THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 27. 1P17. CASH WHEAT GOES UP EIGHTEEN CENTS Two Eighty-rive Bushel is Paid by Millers to Grind Into Floor. 4 CORN AND OATS FOLLOW Cash wheat on the Omaha market made a rapid, climb toward the $3 mark, selling all the way from $278 tip to $2.85 per bushel, an advance of 12 to 18 cents over night. A new top vas marked up and even at the high prices the tables were cleared of all the offerings and buyers clamored for more, the demand coming; largely from mills. Receipts were fifteen car loads. A new top price was marked up on corn when the cereal advanced 3 to 4Jj cents and sold at $1.53(al.64!4 a bushel. Receipts were sixty-five carloads and nothing remained un sold when the market closed. Oats shot up 2',i(g2'j cents, estab lishing a new high and selling at around 7il cents per bushel, with fifty-three carloads on the market. The option was fully as strong as the cash and the advance nearly as great. May Wheat Up Too. On the Omaha exchange the May wheat sold at $2.602.72H, as against .$2.522.61 Wednesday, while Chi cago May sold at $2.S3!(gl2.60, as against $2.442.52 Wednesday. Omaha July sold at $2.192.27H. as against $2.09j2.18i on the previ ous day. The Omaha Mav option on corn was $1.50 1.52, anil July $1.451.46. as against $1.451.46 for May and $1.41(ffil.44'i yesterday. The Chicago corn option was un der Omaha, May selling at $1.4914 1.52 and July at $1.44 & 1.455$. Most of the local dealers are in a bullish mood on account of the in creased demand for all kinds of grain, while others see lower prices on ac count of what they assert will result in improved crop conditions by rea son of the precipitation reported to be pretty general over the central grain belt. Daylight Robbers Given Long Terms in the Pen Joseph Turner and Frank Lake, alleged grocery store "ice box rob bers," were sentenced to fourteen years and fifteen years, respectively, in the penitentiary by Judge Scars, sitting in criminal court. A jury re turned a verdict of "guilty" Wednes day, after deliberating less than thirty minutes. . The men were charged with having locked Fred Hawkins, a grocer, in his ice box and then robbed his store. The robbery occurred on February 22. Turner, the older of the duo, was given the longer sentence, so Judge Sears said, "they would not get out of the penitentiary at the same time and continue their life of crime." Omaha Militiaman Dies On Duty at Plattsmouth Roy Peters, an Omaha volunteer, who joined Company C of the Fourth Nebraska National Guard when the first call was issued four weeks ago. died of heart trouble Thursday morn ing at Plattsmouth, where he had been on guard duty. Miss Oda Maffie. 1025 West Four teenth avenue, Denver, was named by Teters as his beneficiary an4 clos est friend or relative when he en listed. She has been notified, and the body is held at Plattsmouth until word from her is received. Peters was middle aged and had served four terms in the regular army before joining the Guard, Major Todd said. Former Farmer Loses Part Of Roll to New Found Friend John Prouel, former farmer of Mullen, saved $4,000, but lost $370 to a new found frierfS. Proud came to Omaha yesterday afternoon after selling his homestead at Mullen, which he had farmed for four years. It was mighty lonely on the little farm, he said, so when he arrived he made up his mind to make up for all that he had sacrificed in the way of pleasure there. In a sa- loon on lower Douglas street he met i man who said he knew him. The friend took Prouel about the city and in the evening invited himself-to share Prouel's room at (he Paxton. Prouel hung his coat on the back of a chair and left the room for a few minutes. When he returned the friend was gone. Likewise the $370, but the $4,000 wa3 safe. Lignite Coal Briquettes Are Made in North Dakota The Johnson Fuel company's bri qeutting plant at Scranton, N. D., made its first trial run yesterday with splendid success, making 100 lignite coal briquettes without the use of a binder per minute during the entire run. The Johnson Fuel company ex pects to build on other lines of rail road where there are large beds of lignite coal, and thus distribute this manufactured fuel to the entire middle west MABBlACiK LICENSES. H.rry St.el., Counrtt Bluff,, I. 3S Eva Le, Council Bluffs, la 12 Jostph C. Mulltn. Oraaha 27 Anna K. Welch, Omaha over IS Harry 8. Garalde. Council Bluffs, la.... 21 Fern H. Sutton, Council Bluffs, la 20 Thsodors E. Rehafer, Omaha 27 Mlna M. Walters, Council Bluffs, la. I.. 23 Various Forms Of Headache "It U tueestuy in order to treat be4 ehes properly lo Dnderitand tbe cua which produce ttae affection" ws Dr. J. W. JUy, of Blockeon. Ala, Continuing, he laya, Phjilclant cannot even begin the treat ,ment of dlseaia without knowing what eaasei give rlie to It, and we roust remem ber that neadaone li to be treated accord ing to tbe tame rule. We moat not only be particular