Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1917, Image 7

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    THE BEE:
BrieJ City News
Maids Lamp Bdrfaaa-Qranaao Co.
HT Boot Print It Now Beacon Preaa.
Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm,
Goodrich Garden How at Jas. Mor
ton & Son Co.
Gloves Cleaned now Inc. After May
1, 16c Carey Cleaning Co. n'eb. 192.
Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools at
Jas. Morton & Son Co.
Bank Sues Water Board The First
National bank Is suing the Metro
politan Water district for an IS4 re
fund in district court, aliening that
the latter had no rlgtyi to charge the
bank for installing a stand pi pp serv
ice at the new building, Sixteenth and
Farnam streets.
Cruelty Gels Divorce Sylvia . E.
I.ugerlng was freed from Stephen
Lugerlng and Frank E. Johns was
granted a decree from Winnie Johns
in divorce court. Cruelty was the base
of both divorces.
Wrestler's Brother Joins ISmile Pe
ters of Papilllon. 18-year-old brother
(.f Charlie Peters, a wrestler, has
joined the National Guard here. He
is of German extraction, but said he
was eager to fight the Kaiser.
Kellom Gets Picture C. N. Diet
presented Kellom school a framed
photograph of Boiglum's bust of Ab
raham Lincoln.
lowan Buys Apartment An Iowa
investor, West Myers of Boone, la.,
has bought, the Uentleman fiats, at
Park avenue and Podge street, and
also the Flnley double brick houses
near Poppleton RTid Park avenues, for
the aggregate sum of (61,000.
Spencer Is General Counsel 0. M.
Spencer,' Burlington attorney for Mis
souri, with headquarters In St. Joseph,
has been appointed general counsel,
succeeding C. M. Davis, deceased. His
headquarters Will be In Chicago.
Build Farthest-West Garage John
C. Barnard will build a garage at
Harney and Turner boulevard. This, It
is said, will he the farthest west
garage on Harney street. Recently
much has been said about the develop
ment of Harney street as an automo
bile row.
"Jack" Tarr Will Not Be One-
Cecil Tarr of Phillpsburg, Mo., al
though commonly called "Jack" by
his friends, will not become a jack
tar in Uncle Sam's fleet, although he
wanted to. Jie was reruscd enlist
ment in, the navy here Monday be
cause of a minor physical disqualifica
tion. Wed in Chlcaxo Philip J. John-
son of Omaha obtained a license in
Chicago to wed Miss Helen McDou
gall of Chicago.
Distribute Wilson's Address On the
theory that the war address of Presi
dent Wilson's was "among the noblest
utterances of the world's statesmen."
the Milwaukee Railroad company has
naa tnis address published in pam
phlet form for distribution through
company agents. One million copies
or tne address will be distributed.
Samson Subjects to Nebraska City-r
Secretary Weaver and C. D. Beaton
George Haverstick and Charley Black
or me AK-aar-Ben governing board
went to Nebraska City in Mr. Haver-
stick's car to attend the Arbor day
festivities. Nebraska. City was the
nome or tne rounder or Arbor day.
Champions of Draft Measure
Certain of Success in Congress
Washington, April 23. The admin
istration's war army bill will be under
debate in both houses of congress to
morrow with right of way over all
other legislation until passed.
Interest centers upon the house,
where spokesmen for President Wil
son will oppose the majority of the
military committee over the selective
draft plan. A vote may be reached
Wednesday. In the senate, it is re
garded as certain that the measure,
as drawn by the general staff and ap
proved by the president will be passed
there by a substantial maioritv.
Champions of the bill believe it will
pass the house also.
Chairman Dent of the house mili
tary committee and nine other com
mitteemen will make the fight for the
Din as reported by them, which nro
poses that the army shall be raised
by calls for volunteers in increments
of 500,000 and that the draft shall be
resorted to only after that system lias
All Social Features of
Big Shrine Meet Cancelled
St. Louis, April .2.?. Cancellation
of all social features at the 1917 ses
sion of the Imperial council of the
Ancient Arabic Urder Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine for North America to
be held in Memphis June 26, 27 and
28, were determined upon today by
nenry r. IileannKiiatis. ot St. Louis
imperial potentate who -met delegates
from other cities in a conference here.
