha, Neb. wiLKinsun, Q Ste. So 1740. HavMoca Aahland I egg is added during cooking, and the stiffly beaten White is folded in after the pudding is removed from the stove. Or the white may be convert ed into a meringue and served on .top of the pudding. To make a meringue beat egg stiff with a few grains salt, fold in IT. powdered sugar and. t. vanilla,.' -.' Variations of Cornstarch Pudding. Chocolate . Cornstarch Mix 3 T, cocoa or grated chocolate with the cornstarch paste. Increase the sugar to , c..' . . , Coffee Cornstarch Scald the milk with 2 to 3 T., ground coffee, strain and proceed as usual. Caramel Cornstarch Melt !4 c. sugar extra in a frying pan aver a slow flame, add to scalded milk and proceed as usual. , . Fruit Mold Place a small quantity of! sweetened fruit in fhe. bottom ol one large, or several individual small molds. Pour Cornstarch pudding over the fruit.' When the mold is turned out, the fruit is on- top, making a very attractive dessert. A small quantity of crushed fruit, such as- 1-3 c grated pineapple may be stirrrd into the pudding just be fore molding. ... i . iBVIT CROW, v ; 1 c, fnilttjutoev aweet't eear white. enod well - J - Fovi Brains aalt , 1 T. curnaterch . : Cook cornstarch and sweetened juice as directed' above. Remove from flahie and fold-in stiffiy. beaten egg white. Serve in tall glasses, garnished with fruit and whipped cream. Especi ally good with berry juice and berries. Almond Sponge Make a plain corn- starch pudding, remove frpm name, fold in two egg whites beaten tilt stiff, and 'i c. blanched chopped almonds. Mold, c,hill and serve .with custard sauce.: i . . ' Cl'fiTARn SAt't:K. 1 ft milk .'.'.'.'. , Few iralha lt- ' ! Mta xolka. , t t, Taallla,. 3 T. auaar .'. . . t ... Scald milk, pour onto other ingredi ents except vanilla, .strain into double boiler and . cook till sauce thickens, stirring . constantly. Remove from flame, add vanilla and cool. , Santa Fe Employes to Get Bonus. San Bernardino, Cal April 27. All employes of; the A. tchison, Topeka & Santa Ff railroad will receive July 1 a 10 per cent bonus on six months' pay, accdrding to 'an announcement made here tonight. : V I 11 SMS . t, MI. WV PIG PORK LOINS, PER LB . . ......... ... . . .1878c FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS, PER LB. . . . . .19c Steer Pot Roast, lb Young1 Veal Roant, lb. . , Young Veal Chops, lb Steer Shoulder Steak, lb..... PiB Pork Roast, lb Pie- Pork Butts, lb . Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb. Sparr Ribs, -lb. . ...... . . . .14e .131CC ..7'tC .17 Vic .22V,c .15 We Deliveries Mad to All Parts of the City PUBLIC 1610 Harney Street. CHOICE FOREQUARTERS LAMB, Freih, not froier,', lb.'.. . PIG PORK LOINS, PER LB. . ...,. .. FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS, PER LB. ............. w . . Young Veal Roaat. Mr lb. ...... ..1JV,C Younj Veal Chop,, lb 17V.0 Steer Pot Roaat, lb ..M'ic Steer Shoulder St.ak. lb. ....... .17 V,c Steer Porterhouae Steek. lb.......32Vae Pif Pork Roaat. lb.... 1SJ.C Pit Pork Butt,, lb. ............. M'ic Snare Rlba, lb..,.. .,(.. .ISVic Dtllvertea Made to All Part, ol the City EMPRESS 113 South letk Street. The Washington Leads in Price MEATS 1 Choice Steer Sirloin Roast, 1b....t0c Choice Steer Shoulder Roast, per lb. ' at ITVitaodlOc Choice Steer Rib Roast, lb. . . . . ,llVc Choice Steer Boiling Beef, !b....t2Vac. Extra fancy Hindquarters Lamb, per lb.. at e.02 Extra fancV Forequarten Lamb, per lb., at i U Lamb Stew, per lb.'. .,....