to give a remedy intended to counteract the cause which produce! tbe headache, bot we muit alio give a remedy to relieve tbe pain on til tbe caate of tbe trouble hae been removed. To aniwer tbli parpoie antMumnla tablets will be fouod a moet convenient and aattsfactory remedy. One tablet erery one to three boar aivei comfort and rest In tbe moat eevere ranei of headache, neuralgia, and particularly the beadacbes of women. "when we have a patient subject to regu lar attacks of tick headache and when be feelt tbe leaet itgn of an oncoming attack, be abo-o.4 take two A-K Tablet. Obtain 1 dragguti in &r Quantity aeairaf First1 Yeomanette to Volunteer Here in Uncle" Sam's Navy Service Woman Enlists and Sworn in to Serve in Omaha Recruiting; Office as Stenographer. MISS RUBY JAXE BUSSE. Omaha's first yeomanette to volun teer for active duty here was enlisted and sworn into service Wednesday afternoon. She is Miss Ruby Jane Busse, 27, daughter of William H. Bussc, 2444 Fontencllc boulevard. "I just want to do my bit in the war," she said modestly. "Please don't say anything about it." As she is a stenographer in the rail way mail service at the federal build ing, Miss Busse will not assume her new duties at the navy recruiting sta tion for a week. However, she took the enlistment oath before Lieutenant Waddell Wednesday. She volun teered as yeoman, second class, in the naval coast defense reserve. As soon as she is released from her present civilian position she will take up active yeomanette duty, including stenography and clerical work, at the navy recruiting station in the Paxton block. "No, I don't expect to wear a uni form: I can serve Uncle Sam just a: well without thai," she said. "I'm glad there is something 1 can do to help the navy in the war." Miss Busse has a brother, 21 years of age, who wants to join the army. One of her grandfathers fought in the civil war. She was born in Coun cil Bluffs. Court House Employe Now is an Army Officer County court will furnish the first soldier in the court house for the war. He is an officer. For two years has been just plain Joe Fraser, probate clerk. Now it s i-ieutenant Joseph rraser, United States army reserve corps. Fraser's commission has. just ar rived. The only military training he ever received was at the Pittsburgh, N. Y camp last summer. When war clouds loomed up Fraser took the examination for the omcers reserve corps and passed with flying colors. He will leave for Fort Snelling, Minn., next week, visiting in Walnut, la., where his parents live, a few days before entering upon his active duties as an army man. The commission lifted him to fame in the court house. Miss Van Antwerp Says She is Victim of Burglars Miss Belle Van Antwerp. Clainnont Inn, reports to police the theft of $526 worth of clothing from her room some time Wednesday night. Une tan and blue suit coat which she values t $150. one Dure silk suit coat worth .(95. two dresses worth $100, four silk bloomers Valued at $12 are included in the loot. I Mrs. C. F. McGrevv, 218 South Thirty-eighth avenue, says that some time during the last week a valuable diamond brooch was stolen from her room. One large diamond flanked with nine small ones are contained in the brooch. Packing House Foreman Tries to Kill Himself Al Harder, 67 years old, 36.V Q 'streets, shot himself twice in the mouth in an attempt at suicide. He was taken to the county hospital, where it is said he has a fair chance for ricovery. He was foreman of Cudahy's tin shop. Fifteen years ago he shot him self in the hcid in a suicidal attempt. It is believed his present attempt was induced by" temporary insanity caused by stomach trouble. Connell Not Disturbed Over Measles Epidemic "I am not disturbed over the measles situation in Omaha," said Health Commissioner Connell. In March there were 193 cases in Omaha and 2,210 in Denver. Commercial Club Boosts For Opening Ball Game Omaha won the "Governor Capper" loving cup last year because this city showed the greatest attendance at the opening game of the Western league base bail season, and this year, if Omaha again leads, the cup will re main here permanently. To make sure of it Omaha business men at the Commercial club com pleted arrangements for a big booster day Tuesday. Frank Zehrung, presi dent of the league, was introduced by Charles Black and addressed the Com mercial club members. One hundred automobiles are asked tc line up Tuesday on Farnam street, between Eighteenth and Twenty fourth, decorated with flags and boosters. Mirror Helps Officer Nab Two Pickpockets Prohibition and the resultant dis appearance of mirrored bark-bars will rob the police of a fine ally in crime detection, is the belief of Plain Clothes Policeman Antonio Francl, who caught two robbers yesterday by this means, he says. He saw M. M. McCuc and Charles Travis of Des Moines pick the pockets of O. R. Y. Taylor, HolHrcge farmer, in a saloon at Thirteenth and Doug