Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha poitoffice al eecona-claaa matter.
Br Carrier. Br Mill.
0.11, and BwUv per oiooLb. aso per rear. Xv 00
r.ii? wtiaout sunder " '
Cnalu and Iroadar " I1 " 8uBd& IVi (.no
ftindat Bee lr "IDs - I M
rwiia mA aae n tfcr la adfanee .....III.
Send BoUee At eoenra ef addreH or Inetularllf ta deltferr to Oiaeaa
Bee. orouieuoa uepenaienb
Be-all drift, en or puoil order. onl, t oent mmre Ukoa ta
aemml or imall aonunta PeraoneJ abaca, excel oo Offlaba and
eaetera enaaaee. aot
Ore ma The Bee Bnlldlnl. Oiicero Pe Irt Gae BoUdlm.
, Hmiih Omaha SSII N St. Ne York Wo Flftt lie.
Ouiuel Bluffe It N. Uala BL K. Louie Nea B't ot Coauama
Uncola-LI Itl. Bulldlne, Wiittnatta-I lilt St. K. W.
Addreal oonttnuntratlona relttlnc to aewa aad editorial Butter te
Onaba Boa. Editorial DanertmanL
54,592 Daily Sunday, 50,466
Arerua el aletlee tor the ia-lb auteorlbed aad awora 10 kr IWIaM
wiiiubn. Clrculatloa laeaaier.
Suhacrlbare leariaf the city ahould here The Baa mall
ta them. Adetreee cheofed aa often aa rag nop led.
Nothing so well becomes a legislature as tak
ing itself out of sight and hearing.
Nebraska City honored itself in honoring the
memory of the father of Arbor day.
Don't worry about the Omaha team; it alwaya
has been slow in getting under headway.
King Corn raids the trencheseof King Cotton
in the southland without raising a flutter of ob
jection. ' - '
Just now the Teutonic stomach generates
more reverence for bread and spuds than for the
trappings of thrones.
The khan of Khiva is also going to get into
the war game. Khiva, you may recall, was the
terminus of a famous ride. : , , .
Why should the Russian socialists have ex
pected an immunity from U-boat attack that was
denied the rest of the world?
- . '
Berlin war report says "the enemy follows
hesitatingly." Perhaps the enemy stopped to
check off the last batch of prisoners. t
The trade commission ha discovered that
Standard Oil controls the price of gasoline. This
news must have surprised the folks at headquar
ters. . '
"Papa" Joffre's advice will be worth a lot to
us in forming our new army. If any man living
knows, what is needed in this line it is this idol
of the French. '
Guarding bridges and elevators Isn't such mo
notonous work as it seemed to be when started.
Ill-disposed persons furnish plenty of employ
ment for the guards.
"Wotan" is quite a significant name for a
battlefield; maybe the old god himself is get
ting some joy out of the thought that modern
efforts To people Valhalla are as energetic as any
he ever witnessed. " ' "
To insure the best results from reading a fine
line of war literature care should be exercised
in timing the delivery of President Wilson's mes
sage within German lines. Courtesy requires a
reading hour undisturbed by fireworks.
Extra efforts at production should not be
confined to fields alone, but the flocks should get
full attention. ,; And his extends with full force
to the factories, too. In all our history we never
had such need for surplus stores as now.
Press of public duties doubtless prevented
Governor Neville from planting an official tree
on Arbor day. As partial compensation for the
omission the governor shook the plum tree, dis
pensing immediate and more satisfactory results.
American dye industry proves to be a husky
youngster, clear-headed, energetic and quite fa
miliar with modern ways. '. To fortify its lines
for the future the' industry has been merged into
a $60,000,000 corporation, with sufficient backing
to guarantee a permanent institution.
Nebraska stands fourth among midwest states
In record of enlistments. A marked improve
ment, possibly a patriotic boom, awaits the bugle
call of the governor's staff of colonels leading
columns of eager rookies to the training camps.
Each bugle blast may be worth a thousand men.
