Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Drawn for
The; Bee
Two Twirlers From Mine City
forced Out by Omaha
Joplin, Mo., April 24. (Special
Telegram.) The Rourkes played an
uphill game this afternoon, pounded
two Joplin pitchers at timely mo
ments and hung up another victory,
10 to 7, in their start here.
C. Thompson, left hander, was
batted freely by Joplin in the first
three innings, but tightened up and
granted the Miners only three hits in
the last seven innings. One of them,
a home run in the third by Monroe,
gave Joplin two runs.
Four hits in the first innings made
it look bad for Thompson, and Marty
Krug had Barham in the warming
stall. After Devore and Cochrane
were out, Dalton and Hunter singled
ind J. Thompson let Horan's single
get through him for three bases,
scored Dalton and Hunter. Linma-
more singled and scored Horan and
Lamb grounded to Burg for the third
Miners Begin Scoring.
Two more were out before the
Miners began scoring in the second.
Monroe was safe on Krug's error, but
was forced by Smith. Devore flew to
J. Thompson, Cochrane tripled, scor
ing Smith and Dalton scored him with
a double. Krug's earor and Monroe's
home run gave the Miners two more
in the third and ended their scoring.
With the count 5 to 0 acrainst them.
"Pa" Rourke's boys began counting
in the third and then kept at it con
sistently nntil they won. Watkins
walked and C. Thompson singled,
each advancing on Burg's sacrifice.
Ireland singled, scoring them, and
took third when Hunter muffed J.
i nompson s grounaerv Krug s sac
rifice fly to Devore scored Ireland
ind J. Thompson went out stealing,
Monroe to Lamb.
Burg's Bat Handy.
J. Smith opened the fourth' with a
single, Brottem fanned and Brokaw
and Watkins walked. C. Thompson
flew to Lindamore and Burg scored
J. Smith and Brokaw with a ripping
single to left Ireland grounded out.
Clean, sharp hitting in the sixth
rung down the curtain on Art Smith,
the big right hander, and sent Burwell
into the box for the Miners.
Omaha scored three on Brottem's
single, Brokaw's force out, Watkin's
base on balls and C. Thompson's
triple to right, a blow that counted
Brokaw and Watkins, tied the count
and sent Burwell into pitch for the
Last Runs in Seventh.
C Thompson crossed the pan on
Irelan's double, but the little key
stoner went out trying to stretch the
drive into a triple. Hits by Krug and
J. Smith, stolen bases by Brottem and
Brokaw and errors by Hunter and
Monroe gave Omaha its last two runs
in the seventh.
New First Sacker
For Omaha; Brokaw
To Play in Outfield
Pa Rourke has bought Hugh
Bradley from the Columbus club of
the American association to fill the
hole made by Cy Forsythe's jump to
Ihe Arizona Copper league.
Bradley will play first base and
Hal Brokaw, who has been mowing
down the grass at this bag, will shift
to the outfield, his regular position.
The newcomer will report to the
Rourkes at St. Joseph Friday.
Bradley is the man who succeeded
Ray Miller at Columbus last year.
Columbus judged him a better man
than Ray and sent Miller to Omaha.
He played 146 games, batted .250
nd fielded .992. He is said to be a
sensational fielder and a consistent
hitter, especially in the pinches.
With Bradley at first it is believed
the Rourkes will be even stronger
than they were when Forsythe was
cavorting around right field, for Bro
kaw is a much better fielder than
Cy and a more dependable ball play
er, even if not so hard a hitter.
Open Athletic Club Bids
Here Thursday Afternoon
The opening bids on the construc
tion of the Omaha Athletic club
building has been postponed until
Thursday afternoon. When W. B. T.
Belt of the building committee found
that an important contractor in Chi
cago could not get his bid ready by
today, he asked the other members to
postpone the opening. The bids are
now to be in Wednesday noon at the
tffice of Secretary John C. Wharton.
Thursday at 2 o'clock they arc to be
taken to the office of Architect John
Latenser and opened there.
Maine Overnubsrribnl loan.
Aiisint. Mp.. April 23. Malnfs flm
I'Hlf million (1fllAr of war Innn bonds
tma lipn oviT-auburrlbed by more than
ll II
Dynamite for Miners
A8. R. H. O. A. K
Biirir, 8b
Ireland, Xh. ,
if. Thompson, of. ,,
Krnir, m ..,
1. Smith, It.
BroUem, . .....,
Brokaw, lb, v....,
Watkins, rf.
