THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 25. 1917. 11 FOR RENT HOUSES South CLOSE IN. so. Hi so. :th St., l-r., .trictiy u modern. nivER SPAIN, Realtors. Deueiae ml.. i-io city Nat, Ban i.ROOM, all mod bouse except beat. ,3, g. Mth Bt. Harney SHI. Miscellaneous. 1317 BURT St.. 1 rrne., md., ex. beat. .11 00 ltl Spruce. I rota., md. ex. beat. .110.00 3l m-imett, 7 rme., md 122.(0 a&u Charlea, t rma., md $26.00 1410 N. 15th ", t rma., md. ax. heat 1 00 1708 Webetor, rma., md. ex, beat.. 131.(0 471S N. 40th Ave., i rma., md. ex. heat, bungalow $18.00 07 8. 18th St., I rru., md ISJ.60 801 S. 10th St.. ( rma.. md 121.10 021 8. 40th St., rma., md.. newly decorated $28.00 (Too 8. 2Sth St.. 0 rma.. md., ex. heat.$20.00 3410 a. ltth SU a rma.. rod. ax heat $!. 1517 8. th St, I rma., md 12( 00 III 8. 14th St. t trie., md 180.00 IK Park Ave., I rma., md $40.00 2210 Leavenworth, rma., md. ox . heal $0.00 FOR RESPONSIBLE COLORED. 2208 Clark 8L. I rma., md. ex heat. $11.00 2417 Erekine St., 4 rma., md. ax heat. 118. 00 2000 Paul St.. 4 rma $11.00 2102 N. 29th St., ( rma., md $18.00 210 8. 18th Ave., i rma 110.00 3108 Seward. rma., md. ex. heat. .$10.00 McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO, Douglaa 415. 1506 Dodge 8U FOR RENT. 1131 S. $2d St. l-r. mod. bouae $15.00 1821 Capitol Ave., l-r. mod. houa.... 3M0 3013 Grace St., l-r. mod. houae 30.00 700 N. 18th St., $-r. part mod. houa. 37.00 3410 Seward St., T-r. part mod. houae. K.00 3024 Corby St., l-r, part mod. houae.. 13.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO, 301 South l$th St. Douilaa 783. 1111-15 If. 3Sd, 1 rma., each $23.00 (31 S. 84th Ave.. I rma 37.(0 8510 Seward St., 1-rm. bunfalow... 80.00 3080 Woolworth Ave 35.00 117 8. 2th St 15.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. 333 Roae Bld. Tyler 1(30. $32.(0 3-room and aleepina porch, atrlcttr modern; nice and cool for aummer. $37.(0 4 room and aleaplnt porch, tn aam building. SCOTT & HILL CO, McCagu Bldg. Douglaa 1000. I -ROOM modem houae. with tarag for i oara, 'cloae to ear line, on paved atreat, $30 month. Douglaa 2S00. HOUSES In all parte of the city. CREIOH, SONS & CO., (08 Be Bldg. 2633 DAVENPORT 4 roome, $20. E. H. Benner Co., Ramge Blk. Doug. 8400. FOR RENT APARTMENTS North. FOUR-ROOM, steam -heated, 518 mo., near poatottlce. q. P. fltebblns. 1610 Chicago. BEVKN-ROOM team -heated, 25; near poat offlce. O. P. Stebbln. 1,610 Chlcaro. ESTABROOK apartment, four rooms, 26 month. O. P. Btebblns, 1610 Chicago. South. b'OR RENT---At tractive 4-room apt. in the Phaiian, bit S. Slst Ave. Easr walkln distance. H. W. Binder, 83 City Nat. Bank Bid. Apt. Phone Tyler 17M; office phone Doug. 1264. FIVE-ROOM lower flat, modern ; on oar line. 3604 Leavenworth St. Telephone Harney 5128. Miscellaneous. PKTKRS TRUST COMPANY, KENT Ala HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT -Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT MAY 1ST. Two ' modern storerooms, 16x60 each, with full basements, 824 and 626 S. 16th St. For particulars see Conrad Young, 222 B randels Theater. Douglas 1571. STOREROOM, 16th and Pine; very reason able rent; good location for small bust ncer. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth be tween ,24th and 26th Sts. 130 to $60. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1801 FARNAM ST. SPLENDID corner lot for rent on 16th St., 8 blocks from postoffice. O. P. Stebbine, 1610 Chicago St. STOREROOM, 20x60, with basement, ItU 6. 28th St., 20. Harney 1766. MODERN store, 16th St., near postoffice, 176 month. Q. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAS nam Bldg. First Trust Co. 1. 1151. Offices and Desk Room. CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg., lTth and Douglas. WcCague Inv. Co. Miscellaneous. ' LANDLORDS. ATTENTION 1 We will secure a desirable tenant tor your vacant 'Store, house or flat within 30 days if on the South Side and in a tenable condition, or pay you a montn'e rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INCORPORATED, CAPITAL $26,000. 4B2S So. 24th St. Phone South 1247. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Flats, WE want mors houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big lists Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne A Slater., Co., "Omaha's Rental Men," f 16 Ora. Nat. BK. Bldg. Doug. luio. LIST your houses with us for rent. The demand Is good and we have a waiting list. J. H. DUMONT ft CO. (Realtors). 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 610, MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. Uth St. Phone Douglaa 214. FIDELITY LES- FREE Phone Douglas 88 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. ' 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central. Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7786, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 802 So. 16th St. Douglas 4168. Maggard Van and two men, 11.26 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real servtce in moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. T lH PTTJTrk Express Co., Moving, cs. j xvj.-.-s Packing and Storage, nvi rarnam at. weo. int, Doug. 6146, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. BEMIS PARK A well built, nicely arranged 7-room full two-story home, 1n fine repair; locat ed on a largo 66xlfi0 south and east front; iot lacing Douievara and 33d St.; all Im provements in and paid for. Price $6,760, HIATT COMPANY; 206 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 60. . PINKNEY ST. BARGAIN. Kll..lA. at Z' " " v ivjiiii aim met! ping porch, oak finish, handsomely decorated, worth $4,500, but you can buy It tills wefk for $3,9!0 on Rasp terms (which are dffftdeay). Immediate action will get RASP BROS., REALTORS, 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North WAVERLY PARK BUNGALOW $3,800 Brand new bungalow, just being com pleted; roome all on one floor; stair way to floored attic; oak finish In living rooms; full cement basement with hot and cold water; east front lot. located high and sightly, just south of Fonta nels park. Will be sold on payments. C. C. CARLBERG, Realtor, 110-811 Brandels Theater Bldg, STUCCO BUNGALOW. New, strictly modern, 6-r. and bath, oak finish, oak floors, high grade lighting fixtures, full basement, furnace heat, dandy lot, one block to car and school. Located a little north of Fort St., on 28th Ave. Price $8,100. Easy terms. RASP BROS., (REALTORS), 110-1J-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 711. FOR SALE. T-r. noose, fully modern, on lid end Ellison Ave. This Is a snap at 11.160. Terms very easy. Doug. 1600. W. 8. FRANK. S01 Neville Blk. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished In oak; located at 8131 N. 85th St. Price, $3,150. Terms. Wilt take small cottage In trade, NORRIB ft NORRI9. 400 Bee Bldg, Phone Douglas 4370. 6-ROOM House, In good repair, all modern! one-half block to car line, fruit on place; price $8,350; will take good second-hand auto as first payment. Phone Owner, Colfax 588. South. SEVEN-ROOM HOME Modern throughout, fronts southwest on large corner lot, 50x140. Beautiful on all sides; large well built garage; two blocks from car line, This will make a fine home for a particular party and the price, $ 4,800. Is exceptionally low. Act quickly. BIG 4 REALTY CO., ltlS W. O. W. Bids. Dong, lilt, HANSCOM PARK. Juat listed, two brand' new S-room strictly modern bungalows. Oak finish In living and dining room; ak floors throughout. Built-in bookcases; colon nade openings; built-in buffet. Beautiful combination sun room and sleeping room. Full cement basement; furnace heat Bast front. Owner having put a bargain price on this for immediate sale; can be handled on terms; will discount for cash. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., (37 Omaha Nat. Bit. Bldg. D. 1711. $4,350 . A Thoroughly Modern Home new six-room nnme 01 tne semi-Dunga-low type, strictly modern and up to the last minute In every detail; oak floors throughout, oak finish first floor, three bedroome and bath with beautiful white enamel and mahogany, door finish. Book cases, .colonnade seats, etc, built-in. Full brick foundation, floor drain, coal bin, etc. All built by day labor and Is nicely decorated ready to, move right In. Many other attractive features loo numerous to mention. Let us show you the biggest value in the city for the money. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-x Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 49. SEVEN-ROOM RRICK AND FRAME BE MI-BUNG ALOW. Situated on high and sightly choice lot In Field Club district; nice shrubs and trees. This beautiful home Is thoroughly modern in every respect; oak finish and oak floors throughout; vestibule, fireplace, bookcases, seats, buffet, sun room, French doors to sun room, etc.; extra large clos ets; attractively decorated and Is praetl cally new. Price only $6,500. Call office for furthef particulars and appointment. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. . ' TM-I Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 406. A GENTLEMAN'S BOMB Overlooking Hanacom Park. Plot IBOz 180. Contains twelve large rooms, three baths with toilets, Innumerable closets and pantries; steam beat, seven fireplaces and finished In oak and mahogany. Price 11.000 and only $2,(00 cash required. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 411$ 8. Uth St. . "Phone South 1247. FOR SALE BY OWNER Bargain. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Beautiful alt-modern ftve-rponv bunga low, with space enough upstairs for three large roome. Well located living room with large fireplace. Welt. located on cor ner lot. one block from car, near Kountze park. Call Colfax 401. HONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction, t larre llaht rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish, Price $3,800. Easy terms. Another new build lng for $8,650. Call Douglas 1722 days. Walnut 1580 evenings. FOR SALE Beautiful 8-room house facing Hanscom park; also for rent or for sale, J -room house, 1 baths, suitable for 3 fam ilies; half block to car. Phone Hsr. 05, Miscellaneous. WORLD REALTY CO., J ' Bu'Mlnr J. B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and ' Insur ance, 443 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8087, R. S. TRUMBULL, 1305 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Q 1710. REAL ESTATE Investment SALOON PROPERTY BARGAIN. Must be sold. $15,000 buys $12,000 fine large three-story and basement brick building on large lot 141 feet deep; nice store and two large eight-room flats above: new paved St. and alley. In good business district, suitable for any kind of business. With a little Improvement this would bring $200 per month,, .Inquire fcUUBNt, THOMAS. 413-14 Karbach Blk,, Omaha, Neb. D. 8607. FOR a safe Investment, guaranteed 7 per cent of 81.00 to $5,000.00. HOME BUILDERS $1.00 SHARES are the best in every way, Office, 17tb and Douglas St., Omaha APARTMENT. $76,000 Income 12 per cent; one year old; very fine location; mortgage $26,000 and win accept m trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS ft CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKKY ft SON, REALTORS. $20 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange BOARDING HOUSE FOR FARM LAND. W have a 14-room, strictly modern place. Including all furniture, that would make an excellent boarding house. Lo cated near 37th and Cuming, block rrom car line, will be paved this soring. Cost $18,000 to $20,000 when built. The owner has priced at $10,000 clear and will consider trading for farm land. Will give possession Way 15. For further par ticulars see- PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. CLOSE IN FLATS FOR LAND. Two good, strictly modern St. Louis fists, income $0fi0 per annum. Price $10. 000. Mortgage. $3,200. Owner wests land noi coo iar irom Oman a. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., 801 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 4 REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR EXCHANGE A good stock and grstn farm of 30O acres of Iowa land; buildings are nearly ntw, 7 -room house, large barn, tool house, ello, windmill Ice house, poul try house, large orchard, stock scales, granary, land rolling (not rough). ! ml Irs to R. R. town. J. J. Stevens, Pleasant vllle, la. REAL ESTATE -B'ness Pr'pty WHOLESALE LOCATION. We have a 00x60 foot lot at tlth and Dodge upon which we will build to suit tenant. Desirable trackage, In heart of wholesale district. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1820 Famam St. Tel. Doug. 1084. H. A. WOLF. Realtor, Wars Blk., Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West CLOSE-IN LOTS Five dandy lots at southeast comer Slst Ave. and Jackson, 60x1 SO each; cheapest lots in the market; at $1,250 for inside and little higher for corner. Terms If de sired. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors), 018-30 City National. Doug. 3863. ASK US Ask us for the 10 reasons why we think Waverly Park Is a good buy. Finished lots ee low as $560. $10 cash. Harrison & Morton, II Omaha Nat. Douglas 114. FOR SALE Lots 18, 10 and 20, block 31, Walnut HIM Addition. W. H. weller, (Owner), SI Main Building. Utlca, N. T. North. CHOICE LOTS CHEAP. Two on 6. E. corner 36th and Hartman Ave., $236 each. Two test front on 33d, near Jaynes St., $260 each. One on Wal nut St.. V block W. of (1st car, $245. $5.00 cash and $5.00 per month will buy any of these. Real estate is the founda tion of all wealth. RASP BROS., 810 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. AFTER looking at MINNA LUBA 800 dif ferent buyers decided that it was tne oeei proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF TOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. T4I Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Tyler 1ST. BARGAIN Vacant lot, 63x110, on 2Sth Ave., near Yates; make me an oner. --. a. Ortmmel, 4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. HAVE tract of ground bounded by three streets, with sewer and water in, contain ing 20 lots. Anyone wanting building lots it would pay them to investigate. Can be used for a suburban home. Do not compare this with acreage. This Is right In the city, close to car line and good school. Can give terms. For further In formation see TRAVER BROTHERS. BIO First National Bank Bldg. Douglas Otao. DANDY LOT 60x136. two street frontages; easy terms. Call Douglas 1064 or evening-, Har. 4168. . BEAUTIFUL ? ot lots. rice 8230, only $3 oesb and 60 cents per wee- iwug. vz. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 2 ACRES IN ALFALFA Only a short distance of Benson on one Of the highest sites in the country. Has half acre of small fruit. Price $1,200. $20.00 down and $16.00 per month. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Reed. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1014 Harney Street HOUSES and lota In Benson; five acres near Benson, iwemy acres ui"'in Mark M. Parn,r. 2888 California St. Dundee. HOME BARGAIN. Brick and stucco home, six rooms and sleeping porch; thoroughly modern throughout; all floors of oak; oak trim downstairs; white enamel upstairs: built in buffet, fireplace, bookcases, kitchen cabinets, etc.; large lot. Owner must sacrifice. Prefer to deal with buyer di rect. Would accept light automobile or lot as part' payment. Bo 2098. Bee. - DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well, located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO., BARGAIN DUNDEE LOT. EAST FRONT. $450 cash, 76x120 feet. 6-ACRE blk., Falracre and Brownell Hall district, snap. j. uwn. South Side FLORENCE Real Estate Co.. Phone Flo. 303. Miscellaneous. 4-Room House 5 Acres Has barn, chicken House, wen ana cave. Sy, acres of xcellont garden awil, and balance In pasture. Can be bought on very reasonable terms and at an attractive price. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 Harney 8t. HOMESEEKERS, ATTENTION! On a intall caah payment we will buy the lot you aelect, build . home ftfter your own plana ana you can pay tor n on email monthly paymenta, without extra Interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL 126,0110. 25 8. 2,th St. Phone South 1847. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES On the South Side, on full sized lots, ranging from $1,500 to $3,000, In different localities, with all city Improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a small cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. U ACRE tracts. $476, $10 down. $7.60 mo. (.lose in near car. uoun. out. REAL ESTATE WANTED GOOD HOUSES for aale or rent In all parte oC the city. AI.LEN A BARRETT, 613 B . Bldg. Don:. 77S!. LISTING houaca to rent or aell on .mall caab paymenta, hav partiee watting. Weatern Real Eetate. 41S Karbach Blk. D. S07. LI8T your 6 and 6-room houaea with ua. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY CO., Tyler 46. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Land.. YAMPA VALLEY 640 ACRES, Routt county, Colorado; all fenced and cross fenced; cedar posts and barbed wire; two sets of good improve ments; all subject to Irrigation; unlimited supply of water; paid up water rights; Ir rigated system laid out by government engineer. This farm Is located 2 miles from shipping station. There are now 40 acres of this farm In wheat; 260 acres ready for smell grain thin spring. Will furnish seed for sowing. This farm has paid better than $2,000 pr year income on one-half of same In cultivation. Owner has recently acquired f Is tract of land, but can not operate, but Is In a position to offer at a bargain. Is well worth 145 per acre, but I am authorised to soil $30 per acre cash. If you have not all cash, or a small piece of clear property, will take It at ",i.ih value end make terms. J. W. LAWSON, 615 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. After April 24 address Penver, Colo., care Albany hotel, for seven days. Michigan Lands. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, hatl unknown. Root crops, dairying, grating, ideal. Fine roads, market; 143 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 2. Terms easj George Rowell, jr., 22 Bacon Blk., Mar quette. W1-1- FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. RAISB ALFALFA In FLORIDA (Natal Hay) this winter. First cutting $0 days: $60 and $90 annually on $6C land, Pa it on Blk Walnut SE.ST (evenings). Missouri Lands. SMALL MO Farm $10 cash and $5 month ly: no Interest or taxes; hlcbly productive land; cloae to S big markets. Write for photographs and full Information, Munger, A-119, N. T. Life Btdg.. Kansas City, Mo. alt EAT bargains. $6 down, $& monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo. VALTABUE Oaark farms, ranch, graslng. timber and mineral lands for sale; prices from $3.00 per acre up; wrlto us your wants. MrClellan A Henry. Eminence. Mo. Minnesota Lands. 