Those who operate on the theory that the
consuming public is one huge sponge, to be
' squeezed at every turn, might profitably give a
thought to the government's line of storage fa
cilities stretching from coast to coast. Before a
" continuous squeeze forbearance ceases to be a
virtue. '
"Loved I Not Honor More"
-Philadelphia Ladfar-
Lovelace pronounced the final verdict in the
case of Mars versus Cupid. It is almost too fa
miliar to quote, yet nothing else so neatly hits the
nail upon the head. The Cavalier poet was him
self both fighter and lover and he had felt the
pang of parting from Lucasta, "on going to' the
wars." It was not unkind, he told her, to turn
to a new mistress.
"Yet this inconstancy is such
As you, too, shall adore;
I could not love thee, dear, so much,
Loved I not honor more."
A hard doctrine, perhaps, yet women are the
first tp subscribe to it. Many a man during these
last terrible years has married only to leave for
the front He was no slacker, either in love or
war. Is it not a little unkind, therefore, to ac
cuse the new and sudden bridegrooms of today of
a desire to avoid military service? The suspicion
is perhaps not unnatural Many of those who are
engaged in breaking the license record are of for
eign birth, and their patriotic fervor may be ques
tionable. The fact that married men have a bet
ter claim to exemption than single men is counted
against them. Nor are all the wives as easily con
vinced as Lucasta. - "My fellow isn't afraid," one
young woman said, "but I'm afraid for him and if
he's married he won't have to fight." She wouldn't
raise her boy to be a soldier. .
But few women really feel that way. No doubt
some who proclaim themselves pacifists admire
brute strength at heart. Becky could not restrain
an involuntary, thrill of admiration for Rawdon
Crawley when he knocked down the Marquis of
Stein, even' though tier castle of cards tumbled
with the blow. If these newly married men turn
. out to be mere slackers, if their purpose is to make
the domestic hearth a refuge from dutv. will they
not lose love as well as honor?
Great War Council Convening.
One of the greatest war councils ever held
will shortly be convened in Washington. The
arrival of the French commission, headed by for
mer Premier Viviani, and with the great mar
shal of France, "Papa" Joffre, in its number, to
join with Great Britain's representatives, makes
possible the early start of the consultation be
tween the three great democracies on matters
that touch deeply and intimately not only the im
mediate course, but the whole future, of mankind
At this council will be fixed the movements of
the United States, so far as its first steps in the
war are concerned, and the formation of a policy
that may be pursued through the continuation of
the conflict and for our part in the peace arrange
ments that will eventually come.
To Americans it means the beginning of a
new era. For many years we have been steadily
moving to a greater share of responsibility and
control in the affairs of the world. Nineteen
years ago, at Manila, Dewey fixed irrevocably the
destiny of the United States as a world power,
and since that May day it has been impossible to
determine a world policy without giving due
consideration to the attitude of the United States.
Whether we would or not, inevitably we have
been drawn into the European dispute, because
of its world-wide application. So long as it was
a matter dealing exclusively with and concerning
only the political affairs of Europe we could hold
aloof, but its scope has been widened, until the
conflict now involves not the interests of Euro
pean's atone, but the future of all mankind. It is
a contest for mastery between pagan autocracy
and civilized democracy and our share is to de
fend the right of self-government for all.
Around the White House "St Washington again
centers the hope of the human race, just as it
did half a century ago, when this nation was in
deadly danger. Just as the important questions
were then solved by patience and wisdom, sup
ported by a sublime faith in the justice and right
of the cause of humanity, so will the outcome of
the present council come to its great end in a
new birth of liberty for all the world and a place
irr the sun for everybody.
"Business aa Usual" Good Advice.
Leaders in the business world are doing their
bit by trying to still the excitement that threat
ened to seriously disturb the life of the whole
country. These men fully realize the seriousness
of our engagements in the war and are not trying
to minimize them, but they also realize that more
danger lie in the way of unreasoning haste than
in the calm approach to the problems involved.
One of the chlefest of the matters that will oc
cupy the attention of all is that of providing for
the material needs of all the people, whether
in the army or engaged In peaceful pursuits. This
will require "business as usual" unless the social
arrangement is to be thrown entirely out of
gear. Normal conditions can be maintained only
by normal behavior. That is why the advice is
given that life be not taken outside the routine.
In good time whatever of readjustment is needed
will be brought about with as little disturbance of
the ordinary course as possible. Everybody can
help in achieving this result by just refusing to
get excited. ,
Conservation of Food Animals.
