Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1917, Image 1
RIOTS SHAKE GERMANY, SPAIN AND SWEDEN The Omaha Daily - Bee Use the telephone for BEE WANT-ADS Telephone Tyler 1000 ' Easiest Way THE WEATHER Rain or Snow . VOL. XL VI. NO. 268. OMAHA, FRIDA APRIL 27. 1917 TWELVE PAGES. . ,l'"'K:!ci:!:'!r. single copy two cents. " ;" PRICES OF SUGAR BOOSTED IN SPITE STOCKS ON HAND Omaha Dealer Declares Specu lators Are Holding Supplies to Force Housewives to Pay Fancy Figures. ASK PROBE BY CONGRESS More Sugar in Warehouses ' Than tor Two Years at This Season, Says Broker. EXPORTS NOT TO BLAME With more raw sugar in stock in the United States April 4. 1917, than there was on the corresponding date for Jhe two preceding years, and though these raws cost very littte more than k year ago, the price of re fined sugar has been boosted $1.75 per hundred pounds above the' price a year ago. These and other salient facts in the sugar situation were brought to the attention of Senator George W. Nor ris of Nebraska by Omaha brokers following a survey of the whole situa tion. Senator Norris is urged to cause a congressional investigation of the sugar situation. Get More Than Expected. Attention of the senator is called to the fact that the beet sugar manu facturers stored their tugar last Octo ber with the expectation of marketing it at from $4.50 to $5 per hundred pounds. In spite of this they are now demanding $8.53 per hundred, whole sale.for the sugar in storage. The New York Coffee and Sugar exchange for the week ending April 7 gives the official quotations for raw sugar, Cuban centrifugals, 96 degrees lest: Mr-h : April J Al.rll y AMI April 7, .18. 45 s.t: 6.27 Last year during the corresponding ' dates the price was $6.14. Rise Is on Refined Sugar. Standard granulated sugar for the above mentioned date. was quoted at $8.50, while standard granulated last year for, the corresponding lates was $7.25.;' v Thus, while the cost of raws is not over 6 per cent higher than last year, the refined sugar is 17 to 20 per cent higher tlian last year. Senator Norris' attention has been called to the fact that the tonnage of raw sugar on hand at present is ap proximately three times as great as that on hand a year ago at this time, yet dealers j and refiners are pleading shortage. - More on Hand Now. The tonnage of stocks of raw sugar in the United States'April 4 this year and the two preceding years was as follows : T1917. 1916. 1915. 311,340 tons 120,405 tons 270,079 tons "These sugars," the letter to Sen ator Norris reads, "were obtained by the trust at prices ranging from $4.56 to $5.96. There can be no excuse on the grounds of the great demand for export No Sugar to Great Britain. "The Roya4- Sugar commission of Great Britain in its last decree re- ' stricted the importation of sugar, and as a result its importation has actually decreased during the last four months 68,000 tons below the quaitify import ed during the same four months last year. This same condition is true x with reference to France. If ever there was a case of an unjustified in crease and positive robbery by the sugar kings; if ever there was such an open and flagrant violation of alt laws and of principles that are conducive to the public welfare without the slightest regard for ti e law of supply and demand, the present sugar mar ket is such a cascv" The Weather Tor Xebranlia liain east, rain or snow wesi ponton. Temprntur at Omnha Yesterday. Hour. Dcf. i a. m ZH IH3h'a..iCMcrilRy. .'M.m j-iHlerday. rffiiii lemraftire. . , . us 'r.-cipjttiilou 25 T .09 .68 Tc;nipt'riiture and precipitation drpat-turca from the normal at Omaha slurp March J and compared with ths last tiro years: Normal temperature -jg LWlency for tlio day IT Total exceas altire March I "" 67 Normal precipitation lnl'ne'h Eice for the day !lii lnrh Total rainfall alnee March 1.... 3. 34 Inehej Iieflclency for cor. period. 1916. 1 .a Inches Deficiency (or cor period, 1916. 1.41 Inches Report! From stations at 7 p. m. Station and State. Temp. High- Raln of Weather. J p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 26 3. -4 Itavrnport, cloudy 4t Mi 'on 1'env.r, rata 3J 61 ' y De. Moines, rain , Dodge City, cloud 42 64 H Lander, snow a.' Sorth Platte, anow T Umaha, rain 36 4; 25 T'ueblo, cloudy i4 , Hapld City snow 30 :;. Halt Lake, cloudy m 54 j:";4 Santa Ve, rlouUj , ',. .Sheridan, snow 31. 40 .til Si.u!i Clij, cloudy :;n 4; .on aliil!ne. anew ...... so .54 'T' Indicates trace or precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Meteorologist. pi m ' r U. m 36 Comparative lxnal Records. I 1917. 