140 ACRES, ib miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-half under cultivation, balance UHed for pasture and hay; can practically all be cultivated: good set buildings; this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per aire; country is thickly settled; complete set of machin ery; 3T head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2-year-olda; 4 good horses, ib hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $66 per acre; one half rash; immediate possession can be had Schwab J. roe., 102$ Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Montana Lands. MO"NTANA HOMKSTEAtiS--l.060,066"acres, 040 or $20 ai as for you. Circulars free. Write Homestead Bureau ot Montana, Dept. $$, Boi $46, Butte. Mont. Nebraska Lands. Farms on 20 years' time, b per cent Interest; we offer quarters, half sections and seotlon of good, level, dark sandy loam farm land In the best farm district of Holt county, Neb., ten miles northeast of Atkinson, on terms of 10 per ennt cash and the balance In twenty yearly pay ments. Unimproved land at $.16 to $40 per acre; Improved half sections, $46 per acre. If purchaser Improves the land at once no cash payment will be required. We will loan each buyer $1,200 to buy cattle and hogs; we are willing to help reliable, energetic farmers who can fur nish flrst-class reference. J. O. PATTERSON A CO.. owners. 801 New England Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. HERE are land bargains for the land buyer; we are going to aell the Lisco rancn in tracts to suit the purchaser; the land Is located In Garden, Cheyenne and Deuel counties; the ranch contains 50.000 acres, fifteen miles of North Platte river front, and all the river bottom and all the Rush creek valley; a lot of good, level farm land on the table; terms one-third cash, balance per cent Interest. Purchaser can name the else of the farm he wants. We will sell the outside first. First man up gets his choice of the land. Now Is the time to buy. D. R. Williams, Kept, Llsco Land company, Ltsco, Neb. ' LA REVIEW farm. 260 acres, 14 miles west of Lincoln. Neb. A dairy and nog farm, well equipped with buildings. 90 acres alfalfa. No waste land. Write for particulars. I must soil soon. C. H, An drews, 7J P St., Lincoln. Neh. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1.440 acre ranch Southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly improved, price $12.60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Dourlaa 2410. 680 Brandels Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' As sociation, 16th and Howard fits.. Omaha. Douglas $371. WET land made dry enough for crops or no pay Is our way of draining land, no tract too large or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. EAST central Neb., 80 acres, highly Im proved farm, close to town, snsp, terms, possession at once. S. S. and R. E. Mont- goinwrfr New York Lands. NEW YORK FARMS WRITE FOR CATA LOG, FREE FOR ASKING, GIVING DES CRIPTIONS. PRICES. TERMS. ETC.. ON HUNDREDS OF FARMS. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. 42 THE FLUKKACK, SYRACUSE, N. Y. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. t40 acres, lying on a tine auto road, near Henry, Coddlngton county, South Da kota. This Is a high-class farm, highly Improved, fine grove, plenty of good water. MID-WEST LAND CO., 1067 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 116$. FARM LAND WANTED VIE have cash buyera for good Kimball county land. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 21.10 City Nat. Bank. Tel. Dona, lilt. FINANCIAL $1,600 MTGE., bearing t pet. aeml-annual, sncured by property valued at $4,760. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for -aortgage loans. City Nat'l Bank Bldg. $600,000 city and farm loans, i par cent, Kb I in. 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401, Real Estate, Loans and Mortgage!. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6. bhi and 6 per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 1 12 South 17th. Omaha. N e b. S PER CENT to $ per cent on best class dty residences In amounts $1,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRU8T CO.. 1821 Farnam St. MONEY to loa i on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv, Co., Omaha. b AND $ per cent farm and city first mort gagee fpr sale. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB R. E. CO., 101 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 6, 6ty and 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 148. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. Graham. 04 Bee Bldg. SHOrEN A CO.. PRIVATE) MONEY. 5V2 ESS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 5 O 918 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, WeadBldg 18th and Farn am Sts. LOW RATES. C. O. CARLBERG. $12 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 6H6. Abstracts of Title. Kerr Title, Guarantee and Abstract. Co. 306 S. 17th St.. around door. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 306 Brandels Theater. To the Prospective Home Buyer Notice to You You have no doubt read our tne npuse building business. We have six 5-room cottages, twelve 6-room cottages and two 7-room. These houses are all modern and in Al location, picked out by us as very desirable locations 10 neip n possible in BUT the most important point best there is on the market in ploy the best workmanship possible. This we have done and with our ten years' experience alone these lines we have reached a point of the last word in efficiency in building homes along these lines at the lowest possible figure. You, therefore, will find that each and every one of these houses will more than come up to your expectation of how a house should be built, and you will be able to buy any one of these homes at figures far below what you could possibly build for. AND THE REA SON IS: We are going out of the house building business and you, therefore, get an opportunity that you possibly never will get again, to buy a new home at less than it would cost you to build one. Prices range from $1,500 to $6,500. The date of this big sale will be announced the last of this week. If you desire to look over these houses before the sale call our office and we will take you out in one of our machines any time and show them to you. We are at your service. Call Douglas 1009 any time. SCOTT & HILL CO. Ten Years in the House Building Business. Ground Floor in McCague Building. FINANCIAL Miscellaneous GALLAGHER & NELSC)N Represent, prompt pay Insurance com panies. 44 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC. USED CAR DEPT. Doug. 3:9. 11047-$ Farnam. Touring cars and roadster of Overland. Studhaker, Maxwell. Font. Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. AVTO" CLEARING IP01SK. 820 Farnam St. Douglas 1110. '16 Hudson, 40. '1$ Hayn light six. Ml Maxwell, '! Davis. WILMO MANIFOLDS. Burns gasoline, kerosene, distillate; double power and mileage; cuts your fuel cost half, mony back guarantee, WILMO PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION SI 8. 19th. D. 296. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 221C-1 S Farnam St. Douglas 163. Almost any make at reasonable prices. TORPEDO racer. Juat built, 70 M. P. H. oar; Mason motor. Salisbury racing axle. H. T, magneto, etc., suitable for racing at fairs, etc., $200. Crosstown Garage, Sib 8, 34th log, 4443. FOR SALE Two-ton General Motor Cos. truck; good running order; good tires and condition; not abused; can be bought right. Phone Doug. a8$. WEvlll trade you a new Ford for jour old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. 20th and Harney. Douglas 6261. TELL BINKLEY, Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 2318 Harney St. Doug. idi. BARGAIN- condltlnn, -Electric car end rectifier, good Tel. D. 77$. or Walnut 771. BERTS' HY "Kan-FU-lt." Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 1661. CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE. 310? FARNAM. D. $016. NEW and used tires for sale cheap. Auto Salvage and Exchange. 110 So. 17th. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT aut repairing, "service car al ways ready.' Omaha Garage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 666. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair ' Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 810 N. Uth. NEBRASKA Auto Repair Works. Services and prices right. 11B S. 19th St. P. 7190. Tires and Supplies. DRIVE your car over and let us test your tires. Proper Inflation and tlrs care mean long mileage. THE TIRE SHOP. D. T. Crow. 161$ Farnam. D. 4S7. Motorcycles and Bicycles HABLBY-DAVIDAON MOTORCYCLES. Bar KftMns In used machines. Victor H, Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." S7th and Leaven worth. POULTRY AND PET STOCK R. C. R. I. Red and AndalUslan eggs from thoroughbred mated pens for sale. Wei. 3174. Clifton Hurst Poultry Yards. Omaha. ONE light Brahma rooster and one White Crested Bla.-k Polish rooster fnr sale at S916 N. 27th St. FrlM wlnnlnr itock. FO R 8 A LB Buff Wyandotte eggs for hatch lng; and collie pups. L. D. Fawcett, Ben son 6176, Florence, Route 1 ENGLISH Coach Dogs for sale. Web. 8401. 2121 Seward. Msrle Abermathy. GOOD Chesapeake dog for sale. Inquire 60$ 8. Uth St., upstairs. L. Kneeier. SINGLE comb while leghorn batching eggs. MUSCOVY duck eggs, $1.20 per setting. Phone evening, Web. 349. DUCK eggs for hatching. $1 per setting. Phone evening, Web. 8941 CHICKEN house, fix9. almost new; Franklin. Harnoy 1373. 131$ 40 CHICKENS and 10 geese for sale. N. 68d. Mrs. Llnd. 1617 MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60. S40. 6 mo., Indorsed notes, total cost, $fl,!f. Smaller, largo am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organized bv Omaha Business Men. 433 Roue Bldg., 16th and Famam. Ty. $$$. LOOK LEGAL RATE LOANSI LOOK! $ SO.OO costs you $ $.2$ for six months. 103 00 costs you 90.37 for one year. 16A.00 costs you 31.20 for one year. 204.00 costs you 40.80 for one year. 800.00 costs you 80.00 for one year. Other amounts in proporttnn. EASY PAYMENTS, UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, $40 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. Slt5. MEDICAL DR. B. R. TARRY, PILES', FISTULA. CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and othrr rectal dlsnass without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec ta. diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WHY SUFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases, Dr. Charlea Bitrnon, 613-620 tone Bldg. Examination and Consultation rrtic, He is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delavs are dan geroue. If you can't call, write. Ho'urs 9 a. m. to 6 p. m . 