Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1917, Page 10, Image 10
APRIL 1917. 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, . Want Ad Rates tV:; TUB TELEPHONE If you Cannot con veniently bring or aend In your ad. Ask for a Want A4 Taker and you will re reive the aama rood service u wbea de livering your ad at thla office. PHONE TYI.FR ISM. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: KVENINQ EDITIONS 12:00 M. WORNINQ EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. NO AD TAKEN FOE LESS THAN lew, ONE TIME. OK LEM THAN ISc A DAT. 1CASH WTTH ORDER. P Set Solid (No Display.) PBR WORD, EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Displayed la Larger Typo: Ho per Una ne tlma ;c per lino, I or mora conaecatlve Insertions. BITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rata 30o P line CARD Or THANKS, DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 10c per tlna each Insertion (Minimum charge, 60 canta). MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of copy allowed). One Hn H-W Two line or mora ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING TTNPER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: 2c per ward " tit"1 1 Ho per word, two or mora conaecutlve In sertions. SPECIAL COMBINATION ATB. Oh Tsd. Paaltry and Other Advertising- THE OMAHA BEB (over 60,000 dally). 301H CENTURY FARMER (over 110,000 weekly), A combined circulation which will reach, both the city and rural realdent Special Reg. 1 Rate. Rata, j X tnaertlona In Omaha Bea and 1 inaertlon tn 10 lb. Century Farmer, per word o Te 1 Inaertlona la Omaha Bea and 1 Inaertlon In 20th Century Farmer, par word..... (Ca tract rmtea n applteaHen). Movie Program Current offerings to tha Motion Pic ture Theater In Omaha. (Change Dally.) Downtown PRINCESS, ' 1211 DOUGLAS MOLLY KING in No. 5 of THE MYSTERY OF THE DOUBLE CROSS" ANIMATED WEEKLY AND OTHERS, North. DIAMOND, 24TII AND LAKE PEARL WHITE In No. II Of "PEARL OF THE ARMY," WILLIAM mUKTENAY In "KICK IN." GRAND, lfiTH AND BINNEY FRANK KEEN AN "THE CRAB." LOTHHor, JITH AND LOTHROP MART MCLAREN "WANTED A HOME." K. 1TH AND CALIFORNIA "THE LITTLE PARTNER" "MIXED MATRIMONY." South. !,TH AND LEAVENWORTH ELLA MALL In "A JEWF.L IN PAWN." BOL'LEVAIID. UU AND LEAVENWORTH BILLY BURKE In 'TEOOT- IDEAL. 1ITH AND DORCAS XRS. VERNON CASTLE In No. t of "PATRIA." We.t Sell FARNAM DOROTHY BERNARD AND STUART HOLMES In "SINS OF MEN." South Side. 34TH AND N flLLIAM FARNUM In '1 THE TALE OF TWO CITIES.1 ORPHEUiI, 34TH AND M GOOD PROGRAM SHOWN HERE TODAY, AND SPLENDID COMEDY. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICE8. KELLY Julia E., age 45. April 31. Funeral from Hoffman's funeral soma Wednesday, l:Jff a. m.i St. Fatrlefc'e rhurrh, t a- m. Interment Holy Sepulcher. She Is aurvlved by three at stars, Mr a. Mary A. Byrnes, Mrs. Hannah K. Kelly of Omaha and Mrs. Margarita Holeolm, Georgetown, Colo., and two brothers. Jerome Delaney, Las Angeles, Cel., and Jsmes Delaney, Chicago. Denver (Colo.) papers please copy. BLOMBERQ Charlea A , aged IS yeara, . April 11. Beloved husband of Julia Blomberg. Services at Hoffman's funeral home, Wednesday at S p. m. Interment at For. aet Lawn cemetery. Besides hit wife, ha Is survived 'by tha following children: Carl. Arthur, Mra. Vara Butler, Mra. A. Blomberg. all of Omaha. ENKWOl.D Edwin Gerald, aged IS months, April 31, Infant son of Mr, and Mra. Fred C. Enrwold. 1730 Decatur treat, at I p. m. Wednesday, April 35th, Funeral from family residence. Inter meni, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends In vited. MACDANIEL Mrs. Herry, aged S3 yeara, at her resident', 3731 Charlea St. Funeral Wednesday at 1:30 a. nl. from Tasanrt's ctupel , to St. John's church rtt 9. Interment Holy Sepulcher oeme- iry. ' j'll.I !,rn ., aCfd 31 yean, Funeral Wednesday morning from real ttnp"t 151.1 N. 19th St., at 1:30 a. m. te M..iy Family church at a. m. Interment t'nl- N"tilrhT pmetery. FRATERNAL ORDERS. bm Monfments and jCemetcrics. 'rfiv largittt dlriPlty In the United Stataa. Kit AN K HYOBODA, llH-ih a. Uth. Phonea Douglaa 1I7S-S31C. ORl'ER your grave mnrker for Decoration day. 11 to $10. Redman Marker Co.. 3d floor Ware Blk, Uth and Farnara. D. till FUNERAL DIRECTORS. jg, L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Dlrectora. F. K. Fero, Mgr., 13d and Cuming Sta. Phone Douetea 677. Auto ambulance. HULSE A KIEPKN. undertaken and am- halmera. 791 9. lth. Douglaa 1135. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, embalmera and fu prat directors. 717 B. 16th St. Tyler 176. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmr. Z24 Leavenworth. Doug. lOtt. FLORISTS. BEING membera of the National Flortsla' Telegraph Delivery aaaoclatlon, We ara In position ta deliver flowers on abort notice anywhere In tbe U. S. or Canada. Heaa A Swoboda, Florists. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM ntenella Florist. LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglaa St. Douglaa 3144, PARKER Flower ehop, 411 & Uth. D. 3103. BATH. National Florist. 1804 Farnara St. A. DONAOHUE. 123 Harney. Doug. 1001. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births Ralph O. and Johanna Corning. 4764 South Eighteenth, boy; Martin and Ella ostergren, till Norm Tnirty-rourtn, arlrl: Mlkola and Maadalena Pakenls. 1310 T, 1 boy; Clement J. and Maria Cronon, 1137 , South Twentr-aecond, girl; Frank W. and Irene Harral, hospital, girl; Corwln B. and Winifred M. Snow, 13T Harney, boy; Lea C. aid Hulda Sharp, hoapltal. glrlt William P. and Edith Peterson, fill Florence oouie vard. boy: Frank and Myrtle Smith. Fif teenth and Washington, gtrl; John J. and Gertie Jessie, Forty-sixth and R, girl; Her bert and Merla Zugg, 1717 Cass, boy; Wll. Item and Dollfe Kavan, (431 South Twenty, second, girl; Kenneth O. and Haset Bvana. 1432 Burt, girl; Jacob and Dora Handleman, 1433 North Nineteenth, boy; Nela L. and Agnea E. Thompson, hZQ Leavenworttt. boy Heqry W. and Emma M. McDonald. 1330 South Mnth. girl; Rudolph ana Koeo To- maeeo. 