11S. 1915. UK. CI !3 : 31 40 j9 an I VIVIANI SEES TRIUMPH OF RIGHT IN U. S. MIGH-T Washington, April 26. In a state- , ment to the American press today, Rene Viviani. France's vice-premier I and head of the war mission," said the I co-operation of the United States I would mean not only a military vie j tory, which already was assured, but a victory of morality and right. I Expressing deep gratitude for the enthusiastic reception given his mis sion here, M. Viviani said he realized it was "not to us. but to our beloved and heroic France." , M. Viviam's statement to the Wash- I ingion con csponnenis louows: i "I promised to receive you after I having reserved, as elementary 'cour ' tesy, required, my first communica I tion solely for the president. 1 have k.j .t.- !....,. ...u:u t ,1 -j with other members of the mission, of being received by liim. Praise for President. "1 am indeed happy to have been chosen to present the greetings of the French republic to the illustrious man whose nam; is in every French mouth today, whose incomparable message is at this very hour being read and commented upon in all our schools as the most perfect character of human rights and which so fully expresses the virtuesf your race long suffer ing patience before appealing to force; and force to avenge that long suffering patience when there can be no other means. "Since y;u are here to listen to me, I ask you to repeat a thousand fold Mhe expression of our deep gratitude tor the enthusiastic reception the American people has granted us in Washington. It is not to us, but to our beloved and heroic France that reception was accorded. We were JOFFRE CONFERS WIIH BAKER UPON U.S. MILITARY AID Marshal Discusses With Sec retary and General Scott American . Cooperation With Allied Armies.' ""?""' RECEIVED BY PRESIDENT Distinguished Visitors Ex change Felicitations With Chief Executive. NOTE PROM POINCAIRE Washington, 'April 26. Marshal Joffre had a two-hour conference late today with Secretary Baker and Major General Scott at the home of former Ambassador White, discussing Amer ican co-operation with the allied armies in France, The commission began its first day in Washington with a round of official calls. They visited at the State, War and Navy departments. Former Premier Viviani, head of the mission, Marshal Joffre, Admiral Chocheprat and Viscount de Cham bruri called at Secretary Lansing's office. v 4 The clerks of the great building lined the halls and gave the French men a reception of almost continu ous cheers and handclapping. After spending a few minutes with Secretary Lansing, M. Viviani, Mar shal Joffre and Admiral Chocheprat went over to the White House to be formally received by President Wil son. Reception in Blue Room. At the main entrance of the execu tive mansion a large party oi the president's army and navy aides in full dress uniforms met the French men. Salutes were exchanged and the guests were ushered into the Blue room, where President Wilson was waiting to receive them. Since neither Minister Viviani nor Marshal Joffre speak English. M. Hovelaque acted as interpreter. After the president had shaken hands with members of the mission, M. Viviani went to the capitol, accompanied by Assistant Secretary Phillips, while Marshal Joffre, accompanied by Col onel Spencer Crosby of the army and Lieutenant Commander Robert L. Berry of the navy, walked from the executive mansion to the state, wac and navy building. Felicitations Exchanged. President Wilson in the brief ex change of greetings told the French commissioners how deeply the can people appreciated the action of the frencn republic in sending tlie commission to the United States and Minister Viviani replied, saying that the French people felt very deeply the bond of friendship between the two nations, cemented by the entrance of the United States into the war. While at the White House M. Vi viani presented .to President Wilson a letter from President Poincaire. Later today M. Viviani accepted an invitation from Vice President Mar shall to appear on the senate floor Saturday or Monday. The former premier of France will make a brief address, which probably will be inter preted by Senator Lodge. Mob Wrecks Office of German Paper in Brazil Rio Janerio, Brazil, April 26. A dispatch from Curitiba, southern Bra-' zil. today says that a mob attacked! the offices of a German newspaper which had criticised Ruy Barbosa,;ing