Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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Cattle of All Kinds Are Fully
Steady and Fairly Active
Sheep Higher..
Acrll :(. III!.
Orrtrltt Monday t.S:l T.OII l,4lt
OHIelal Tueeday S.T11 'Ml I.S41
Eatlmate Wedneeday.. 4. soft 10.601 I. too
Three day thin week. .12.016 :7.670 20.362
Same day. last week. .5&..40 42.607 24.117
Same daa 2 V'kn. affo.22.4'.'l Sfi.KftS 21.I3S
Same day. I oka. aIO.lC.647 21.417 22.06
Same daya 4 uka. uo.SMI! 47.611 11.671
Same day! laal year. .U.I47 t!.l Stilt
Recelpta and dlapoalilon of live . atoek
at the Union .tack yarda, Omaha, for twen-ly-four
houre ending al I p. m. yealerday:
Cattle. Iloita. Sheep. H'r'a.
r . v. St. r s
Wabaeh I 4
Vlseourl Pnelflc ... 2 . .
Union Pacific 52 41 ;1
C. N. W.. earn.. 17 7
C. N' W arm.. C! at 1 1
C, t. P., M. O.. IS 14
C. B. Q.. -west. .64 3
C , B. Q . oast. . 1 t
C. R. I. P., eaat 4 2
C R. I. P.. weal 3 S
lltlnote Central ' S
Chicago OL Weat., 3 2
Total receipt ..211 It: 34 1
. Cattle. Hokb. Sheep.
Morrla Co 73 2.0S0 1.200
Swift Co 1.303 2.1)02 2,6I
t'udahy Parklnf Co... 777 2.617 100
Armour Co 093 3,776 3.3a J
Sehwartl Co 174
. W. Miu-phv 1,421
Unrein Parklnf Co,. 74 ....
S. O. Paoklnr Co.... 0 .....
A'ttaon Parking Co... OA
'Juitalna-er 6 o 1 .....
e, B. Lewla 107
1 B. Root Co 3
1. H. Bulla 02
Roeenelork Broa a .....
. O. Kelloii 35
llla Co .....
lulllvan Broa 37 ....
Mo. Kan. Calf Co.. It
rhnatto 42
jhtrln 13
Huffman 30
Roth 40
Meyere .., J6
fcleeaherg 3
Raker J 4
banner Broa. 10
lohn Harvey ........ 304 .....
pennla Ji Francla If
tenaen A Lunarrn .....lit I....'
tear buyers ., 363 .....
Total! (.047 . 10,137
Cattle Receipts, whlla not largo for a
Wednesday,, wore the largaat of any day
Ihli week, bringing tha total for the three
daya up to 12,046 head, leaa than half the
run of laat week and the amalleat of any
period 'for ft long time bar.
i There waa a very fair demand and prlrea
an praotteally all klnda were fully ateady.
The feeling on light cattle, that la. the kind
that wars quoted In aome raeaa 11.0091.26
lower laat week; ara better and 16o at
leaat of tha decline haa been recovered.
Thar waa nothing loppy here tocom-.
para with tha 113.00 cattle yesterday. .
1 Quotatlone on Cattla Good - to choice
beeves. Ill.004vlt.00i fair to good beevea.
910.764lll.60; common to fair beeves, 10.60
610.76; good to cbolcs belters, II. S0t) ;
good to cholcn cows, 18. 76t 10.60; fsfr to
good cows. IS.OOOI.76: common to fair cows,
lb. 6003.00; prima feeding ateera, 9t.60ty
76; good to choice feeders, II. 7601. 60;
fair to good feeders, 11.0091,76; common to
fair feeders, 0.76QI.00; good to rholca
Blockers, IS.K0vt.76; stock heifers, 7,001
.76; stock oowa, I.004M.36: atock calvea,
7.I0O10.00; vsal calvea, l.00f K.60; bsef
nulla, stage, ate, lt.009l.IO.
Repraeentfttlve sslts; " ' '
No, av.. Pr . . Ko. ' .. Av. Pr.
11 tit 7 01
14 I 31
31 Ill 00
1 76
16 HO 10 36
31 760 10 36
34 10 60
30 1010 10 to
44. ...... .1100 11 30
10. .......1133 II 36
31 ..1131 11 60
it.,,.., .1311 11 10
14 ,..1307 11 10
16. 1311 II 60
3 1611 11 70
II II 00
711 I 60
04 I 40
06 16
11 10 30
.-. ..
....101 10 40
....1111 10 76
.,,.1010 11 10
.... 161 11 26
....1100 11 40
..,.1160 11 16
....1101 II 76
...,1334 II 00
t .,,1134 11 00
1 1430 13 30
Hogs Testsrday's offlclsl count of the
bog run fell about 1,000. abort of the sail,
mate, and today's estimate of 147 cars or
1MA0 heed Is larger than for either of the
, prevloua daya. The supply for the ftat half
of the week .foota up 37,670 head, aa com.
pared with 43,607 laat we k, 24.146 two
weeka ago and JS.III a year ago.
Hoga aold fully lOo lower than Veatstdiy
after a alow dnaggy opening. The close was
-fairly active, and If anything atrongar than
early In tha day, overythlng being cleaned
up Bulk brought tll.oooil.36, ana tha top
.reached 111.46. . ,
, Representative galea: -
No. Av. Sh. Pr. ' No. Av. fth. Pr.
44.. 170 40 1 76 It.. Ill 10 14 10
13. .113
II. .112
71. .363
100 II tl
100 II 01
... II 11
40 It 10
... II 40
It.. 301.
7. .343
76. .313
40 16 00
100 II 10
300 16 10
... 11 36
12.. 317
;to it it
Sheep The supply of aheep and lamba
waa no more than fair. About Ihlrly.three
cars or head were reported In. the
amalleat run hat haa been ;.era so far thla
week. Three days' rereipta amount to II,.
162 head, bring 1,600 larger than last week.