The decision was made because of
the state of war with Germany.
v To Overcome Eczema
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itching
eczema quickly by applying a little zemo
furnished by any druggist for 25c. Ex
tra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins
the moment zemo is applied. In a short
time usually every trace of eczema, tet
ter, pimples, rash, black heads and sim
ilar skin diseases will be removed.
I For clearine the skin and making it
rigorously healthy, always use zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid, it is not a
creasy salve and it does not stain. V.'hen
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds.
The E. W. Rose Co., Clevlanl. O.
Hair is by far the most consoicu
ous thing about us, and is probably
the most easily damaged by bad. or
careless treatment. If we are very
careful in hair washing we will have
virtually no hair troubles. An es
pecially tine shampoo for this weath
er, one that brings out all the natural
beauty of the hair, that dissolves and
entirely removes all dandruff, excess
oil and dirt, can easily be used at tri
fling expense by simply dissolving a
teaspoonful of canthrox (which you
can get at any druggists) in a cup of
hot water. This makes a full cup of
shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy
to apply it to all the hair instead of
just the top of the head. This chem
ically dissolves all impurities and cre
ates a soothing, cooling lather. Rins
ing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean,
soft and pliant, while the hair takes
on the glossy richness of natural
color, also-a fluffiness which makes it
seem much heavier than it is. After
a canthrox shampoo, arranging the
hair is a pleasure. Advertisement,
Kaiser Says Allied
Offensive a Failure
Amsterdam (Via London), April
23. An official dispatch from Ber
lin lays Emperor William has sent
the following telegram to the
crown prince:
"The troops of all the German
tribes under your command, with
. ::cl hard determination and
strongly led, have brought to
failure the great French attempt
to break through on the Aisne and
in Champagne.
"There, also, the infantry again
has to bear the brunt, and, thanks
to the indefatigable assistance of
the artill.-ry and other arms, has
accomplished great things in its
death-defying perseverance and
irresistible attacks.
"Convey my and the father
land's thanks to the leaders and
men. The battle on the Aisne and
in the Champagne is not yet over,
but all who fight and bleed there
shall know that the whole of Ger
many will remember their deeds
and is as one with them to carry
through the fight for existence to a
vigorous end. God grant it."
Preacher, in Family Quarrel,
Kills Two "Insane Prussians"
Younkers, N". Y., April 23. After a
quarrel about the war with his moth
er-in-law, a native of Germany, and
his wife, Rev. Robert F. Berry, pastor
of a Congregational church in East
Yonkers early today shot and killed
both women, wounded his sister-in-
law and then committed suicide. He
left a note containing only two words
"Insane Prussians". '
Woman Jumps From Third
Story Window and Is Killed
Chicago, April 23. Miss Leneta
Meier, a teacher in the public schools
at Marquette Mich., jumped from the
third story of an Evanston residence
today and was killed. She had been
in ill health and was awaiting the arri
val of relatives from Colorado Springs
to take her home.
Alkali In Soap
Bad For the Hair
Soap should be used very carefully
if you want to keep your hair looking
its best. Most soaps and prepared
shampoos contain too much alkali.
This dries the scalp, makes the hair
brittle and rums it.
The best thing for steady use is
just ordinary mulsihed cocoanut oil
(which is pure and greaselcss), and is
better than the most expensive soap
or anything else you can use.
Une or two teaspoonfuls will
cleaifse the hair and scalp thoroughly.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in. It makes art abundance
of rich, creamy lather, which rinses
out easily, removing every particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil.
The hair dries quickly and evenly and
it leaves the scalp sou and the hair
fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy
and easy to manage.
lou can get mulsihed cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy: it's very chcao and
a tew ounces will supply every mem
ber of the family for months. Adv.
Manifesto to German People
Urges Them to Hold Out
for While Longer,
Amsterdam (Via London),, April 23
An appeal to the German people not
to give in for the sake of a mouthful
of bread, but "to hold out only a little
while longer" is printed in the Nord
deutschc Allgemeinc Zeitung.'