Men who have most comprehensive knowledge
of the live stock and dairy industries of the
United States fervently urge farmers and breed
ers not tp sacrifice the fWfire by marketing young
animals or breeding atock. The extension bureau
of the University of Nebraska urges that the hog
raisers abandon a custom of allowing spring
farrowed sows to go unbred throughout the sum
mer. These so-called "grass widows" are only
doing Jialf duty when they are allowed to run on
pasture through the summer, to be slaughtered in
the fall. They should be bred again as soon as
the spring litter is weaned. Dairymen are now
pleading with the owners of milch cows to re
frain from destroying them. M. D. Munn, presi
dent of the National Dairy council, says:
"A 1,200-pound steer, ready for the market,
contains only about 360 pounds of actual food.
A dairy cow at 2 years of age begins to produce
and yield daily thereafter about 900 pounds of
edible nutrients in the year and will continue
to produce the same amount for seven years
thereafter; that is, she produces during her
actual life 6,300 pounds of human food. In
other words, it takes seventeen steers to pro
duce the same amount of human food as a
dairy cow produces during her lifetime."
The United States Department of Agriculture
says that milk is a good and cheap food, even at
15 cents a quart. Nebraska is not only a great
stock-raising state, but is coming to be a great
dairying state as well, although the industry is yet
young. Our farmers ought to hear the call of the
nation for greater care and more efficient con
trol of the sources of food and in no way can
they give greater service than in looking after
the future of their flocks and herds. This is bet
ter accomplished by conservation of the young
and producing animals. ,
Shallenberger and the Swiss.
Congressman Shallenberger may answer his
own conscience for his opposition to the presi
dent's plan for raising an army, but he doesn't
do the intelligence of his constituents much credit
when he boasts of his Swiss descent in justifi
cation of his course. The Swiss have been free
for many centuries and they , have been soldiers
during all that time. In the beginning of their
recorded history, when they undertook that mi
gration with which Ceasar has made all school
boys familiar, they were all soldiers. And today, as
then; each able-bodied man in Switzerland is a
soldier, trained to the minute, and not allowed
to go stale in the pursuit of the practice of arms.
Universal military training has been the rule in
Switzerland during all the twenty centuries since
Mr. Shallenberger' ancestors first began to till
their mountain farms in that land. Swiss valor
and skill at arms has kept the little republic in
violate through all the history of Europe. And
the Swiss do not and never did depend on the
volunteer system Mr. Shallenberger advocates.
In his support of the outworn plan for providing
a defensive force the member from the Fifth Ne
braska made a poor choice of country to bolster
up his views,.
Henry Watterson shoos away the. frightful
shadows of "the man on horseback" and rallies
to the support of Colonel Roosevelt's project for
an American fighting army in France. "Roosevelt
will carry the flag," writes the patriotic oracle
of the- southland, "and lead the boys across the
Rhine no River of Doubt for him and march
into Berlin shouting: 'To hell with the Hohen-
zollernal! ".. And, more of the same hot stuff.
With the sunlight of enthusiasm lighting the
scenery in advance no admirer of military sport
should obstruct the way to glory.
The Department oj Agriculture
War on Bugs
By Frederic J. Haskin
Washington, D. C, April 22. If insect pests
in your neighborhood are injuring any food crop
or live stock you can render a patriotic service
by immediately notifying your state entomologist
or the bureau of entomology of the United States
Department of Agriculture. This latter organiza
tion has just put into action as an emergency
measure a nation-wide system for locating and
suppressing insect depredations and volunteer
assistance is welcome.
The danger from insect depredations is little
understood. A plague ot army worms or Hes
sian flies or cabbage worms or potato beetles,
if not held in check by prompt measures, might
cost the country millions. The United States
government maintains a bureau ot entomology,
which, with the help of similar organizations in
many of the states, devotes all its time to de
vising means for the protection of human beings,
food crops and live stock troni insects.
It is not an exaggeration to describe modern
life as a struggle between men and insects, for
the bugs are the only form of life that man has
not succeeded in controlling. Some animals lie
has domesticated to furnish him with sport and
food. He dominates the animate world all ex
ccpt the insects. They are more numerous and
more arbitrarily developing some forms of life
and destroying others and the insects seem to
profit by almost every disturbance.