las, while looking through the mirror. Travis' watch and money were found on the two men when the arrest was made. Mrs. Lange Seriously III as Result of Fall Mrs. Margaret Lange, for fifty years a resident of Omaha, lies at the point of death in Si. Joseph's hospi tal, the result of a bad fall. She is a member of the Douglas County Pio neers' association and the original German Kaffcc club, the oldest soci-l club in the city. A sun, Frank, was summoned from the east, arriving today. There are two daughters, Mrs. M. A. NagI and Miss Freda Lange. Loiterer Fatally Shot by Guard Near N. Y. Bridge New York, April 26 Sentries guarding the waterfront tinder the Brooklyn terminal of the Manhattan bridge, which crosses the East river, today shot and probably fatally wounded a man found loitering near a machinery factory. The victim gave the name of John Smith, Rus sian laborer. RED CROSS SOCIETY NEEDS NEW MEMBERS Crusade for "Minimum a Mil lion" Helpers is Launched Throughout Nation, OOULD DIETZ IN CHARGE "The greatest service anyone can do right now for Uncle Sam is to join the Red Cross and help the member, ship campaign,' said Gould Dieu who has returned from a trip to Chi cago, where he went to get pointers from headquarters about the Chicago campaign. The campaign will be launched the middle of May. Business men in Chicago are lend ing every possible effort to make their campaign a success, and many of the wealthy ones are giving up their business to work for the cause. Mr. Sprague Warner, chairman of the campaign and a big manufacturer, has offered to come out here and boost ours." said Mr. Dietr. Confera with Hill, Mr. Dietz had a two hours' con ference with 11. J. Hill, director of the bureau of membership extension, who is making a membership drive with the slogan, "A Minimum Mem bership of a Million." He is optimis tic enough to believe that number will be raised within next three months, "but Omaha must get to work and do its share." said Mr. Dietz. Mr. Dietz secured Mr. Hill to nun age the Omaha campaign. The society here is al scarcely any expense, just the salary of a stenog rapher, and so half of every member ship fee goes to the- local fund, the other half to the national. Mr. Dietz has eighty sustaining memberships already, he says. Mr. Dietz's office is being stamped with propositions for benefit affairs. However, many of them wish to get half the money, hut these arc not ac cepted. "They must be given entirely for charity or not at all," said Mr. Dietz. "F.veryone in Omaha should be wearing a Red Cross button to show their patriotism and loyalty," he said. While in Chicago he saw Mrs. Jo seph Cudahy, formerly of this city, who has a class of 500 girls who arc learning home tjursiug and to make hospital supplies! The committee will meet the first of the week to make definite plans and to choose a new treasurer to fill the place of the late V. H. Bucholz. The membership of the local so ciety, according to statistics given out this morning by W. G. Ure, secretary of Omaha chapter, indicate alone the necessity for more money: Annual members. St SI sa,h 105 Hitb-rttlnff members, at 12 each 1.1 Sustaining members, at 110 each 40 lAta member, at i2 i The subscribing membership fee in cludes the Red Cross Magazine for a year. Hold Memorial Meeting For Late T. J. Mahoney A memorial meeting for the late Timothy J. Mahoney, prominent Omaha attorney, will be held in the court room in the federal building Friday, May 4, at 10 a. m. This was ordereil by I'nited States Circuit Judge Waller 1. Smith and District Judges J. W. Woodrough and T. C. Munger. The following were appointed a special committee lo prepare and submit resolutions on the life, rharac ter and service of Mr. Mahoney: William F. Gurlcy, Constantino ,1. Smyth, Judge l.rc S. K.stelle, Frank II. Gaines, Ftlgar II. Scott. N'. II. Loomis and Raymond G. Young, Relief Workers Prepare To Tighten Organization Mrs. O. C. Redick will speak this evening in agricultural hall, court house, at 8 o'clock to the Sons and Daughters of Civil War Veterans' and Garfield circle of the Grand Army leaders on war relief work. The women of the two organization! have offered their services and will meet next week at the new Red Cross rooms in the Baird building to assist in the work there. The exact time of their meetings has not been set. Mrs. Robert Stoddard is the leader of the Daughters of the Civil War Veterans and Mrs. Frank Parmony is the captain of the Garfield circle. Beautiful Lawn of Old Turner Home a Garden No beautiful, sloping lawn will surround the Presbyterian Medical hospital at Thirty-fourth and Farnam streets this year. A plow has already cut into the sod to ruin the lawn and truck garden products are being planted. Thus does beauty fade be fore stern necessity. FRECKLES Now Ii the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morn ing and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beau tiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine, as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it .'ails to remove freckles. Advertisement. brandeis Stores Woman Catches Junk Man In Act of Removing Stove When James Fggerton, junk dealer, picked up a stove that was lying in the rear of 2504 Emmet street Wed nesday he reckoned without Mrs. Minnie Ballard, the owner of the stove. She not only raced down the alley after him, but she plucked t lie stove from his wagon and had him arrested for attempted larreny and assault. Eggerton paid a $15 fine in police court Thursday. No need to delay niirchoninB a genuine Dlaniuml or fine Wateh for nortional wear or for a wedding nreaent beeauee of tat'h of ready money, for you can buy of u, on ehai-Rp ai-eount junt aj easily ami plea.anlly as (hough you vaid all each. 1 1 7S 1,a Vfillicr. fine solid (fold, one brilliant Diamond, on ra! Pearl, 16 inch iiollrj gold neck rhain $16.75 f 1.15 a Month 360 Diamond U,n, Hk solid nold, "I, of. tia 1'orfpe- CXI ttnn" mlB h'J' $3.50 Month 533 Mpn'a Diamond Kins. prone tooth mounting. Mk aulid Bold, Roman or I'olinlipd C c finish W)J SI. 80 a Week $15 $1.50 A Month 1041 Convertible Bracelet Watch, finest quality gold filled, plain polished. High vrade. Full Jeweled movement, silt dial. Case and Bracelet guaranteed 20 years. $1.50 a Month Open Dallr Tilt ft P. M. Salurdiy Till 9:30. Call or write for Catalog No. 003. Phona Pong las 1444 and our aaloaman will call. The National Cradit Jewelers IfiHBKOSiCOiB.. omaha. I0FTIS frrtle Rub ShJnw A RAW, SORE THROAT Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole And Musterole won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your finsers. It pene trates lo the sorp spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out -the soreness and pain. Musterole is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. Jt is line for quick relief for sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu ralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds on the chest (it often prevents pneumonia), Nothing like Musterole for croupy chit dren. Keep it handy for instant use. II II For Bilious Troubles That heavy headache, torpid liver, sick stomach, bitter taste in mouth, furred tongue, dull eyes and muddy skin, all come from a poor supply of bile. These unhealthy conditions are promptly corrected by fflliS pins which stimulate the liver, regulate the flow of bile, sweeten the stomach, and renew healthy bowel action. A household remedy ap- iroved by sixty years of pub ic service. For every-day illnesses, Beecham's Pills are a tested Remedy !.-. ft.!, ef An. MtOdmrn la IB. World. I feUmnrvbtr. labom I0.2S. L We Close Our Doors TUESDAY Monday is the last selling day at this location, so you see what a monster clean-up must be made in a mere matter of hours. But, there's a world of bargains remaining for the woman who can trade quickly. Time is at a premium here now. The values are yours. The garments may be had at fractions of former prices. But you cannot dally; you won't have time to "look" and then come back, for the "Wreckers" won't wait. The most startling values ever offered in Omaha will be offered here on FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY, the Paris ian's last days in business. V PicksA This "Buy Fest" of Yours Now Includes But THREE Business Days Friday, Sat urday, Monday-THEN GONE No, you HAVEN'T completed your Spring Shopping yet, no matter HOW many garments you've already purchased. You certainly will want a few more dress es, coats and skirts if they are offered you at a price quite less than the ordinary dealer PAYS for his gar ments. You'll certainly succumb to these last day val ues if only you get to SEE them. Final on 100 Ladies' Suits Values as High as $35.00 Qgj fh ESI Models for women, misses V I M lltl M and juniors in styles that El dB If answer every spring de mand. Materials are ve lours, checks, gaberdines, serges, etc., in all the wanted colorings. i $-fl PER GARMENT, to 1 Clean Up on 75 Odd Coats, Dresses and Skirts Startling to know that some of these for merly sold at up to $15. Only one garment to a customer. Your Last-Minute Coat Chance COATS that were up to $19.50, are now. . . .'. .$ 9.7S COATS that were up to $25.00, are now $14.75 COATS that were up to $32.50, are now $18.75 COATS that were up to $39.50, are now. $21.75 Your Last-Minute Skirt Chance SKIRTS that were up to $6.50, are now $ 3.88 SKIRTS that were up to $8.50, are now $ 5.88 SKIRTS that were up to $12.50, are now $ 8.88 SKIRTS that were up to $15.00, are now $10.88 Your Last-Minute Dress Chance DRESSES that were up to $12.50, are now. . . .$ 6.00 DRESSES that were up to $19.50, are now. . . .$11.00 DRESSES that were up to $29.50, are now. . . .$17.00 The Wreckers Are Coming! Most Likely They'll Be Tearing Down This Building Next Week' --So Buy Underpriced Wearables Friday, Saturday and Monday. 3l8-3aS9. 16 ST.