for exercise and recreation. He Brazilian ainliatsi.dnr to Argentina. took a ride yesterday afternoon and Two soldiers were Mounded j planned to go out again today. proud to he her children in those un forgettable moments when we read in the radiance of the, faces we saw the noble sincerity of your hearts. Purpose of Visit. "And I desire to thank also the press of the United States, represent ed by you. 1 fully realize the ardent and disinterested help you have given by your tireless propaganda in the cause of right: I know vour action has been incalculable. Gentlemen, 1 thank you. "We have come to this land to salute the American people and its government, to call to fresh vigor our life-long friendship, sweet and cordial in the ordinary course' of our lives, and which those tragic hours have raised to all the ardor of broth erly love a bortherly love which in the last years of suffering has multi plied its most touching experssions you have given help, not only in treas ure, in every act of kindness and good will; for us your children have shed' their blood, and the names of your sacred dead are inscribed forever in our hearts. "And it was with a full knowledge of the meaning 'of w hat you did that you acted. Your inexhaustible gener osity was not the charity of tlye for tunate to the distressed; it was an affirmation of your conscience, a rea soned approval Of your judgment. .Will Fght to End. "Your fellow countrymen knew that under the savage assault of a na tion of prey, which has made of war, to quote a famous saying, its na tional industry, we were upholding with our incomparable allies, faithful and valiant to the death, with all (fontinuMl orVhk Tin, Column On.) M'ADOO TO OFFER SECOHDJOTE ISSUE Two Hundred Million-Dollar Loan Will Be Asked of Banks Soon. DEAL MADE WITH BALFOUR Washington," April 26. Secretary McAdoo is considering another offer ing f. f.'OO.OOO.OOO JiLireasurj , Wr tifica'tes, due June 30, 'to the banks of the country within the next ten days. The second offering of treasury cer tificates, if made soon, probably will follow the same course as that adopted in the first offer of $250,000. 000, from which $200,000,000 was loaned yesterday to Great Britain. Conferences as to the further needs of the entente governments were continued today, the immediate neces sities of Italy being especially consid ered. Balfour and McAdoo Agree. British Foreign Minister Balfour and Secretary McAdoo have arrived at a complete understanding on questions affecting finance, trade ship ping, banking, exchange and kindred problems, it was announced today. The working out of the details of the' broad principles outlined will form the major portion of the next ten days' work of the commission. . The foremost point of difference between the American and allied gov ernments relates to trade both with the enemy and with neutral govern ments. There is a gap between the extreme which this government be lieves justified under international law and the practices of the allies. As a 'result the United States will pass as strict laws as possible and allow the entente to carry out other restrictions which they have found necessary. The British commissioners received a letter of greeting from M. Viviani. Mr. Balfour lunched at the British embassy and paid an official call on khe French commission. Later he re ceived a call from the Chinese minis ter. Britons Lift Black List. London, April 26. (5:25 p. nO The British black list of shipping has been withdrawn, so far as it concerns the United States. Seized German Ships Will Sail Under U. S. Flag Shortly Washington, April 26. Legislation to give the government direct con trol of American" shipping will be asked of congress soon, it was learned today after a conference between the shipping committee of the coun cil of national defense with members of the shipping board. Within thirty days the shipping board can put into trans-Atlantic serv- - V6.VKH) additional tons of shipping. , - nr.c . c-. . ' Ameri-te.OOO tons German vessel der repair. The German ships will be ready ior service within less than ten days. President Wilson is Against Rigid Censorship Washington, April 26. President Wilson in a letter to Arthur Brisbane of New York declared today that he is opposed to any system of censor ship that would deny to the people of the United States "their indisputable right to criticize their own public officials." He wrote that whatever action con gress may decide upon lie will not expect to permit any tfw