Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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    Friday, April 27, 1917-
Com Moor tka Now VkMr Raeores for
""My, Rooty 5tur.r Fourth Flow"
Tk Vtry Lato.1 Book. Worth Roarfuif An
k tho Circulating Library at I Chu a Dr
-Phone Douglas 137,
For a Rousing Day at Burgess-Nash Saturday
Beautiful new
Creations in
Mid-Summer Millinery
Specially Priced for Saturday
A CHARMING new gathering of the latest ideas in new
summer millinery, specially priced, will greet you
here in the big Second Floor section Saturday.
Beautiful All White
Decreed by fash
ion as correct for
summer wear, trim
med with white wings,
flowers and faced
with georgette crepca
or silk.
Dainty Leghorn HaU,
Also Black Hats
So much in vogue
now; some lisere
braid, also beautiful
milans trimmed with
the new burnt effects.
Banded Italian Milans Reduced Saturday, to $5.00
The hat of the hour extremely smart are these light
weight, finely sewed milans, fifteen different styles, Sat
urday, special, at $5.00.
Burt...-Na.h Co. Second floor
Fresh Carnations
at Burgess-Nash
Long- stem, fresh cut, white
and colors, 3c each.
Fresh Roses, 3c
Fresh cut, long stem, beau
tiful roses, various kinds, 3c
' Sweet Peas, 19c
Home-grown sweet peas, ex
quisite fragrance, assorted col
ors, 19c buifich. -
Burim-Nuk Co. Main Floor
omen s Linen
Handkerchiefs 7V&C
Also linen lawn with embroid
ered corners, initial and colored
edges, -very special, Saturday,
at 7 He each.
Handkerchiefs, 6 for 59c
Men's initial handkerchiefs,
good quality with white or col
ored initials, 6 in box, for 59c.
Bnrgoss-Nosh Co Main Floor
Spring Hat
"DETTER come here Saturday
D and pick it out We'll as
sure you there's no better place.
A style to suit every face.
Halt, at $2.00
Burnasro Spe
cial hats, soft
or stiff.
Hats, at $3.00
Burgess - Nash
feature hats,
soft or stiff.
StoUon Hats
You know the worth of a"
Stetson; many new styles as
well as the old favorites, $3.50
to $10.00.
Burgooo-Noah Co. Fourth Floor
Painty new '
arrmhin ' .,' . '
Tailleur Batiste Blouses
at $2.50 and $3.50
WITH collars and cuffs of pique and colored handker
chief linen, others in white made of handkerchief
linen, hand-embroidered. Also stripes, in rose and copen,
with smart white pique collars and cuffs.
Tub Silk Blouses, at $1.95
Flesh, white, maize and coral, smart styles with flat sailor col
lars, others in sport models with pockets and ties, also frill models.
Particularly good values, at $1.95.
Crepe ele'Chene Blouses, $3.95
Flesh and white, tucks and hemstitching used as trimmings, striped
tub silk blouses,, in "slip-over" model, large collars and long; sleeves.
Georgette crepe and hand-made voile and batiste blouses, smartest
of the smart, with that look so different from the ordinary kind, em
broidered, beaded, braided, hemstitching, jabots, frills and the use
of real filet and Venice laces.
$4.95, $6.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $13.75 to $25.00
Burge.-Na.a Co. S.cond iFloor
omen's Dainty
Neckwear, 50c
Including pique collars, collar
and - cuff sets, organdie and
georgette crepe jabots; splendid
selection, at 5tc. "
' Crepe Collars, $1.00
Georgette crepe collars with
filet lace, georgette crepe ja
bots, filet and chantilly lace
trimmed, at $1.00 each.
Bnrgou-Naak Cov Mi Floor
omen's Mer
cerized Hose at 50c
New fashioned, seamless, in
the new shades of tan, silver,
gray, fawn, palm beach and put
ty. Very special, at 50c pair.
Women's Hose, 39c
Extra fine "Bumasco" qual
ity black cotton hose, full fash
ioned, regular made foot, dou
ble top, in regular or outsizes, 1
at 39c pair.
Burgo..-No.h Co. M.ta Floor
Sporting Goods
News Special
We say "special" because we
believe the values we have to
offer you are of unusual im
portance to you.
Base Ball
Base ball shoes, all leather,
with steel plates, special, at
$2.50 pair.
Base balls, League brand, at
$1.00 each.
Base ball bats, "Louisville
Slugger," at $1.00.
Roller Skates
Roller skates for boys or
girls, plain bearing, 25c.
Roller skates for boys or
girls, ball bearing, 75c to $1.00.
Union Hardware roller skates,
ball bearing, at $1.95.
Tennis Goods
New and complete line of
tennis racquets, $1 to $10.
Golf Goods
Everything you need in golf
goods for the entire family.
Fishing Tackle
They're biting better get
your tackle read.y; and we is
lue fishing and hunting license,
Burgoaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
We want you
to come and see
These Pretty New Pumps for
Women's Summer Wear
TjLAIN, rich, dignified; no sub--L
stitutes used in making these
shoes. , i
White nile cloth, new colonial pattern .'