8,100 heavier than two weeka ago nnd an-
.proximately the sarr.o else aa th run for
the correepnhdlng daya laat year.
Fully ateady prlcea were obtainable, for
lembe right from tha outset, but sellers
. wanted to duollcsle veaterrtr a ..,....
It waa midday and after before the bulk of
y tne tamos ania, but in the end prlrea were
fully 26o higher, ft number of loada of good
Mexican lambs selling sa high aa .111.40.
The ehorn grades were even stronger than
wool stuff, ahowlng 16016c oplurna. Prac
tically all the rscorda made yesterday were
I. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb.
Mexican. III. 7i 14.(0; lanitu, fed weilern,
I16.16OII00; lamba, frenh nhorn, lli.tttt
11.361 yearlings, good to choice, 111.2641
14 00; yearlings, fair to good. tn.60ll.26:
wethera, fair to choice, 112.00013.36; ewe.
r good to choice. 112.34 6 12 46; ewes, fair to
' Rod. Ill.tltJllIt; ewes, plain u calls,
17.600 10.76,
Vo' ' Av. Pr.
HI clipped lamba 61 ij i,
Cattle Rtsftdy, Hogs Strong sad Sheep
Chicago, April 31. Cattle Receipts. II.
00 head; market atrong: native beef rattle.
Il.c0ttl3.40: stockers and feedera, 7.t6
10.00: cows and heifers, 16.704)11.10; calves.
17,60 0 13.00.
Hogs Receipts, 21.000 hesd; market
strong at yeeterday'a average; bulk, 116.400
16.10; light. II4.60IH5.70: mlvou, 116.166
16.16: heavy. III.16016.I6; rough. Hi. Ha
16.11; pig.. tl.7ttrU.lO.
Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 10,000 "head;
market firm; wethern, 110.70 13.10; ewea,
IM0O11.76; lambr, I2.36OK.I0.
Mon (My lJvs Jigtck Market.
Slous City, April 16. Csttle Receipts
1.6o hesd; market, klllera atrong to lc
higher; atockera stesdy; beef steers, 111.00
OI2-I0; butchers, tl.00Oll.00; tat cows snd
. heifers, I7.60O10.60; canners, 16.5067.16;
storkers snd feedera, 17.60610.35; calvea,
7 tOfJs.76; bulls, atsgs. etc.. 17.00010.00;
feeding cows and helfera. 17.00 e 1.40.
Hoga RecelpH. 1,000 head; market 10O
ltc lower; light, 114.75016.35; mixed,
116.060 15. 30; heavy, 116.304116.50: plga,
IU.00O13 00: bulk of sales, 116.00616.10.
Sheep and- Lamba Receipts, 100 head;
market atrong; .yrarllnge, I12 00C13.60;
wethers, til. 606 13.60; onea,;
iambi, 111.100 1 5 26. t
i Kansas City Un Stock Marks).
Kanaas City, April 31 Cftttle Recelpta
I, 000 head; market higher: prima fed eteera.
12.00612.71; dreened beef ateera, 11.006
II. 76; weatern ateera, tl.00tt-12.50: cow
6.80O10.60; helfen.. tt.i0611.00: stockersj
nd feeders, lt.00610.le; bulla. I7.610.l
Hoga Recelpta. 10,600 head; market low.
ovt bulk, 116.006 u.6; heavy, tlt dOOH 10;
psckera ftnd butcbers, 116.25615.66: light.
14.60Olt.16; pigs. II0.00O11.J5.
Sheep and Lamba Receipts. I.lot head:
market higher; lambs, 112.60611. 36; yssr
lings, tlt.t06 14.60i wethers. ln.t06H.IO:
wet, 110.10611.31. - .
St. Jewb Un Stack Market.
St. Joseph, Ho., April 16. Cattle Re.
celpls. l.tot tlesd; market ateady: ateera,
1.00613.60; cows ftnd lujlfera, 16.60 611.10;
calves. tt.M910.7s.
Hogs Receipts, t.tftt head: market alow
and lower; top, 116. 7i; bulk of sales. 116.00
16.10." ,
Sheep ftnd LsmbsRccelpts, 1,000 head:
market 106 ltc. higher; lamba, tll.366It.00i
Strong Demand for Wheat,
With the Price Seven
Centi Higher.
Omaha, April 26, 1117.
There waa an excellent demand for all
gradea of wheat today and prlcea on thla
cereal ruled from I to 7c higher,
Hecelpta were not very heavy, but quite
a few uf the holdover samples from yea.
terday .were on the tablets' and all of the
offerlnga were cleaned up during the early
hours of trading.
Hard wheat aold pretty close to the high
record mark. No. 1 hard aelllng around
12.67 6 2 01. while No. 1 hard brought from
12.61 to 12.63 and No. 4 hard ranged In prlcea
from 12.10 to 12.16, the aale at 12.06 being
ft choice car.
No. 1 durum wheat ao:ii at 1 3.45, and a
few rara of mixed wheat brought from
12.17 to 12.60.
The trade in the corn market generally
waa not very active, although there waa a
very good Inquiry for the rommerrlal grade
of tbe white variety and prices on this
artlcls reached new blgb level.
Hales of No. 3 white wars msde at 11.106
1.00S, No. I whits sold around tl.6IV,6
l.ltti, and a few aalea of No. 3 mlxed'Corn
were mads at 12.61.
Ths trsde In osts was limited on account
of light receipts, but the dementi for thle
cereal was good and prices ruled about lc
The better ssmples of osts brought 72c.
but tha bulk of lite offerings sold around
Rys wss strong st ft S64c advsnce ftnd
barley scored an sdvance of 46tc.
The demand for rya and barley waa ox.
cellent, but as ths receipts were extremely
light only ft few sales of these cercsls
were reported.
Clearances wore: Wheat and flour qual
to 110,000 buahels; corn, 166,000 bushels;
oals, none, 1
Primary wheat rereipta were 124,000 buen
ela and ahlpments 112.000 bushels, against
recelpta of 1,161,000 bushels ftnd shipments
of 661,000 bushels laat year.
