Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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War't Effect on Woman't Attire.
Tlfe clothes of the times" are quite
as fascinating to female humanity as
ever before. Never was there such
a variety of novelties in women s
wearing apparel as is seen today. Not
long ago we mentioned in this col
umn red, white and blue hats, pa
triotic ties and such fads. Now the
red, white and blue has been intro
duced into the coloring of parasols.
' A beautiful georgette crepe blouse,
which was or. display in Omaha re
cently, had red, white and blue flags
embroidered with tiny beads on its
s delicate fabric.
A young woman of good repute ap
peared on the streets the other day
with shoes of white, hose of red and
suit of blue, an intensely patriotic
combination, but one which, with all
due respect to our national colors,
did not appeal to us.
Almost every paper nowadays
contains a prediction of trousers tor
women, especially motor drivers en
listed in the National League for
Women Service. Very attractive suits
with trousers like reduced Turkish
bloomers e now making their ap
pearance in this city. One store calls
them ''feminalls." A deaconess
friend of ours, when making her
rounds the other day came upon
"-joung woman in overalls, real, sure
enough ones, going about her busi
ness as if in perfect comfort ,, Over
alls for young gardeners are tonsid
tred the thing in our best families.
The urgent call for gardens has
treated an increased supply of dainty
arden accessories which seem fitted
only lor party frocks. Yesterday we
saw among the new arrivals in 6ne
" expensive shop I et which will soon
be the possession of some Omaha so
ciety maid. It was an apron of pale
pink silk with hand-embroidered
pockets and a little poke-bonnet of
the same silk to tie under the chin.
Lynch-O'Connor Wedding. '
At 9 o'clock this morning at St.
Peter's Catholic church the Rev.
- Father McCarthy united in marriage
Miss Mary O'Connor, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. 'J. O'Connor, and
Mr. John A. Lynch, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Lynch. Palms and -pink
and white roses were used in the
x decoration of thl church. '
Miss Nettie Bushman was maid' of
honor, and Mr, Michael Hanna was
best man. "
A wedding breakfast for the bridal
party and relatives at the home of
the bride's parents followed the cere
mony. . Pink and white spring flow
ers, sweat peas, roses and carnations
were ' used throughout the rooms.
Out-of-town feuesta were Mr. and
"ir. II. J, McCarty of Des Moines,
r.til Mrs. Mary Byron of Bur
A i . ' - -
!. : v -I Mm. I.yncft left this after-
V ' .. i an . eastern ie"Jtlitig trip.
I lie at home alter June 1 at
. lo-vtii cut is maile of ttte mar-
r'.v s 6.' Mr. Daniel J. Foley and Miss
A:ics L. Clark, which took place
Tuesilav morning at 8 o'clock at St.
Cecelia's pro-cathedral. The 'atten
dants were Mr, Thomas D. Foley and
Miss Agnes L. Clark.- The ceremony
was pcrlormed by Father Gately.
The bride wore a traveling suit of
dark blue silk faille, with hat of gray
and orchid and corsage bouquet of
pink sweet peas. After a short south
ern trip the newly married couple will
be at home . in Omaha.
, Creche Benefit Card Party, '
VLittle children at home must te
fed this summer," said Miss'Arabell
Kimball today, 'when she announcrd
the annual card party for the benefit
of the Creche on May 22. "Later we
!i!an to do something for the ' war
bailies', but just now we have to see
t!iat the dozens of little people who
are drpendent upon the Creche for
their support are fed. Surely it is
not asking too much that each family
in Omaha who can afford it give $2
to the Creche."
Tickets as usual will be a dollar
each. : The ball room of the Fon
tenelle has been secured for the
party,; thus Insuring plenty of room
for large attendance. Following
the plan of many charity organiza
tions, the tickets are to be mailed out
to all, former patrons of Creche card
Scheduled (or the Future.
' The Creighton Mixers' club an
nounces its annual May dance, which
will be held at Keep's academy Tues
day evening. May I. This will be the
last, dance before the final examina
tions and will also be a farewell to a
number of the students who are plan
ning to. leave for the reserve officers'
training camp.
.In honor of Miss Grace Coppock,
a missionary in China, whose work
there ,is supported by the University
of Nebraska Young Women's Chris
tian association, there wilt be a re
ception Saturday morning in the
Young Women's Christian association
parlors for women who are alumnae
of the university.'' Miss Coppock is
a state university graduate. 1
Plana for May Fete.
Besides the dancing on the green
at the May fete May 2 at 4 o'clock
in the Joslyn gardens by Miss Portia
Swett and her former pupils, Mrs.