C. Thompson, p.
.. 4
.. S
.. 4
.. S
.. 4
.. S
.. 4
.. 1
.. 4
Totab 84 10 11 7 10 S
AB. R. B. O. A. E.
nevore, If. .......... a 0 1 t 1 0
Cochran, Sb. fi 1 1 7 S 0
Dalton, ef 4 1 a S O 0
Hanter, lb 4 1 1 4 O X
Horan, rf. 4 1 1 O s 0
lindamore, aft. 4 0 1110
Lamb, Sb. 4 1 0 4 1 0
monroe, e. 4 1 O 4 t 1
smim, P i I 1 O 0 t
Borwell, p. , 1 0 0 0 S
lollllu 1 0 O 0 0 0
Total 3D 1 S 17 It
Batted for Burwell In ninth.
Omaha 0 O S S O S 1 0 n tn
Joplin S S s O 0 0 0 O O .7
Two-base hitat Ireland, Dalton. Three-
oase nits: l.. Thompson, J. Thompson,
Cochran. Home Hun; Monroe. Bacriflce
nut Burr, gacrmre ny: Hrur. hlolen
bases: rtmith, Brottem. Left on bases:
Omaha, ; Joplin, 4. Passed ball: Brottem.
Hits and earned runs: Off C. Thompson, 0
and : off Smith. 7 and 4 In five and one
third Innings i off Burnell, 4 and B In three
and two-thirds Innings. Bases on balls: Off
smitn, o: orr Hurwell, 8. struck out: By
Smith, 2; by BnrweU, 2; by C. Thompson, 1.
n ud errors: umana, J , dopun, X.
Time: 2:05. Umpires: J aeons and Fill man.
Bunched Hits Enable Links
To Defeat Denver Bears
Denver, Colo., April 24. Bunched
hits enabled Lincoln to defeat Den
ver, 6 to 4, The visitors got a lead in
the fifth inning when Carlisle singled,
Smith was hit by a pitched ball and
Bayless hit a fly, Carlisle scored on
Lober's grounder, Butler singled,
scoring Smith and Lober, who had
reached first on a fielder's choice.
far!!.! If A n k'a r..Mi. .i. . . ' . ' '
Smith, 2b 9 0 2 1 OK' 8 0 1 1 0
Bayless.cC 6 2 10 4 110 0
Lober.rf 4 110 OButeher.lf 6 10 0 0 4 2 12 10 10 10
Griffin, lb 1 0 10 2 ishanl'y,2b 4 0 4 2 1
o v vrtnesisK.C s If 0 1 o
Gard'ler.p 10 12 OSml'son.p 10 110
Bluj'ket 0 0 0 0 0
. , Totals.. 84 127 14 1
Total. .11 7 27 11 I
Ran for Butter In the seventh.
Danvar .1 0 1 I o 0 0 0 04
uhcs. wngr, mi Lincoln. T.
man, WufflL Two-base hits: Lober, Wuf-
" un uans: lh omunson.
11 off Gardiner, 6. Struck out: By Smith
son, Si by Oardlner. 4. Hit by pitcher:
Smith. fiaorlfl. flu, tlr...i
wi.. . , " """'i. oacritice
hit: Block.' Double play: Wuffli to Shan-
mm., nus ana earned runs: Off
Gardiner, t and 4 in nine Innings; off
Smithson. 7 snil S In mn. i..i
,8mlth,n- Tln: One hour and umpire: MCUIlvray.
Josies Drop Fourth Game
btraignt From Sioux City
St. Tn.Anll Ma A-.-I1 tA C. T-
c j v ! . ;' " m. Jo
seph dropped its fourth straight game
today, Sioux City winning, 3 to 1.
Wright was taken out in the ninth in
ning and Meyers finished, allowing no
hits. Score:
IRRn 1 V .n..A.
jllmor.!f t A 1 A IUI... , it .
oony,2b 2 0 1 4 0Haley,2b 4 112 0
----- . . . m. . vnii.Bue.i:i l u U O
Watson.rf 4 10 0 OKIrk'm.lf 2 0 10 0 1 in 0 OM'Cnd.Sb 1 1 1 1 (I
Rader,aa 2 0 11 lP.H' 1 0 13 0 0
W.H'ry.of 1110 OPowell.rf 1 0 0 0 0
Crosby.o 10 11 Wusner.o 1 O t 1 1
, v , , vn. w gni,p j n o 4 n
Moore lOOOO
Totals.. 21 4 27 16 ltV.Wht.rf 1 0 0 0 0
Thomas 1 0 0 0 0
Meyers,p 0 0 0 0 1
Totals.. 11 4 27 11 2
Batted for Powell In the seventh.