-,..... ISe Choice Steer Sirloin Steak, per lb.. SOc Beef Tenderloin, lb ......3S Extra Lean Pork Chops, lb. .SSe Strtetly Sugar Cured Breakfast Raeon, per lb., at ITVfy Strictly Sugar Cured Regular Hams, per lb., at 25Vc Strictly Sugar Cured Pknle Hams per lb., at UV,e Freeh Caught White Fish, Trout and Black Bess, per lb 3S l.tve Lobeters, racfc SOe Extra Large Hard Shelled Crabs, each at i AN erders south to Martha and weal to All orders Berth to Ames Am had west T L All erders must be In hall an WASHlKCr 1407 JDOUGIAS .Ht MOST Um-r- BATM Home-Grown Vegetables Found on Market fable The gentle springtime' is showing some of its effects on the vegetable and fruit markets of the city of Oma ha. They are overflowing with suc culent good things from the ground, many of them raised around Omaha in early hotbeds and others coming here from the far parts of the country. Strawberries are abundant and at little prices. The quality is also su preme and the berries are of the finest sort of tempting color. .They come here at this time of the year from Louisiana. . , Potatoes have not advanced in price during the last week, but are holding their own. The lowest price quoted on them is 85 cents a peck or $3.40 a bushel, no reduction, you see, even if you take a) bushel. New potatoes are showing up in bigger sues than heretofore and thus heralding the time when the crop. Do You Waste These Things in Cooking? 'Dry Stale Bread and Crusts. Put through medium knife of food-chopper and store in jars with perforated tops to prevent rancidity. Keep but tered bread or toast separate and use soon after preparing. " Use .for fish, vegetables, and meat scallops; gravy, soup, and! bisque thickenings; for griddle-cakes, cake, muffins, biscuits, and fritters, puddings, blanc-mange, and cereals, as well as for all sorts of crumming purposes. Stale Cake. May be usd in pud dings, fritters, gelatins, blanc-mange, fruit molds, and in making fresh cake and steamed puddings.. Orange, Grapefruit,: and Lemon Peel. Should be scraped of all mem brane aid used at once for sugared peel, for candy, or used in making cakes, puddings, cookies, and in gar nishing sweet dishes. If desirable, collect it gradually, keeping it in slightly salted water in a cool place for four or five days. Use fresh in re-enforcing fruit beverages, gelatins, and sherbets. Trimmings From Salad Greens. Stew in water or stock, together with a little pickle spice, add rice to thick en (three tablespoonfuls to a quart ot vegetable stock) and, at the end of the cooking, strain and season with a bouillon cube. A real blood tonic. Use cress in the same way, also mince For the invalid as well as those in perfect health Bakerk Cocoa is an ideal foo d bev erage, ptire, delicious andwnolespme.! '. ' ,. ''.;.-:'v'' '."' .- Walter Bakr 8 Co. Ltd. ESTABLISHED I7SO DORCHESTER, MASS. Extra Lean Regular Hami, lb 24e Sugar Cured Hbidh, lb..... 20 c No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb , 33s4c Sugir Cured Bacon, lb .283(c SPECIALS From S to p. m. Pork Chops, lb., 18c From 10 p. m. Lamb Chops, lb Be Wall Orders Filled at These Prices MARKET Phone Doutlaa 2793. ,.13c .187a .194 . . .Mc ...200 ...33,c ...26c Sauaase, Hi? Extra Lean Regular" Huna.- lb. Sugar Cured Hanta, lb..... . No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb .;, Sugar Cured Bacon, lb......,., . SPECIALS From to 9. p. m. Country or lb. at From to 10 p. m. Pork Chop., lb., ISe Mall Orders Filled at Tbeae Prices MARKET Phone Douflu 2307. Market Always and Quality f GROCERIES ft bars Diamond O Soap. ......... .25c 8 cans Peas ,...2Bc Two L-lb. pkffi. Tea Stf tings. .... .25c Fresh Bulk Sauer Kraut, S lb 16c Fancy Bulk Breakfast Cocoa, lb. . . .25c Fancy Kidney Beans, 2 lbs 25c Fancy Sifted Peas. 8 cam..., SSc Freiili Roasted Coffee, 35c special, per lb., at . 