7:30 to 8:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE Surufsafully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. BOB Bee Bldg. Dentists. Dr. pradbury. Nojaln. $12 W. O. W. Bldg. laft's Dent. Rmi 308 Rose "Bldg. d7Y.V" ads in regard to our going out of tne sale ot these homes. in house buildins is to nut the lumber in each house and to em LONDON HONORS AN AMERICAN ARTIST Gathering at St. Paul's Cathe dral Pays Respect to Edwin Austin Abbey. ONE Or BIO ILLUSTRATORS (Porreepondence of The Aeeoclated Preae.) London, March 30. Many distill Riilnhcd people forgot the stress of war for at least an hour the other day to repair to St. l'aul's cathedral to pay trihute to the memory of an Ameri can artist, Edwin Austin Abbey, who, through his work, has been more or less closely identified with the artistic side of English life. The gathering was headed by the American ambassador, Walter Hines Page and the l'rincess Louise, Ouch ess of Argyll. It assembled in the artists' corner of the crypt where are the graves of Turner and many more distinguished English artists, and un veiled a tablet to the memory of Abbey. It was here that Abbey used to visit. Ambassador Tage delivered the principal speech, sketching Abbey's career from his birthplace, Philadel phia. "Mr. Abbey'i grandfather," said Mr. Page, "who was a merchant in Phila delphia, amused himself with his pen cil and brush, and his father, also a merchant, cultivated the same talent. Once when Mr. Abbey was asked how he got his commission for painting the coronation of King Edward, he is said t have answered: " 'Through my grandfather.'" The ambassador said that Mr. Ab bey spent twenty yeara on the staff of a New York publishing house. "When he came to England he had a commission also to illustrate an article on Shakespeare," said Mr, Page, hor all I know to the con trary the great project of illustrating Shakespeare may date from t'.at firat visit to the poet's birthplace. From that day forward England took him and held him. Work in Two Parti. "Abbev'a work fell into two carts. first, his illustrative work, beginning in his youth with Dickens' Christmas Stories and including Herrick, Keats, Wordsworth, Goldsmith, and ending with lus great illustrations of Shake speare. He was surely one of the greatest illustrators ot his time. It is upon these black and white (Iraw- MEDICAL Chiropractors. PR. KNOLLalNHEllU, SANITAItlUM. I.arty attendant. 94th anil Farnam. T. 73SB. Xt. C. J. Lawrence, llalrrt Bid.. D. a.dl. Ilr. France. Pawwon. B03-3 Roae Hide. T. 23flS Lra. Johnston. 1336 W. O. W. Bide. D. 6511. PERSONAL TH"e Salvation Army Induetrls.1 Home so. Ilclts your old olothtng, fun It urn, mega slues. We oollsot. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4131 end our wagon will call. C:i and inspect our new horns. 1110-llll-llH Dodge NL BB9T RKHULTS A. FAIR RATE The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and s. RMi of la per word. When you want both of the above CALL TT LB R 1000. . ' WANTED A email child to cars far while mother works; best of oars by a former ",df jTff.r.ln . u. Brht'; Herney 6001. BATH 8 anu massage. Osntral Bsth Insti tute, 160S Harney flt 1). T0I7. Open evenings, PRIVATE home for stck led las, bst care, very re as. 2001, Bristol St. Wb. IMS. MKCHANO THRU APT treatmenta. Miss Halloran, 322-9 Neville Blk. LUBLLA WEBSTER, massage and man., coring. Ilg Paiton Blk. Red 340(1. MA K BRUUMAN, scientific masseuse and bathe. 20: Karbach Blk. Red 2727 SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phoi.e Douglas S72. Edna Williams, massage, bath. 229 Neville. Ann.i FHher, sulphur bstha, mass. D. 1(169. MIB3 LILLY, bath, massage, IttZ Farnam. Manicuring and mass, 1623 Farnam. R. If". EMMA BROTT massaging, 2130 Harney. REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. , Charles h. Craig and wife to Henry B. Nef. Titus avenue, 127. 1 feet ' West of Twenty-eighth avenue, north side. 42x120 1J ' 1 Charles W. Martin and wife to Henry n. r.eer. mary aired, 127.6 feet east of Thirtieth street, south side, 2fl2 1 Wallace H. Roberta to the Metro polllan Water district, northwest corner Fourth and Bridge streets, Florence, 62x92 1,000 Harry W. Roberts to the Metropolitan Water district. Bridge street,, sixty two feet west of Fourth street, north side, 100x92 1,600 Estella M. Banner to Mrs. H. B. Boyd, Twenty-first elreet, 130 feet south or O street, wtist side, 80130 2,600 Mrs. Hut tie E, Royd to Mrs. Estella M. Daniels, Twenty. first street, 130 feet south of O street, Mil SO 2,700 Philip W. Russell and wife to Alius Quade, Thirty-ninth street, 210 feet north of L street, east aide, 40x120. 