Primary corn recelpta were 017.000 buah-
ria and ahlpmenta 1,167,100 Luahels, agalnat
recelpta of 764,000 bushels ftnd shipments of
610.000 buahela laat year.
Primary oata receipts were -140,000 buiih
ela and ahlpmonta 1,471,000 buahela, agalnat
receipts of 1,211,000 buahels ftnd ahlpmenta
of 1,011,000 buahels laat year,
Wheat. Corn.' Oats.
Chicago 10 te 130
Minneapolis 371
Duluth 7
Omsha 21 44
Kanaas City ! 40 11
St. l.oul 10 70 tl
Winnipeg 124 .. i ..
Thsrs sslea wars reported todsy:
Wheat No. ! herd winter: 3 cers, ti ll;
1 l-l ears, 12 67. No. 1 hard winter: 1 car,
12.13; 1 ear, 12.01; 1 car, 12.61. No. 4
hard winter: 1 car fcorn mixed), 12.06; 1
car, 12.10; 1 car, 12.61; 1 car, 12.66; 1 car,
2.14: 1 car, 12.13; I car (smutty), 12.10; 1
car, 12.10. Sample hard winter: 1 car,
13.62; 1 car, i.60; 1 1 cara, 12.46; 1 car,
12.10. No. 1 spring: 1 rsr, 11.64. No.
spring: 1 csr, 2.2SVj. No. 1 durum: 3-t
csr, 12.(6. No. 1 mixed: l-l car, 12.00.
No. t mixed: 1 car, 12.10; 1 car, 11.67.
Rys No. I: 1 oar, 11.10, Ssmple: U
csr, 11.16.
Bsrley No. 1 feed; 1 csr (mellow mftlt.
lng), 11.41.
Com No. I while, 1 ear, l llti; I cars.
11.10. No. I white, 1 car, t)l.0: 1 car.
11.6114 : 44 car. Il.lty,. No. 1 yellow. 6
cars, 11. sou,, No. I yellow, 1 cgr, tl.60;
1 care, 11.10 No. (.yellow, 1 car, tl.llVj.
No. 2 mixed', t rara, 11.61: I rare, II 10;
3 cara, ll.lltt. No. I mixed, tars, 11.60;
rara. tl.liu,.
Oata No. 3 white, cars, T2c. Standard,
3 cava, 71 Vic .No. 1 whlta. I cars (shipper's
weights), llficj II rare, 71 tic: 4 cere. 71c
No. 4 white, 1 csr, 71r. Sample whlta, 1
car fahlpper's welghta), lie.
Omaha Cash Prlrea Wheat: No. t hard.
IJ.44 1,11; No. I hard. 12.1101 Ml No. 4
hard. Corn: No. 3 white, l.0
61.00V,; No. I white, 11. tit, 01. 6944 : No.
4 white, ll.6IWI.61ta; No. I white, 11.616
I. 61; No. t white. 11. 1701. 61; No. 9 yellow,
tl. 101461-60H; No. 3 yellow, 11.60 6 1.60 :
No. 4 yellow, 11.4161. 60; No. t yellow,
II. 4161.41: No, 0 yellow. 11.4161. It:- No.
4 mixed,; No. 1 mlied, I1.IIO; ro. mtxea, tl.4iH6l.4t: No, b
mixed, II, 4161.4m: No. 1 mixed. tl.41M6
I. 41. Oata: No. I white, 7lu,673c; stand
ard, 71H471V,c; No. 1 white, 71071'Ac;
No. 4 white. 70U,O71o. Barley: Malting.
II. 3101. 41: No. 1 feed, 11.2261 30. Rys:
No. 3. tl. 1161. 11; No. 1. I1.IS61.I0.
Local rnltgo of ODtlona:
"Art." Open. High. Low. Oloaa Tea.
Corn ,
I tl I
1 01 V,
1 Its'
I tl 111!
i iitt'som
1 IIU.III3),!
t to lutyj
) imiiittt!
It lltl
I 1K4I10IH
i im noij,
1 tit 1141
1 44V,ll40
1 tmiiti
1 4IVi
1 41
1 1114
11 I
Chicago closing prices, tumlehed The Bee
by Logan 6 Bryan, atock and grain brokers.
116 South Sixteenth alreet, Omaha:
Open. High. I Lo'w.l Cloae Tea.
I 4( I II Il44 I'll HON
1 01V6 t UK 107. 1 UK I004
1 14 1 tl 111 1 IIH in
1 II 1 41 '4 11414 1 el 144
1 41 1 41 140 1 4! '4 ltS
1 II 1 3114 lllti 1 ll4 ul
It 7044 Its . ' I'm 0"
l 0714 14 II 13
v 16)4 17 It 60 66
37 21 17 36 37 36 37 It II
17 tt 17 15 37 01 37 63 It 15
11 07 II 31 II 07 It 26 it OH
It 21 21 17 II it 31 48 II 25
It 10 10 00 II 0 10 00 tl 10
10 07 10 30 00 10 20 20 02
May July
Wheal mmi Con ('Hash tt Now Hlgk Marks
Xftrty la Seaatoa.
Chicago, April 21. Indlcatlona that Euro,
pean governmenta were buying freely both
for Immediate and future delivery did much
today to bring about by far the highest
prlrea reached yer In tha wheat market
Soaring quotations at Winnipeg preceded
the advance in Chicago where Just before
the close tha May option touch 12.61, an ex
trems Jump since yeaterday of llo ft
buahel. The cloae was nervous at net galna
of 7c to 104c, with May at 2.1061.11 ftnd
July at II.I661.II. Corn and oats aa well
aa wheat went to new hlghVrtoo recorda,
finishing reapeotlvely at advancea of So to
to snd 144c to 363c. Provisions showed
ft rles of 17o to 61c. ....
