Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Brie C News
Mud Lamp Burgeu-Grandea Co.
Hoto Root Print It Now Beacon Preaa.
Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm,
Goodrich Garden Hoso at Jas. Mor
ton & Son Co.
Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools at
Jus. Morton & Son Co.
Fined for Breaking Mail Bos Frits
V. Muhlke pleaded guilty In federal
court to tearing down a mall box at
the home of Sophia Sachs, 6101 Park
er street. He was lined 10 ana costs.
Ship Builders Wanted Ship car
penters, calkers and Ironworkers on
wooden ships are needed by the fed
eral government. Applications should
be made to M. A. Koikendall In the
local federal building.
Flectrlc Mght Managers Entertained
The 'Shelby lamp division, through
its Omaha manager, Howard r. vou,
entertained at luncheon at Hotel Loyal
forty managers of electric light plants
located in western Iowa and eastern
Nebraska properties of the Continen
tal Gas and Electric corporation.
Girl Fined for Theft Irene Hawes,
18, charged with having obtained fine
clothes from the Brandeis stores on
ths credit at an established customer,
was fined J-'5 and costs in police
court and sentenced to live at home
with her parents. Emma Witcher, lb
co-defendant, forfeited her bonds and
School Contracts Awarded Con
tract for general construction of the
new Train school, to cost 167.600, will
be awarded to Houghton & Ansoll and
other contracts as follows: Heating,
Daniel Whitney: heat regulation,
Johnson Service company; plumbing,
Daugherty & Mortensen; wiring, jonn
son Electric company.
A. H. Moliler Is Here Former
President of the Union Paciiic Mohler
is here to testify in the suit of John
Moran against the Union Pacific be
ginning in federal court Monday.
Moran asks iiu.uuu lor alleged serv
ices as an agent in securing right-of-
way for the Union Pacific's line be
tween Callaway ana uandy.
Corporations Pay Taxes The Oma
ha & Council Bluffs Street Railway
company remitted J19.287.13 to the city
as 3 per cent occupation tax on gross
earnings of JS42.904.41 fur first quar
ter of this year. The omana hiiec-
trie Light and Power company re
ported 110,800.37 as similar tax on
gross receipts of 5360,012. zu.
Fined for Short Weight The Peo
ple's market advertised that It sold
ten and a half pounds of sugar for
si, A housewife paid a dollar to J.
L. Rueter, clerk, for a sack. She
weighed it at home and found that it
was short one-half a pound. Rueter
was fined 915 and costs Wednesday
morning in police court on the charge
of giving short weight.
Epworth Iieague Election The Ep
worth league of Walnut Hill Methodist
Episcopal church elected the follow
ing: Mr. C. L. Fritscher, elected presi
dent for the fifth term; Miss Jean
Rae, first vice president, second term;
Mr. McKee Fiske, second vice presi
dent; Miss Mildred Johnson, third vice
president; Mr. L. W. Hoffman, fourth
vice president; Mr. Clarence Swan,
treasurer; Mr. Howard Oliver, secre
tary; Miss Alice Day, chorister; Mr.
Frederic Hoffman, organist.
Russia Modifies Rules for
Sale of Alcoholic Drinks
'Petrograd, April 25. (Via Lon
don.) The provision government has
modified the rules governing the sales
of alcoholic drinks by the introduc
tion of the following regulations:
First The sale of alcoholic drinks
containing a percentage of alcohol in
excess of one and a half degrees is
prohibited throughout Russia.
" Second Export to foreign coun
tries of grape wines of every kind is
permitted regardless of their percen
tage of alcohol.
Third In wine-growing districts
the sale of wines produced locally
and not containing a percentage of
alcohol in excess of twelve degrees
is permitted. Sales of these wines
outside of the wine-growing districts
is permitted only in towns and may
be prohibited by the municipal au
thorities. Call Secret Conference
Of Neutral Journalists
London, April 25. A dispatch to
the Exchange Telegraph from Am
sterdam says:
"It is announced that the German
foreign office invited all the neutral
journalists now in Berlin to a secret
conference to hear a statement by
Alfred Zimmermann, the foreign min
ister, and William von Sturm, under
secretary for foreign affairs, on Ger
many's war aims. The German press
protests that neutrals have been thus
favored, while the German newspa
pers are hardly allowed to express
an opinion on the subject."