"America found out," says the
statement, "that England will be
beaten and she entered the war to
save what she could of the money put
in the munition business. Shall v
let America reap the profits?jSet your
teeth and it will soon be over. Re
member all is at stake."
The association of Christian trades
unions of Berlin in a manifesto couples
an affirmation of loyalty to the Ger
man emperor and empire with a strong
condemnation of strikes, which it says
"Do not provide a single grain more
bread and the enemy, like a drowning
man, is grasping at the STraw, eagerly
watching for the least sign of dis
union in Germany." jA
"Therefore," says the mantWsto, "all
must stand pat."
Endeavorers Are Urged to
Join "Hoe and Spade" Army
Boston. April 23. An appeal to
all Christian Endeavorers to join the
"army of the Hoe and Spade" which
is more needed than the "army of the
sword and rifle" was made by the Rev.
Francis E. Clark, president of the
United Society of Christian Endea
vor in a statement today.
You who
tire easily;
are pale has
lard and
worn; nervous
or irritable; j
who are iub- I
JCCt toTUg of I
mtiancnoiy or
l h ' blues."
fet your blood
examined for
Iron dencl
no taken
times a
y after
lis win increase your siren ku
100 per cent in
many cases. Ferdlnj
UXATfO IRON TKor&Ml aton frf
M obuinta frtrniBTiAWrjod antgtitH
uiranut trr twnnr tnmtf ro-
inn iirertAwr my mr nfii
funded, k'd
WE m Oft H '
r i r. iint, una i-
3 2w
R0Dlr At Drontat..
JOHN L BROWN SON. Boston. Max.
Burgess-Nash Company.
Announce for t
A Special Sale of
Individual Pieces
Including ,
for Women and Misses, at a reduction of
25 or lA Off
the Regular Prices
See Windows and Tuesday Evening's Papers for
n Particulars.
Cable jmm TrafRk
Base J&mBSS& Treed
1 M ii T M Rfli' J III MaajaaaaMaaaMI mWj mBNMMittolUfcaifWiiL
Driving with one eye on the road and the
other on your tires is more strain than pleasure.
When you are surejof your tires, the miles slip behind
you and make motoring a real pleasure.
Equip your car with FEDERALS. Their Double-Cable-Base
Construction does away with the most common causes of tire trouble.
They are known as "Extra Service" Tires and they deserve the name.
1917 Fanum St., Sanford Building, Omaha, Neb. Douflaa 7833
The Federal Rubber Co.
of Illinois
Factories t Cudahy, Wit.
urgess-Nash Company.
Monday, April 23, 1917.
Phona Douilii 137. ,
A Day of Thrift in These Times of High Cost of Living Every Section of This Big Serv
ice Store Contributes Extreme Values in Merchandise of Practical and Wanted Sorts
Women's Banded Sailors, at
Black and various colored Bailors, with ribbons to
match; very special, Tuesday, $1.00. (Down Stairs
Elastic Top Corsets, at
Have free hip, medium long skirt; made of firm
coutil, in pink and white; sizes 19 to 28; very spe
cial, tl. 00. (Second Floor.)
Lace Trimmed Brassieres, at. . . . .
A large assortment of lace and embroidery trim
med brassieres and confiners; open front and back;
sizes 32 to 50; Tuesday, at $1.00. (Second Floor.)
Fancy Bath Towels, at . , .
Large size oriental turkish towels, with
handsome broche border, in blue or pink;
Tucaday only, 3 for $1.00. (Down Stairs Store.)
Crochet Weave Bed Spreads, at .
-Double bed size, hemmed, assorted patterns: anc-
cial for Tuesday, $1.00. (Down Stairs Store.)
Diaper Cloth, 10 Yards for
22-inch birdseye diaper cloth, ascntic and du
rable; 10-yard bolt, $1.00.. (Down Stairs Store.)
Mercerized Table Cloth, at
2-yard table cloth, good duality mercerized linen.
assorted patterns, hemmed, ready for use; Tuesday,
special, $1.00. . (Mam f loor.)
Mercerized Napkins, at.
18x1 8-inch nankins, in assorted nat-
terns; all hemmed and ironed, ready for
use; per dozen, $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Turkish Bath Mats, Tuesday, at . .