1 James J. Kovarlk add wire to Nells C. J. Nielsen, et al, Eighteenth street, izo reel south of J street, west side. 40x120 1,400 South Bide Land company to George Hobcsyk, Thirty-fourth street, 115 feet south of D street, east side, 00x10 ' , Fred J. Miller to Steve Mekno. south 126 east corner Fourteenth and F streets ?6x121.6 460 William Ashton and wife to Vaclav Vancura, Maretta avenue, 246 feet north of Military avenue, west aide. 60x12s Hiram 8. Msnvllls to Frieda B. Frank furt, southeast corner Twenty-seventh and Poppleton, 411-3x100 Hiram S. Manvllle to Frieda D. Frankfurt, northwest corner Twenty-fifth avenue and Hickory, 42x127 , ' 121 PHOTOriAYB. Actual Warfare It Shown in the Official Authentic British Govern ment Made Pictures of "THE WAR" Exhibited I. Thia Vicinity Under the Aueplcee al OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PICTURES, INC. Distributed by Pathe Exchanges They Are the Most Wonderful Motion Pictures Ever Produced Don't Miss Them, at the EMPRESS Today and Thuradav NICHOLAS Council Blulla, la. Today EMPRESS Crand liland. Nek. Mey ELECTRIC Fell. City, Nek. Mey 20 JEWEL Beatrice, Nek. May 30 MUSE May 1-2-3 ' PALM Sunday and Monday PLAZA Haatln,., Ne. May 14 PLATTE North Platte, Neh. May 20-21 LYRIC Broken Bow, Nab. . May 30 ings that no doubt mot of t lie admir ers of his work think that his most secure fame rests. "The second period of Mr. Abbey's work was Riven to mural painting for the ennobling and beautifying of American public buildings. On this work he was engaged when he died in 1911 at the too early age of 59. With appropriateness his decorations of the lloston Public library represent scenes from the Quest of the Holy Grail. Throughout the United States you will find more reproduction of these pictures and of Mr. Sargent's Prophets, in the same building, than of any other modern paintings. "In happier times, when thousands of Abbey's countrymen resume their pilgrimage to their old home, many of them will feel a warmer welcome to this, one of thi great sanctuaries of our race, because of its hospitality to him; and they will thank you for placing this tablet here as I thank you now. It is another link in the endless chain that binds all parts of the English-speaking world together and will forever hold them true to their common high ideals." A Backhander, "Elthu Root's recent letter tn the antl suffrage convention was a backhanded slap." Tho apoaker, a woman herself, set her Jaw grimly. "Bllhu'e letter talked In thn main about unconstitutionality, whatever that It, but It was really an Indirect slap at us. "It reminded me of Mrs. Stinger. " 'Did Jane Guff, ever eny anything to you about me?' a woman asked Mrs. Httnger. " 'No, never.' Mrs. Stinger replied. 'If Jane Ouff can't say anything good of a per son, nho don't never say nothing.' "Wash' Ington Star. AMUHRMKNTH. BOYD'S APRIL 26-27 SEATS NOW ph iirv V V md N. V. Winter I WIBBQirdinCv.oMIQl. The Oirlieat Gayest Greatest Show on Tour Galaxlee of Glorious Gladsome Girlie Prices tOc, 75c, $1.00, 1.50, $3.00 fl... a Phonej THC BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Pally Mitlsw, S:IS: NUM. 1:18. This Week. RVAM A. LEE. TheMU DOROTHY JARDON If. I. I ft 4 Ce.. Marls Le a cs oss By & Woods, Cflrtwtt. Sheens' A Desna. Wheeler A Deles, Drsseiis, Travel wtttiy. Prlmi Mat I mhi, asllery, tOe: sett esstt (sxeeet stareey tee usdejr), 2io; Wants, IOo.2ee.60e.7U. -OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Dell, Mala.. H-35-SOe Evan'fB, I5-2S-SO-7SC Itur La.t Uhaw! .....a fileiet .at. Nit. AM 2t Solly Ward & "Roseland Glrls''u.. BIO CARNIVAL OP FIATURE (VINT! ALL WEEK alnndu. Uiorue tilrl'a Uonteet; Tiiewlar. Amtteure Cnntrrt: Weilnriday, Cciuntr, Btore; Thuridaj. Walla Cntuert; rrlday. "Olfe Away" Nile; Satur day, rirewell anil 111, Burprlrt. Cnnteit npea to all. Cifi prltra. Hnmethln, dolni every nlte BEAT CART AND BIG BEAUTY CHORDS . LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAY Bljou Minetrel Mlaaea s - ODONNB i - ALICE NELSON at CO. i "RUBE" BROWN . Slats Inetailraent "THE WAR- i I Derotkr Barnard, to "THE RAINBOW lll'l1ll,llll,l',llttll,ll,l:,ll,ll,ll,ll,ll,llll,llll,lf,llll,ll,ni' PHOTOPLAYS. Last Time Today Lionel Barrymore Irene Howley . -in "His Father's Son" DOROTHY D ALTON I "The Dark Road" i "Her Circus Knight" jg (K.yaton.) s WEEK OF 29TH "Womanhood, Glory el the" S nMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllF MUSE PAULINE FREDERICK in "SLEEPING FIRES" TODAY ONLY JACK MULHALL in "THE TERROR" MAJESTIC Cedar Raptda, la. Thura., Frt.. Sat, PRINCESS Waterloo. Ia, Mays PRINCESS 'Am.., la. May 14 EMPRESS Kearney, N.S. May 23 ritk rn ufwsjsj ina j. t. winter n ' : v aTjfSf XUtm