American Neis Writers
Asked to Quit Germany
London, April 25. The German
foreign office has notified the Ameri
can correspondents who have re
mained in Berlin that their presence
in Germany in no longer desirable,
according to the Exchange Telegraph
correspondent at The Hague. The
American newspaper men, it is added,
have therefore decided to leave for
Switzerland or Scandinavia.
Also on Arms. Scratched Almost
Night and Day, Turned to Crusts
and Disfigured. Tremendous Burn
ing. Cuticura Healed. Cost $2,00.
"A little rash of pimples came on my
hands and arm s, and later spread to my
shoulders and face. It itched and burned
intensely which caused
me to scratch almost
, night and day. The
pimples then turned to
yellow crusts causing
great pain when 1
washed. 1 was disfig
ured for the time and
could not possibly put
my hands in water. At night 1 barely
shut my eyes on account of the terrible
itching and tremendous burning.
"I sent for a free sample of Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. 1 noticed a great
improvement so I purchased more, and
when I used two boxes of Cuticura
Ointment and four cakes of Cuticura
Soap I was healed completely ."(Signed)
Miss Hattie W. Selke, 6024 Justine St.,
Chicago, 111., Sept. 2, 1916.
If you have a poor complexion im
prove it by using Cuticura Soap daily
and Cuticura Ointment occasionally.
For Free Sample Each by Return
Mail address post-card: "Cuticura,
Dept. H. Boston." Sold everywhere.
Soldiers Prevent Demonstra.
tion Before American Em
bassy in Petrograd.
Petrograd, April 23. (Via London,
ADril 25.) An effort by a small
groun of ultra radicals to make an uti
friendly demonstration before the
American embassy today was frus
trated by militiamen as the radicals
marched down the Nevsky Prospect
on their way to the embassy.
The demonstration was headed by
N'ikolai Lenig. the radical socialist
leader, who recently arrived here
through Germany from Switzerland
with a safe conduct from the German
authorities. The demonstration is
said to have been due to the alleged
killing in America of an anarchist
named Mooney, who was under sen
tence in San Francisco.
A guard was sent by the authorities
to protect the embassy.
The Mooney referred to in the
foregoing probably is Thomas J.
Mooney, who is under sentence of
'i for connection with the bomb
A -,ion in July, 1916, in which sev
c. persons were killed.
Kaiser Congratulates Army
On 'Failure' of English Attack
Amsterdam (Via London), April 25.
A Berlin official statement says the
German emperor has sent the follow
ing message to Crown Prince Rup
precht of Bavaria, commanding the
Artois army group:
"The fresh English storm on the
battlefield of Arras has been broken
by your troops. To the heroes of
Arras and their trustworthy leaders,
I send my thanks and those of the
fatherland. God will help further."
King of Denmark Visits
Swede Monarch at Stockholm
London, April 25. Reuter's Stock
holm correspondent says King Chris
tian of Denmark has arrived in Stock
holm to visit King Gustave.
Red Blood
and Courage!
(By Dr. W. C. Lucas.)
What drives the men right up to
the trenches in this war is courage,
and it's red blood that "puts the
heart" in the man. Did any one ever
see a puny, thin-blooded man ever
rush into the fight with any chance
of winning out? With rich, pure
blood you can face any hardship,
reach any goal. But you are handi
capped in the race of life without it.
Every tissue, bone, muscle, should
take from the blood certain materials
and return to it certain others. This
process Insures perfect health. When
the poisons accumulate in the blood,
perhaps the face breaks out in pim
ples, or boils appear on the neck, and
we feel languid, tired, our vitality is
at a low ebb, and we easily catch
It's time to take an alterative ex
tract and blood-purifier taken from
Nature's forests. Such a one is
made up of Golden Seal, Blood and
Stone root, Oregon Grape and
Queen's root extracted with glycer
ine and made into sugar-coated tab
lets or liquid, and this has been sold
by druggists for the past titty years
as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. It's always efficacious in
the spring when the blood is run
down and you need a wholesome
tonic. Try this old-fashioned but re
liable remedy, without alcohol!
If you are occasionally troubled
with rheumatic pains or lumbago,
pain in the back, toes or muscles of
the body, this is due to uric acid
stored in the system. The liver and
kidneys do not act properly. For
such a person, I advise taking Anuric
(double strength) three times daily
for a week or two. This Anuric
throws out the uric acid which accu
mulates, and if taken occasionally
will prevent or cure rheumatism and
gout. There is no difficulty in ob
taining Anuric at any drug store.