Batted for B. Wright In the ninth.
St. Joseph Do 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
oirucic out: By Wright, 4; by Oesper, 4.
Bases on hall. rtrr w.idk .
earned runs: Off Wright, 4 and 1 In eight
innings; off Meyers, none and 1 In one ln
" 1 "," : Off Gasper, 4 and 1 In nine Innings,
wild pitch: Gasper. Passed ball: Fusner.
Two-base hits: Connelly, Mets, McCabo.
Left on bases: St. Joseph, 3; Sloui City. 8
....... vjnn iwur ana iorty-nve minutes.
Umpire: Miller.
Wichita Loses Game to
Boosters in Eighth Frame
Wichita, Kas., April 24. A lead of
three runs secured by Des Moines
in the eighth inning enabled them
to defeat Wichita in the final game
of the series here today, 3 to 1. Score:
Caas.lf 4 110 0O'dwln.2b 6 12 5 0
Ewldt,3h 5 2 0 0 tJHarvcy.lf 4 110 0 6 111 4 1 12 0 1
Hunter.rf 4 3 3 0 OPoy.rf 3 0 2 10
H' 3 0 3 1 1 H'tlln,3b 4 0 10 2
C'offey.2b 2 0 4 6 OPayfn.M 3 0 4 4 0 4 0 0 3 2 3 0 0
Breen.c 3 0 9 0 OTaryan.c 3 0 2 3 1
Kllleen,p 2 10 2 ONnrm'n.p 2 0 0 4 1
Rappfl, 1 0 0 0 0
Totals.. 32 8 27 S 1
Totals-. S3 6 37 17 5
Battpd for Norman In ninth.
TVs Moines ,.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 03
Wichita 00000000 11
Hits: Kllleen 2. Hartford. Stolen
bates: Coffey. Basel on hall Off Klllfen,
4: off Norman, 4. Struck out: By Kll
leen, 7. Left on baBec. Wichita, 9 ; De8
Moines, 9. Hit and earned hits: Off Kll
ltren, 6 and 0 In 1; off Norman, ft and 3
in 9. Time: 1:66. Umpire: Shannon.
American Association.
At Louisville R.H.E.
Tr.illannpnlls ... 10030000 04 10 1
LoulHvllle 100001 00 02 11 3
Batteries; Fn Ik en berg and ;
Stroud and Clemons,
Toloilo at Columbus Postponed. wet
Kansas City at Milwaukee Postponed,
ft Paul at Minnctpolls Postponed, rain. 1
New York Makes It Two Out of
Three In Series With
Boston Team.
New York, April 24. New York
made it two out of three from Bos
ton here today, 8 to 2. Schupp was
effective while the Giants bunched
hits on both Allen and Barns. Zim
merman drove in three runs for New
York. Score:
M'nv'lt.m 3 0 14 OBurns.lf 1 1 a 0 n
M,2b 0Kerto(,2b 4 1 S 1 0
T'blsy.rf 114 0 OR'b't'n.rf 4 12 0 0
Magee.lf 4 110 lMurrar.rf 0 0 0 0 0
K' 4 0 13 0 OZ'm'an.Sb t 0 1 0
Smlth,3b 4 1 0 S ori' 4 S 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 OKaurf.rf a 0 I 0 0
Gowdy.o 4 14 0 4 10 0 0
Allrn.p 10 0 1 OM'Carty.o I 1 5 a 1
'R'llnss 110 0 OKchupp.p a 1 0 1 0
Barnes.p 0 0 0 1 OGlbson.c 0 0 10 0
Totals 31 (24 11 1
Battsd lor Allan In ssventh.
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 !