Hazel Smith Eldridge will sing wood
land tongs attired as a Grecian
There will be no ticket sale in
advance for the fete, which is given
for the benefit of the Unitarian church
building fund. Tickets will be sold
at the entrance to the gardens, both
at ! Thirty-ninth and at Fortieth
streets. Mrs. Draper Smith has charge
of the tickets and Mrs. Robert Leav
ens of the candy sale. A bevy of
young girls will assist Mrs. Leavens.
Arthur L. Palmer, Justin V. Re
fregier, William de Winter, Alan Mc
Donald, Daniel Cary arid David W.
Starr will take charge at the gates.
About the Luncheon Tablet.
Mrs, M. M. Murray and Mrs. F. R.
Robinson entertained , thirty-two
guests at bridge luncheon at the
Ulackstone. The guests were seated
at one large table decorated with
sweet peas.
Members of the English literature
class which has met with Mist Kate
McHugh for the last -two years were
entertained at luncheon at the Black
stone by Mrs. A. H. Fetters. This
p?rty will be probably the last social
affair giirrn by the members this year
because of their desire to conserve
Monticello commencement festivi
ties, in which Miss Dorothy Dahl
man, daughter of the mayor and Mrs.
Dahlman, and Miss Florence Rahm,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rahm,
would have participated, will he aban
doned this year, by vote of the stu
dent body. All the money which
would have been expended in these
social functions will go towards a
fund to endow an ambulance for war
relief work. This is the spirit being
shown at many of the eastern schools.
during the war. The lesson in lit
erature followed the luncheon.
Mrs. Moshier C. Colpetzer enter
tained at luncheon at her home, hon
oring Miss Mary Burkley, whose
marriage to Mr. Lawrence Brinker
is an event week. Sweetheart
roses and bridal novelties marked the
places for twelve guests.
Mrs. J. H. Beaton had as her lunch-(
eon guests informally at the Black
stone in honor of Mrs. Frank Wilkint
of Detroit Mesdames George Seahury,
W. L. Vaughan, V. R. Gould, Tom
Allen and Miss Alice Troxell and Miss
Gertrude Branch. .
Mrs. William C. Schopp gave a
bridge luncheon for forty guests,
complimentary to Miss Anna Welch,
whose wcddiig to Mr. Joseph Mullin
takes place Saturday. Pink and
white, carried out in tweet peas and
roses, with bridal arrangements,
marked the luncheon. The guests
were seated at one large table 'and
several smaller ones.
In Clubdom,
Rockford college alumnae will
meet at the home of Miss Alice Redg
wick next Wednesday at '2 o'clock.
Selling papers- and magazines is a
plan fpr raising money for war relief
work which) U. S. Grant Woman'a Re
lief corps is considering. The corps
begins its work of making hospital
supplies in the Baird building May 1.
At a meeting held at the home of
KlrsH. S. Wilcox, Tuesday, talks
waregiven by the president, Mrs. J.
N. Taliaferro, and Mrs. ,Abbie A.
Adams, past national president.
A dinner ring with three diamonds
mounted in filagree platinum was pre
sented Mrs. E. M. Syfcrt, retiring
president of . the Ofnalia Woman's
club, by the members, at the club's
twenty-fourth birthday party Tues
day at the Blackstone hotel. Mrs.
Mary I. Cfeigh, first vice president,
made the presentation speech.
To Honor Visitors.
Mt. and Mrt. John Madden gave
an Orpheum party followed by sup
per at the Fontenelle Monday eve
ning for Mrs.fClara McGrew and Miss
Jean Pellegrini of Montgomery, Ala.,
old friends of Mr. J. A. Cavers, whb
have been his house guests since Fri
day. They left last evening for the
east. The evening of their arrival Mr.
Cavers gave an Orpheum party in
their honor. Saturday evening Mr.
and Mrs. James Love Paxton gave a
dinner-dance for them at the Omaha
Many informal functions are being
given in ' honor uf Mrs. Llewellyn
Jones of- Taconra, Wash., who is visit
ing her mother, ' Mrs. Robert Doh
erty. In her honor Mrs. Martha
Hcth entertained Monday. Tuesday
afternoon Mrs. Selwyn Doherty had
six guests at the Orpheum. today she
is having eight guests at an informal
tea and Thursday Mrs. Philip Potter
is entertaining for Mrs. Jofies.
Mr. and Mrs. (1 Louis Meyer, Mr.
and Mrs. Windsor Megeath, Miss
Helen Clark, Herbert and Robert
Connell and Harry Koch made up the
party entertained at the theater last
evening by Miss Mary Megeath, com
plimentary to Miss Phyllis Luman of
Salt Lake City. Supper at the Fon
tenelle followed. Miss Mayion Towle's
luncheon for Miss Luman, who is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Meyer, will be
given next week.