You havft swollen feet and hands! Stiff,
achy Joints! Sharp-hootinr rheumatic pains
torture you. Tou have aching back, pain In
the lower abdomen, difficulty when urinat
ing! Look out) Theae are danger fgnala.
Trouble la with your kldneyi. Uric acid
polionlng. In one form or another, has set
In. It may lead to dropsy or fatal Bright'
dlieais If not checked.
Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules Immediately. They are an old prep
aration, used all over the world for cen
turies, combining natural healing oil and
herbs, well-known to physicians and used by
thousands in their dally practice. The Cap
sules are not an experimental, make shift
patent medicine," or "salt," whose effect Is
only temporary. They are a standard rem
edy, and act naturally, gently and quickly.
But when you go to the druggist, Insist on
getting the pure, original Haarlem Oil In
Capsules. Be sure the name GOLD MEDAL
Is on the box, and thus protect yourself
against counterfeit. Advertisement.
The Stomach
and Health
It is far better to have n empty
purse, a good stomach and be hun
gry, than to have wealth, no appetite
and indigestion. There is wealth and
health in a well, strong and hungry
stomach. Then think what Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey does to promote
digestion. In tablespoonful doses be
fore meals, it stimulates the mucous
surfaces and little glands of the stom
ach to healthy action, assisting diges
tion and assimilation work so that the
food vou eat gives the body the great
est amount of fuel and tissue-building
sunnlics. The mild and tome effect
of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is spe
cially adapted to the use ot persons
with diseased or delicate stomachs,
for it invigorates the nervous mechan
ism of that organ, which is the su
preme test of its virtues. Thus with
a firm grip on digestion and assimila
tion, you get back the proper balance
of their functions and you will know
the pleasure of eating whatever the
palate selects. Because it has af
forded relief to thousands of sufferers
from indigestion and the kindred ills
of digestion, the advice to "Get Duf-
fvs and Keen Well should prompt
all stomach sufferers to like action.
Sold by most druggists, grocers and
dealers. $1.00. If they can't supply
vou, vrite us. send lor usettil house
hold booklet free. The Duffy Malt
Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Wednesday, April 25, 1917-
-Phone Douglas 137
Great 3-Day End-of -the -Month Sale
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
In the Big
THREE days of real economical opportunities an occasion when you are offered merchandise of the most needed and wanted
sort at prices that are way below the present market quotations. It is to your advantage to read this advertisement carefully
and to come Thursday and benefit by the remarkable saving possibilities.
President Wilson's ap
peal to the entire nation
demanded the co-operation
and support of men
and women in every walk
of life. He suggested in
his proclamation that
"Merchants Adopt the
Motto of Small
Profit and
.Quick Service"
This has been the motto
of this store and has been
rigidly adhered to ever
since it has been operated
by Burge'ss-Nash Every
effort in our power of the
business has been direct
ed chiefly to steadying of
prices in favor of the con
sumer. Customers have a right
to believe the store that
enjoys their patronage
should really work for
their interests.
It will be more than
ever our effort during
this period of stress to
adhere to "small profits
and quick service."
Crepe de Chinei, 43c
36-inch crepe de chines, in a
good assortment of colors; spe
cial, at yard, 43c.
Silk Poplins, 43c
24-inch silk poplins, good se
lection of colors and specially
priced, at yard, 43c,
Dress Goods, 43c
Wool dress goods in checks,
plaids, stripes and plain colors,
at, yard, 43c.
Shirtings, at 53c
32-inch silk and cotton stripe
shirtings, white grounds, with
neat satin stripe, yard, S3c.
Wash Goods, 5c
Remnants of lawns, dimities,
voiles, etc., in lengths of 2 to
10 yards; very special at, per
yard, 6c.
Percales, at 9'ac
Percales, light colors, 32 to
36 inches wide; large and va
ried selection of new patterns;
very special, at yard, 9 c.
Ginghams, llc
Dress ginghams, 27 to 32
inches wide, in a choice selec
tion of new patterns; very spe
cial, at yard, 1 1 94 e.
Cotton Voiles, 9 Vic
40-inch voiles, assorted col
ors, short lengths, 2 to 10
yards; sale price, the yard, 954 c.
