Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1917, Image 3

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Girls at State University Again
Demonstrate Superiority
as Students.
Lincoln, April 24. (Special.) The
ororitics of the University of Ne
braska again demonstrated their su
periority in scholarship over the
fraternities when the records for the
first half year of 1917 were made
public yesterday by Dean Engberg
of the faculty scholarship committee.
Both fraternities and sororities
howed improvement in scholarship,
but the co-eds belonging to the Greek
letter organizations set a record
which has never been equalled at Ne
braska. Three of the organizations,
Alpha Chi Omega, Achoth and Alpha
Phi finished the first half of the year
without any delinquency. Some of the
leading fraternities slumped off a bit
in scholarship, but the average was
gain of 16 points for the men. ,
The Farm House, an organization
which does not have representation
on the interfraternity council, headed
the men's organizations with Acacia'
second. Gamma Phi Beta took the
lead among the sororities.
The general average of the frater
nities this year was 163.9, as against
147 last year. The sororities piled
up a general average of 266.6 this
year, against Hi in.ivifj.
Following are the individual records
cf the Greek letter organizations,
showing the scholarship average of
each with the percentage of hours re
ported delinquent:
Scholarship Koura
Standing, pendent.
Farm House 274.8 Z.f
Aearla ?4.B S.3
Buehenel! Guild 23fi.7 4.5
Silver Lynx 182.4 S.6
Kappa Sigma 182. 2 9.S
Sigma Pht Epsllon 173.7 10.8
Alpha Thela Clil 173.0 11.8
Delta Upsilon 158. 4 10.0
Alpha Tau Omega 185.6 ?.2
Pht Delta Chi U.K. J .9
Phi Kappa Pst 158.1 12.2
Pht Gamma Delta 151.7 9.3
Phi Delta Theta 150.2 12. &
Delta Tau Delta 143.0 13.3
Ft Kappa Phi 142.8 16.1
Kugma Hu 142.4 16.9
Delta Chi 141 .8 13.9
Sigma Alpha Epsllon 133.5 12.8
Alpha Sigma Phi 130.9 14.6
Sigma Chi 120.0 18 .4
Beta Theta Pi 80.7 21.1
Bohemian Patriotic
Meeting This Week
Bohemians of Greater Omaha ami
Xebraska, Kansas, South Dakota and
Iowa will meet here Friday and Sat
urday of this week. Sunday after
noon a monster patriotic ivretiug
will be held at the Auditorium.
A program of speeches outlining
the position of Bohemians in the war
will be given and music will be fur
nished by the Omaha Letter Carriers'
The following is the program:
"f trc ond Stripes." Om ha LM trr Cat
r!irn' bund ; "America." mihk by t lie au
illenrt. ami openlusr by rlialrman. Mr. J of
,T. Mik: addrfnn of Mayor ,1, l
Pfthlman: violin tinn, MK KtmflWrk :
"Our Duty lo Thin Country," Mr. Joufph T
Votava ; nctfcltonj. Omaha T.f ttrr Carriers'
band; "PoBltlon of Boh ml an In tb Pres
ent War." Trof. R Slmck. Iowa uiilvrrnttv ;
Kr!o drtmnv ni'ij" ( HnlVniUn national
hymnV bund; ml circus In Uohemtan, Hp v.
O. Zlamal of Clivlnnrt. . : m I rations.
Omaha Lett r Carriers' band : "Aincrtra
lJmlr t)i lmmturant." F'rof. Hmetlnits.
Nebraska untvprally; Wc lions. OniHlii. l.ft
tr Carriers' band : "lllslorlral Conne(ton
of rJohfiillann lo America." Ufv. .!. KrM,Ht
of Silver 1,akr, Minn.; "Star-S,taii(,-hHl !ht
ner," audience.
Gothenburg Guardsmen
Refuse to Take Oath
Gothenburg, Keh.. April 24. (Spe
cial.) All members of Company L,
Fifth Nebraska National Guards, re
fuse'! to take the federal oath at a
special meeting held Saturday eve
ning. According to instructions re
ceived from the adjutant general all
guardsmen who refuse to take the
federal oath will be discharged from
the service. The company is mostly
composed of young business men,
who have recently returned from
seven months spent on the border.