to shield him against criticism. President Takes to Horseback Riding Washington. April 26. President Wilson has taken uo horseback rid ROAR OF REVOLT IS DROWNING OUT NOISE OF BATTLE Indications that Momentous Events Are About to Hap pen Behind Firing Lines. x MAY DAY DANGER POINT Socialists and Workmen Flan Demonstrations in Germa ny, Spain and Sweden. GRAVE HINTS FROM BERLIN BULLETIN. l Amsterdam (Via London), April 26. The Tijd's German cor respondent says that Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollweg, the imperial German chancellor, in his next speech in the reichstag will spe cifically propose peace terms in greater detail. Copenhagen (Via London). April 26. It is reported that Philip Scheidmann, leader of the German majority socialists, who recently visited Copenhagen in an endeavor to bring about a peace between Russia and Germany, is again here. To Republicanize Germany, Washington, April 26. Official dispatches from Berne to the State department announced the appoint ment there of a committee for propa ganda in favor of the establishment of a republican form of government in Germany, headed by Dr. Roese Meyer, former editor of the Morgen Post of Berlin. (Hf Tha Aaaorlaled TrtM.) ' Revolutionary mutterings which were ominously, swelling through Europe were drowned in the thun ders of the' great battle now raging, but indications are not lacking that momentous events are about to occur behind the fighting lines. The summary adjournment of the Reichstag, when its sittings had bare ly opened, is given added significance by hints in the German press that the strike agitation in Germany may burst forth with renewed violence on May day, the- great mrernatioiral so cialist holiday, A nanon-wiac lanor demonstration in Sweden is also planned for that day, and may have its counterpart in Spain. . . Austria Wants Peace. Xo news of any importance has come from Austria in-several days, a fact which has given fresh vigor to the ever-recurrent report of inten tions or efforts on the, part of the dual monarchy to seek a separate peace. No confirmation of the re ports is available fromany reliable source, but there, is more definite tid ing of the status'of affairs in Turkey, the third member of Germany's im perial triumvirate. Returning travelers tell appalling stories of the devastation wrought by disease and starvation in the Otto man empire. Quarter Million on Strike. Washington, April 26. Reports to the State department, through official channels, tell of a strike of 250,000 laborers in Berlin. The department says the incident shows the growth of desire forfceace on the part of the workmen. It is reported also that bread rations have been reduced from sixty to fifty ounces a week. Newspaper reports'from Berlin is sued in summarized form by the State department today said that the strikers returned to work under threat of being sent to the front. Germans Tighten Censorship. Copenhagen (Via -London), April 26. The protests of a socialist repre sentative in the Reichsta-tommittee yesterday revealed the faQ that Ger man newspapers must now'submit to censorship before being permitted to leave the country, so as to block the channel through which disagreeable news has reached foreign ears. Austrian Parliament Convoked. Vienna, April 26. (Via London.) Official announcement, was made here today that the Austrian government had decided to convoke Parliament for May 30 to deal with questions of food supply and with "economic, so cial and financial problems." The Par liament has not been in session since before the war. Food Riots in Sweden. Copenhagen (Via London), April 26. Xew food demonstrations at Stockholm arc reported by the Dag ens Xyhcter. The military com mander issued an order forbidding the sol'liers to attend a socialist meeting. Despite thi3 order, however, several hundred soldiers participated in a great meeting. Omaha to Furnish More Than Its Full Quota of Officers Omaha will furnish more than its rjuota of officers for the first army of MHX0O0 men, according to present in dications. Colonel Root, in charge of preliminaries for reserve officer train ing, said that he had received almost 200 applications in addition to several score more who had . previously ap plied from Omaha. Beginning May 8. 2,500 candidates for commissions will be given three months' training at Fort Snclling. Duster roll for omaha. ..Thursday. Total. Army -r.....21 1,248 Navy 7 508 National Guard .'. 