1199 Douglas, boy. loathe Edward Oren, (1 yeara. hospital Haruh B. Tlcknor. 9 years, 1114 North Twenty-uenfl; Chines Henley. 74 years, Omaha; Joeuph Kaulh, f yeara, jvzi Ben- BIRTHS AND DEATHS croft; Charles McNott, 30 yean, hoiplial; Annette E. Ray, 10 years. 1010 Burdette; Julia Thaiton, 2 yeara, 40 North Thirty ntntb; Henry D. Rogers, 3 yeare, 2414 North Sixteenth: Anna Hod Ik, ff months, HM South Thirty -third: Fred Kneller, yin, 19K Paul: Sylvester B. Andereon, It yeare. hospital; Fred Haykel, 10 daya, Eitabrook Court; Frederick A. Schneider, 70 yea re, 2131 Burdette; Kalherln Melnserr 70 yeare, 1329 Burt; Oertrude C, Sherman, SB yeare, hospital; Edward Laloveky, 21 yeara, 1047 Atlae MARRIAGE LICENSES. The leaued following permit! to wed have bean Que A. Dworak. Omaha Maria Vak, Florence, Neb Thomae R. Kerarhmr, Omaha. Grace Spencer, Omaha Jacob Shapiro, Sioux City, la.. Lena Scbwarta, Omaha 3Z , ...over 31 , ...over 21 Gay hart tt. OJerde, Omaha Anna T. Mltchean, Omaha BUILDING PERMITS. A. Theodore, 4031 Seward, frame dwelling, IS.tftft. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you 'loee anything and will advertlae it here you will aurely recover It if found by an honaat person. Remarkable recov arlaa are brought about every day through thla column. THE HONEST WAY, tf yoo And something of value, or s keepsake af value only to the owner, la to Insert email ad. The owner of the article ! naevt caeea la will ing to refund the coat -at advertising. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Counrll Bluffs Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left It In tha street car. Many articles each day ara turned In and the company la amlous to restore them to the rightful owner. LOST Jan. 4 or 5, a lady's gold watrh fob and locket at end of fob on South icth St. between Leavenworth and Douglas St. Finder please communicate with Mrs. Edith Copeland, Crow Agency, Mont. Re ward. BUST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best ResulU and a Rata of lo per word. When you want both of tha above CALL TTLER 1000. LOST April 1ft, little finger ring, Canary diamond surrounded by email white dia monds. Reward If returned to Mrs. Fred Hamilton, 601 So. llth St. LOST A silver engraved Dnrtn case, striped with blue, Hewara. Leave case with Mr, Andereon, Bee Offlre, FOUND a aanltary Soda Fountain GREEN'S PHARMACY. lth and Howard. LOST Sunday, ladtss' handbag containing purse and k.ys. K.ward. Harn.y Su" 1. LOHT Qold watch and pan. 716. Liberal reward. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy a: v furniture, ruaa or otovee untlt you have seen w first, We offer you a $38,000 STOCK OF H.OH-ORAt.K FURN ITURE, RUGS. STOVES AND COMPLETE HOME OUTFITS for practically your own price. We ara forced to vacate our four-story warehouse, and lla entire eontenta must be sold at once. Sale take place at our aalea rooms at tha corner of 14th and Dodge street a. Do not fall to attend. It la an opportunity- a lifetime. Hundreds havo already taken advan tage of thla wonderful opportunity. Why don't yoo. Special attention to out-of-town buyer. STATE FURNITURE CO., . 1117. Cor. 14th A Dodge Sta., Omaha. AUCTION SALE. ' Complete furnishings of a 1 1 -room house at 32lt California Street, Tuesday, April 34th, at 1 P. M. Consisting of extra good mahogany par lor aet, mahogany bookcase, 3 large rugs, china closet, dining chairs, I dressers, 4 beds, springs and mattreasea; t wardrobes, I gas stoves, ate) range, several smell rugs, pillows, linens, dishes, lawn mower, carpet ewe per, washing machine, good porch awing, atalr carpet, and hundreds of artleks too numerous to mention. Coma to this sale. Dowd AUCTION CO., AuctioiWers'. AUCTION SALE. High class furniture of a (-room house at 3133 North Slat Street Bnaon. Wednesday, April 33th, at 1:30 P. M. Consisting of dining table and ohalra to match, buffet, several rocking chairs, kitchen cabinet, aeveral good rugs, ateel range, Ice box, beds, springe and mat tresses, dressers, and everything kept In good 6 -room home. Don't fall to attend this sale. Dowd Auction Co.. Auctioneers. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. I gas stoves, 81 each: 38 beds, It each; I lea boxes, ruga of all kinds, tables, chairs, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressers, trunks, suitcases, leather daven- porta. All kinds of bedding. Full Una of poultry netting. 1830-47 N. 34th SL Tel. Webstar 1807. Open till I p. m. AT A SACRIFICE. One gat of 14 ft. bar fixtures. 1260, In truding cigar ease and bottle case. Ona l-ft. ateam table, practically new. Flna lighting fixtures, celling fans, ta blet and ohalra and settees. Alleyette Buffet t. Ill South lflth St. Reasonable. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT A BARGAIN. Mahogany chairs, table, bed and dress tvs. kitchen and laundry utensils, curtains, dishes, etc.; all good stuff; will be priced right. Call at 1311 Locust St., I a. m. to p. m. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Ratoof lo per word. When yon want both of the above. CALL TYLER lOOfl. ICE CREAM tables and chairs, refrigerator, Ice coolers, gardon hoes, porch furniture, vlctrolaa and pianos. Loyal Kurn. Co., 33:1 No. lth; City Furn. Co., 17 Bo. 14th. SOLID mahogany library and oak dining room furniture. Thla week. Phona wal nut 3801. RUSH right down and get your snare of all kinds furniture at sacrifice. 601 N. isth. FOR SALE China closet, cheap. D. Cullen, Harney isbo. Pianos and Musical Instruments. HIGH-GRADE piano, left In atorage, will be sold for accumulative onargea. inquire Haddorff Musis Houae, 1807 Farnam. Doug. 4340, PA RTT left htah-srade player-plane for board hill: can be bought at a sacrifice Mrs. H. Mcconnell. bait o. I4tn St. Harness and Saddlery. WE make them ourselves and aell direct to consumer: no middleman a profit. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at Aral costT Alfred Cornish at Co., mo Far nam St., Omaha, Neb. lewelrY. Diamonds. Watches. TWOAND FIVE-EIGHTHS karat ring, a beauty. Box 3087, Bee. Nurserieg, Seeds and Plants. FOR THAT GARDEN Progressive, ever beating si raw berry planta, 31.3b per nun. dred prepaid, discounts on large amount coirax sin, Ferguson aroa., station v, Omaha- FINE NURSERY STOCK AT SALES GROUND, lTH AND DAVENPORT, GATE CITT NURSERY, DOUG. 3060. 11 P. BYRD NURSERY CO.. 18th and Ccp- ttol. movad from 17th and Dodge. Office. D. 7129. Nr. and Rea., Col. 8430. Web. 3843. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. also public Btno. Phone for prices. Douglaa 3803. 340 Paxton. Block. GET our prices on Job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., Bee Bldg. Douglaa 1179. Watars-Barnhardt Ptg. Co.. 624 8. Uth St. Sewing Machine. SEWING MACHINES W, rent, repatr. .ell needlM and part. OI ail .owing anarnin,. HICKElS NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., IRth and Harney Sta. Dout. 1443. Type riten ind Supplier TYPEWRITERS .old. and , Itant an Oliver typewriter I montha for 96. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1.04 rTtrnam. REMINGTON, Monarch and Smith Pre mlera for rent; aent anywhere. Remington Typewriting Company, n. 1184. Ouarantfed Tynewrtt.ra, 110 and up. Write lor Hat. l Id land Ti p. Co., 1404 Dodge. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Biiiurds and Pocket Tables. IUR SALE BILLIARD TAMI.E3. Brand new carom and porket. with com piste outfit, U0; second-hand tables at re duced prices: bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store fixtures a specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK K-COLLENDER CO., 407-401 ftr.uth 10th St. Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Grosa Lumber and Wreck. to. Web, 2HS4. Miscellaneous. I HAVE a lot of shaft hangers and pulleys at your own price; a mill sew, bench and other machinery ; comi and look. Call at the National Mattresa Co. at noon, or call Doug. 4703 after p. m. Aak for Ed Ray at both places. WB HAVE movnd- it now lo-atton. We buy, sll and make dnhs, safes, showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Flitura A Supply Co., B. W. Cor. Uth and Douglaa Sta. Phona Doug. 2724. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers gleam renovated and made up In fresh ticks cost half the price of new pillows. Call ua for earn pies of ticking and prices. 1907 Cum ing. Douglas iifil. FOR SALE Dray line. Yl. F. Detour, Guide Rock, Neb. TO BE MOVED fi-room house; good eon- onijnjf loo. Phone Harney 4047. DRT KINULINO WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1817. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE an At pacer stallion, I yeara old; sure brftedT, valurd at $1,000; will trade for a cottage, property or vacant lot. Col. R. W. Oldcrog. bin 117, Gretna, Neb. FOR TRADE Have Edison Dictaphone with six recoras, in nne condition, win trane for a Neostyle or Edison Memeograph ma chine. Box "J," Broken Bow, Neb, TWO-SEATED rubber-tired buggy, nicely upholatered; full leather seata and leath er top, for what have you? Coif ai 617. COVERED spring wagon, will sell cheap for rain or trade, What have you 7 1404 Dour Ins St. r FILMS devMopM frie, one-day service. Kase Kodak Studto, Neville Blk., 16th and Harney. 1x10 NEW YORK studio outfit for ex- change. What have you? Webater H34. Diamonds and Jewelry for shot guns, rifles and revolvers. Friedman, 1211- Douglaa. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, gold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Far nam. D. 8143. GET THE FULL VALUE FOR TOUR 3D HAND CLOTHES and SHOES. Will call. Give ua a trial. Phone Douglaa 1133. WENKINS Payi highest prtco for clothes, ahoea, trunka, Rea., Doug. 3032. etc. Red 3317. BELNKR will treat you right; best prices paid for furniture and clothes. Call Web. 1847 or South 188. Llndenbaum pays special prices for house hold' goods and men's clothes. Web. 7483. Diamonds 401 S. Uth SC. SOL BERGMAN ft CO. ACT QUICK: MUST HAVE 10 CARS FUR NITI KK AT ONCE. WEBSTER !21. WE will pay very gnoA prlcoa (or your old Hotha. Call ua flrt. rou. 14. WANT pool hall or grorcry alore. 4!0 Ro, Bldf. Fhon. Tyler TSI. B. I.AYTIN paya hlfheat price, for oal rlolhea. shoe, and hata. Phon. Tyler 8t. HoTrkVTjWhT-kleief; Loyal Hotel Bid,. ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL Smith Tail Co., Doudaa CIO. Cadillac llmouelnea and tourlna; care. Accountanti. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. t-38 Rmge Bldg. Phone Doug. 2t9. Accordeon Pleating;. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all at sea and slylea. hemstitching, plcot edging,- em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300 Douglas Blk. Douglas 193. VAN ARM AN Dreaa Pleating and Button Co,, 334.7 Paxlon Blk. Douglaa 310. Carpenter, and Contractors. L,e.snAtiu at Auto Ambulance. OUR new Invalid coach la now tn aervlc.. Prompt attention to all call., either day or night. W. C. Croahy, Webeter 47. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERT, Jl! N. Uth. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED POODS." Baths. UARSEUSR by Apt.: manicuring, physical cult. Mia, Walker. 229 Neville Blk. D. 4387. EXPERIENCED operator, batlia of all kind.. Room 331, Neville Blk. 14th and Harney. RITTENHOU8E Sanitarium; all kind, bath.. 3111-314 Balrd Blk.. 17ih and Douglaa. CENTRAL bath Inalllule, 1604 Harney. DOUg. 707. Eatella Royce. mass., chirp. 333 Neville Blk. Anna Flaher. sulphur balhe, masa. D. 16R9. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltrhell Co., 27lh and Martha. St.. Chirooodist. Carrie J. Burford. 820 Pnxton Blk. R. Chiropractors. !.. Bllllngham, 2083 Faro. D. 7S0I. Cleaners and Dvers. 9-PIECE ault ateam cleaned and preased. 91; preeaen, J.c. 140. Harney. Phone Red 3781. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. tsurhorn, Kose Uldg. Palmer school grnduate. Douglaa 6347. Dancinir Academy. TIP. T TTYP SAT- sun. KVB. SCHOOL UCd JjUACj pAUl tuKS., THURS., MUiv. kvk. in p, isth St.. op. Fontenelle. Fixtures and Wiring. "nTTPTTTM K"Hn naahing machlnea, JJUXVrvlill i,.rtrlc Irons and reedlnE lampa. Cuming St. Dountaa 2511. PhonosraDh Record Exchance. Omaha Specialty Co,. 