Unusual acarcity of offerlnga put the beara
vuuer ft nanuicap inrougnout the - seaekon.
shorta tn the May option were especially die.
turbed owing to the acantlneaa of ionk in
Chicago and because of the near approach of
delivery time.
AsKertlona that no net tnoreette of acreage
of spring wheftt would ba achieved In the
Uakolaa and Minnesota deepile the crop
shortage tn the domeatlo winter wheat re
gion contributed to the flurry among the
Heavy ralna were said to ba causing aerl
oua delay to aeedlng In the atatea named and
also tn Canada. In this connection mlllera
as weit aa exporters were (represented ss sc
tlvs purchasera and thero v-aa anxious no
tic taken of the tact that milling wheat at
St. Louis, spot cash, had raachsd aa high as
m uuenei.
lorn was dominated mainly by tbe
Itrcngth of wheal. Wet weather that de
layed planting was a bulliah factor and there
aleo were continued reporla of ear ahortage.
Oata developed Independent flrmneeo owing
to peraletent buying on the part of houaee
with seaboard relatione. Vessel charters for
..,). eve ouaoeia to i - to nuffelo wars ra-
Provisions reflected the advancea In grain.
It waa aald, too, that caah Seiuand had en.
inicego caah Prices Wheat: Nos, 1 and
I rod ftnd 1 and hard. nmi'.t' nij. V.
I yCllOW. ai.Sr.ttt.B0: Nil. 1 VMllnv .nrl tV'
4 y)low, nominal. Oats: No. whit. 7 it ft
I.c; uttnd.rd, 11073c. Ry: No. S whttr.
TAtnats: utandtrd. Tiit?ni . v.
t-.oDV Brly: ll.Uei. - fcdi. Ttmolhy,
IS.wftB.OOj clovtr, Ill.0oei7.o0. Provtolortt:
Pork. I31.IB; l.rJ. 121.3,(811.36,; rib, $lt.75
Butur Lowtrt crramory. S&esftc.
Heff Lower: notiDti. m.tsi 4.
.HO-JOt.0; urdinary first.. 03-c. m't
wiatin, vta.ft intTIUUetJs. I j ff SO j C.
Hoitoe t'i.chnt.d; rfceipti, tl can.
PoiiUr AHvo. hlj-horj fowls, tlv. ,
ftfjLfnr MtukL '
Now Tork, April 16. flutiiwiUw, firm;
otnlrlfUMl. I.S7ut mo l.itc. nfiH.
ateady and unchand to tt t.i.tni iiiarh.f
cut loaf, l.0c: crushftd, .7le; ovbea, I.Zfto;
XXKX powdirrd, 7.70c; powdored 7. be; fin
granulated, T.toei.09e; th.n uncbanrod,
Suaar future! advanffod early on covrlnf
and outafde buying- prompted by the airengih
of (ha raw market and unfavorable neamfr
In Cuba. At noon price were f&U polnii
higher. Y
The Hat cased off under liquidation In the
afternoon and ctoaed easy and 3 points lovvr
to 4 higher. Bales 12.160 tons. May. 6.3io;
Jaty. 6.63c;' September, i.iOc.
QttoUtloa af tha Day on Yartoiia Leading
C'om modi t lea.
New Tork. April 2. Flour Marknt
strong: spring patents, I12.6jf 12. 0; win
ter patr-nts. I2.aiviZ.I0; winter iiramnta,
f!2.36i;.60; Kanaas stralghta, 113.15
Wheat Spot, strong; No. 1 hard, IS.M
f. o. b. New Tork; No. 1 northern, fututli,
2.4'i; No. 1 northern, Manitoba. :.78 4
f. o. b. New Tork, opening navigation.
Com Spot ntrong; No. 2 yellow, 11.70
c. 1. f. New Tork.
Oaf Spot, firm, and nominal; standard,
ProvUlons Pork, strong; mrxs, l.l.OOfl
41.60; short rlear. $,3.00 44.00. Beef, ntrong;
OT-ee, family, 131.09 3.00.
Lard, strong, middle west, $31. S04JJ1. 10.
Butter Cneettletl : receipts, 7.6-6 tubH;
ereamery higher than extrae. 4IS42c; e
tras (12 store), 41c asked; first, 3IV
4Hc; Seconds, 3S3Sc.
Egge Unsettled; rocolpte, 42,040 cflnee;
freeh gathered extras, 3Se asked: frenh
gathered storage packed ft rata, 14 '4 0 36 4c;
frenh gathered flrits, 23034c.
Chee-ie strong; receipts, 703 packages;
stata firsts, freeh specials. 2Hc; average
fancy. 36 c 364c.
Poultry Dreesed, steady; chickens, 280
31c; fowls, 21027c; turkeys, s034:; live,
easy; fowls, UHC-Sc: turkeys, 17 18c.
Beef Cuts No. 1 rlbi. 24Wo: No. t. 2HUc:
No. 3, I" Me; No. 1 loins, 2$ tic; No. .,
3Ac; No. 3, 20Hc; No. 1 chucks, lc; No.
nc No. 3, l4c; No, 1 rounds. llc:
No. S, lHc; No. 3, Jan; No, 1 plates, UDc;
No. 2, 1414c; No. 3, Hc.
nan tiaiiDut, isc id.; na inut. rrozen. i5c
lb.; cat flab, large and O. 20c lb.: imfh.
email, 10c lb.; salmon, Falls, frozen, dreeved.
14c lb.; round, no lb.: salmon. Red Hllvers.
f risen, dressed, 17c lb.; black cod sable
flub. lie lb.; trout. No, 1. frenh, 18c lb.;
whltonsh, No. 1, Lake Erie, fresh. 23c lb.;
bass. O. 8 large, 26c lb.; medium and small,
,0c lb.; croppies, O. B., large, Httf lSc lb.;
4 -lb. average, 1 6c lb. ; pickerel, f rotn.
dressed, lOc lb.; round, 7a lb.; smoked
whiting, 10o lb.; froien Bararuda. 14c lb.;
hluellBh, J 4c lb.; froien catfish. 16c lb,: roe
inad, each 30c; pike, 14c lb.: froien whlte-
flh, medium, lia lb.; freih roe shud, heavy.