New Tork ... 2 0100111 I
Two-bsso hits: Fletchsr. Hsrsos;, Hoiks,
McCarty. Thres-bass hit: Robortaon. Stolen
bases: Zimmerman. Double plays: Maran-
vllle to Maaaay to Konetchy; Twombley, un
assisted. Left on bases: New Tork, 8;
Boston. 0. Bases on balls: Off Schupp, 2:
off Allen, S; off Barnes. 2. Hits: Oft Allen.
S In six Innings. Struck out: By Schupp,
fi: by Allen, 4. Umpires: O'Day and Barns,
Pirates Loaa to Tigers.
St. Louis, April 24 With ths bases
filled In the tenth. J. Smith, batting for
Ames, singled, scoring Cruise with the run
that gave St. Louis today's gama with
Pittsburgh, 2 to 1. Score:
3leasn,2b 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 0 6
Blgbee.lf 3 0 10 lBetsel.2b 3 13 7 0 3 0 3 1 OLong.rf 4 0 10 0
9chulte,rf 2 0 2 0 lMlller.lh 4 0 16 0 0 4 0 11 3 4 3 3 t 1
Bnlrd,3b 4 14 1 8 110 0
Flscherc. 4 1 8 3 0F.Smh.3b 8 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 4 OSnyder.o 2 18 10
QrlmeSiP 4 112 0Stewart 0 0 0 0 0
Jonsals,e 0 0 110
Totals 31 -JT 16 lAmes.p 3 0 0 4 0
J Smith 110 0 0
Totals.. 31 7 30 32 1
'Nona out when winning run scored.
Ran for Snyder In eighth.
Batted for Amea In tenth.
Pittsburgh 000010000 0i
St. Louis ..0 00010000 12
Two-bssa hit: Hornsby. Home run: Horns-
by. 8tolen bases: Balrd (2), Fisher, F.
Smith. Double plays: Carey to Fischer,
Betsel to Hornsby to Miller, Gonsales to
Hornsby. Bases on balls: Off Grimes, 2: off
Ames, 4. Struck out: By Orlmes, 2; by
Ames, 4. Umpires: Blgler and Orth.
Cobs Win Third.
Cincinnati, April 24 Chicago hit Mitchell
and Knetser hard .and timely here today
and won the third game of the series,
8 to 4. Kopf hit the score board in the
third for a horns run. Score:
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 2 1 6 03roh.2b 3 10 0 0
Wlers.rf 3 0 10 4 2 111
Doyle. 2b & 0 1 2 3 13 0 0
Mann, If 8 0 2 1 4 3 10 0 0 6 2 8 0 orhorpe.rf 4 13 0 1
MerkIMb 4 8 14 0 04hean,2b 4 113 1
)el.. 10 8 0 2 3 OWIngo.o 4 0(10
Rlllott.o 6 3 8 2 CCueto.lf 8 0(00
De'aree.p 1 0 0 3 OMlt'ell.p 2 0 0 3 0
Sarter.p 0 0 0 1 0Knetser,p 0 0 0 0 0
ald'dge.p 3 10 2 OBIIer.p 0 0 0 0 0
H'drlcka 1 1 0 0 0'Orlfftth 1 0 0 0 0
'Clarke 1 0 0 0 0
Totals 28 13 37 18 0
Totals 33 8 27 7 I
Batted for Carter In fourth.
'Batted for Knetser In seventh.
Batted for filler In ninth.
Chicago 0 204011 008
Cincinnati ....2 0 20000 00 4
Two-base hits: Williams. Zelder. Three-
base hit: Elliott. Home run: Kopf. Stolen
bases: Neale. Bases on balls: Off Dema
ree, 1; off Aldrldge, 1: oft Mitchell, 1; off
Knetser, 2. Hits: Off Demaree. 6 In two
and one-third Innings: Off Carter, none tn
two-thirds Innings; off Mitchell, 6 In four
Innings; off Knetser, 6 In three Innings.
Struck out: By Aldrldge. 2; by Mitchell, 1;
by Eller, 2. Umpires: Klim and Emslle.
Doane Has Invitation
Track Meet Saturday
Crete, Neb.. April 24. rSoecial.1)
The first annual interscholastic invi
tation track and field meet under the
auspices of the athletic department of
uoane college will be held on April
28 on the Doane field. Invitations
have been sent out to a number of
schools in the surrounding counties
and several replies have been received
and more are expected to enter. Gold
medals are to be awarded to the win
ners of the first prizes, bronze for
second and ribbons for third. The
meet will close Saturday evening with
a big banquet for the visitors.
the annual interclass track meet
will be held Friday. Doane does not
play base ball this year and all the
interest is centered on track. There
are several new men who are ex
pected to make a good showing. Mac
Donald of Clay Center has shown
considerable speed and is expected to
show up well.
Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the
There is an old savine that "Nature
cures, the doctor takes the fee," but
as everyone knows you can help Na
ture very much and thereby enable it
to. enect a cure in much less time
than is usually required. This is oar-
ticularly true bf colds. Chamberlain's
Lough Kemedy relieves the lungs,
liquifies the tough mucus and aids in
its exnectoralion. allavs the couch
and aids Nature in restoring the sys
tem to a healthy condition. Adv.
Standing of the Teams
W. I,. Pel. I W. I,. Pet
Sloui City. 6 2 .714 Kansas City 7 2 .773
Lincoln ... 3 8 .600 Indlanaplls 11 3 .714
Omaha .... 8 3 .&nollioulsvllle ..8 6 .416
Denver .... 3 2 .600 Milwaukee . 8 2 .41o
Joplin .... 2 3 .400 Xumhus ... 6 8 .386
St. Joseph.. 2 4 .333 Minneapolis. 2 6 .876
Des Moines. 2 4 .3.13 t. Paul 3 7 .213
Wichita ... 3 6 .266 roledo 2 10 .167
W. L. Pel. W. L. Pet.
Chleago ....8 3 .717 New Tork. .7 3 .776
Boston ....( 4 .400 St. Louis ...3 4 .62
New Tork..( 3 .647 Boston ( ( 646
Cleveland ..6 ( .4b6l'hlrago ....7 8 6SS
St. Louis... 6 6 .466 Cincinnati ..7 7 .600
Washington 4 6 .400;l'hlla 8 ( .313
Phlla 4 7 .3M;Brooklyn ...3 6 .333
Detroit ....3 10 ,83111'ltlsburgh . 4 10 .384
Yesterday's Results.
Omaha, 10; Joplin. 7.
Sioux city, 3: 81. Jossph.
Lincoln, 6; Denver, 4.
Pea Moines. 3; Wichita, 1.
Chicago, 8; Cincinnati, 4.
Pittsburgh, 1; St. Louis. 2.
Brooklyn-Philadelphia, rain.
Boston, 2; New York. 8.
Philadelphia, 6; Washington, 6.
New York, 2; Boston. 1.
Cleveland, 0; Chicago, 1,
St. Louis. 7; Detroit, 2.
Indianapolis, 4: Louisville, 2.
Other games postponed, bad weather.
Games Today.
Western League Omaha at Joplin, Sioux
City at St. Joseph, Lincoln at Denver, Des
Moines at Wichita.
National League Boston at Brooklyn,
New York at Philadelphia. Chicago at
Cincinnati, Pittsburgh at St. Louis.
American League Cleveland at Chicago,
St, Louis at Detroit, Philadelphia at New
York, Washington at Boston.
American Association Kansas City at
Louisville. Minneapolis at Indianapolis, St.
Paul at Toledo, Milwaukee at Columbus.
Commercial Lads
Win Over Central;
Break League Tie
The High School of Commerce
broke the tie for leadership in the
City High School league yesterday
by defeating Central high, 3 to 1,
before a large crowd at Thirty-second
and Dewey avenue.
A feature of the game was the
pitching of Bogue for Commercial.
Shalberg also played a splendid game
behind the bat for the business
Commerce high meets Creighton
tomorrow afternoon at Thirty-second
and Dewey. The team goes to
Gretna Friday and Ashland Saturday.
Msher.rf 4 110 4 14 0 0
Hoksk.lib 2 2 2 1 4 0 10 0
STs' 3 0 6 1 OP. Kon'y 3 3 0 0 0
B'rnstn.lf 8 18 0 lP' 3 16 0 1
Houser,2b 3 3 11 OPet'sono 3 1 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 0L Kcky.rf 2 0 110
Kl' S 1 0 0 OSmlth.rf 110 0 0
Schlbrg, 2 18 1 0Sog'lo,2b 8 0 0 0 1
Bogus 3 1 0 3 0Gllfrey.2h 3 0 2 3 0
Mxwell.p 2 112 0
Totals.. 28 8 21 71
Total.. 80 7 18 7 2
Centrat 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
Commerce 0 2 0 0 0 1 3
Two-bae hits: Bernstein. Maher. Konlcky.