Averages 163. 9
Gamma Phi Beta" 297.5
Alpha Chi Omega 39(1.4
Alpha Phi 29". 5
Kappa Alpha Theta 282. 5
Acholh 271.7
Ilslta Delta Delta 270. 1
Alpha Delta PI 267.3
Alpha Omlcron PI 261 .7
Alpha XI Delta 233.9
Chi Omega 244,4
PI Beta Phi 243.9
Delta Zeta 244.7
Kappa Kappa Oamma 240.6
Delta Gamma 230.4
. -1
Averages 2tsti.6 2.4
Silver cups are awarded to the, lead
ing fraternities and sororities of the
; university based on the year's stand
ing. Plan Referendum Vote
On Hog Barn Appropriation
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., April 24. (Special.)
Indications are that the proposed
appropriation of $t)0,000 for a hog
barn at the state fair grounds may be
made the subject of a state refer
endum vote. The senate today re
ceived a communication from Attor-
ney General Reed in response to an
inquiry that the state board of agri
culture is enough of a state institu
tion so that the referendum may be
invoked on the appropriation.
House Burned Near Plattsmouth.
Plattsmouth, Neb., April 24. (Spe
cial.) The tenant house in the Glenn
Perry farm, five miles south of here,
was totally destroyed by fire yester
day. The loss is about $1,000. Mr.
and Mrs. O. D. Geary, who occupied
the place, were at Plattsmouth shop-
?ing. Neighbors saved part of their
Beatrice Patriotic Meeting.
Beatrice, Neb., April 24. (Special
Telegram.) Residents of Beatrice
and Gage county held a patriotic
meeting here tonight to aid in recruit
ing Company C up to the full war
strength of 100 men, preceded by a
parade. The speakers were General
Colby, Fulton Jack and civil war vet
erans. .
Department Orders.
Washington, April 24. (Special Tele
gram.) Mlk Jane Mills of Keokuk. Ia.. has
been appointed clerk In the Department of
Paul A. Rune of Ottumwa, la., has been
appointed stenographer In the Navy depart
ment. Miss Mytta P. Goettel of Cedar Rapids.
7a., has been appointed clerk in the Agri
cultural department.
The postoffice at Thnrnburg, Hayes coun
ty. Neb., has been discontinued; mall to
Saint Ann.
Soldiers9 Home Notes
Obituary Notices
MRS. J. E. TVEY. for ft. number of
years a resident of Plattsmouth, ISeb.,
died at her home south of Cilenwood,
la., yesterday from pneumonia, with
which site had been suffering hut a
short time. Some time sinee Mr. Tuey
was stricken with the same disease,
his wife nursing him dnrinp his ill
ness, which was so serious that all the
children living elsewhere were called
to his bedside, thinking he would not
survive, hut on his getting slightly bet
ter his wife was stricken on Wednes
day of last week. Mr. Tuey is still
very low with the malady.
the most prominent residents tlf St.
Paul, died Monday morning. Mr.
ChickedantK had been in failing health
for some time and returned only a
short time ago from Excelsior Springs,
where he was taking medical treat
ment. He was engaged In the farm
implement business here. He leaves
a wife.
GEORGE SMITH, aged 84, died at
his home at Kearney, Neb., Monday.
He had been a resident of Kearney for
a quarter of a century and of Ne
braska for thirty-five years. Mr. Smith
retired from the stock buying business
about ten years ago. A paralytic
stroke which he suffered a week ago
caused his death. Mrs. Smith died a
year ago. Five children survive, Wil
liam E. and Charles C, Walter M.,
Mrs. John G. Lowe and Miss Gladys.
at her home at Leigh, Neb., Sunday
morning, following a week's illness
with asthma. She was one of the
early pioneers of this county and came
here in 1885. She is survived by her
husband, two sons and six daughters.
a resident of Hastings for forty years,
died yesterday morning. He was po
lice judge twelve years.
Cooperage Hearing Order d.