Oysters "King Cola," Targe cant, stan
dard!, 40c; select!, 46c; founts, 6o
Frtceg rurnisbed by auintky fruit com
Frulta-Oranges: 360s. 2H. S24s. 33.00
box: 200s, 214s, $3.60 box, 100s,. 126s, 160s,
ins, 13.76 nox. lsemons: Fancy. 16.60 box:
oholcs, $6.00 box. Grapefruit, Florida: 3 fie,
$4.00 box; 4.1. $4.26 box; 64s, $4.60 box;
S4s, svs, vss, it. on dox. Apples: wins Rbdi.
extra fancy, $3.60 box; Wins BapH. H3s,
iiiia, issi, rt.n twx; New. York Pippins,
176a. $1.76 box: Wine Sac-a. Jumble. U.iO
box; Missouri Pippins, Jumble, $1.60 box.
vegeianies ueiery, 11.00 not.: narrota. 4c
lb.: rutabagoee. SSc lb.: can bane, lie ih.
asparagus, $3.60 box; asparagus, 16o lb.;
irmuce. sf.zb crate: lettuce. 3 .26 dox.: caul.
mower, $3.60 crate; cucumbers, axtra fancy,
If00 dox.; tomatoes, $6.60 basket; onions,
wax, id, vs crate t onions. Hnan sh. 18.00
crate; sweet potatoes, $3.66 hamper; pota
toes), rating, $3.40 bu.; potatoes, now, No. 1,
f.2u namper.
' union He la Tel low. bu., 96.60; red. $6.00
white, $ . . ,
Plant! Tomato. 99a box: cahhatt. ino
Honey Caaa, $3.00.
Butter 3fto.
Kgga 3tc.
Cm m4 Wheal fteglon Bulletin.
Washington. AnMI 26. The westn-r wn
favorable for farm work and tho ad van re
nf vegetation, except In the extreme north
and northwest portions. Winter wheat Im
proved in all sections, with ratM growth
In Oklahoma. While (t Improved In Kan-
ine siana is aiui tntn. ana Amd tions
an poor (n many places" in 4his and other
states. Seeding of spring wheat made sat
isfactory progreaa. except where delayed by
ratn In northwestern Minnesota. Seeding
print rye. barley and oata advanced rap
idly. Preparation of ground for corn waa
general to the north to fortieth parallel,
and some waa planted In the lower Ohio
and Missouri valleys. Planting of potatoes
ana irucx crops was general, except In
the extreme north. Fruit advanced rap
idly. Kansas Cltr General Market.
Kansas City, Mo April 36i Wheat No. 3
hard, !l.10!.!Oi No. 1 red, t2.703 13;
May. 13.10; July. I2.imai.l4ti.
Corn No. 1 mixed. 11.6301. 681.; No. 1
white. Il.13tyl.14; No X yellow, ll.&Ss)
l it ,; May, II.4IH; July, ll.43.
Oats No. I white. 7JVt76e-: No. 2 mixed
73 OUr.
Butter Crefcmery, 46e; firsts, 4le; sec
onde, 43c; fftcklng, tlr,
Klrgerirm; firsts, lie.
Poultry Hent. loe: roosters, lie: tiirbeve
Itr. ... .
" ' Jtlnneopoll. Drain Market.
Mfnneapolla. Minn., Atjrll, 36. Flour
Fancy Dfttenta and first elears. 40o htsher.
quoted at tll.30 and 111.11 reapeotlvely.
wmfr sraoea unenangea.
Barley II. urn. 41. ,
Bran t3l.6040.nt.
Wheat May. I3.46o:.4: Julv. I2.S1.
Cash: No. 1 hard, No. 1 north
ern, i?.!403.7t; No. I northern, 13.1003.70.
Corn No. 3 yellow. 1.4144 $1.61 1.
Oata No. I white, TlVt471c,
Kin Seed 13.1114 4)3.33 !.
1 St. Loola Live Btoea SfarkeL ,'
Bt, , Louie, April St. Cattle Recelitte,
1.400 head: market higher; native heef
steers, 11.6Ojp;l3.00; yearling steers and heif
er., .18. tOtflt.OO; vow,, tt.OOGll-00; stork,
era and feeders. fl. 00010.16; prime-aouth
ern beef ateere, II.004J 11.60; beef rowa and
heifers, 4.26ftl.t0! prime yearling ateere
and helfera, 17.6(1910.00; native calvea, 11.00
Hogs Rereipta, 11,100 head; market low.
r; lights, 116. 16016.60; plga, 110.40014.00;
mixed and hutchera, 116.26016.10; good
heavy, lit Tit 11.10; bulk, II 6.16 rj 1 6.70.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 770 head:
market atrong; lamba, tlt.00Olt.15; ewe,,
tt.6O01i.36; yearlings, 113.760 14.31; clipped
lambs, 112.00013.00.
1 Uva StoeV. la Sight.
Receipts of live stork at the five prin
cipal weatern marketa yeaterday:
Hogs. Sheep.
31.000 10,000
. 30,100 , 1.000
1.000 100
11. IO0 770
10,500 6.100
11.100 34,170
Chicago 13.000
Omaha 4.I9JL
St. Loula ....
Kansas City
f I ii a -ajj
' I ,
Highest! AW names
stand out clearly as mark
ing the Highest excel
lence in their respective
' classes,. If Packard has
reached that distinction it
has been due solely to the
high purpose that has
steadily aimed to build a
s car of real comfort and
service at lowest cost.
Ask the man who owns one
Sss the Orr Meter Salsa Ca.. Farttttk and Fames.
Stl. Onaaha Alx Llacsla and Stout City. s
V ' Sfa'
1 ' '1
Market Throws Off Its Torpor
on Irresistible Demand.
s .