28c Sugar, 10 lbs., for.. $1.00 All Brands Creamery Butter, lb...4Sc Fresh Country Butter, lb 40c FRUITS VEGETABLES Green Onions, i hunches. .. .. . ... .Sc Fancy Large Radishes, 8 bunches. .10c Fancy Home Grown Asparagus. I bunches for ISc Fancy Leaf Lettuce, bunch.... Se Cauliflower, 2 for..... 2Sc Fresh Spinach, peek... ......ISt Head Lettuce, large head 10a : New Potatoes, par lb .....10s Bermuda Onions, lb ............. 10c Sweet Oranges, per dosen ...18e Thin Skinned Lemons, dotcn 20c Extra Fancy Strawberries, Quart. , .20c per pint, at...., ,18c Mth St., leave every day at 9:30 A. M. to 46th St, leave very day at I P, M. faeur before delivery leavee. T blXA'.TYLIVR 470 rxa MiooLt wist . wilt get its full groSvth and potatoes will be plentiful and, let us hope, cheap. The new ones sell at about 2'A cents a pound. Cabbage and cauliflower are good, but sell also at around i-'A cents a pound. , Cucumbers are also big and fine. ' Asparagus is on the market in full force and very fine asparagus it is, too. Fresh string beans and green peas are plentiful at 20 cents a pound. Fresh turnips, carrots, radishes and lettuce, both leaf and head lettuce, are abundant and at moderate prices. Rhubarb the succulent and whole some spring vegetable, is also plenti ful. Apples from the west are still on the market at prices per box about what they have been all winter And oranges are also abundant at the for mer prices. any leftover sprigs, and sprinkle over steak or fish. Cauliflower Leaves. Cook twice as long as the cauliflower, chop, season as greens, and use to supplement the flower itself. Celery Tips. Spread on papers, dry, store in jars, and use for season ing. Use fresh as a basis for soup, a garnish for salad or meats, and for frying in a thin batter. Leftover Vegetables. Peas, car rots, Lima or string beans, corn, as paragus, radishes, green peppers, cab-' bage, cauliflower; use alone, or in any combination in soups, either in stock, or with bouillon cubesT salads, or scal lops. Turnips, carrots, beets, Lima beans, potatoes and so forth. Use in vegetable hash, soups, casseroles with ham or smoked fish. Stewed or scal loped tomatoes use in casseroles, with baked beans, in soups, to make aspic, in sauces, and bread or cereal dressings. Vegetable, Parings. Scrub vegeta bles well and out all narinss. includ ing those from potatoes, into a gen eral stock-pot- Cooked Cereals. Use in stock-pot, soups, scallops, meat, fish and vegeta ble loaves, griddle- cakes, waffles, muffins, puddings and croquettes, iettover scrambled. Coached or Fried Hggs. Use minced in sand wiches, potato or fish salad, or souo. Rice Water. Use in stock-pot. or as base tor soup. Sour Milk. Use In makinsr biscuSs. all kinds of grain muffins; steamed or THE BEST MACARONI rttttrWTTOHifflE$T'cWDlJ.WHIAT COOKS III BNIKUTB. COOK BOOK FREE SUNNED HFG.CO. OMAHA. US A. iaiajr Hoxefoni Taehn) ti America. SAVE EGGS NOW FOR NEXT W1K1H .; . J Coat With Eftg-O-Latum Keep Per fectly Cue When Worth Double or Treble Remember what you paid for sgga last winter 40 cents to (0 cents a dosen? They'll be higher next win ter, because hens are lewer and the demand greater. Preserve spring eggs now. Means a saving of 20 to 40 cents a dosen next- December and January, or a profit of 100 per cent to 200 per cent oti your money. Egg-O-Latum can be applied at the rate of one dozen eggs per minute and at a cost of 1 cent