So it is seen that the insects are really the
most dangerous enemies that we have within our
country and now that our food supply must be
increased by every possible means the insects de
structive to food crops are the special concern
of the bureau of entomology. It has worked out
methods for the destruction of all of them; it
has a corps of trained men and is in constant
touch with many other entomologists. The means
of combating insect depredations are at hand; the
chief problem is to learn of the existence of pests
before they have increased to dangerous pro
portions. It is for this purpose that the bureau
has just completed a reporting organization tnat
covers the entire country and brings into the
Washington office daily information ot any
threatening increase of insects, i he basis of this
reporting system is the 200 field workers of the
bureau, who are scattered all over the United
States. Their observations are supplemented by
those of the state entomologists and the entomolo
gists attached to the state agricultural experi
ment stations, while reports are also sent in by
the government crop reporters, the county agents,
the field men of the bureau of animal industry,
the bureau of plant industry and the weather
bureau. These observers total several thousand
and there is little danger that any insect pest will
reach serious proportions without coming to the
attention of some of them. Although this re
porting system in its full extent is a war meas
ure, the bureau of entomology hopes to make it
In the present emergency man has one ally
among the insects as well as a host ot enemies.
The honey bee promises to attain in the next few
year an entirely new importance in the United
States. Heavy European demands are steadily
cutting down our sugar supply, which has been
still further reduced by revolutions in Cuba. We
produce a little cane and beet sugar and a little
maple sugar, but our production of plant sugars
cannot be greatly increased. Un the other hand,
there is enough flower nectar produced in the
United States and used for no other purpose
whatever to supply a large part of the national
demand tor sweets. J here is only one known
way of manufacturing this nectar into sugar and
that is by the agency of the honey bee.
For this reason the bureau of entomology is
launching a most determined campaign for the
increase of our production of honey. The presi
dent of the National Bee Keepers' association,
Francis Jager, with several assistant, is working
in the offices of the bureau in co-operation with
tlrfrgovernment experts. A meeting of represent
atives of all the state keepers' associations was
held in Washington a few days ago.
This honey campaign includes not only prop
aganda for the increased production of honey, but
the working out of a system of marketing it. and
teaching the people its value as food. For not
only may honey be used for almost every purpose
served by sugar, and makes a better cooking
sweet, but honey at 15 cents a pound is a palat
able substitute for butter at 40 cents.
Nebraska Press Comment
Kearney Hub: Joe Stecher developed a new
style of wrestling and carried the championship
for a couple of years. Then Frank Gotch, former
champion, trained a new prodigy in a, new form
of offense and defense, and Joe went to the mat.
Something like the war in Europe. Germany
started with new and nearly invincible methods of
warfare. In two years England and France have
developed successful counter methods and the
kaiser's champions are going to the mat. Now
the United States will seek to beat 'em all at war
game. And so it goes.
Grand Island Independent: Yesterday's
World-Herald contained a news report written
at Omaha, detailing a number of charges of dis
loyal acts and matters for investigation by the
federal authorities. Among these there was the
story that a German farmer had come to brand
Island with a German flag flying from his auto
mobile; that protest had been made to the farmer,
including a demand that he remove the German
ensign; that the farmer had declined to remove
the same on the request of a number of irate
citizens, and that ater his automobile was burned
on the streets. Unfortunately this is not the first
story of such disloyalty and disorder that has
been spread abroad, and has been heralded as
fact, when, in reality, the folks at home have never
heard of such a thing. The incident, of course,
was possible. But inquiry has been made of the
police force, which naturally would hear of such
an event as soon as it occurred, and the police
ridicule the story. The fire department has heard
nothing about it. Automobile dealers cannot
imagine where anything of the kind took place,
and the press is unable to find anyone who knows
the farmer, or the automobile, or anyone who
protested thus properly against the flying of the
German flan, or who took a cart, or who knows of
anyone taking a part, in the destruction of the
car. It all seems to be a myth. Does a false re
port like that do anyone any good?
People and Events
Food Commissioner Dillon of New York re
marks that there isn't an even split of the dollar
turned in by the consumer for food. The pro
ducer gets about 35 cents and the middlemen take
the rest.