Wolf, Smith. Three-bass hits: Bogus, Max
well. Bases on balls: Off bogue, 2; off
Msxwetl, 8. Struck out: By Bobue. 8; by
Maxwell, 4. Left on bases: Commerce, 7;
Central, (. Double play: By Commerce,
Maher to Sllsewskl to Houser. Time of
game: One hour, 20 minutes. Umpires: Do
tting and Baumgardner.
Commerce High Floor
Men Are Given Letters
Coach Drummon and Principal
Adams awarded letters to six bas
ketball men at Commercial high yes
terday. Those who received letters
were Walter R. Johnson, John Nich
olson. Wade Reeves, Charles Con
hiser, Paul Carlisle and Nathan Lev
enson. Paul Carlisle and Wade
Reeves -were not present as they are
now enrolled in the coast artillery.
Reserve letters were presented to
four men; Robert Kooper, Ruben,
Brown, Glenn Reeves and Raymond
Phelps. Clenn Reeves has enlisted
in the navy and was not present.
Southern ANnorlmtlnn.
Mobil, (t; New Orlt?fln. 7.
Nanhv(lt, 7; Little Hock, (I.
Memphis, 1; fhattnnooiTH. 7.
Atlanta, 2; Birmingham, 1.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To Success.
Four Prelims Are
For Plestina- Taylor Match
Four preliminaries have been sched
uled for the Marin Plestina-Jack
Taylor match at the Auditorium Fri
day night.
Chris Jordan of Omaha, who is one of
the best middleweight in the business
and has an outstanding offer to meet
any man in the world at 158 pounds,
will appear in the semi-windup with
Fred Mormire of Courtland, Neb.
Mormire is a bit heavier than Jor
dan, but the middleweight doesn't
bar a few additional pounds.
Jack Reynolds of Omaha, one of
the topnotchcrs at 140 pounds, will
wrestle Young Muldoon, another
good man of about the same weight.
Young f'esek. ohn Peseka kid
brother, will tangle with Adam
Kruger ot Lincoln.
As a comedy stunt. Ralph Madsen.
the seven-foot-four lad, who has been
New York Hurler .Turn Power
ful Boston Team Back With
out a Single Olout.
Boston, April 24. Mogridge turned
the world champion Red Sox without
a hit today and New York won, 2 to
1. Both teams erred frequently. In
the ninth Peckinpaugh singled, stole
second, took third on Cady's poor
throw and scored with the winning
run when McNally threw low to
first base. Score:
Ollhly.rf 4 110 OHoftpr.rf 4 0 J 0 fl
High, If I 0 S 0 OBnrry.Sb 3 0 0 1 0
Malae), lb 8 1 6 T 4 0 10 0 0
Plpp.lh S 0 13 3 01, .win, If 3 0 10 1
Aragn,3h 4 114 3 0 2 11.
Mnffe,rf 4 3 10 Onardnr.Xb 10 111
Pcltph.M 3 3 3 4 3McNly,8b 0 0 13 1
Nnumr.fl 4 13 1 08cott,si 3 0 0 0 0
MoartKfp, 3 0 0 1 OCtfly.o I 0 I 0 1
Dauman 1 0 0 0 OLfonard.p 8 0 0 3 0
walah 0 0 0 0 0
Total!.. 88 8 3T13 3
Tottit..S 0 37 10 4
RattM for Hlfh In aeventh.
'Batted for Gardner In aeventh.
New Tork ....0 0 00 0 1 0 0 12
Boa ton 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Two-baie hit: Arairon. ,fltoln base:
Malaftl. Pecttlnpaug-h. Baaoi on balls: Off
Miarlcle, 8; off Leonard, 3. Struck out: By
Mngrldis 8: by Leonard, 6. Umplrea: Con
nolly and McCormlck.
Drowni Boat Tlfen.
Detroit, April 14. ISIcht hlti, on of them
a two-baaa hit, after two war out In the
eighth, netted 8L Louli itven rum and
victory over Detroit today. T to I. Up to
tha elffhth, Coveleekla had hetd St. Xsouta
to threo hlta. Score;
A B.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E.
