10 THE BEE: OMAHA,- SATURDAY, APRIL 28," 1917. MS. LANGE, OMAHA - PIONEER, IS DEAD Death Follows Injuries Aged Woman Sustained in Tall at . Home Week Ago. ' ' RESIDEKT . 1ITTY ' TEAKS Mrs. Vargaretha Lange, 8, widow of thc late Fred, Lange, died at St. Joseph's "hospital, where she was taken a week ago whet, she fell in her home, 3617 Farnam street, and suffered a fracture of her right leg. ' When she was taken there her con dition was despaired of, because of her advanced age, and her son, Frank J. Lange of Helena, Mont., was sent for. When the end came all four of her children were at the bedside. Be. sides Frank Lange, three daughters survive.' They are: Miss Frieda : Lange, Mrs.- C. Thomsen and Mrs, M. A. NagL . j- . Mrs. Lange had been a resident of Umaha lor over titty years and was ona of the best known pioneer women in the city; She was a charter mem ber of Kountze Memorial Lutheran , church, was a member of the Doug las County Pioneers' association and belonged to several dubs. - The funeral will be held Sunday , afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home and Rev. Baltzly will officiate. ' ' Fashions and Fripperies . Nothing Like "Olden Days" The decadence of,, .the . . American "smart set", is often commented on v its devotion to dogs instead of babies, its lavish expenditures on dress and knicknackf, its waste of good money on "monkey parties," drink and high living. Whatever, justice- there may be in these , criticisms, America, certainly has not as yet descendedto -the .level of the fripperies and follies of the past, .as represented by the fashion able sets of former times. A glance, for instance, at the article "Costume" in the Encyclopaedia . Britannka, 'with its pictures of men and women of fashion in the sixteenth and fol lowing centuries, will convince even .' the pessimist of' the truth of this statement '- What American , idler could ' be charged with matching in hia daily routine the "eighteenth century lord who toasted to; Casanova of his changing a shirt several, times a day, his chin being shaved on each occa . sionf" Or where is the lady of fash-,.- ion in our time who would fairly rival . the women of George Ill's reign? That age "saw women' head-dress-, ings reach an extravagance of tolly - i passing all that had come before it. Hair kneaded with pomatum and flour was drawn up over a cushion or pad of wool -and twisted into curls and knots , and decorated with artificial flowers and bows of ribbon, ' Woman Service League J. f Is to Meet Next Week A new detachment Iff 'he motor di vision, of-th Woman Service league, which 'was to have met Thursday at the home jf Miss paphne Peters, was . postponed a week because of the in clement weither. The class of which Miss Peters is the commandant will meet iri the Peters . garage and will have a car and instructor from the ' Orr Motor Sales company. It includes the following: Misses ' Elizabeth Davis,; Meliora Davis, Elizabeth Bruce, Margaret' Bruce, Mary Me-J ream, biadys refers, fcmily Keller, Marjorie Smith, Irene Carter. Alice Carter, 'Blanche Deuel, Eugenie Pat terson, Ann G'fford, Mona Cowell, Marion Kuhn, Stella Thummel, Mrs. George B. Thimmel and Mrs. Will Schnorr. ' ' ' Dr. T. F. Moran of Purdue To Address H. S. Grads Dr., 'Thomas Francis Moran, head of department of history in Purdue , university, will deliver the commence ment address to graduates of the pub lie high schools. Union graduation exercises will . be held in the Audi- torium on the evening of June 15. Four hundred will be graduated. Dr. Moran is prominent as an edu cator, author ana historian. - Pttpil of Beachsy ' :j Submits to. Knife In Order to Enlist Harold Kart, 20, an aviation pupil of the late Lincoln Beachey, under went an operation in an Omaha hos pital in order to qualify physically to join the aviation