New York follows Pennsylvania in the crea
tion of a state police force. The number is
limited to 232 men in all, and is intended to afford
protection in country districts where sheriffs lack
strength to cope with outlawry.
Financial circles in Wall street and other sec
tions of the east expect the country will readily
absorb the war loan without seriously diminish
ing the stocks of ready money. Big and little
investors are to be treated alike and share in the
profits of standing back of the government with
their purses.
In a recent public address Mayor Curley as
serted as a fact, vouched for by Charles Schwab,
that the kaiser offered the Bethlehem -company
a bonus of $100,000,000 to cease making ammuni
tion for the allies. The offer. It is stated, was
made two days before congress declared a state
of war with Germany existed, and, of course, was
turned down cold
Proverb for the Day.
An Idle brain Is the devil's workshop.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Second continent of Russian troops
was landed at Marseille.!.
Oernrmn battle cruiser squadron
with mil-marines and Zeppelins at
tacked EnKlah coast.
BritiHh and French, in reply to
American note, declined to lessen the
rigor of the blockade.
In Omaha Thirty Yeurs Ago Today.
Ralph Williams of Council Bluffs
waa married to Miss May Cooley at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Cooiey of this city.
The whole length and breadth of
Sixteenth street became excited over
a runaway which started on Capitol
avenue and ended in the store of the
Omaha ('rockery company in the Ma
sonic block. The horse succeeded in
going down an aisle between two ta
bles loaded down with expensive Chi
nese, French and Japanese ware,
knocking down the tables and demol
ishing the china.
Rev. William B. Glanding of Penn
sylvania Is being entertained by his
college classmate, R. C. Patterson.
The Parnell Social club gave Its
sixth ball at the A. O. H. hall, at
which fully 300 ladles and gentlemen
were present. The following gentle
men contributed to making the ball a
success: Master of ceremonies, John
Kervan; floor committee, Louis Con
nelly, W. H. Franklin, Ed Flynn, T. J.
Conway: door committee, James Con
nolley, T. J. Fltzmorris, J. M. White;
reception committee, S. E. Collins, J.
J. Uoyd.
The southeast corner of Fourteenth
and Howard was leased by Henry Ho
man to John Gross and Adolph Jan
kowski, who are better known as "Joe
and Adolph, the best caterers in
Omaha," They will make their place
the finest in the city for a summer
garden and family resort.
Captain Herman and wife have re
turned from their California trip.
This Day In History.
1776 Citizens of Baltimore seized
the provincial magazines, containing
1,600 stand of arms, on receiving the
war news from Lexington.
1777 Marquis de Lafayette, but 19
years old, landed at Charleston, S. C,
having raised a corps at his own ex
pense. 1808 Congress forbade foreign ves
sels to engage in the coasting trade
and required all others to come under
stringent rules.
1814 Admiral Cochrane of the
British navy proclaimed a blockade
of the entire coast of the United States.
1846 Hostilities between tht Tinted
States and Mexico began with the cap
ture of a small party of United States
troops by the Mexicans.
1862 Confederate forces withdrawn
from New Orleans.
1898 Commodore Dewey's squad
ron sailed from Hong Kong for the
The Day We Celebrate.
Edward G. Clay, agent for the Un
ion Pacific Railroad company, waa
born April 25. 1872, at Eldora, la. He
has been with the Union Pacific in
various capacities since 1897.
James L. Harrington Is celebrating
his fifty-first birthday today. He is
local freight agent of the Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy and was bom
in Rushville, Til.
Princess Mary, only daughter of
their majesties of Great Britain and
Ireland, born twenty years ago today.
Colonel H, J. Slocum, who was the
commander at Columbus, N. M., when
tne villa ram took place, born in
Ohio sixty-two years ago today.
William Marconi, the perfector of
wireless telegraphy, born at Bologna,
itaiy, roriy-tnree years ago today.
viscount Grey or Fallodon, former
secretary of state for foreign affairs in
the British ministry, born fifty-five
years ago today.
Kt. Rev. Hugh Latimer Bur eson.
the new Episcopal bishop of South
Dakota, born at Northneld. Minn..
fifty-two years ago today. ,
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Bishops of the Methodist Eusiconal
church are to meet in semi-annual
session today at Grand Rapids to dis
cuss the general policy of the church.