Shot If n, If 3 18 0 OBuah.M 8 10 8 0
Aiiatln.b a 1 0 1 3 1 8 3 ft 4 3 11 0 ICobb.rf 8 0 3 0 0
Pratt, lb 4 13 3 OVeach.lf 3 10 0 0
Jacnhnn.rf 5 18 0 OHlllmn.Rf 4 0 0 0 0
Marana,rf 4 3 3 0 4 3 15 0 0
Lavan.w 3 0 0 3 lDyar.ab 3 0 3 4 1
Hale.e 0 0 0 0 OPpencer.o 2 0 & 0 0
Sevorold.e 3 0 0 3 OCovlekle.D 3 0 0 5 0 110 1 OJonea.p 0 0 0 0 0
weiimn.p 3 0 0 1 D'Crawfrd 19 0 0 0
Koob.p 1 0 0 3 0Nliholan 1 0 0 0 0
PauletU 3 1 0 0 0
Rumler 1 1 0 0 0 ToUli 3 1 87 17 1
Tottlf 38 13 37 14 I
Batted for Lavan In ifhth.
Batted for Wellman In elfhlh.
Batted for Dyer tn ninth.
Batted for Jonea In ninth.
St. Loula 0000009T 07
Detroit 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 03
Two-baae hlta: Shotten, Burna, Auatln.
Three-baa hit: Johnaon. Stolen baaea:
Iluah, Vearh. Double pi aye: Hevereld to
Pratt, Buah to Younir to Burna, Johnaon
to Pratt to Siller. Baaea on ballat Off
Wellman, 6. Hlta: Off Covelakl, I In
even and two-thlrda Inning; off Wellman,
4 In aeven Innlna-aa. Struck out: By Vove
leakle, 6. Umplrea: O'Louihtln and Hllde.
Macks Lom to Sena ton.
Waahlngton, April 24. Waahlnfton de
feated Philadelphia, 3 to I, today, evening
up the aerlea. A paaa, a aacrlflca and four
hlta, Including a triple by Judy with the
basta filled. Rave the locata alx runa In the
econd Inning. Score:
Wltt.aa 4 0 1 3 6 3 11 1 0
"!ro'r.2b 4 114 oroater,2b 8 0 14 0
floillr-.lf 6 111 3 3 10 0
-itrunK.'T 113 0 ORIcr.rf 8 0 2 1
rh-aher.rf 4 110 O.M oaky.rf 2 1 3 0 0
M Innlfl lb 4 2 3 1 OSmlth.lf 4 110 1
Hat en, 3 b 2 12 1 ILs'ard.Sb 2 0 3 0 0
Srhang.o 0 0 0 0 ICrane.a 4 15 4 0
HMey.C 10 10 OA'a'th.o 2 0 10 1
'W.Jo'aon 0 0 0 0 OHhaw.p 4 10 8 0
Mflyer.c 1 U 1 V O
Myern.p 10 110 Tolala 83 3 27 15 2
ts.JOBon.p 1 0 0 0 0
Lowry 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 81 7 24 11 3
Batted for Haley In aevenlh.
Bttttod for E. John non in ninth.
Philadelphia 1 001 0080 05
Washington ..16 0 0 0 0 1 0 8
Three-ban hlta: ,Turtg, Menoeky. Stolen
baaea: Milan, Strunk, Judge. Double pi Ryu;
Rico to Lennard to Crane: Foater to Crane
to JudK- Bnfiei on balla: Off Shaw, 7; off
Myere, J; off K. Johnaon, 1. Hlta: Off
Myers, 4 In two InntnRa. fltrurk nut: By
onaw, i; ny k. Jonnaon, 0. Umplrea: Dlnecn
and Owens.
Chicago Whlpa Indiana.
Chicago, 111., April 24. Chicago atBgfld
another ninth Inning rally today and de
feated Cleveland. 1 to 0. Rtatrg's triple
and K. Colllna' aaerlflre fly prnduod the
winning run. Coveleaklo allowed only two
hlta. Hcott wh touched for more, but did
such a conspicuous character about
the streets ot Omaha lately, will
wreslle Al Mantell of Grand Island,
who stands about five feet eight.
The first preliminary will start at
8 o'clock and Promoter Loch says
they will all be finished by 10 o'clock
at which hour the main go will start.