A good assortment of styles and colors; Tues
day, very special, at $1.00. (Main Floor.)
1$ Yards Embroidery Flannel, at.
Fine white embroidery flannel, in a eood ranee of
styles, very special values, lH-yard patterns, for
$1.00. (Down Stairs Store.)
Sheet and Pair Pillow Cases, at . . .
81x90-inch seamless sheet, aood duality, and nair
of pillow cases, 42x36-inch; all for $1.00. (Down
Stairs Store.)
Women's Initial Hdkfs. .
All linen, with hand-embroidered in
itial; very special, Tuesday, per
dozen, $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Women's Cotton Hose .
Black cotton hose, full seamless;
Tuesday, special, 5 pairs for $1.00.
(Down Stairs Store.)
Silk Boot Hose, Tuesday
Women's black pure thread silk boot
hose, full fashioned, seconds; 3 pair for
$1.00. (Down Stairs Store.) .
Women's Cotton Vests, at
Vests with low neck and sleeveless,
of white cotton; Tuesday, 12 for $1.00.
(Down Stairs atore.)
Children's Sample Hosev
Children's cotton or white lisle hose ;
very special for Tuesday, 5 pair, $1.00.
(Main f loor.)
3 for $1.00
12 for $1.00
12 for $1.00
5 Pairs $1.00
Pair $1.00
12 for $1.00
5 Pair $1.00
Women's Black Hose, at ... - d A A
Black cotton hose, full fashioned and IY Mm I II I
regular made; Tuesday, S pair, $1.00.' lw ylWV
3 for $1.00
2 for $1.00
2 for $1.00
(Main Floor.)
Women's Union Suits, at.
Fine white cotton, low neck and
sleeveless, lace trimmed at knee; 3 for
$1.00. (Main Floor.)
Combination Sanitary Outfit, at . .
Two sanitary aprons, two dozen napkins and
elastic belt; Tuesday, $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Sheet Steel Water Bottles, at
Nickel plated hot water bottles, guaranteed for
6 years; Tuesday, $1jOO. (Main Floor.)
Wayne Wardrobes, at. . .
Wayne wardrobes, No. 8 and No. 2
size, specially priced for Tuesday, 2 for
$1.00. (Main Moor.)
Combination of Drugs, at
Pebeco tooth paste, listerine, jar vanishing or
cold cream, 1 pint witch hazel, bottle of cam
phorated cream; all for $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Women's Petticoats, Tuesday, at.
Sateen and "Hudson" silk petticoats, well
pleated, and tucked flounces; white, black and navy;
special, $1.00. (Second p'loor.)
Sheffield Plated Teaettes
Fine nickel, silver-plated teaspoons,
trilf.linprl hnarla uritVi nrnffv flnrnl nafforn
U 1 1 . ...... i a j i aa : Ci
iiniiu.c, vviy unuBuai, t, jur yi.uv. rjuur.;
Bracelet Watch Ribbon, at
Gold-filled slide and hooks on silk gros grain rib
bon; very popular for wrist watches; Tuesday, only
$1.00. (Main Floor.)
Men's Belt and Buckle, at
Silver-plated buckles, for engraving, guaranteed to
wear, with tubular calf-finished belt, engraved free
with one initial; Tuesday, $1.00. (Main Floor.)
All-Leather Hand Bags, at
A very unusual value, all leather bags, silk lined
and fitted with purse and mirror. Has leather handle
and engraved frame; special, $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Back-Strap Purses, at
Ivory, grain seal pressing, all-leather purse. Has
outside handkerchief pocket, is silk lined and fitted
with mirror, $1.00. (Main Floor.)
3 for $1.00
i Store.)
16 Rolls $1.00
Tennis Racquets, Special, at
Very special for Tuesday, racquets with double
center strings, $1.00. (Fourth Floor.)
Golf Balls, Tuesday, at , .
Burgess-Nash special golf balls, 3 for
$1.00. (Fourth Floor.)
Tub Silk, Special, Yard
White ground tub silks, with colored and satin
stripes; Tuesday, at, yard $1.00, (Main Floor.)
Two Bolts Val. Lace, 24 yards . . .