Tne consecration ot Rev. G. H. Sher
wood as Episcopal bishop of Spring
field, 111., will take place today in Trin
ity church. Rock Island, -of which the
new bishop has been rector for sev
eral years.
Registrars of the leading universi
ties and colleges of the country will
assemble at the 'University of Ken
tucky today to attend the eighth an
nual meeting of the American Asso
ciation of Collegiate Registrars.
A four-day program, with many Dr-
sons of prominence scheduled among
the speakers, has been prepared for
the seventh annual convention of the
Drama League of America, which is
to begin its sessions today in Pitts
The part that women may take in
the home garden movement is to be
considered at the annual conference
of the Woman's National Farm and
Garden association, which meets in
Washington today for a three-day ses
Storyette of the Day.
George Ade said at a Chlcaaro wed
ding breakfast:
"The great and good Socrates was
married to a scold. Otherwise, per
haps, he would have spent more time
at home and less time in the market
place finding fault with the Athenian
'This thought occurred to me at a
school treat, where 1 asked a bright
nine gin:
'How did Socrates die?'
'He died.' the little girl renlied.
'from a dose of wedlock.' " Washing
ton Star.
As commander-in-chief, the president ii
author. ed to direct the movement of the
land and naval force, placed by law at
hie command, and to employ them in the
manner he may deem most effectual to
harass and conquer and subdue the enemy.
The military establishment at the organi
sation of the government under the con
stitution contained no officer of higher rank
than lieutenant-colonel. Authority was con
ferred by an act of March 8, 1791, to ap
point a major general and a brigadier gen
eral, should the president deem that course
The first volume of army regulations.
us inn that term in the sense in which it
Is now understood, was Issued to the United
States army on May 1, 1818. Provisions to
that date, and beginning in 1779, the
'Regulations for the Order and Discipline
of the Troops of the United States," were in
force. They were prepared by Baron Steu
men, the inspector-general of the American
army during the latter part of the revolu
tion, and consisted in great part of matter
which would now be properly termed drill
regulations. The work waa first printed at
Worcester, Mass., in 177S
Employment for Germans.
New York, April 18. To the
Editor of The Bee: The writer hu
among hie acquaintances several Ger
mane living in this country. One ha
been out of employment for some
time and another has been working
in a technical position where he would
be open to suspicion because of his
The writer has secured the former
of these acquaintances a position on a
farm, where he will be distant from
any suspicion and at the same time
will be doing his physical part toward
Increasing the country's food supply.
The second expects to resign his po
sition, and the writer hopes to accom
plish the same for him.
Is It not likely that there are many
thousands of men like these two
stated above who are in this country,
but who would not transgress Its laws
even if they had the opportunity and
who wish to be removed from any
possible suspicion of even doing it?
Such men would do well to go to
farms, and all the papers should use
their Influence in this direction. Yours
121 East Twenty-fourth street.
Prohibition As a Remedy.
Omaha, Neb., April 18. To the
Editor of The Bee: Queer as it
seems we are now passing through a
period of prosperity and also of hard
times. Throughout the entire country
there are very few able-bodied per
sons unemployed, and good wages pre
vail. But in spite of the abundance of
employment and high wages, too,
there are thousands In every city who
are having a hard time to keep expen
ditures within the limits of their in
come. In reality, there are many peo
ple who are experiencing hard times.
These hard times are supposed to
be tne result of a shortage of food,
such as grain, vegetables, etc. Still,
unnumbered tons of grain are de-
stroyed for the making of poison
liquor which causes disease and pov
erty, crime and insanity. Why not
stamp out the demon liquor which
is robbing our men, women and chil
dren of food and the necessaries of
life? By doing so we will be doing
a great deal toward solving the H. C.
of L.
The conservation of food, the con
servation of man-power, call for the
prohibition of the liquor traffic now
and forever In every state and city and
hamlet under our flag. Put all of
those employed by the liquor interests
to the work of producing the neces
saries of life and the problem would
be solved to a great extent at least.
Let us consider these things.
L. B. H.
Plenty of Work for All.