per dosen. There is no evaporation, no air-cell, no contracted odors, no deteriora tion; the yolk remains whole and in the center of the eggs; poaching, boiling, frying and beating as if un der a week. It is guaranteed to keep fresh egga nine months to a year so that they cannot bo told from eggs laid within a week. Couldn't Tell From Fresh "I tried out a Jar of Egg-O-. Latum last summer and It worked fine; used the eggs In winter and you couldn't tell them . from fresh eggs, Ogden Feed Co., Ogden, Utah," "Please send me two Jars of Egg-O-Latum. I have used five ' Jars and find preservative very satisfactory. Have also dlstrib . uted some among various Cath olic institutions, namely: St Louis, Mo.; Waterloo, la.; Kirk . wood. Ma They all think very highly of the preparation. Rev. A. V. Nicolas." Don't pay exorbitant prices for eggs next winter. Begin preserving now, before the moulting season and hot weather. Little trouble; no risk. Beat the food speculators. Sell your surplus at the fancy prices. Egg-O-Latum Is prepared In 60 cent Jars, enough for (0 dozen eggs. At dealers or mailed postpaid. Full information free. Geo. H. Lee Co., 602 le Building, Omaha. Neb. Adv. 1 . - ? i CAT' MANNERS sWWi fc"--'If JT.: . ..' Bee Want Ads Bring Best Results baked brown, whole wheat, or grjliaiu bread, spice cake; spiced cookies, plain cake, ginger-bread and ginger drop-cookies, butter cakes, boiled salad dressing. Sour Cream. Use in making fruit ice creams, cream fruit sherbets, chicken gravy, cheese cake, cooked salad dressing, uncooked cote-slaw dressing, whipped in mayonnaise, to enrich creum-of-tomato soup; and in shortening any of the quick grain breads, gingerbreads, and in .making dark-colored cakes. Bacon, Ham and Ssussge Fat Use for sauteing when savory tastes are desired, in seasoning spaghetti, savory rice, savory hominy, browning meat for stews, .ir casseroles, in shortening gingerbread or spicy cakes of dark color, in making spice and ginger cookies, and in shortening quick grain breads, or the trusts for meat, vege table, or fish pies. Chicken Fat. Try out and ose jn making "three-minute oie crust," cakes, cookies, and for sauteing. Beef Fat and Fat from Stock-pot. Try out and use with one-third lard for deep fat frying, or plain for saute ing; beef fat alone for shortening cakes, cookies, puddings, biscuits, dumplings and pie crust. Odds and Ends of Fruit Use in fruit salads, fruit gelatins, fruit cups, fruit soups, fruit beverages, tapiocas, compotes of rice and farina, and in case of juicy berries, as raspberries, strawberries, and so on; use in drinks and for corn-starch puddings. Leftover Fish. Use in croquettes with rice or potato, creamed as a sauce over brown rice, in salads with celery, cabDage, radishes, or shredded romaine, cress or lettuce, or use to season cream-of-fish soup, or for stuf fing peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage leaves. Bits of Cheese and Rinds. Put cheese scraps through food chopper and use in Welsh rarebjt; cheese sauce for fish, rice, or hominy; in vegeta-' ble scallops; creamed potatoes; Ger man style; cheese croquettes, etc; grate cheese from rinds and use on spaghetti, in creamed vegetables, td make cheese sticks, cheese biscuits, cneese pie crusts tor truit pies, cheese toast, and serve with stock vegetable suups. i icionai iteview. Oh, Horrors of War! Father-in-Law Asks" Son-in-Law Drafted A well-dressed, middle-aged Oma han asked Captain McKinley, the of ficer in charge of the army recruiting aratinn if 'th 4r.f k;il ..1,1 I .. - u.si, uill WUU1U UC- come law. The