6 309 Marine Corps 1 36 Totals , 35 2,101 For Posterity . j ; - ; I , V : ,' ; ' (?oWBl ENGLISH LOOK TO AMERICA TO SAVE THEM FROM DIVER Britons Expept U. ft. Will Do "Much to Solve Growing: Sub sea Menace, Says Board of Trade Chief. SOUNDS A GRAVE WARNING Beresford, in House of Lords, BranfJs Admiralty Reports of Losses as Misleading. ' OMIT NEUTRAL SINKINGS London. April 26. A grave warn ing that "the submarine menace may be an important factor in deciding the outcome of the war was sounded today by Sir Albert Stanley, presi dent of the British Board of Trade. Addressing a luncheon of business men, Sir Albert said: No Weapon Yet Found. "We have not yet found a way of dealing with the submarines so as to remove the danger of their being an enormous factor in determining the oulrome of the war. "The effect of the submarine war upon the existence of the British em pire is simply this that we cannot continue to bring into this country all the supplies and materials required for our existence, for the continuation of the war and for the actual needs of our indiKtries. ''Our courage and perseverance .will be tested to the utmost before success comes, and 1 have no doubt we will overcome all obstacles." Criticises Admiralty. In the House of Lords today Ad miral Baron Beresford criticizetl the admiraltys' weekly returns of ship ping losses as "seriously misleading since they omit losses of neutrals through which this country is now really being fed. while the totals of arrivals and sailings include both neu tral and allied vessels." In reply, Lord l.ytton said that no essential facts were running than be fore February 1. British Use Big Guns With Telling Effect in Arras Battle Outstanding Feature of Strug-1 glo Is Superiority of the English Artillery. SUPREME IN THE AIR, ALSO Loudon, April 26. The outstanding feature of the second phase of the battle of Arras is the definite estab lishment of superiority in artillery by the British and it is due to this su periority that they have been able ,to maintain a successful offensive, said Major General F. B. Maurice in his weekly talk with the Associated Press today. ; General Msurice declared that the Germans had drawn onto their stra tegic reserves and brought up new fort .a in an attempt to stem the on slaught, hut that the British machine was working without a hitch. The German losses had been terrific and thousands of dead, he said, were lying in front of the British lines. In the eighteen days of the Arras battle, General Maurice continued, the Brit NEBRASKANS TARE TWO VIEWSOF DRAFT Delegation Receives Telegrams and Lettera Setting Forth Different Ideas. DAHLMAN WITH WILSON ' J "trVom a staff Carrpondnt. ; Washington, 'April 26. (Special Telegram.) The Nebraska delegation is being bombarded with telegrams and letters for and against the socallrd selective draft bill. The preponder ance of these telegrams being in fa vor of the conscription plan of raising an army. Here and there, however, is found a prominent citizen in favor of the volunteer bill. Ex-Governor Morehead of Ealls City wired members of tht delegation late last evening that conscription for army service was unpopular and should he used only as a last resort for na tional defense. ' Morehead Against Draft, "Conscription," he said, "for Euro pean service exceeding unpopular. My associations such that I know the sentiment of the rank and file. No measure so unpopular during my life time as drafting our boys for Euro pean service. Let those go who are willing to volunteer is the unanimous verdict." In opposition to the position of the ex-governor,'' Congressman. Lobeck and members of the delegation re ceived twenty-five to thirty telegrams from the members of the Rotary club of Omaha strongly urging, the dele gation to support the president in his war measures and vote for the selec tive draft plan. Mayor Dahlnian wires Mr. Lobeck as follows: ' "Am in favor of conse'ription bill as endorsed by the president. Hope you can vote that way." Hill Estate in Minnesota Is Worth $51,179,889 St. Paul, April 26. The estate of the late Jitmes J. Hill, subject to pro bate in Minnesota, is valued at $51, 179.88V.58, according to a report of the appraisers tiled here. Of this $1, 373,779.5.1 is real estate. The inheri tance tax will be approximately $1, 489,370. ish casualties had been something less than half what they were in the cor responding period of the Somme of fensive, while the numbers of prison ers ad guns captured were much greater than in the same period on the Somme. The general also said