Patent kid, perforated,-short tongue effect.
Patent kid, spat pattern
Dull kid colonial
Dull kid, spat pattern.
French bronze kid plain pump.
And the Most Wonderful Showing of
Novelty Pumps j
Gray kid, brown kid, colored kid with vogue quarters, .
in all, over fifty new models.
Women'a Pumpi, at $3.95
Special A clearaway of all short lines and broken sizes, styles
that we will not duplicate. ', ..
Nine different kinds at a fraction of their real values, at $135.
BurgMO-Nooh Co. Second Floor
Men this is ,
addressed to, you . '
You'll Find Men's Shoes
On the Big Fourth Floor
YES! and it will be verymuch to your interest to take
l the time to visit this splendid department, for we
know there's a saving represented on every pair. Our
stock was bought before
the big increase in leather
and this benefit we pass
on to you. Only the very
best makes find represen
tation in this -. section
amonsr them the
Famous J as. A. Banister fine shoes for men, for which
we are sole selling agents for this territory.
. The New Low Shoes for Men
At $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 '
In a variety, of models that will appeal to the smart dresser as
well as the more conservative. We're sure we can please you.
Boys' Shoe, $3.50 and $4.00
Black calfskin, English last, nepUn soles, at $3.50 and $4.00
the pair. x Co-Fourth Floor -
Here is indeed a
most uncommon sale of
For women, large and small, and misses, at
AN offering that should and will ap
peal to every woman with a tailor
ed suit need, and too much stress cannot
be brought to bear upon the real, true
importance of this offering Saturday.
' Suits the handiwork of several of the
best suit builders in this country, offered
to you at ' '
A Big Reduction From
inal Price
Suits that were made" especially for
,Burgess-Nash just the sort that will ap
peal to the woman who enjoys wearing
clothes that are different, Suits that em
brace quality, distinctiveness and indiv
iduality; sizes 14 to 48. , ,
The materials include .
Poiret Twills, French Serges, Tricotines
Gaberdines Men's Tweeds
Black and White Check Woolens, Jltc.
The colorings Include '
Tan, . French Grays, . Copen, ' Navy
Light or Dark Mixtures, also Black
There's a wide range of selection and
we are certain you will find just the suit
. in style, material and coloring that you
have in mind and at a big reduction from
the original price.
Extra Special!
Children's Wash Dresses Specially Reduced
for Saturday to $1.00
A remarkably good selection from which to choose, including white batistes and
French ginghams, in plaids, checks, plain colors and combinations, ages 6 to 14 years
very special, at $1.00. '
Burgew-NMh Co. StonJ Floor
THE "Aviatrix"
Hand Bags, '4. 9 5
The very latest in leather
bags, real morocco or real pat
ent leather, with chain handle
and neatly fitted, at $4.95.
Silk Bags, $1.95
Moire silk bags, fitted with
large round mirror and purse.
Hand Bags, $2.50 -Real
goat leather, lined and
fitted, very special, at $2.50.
Strap Purses, $1.00 -Seal
patent 'leather strap
purses, silk lined, excellent
values, at $1.00.
Burg..-Na.h Co. Main Floor
Drugs and Toilets
Pebeco tooth paste, 29c.
Pond's vanishing cream, 15e.
Pinaud's lilac toilet water, 59c.
Monspi, 37c. .
Dr. Graves' tooth powder, 14.
1- lb. can Corylopsis talcum pow
der, 15c. .
Peroxide, bottle, 10c
Powder puffs, 10c.
Sayman s soap, rake, 6c.
Burgeas-Nash vanishing cream,
at 16c.
Burgess-Nash cold cream, 16e.
Locust blossom extract, oz., 29c.
Sloan's liniment, 16c
Colorite, for straw hats, 19e.
1 qt. household ammonia, 10c.
1 pt. witch hazel, 29c.
1 lb. hospital cotton, 33c.
2- qt. combination fountain syr
inge and hot water bottle, at
Mentholatum, 16e.
Castoria, 19c.
Sal Hepatica, 34c.
Listerine, 34c.
Milk of magnesia, 39c.
y, lb. epsom salts, 9c.
1 pt. Beef, Wine snd Iron, 79c.
1 oz. glycerine, lie.
2 os castor oil, 13c.
Wayne moth bags, 75c, 85e, $1.
purw-ri..w vo. modi rioor
Men's Suits Specially Priced
For Saturday in Three Groups at
$15, $20 and $22.50
rlREE great groups that represent the very best men's suit
values you'll find anywhere in Omaha.
Suits that are in variety of models and patterns that will
appeal to the young man as well as the more conservative
Every garment is strictly hand tailored throughout, ac
cording to our specifications, the
BOTg'SslNasIhL StoMaiM
which means .the very best possible at the regular price.