captain said he judged irom newspaper reports that congress would pass it ' "Good!" exclaimed the visitor. "I have a son-in-law who doesn't amount, to much, but he michr mat .ni' soldier. Here's his name and I want you to draft him into the, army as soon as the bill becomes law." '' Hungerford to Contract .V For No More Potato Land A LT TT . , r- iimni,. nungerrora oi Lrawtord, president of the Hungertord" Potato Growers association, whose Omaha ' omree are at- the mphm a i?;rAAn.u and Howard streets and whose lands are in Dawes and Box Butte coun ties, the famous potato-raising coun- yjt vj. .ituiMan., is in inc city con- B ...... . . uii.uin, ecuci.ry- treasurer, and attending a stockhold- iri i it u v m h . v uivbiiuK ui liic et-SHOciarinn.. m r this meeting Thursday Mr.: Hunger- II " wiinicm vnargc Oti tha farming department,: - reported uii mc association Had already -sold all of the tracts he could conserva t!,el .Pro,nise to properly seed and till this spring, whereupon the asso ciation Vntmii in ..all Ct .L- t. their potato tracts for this spring and to engage exclusively in the sale- ..ten idi ui ana rancn lands . in - DawM find Rnv Ri.ft : evidenced by their large advertise- iMciu on me iana page ot this issue. , vv,a,lvJI Kiiin throw another large sub-division open .., ..win wuii.li iu oner nve-ar.re nntatn tra.e A ia this spring, but under contract for idimiug in lyio. , n.:...i. t:i a , riivaie inai for opeeaer . Is Held in Judge's Office - jiauQt, 4UUI U1UC1.CB HO compiaint" to be written ,after the.. ninc oi Aicycr xyictyt OiiU hartley - itrft nrhn haA ka .r...J ...lal. I I avii Ki will! . golden rule summons for speeding by muiurtyuc umccr rarrano. . . "Mr KUin iA ... J.c.. .s.u aav til J UlillfJ Thursday night after, he had- been , APrviH with mmmnn. (n- r.a.J,'n 1 '. explained the judge. "He told me thai ' ht wa en in cr at thai 1-9ai nf amLt.i.v v "v 'oil. ui aikjiiiccil miles an hour when arrested.- I told ntm ne am not have to appear in COUrt. He haft l(Vr Kai arraeral ' Deiore. - Six other men whom Officer Far rand lummnnrl itifn a-nnvr (n- . ; vuuit iui aittu- ing appeared and were fined. They re; v. vy. morion, iuj uavenport street; J. C' Weeth, 1917 Wirt street; ournnam, io sahler street; Al Don oghue, S425 North Twenty-fourth street, and W. F. Maher, 2629 Cass street. : M. Polonsky, 1913 North Twenty-1 fifth atrerr. uaa t.A t? tn J .. ' i - ciiu W919 for passing a stopped street car. Altmayer Talks Here On Live Salesmanship Larry Altmayer, special reoreseni : tative for the Dry Goods Economist! ' addressed the buyers, ..managers and . executives of Burgess-Nash compan ' and M. E. Smith & Co.. at a special luncheon at the Rome hotel. Ihe luncheon was a . committed meeting of the two organizations, to iuruicr mcir arrangements tor the general inspiration meeting at the Boyd the latter part of May. These: meetings are doing a great , deal in showing the young men and women , the great advantages of takinff uo the dry goods business, either retail or . wholesale, as a life work. j - . Burglars Get Two Tons f! ;? Of Food from Grocery; Burglars operating with a birmc tor truck looted the grocery store of W. A. Barry, 4401 South Twenty fourth street, South Side, during the night and took away 'nearly two tons. of provisions. s The most valuable part of the bootv consisted ot ouu pounds ot sugar. 1,200 pounds of flour, 200 pounds of' rice, 100 pounds of beans and sixty five pounds of butter. . Police Officer Geralski Fohnrf door of the store open and life? dis covered that the place had ..--m looted. i