that the Brit ish have definitely established their superiority in the air. French Headquarters tit France, Wednesday Evening, April 25. The Germans today unsuccessfully hurhrd masses of men against Hurtebisc farm, westward of Craonne. The only result of several strong German at tempts to recover the territory won from them in the last week's severe fighting was an enormous sacrifice of some of their best troops. During these attacks, the corre spondent watched the French artillery hurling wide salvos of shells, which dropped with methodical precision oil the German lines further eastward in the vicinity of VilleAux-Bois. The Germans were most reluctant to sur render this position, as it with Cra-' onne formed one of 1he pillars of their line here. They still hold Craonne. GERMANS HORL FRESH RESERVES INTO WEST ARENA Thovtends tf Ilaa Are Sacri I fioed in Fierce Counter At tacks Ajjainst Advanc j inj Entente Armias, BREASTS REPLACE FORTS I Prisoners Say Teuton Army is I Being Drdnod and Collapse Must Come Soon. PAC3 BECOMES DEADLY London, April 26. Telegraphing to day from liritisl headquarters in France, Renter's correspondent says "The' Germans arc still hurrying up fresh reserves to press their countcs attacks. They are lighting a great delaying battle, although not now s'anding upon any well prepared sys tem of defenses, a"d can only hope to check our advance by using up great masses of troops whose breasts have taken the place of parapets. "This policy must result in greatly accelerating the process of exhaus tion, and if continued long the situa tion will resolve itself into the simple problem of which side can longest maintain the deadly pace. "Prisoners declare that the German army is now being drained at a rate which brings collapse within a meas urable distance." Renewed German attacks on Brit ish positions near Gavrelle were re pulsed last night, the war office an nounced today. French Oft", .ill Report. Taris, April 26. The Germans vain ly renewed their counter attacks last night on tht high ground near the Chemin-Ds-Dames, the war office re ported. The statement follows:. . , "On the bank of the Oise a Ger man reconnoitering party attempted to approach our trencher . near Moy, but was repulsed. "North ot the Aistte the enemy re newed in vain his efforjs to expel us from the plateau near the Chemin-Des-Damet. ,Aftef Violent bombard- II i l II , ., lllll .1... I n limp iirr run, ful attacks were made' on the front about two kilometers west of Cerny. These assaults were broken, hefore our lines w ith very heavy losses tor the enernv. Another effort in the re gion of Hurtcbise farm was equally unsuccessful. i Near La Pompelle m the Cham agne and also on the front between iavarin farm and Tahure several sur If? prise attacks by the enemy were re- I pulsed. . I - German Official Report. Berlin, April 26 (Via London). i The German position at Gavrelle, in the Arras battle ijcld,' is now situated at the eastern boundary ot tne village, says today's army headquarters state ment. German Journals Claiming Victory In Arras Battle London,- April 26. The German newspapers are claiming victory in the battle of Arras, telegraphs the correspondent at The Hague of the Evening News. Tt Frankfurter filling says: "Tie second battle, of Arras can never be made good by the British, who lost it at enormous cost in men and material." v The Cologne Gazette says: "German troops look across fields piled with corpses of the British army, which the-- have repelled suc cessfully." The Cologne Volks Zeitung says: "The Siegfried position has become i an , elastic band, a living wall which has dissolved the physical and moral strength of the enemy." Chinese Governors Vote to Declare War On German Empire Peking, April 20. At a conference of provincial and military governors, at which the premier presided, it was voted unanimously that China should enter the war against Germany. A janvass shows that. Parliament I is overwhelmingly in favor of China i declaring war, but President Li Yuan Hung still is undecided, i Danish Crown Prince May x Marry Swedish Princess Copenhagen, April 26. (Via Lon don.) The visit of King Christian of Denmark to King Gustave of Sweden was to discuss the possible engage ment of Crown Prince 'Christian of Denmark and. Princess Margaretha. a daughter of Prince Charles of Sweden, it is reported in a aispaicn from Stockholm. Own Your Own Home A Full Page of Bargains in Hornet will be found on the Want Ad Pages of today's paper. Turn to it now.