Washington, April 24. (Special Tele
gram.) The Interatate Commerce commis
sion has ordered a hearing held at Omaha
on May 11 on the complaint of the Omaha:
Cooperage company versus the Missouri Pa- :
clflc. Railroad company. I
Napoleon Once Said:
"A Footsore Army I An Army
Half Defeated."
In every community men are drill
ing for National Preparedness. For all
these men the frequent use of Allen',
Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder,
shaken into the Shoes and sprinkled
in the foot-bath, increases their ef
ficiency and insures needed physical
comfort. It takes the friction from
the shoe and rests the feet. The troops
on tne Mexican Border use Allen 8
Foot-Ease, and over 100,000 packages
have been used by the French and
English troops in Europe. We will
mail FREE packages to any soldier's
address upon request. Address, Allen
B. uimsted, Le Key, N. y.
Bright Eyes
indicate buoyant health. When
the eyes are dull, liver and bow
els need regulating. Quickly
restore healthy conditions with
a dose or two in time of
Lugmt Sale of Aur Mxct In the World,
gold vTwywhcre. Im hoses, 10., 25c
Grand Inland, Neb., April 24. (Special.)
Mrs. Joe FarlBh, one of the anslntants tn the
West hospital, has been indisposed for the
last ten days.
William Morefleld . has reported for duty
nftur an absence of six months, which he
ipont in traveling and visiting.
Granville Joyce, an ox-member at nur-kr-ttt,
but now a member of the MUford
home, la reported lo be seriously ill.
Rev. L. a. Arthur of Grand Island filled
the pulpit of the home chapel on Sunday
itfcrnoon and delivered a splendid sermon.
Mrs. Cora B FWd has been made night
nurse hero and her former pot-ition has been
taken by Miss Myrtle Jones of North Platte.
Neb. Mrs. Reed Is an Omaha woman and
a graduate nunse.
Oar auto license. No. 81043. but we didn't
0 lose our knowledge of Cleaninr Palm Beach
Suits since last year, and $1.00 la the price.
Goods received up until 6 p. m., Thursday
returned Saturday.
By Having Your Clothes
Cleaned and Dyed by
Dyars, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers
and Tailors.
221 1 to 2217 Farnam Street. Tyltr 345.
Killing of Leaders Who Were!
Enrotite Home On Ship Sunk
by Torpedo Causes Wrath.
I.omlun, April J-f Dispatches
from today stair that the
Russian suciatiMs arc greatly rxor
ciscd over the sinking by a Herman
submarine of the steamer Zara. which
was taking homo a mini her of Russian
refugees. The Zara sailed on April
11 and wai torpedoed in northern
waters two days later.
Among those on board the Zara
were IVter Karpovich, leader of the
progressive nnncment among the
students in IVtrugrad university, wlm
lost 1m life, and M. Jensen, leader of
the Lettish social democratic com
mittee in London. Karpovich was
sentenced to Siberia in 191)1 for shoot
ing M. KogoliepotT, Russian minister
of public instruction. He escaped
from prison and in 19U made his way
to Londpn.
The official organ of the council of
labor deputies in Fetrograd. comment
ing on the sinking of the Zara, says:
"This heavy blow right at the heart
of the Russian revolution cannot pass
without its elfect. The revolutionary
democracy must reply with a blow at
the center from which the torpedo
was sent. The democracy must re
gard the murder of its leaders as proof
that the rulers of Germany are base
hypocrites and that their promises
not to harm the cause of Russian lib
erty are empty words'
hawka schools, operating under one
governing bead is the plan being con
sidered here now. Funds totaling near
ly $..$5,000 arc available for building
Thirty Thousand Dollars
Given Hastings College
lI;iiittRS, VI., April J4. Special
THi'Krum.) An uiuomlilinniil con
iriluiiinn of S,I0,IXXI was nude to the
S.'OO.IKW biiiltliitK anil endowment fund
,'( HaMiiiKs collcKe, the laruesl sin
Ir eontrilmtion ever received by
the inMitutinn. The name of the
contributor is withheld. The sub
scriptions now total over $H)5.(tM
Dr. Cratcher Appointed
Orthopedic Hospital Head
Hastings, eb.. April '4. (Special
Telegram.) Dr. W. IT. Cratcher, as
sistant superintendent at Inglcsidc
asylum, has been appointed superin
tendent of the Orthopedic hospital
.it Lincoln, which has been combined
with the. home for dependent children.