New Tcrlt, April 2S. On an Irr.elsttble
demand today'e market threw off Its tor
por of the pset tew weeks, lesdlng iHsue.
advancing 3 to 6 point., a few apecialtles
acorlng greater galne.
Hlgheet pr1o. were made In the last
half hour, steel being absorbed in single
I'HH of as much ae 2.U0O to 1,000 shares,
and i-lnsltig at Its best price, lim, ft net
gain of 66 points.
t'tsh copper featured the metals at a
gain of 4 polnta wltb to f polnta for
American Smelling. AnHConda, inspiration.
Chlno, and Krnnecot, This group derived
much of Its atrrngth from reporte of a
renewal of demand by domeatlc ftnd for
eign consumer.
liethlehem Sled old stock rose & polnta
to Vt and the new ahares t; to 12&.
while Sloes-Shefl'-ld. Crucible and Xcka
wanna Steele, Republic and Virginia Irona
and tireat Northern Ore advanced 3 to 8
Calna In shipping., motora and olla were
accelerated by the steady Inquiry for ma
rines, Oeneral Motors, Studebaker and
Texas company, aome of these lssueB mak
ing surprising recoveries from early heavi
ness. St. Paul was the striking feature of
the ralU. recording meet of its rtse of 4'4
polnta tn 84 In the last 16 minutes. Ps
rlfcs, Reading, New Tork Central and
New Haven Improved 1 to 3 point. Total
aalea 626,000 shares.
Heaviness of International made for
Irregularity In bon! Total ssles, par
value, 13.126,000. United Statea bonda
were unchanged on call.
Number of aalea and range of prices of
the leading stocks:
Baloa. High. LOW. Cloae.
2, SOO 1344 li (3 4
Amer. Foist Sugar.
American can
3,100 40
1,600 67
2,400 HVl
14,000 iom
F. . ..
8 as R. . .,
Sugar Ref..
T. T
. I S..
114 61
74 101
1.000 112U 11044 112
500 Ill's 129ti U.ISH
800 .10 ft 29 30H
Anaconda Copper
6' 7's
2.400 103
7,600 IS'i
600 76 i
lOSVi 102
93 97 4
7t 78 '
42 41
Atl , O. W. I...
Hal. a. Ohio
Butte A Sup. Con..
100 43H
400 11
Calif. Petroleum ..
Canadian Pacific.
1.800 ltlV. 161Aa U0 1,
13,300 HiMis IIS
100 10Vi 60 694.
ntral Leather...
Ch-'a. AV Ohio
Chi , Mil. A St. P.
ChL N. '
Chi., R. I. P. ctfa
Chlno Copper ....
Colo. F. I
3,600 14
1,600 III
10U 14
1134 11344
54 's 63
46 4
Corn Producta Ref.
Crucible Steel . . ,
Cuba Cane Sugar
Distillers' Secur
General Klectrio .,
1,700 11314 163
Uenerai Motora ..
1,300 100 4 101 U 101
Ot North, pfd
Otl No. Ore ctfa...
3,400 Jl's 31
Illinois Central ...
Inspiration Copper.
Int. M. M. pfd....
Internal. Nickel...
International Psper
R". C. Southern
78 V.
22 4
11 V,
79 4
Kennecntt Copper., 12,000
Louis, ft Nashville.
Maxwell Motora
Mex. Petroleum. . .
Miami Copper ....
Missouri Pacific ,.
Montana Power ..
Nevada Copper . .
New York Central.
N. Y.. N. IL & H..
Norfolk AV Western
Northern Pacific ,.
Pacific Mall
Pacific T. T....
Pittsburgh Coal .,
Ray Cons. Copper.,
5,1 S
1,100 4114 Ai
200 128 128
1,000 103
300 22
4 44
43 4
29 44
94 '4
62 'A
38 H
24 V,
13 V,
Republic 1, a-
, 11,700
Shattuck Aria. Cop,
noutnern ratine
Southern Ry. . .
Studebaker Corp.
Texan Co. , . , .,. .
Union Paclflo .'.
1.400 210 30614 20t
4.500 137 136 137
U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 31.300 112
10 4 44 111
111 11644
117 118
1094 113
24 21!i
U. S. Steel ......430,900 11611
U. S. Steel pfd.... 2.100
Utah Copper ..... 47,400 114
Wabaeh pfd "B". . 600 25 !4
VTtslern Union . . . 200 16
Westlnghouse Blec. ' 1.SO0 414
41 49
Total aalea for the day, 926,000 shares.
New York Money' Markat.
New York, April -fl6. Money On call,
strong: high, 4 per cent; low, I per cent;
ruling rate. 4 per cent.
Time Loana Firm; aixty and ninety daya,
304 per cent; alx months, 41404 par
r Prime Mercantile Paper 4104 per
Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, 4.72;
commercial slxty-dsy bills on banks, 4.72;
commercial alxty-day bills. 14.71; demand,
4.7610: cables, 14.71 7-16.
Sliver Bar. 72c; Mexican dollars. 61 44c,
Bonds Government, steady; railroad, Ir
regular. I). S. 2s. rcg. .. 91. K, C. S. r 6s... 17
U. S. 3a, cou... 18 L AN. un 4e.. 12
17. 8. 3s, reg... 99 Mo. Pac. gen 4a. 63
U. S. 3a. cou... II M K A T 1st 4a 72
U. S. 4a, reg 106 Mont. Power Is. 16
L S. 4s. cou. ,105Nonh. Pac. 4s... 10
Panama 3s cou.. 96 N. Y. C. deb 68..107
Am. For. Sec. 6s 96 North. Pac. 3a. 13
m. T. A T. 6a 990. 8. I,, ref la... to
inglo-Franch Is, 144Pac. T. A T. 6a. 18
Arm. A. Co. 4a 92Pcnn. con. 4a. 1014
Atclh. gaaj. 4a... 1214Penn. gen. 4s. 16
n. A O. 4b 8814Keadlng gen 4s.. 13
Cent, Leather 6a 86S. L t 8. r. 1 1, 68
C: A O. cv Is... 9014South Pac cv 6s. 100
C, B. A O. J Is. 973outh Pac ref 4s. 87
C M A 8 P g 4s !7outh Ry 6s.... 18 4 Tex A Psc 1st. . : 91
C. A TS. r 48..."80tlnlon Pan 1 96
D A R O r 6s It- Union Pac ov 4s 91
D, C. 6a (1931)1 97 U. 8. Rubber 5a.. 81
Krle gen 4..... 62u. S. Steel 6 106
den Bleo 6b... 102 Wabaeh 1st 101
O. N. lat IHs,. 95 West. Union 4 4a 92 u
III. Cent, r 4s.. 91 Bld.
I. M. Msr. 8s... 93 -
' Metal Market.