Val. lace edges and insertions, 12 yards to a bolt;
Tuesday, two bolts, $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Silk Chiffon, at, Yard
40-inch silk chiffons, very special, Tuesday, yard,
$1.00. (Main Floor.) -
Men's Handkerchiefs, at. - f
All linen, both plain and Initial hand- fl CX
kerchiefs; Tuesday,. 6 for $1.00. (Main w ul
5-Piece Hiesey Condiment Set, at .
Consisting of vinegar cruet, oil bottle, salt shaker,
pepper shaker, and mustard jar, a set, $1.00.
(Down Stairs Store.)
3-Piece Household Sets, at
Made of earnthen ware and consisting of large
bread jar with cover, aucar lar with cover, aim
cake jar with cover; set, Tuesday, $1.00. (Down Staira Store.)
Family Scales, Special, Tuesday. .
(lender's, Frary & Clark'i, scales weigh to 24
ins., By ounces; very special, $1.00. (Down Staira
Adjustable Curtain Stretchers, at
Brass nickel-plated pins, adjustable basswood
frame, full size, special, $1.00. (Down Stairs Store.)
Clothes Baskets, Tuesday, at
Large size willow clothes baskets, Tuesday, at
$1,00. (Down Stairs Store.)
Toilet Paper, at. ... .
Crepe tissue toilet paper, fine
grade, Tuesday, 16 rolls, $1.00.
(Down Staira Store.)
Sapolin Screen Enamel, at ...... .
m -quart can of sapolin enamel with good qual
ity brush; special, Tuesday, at $1.00. (Down Stairs
Sweeping Outfit, Tuesday, for.. .
Consisting of four-sewed parlor broom, long' han
dle, dust pan and dustless broom eorer: complete
outfit, $1.00. (Down Stairs Store.)
Varnish and Brush, Special.
Pitcairn sole-proof varnish and best quality black
bristle varnish brush, Tuesday, $1.00. (Down Stairs
Laundry Soap, at .
Diamond C yellow laundry
aoapi very special, Tuesday. 86
bars, $1.00. (Down Stairs Store.)
White Borax Soap.
wnite Borax Naphtha or
Pearl White soap, Tuesday,
(Down Stairs Store.) ,
Sweeping Compound, at
Dustbane sweeping compound, in
large size cans, Tuesday, 7 cans,
$1.00. (Down Stairs Store.)
Men's Colored Shirts, at . .
Made neck band, coat style, all sizes 14
to 17, splendid range of patterns for
selection. (Down Stairs Store.)
Men's Union Suits, at
' Lisle, closed crotch, 14 sleeves, 4 in
seam, ecru or white; very special. (Down
Stairs Store.)
Men's ialf Hose, at ... .
Good quality cotton, in fast black or
colors, all sizes, very special Tuesday.
(.jjown stairs store.)
Men's 4-in-Hand Scarfs .
Extra large, flowing end 4-in-hand
scarfs, good selection of patterns, new
styles. (Down Stairs Store.)
Men's Night Robes, at ... 0 -
Full size, good quality night robes, TOl
neatly trimmed, and very special, Tucs- 1 w
day, at 3 for $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Men's Handkerchiefs, at. n
White or colored initial handkerchiefs, f
hemstitched, fine quality chiffon, imita
tion hand embroidered. (Main Floor.)
Men's Sample Half Hose. D
Men's sample half hose, black or col. X
ored cotton, special, Tuesday, at 8 pairs
for $1.00. (Main Floor.)
Men's 4-in-Hand Scarfs . . .
Large size flowing-end scarfs, well X
made, of good quality silk, pretty de
signs. (Main Floor.)
Cut Table Tumblers, at . ,
Table tumblers of exceptional value, n
assorted cuttings to choose from, Tuesday,
6 for $1.00. (Down Staira Store.)
Ice Tea Glasses, Tuesday 1 0
Thin blown, in bell shape, special I
value for Tuesday, J2 for $1.00.
(Down Stairs Store.)
36 Bars for $1.00
30 Bars for $1.00
7 Cans $1.00
2 for $1.00
2 for $1.00
12 for $1.00
4 for