Nehawka District Has Plan
For School Consolidation
Nehawka, Neb., April 24. (Special
Telegram.) Centralization of Ne-
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
Rratricr, Neb., April 24. (Special.)
The Gage Counjy Crop Improve
ment association has decided to con
duct a labor bureau this year to meet
the mutual demand for help from the
Gage ii)unty farmers. Farnr'Pemon-
strator Kist wul endeavor to enroll
a large number of young men from
the schools of the county.
l;red Damrow, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Damrow, who reside south of
Heatrice. died last night after a pro
longed illlness of heart trouble, lie
was 21 years of age.
Quint Hunts of Burchard was badly
hurt Saturday night in an auto ac
cident on the road between Armour
and Burchard when his car went into
the ditch at the foot of a steep hill.
He was found unconscious and re
moved to his home at Burchard. He
will recover unless complications of
some kind set in.
Mrs. Mary Saxeuberger, formerly
of this city, died at the home of her
Purity and genuineness
are both guaranteed by
the Bayer Cross on every
package and every
tablet of real Aspirin.
Tablets ia Pocktt Boxes of 12
Bottles of 24 sod 100
Capsules In Sealed Packaf ea
of 12 and 24
Thetrsde-mark "Aspirin" (Reg.U.S.Pst
OH.) is a guarantee that the moaoacetio
acidester of saltcyltcacld In these lableta
and capsules is of the reliable Bsyer
"7n BaytT Croat
Koor Caarantn cf Parity
House of
400 Baths
600 Rooms
Broadway, 32d St., New York
On Block from Pennsylvania Statloa
Equally Convenient for
Amusements, Shopping or Business
157 pleasant rooms, with private bath
$2,50 PER DAY
257 excellent rooms with private bath,
facing street, southern exposure.
$3.00 PER DAY
Also Attractive Rooms from $1.50.
The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate.
Good service
is the foundation
on which the Great
Western's supremacy as a
Twin City line is built.
to stop dandruff
and loss of hair
with Resinol
Here is a simple, inexpensive
treatment that will almost always
stop dandruff and scalpttching, and
keepthehairthick.liveand lustrous:
At night.spread the hair apart and
rub a little Resinol Ointment im..
the scalp gently, with the tip of the
nnger. Repeat this until the whole
scalnhasbeentreated. NVi
infj, shampoo thoroughly with Res
inol soap ana not water. Work the
creamv Resinol lather well intmh.
scalp. Rinse with gradually cooler
waier, me last water neing cold.
RMtnnl ft,n and Imi .
bul most ,kinrupliona. Sold bv all drusrsu.
Trisl free. D,pl. 15-R, Reiinol, Baltimore, Md.
JM p
On the Great Western you
travel in luxurious steel
cars, the best money can buy sleep
ing cars by night and parlor ob
servation cars by day arrive "on
time" almost without exception
and trainmen are kind and obliging
Lv. Omaha S:L' 7:20 t.m. 3:50 p. m
l,v. Co. Bluffs.. 8:40 p.m. 7:50 a.m. A :10 p.m.
Ar. Ft. Dodge. .12:37 a.m. 12:I6p.m. 8:37 p.m
Ar. Mason City. 8:t0a.m. 3:0.", p.m.
Ar. SI. Paul 7:30 a.m. 7 :fi0 p.m.
Ar. Minneapolis. 8:06 a.m. 8:25 p.m.
F. BONORDEN, C. P. and
1522 Farnam St., Omalia.
Phono Douglas 260.
T. A.
I "8
daughter, Mrs. Ilrrry. at (irand
Island Sunday. Th' body was brought
here today lor interment.
Bids for Hastings School.
Hastings, N'eli., April .'4. (Special
Telegram.) -Bids wore opened last
nicht for the coiistnu'tion of the Jun
ior high school, the lowest hiing
that of Olsen and Johnson of Mis
soula, Mont., for $1 Jli.o.UI. Ruther
ford LUmhers of Hastings and l'ome
rane and company of Lincoln tied in
ill,- I,l,l,l, lr ,,!,,, ..,,. , ,
being S-lo.lW. I he hoard of educa-
tion will meet cdnesday to consid-'
cr the bills.