New York. April 36. Metals Spelter,
weak: spot. Ut Louta delivery, 19.00 asked.
Copper, Quiet: electrolytic, 124.00 0 30.00,
f"1 First Mortgage Bonds f(yf
DeBomlaatlons 104.00, $500.00, $1,000.00
4th Flow, First Nat, Bk. Blag-, Omakft.
nominal. Iron, firm and unchanged. Tin,
a iron at ICI.iOy
At London: Coppr. r-pot, tl SO : fuilrei,
fill 10a; ffeoirolytlp. Z. Tin, anot,
titi lia: future. 12U. Lnd. 30 10a.
Spelter, Ii.
Coffaa Matkei.
New York, April tl. Cfi fotur
howed rather a ataadtar tone today an cov-
erina, moderate- trade huylnc and reporta
of a firmer feHnr In Uratil. Liquidation
of May waa again In evidence, aa tomorrow
will ba the first notice, day, but waa chiefly
In tha way of witching to later dvllverlea.
and after opening 1 to 4 point higher, ac
tive monthi. Hold about 8 to 4 polnta above
lant night's cloning figure. July contracts
advanced to a. 06c and Decern bur to 8.40c,
wltb the market closing a ahautt off from
tbe beat under realizing to a net advance
of 1 'o 3 points, Haka 130.000 bage. Includ
ing exchange. April. 7. Sue; May, 7,S6c;
June, (7. Sir; July, 8.05c; August, ft. 12c; Sep
tember, I. lie; October, 8.!l5r; November.
8 31c; DeemiW, 8.38c; January, 8,46c; Feb
ruary, 8. Marrh, 8.67c.
Bpot, dull; Klo 7a, 10c; Han ton la loc.
Cost and freight offers were reported ruling
around 10.00c for Santos 4a, London credits,
and t.So American credUx.
tne oinciai rRDiei rpona no mange in
the Braslllan marketa except fcuntos future,
which were 2b rela higher. Rio cleared
,000 bags for New Tork.
Omaha Hay Market.
Receipts light on both prairie hay and
alfalfa. Market firm and higher on the
better grades of hay, demand good.
Hay- Choice upland prairie, 119.00920.00;
No. 1, $18. 00 19.00; No. .2. S16.0017.OO;
No. t. tlO.OOtft 12.00. Midland, No. 1, $18.00
18.00; No. S, 814.00Q18.00. Lowland, No.
1, tl!.5014.S0; No. 2, 110.0011.00; No. 1,
Alfalfa "-hole, $2J.0fl23.00: No. I,
I21.00&22.0"; Standard, 818.0020.00; No. S,
fie.00O17.00; No. 8. 112.00 14.00.
Straw Oat, $7.0007. GO; wheat, 16.00
Ctottoti Market.
New Tork. April 26. Cotton Futures
opened ateady: May, 11,70c; July, 19.60c:
October, 18.63c; December, 18.68c; January,,
Cotton futures clomd steady; May, 19.80c;
July, 19.6bc; October, 18.61,c; December,
18.&Bc; January, 14.&6c Spot, - quiet;
middling, 20.06c.
Liverpool. April 26. Cotton Spot, high
er; good middling, 12.S2d; middling, 13.70d;
low middling, 13.52d. Bales, 8,000 baled.
IsOndon Stoeka and Bonds.
London, April 26. American erurttiea
declined In sympathy with Wall street on
the stock exchange today.
Silver Bar, 37 6-lSd per ounce,
Money 4',i per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills, 4 per
cent; three months, per cent.
Bank Clearings.
Omaha, April 25. Bank clearings fo
Omaha today were 37,022.324.94 and for th
correapondlng day laat year 13.778,476.52.
He could not know, standing
there in his bare feet and his
rough clothes, with his little
schooling, that kings would do
him honor when he died, and
that all men who read would
mourn a friend.
Hecould notdream thatoneday
his work would stand in Chinese,
in Russian, in Italian, in Polish,
in German, in Yiddish, and in
many languages he could not
read and from humble doorman
to proudest emperor, all would be
gladdened at his coming.
- Hecouldnotknowthatthrough
it all he would remain as simple,
as democratic, as he was that day
as a boy on the Mississippi.
i . j
He made us laugh, to that we had no time to see that his style was sub
lime, that he was biblical in simplicity, that he was to America another
Lincoln in spirit.
To ut, to'every one in the United Statei, he was just Mark Twain
well-beloved, one of ourselves, one to laugh with, one to go to for cheer
one to go to for tane. pointed views. Now he it gone, the trenchant pen is
stilt. But hit joyout tpirit is ttill with us. Mark Twain's smile will
live forever. His laughter it eternal.
x H. Wat Grat Man; Ss Hit
Work ara Great
The road ahead of that boy on the
river bank waa a hard one. Before
"Mark Twain," a dittinguished, white
haired man, and the King of England
walked and talked together, his path
wat tet with troubles that would have
broken a weaker tpirit. It wat a
truly American ttorjr a small begin
ning, little schooling; hard work
disaster good humor and final, thin
ing, astounding luccett.
He fought with poverty, he fought
with disaster, he lost those dearest to
him. But he woo.