Women's Hose, 15c
Women's black cotton hose,
plain or ribbed top and seam
less; one of the biggest values
of the season, at pair, 15c.
Boys' Hose, 19c
Boys' heavy fine ribbed cot
ton hose, black, seamless, all
sizes; very specially reduced for
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
to 19c.
Torchon Laces, 5c
All linen, IK to 3 inches
wide, pretty selection of de
signs; very special Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, at yd., Be.
Val. Laces, at 2'2c
Pretty new val laces, in
edges and insertions, wide range
of patterns for selection; Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, at
yard, 2 He.
Here Are Wonderful Values in
New Organdie Waists
YOU'LL wonder when you
see them how the ma
terial alone could be se
cured at the sale price, to say
nothing of the making. The
waists represent the very
newest styles, made up of
white organdie in sport mod
els with collars and cuffs of
assorted materials in stripps.
Persian patterns and plaids,
in rose, blue, black,' yellow
and green; long sleeves;
sizes 36 to 44.
We consider them ex
tremely special, at 49c.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Stair Storo
ERE Are Notion
Machine spool silk, all colors,
spool, 3c.
Silk finish crochet cotton,
spool, 4c.
200 yards machine thread,
spool, 2ic
Children's hoBe supporters,
pair, 10c.
Bone hair pins, box, Sc.
Wire hair pins, paper, 2c.
Hair nets, with elastic, 5
for 10c.
Shopping bags, each 10c.
Hand scrubs, each, 10c.
Inside Ikirt belting, yard, Sc.
Dish rags, each, Sc.
Skirt markers, each, 12Hc.
Hair brushes, each, 10c.
Baby bibs, each, fie.
Bias tapes, bolt, Sc.
Bolts of linen tape, 6 for 10c.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Store
House Dresses
ffl I KM
They are known
as factory "Sec
onds." of the
better q u a 1 i t
dresses; some
of them have
o i I spots,
others are
stained, but
o t h erwise
Made of
percales, in light
u m A Aur anarlna.
also ginghams and chambrays.
All are nicely made and neatly
trimmed. You'll appreciate the
wonderful values, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, at 93e.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Stain Store
Remnants of Silks Sacrificed for
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at 59c
SHORT lengths of 2 to 8 yards, including such desirable
weaves as messalines, foulards, brocade satin, striped
taffeta and a wide assortment of other weaves that rep
resent the most favored patterns and colorings. Silks in
lengths desirable for waists, skirts and dresses, v
very specially reduced for Thursday, Friday vf
and Saturday to, yard J J
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
Extra Special!
Choice of Any Tailored
Suit, $12.95
SUIT values that are really won
derful every one a most un
usual offering at a very special
price. Suits that represent the
season's very newest and most fa
vored styles. The materials are :
Wool Poplins Velours
Shepherd Checks
In navy, black, apple green, mustard
and gold Smart, loose coat style with
patch pockets, sash tied belt effect, the
skirt has pocket gathered back with
belt; silk linings of splendid quality and
exceptional value, at $12.95.
Women's Fancy Silk Dresses
Receive Decided Reductions, at $13:50
Crepe de chines, pongees and taffetas
in pleated, tailored, sport styles and
combinations of taffeta and georgette.
Finished with fancy pockets, some em
broidered with gold. The newest colors
and black. Unusual values, at $13.50.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
Drugs and Toilet Goods
1 oz. glycerine,' 11c.
1 pt. ammonia, 10c,
1 qt. ammonia, 13c.
1 pt. witch hazel, 29c.
1 gal. ammonia, 49c.
Vi lb. epsom salt, 9c.
1 lb. epsom salts, 14c.
4 oz. castor oil, 17c
2 oz. castor oil, 10c. 1 ,
1 oz. spirits camphor, 11c.1
2 oz. spirits camphor, 19c.
Seidlitz powders, 7c, 1
1 pt Hydroil liquid paraffin for
Internal purposes, SOc.
Pond's vanishing cream, 16c.
Transparent handle tooth brush
es, at 18c.
Large can Corylopsis talcum pow
der, ISc.
1 lb. hospital cotton, 37c.
1 doz. aspcrin tablets, 17c.
Hinkle's pills, 100 in box, 18e.
Mentholatum, 16e.
Sayman's soap, cake, 7c.