corps of the navy. He is now convalescing, here, and wilt soon be enlisted. H studied aviation with Beachey and other bird men at Chicago and elsewhere. His parents live at Rapid City, S. D where his father is a mining engi neer, (young Karr is adventurous, has traveled widely, including two tours of the world. He chose navy aviation as offering exciting and pa triotic activity in the war. City Farmer Has Task to ' Secure Seed for Planting When he succeeds in buying fifty bushels of wheat, for which he is now negotiating, Edson Rich, attor ney for the L'nion Pacific, believes he will have driven the wolf from the door and v'11 have solved the prob lem of the high cost "of living. Mr. Rich is the owner of a farm in the vicinity of Calhoun, where he puts in his soare time. He will have nlentv of eggs, milk, butter and cream, frnit ot an kinds and vegetables. ' To bring his hogs up to the "grain fattening point, Mr. Rich is going to feed them on alfalfa, and in purchas ing seed to sow he has been given a practical illustration of what the war has done in boosting psices. While the presumption is that no alfalfa seed has entered into the manufacture of munitions, and while none of this seed has been sent to' the allies for food, the price has advanced 100 per cent. Mr. Rich has recently bought a bushel of the seed, paying $10.50, whereas three years , ago the-same quantity would have cost a little more than $5. Skilled Workmen of Fort :(, t ' n School Display Efforts Article -wrought from -wood and metal by the boys of Fort school will be displayed on Saturday in the boys' shop of the Benson & Thofne stores. These young workmen utilize old metaf in' fashioning utensils and tools of valueJ Preston Reeves made a hand truck which bears evidence of skilled workmanship.. Roy, Norden and Donald Sloss made checker boards out of discarded pieces of furniture. Lemmel Smith, a colored boy, turned wooden cups which his father is using as toothpick, holders in his restaurant. An interesting tenure or tne cxnioit is an adjustable cellar window. , , F. W. Bason, director of vocational training at the school, arranged the exhibit; which will impress visitors witn tne value ot the train in o- at thin puoiic scnooi tor ooys. -ftr1 Authorities Combine : " To Curb Celebrations "Thna v,l, Wk. U.I. IL. I.... in , celebrating the demise of John Barlevcnm . 1 tat vn... mercy from me," announced Police juage oiaaoen. iney mailt ftif t Eenauy lor ineir carousals It the po ce bring them before me." I .. civ Pmunh, vi-r...;... :n t.- -. the polite station Saturday night snf sunoay and Monday nights- : His illusion win oe to nie complaints strain. th nniv nn. i , "And I am going to fil against .v. mi, vuica wmtn mew ine moat severe penalties," said the Bros- pent Chief of Police Dunn has instructed every policeman to report for duty Saturday night and Monday night. Motorcycle officer wjll stay at the station for emergency calls and spe cial cops will eomprise a riot squad. Buralars Make Several (Hauls from Omaha Stores Schlank & Co., 1J07 Douglas, re ported to the police that burglars gained entrance and stole $4 from a safe.- The front 'door of F, P. Wilson's store at 2001 North Twentieth street waa broken open and $150 stolen from cash register. The Neighbor hood drug store, at Twentieth and Grace streets, also waa entered .by breaking the front door. The intrud ers' treated themselves to cigar and cigaret and took $3.50 from cash register which they broke open. : Begins Here Monday .. See Details in. 1 ; I' -y: .- Sunday Papers Biandeis Stores WMBIilll cm 88 5 0? fjaSSECB,, CGE5 w aa GS 881 , . Rich New Wilton Rugs ' . lMxlO-4 Genuine French Wilton. ....... .889.00 Dxl2 French Wilton, beat quality..... ... $68.75 9x12 Extra Heavy Worsted Wilton, choice patterna S54.75 9x12 Royal Wilton Rug, elegant pattern. .852.50 1-3x10-6 Genuine French Wilton, beat quality , 855.00 8-Sil0- Wonted WUton, large selection.. 