The materials are plain blue serges, homespuns and wor
steds, in the season's most approved styles, including the pinch
back, form-fitting, semi-fitted and box models. Single or dou
ble breasted, skeleton, , y or full lined.
There are all sizes for everyone stouts, slims, stubs and
regulars and we know you will not only find the style and
kind of suit you have in mind, but at a special price1 reduction.
Men's and Young Men's
Overcoats at $15 to $35
New Spring, 1917, models, light weight, incloding such
styles as the "Trench," belt back, fitted or box,-you'U appre
ciate the showing and the splendid values. .
Boys' Suits With Two Pairs
of Pants. Saturday at $5.95
MADE double-breasted style, with pinch-back or belt
all around, patch pockets, two pairs of knickerbock
er pants, full lined. We consider the values very unusual.
Boys' Wash Suits, $1.50
Junior Norfolk, Tommy Tucker and Oliver Twist
styles, made up of galatea, madras, chambray and kinder-f
garten cloth, plain colors, stripes, checks and fancies
very special, $1.50. . .
Burg..-Na.h Co. fourth Floor .
Just inside the , .1 - t ,
Harnty Street Door N " V ... '" '
A Special Purchase Enables Us to Offer
Exceptional Reductions on Men's Underwear
MEN'S high grade, standard made knitted union suits, , such brands as "Chalmers,"
"Richmond Mesco" and "Hatch,", made with closed crotch, drop seat and1 one but
ton. Of soft cotton lisle, mercerized lisle. The athletic garments are closed crotch and
Hatches one-button, made of pajama check nainsook, soisette and other soft materials suit
able for athletic union suits, in three lots according to quality, each lot showing same per
centage, of reduction; priced this way: 59c, 79c and $1.15. y .
Men's Hosiery, at 124c Pair
The clearaway of broken lots from a large jobbing bouse, including
full fashioned and full regular made, in lisle and thread silk, also soft
cottons and mercerized lisle, some of them are slightly imperfect, but(
rnosuy iirsi quality, an izes represented, dui not an sizes in any one
Kina. ah in one lor, at lzyge pair.
Men's Shirts, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00
Recent arrivals in spring shirts open up so good we want to tell youi'
about them. Bought several months ago and almost at the old nricea .
then, by marking them at a short profit they can be delivered to you at
. , . 1 ii 111. r ... , , .
as iow a price as you ever uuugnt Biurwt xor, quality considered.
: Men's Neckwear, Saturday at 50c
Another shipment just received : large, flowing end four-in-hands.
this season's patterns, made of short ends; 8 easy bands; sale price,'
aaiuraay, sue. .. . , y
Burg. M.N..P Co. M.lw Floor
r ' 1 T
A Sale of
15c dozen
Solid, thin-skinned fruit, sweet
and juicy; 216 sie, very spe
cial at 15c dozen.
Burrooo-Noah C Down Stair. Storo
Extra Sptciall '
Choice of Any Women's
Tailored Wool Suit, $12.95
SUIT values that are really wonderful every one a
most unusual offering at a very special price. Suits
that represent the season's very newest and most fa
vored styles. The materials are:
Wool Poplins, Velours, Shepherd Chech .
In navy, black, apple green, mustard and gold. Smart, loose
coat style with patch pockets, sash tied belt effect, the skirt has
pocket gathered back with belt; silk linings of splendid quality
and exceptional value, at $12.95.
v i
Sale of Refrigerators Important to You
EVERY make that is featured here is famous for its minimum ice consumption, for abso-v
lute sanitary chambers, for simplicity of operation, for its beautiful case construction
and superior finish, inside and out, and for every modern improvement that makes for
laeai reirigerauiis cuuuiuuns.
Refrigerators '
All three-door side
icing style, retinned,
adjustable shelves,
olid bronze hard
ware, automatic
door fastener, eight
walls of ice-saving
insulation. No.
size, ice capacity 75
lbs, special, S29.50.
leo ehoitt, mod. of ash, g.lvontioa
Iron lined. eompLto with iholE-
UrfO S.&s,
Type Ref rig erators
Front - door, top
icing type, made of
ih, natural finish,
rhite enamel food
hamber with two
ire shelves; tee ca
pacity 90 lbs., spe
ial, $16.50.
Illinois Tep-Icing
Type Rofriforator
Made of ash
white enamel food
chamber, two retin-
ai k... i. nea wire shelves, ice' o 1 1 ...m.i.j
lbs., at c.pacftr, ",., capacity, 75 lbs. twA 'honom; i.o
ipoeui. h iiu. sneciaL at I13.SS. '-w"r. "..
' oDoeiu at
D. DpCllDI, fU.DV,
Automatic refrig
erator, ice capacity
100 lbs., special, at
Automatic refrig
erator, with built-in
water cooler, ice ca
pacity . iuo
, $39.60.
t Burfo..-Naaa Co. Powa Stalra Storo
Illinois, top-leina
typo Rofrlgarator;
v h 1 1 . onamelcd
ThrM-door, ildt fe
int Refrigerator-