Spotless hair brush, S9c.
Colorite, makes your old hat new,
special, 19c.
No 8 wardrobe, 80c.
No. 2 wardrobe, 78c.
No. 8 wardrobe, 88c,
No. 6 wardrobe, $1.00.
No. 17 and 18 wardrobe, $1.50
and $2.00.
2-quart combination fountain syr
inge and hot water bottle,
guaranteed, $1.29.
2-quart hot water bottle, 89e.
Large sponges, for automobile or
house use, 89c.
Lilac rose soap, cake, 7c.
Pine tar soap, cake, 4c.
Bath tablets, bottle, 7c.
Printed Linoleum
At 29c
Special purchase of printed lin
oleums, in a variety of pretty
designs; full 6 feet wide, of
fered to you very special Thursday, 29c iq. yd.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo
Corsets at 59c
Strong coutil corsets, well
boned, with medium low bust,
long skirt, free hips, fancy
trimmed; special, at 69c.
Brassieres, at 29c
A variety of brassieres of em
broidery trimmed back and
front; an excepional value;
Thursday, at 29c.
Child' Dresses, 79c
Ginghams, chambrays, checks,
plaids and stripes, combination
jacket, middy and long waist
style; some slightly mussed,
at 79c
Child's Dresses, 59c
Made of ginghams, in plaids
and checks, with large collar,
button trimmed; very special,
at 59c.
Boys' Pants, 59c
Striped and plain colors,
taped seams, sizes 6 to 11
years; extreme values, at '89c.
Boys' Waists, at 29c
Good quality, with collar at
tached, neat patterns and all
sizes; very special, at 29c.
Enameled Ware, at
Included in the lot are
white and gray enameled
ware, sauce pans, pudding
pans, wash bowls, spoons,
covers, fry pans, biscuit
pans, etc.; choice, 10c.
31-Piece Break
fast Set, $2.25
Made of American semi
porcelain ware, pretty
blue line decoration, con
sisting of
6 large plates
6 small plates
fi cnns
6 saucers 1$
6 fruits i
1 platter...
Burgei-Nth Co. Down Stain Store
1 '
Men's Blue Denim
THINK of it! Men's nigh
back and suspender over
alls, made of 220 and 240
American blue donim, with two
front-swing pockets, watch and
pencil pocket on the bib, rule
pocket on right leg, two1 patch
hip pockets, two buttons on side
opening and two on bib; all
seams double stitched. None
sold to dealers.
Sizoa 32 to 38
Men's Pants, $1.00
Neat styles and checks. Regu
lar pant cut, with belt loops and
cuffs; slightly imperfect; all
sizes. An extreme value, at
pair, $1.00.
Burgeta-Naah Co.
Down-Stalra Stora '
. Gold Rings, 10c
For women, children and
babies, plain or stone set; big
variety from which to make
your selection, at 10c.
Gold Hat Pint, 10c
Solid gold-headed hat pins,
with gold-plated stems; very
special, at jewelry section,
at 10c.
Hair Pins, lc
An assorted lot of shell hair
pins, in a variety of styles and
kindB; very specially priced,
at lc.
Plated Bracelet, 10c
Gold plated bracelets, stone
set; wide variety of styles; spe
cially priced for Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, at lOe.
Carving Sets, $1.95
8-picce silver plated handle
carving sets, hand hammered
steel knife, fork and sharpener,
for $1.95.
Silver Tea Spoons, 5c
Silver plated tea spoons,
guaranteed to wear and very
special Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, each, at Sc.
Plated Berry Spoons, 35c
Heavy silver plated berry
spoons, gravy ladles and cold
meat forks; very special, at
each, 35c.
Union Suits, 39c
In boys', white or cream
color, porisknit, short sleeves,
knee lengths; seconds; very spe
cial, at 39c.
Union Suits, 25c
Women's white cotton union
suits, low neck and sleeveless,
lace trimmed; Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, at 25c.
Embroideries, 2 Vic
Embroidery insertions and
headings, two inches wide, good
selection of patterns and very
special; Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, at yard, 2 He.
Embroideries, 9c
Embroidery flouncings and
edges, 5 to 18 inches wide; also
corset cover embroidery; spe
cially priced Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, at yard, 9c.
Silk Glove, 25c
Women's 2-clasp, double tip
silk gloves, mill seconds, black
only; very special, at pair, 25c