Because he wat of high and brave
25 VOLUMES NoveU Short Stories Humor
Why This Half-Price Sale
Mark a Twain wanted everyone in America to own a
set of his books. So one of the last things he asked us
was that we make a set at so low a price that everyone
might own it.
He taid, Don't make tine editions. Don't make
editions to tell for $200 and $300 and $ 1000. 'Make
good books, books good to look at and easy to read, and
make their price low."
So we have made this tet. And up to now wc were able
, to tell it at rhit low price. But a thing has happened that
Mark Twain could not foresee.
Gat your sat Worst these f o. Remember, never again will a set of Mark
at such a price as this. When this edition it tone there will be no more.
herewith at once. , . HARPER 4 BROTHERS,
Railroads to File
Tariffs to Cover
Increase in Rates
. . .
ashington, April 23. The Inter
state Commerce commission today
prescribed the method of procedure
in the IS per -cent rate advance cases
by permitting the railroads to file
supplemental tariffs covering the in
crease. This is in line with the com
mission's tentative order entered a
few days ago.
The new tariff will be subject to
protest, suspension, complaint, inves
tigation and correction, the commis
sion announced, and their riling is
only preliminary to detailed consider
ation of the application and does not
dispose of the cases.
Indications are that the commis
sion will soon set dates for hearings
at which the merits of the increases
will be considered and shippers will
be given an opportunity to state their
The effective date of the order,
should it be finally approved, is
changed from June 1 to July 1.
Exports of Sugar
From America
Are Suspended
New York. April 25. Hoarding of
sugar Jy American consumers has led
to suspension of export business to
meet an abnormal domestic demand
for the staple, Earl D. Babst, presi
dent of the American Sugar Refining
company, said today in a statement
approving the plan suggested by Her
bert C. Hoover, national food com
missioner, for co-operation between
the United States and the entente in
handling food problems.
Unbeatable Exterminator
of Rats. Mice and Buaa
i lined the World Over - Used by IJ.S.Covjrnmnt
Wit Old RtlimbTh Ttet Never Falls V IS c. 25c. A' Druggists
.nos wjm
"vu- Mm
Frnhspie-t of r
"The Boy' Lifts ol Mark Twain" jgriW
By Albert Bigelow Paine " V jFplW 15
intellect, because he had humor as
deep and as true as the human heart,
and because he had struggled with life,
he was a great man. So his works are
As Children We Lored Him
They say that children know the
inwardness of things. A child knows
the heart of a man. We as children
instinctively knew Mark Twain was
so mfich greater, so much truer than
anybody else that there was no one to
compare him with.
Now, grown up, we knowthe reason
rhv. He had the heart of a child; he
had the style of a master; he had a
character of rare beauty.
characteristic ot
Big Elevator and
200,000 Bushels of
Wheat Destroyed
. Erie, Pa., AprH 25. More than
200,000 bushels of wheat and a large
wooden grain elevator known M
"Elevator A" of the Western Trans
portation company, owned by the
Great Lakes Transit corporation, were
destroved by fire here tonight with
a loss" estimated at $600,000.
The grain, it is said, was consigned
to the allies. Officials of the company
assert that the fire started from n
overheated pulley in a tower on the
lake side of the elevator.
The elevator was the remaining one
of three elevators, built by the cor
poration, the other two having been
destroyed by fire more than a year
ago, with a loss of more than $800,000
in grain consigned to Europe.
Shipments of New
Potatoes Increasing
Washington, April 25. Shortage of
the 1!16 potato crop may be relieved
by rapidly increasing shipments of
new potatoes from Florida during the
last week, the federal, bureau of mar
kets reported todayT Between April
1 and -20, 5,072 cars of the old and
new crop moved and the daily ship
ments of the new potatoes have
jumped from the usual fifteen or
twenty cars to fifty-three cars April
18, seventy-three on the 19th and
ninety-six on the 20th.
St. Iul Grain MariteL ''.
St. Louis. April 35. Wheat No. 8 red.
13.01): No. 2 hard, 12.86; May.; Jul.
12.131,. - ,
Corn No. 2, I1.54i4; No. 3 white, 11.61
Oats No. 3 and No. 2 white, nominal.
CornMay. 11.4th; July, 11.46 Si.
The Great .tVmericu
He was American, He had the
idealism of America the humor, the
kindliness, the reaching towarfi a big
ger thing, the simplicity. In his work
we find all things, from the ridiculous
in "Huckleberry Finn" to the sublime
of "Joan of Arc," the most spiritual
book that was ever written in the Eng
lish language, of serene and lovely
beauty as lofty as Joan herself. A man
who could write two such books as
"Huckleberry Finn" and "Joan ol
Arc" was sublime in power. His youth
and his laughter are eternal; his genius
will never die.
Essays Travel History
Must Stop
Paper and Ink Go Up ,
Before the war we had a contract price for paper.
But now the price of paper his gone up. It has almott
doubled in price. Even the price of ink hat gone up.
So it is impossible to make any more sets and to sell them
at this low price.
Send Coupon Without Money Today
The last of the edition is in sight. There will never
again be a tet of Mark Twain at the present price.
Remember that it is because Mark Twain sacrificed
some of his royalties that you can have a set at this price
at all. Take advantage of .that kindness that was so
Twain be offered
Send die coupon
Harper ee Broth era
Fran id in Sq., New York
fiend me, ill dwrtjf psrarpaud,
1 tet of Mark Twain', works
In 25 1 roltinxs, illmtmeti.
bound tn lwivlavniat1 if a
doth, vtaH:pd la fold, roM
(ops, urrtrimintd eiT. II not
utiifttctOTT. I will return thea
at your npetue. Other-i I
ill Mrnrt you fl-OO withia I
davj. vid JT. 00 a Booth for M
mnTith. Ihui frttitiaT the ttca
efii of ur luU-pnce ttUe,
to-. to nrlt-e in Canada becauae of duty Ji