Social Gossip.
Mrs. E. C. Morgan of St. Joseph.
Mo., arrived Monday for a three
weeks' visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Wilson. Mr. Mor
gan wilt come up to spend this week
end in Qtnaha. -
Miss Amy Burgess,' maid of honor
at the Slabaugh-Aikin wedding, plans
to remain in Omaha as the guest of
Miss Gladys Goodman until Friday,
wtien she' will 'return to her home in
Winona, lit,
Mrs. Robert McClelland - and
daughter, Myra, have gone to Cali
fornia for a stay of a few weeks.
Upon their return they will take the
Clement Chase home at 201 South
Thirty-second street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Pilger.
Neb., are spending a few days in
Omaha at the Fontenelle.
Judge and Mrs. D. W. Glasscock ot
Mission. Tex., and Mr. T. M. Taylor
of Houston are guests at the John H.
Shary home until Tuesday, when Mr.
and Mrs. Shary accompany their
guests back tu Texas.
Miss Agnes Undeland, who with
her sister. Mitt Jean Undeland, has
been teaching music in Gillette, Wyo.,
for the last year, returned luesday
for a three weeks' visit with her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Undeland.
Wedding Announcement.
The marriage of Miss Agnes Nel
son and Mr. A. A. Oelsligle of Tilden,
Neb., was solemnized at 6 o'clock
this morning at St. John's church,
Father Ryan officiating. A wedding
breakfast at the home of Mrs. E. A.
Mickel followed.
Miss May Mickel and Mr. P. E.
Clarkin were the only attendants.
. The bride was married in her go-
away suit of pearl gray. After a short
wedding trip the young people will
be at home in Tilden.
Now that spring is here mot of
us are about ready to take down the
lace curtains and pack away our furs
in moth balls. All the things which
clutter up a house in the winter are
going to be brushed and laid away
so that summer's heat will find our
places as open and airy as possible.
I wish we could all settle down to
clearing our minds of the "junk"
which has accumulated there and that
we might leave them as neatly swept
and garnished and open to air and
"unshine as our houses-are soon to
The averaVe mind issomething
like a badly regulated novelty shop
which has grown down at the heels
tfirough dust and dirt and years of
mismanagement, It is full of things
which its owner doesn't want and
wouldn't know how to get if he did.
If I could attend to the spring
housecleaning of the average mind,
the very first 'things I should take
down would be the thick and dusty
lace curtains of tradition. Tradition
is all very well if you take a small
piece of it and look at it with an
amused knowledge that it is a fairy
tale woven around yesterday.
But if vou let it net between you
and the fact that the world is ad
vancing and progressing and step
ping up on yesterday to reach to
day, it simply shuts off from your
own vision all the sunshine and fresh
air of new thought.
After I had taken down the blind
ing curtains of tradition I should
at once put away in camphor all
the draperies of sorrow. Sorrow
has been called "the mere rust of
the soul;" but I think that it is far
more like the, stifling plush drapery
and portieres with w hich people make
their houses musty and airless, and
dusty and dead. Activity and thought
will cleanse and brighten your mental
processes as soon as you get your
mind out of the heavy swathjngs of
nh.. i .1.! ; I I
4 lie next iniug in niy nuusci idli
ng would be to punch up all the
pillows and cushioned upholsteries
of habit and lay them away for the
summer. Then I should enter the
closets in which hung my garments
of memory and regret. I should
shake them out thoroughly and put
them away. I
Now with tradition and sorrow
and habit and memories and regrets
neatly laid away in camphor or
if I could get the courage to do it
sold to the old clothes man! I
should consider it about time to clean
the house I have so thoroughly
First, up would go the windows
and in would come a stream of the
sunshine and fresh air of honesty
and sincerity. Then for the soap
and water and scrubbing brushes of
open-mindedncss and plain truth ap
plied with rough courage and plenty
of it. By that time I think the mind
I was lrbusccleaning would be a
pretty habitable placet
After all, when you clear out the
stupid, outworn notipns which you
have - mechanically been accepting
without reasoning about them or ex
amining them, and when you open
your mind to honest facts and big
realities, and rctuse to squirm away
from a contemplation of yourself, as
yon are, you have put your House
of Thoughts in very good order. But
you have to keep it open. J he min
ute you shut it against facts and take
the stupid, old "if it's good enough
for my grandmother it's good enough
down the blinding curtains of tra
for me" attitude, you are pulling
down the blinding curtains of tradi
tion. -
An open mind cannot heln receiv
ing healthy and vivid impressions.