Tecumsch Band Plans
To Build Auditorium
Tecumsch, Neb., April ?4. Spe
cial.) Trcumsrh military band will
undertake the organization of a slock
company and the erecting of an audi
torium lo cost not less than $25,000.
The band expects to put on concerts 1
and other entertainment: on its own '
account. T he proposition is mcet-l
iug the approval of some of the men i
of means in Tecumsch. The follow- j
iug committer will plan the oreaniza-,
lion and solicit stock: llarrv I'hclps.
L. L. Fuller. J. C, Moore, J. B. Doug
las and I-i. II. Hush.
Two Tecumseh Men Enlist.
Ticuiiiseh, Neb., April .M.-(Special
) Oscar F. Aitken, son of Mrs.
R. K. Aitkrn, has enlisted in the army
aviation corps. He has reported at
Omaha. Mr. Aitken says he will be
sent to an aviation school for a few
weeks, probably at Mare Island.
Roy j. Nibbe, youngest son of I
County Treasurer and Mrs. R. J.
Nibbe. has also enlisted. He has
joined the Fourth regiment and will
be given work in the medical depart-
Kcarney Man Badly Hurt
In Motorcycle Spill
Kearney, Neb., April 24. (Special.)
Gcrlad Gentleman, a young man of
this city, was badly injured when rid
ing a mritorcycle on the seedling mile
of the Lincoln Highway. The machine
left the road and went into a deep
ditch at the side. Gentleman was
thrown a great distance and picked up
unconscious. No bones were broken. '
hut the young man suffered interna!
injuries and it is feaed also a con-'
cussion. He has not'ully regained
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.,
Eastman Kodnki
and Photo
Drug Store,
Main Floor
brandeis Stores
Stor Your Furs!
Don't Delay,
Place Them Here
in Safe Keeping.
"Biltwell" Porch and House Dresses
The Best That You Can Buy
Please note the care exercised in the
fashioniner of the carmenta. the finish in
the sewing and the general excellence
displayed in these "Biltwell," and you
will say as we do: "The best that vnn
can buy."
The veiy latest styles in the best of
ginghams and percales.
We are showing them here at three
prices v
$1.19, $1.50 and $1.98
In offering these "Biltwell" Dresses,
we do so with the knowledrA that thov
embody all the best noints
in wear of this kind. Good style, good materials, good make and finish
and perfect satisfaction.
Come in and see them we are showing complete stocks-all sizes.
S.cond Fleer
Unusual Art Embroidery Offers
Price Savings on Pretty Things
Flower Baskets, filled with artificial flowers,
such as Roses, Larkspur, Nasturtiums,
Sweet Peas, etc., have sold right CA.
along at $1; special, Wednesday. . ol'c
Wire Frames for Lamp Shades All the new
est designs; we will suggest materials for
covering, and teach you gratis how to make
them yourself; 20 and 24-inch $1 nn
sizes; each, at vI.UU
Mercerized Cordonnet Crochet Cotton
White, ecru and colors; a real 10c 7r
value, at, a ball
Stamped Linen On pure White Irish Linen ;
36-in. Centerpieces, 45-in. Scarfs CQ,,
and 54-in. Scarfs, $1.25 values, at. 1'c
Third Floor
AH Wool Skirtings
Excellent Items
And Unusually Low Priced
of the most desirable
54-Inch Pure All-Wool
Velour and French
Serge Plaids and Stripe
- Skirtings; in all the new
and wanted combina
tions of smart colorings ;
$2.50 and $2.95 regu
larly, special, Wednes
day, at, tfji qc
a yard. 9lVO
Main Floor
GressoiVs lZZd French Kid Boots
Four Different Beautiful Colorings
THIS IS THE FINEST kid stock in the world. We were
fortunate to place our orders months ago there is very little in
the American market today. It makes a perfect boot.
renecuy Deaunim one-tone appearance exquisitely modeled. Lace
style, and have light hand-turned soles and wood covered Louis heels of same.