848.50 6i9 Heavy Wool Worstd WUton 835.55 4-6xM Elegant design Heavy WUton Rugs. 818.45 1 2-2x12 Lakewood Wilton Oriental design Hall Runner . i: . f 814.75 1 2x9 Extra Heavy Bagdad -WUton Hall Runner . .. . , i,v. ..: 816.00 1 3x12 Bagdad Wilton Hall Runner 821.00 4 2-3x12 Mohair Hall Runner 811.45 6 2-6x5 Mohair Rugs 810.89 High-Grade Brussels Rugs TIM 7 ''I.JTmmt ''J i rt.i.i Special Easy Monthly Payments Qladly Arranged on Any Purchase If Desired 9x12 Bigelow Body Brussels Rug, new de- Rug, Rug, 838.75 834.75 sign, special, at 2-3x10-6 Blgelbw Body" "BriiMels" choice patterns, special at: v. . 6x12 Seamless Tapestry, Brussels ' rich pattern ; . . . .822.50 9x12 8eamlea Brussels Rug, special quality .v.819.75 9x13 Brussels Rug, Orlental.delM..v.l814.50 3-3x10-6 Extra Heavy Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rug , 8185 8-8x10-6 Tapestry 'Briwsel Rug, splendid value, at .....Vy.. .;..;. 815.95; 6x9 Seamless Brussels Rug Floral and1 ' ' Orienui designs ;,. VJ.. .y... y. ...810.85 Oriental Rugs 'at P re-War Prices 1 Apatolian .OfienUl Rug, 4-8x1-9 812.00 1 Dagheatan Oriental Rug, 6-lx3-8.y ...4.829.50 ' 1 fiarouk, Oriental Rug, 2-7xST ....V.:... 820.00 1 Bhirv OrtenUl Rag, M0x3- ,..;.,819J10 'I Oenjl OtltritatltSS; -10xJ-r.ft... .835 00 1 Kaxak Oriental Rug, 6-Tx3-6........)...845.00 ?0k?,'r 5,,,n t1 4x ....W. 855.00 300 Samples highest grade Wilton Carpet, yard long, bound edges, sold from 12.60 to $6 per yd., sale price, full piece. . . . $1.95 95 Samples Finest Bigelow Axmlnster Carpet, IV, yard long, bound edges, suitable for small rug, sold from 62.76 to $3.60 per 0 Q yard, special, for full piece, only.... 9XlO J2o Sample Genuine Bigelow Body Brussels, IV, yard lengths, suitable for small rugs. Value 31.96 to 32.75 per yard, 04 CO - full piece for only; ,.9X90 400 Yard Bigelow Body Brussels Carpet, unusually effective design, light floral pattern, suitable for bedrooms, to close out, at, yd 81.98 150 Yards Finest Wilton Carpet, per yard. 83.39 600 Yards Heavy Cocoa Matting, striped or plain patterns, 27-inch wide, ' j, ' , per yard s. , 43 37fr Yards Plain Matting, heavy quality, suitable for churches, hotels and restaurants, 36 Inches wide, very special, at, per yard 55 160 Remnant Cocoa Matting, 3 to 9 yard piece lengths, whUe they last, S at, per yard .....r......28d . 140 Yard Hemp' Carpet, 60 Inches wide, per yard..,.. ..49t 7f. Yard Hemp Carpet, 36 inches wide, very special, at, per yard... ... 17 EZY SLIP-ON COMBINATION MOP-Conslstlng of 75o . polish mop, 75c dust mop and one 25c can polish, oom -i. plet outfit priced for tomorrow only, at............... 81.29 Heavy Velvet and Axmln ster Rugs 9x12 Extra Heavy Seamless Axmlnster Rug-837.50 9x12 Seamless Axmlnster Rug, special ouallty S29.50 9x12 Axmlnster Rug, choice patterns S26.50 I- 3x10-6 Heavy Seamless Axmlnster Rug.. 832.50 6x9 Extra Heavy Seamless Axmlnster Rug. 822.50 27x54 Axmlnster Rug 8 2.45 II- 8x13 Velvet, Oriental pattern 834.50 9x12 Extra Fine Seamless Velvet Rug.... 839.75 9x13 Special Seamless Velvet Rug 825.50 9x11 Word Velvet Rug, good quality 819.89 7- 6x9 Seamless Velvet Rug, select patterns. 