441 Paxlon. D. 93M Pianos for Rent. SS,6t per mon. A. Hospe Co.. 161 J Douglas. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVU ASSOCIATION. M let Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3610. JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk Evidence secured tn all cases. Tyler 1136. 8. P. JOLLY. BIS Paxton. Red 7401. Everything for Women. SWITCHES made from combings. 1 atrands, ai. wpMiur its. 9436 arant Ht. Dressmaking?. MRS. H. T. Mottaa. 538 8. 27th. Har. 1131. Mrs. R. A. Connelly, 41S Karbach. H. Mi. TERRY Dressmaking Co.. 20th and Farnam, Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds hats cleaned and reblocked; 1a dlea' hata special. U20 Harney. R. 467J. Housecleanerg. WE'LL clean your house from top to bottom. prices reasonable. De Luxe. D. 93QS. Insurance. BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN. 113-14 City Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. Masseures. Fred C. Allen So len tit lo masseur: Swedish maBaage; H17 Dodge; by apm't. Hri. 9 to 9. Ueeeage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 208-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglaa. D. Central Bath Inst., 1606 Harney. Doug. 70(7. MISS LILLT, bath, massage. 1333 Faruam, Painting and Paper Hanging, TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMU1 SEE FRED PARKS. Wall Paper, Pain la and Glees. Picture Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging. 4633 S. 84th. Phone S. 101. CHAS. CLAPP for painting and paperhang Ing; est I ma tea free. Phone South 944. Painting, paperhang In g. cleaning. H. 677). Patent Attorneys. 8TUROE8 8T URGES. U. 8. and foralgD patenta and trademarks. 139 Bea Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. IBS BranoVla. D. Rantime. Learn to play popular muale la 14 leesona. 3 919 ri, 2itn. Roofinc. DOES your roof leak? Our product ean be put right over shingles, work guaranteed. Call Home Rooting Co., S33 Brandela Bldg. Phone Doug. 7768. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1319 ra am . J. J.DerlffMSateCo. Shoe Parlors. SHINE, clean. Pronue. lie's Kamam. ANNOUNCEMENTS Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL (own., full Glees suit, for rent. :o .N. 17111. John Keiqman. u. lgs. Where to Eat EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW rBI,II'ATKS8KN. t0 fARNAM. IlUItltOUUHS' CAFK. OMAHA, NEB. (Service) LINCOLN. NEB. lis s. ith. u:b. itnst. Towel Supplies. Omaha Tow:!, 1)7 8. llth. TX 821. Wedding Stationery. WKDDINO ann'iuncementa and printing, bouclas Printing Co., Tel. liouvlas t4. BUSINESS CHANCES HlR 8 ALE A nakxjn and family liquor store. In one of the very beat manufac turing towns tn Wisconsin ; population Efl.OflO; will give long lease; no fear for county option; fine b rifle building. 100 -foot bar; will show hooks for receipts. My reanon for selling, want to retire from buetjieea, I have had this place for U years. Prefer a party who can apeak aeveral f orel gn lit rig ua gts. AV rl i e for particulars to ownr. J as. W. Rose, 607 KlUaiieth St., Knooha. Wig. FOR SALE Picture allow, opera house and restaurant combined. Restaurant equip ped with soda fountain. Only amuse ment place In county aeat town of Ns braska. Doing good buxtnesa, good rea son for selling. J. O. Jackson, Flat Top, Colo. FOR HA LK Hardware store, about t, 600. Well estnbllshfsd dusIiiom tn choice loca tion In Nebraska City, Neb. Reasonable rent; term leans for building If desired. Reason for selling death of owner, and estate must be nettled. Answer quick. A. A. Blachof, Nebranka City. Neb. RESTAURANT and lunch counter. low rent, averace business 'JA day. 4u0. Would oonalder a Ford automoblln In trade. BUffTH A BOROIIUKP, World-Herald Bldg. Phone Doug. 3311. SHORT ORDER and restaurant, aoft drinks In the heart of Omaha, for eale. cheap; have fallen heir to other business. J6U Capitol Avenue, Phono Doug, 8061. SALOON Kansas City, .Mo. at a bargain. Established 178; located In wholesale, manufacturing and city hall district. Box T 176, Bee. FOR SALE Meat market In town of 4,000, with only two markets. Business guar anteed. Owner leaving town. Palace Meat Market, McCook, Neb. POR SALE Bargain, 4-room bath, massage parlor, established, excellent location, 1200 to 300 monthly Income. Leaving city. Box S236, Bee. FOR SALE Saloon, doing good business, lo cated in one or tne bust tneaters in h an sae City; price reasonable. Address Box Y-167. Be. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and atocka of merchandise, In city or country; quick action. Omaha Salvage Co., T50 Omaha Nat'! Rank. D. 759. HAVE complete moving picture outfit. nearly new machine, chairs, matting, frames, piano, etc Priced right. 210 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE Only garage In town of 400 population; aoing a live oust new; located fn eastern Neb. Address Box Y 966, Bee. IF YOU want to it'll or buy a business or rooming house call on Butch A Borghoff, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. JS1. MOTION picture machine (new and re built), tneatere supplied. Omaha Film Kxchsnge, 10 S. Uth St. DRUG store for sale; finely fitted; good agricultural and railroad town. Box Zi, La Junta. Colo. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. NEAT, cnan, complete restaurant for sale. Iowa Restaurant, SOS No. 16th, Omaha, Neb. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 VV. O. W. Bldg. Red 3286, TO GET In or out of business call on OANGESTAD, 4S2 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. X guarantee sale of any business or real as- tate. F. v. Knleet. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Rooming Houses. rFOR SALE A 30-roora hotel, ateam heat. hot and cold water bath. Doing good bualneee. Good reaaona for eelllng. Will .ell cheap If taken at once. Must aell. 1. E. Volf, Red Cloud, Neb. P. O. Box (IB. FOR SALE, lxteen-room hotel, booming town east ern Colorado; rent only 140 month, full all tha time. Reasonable terms. Central Hotel, Haxtun, Colo. No agents. HOTEL of 30 rooms. In town of 3,000 peo ple iBj eastern JvenrasKa, in splendid ter ritory, can be bougnt for $6,600. Inveatl gate. Box T-t6, Bee. FOR SALE at Bargain Neat 7 -room flat. iflue Howard at. rail to n a. m. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLYRATE, 30c PER LINE. Business ada, regular rates: I lines one week , 40c S lines ona week 60c Each extra line 30c per week Male. MARRIED man 30 wanta position with re liable contractor or architect Eight yeara' experience In general carpentry; gome experience In architectural drawing. Excellent reference. Interview. Box 3086, Bee, RELIABLE man. middle-aged, desires of fice (position, or one along similar lines. Experienced bookkeeper and accountant; familiar with all office detail work. etc. Good record and references. Box 3092. Bee. POSITION as building nup't or foreman. Five yeara' experience handling men and work, results guaranteed. Robert Detlrck, 1181 South 31st St. Phone Harney 1461. ADVERTISING man. thoroughly reliable and experienced In copy, booklets, printing. ate , wlshea to locate In Omaha. Best of references. Box 33d 7, Bee. SITUATION WANTED Stenographic or dook Keeping, 3 yeara' experience, age za, best references. Address Box 3101, Bee. YOUNG man. good farm hand, wanrs po sition on farm. Roumanian. John Slmean, 6138 S. 26th MIDDLE-AGED man desires position as night watchman, beat of references. H. Boyd, 2418 N. 17th. Web. 6061. EXPERIENCED chauffeur In private fam lly: married man; beat references. Call Douglas 3236. YOUNG man. good farm hand, wants po sition on farm. Roumanian. Ely Car spelean, 6129 8. 3fith. Whitewashing, windows washed, rugs beaten screens repaired, hung. Call Walnut 1668. HOUSECLEANING, fine paint and paper cleaning. D. S0&4. Sanitary Cleaning Co. YOUNG man wanta position driving private car. call Tyler z3-w. PAINTING and paperhang Ing. Web, 6HT. Male or Female. MAN and wife, young, colored, wants work tn private family aa maid and Janitor or butter; sober, ateady and Intelligent. Box 3238, Bee. Female. SITUATION WANTED Asst. day or night cashier cafe, hotel; houae keeper or nurse, by middle-aged lady. Box 966 Y. Bee. WANTED Position as stenographer, be glnner. A-No.-l schooling. Box 3019, Bee. WANTED Position aa housekeeper by wld- dow..ln..or..0"V ot. clty- We !E!telJ.T.s : NURSE wants position. Harney 4994. Laundry and Day Work. WHITe laundress wanta washing and Iron ing to do at home: can give referencea; work done reasonable. 2632 Chicago St. CallHnrtiey4H3J CURTAINS LAUNDERED, 2'oC PER PAIR. JKRGENSON S. WJBSTER47.!8. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ster 1877. Prompt delivery. Bundle washing and day work. M. Miller. Bx. colored lady wants day work. Har. 6758. WANTED Day work. Call Douglas 7617. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4860. nasning ana mre curtains gone, lyier im DAY WORK. Call after 7 p. m. Web. 6994. Day work, weaning or cleaning. Wal. 238. Bundle washing and day work. Web. 3091 Reliable eol. lady wanta day work. P. 6693 PAY work or housecleanlng. exp. Web. 4667. Citantng, day or hr. Mrs. Scott. Web. 376. LACE curtains neatly done. Colfax 3463. DAY work wanteirwVbater 232T. WANTED Day work. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. IF you are an experienced grocery man or clerk, with ability to manage, good repu tation and of clean habits, you might call at the Basket Stores' oTTIce, mi o. n. MORE i-mI.k for office help than we ran fill. ALWAYS BUSY THERE'S A REASON. THE MARTI CO., 131.-18 W. O. W. Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices, WANTED A corabtnntlon bookkeeper and hardware man capable Of acting aa as sistant manager and buyer in hardware and Implement concern. Stata age, ex perience and salary required. Addrea T. E, Gay. Hardin. Mont. UTENO.. 190; sieiio.. !.&; bkpr.. bkpr., 7i; office clerk. 6"; aunt nitpr., snw. WATTS RKF. CO., let Nat. Bank Bfdg. 8TKNi. SECY, Elect. Light Co.. 175. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. UKKPR. assistant, $ WESTERN RKFERKNCB A BOND ASSN. FOI R ORDER CLERKS, 4b, $50. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. OK.V. offlre clerk. 6l WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. Professions and Trades. Wanted, by May 1 Ten giod harness makers and two Campbell machine operators o work on Kovernment contracts. Good wages. Walter Boyt Peddlery Co.. Dcs Moines. I a. HE8T JIEHCLTS A FAIR RATE. The reason fjr the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of la per word. When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. WANTED Non-union machinists, molders, patternmakers, bollertnakers. machinery blacksmiths. Steady work, good wages. Addrens 600, Central Bldg., Seattle. Wash. WANTED At once, a granite cutter; must be able to handle pneu. tools. Address Stuart Marble and Granite Works, Stuart, la. Steady work to right man. MOLDERH WANTED Wages from $4.25 to $4,60 for nine hous work. No labor trouble Apply at once, to Love Brothers. Inc., Aurora, III. WANTED Two competent married men aa collectors, ateady positions. Call C. t. Adams Co.. 623 So. 16th St. WANTED A flr3t-class phonograph me chanic The Brunawtcx-BalKe-tJoiiender Co.. 409 8. 10th St. WANTED Blacksmith In a new good loca tion, connected with an Implement busi ness. Hayland. Neb. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 101S-16 City National Bank Bldg. PACKING house foreman, capable taking complete charge beef killing, rasing, htdea, bones and tallow. Box Y 963, Bee. WANTED Foreman for reinforced concrete bridge construction. Wilson Concrete Co., Red Oak, la WANTED Weaver, also young man to learn irautJ. jorrjr xvu ration, --sir Cuming. WANTED Immediately, experienced barber. Grand Hotel Barber Shop. Council Bluffs. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, ll2epougtaa at. atntTon, Electricians! Keep away from Omaha. Trouble on. JOBS for all trades. Come and see us. Weaver Emp. Agency, 319 S. Uth, WANTED Experienced, gewer laborers. Reynolds, Onawa, la, GOOD painters wanted. Call Walnut 1932. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Calling on wholesale and re tail hardware trade, to represent tha manufacturer of two well known lines. Commission basts. H. P. French Company, Inc., 320 Broadway, N. Y. WANTED Salesmen to sell Perry auto locks direct to auto owners. Commission and gaurantee, all or part time. National Auto Accessories Co., 886 Brandela Bldg. MEN for out of door positions, steady work, liberal compensation; reference required. Callut 62$ 8. 16th 8t. WANTED Two live salesmen to call on auto owners. Call Douglas 6003. Agents and Canvassers. AGENT Make big money, season la on, sell Maens Kaincoats, "uooayear nrana. Sample coats, $3 and postage. Lincoln Raincoat Co.. Silver Creek. Neb. YOUNG man. 20 to 26 yeara old, to sell Rum ford Baking Powder, house to House work; salary $14 a week at start. John M, Maker. 4549 Bewared Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS wanted for retail Ice delivery. Went Omaha Fuel and lea Co., 4801 Leav enworth St. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS, EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN., 2817 N. 30th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata logue explaining how wa teach tha barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, etc. : largest modern quipped barber college in tha west. Moler's, 110 S. 14LH, umana, fiSD. tabllahed 1893.) THERE ts a greater demand for automo bile repair men tnan ever nerore. xou get absolute practical experience here. Nebraska Automobll School, 3026 "A Farnam NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOL Autoa and electrfo starters. For particulars call Douglas 4478 or write ua. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILB COLLEGE, Temporary Address. 407 S. 30th St.. Omaha. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 3403 Dodge Bt. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. CAN always use boys who want to work; minimum wage, $1.40 per day. Good chance for advancement, Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Several boys, over 16, In our bottling department; good wages. . Willow Springe Distillery. 4th and Fierce sta. WANTED Good delivery boy, white or colored, with or without wheeL Blake Drug Co. Webster 704. WANTED Briffht boy to start aa tnessen ger; good chance for advancement If you mean business. Address box sioa, see. BOYS WANTED to learn trade; must be 16 yrs. age. Gordon Law leas Co.. 8th & Dodge. STOUT boy to learn trade. Champion Iron Works. 16th and Jackson. WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. Bath, the Florist, U04 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED Wa can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTOR MEN. Must be at least 6 feet 7 Inches tall, physically sound, of good character and habit and must come well recommended. Apply In person between the hours of 9 a,m. and 12 o ciock noon at on ices or Superintendent of Transportation, Room 30b, second floor. Merchants' National Bank Bldg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. TEAMSTERS LABORERS Wanted by Sunderland Bros. Co. Steady work. Good wages. Apply at: South yard. Sflth snd Hickory Sta. North yard. 24th and Taylor Sta. West yard. 43d and Ixard Sts WANTED 2 strong men to bale paper with electric bailer, steady work, no booaer wanted. Omaha Paper StocK uo., lStn and Marry. ' WANTED A colored porter: mue be mar ried man and well recommended. Orkln Bros. W ANT frt-lght handlers. Union Pacific. R. R. Co. freight bouse, 9th and Jackson Sla. ; good wages, steady work and chance for advancement. ATTENTION, farmers. If yu want help we enn supply you. Bluff City Employ, ment Bureau. 91H W. Broadway. P. 431. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway mall clerks. Commence $& per month. Box Y 917. Bee. MEN for out-door position, steady work, lib eral compensation, reference required. Call 23 8. lth St. LABORERS Union Pacific store dept. ; steady work. Apply Case St. gate. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS AND OFFICE JOBS. No charge to register her. No need of It Good places open. Better come In. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'X. Room 1303 W. O. W. Bldg. WOULD you like to earn $3,000 ft year, Business In office; no selling. Thla Is for a Christian Intelligent woman wanting something Independent, attractive and out of the ordinary. Bo 3141, Bee. STENOGRAPHERS See ua about a position. NO CHARGE CNLESS WE PLACE YOU. THE MARTI CO., 131T W. O. W. Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO., $75; steno., $70; steno., $65; steno.. 960; bkpr., 97; asst. tutpr., bv; me ciem. 40. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. STENO.. $60; steno., small office, $60; of fice clerk, $36; bkkpr. and steno., $66. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 762 Omaha National Bank Building. STENO. AND BOOKKEEPER $76 STENO 966 CASHIER AND TYPIST. ..$35 A BOARD TUB CANO AGENCY. 600 BEB BLDG STENO. for western part of -Nebraska, sal ary 7: will pay n. ft. fare. v WATTS REF. CO.. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Sea Co-Operative Reference Co. for com- mercial positions. No filing fee. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska! Telephone Com puny offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladlea to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wages. A salary ts paid while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are especially Invited to accom pany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas St. GIRLS wanted, light, cheerful work room. good pay; power sewing machines. Apply to floor lady on third floor. Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning Co., I6th and Howard. WANTE! First t-lasit millinery saleslady. Answer Box 3?00. Bee. WANTED Girl for factory labor. Appljfj oitinner wig, ic. ntn and Jackson. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge" StT" Saleswomen and Solicitors. WOMAN for soliciting, high clasa proponl- iion, no competition, ioo per cent profit. Call 311, Balrd Bldg.. after 10 a. m. WANTED Lady who will qualify to direct a force of saleswomen; very profitable. Call 211 Balrd Bldg. after 10. Household and Domestic. GOOD girl wanted for real light house work; the best of treatment that any girl could wish for and the wages are fairly good. This place Is e home and the girl la trea 1 as one of the family. Phono Harney 42S& or Harney 2268. WANTED A good cook for genera! house work; good wages, no washing. Phone Harney 678. Mra. F. L. Keogh, 127 N ttza Ave. WANTED A neat, willing, young colored girl to help with the housework and care of children; no washing. 5710 Florence boulevard. Phone Colfax 2349. WANTED Competent girl, for general housework, small family, good homelike place, good wages. 1329 S. 31st St. Har ney lOtfl, WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL, naiAjjL, fAMILT, BEST WAGES. 101 N. in. hah, ens, mhs. WALTER PAGE. COMPETENT, clean efficient and eeonom- ica.i coon wanrea at ntgh wages; send ref erences. Hillside Sanitarium, Sioux City, Iowa. WANTED A good white girl for general housework: no washing or cooking, good aBeB. p. 35tn Ave Har. 4673. WANTED Good girl for areneral hnuaewnrk no laundry work; best wagea and good .wine to ngm party, call walnut 780. GIRL for general housework; email family; no washing; good wages; referencea re gutred. Mrs. Arthur Hall. Walnut 128. WANTED An experienced white girl for general nouseworu. two rfln family; no le.unnrv vorK. Harney y.5 WANTED A good girl for general house work where second girl Is kept. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland. Walnut 292. GIRL for general housework, no washing. wa wagee, one wno can go noma nights preierren. w.a. w. a. Flley, Walnut 392. Qo6d gtrl for light housework: very good home to right girt; fair wages. Phone marney e.-aa or Harney 2268. WANTED An experienced girl to cook In smalt family. No laundry, highest wages paid. 806 S. 38th St. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work, no washing and no cooking. Tele yhone, Harney 4046. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily, out of town; good home for right girl. 432 South 39th St. WANTED immediately, competent cook, ref erences required, ilrs. J. T. Stewart, 403 WANTED A young girl to assist with the nuuBunwiB, v oa ox. Mrs. ueo. Sucliart. WANTED Immediately, good maid for gen eral nouseworu; family of three. 309 No. 33d St. WANTED Girl for general housework; $7 week; laundress kept 2 days. 3868 Cass St. - WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. Ar thur Qulou, 401 6, 41st St, Call Harney 362. WANTED Houaekeep-r, white or colored; good wages; small family. 2770 Webster GIRL for general housework, with or with out washing. 4912 Dodge St. Wal. 3466. WANTED-;-A competent white cook. Ap ply 209 N. 32d Ave, or phone Harney 206. WANTED Competent cook, white preferred. Apply 432 So. 3Hth Ave. Tel. Harney 74. WANTED An experienced aecond maid. Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Harney 316. WANTED A neat girl for general house, work; small family. Harney 2904. COMPETENT white cook; three in family. bui . asm at. Harney 300s. RELIABLE girl to assist with housework. 116 8. 63d St. Walnut 1071. WANTED Good nurse girl. Call Walnat USX. CUT this out. Chas. L. Fish, the piano tuning fish. Web. 1266. WANTED A girl for general housework. Harney 24S. 35.S2 Jackson St. WANTED A girl to assist wtih general housework. Phone Harney 80S. Hotels and Restaurants. WA NTED Experienced Chambermaid. Hotel Sanford. 19th and Farnam. WANTED Neat, experienced waitresses; also experienced women In cafeteria: pan try girls and kitchen help for Em press Garden; good salaries. Apply 26, Schllrz Hotel. WANTED Experienced waltn restaurant, 601 N. 16th St. Rex Miscellaneous. LADIES wanted for fancy decorating; can work at home spare time; experience un necessary; good pay: Call forenoons, 2307 8. 13th. WANTED Girl of neat appearance to wait tablea at soda lunch. R. C. Phelps, Pom pelan room. Brandol Stores. WANTED Glrle. colored preferred. Omsha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Mercy. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Maids, housemen and porters; good wageB; steady employment. Hen shew Hotel. EDUCATIONAL BOTLKS COLLEGE DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Js enrollment day. Book keeping;. Rhorlhand. stenotype, typewrit Ins. telesraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branchea. Catalogue free. EOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 18th and Harney Sta. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaba National Bank Bldg. Entrance ZZd. Douglas &I90. T. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Music, Art snd Language. SPECIAL SUMMER TERM OPEN Harp lessons, use of harp, early application fa vored. Harp Studio. 3ns Lyric Bldg. D. 8704. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. i LARUE, cool northwest room, shaded on the west by trees, furnished with two single beds and dressers, large clothes closet; It taken by two needy work ing girls, price 11.59 each per month. Call Box 3045, Bee. PLEASANT south room, private family, vi cinity of two hospitals; very quiet; prefer gentlemen; reaaonable; close In. Doug. 8S76. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. ROOM HL'.NTERH: , If you fall to find the room you desire among these sdn call at The Bee office for u Room List Ghea complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the cltj. If more convenient phone The B'e Want Ad Dept. and give your name and addrfos and a list will be mailed to you at oncer New lists ara isitued every week. ' i IFTOIJ want a lare, plennant room in the Hanecom Pari" district, just a half block to car line and only a 25-mlnute walk to 16th and Farnam Sts. Call Har ney 1461. Rreakfast served If desired. ONE airy, pleaisant southwest room, with two windows, single bed, dresser, table and large clothes closet; price to working girl with low wages, I- per month. Box 331. Bee. t'Olt RENT Now is your chance to get a good room, with first-class board; high and sightly and plenty of fresh air at Irving, 2102 ! Leavenworth St. Tyler Hit- L A RGEf ron t parlor, clean and nicely fur nished; also two completely furnished semi -basement rooms; reasonable. Ill B. 26th St. REST RESULTS A FA in RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rata of lo per word. When you want both of the abova CALL TTLER 1000. CATITOL AVE., 1812 Beautiful furnished apartment, 2 rooms and kitchenette, east and south exposure. Doug. U, also fur nished rooms. ALAROi: south" front furnished room, walking dlclance; references. Douglas fir06. Kxcellent board next door NIi'KLY furnished south room In modern home, every convenience, suitable for ona or two gentleman. Harney 477. ' COMFORTABLE, room for one or two gen tlemen in private family near Bemia Park. Harney 2847. NICELY furiilched, well kept, front room, modern and walking distance. 271" Jack- son St, Harney sub. TWO nicely furnlnhed sleeping rooms, suit able for on or two gentlemen, close In, Call Red s298. HIGH-OLASS rooms In modern home; walk ing distance. One block Farnam oar. lit S. loth Ave. LINCOLN Apartments, 2102 furnished housekeeping rooms. Tyler 2607. Chicago St.. and aleaping FOR RENT Two attractive furnlahed roome in private borne; gentlemen preferred. Harney 2467, STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms and one private family; references. 3026 Daven port St. SLKEPINO rooms, 1 to 12 per week; one block from car line. 2212 N. Isth St Web. 12S0. PLEASANT soulh room, fine for aummer, suitable for ona person; very reasonable. 2047 Dodge St. FURN. or unfur. rooms, single or ensulte; Iking dial, and good trans. Web. 718. NICE rooms, 2 per week and up. 1915 Capitol Ave. NICE clean modern sleeping and house keeping rooms. l So. 2f'th St. 131 N. 31ST A VE. Desirable room; fine lo cation. Harney 11S6. 1'till DEWEY -Two large, airy, south rooms; nil modern, cool for summer; reasonable. 214 N. 25TH ST. Nice large front rooms with houykeeplnp privileges, Doug. 7910. THE WOODRUFF, nicely furnished rooms at 114 North lth St. LARGE, beautiful furnished 3 -room suite. housekeeping apartment. Douglas BSJ. CLEAN eomfortuble bed In semi-basement, 11.23 per week. 318 No. 19Ux LARGE romn In Kountze Place horns, south front. Cal Webster 3620. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms. 26:9 California. Doug. 3033. FURNISHED room. 2526 Dodge St, Housekeeping Rooms. 2-ROOM cottage apartment for rent, ault able for man and wife: all modern con veniences; In quiet private home; reaaon able; walking distance). 2322 Harney tS. ONE suite of furnished housekeeping rooms with gas range, laundry room, etc.; close -in. 410 Sweetwood Ave. Phono Doug. 74SS. LARGE, beautiful furnished 2-room suite, private family, very quiet; cloae in. Doug. Bin. 302 Davenport SL FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, walking distance. Harney 3161. 2638 Cap 11o Ave. 214 N. 26T1I ST. Nice large front rooms with housekeeping privileges. Doug. T910. FOR RENT 4 rooms in flat for light house keeping. Tyler 1481. 614 N. 21ST Lleht housekeeping roome, walking distance; reasonable. Doug. 4(512. TWO rooms, furnished for light housekeep ing, 28 month. Call Webster 3022. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms at 613 No. 20th St. Phone Doug. 7630, 16U Howard, hk. and sleep, rms. Stm. heat- Ifioj CALIF. Hk. and sleep, rms. Reas'ble. 2 OR -ROOM modern flats. Red 4819. Board and Room. 29G7 HARNEY ST., room and board, suita ble for 3 young men. In modern home, outside rooms, easy walking distance. Harney 3076. MOORCROFT, 123 S. 26th Ave., pleasant room; private bath; rooms ensulte, for 8 or 4; good board and service; large porch and lawn. BOARD and room for two; 1 block from Farnam-Cumlng car. Wal, 2418. 631 S. 2d St. BOARD and room, modern home, gentlemen preferred. 1010 So. 26th. Tyler 2109-J. BOARD and room for young man or two In new modern home. Colfax 2244. Hotels. ROOMS, 12 wk.; apte. with kitchenette. Steam heated. Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms, modern except heat. Phona Web. 2397 between 2 and 4 p. m. 4 ROOMS, suitable for man and wife; ref erences. 2(87 Douglas. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Two or three Itght housekeeping rooms: modern; furnished or unfurnished: near St. Berchman'a academy. Beet of references. Box 30S8, Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENT, 26TH AND HARNEY. I have a beautifully furnished apart ment In the "Ltnwood" for rent on tha 16th, also one unfurnished. These con sist of 4 large rooms and bath. Every thing new and nifty.- Rent, unfurnished, 240.00 in summer; furnished, 50.00. S. B. JOHNSTON, Doug. 3392. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splentifl location. 24th and Farnam. D. 1473. ST. CLAIR, 24TH AND MARKET. 1 fur. and 1 unfur. 3-r. apt. Call H. 64T. Houses. NICELY furnished 7-room house, sleeping porch, garage, newly decorated. Call Walnut 281ft. 425, N. Forty-first St. FOR RENT Completely furnished 8-roora house on North 38th Ave. Call Har. 1202. FOR RENT HOUSES West. WEST FARNAM HOUSE FOR RENT 3S15 Farnam. 2 baths, fireplace, laba tory, furnace brrtt; i rooms. Tel. Har. 5533 or Doug. 550. NEW fi-room stucco house in Cathedral dis trict; sun roonand sleeping porch, ga rage; $60. Harffey 4778. DUNDEE 7-room house, all modern, Bear Farnam car. Walnut 2C68. 20s SOUTH 41ST Modern, 7 roonu, 2B. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglaa (54. North. 225. oo 7 -room modern house; newly dec orated and papered. 2515 Caldwell St. SCOTT & HfLL CO., McCague BMg. Douglaa 1009. b-R. HOUSE, 1(113 N. 34lh St. 6-r. cottsge, 25:2 N. 19th St. C. D. HUTCHINSON CO.. Phone Doug. 41. 8-ROOM biiRKlow, btory and half, all mod em: 125. 1712 N. 28th St. Red 1811. FURNISHED stx-rocm corner house, all Im provement. I"5. Box 3216, Bee. u-ROOM house. Webster 71. .