Loch announced yesterday that
Plestina, providing he wins over Tay
lor, win ne matched with JoeMecher
for July 4. Plestina was originally
carded with Stecher for this Friday,
but the bout was cancelled after Joe's
defeat by Caddock and Tayor sub
stituted. If Taylor wins it is consid
ered likely he will be matched with
Stecher for the Independence day
The sale of seats for Friday's bout
is progessing briskly. Seats are on
sale at the Auditorium and Merchants'
not Bile
a visitor to pnss second osss.
AHll.O A.r: AH II. O A. 15
Iransy.lf 8 18 0 ,Mr.olrt,rf 4 8 8 0 0
.'liap'li.HS 3 10 1 IRIsh'ra.RM 3 114 1
4lwak'r.i'f 8 1 4 II OS.l'ol's.Jh 8 0 ! :
U'a'g's,!b 4 A 1 1 Olscks'n.lf 8 0 3 0 0 4 0 10 0 0iM.rh.rf 3 0 110
Roth.rf 4 1 3 II 3 0 T I 1
vsns.8b 4 10 4 n,Ws'r,3b 3 13 0 0
INrlll.o 3 0 3 0 Of.halh.c 3 0 8 0s
:ov'skp.p 3 0 0 8 04volt,p 3 0 13 0
Tol.l..,ll S7.S8 11 1 Tolsls.38 HI t t
'One out whsn winning run srorsd.
Cl-vetsnd n 0 0 n o 0 0 0 o
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Two-bass hit; Wsavsr. Thrss.baso hit:
Rctvd Direct From Coail
Twice: a Week
Live Lobsters a Specialty
Wanted, Distributor
For Omaha Territory .
Truck attachment, shaft
driven, internal gear.
Attractive Proposition
E. G. CRAFT, Room 208,
Rome Hotel
Theodore Rooievelt
personally appears
- in :
The U. S. army and
navy co-operated in
its making.
riding ease.
Subtract from the costly heavy
car, its clumsiness and expense.
The net result is Scripps-Booth
Four-Cylinder Roadster . 935
Four-Cylinder Coupe 1450
Eight-CyIinderFour-P8enger 1285
Eight-Cylinder Town Car - J575
2514 St., Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas 521 8.
ycvtpp& 9?o o h
Th Whelar Rubber Company Withes to Announce to the Auto
Owners of This Vicinity Their Latest Line of Tiret
Built of the highest grade materials, made in Akron, Ohio, and re
inforced against blowouts by an extra side wall breaker strip.
You'll find the mileage unusually high, the service unfailing, and
you'll get more tire value for your money than ever before.
In order to introduce this high grade tire to the trade, we are giv
ing the car owner the advantage of our buying powers. Do not wait
for further advances in prices. Buy an "AMAZON" now and save 10.
List Price
(Non-Skid) Our Price
28x3 $14.10 811.50
30x3 $14.90 812.00
30x3 V, $19.30 814.85
32x3 $22.25 $16.90
31x4 $29.70 821.95
32x4 $30.25 $22.25
33x4 $32.25 $23.75
34x4 .$32.75 $24.00
35x4 $45.75 $34.45
36x4 $46.35 $34.95
35x5 $56.95 8 42.10
37x5 $59.50 $44.75
Guaranteed for 3,500 Miles.
Sand Mail Orders to Abov Address. We Prepay Eprn Chaifa.
Rlsbrrg. ftorririca fly! B. Collins. Bass,
on balls: Off CovHeaklf-, 3: off Hoott, 3.
"truck out: 11y Hoot I, 8; by Covslsskls, 8,
Umi'lros: ICvans and Nallln.
Dead on
His Feet
nrnwn Perk Mineral Bprlnt Water
will brlfur new life and quickly relieve
that etopped'tip, congested feeling. It
will thoroughly eleanie and wash out
the kldneye and gently carry off the
ill effect, of all kindi.
The fern out SulphtvChloring Min
eral Water ti delivered In Omaha
In flve-gellon Juge. Sl.eBj 60e re
funded when Jug la returned.
Brown Park
Mineral Springs
2SUi and O 91s., South Slda.
Phono South 879.
Oslaopathle Physlclaa t Chars.
Handle your movable! when
Douglas 4163 is called. Each
man knows his work thor
oughly. Carefulness, thor
oughness and speed in execu
tion of the job are our mot
toes. MOVING
Omaha Van
& Storage Co.
Phone Douglas 4163
806 So. 16th St.
The Net
ADD to the economy of the