817.75 6x9 Velvet Rug, floral and oriental deaigna.811.25 Grass, Wool and Fibre Rugs 9x12 Willow Grass Rugs, for porch or sun- ' room, for $ 9.95 8x10 Willow Grass Rugs 8 8.45 46x7-6 Willow Grass Rugs, greens and browns, for 8 4.25 9x13 Wool and Fibre Ruga .810.45 8- 3x10-6 Wool and Fibre Rugs S 9.75 6x9 Wool and Fibre Rugs ; 8 6.75 4-6x6-6 Wool and Fibre Rugs $ 4il0 Rag Rugs for Less 4x7, Fairmont Rag Rug, a highly deooratlve' rug in Colonial colors 83.50 30x60 Fairmont Rag Rug .... A ; 82.50 25x60 Colonial Rag Rug 594 18x36 Colonial Rag Rug.. , 39 Printed and Inlaid Linoleum If you need new Linoleum, now Is a good tuna to choose, have sampled a new big line just received from the world's greatest linoleum concern, y 6-Ft wide heavy quality Inlaid Linoleum, square yard . .v. ....... ...81.25 -Ft wide Printed Linoleum, sq, yard 79 l-fl Wide Feltoleum, sq, yard 49 H3i aQ9(3H333 uttf M3 5a 3 WlifcW 1 Before Writ Buy Any. '..Home' Furnishings Get Hartman's Special Low Prices and Terms' WELL MADE LARGE ,SIZE DRESSER Has roomy base, 4 large draw , -1 '. ers. fitted with wood pulls, , pattern chape double plate mirror set in neat frame. tuiwucu. goioen in imita tion ' quarter-sawed' oak A w :in ui see in is ei ceptional value..... lee tnis ex- $9.45 T I V II.T f CISIONED BAND ED SATIN BRASS BED 1-lllch PMti. 1-lnck flllara full Im onlr. vrr saw and pluliil df $24.50 Wf m hi attractivblt PB.8IQNED 3-PISCB TCROEHLER" DTTOFOLD SUTTB 0nntii quarUr-Mwed tram flniihtd fumed, ntir S lcu upholittrad In hifb-frmd lmluttoa , iiu, m wiiiwibib ui. ruumy ivuoioia dq anvvuporx, coin forublt chAlr and rocker, thii ! aptdal barfla and wall ATTRACTIVE CO LONIAL DRESSER Base has swell front 42 inches with heavy plank top, mirror 24x28 Inches, constructed of imitation walnut elegantly finished, must be seen to be tuny appreciated : our special low price for o morrow's ft I 7 Q K selling.. .iJJll .OiJ Full iIm fibtr rd rocker. con tlnuout roll Arm, natural finlilw . for porch, lawn, iun par tor, ItTtng room, ate, eptctalt at- rcrix mita TiTUiHAifKS ROD GO-CART Finish xl natural or Baronial brown, vpbol trod In corduroy rop to matoh: naa a lartro hood, haatr rubhor- tirod wnci, kad an xotpuonai vatua i, butt ruoDor- $16.75 $3.69 S58.85 frtrrranrn l!tw .- w , ... mm mw mm . iv bu m .aatiu '&&2fa' . set Our Third Floor Display of Period II II It II II II jyr-r jpt DID VALUR IV A MASSIVE a INCH CONTINUOUS STEEL BED HAV ING TEN S-tNCH riLLKBS VtrnU Mrtln guarEliteed namel, toll ! only, u amulnff valua. at. iikebskr haa larc-J4x3- I Y Adam parlod earvtnia. baad and Ineheo htgh. toot nd In prdr Cfnt fiQ portion, pclal..009 Inch - Franch bovtl plata mirror, SI x4 3-Inch naM, laborattly earvtd, as fl luttratd. ip- 9e eh lailr prlcad. at.. fvoW CHIFFONIER filled with t drawr, lSx32-ln, mirror, S0x33-tiu top, carefully con structed and priced for naturaar. oniy, at , $23.75 STUDKOtr coNSTWTCTiro rgp DINING BOOK CHAIR HU Er Mtnl-box iat. qu,rter-wd oak. pan.l back and upholatarw In hlgh-araii. Imi tation lathr. aecurotr braced and built for Mrrlca, offered for thla ,ni lolling at th. low prloo of Dont Forget Our New Ad droaa Building Formerly Occupied by Beaten A Laler. Furniture Company. $1.85 Mb ' I .59.35 SXTRA MAS8TTB COLONIAL PERIOD DIM INO TABLE Built rot aolld O&k. flnlthed goldtn or fumsd, larn 40 inch top, oxtondt to t foot, hoaTT Quara center oar rtl. Colonial turned. feet, unusual raiua. $12.86 Ji'.'US! OESIOKBD AND SPLENTJtTJLT MADS), t-PIBOB MTSMOff LIBRART bUITB Bultt throuehont of aolld oak and n.atlr flnUhod fumod 11 brarr tab), haa eonT.nl.ntly arran.M book .nda: cbalr and roekar na ar. utibolatarad la Spanlah Imitation loath., ataal inrlns con- 51 miction Mn auta, Slar placaa, ulr Beautiful Shewing of Reed and Fiber Upholstered Porch and Sun Furniture WELL BtriLT S-DOOR . FROST. SIDE IOINO RKKR1GGRATOR Largo provl.lotr compartmant. ad. JnitaMo irirkol- .-nrtro abolvoa. patented drain-pip, etc. Made of well .a.oned aab. round cornora In t.rlor. white wamil bX1 O e A I 413-415-417 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET THE COMFORT REGBNT COMBI NATJON" OAS AND COAL RA.XOB WE ARB OFFERING for this week's special Is the most convenient itoto msnufacturod today: burns coal or iu at the same time or jMnrat- ly; oas bs quickly converted to burn either; contains 4 holes for coal and I for gas; cost Iron base and wannis closet, etc.' 46.50