They are made in allover Ivory Kid, allover Beige Kid, allover Pearl
Gray Kid and allover Mustard-Color Kid.
10 inches from the bottom of the heel up. They are made in the verv
best manner. '
Ordinarily These Shoe Sell at $18.00 the Pair
Specially Priced for Wednesday Only, at $14.90
Main Floor, Rear
Sore shoulders, lame back,
stiff neck, all paint and aches
J yield to Sloan's Liniment.
Do noi rub it. Simply apply to
the sore spot, it-quickly penetrates
and relieves. Cleaner than mussy
plasters or ointments, it does not
stain the ekin.
Ktep boltle handy for rheumatism,
praini, bruises, toothache, neuralgia, gout,
lumbago and tore stiff muscles.
At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00.
Amazing Power of Bon-Opto
To Make Weak Eyes Strong
Doctor Says It Strengthens
Eyesight SO per cent in One
Week's Time in Many Instances
A rw rr.srHplton Von fan Have Filled
and I md at Horns.
Mcllms of rye strain and other eys weak
nesses and those, who wear glasses, will be
rluri to know that according lo Dr Lewis
there Is real hope and help Jor them,
Many whose eyes were falling Bar they had their eyes restored by this re,
murkable nresrrlptlon and many who one
woro glasses say Uley liavo thrown them
away. One man Hays, after using It: "I was
almost blind. Could not see" to read at all.
Now I can read everything without my
Klase. and my eyes do not hurt any more.
At night they would psln dreadfully. Now
they feci fine all the time. It was like
miracle to me." A lady who used It says:
lh atmosphere seemed hazy with or with,
nut glares, but after using this prescrip
tion for fifteen daya everything seems clear.
I can read even fine print without glasses."
Another who used it says: "I wan bothered
with eye strain caused by overworked, tired
eyes, whl"h Induced fierce headaches. I hav
worn glasses for several yesrs, both for
distance and work, and without them I
could not read my own namo on an envelop
or the typewriting on the machine before
me. I can do both now and have discarded
niy long distance glasses altogether. I can
count the fluttering leaves on the trees
a.Tnss the etreot now, which for several
years havo looked like a dim green blur to
me. I cannot express my Joy at what it has
done fo me."
It Is believed that thousands who weat
glasses can now discard them tn a reason
able time and multitudes more wtlt be able
to strengthen their eyes so as to be spare
the trouble and expense of ever getting
glasses. Eye troubles ot many descriptions
niay be wonderfully benefited by the use o
this prescription at home. Uo to any active
drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto
.Dr', Bon-Opto tablet In a
fourth of a glass of water and let It die
solve. With this liquid bathe the eye. li,
to four time, dally. You should notice Year
If.'r' .'mJ "P.. l""P"ly right from the
"S-tiJ J Inflammation and redness will
2Ji'.y ff "Iff- " your ""'her you
? . R JL1"" " '".yo" duty to take steps
to .sve them now before It Is too late. Many
hopelessly blind might havo saved their
time' h"1 cared ,or 'lr iye. ti
,hi"ikn"""' D,r''n"'ie''t Physician' to
whom the above article was submlttsd, sale:
Yes. the Bon-Opto prescription la truly a
r0..u' ,yo r(n",dy- constituent In
i. t u' re 1 knwn to eminent eye
specialists and widely prescribed by them
I have used It very successfully In my own
P"!"; on pstlent. whose eye. war!
strained through overwork or misfit glasaea
I cai. highly recommend it in case of weak"
watery, aching, smarting. Itching, burning
eyes, red lids, blurred vision or for eye.
Inflamed from exposure to smoke, sun, dust
or wind. It Is one of tho very few prepare.
Hons I feel should he kept on hand for
regular use In almost every family." Bon
Opto. referred to above, Is not a patent
medicine or a secret remedy. It Is an ethi
cal preparation, the formula being printed
on the package. The manufacturer, guar
antee It to strengthen eyestgnt SB per cent
In one wesk s time in many Instancea or re
fund the money. It can be obtained from
any good druggist and is sold In tills cite
by Sherman & illcConnell. C. A. Melcher and
other.. Advertisement