And it reacts to- them sanely and
well. How is anyone toxget anywhere
it he rouses to see life as it is and to
examine things as they are?
I I STAR" What Am" !
. Wlth Stow coving I
f'!'t-!rFMrvf nfFmnVhTl c"'fal h0"-"-' '
1 ' e i
V rlilil m?l "odns. Youll know them by I
' I 7 Vt-m.. n.. ..FFFrVI ""' OvalUb.Uh.fcmoo.o.0,nty.
iW I'ir'lStlluWi mr,0'P'no 'n fcod productt.
llwrr-J''. 7 i llrfFli AKM"hcoMpA !
Charm of Black and White
The charm of black and white is
carefully illustrated in this little frock,
which stands half way between tepa
rate waist and skirt and the one-piece
"little dress" of the winter. The
blouse is of white taffeta, boldly
collared in black. The btack
twists into a broad surplice,
which edges the belt and asserts itself
again as pipings on the cuffs and the
facing for the sash. The black taf
feta skirt is an emphasized peg top,
with a tendency to climb up over the
skirt in wide cartridge plcirS. The
hat is an enormous cloche of leghorn,
which widens at the sides and has a
deep binding and flaring loop of
velvet. . -
Parks Has Hauled Over
2,400 Loads ot Rubbish
Commissioner Parks of the Street
Maintenance' department reports that
revised figures for Monday show a
total of 1,206 loads of refuse hauled
on the first day of the city-wide clean
up. On Tuesday 1,263 loads were
moved. The work has not been fin
ished. For Good Printing at LowPrices
Printed Itaotneor. Card! tt.SS
Printed Enrelopee, 3xtt. .SS.tS
Printed Letter lleute, 8 Villi 3.j
Printed Envelope Encloeurai tl-oO
Bill Berate, Statement! and Other Print
ins at KeaeonftMe Plieee.
Sample and 'Prices of All Kindt of
Printed Mattel bent Free Loon Keqneet.
The Original
Safe Milk
lor Infante, Invalids and Cn-owJne Children.
Tot Orifioil Food-Trlna For All Afee.
y 11
It is not necessary to shampoo
your hair so frequently if it h en
tirely and properly cleansed each time
by the use of a really good shampoo.
The easiest to use and quickest dry
ing shampoo that we can recommend
to our readers is one that brings out
all the natural beauty of the hair and
may be enjoyed at very little expense,
by dissolving a teasponful of can
throx, which can be obtained from any
druggist, in a cup of hot water. This
makes a full cup of shampoo liquid,
enough so it is easy to apply it to all
the hair instead of just the top of the
head. This when rubbed into the scalp
,and onto every strand of hair, chemi
cally dissolve all impurities. It is
very soothing land cooling in its ac
tion, as well as beneficial to both scalp
and hair. After rinsing out the lather
so created, you will find the scalp is
fresh, clean jand free from dandruff,
while the hair dried quickly and even-
I ly, developing a bright (luster and a
I soft ftuffiiiess that makes it seem very
i heavy. Advertisement.
Rich Milk, Malted Crraln Krtract In Pnwdan
utatttutM Con YOU tin Price,
delicate stomach to the dangers that raw cows' milk ao often carries.
Thousands of mothers are finding the right way every day. They are
bringing up their babies on
(A Complete Milk Food Not a Milk Modifier)
NestleVs is milk from healthy
cows, purified the tough, heavy
curds are modified other baby
needs are added. Reduced to a
powder, it comes in an air-tight
can no germ can reach it. To
prepare, you add only fresh water
and boil one minute. It is a com
plete food containing all the
nourishment needed to build a
happy, healthy baby. Nurse your
baby if you can if you can't i
keep him sale on Nestle s Food.
1 1 r-Bel I All Wheat j
1 lj y tee is no-1 RytoEat
HUOSAi HaiilAiavK. - III
four growing
cMdren and inval
ids, than a dish of
KriimMes with
milk or cream .
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Crwt Tnountstns towpf
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Lovtllczt Spot in
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Don't Give Your
Baby Medicine
Send for the doctor if the baby
is really ill. Otherwise give your
baby plenty of sunshine and air,
soft, fresh, loose clothes, a daily
bath, castor oil if you must and
be sure his food is right. It is al
most always the food that's wrong
when the baby is ill.
You know, if you cannot nurse your
baby, he must have milk in some form.
There is a way to give your baby all the
sood-in cows' milk without subiectinK hia
Nestle's is building healthier,
happier babies all over the world.
Send fhe coupon for a FFEB Trial
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