Omaha, April 21. To the Editor of
The Bee: H. A. Swanson, In your
Letter box or April 15, speaks of the
encouragement of food production
and the regulation of price on food
stuffs. H4s land, which has Increased
In value with everything else, he
thinks, is to be taxed to the point of
highway robbery on account of the
war. He calls Jerry Howard and
others for trying to put through a
bill which would fix the price for
wheat at $1 per bushel, which he could
sell at 85 cents and make money.
In this time of war, manufacturers
are forced to furnish the army with
clothes and dealers of foodstuffs are
forced to supply the army with their
products on a small margin, and then
when the farmer Is asked to do his
share, he hollers. You, Mr. Farmer,
are paying very little more for farm
labor than you did before. The young
men, and there are hundreds of them,
who are joining the army, National
Guard, marines, etc., are giving up
positions to volunteer for the defense
of the nation, receiving only a small
compensation for their loyalty, and
then the farmers who have been mak
ing the best end of it holler.
Why not all of us, whether farmer,
laborer or what not, Join with the na
tion to do our part without thinking
of what we can make out of It? Re
member, Mr, Farmer, you will not be
slighted. H. WARD.
lng In the release of a large German
army from the east front and insure
their holding the western front The
Russian air service has been entirely
wiped out and can not be replaced be
cause the Germans have so many ma
chines on this front at present that
they are able to shoot down the few
that Russia can produce. The Eng.
lish journal. Aeronautics, admit thlj
to be the case. It also admits thai
the Germans are now more than hold
ing their own in the air service on thi
western front.
If Russia is without air scouts ti
the coming summer campaign and II
Germany is well supplied with then
it will go hard with Russia, and It
Russia breaks down it will go hart
with the United States, and should
Japan side with Germany we would
have a real fight. Mexico and Japal
might take Zimmerman's proposition
seriously, and we would And ourselvel
repellng real Invaders on the Mexican
If Germany can hold its western
line It is absolutely certain that it will
starve England out. not because of th .
loss of the boats they can be replaced
as fast as they are sunk but the car
goes cannot be replaced beyond a cer
tain point.
I am not an alarmist and don't be
Ueve Germany can win, but I do be
lieve the people should consider seri
ously what would result front a vic
torious Germany in Europe and par
ticularly if Japan should join it against
the United States. The people should
Insist that this government put fort
every possible effort right at the start '
Effort will count for more now than 11
will a year from now.
"Mary. I ahall take one of the children
to church with ma thta mornlnv." announced
Mrs. Paahlonet.
"Tea'm." replied tha maid.
"Which one do you think will so beat wits
my new lavender sown ?" New York Tlmea.
"I never set a chance to atand whea
the national anthem la being played."
"Why not"
"Too busy plcklns up thlnaa. My wiff
dropa a glove or a handkerchief every tlmf
9he rlsea." Baltimore American.
'I waa In hopes my eon would be a pro
fessional man."
"Isn't he willing to take up such work?
"Hasn't shown any signs ot doing ao aa
yet. When It comes to work he seems to
be In considerable fear of Jeopardising hla
amateur standing. "Louisville Courier-Journal.
She Jack la paying Miss Golden marked
attention. He hasn't any money, has heT
iie no, out ne nas great expectations.
She From whom?
He From her father. Boston Transorlpt,
SlUlcue Thay met on & railroad train.
quite by accident, and tji less than three
months they were married.
cynicus That's what comes of neglecting
to take out an accident policy. Philadel
phia Record.
Glance at the War.
Fullerton, Neb., April 18.-To the
Editor of The Bee: Is America to be
defeated in the world's war? Careless
thinkers will ridicule this question;
nevertheless we are in a dangerous po
sition or will be if Germany is able
to break the Russian line in the early
summer. That wouid' mean an at
tempt to reinstate the Romanoffs and
probably a civil war In Russia result-
Gladys Cromwell in Poetry.
I have had courage to accuse;
And a fine wit that could upbraid;
And a nice cunning that could bruise;
And a shrewd wisdom unafraid
Of what weak mortals fear to lose,
I have had virtue to despise
The sophistry of pious fools;
I have had firmness to chastise;.
And Intellect to make me rules,
To , estimate and exorcise.
I have had knowledge to be true;
My faith could obstacles remove;
a But now, by failure taught anew,
I would have courage now to love.
And lay aside the strength X knew.
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