THE BEE: OMAHA, TUKSUaV, APRIL 24, 1917.- The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVEN1NC SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COM PANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered t Omahs poatoiflcs as second-class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Carrter. Br Mall. Beltr Hid Bunde ....par moots. SSo par raar. U M Dalit DiUiogt Sunday. ... 4fio " 4.M hmUM ud Saadv " 400 " S.M Bnolat without SuadjJ 1W i OO Sunder Baa coir "Ma tH Dally and Bandar Baa. three raarl IB edreaee tlt.W Band aoUea of etaanta of addreea at tnesuierlLr la daUrarr la Onaia Baa, OicolaUoa Department. REMITTANCE ' Baton br draft, axpreaa or poatal ardar. Onlr l-eant etenuw ukaa parawat of amall eoeounte. Pereawl ohaok, aeept oa Omaha aod setters subaafe, at accepted. ' OFFICES. Ham Tlia Baa BuJIdhis. CWcam Peooure Oil Balldlni, Booth Omaha S31S N BL : New Tors MS Fifth in. Council Bluff 1 N Mala St Bt. Louts New V. of Comawroe. Ltacofci liula Bnlldlm. '" Washington 718 14th Bt. 14. w. CORRESPONDENCE ' addraat acahaunlcatlons ralatlnc la am and editorial Bauer lo Omaha Baa, Editorial Oapamnaat FEBRUARY CIRCULATION ' 54,592 Daily Sunday, 50,466 mat ormlaUffli fat Ilia months tliaerlM and sworn to IT DwlaSI WHtlaas, uraulailoi Maaaiar. Subscribers teawtof tfca city should here Tka Bee mailed Aaaraaa cnanBaw aw aim -- The weet tooth Is in for t hard pull. "Will Rusi stick? That's the question. i a Legislature's going to adjourn? Oh, very welt ' ' "Hands across the sea" is getting real empha sis now, " ' '' . '-' , Cleanup day is all right as such, but it ought to come six times a week. , Things that could not be done safely in nor mal times are put over easily in war time Ha-en't heard much lately about the "unpa triotic west" not since the figures on recruiting were given out Strikers in Germany are given the alternative of getting back to work or going to the front. As t strikebreaker the option stands unequaled. Explanation intended to explain the sweetness of tha situation also serves to remind consumers that the long bow sounds the note fbr the trade orchestra.' It is understood, of course, that the storage of millions of pounds of sugar in Omaha is a considerate means of averting a blockade in household pantries. ' Six auto bandits fled before a woman who rushed to the assistance of a ,ioldup victim in Chicago. Still some male oracles stigmatize skirts symbols of weakness. When the time comes' for Uncle Sam to in augurate a price-fixing campaign a superior line of experienced talent will be available under the terms of selective draft Uncle Sam promises to use alt who have asked for commissions if they come up to requirements. This is encouraging to the young men who want to serve and who' have ability for leadership. , . " . A correspondent writes The Bee in behalf of the boys who enlist and do not get any publicity. He should remember that "they also serve who only stand and wait" and that a patriot's real reward takes higher form than a newspaper no . tice, Death has plucked two Omaha leaders within a week, men who will be sorely missed in the community,' T. J, Mahoney and W. H. Bucholz were elements of strength in the city's growth and by their efforts had contributed greatly to its importance ': Hospital ships, like hospitals, are supposed to be immune from attack, but the U-boat plays no favorites. A captain who can torpedo a passen ger boat filled with women and children is not likely to be at all squeamish over a shipload of . sick and wounded. . Sir Gilbert Parker, chief of Great Britain's publicity bureau, recuperating in the mountains of Arizona, expresses the belief that the war will end within four months. The guess carries much . weight and cheer, especially since It does not seri ously upset summer vacation plans. The sinking of hospital ships, the ravaging and enforced slavery of Belgiana, the carrying of young women into captivity and the wanton de struction of property which characterizes the war go to show how grossly history wrongs Atilla. In the tight of civilized ruthlessness the deeds of the earlier Hun are those of a tyro. What Should Be Done? -Wall St t Jounaal- - Mr. Balfour Does Ua Proud. Americans generally will agree with Mr. Bal four in his statement that the presence of this country in the war will astonish the world. The compliment may be accepted without vainglory on our part, for We are a nation of wonderful energy and unlimited resource and should be able to realize the utmost hope of our allies and the world by our part in the conflict. Determination to enter was reached after full consideration of all that is involved and a complete understanding of what is expected of us. We cannot, as Mr. Balfour points out, fully realize what effect this will have on our national life, but no consideration of the uncertainty of the future should operate to deter us, now that the path has been chosen. That our national life will, be profoundly affected by the events that are ahead is certain, but it is equally' certain that the preservation of democ racy rests with us, the highest and most sacred of obligations and one from which we cannot shrink. The sincerity of the remarks of the great British statesman can well be taken for granted, for he, in common with all far-seeing men, appreciates the attitude of the United States. Devoted to peace and the fullest development of the best conceptions of freedom, this country bore with much before it moved in pursuit of its destiny, but, having set itself in motion, its force must be ir resistible. ' The peace Mr. Balfour notes in his surroundings is but proof of the depth and strength of the flood that is sweeping on. First, a war loan popularly over-subscribed by many times the amount offered. Second, by national law advance the standard for milling flour, by which a targe percentage of the valuable part of the kernel, now discarded, wilt be put into the flour. The wheat crop was short last year; the outlook is worse this year. Way bread should bring the. war causes and needs quickly home and conserve the food supply. Cat tle and horses can eat grass and leaves which mav be abundant this season, but human food is failing throughout the world. We now use only 73 per cent of the kernel..', Third, pass such tax bills as will give the government war revenues and will stimulate in dustry and capital expansion. Don't tax the tools of trade or reduce the country's capital. Tax the excess profits from increased business and leave the capital intact We need it both during- and after the war. Expanded capital will be the sinews ot war and the trade deiense of the country after ward. The 8 per cent tax after 8 per cent on capital is a fundamental foolishness. Nobody can, for taxation Durooses. define caDitsl that mix ture of money, mind and manual labor. Tax the profits; war energies increase profits; tax the in creased profits. ' Fourth, stop the general revaluation of raifc roads a hundred millions of unnecessary ex pense. The war will change all valuations. The men and the monev can be better emnloverf. Fifth, have the states repeal their full-crew railroad laws. This was only a labor tax on the railroads, now worse than needless. Sixth, seize the present opportunity to put onr educational system on proper basis, linking in dustry, schools and training for defense, both lumu ana Doay, inaiviauany ana collectively. Seventh, then let popular loans, increased tax ation on increased business, war bread and mili tary education press home to every hand and every pocket tne necessity tor world-wide .cq operation in the world-wide defense of that tie. mocracy, begun in this country more than 100 . 'rears ago. Better Crop Reports from Nebraska. A decidedly optimistic hue is given the crop situation for Nebraska by later reports from the fields. Recent liberal rains have revived to some extent the wheat fields of the state and conditions warrant the statement that Nebraska will have at least a 50 per cent yield, which raises the for- meT estimate from less than 20,000,000 to above 35,000,000 bushels. This is a decided advance over the report for the 1st of April and if it is finally verified will be about the best news that could be carried to the world at large. It means bread for several millions of people. Spring planted crops are thriving and the farmers are pushing work with great energy, getting ready to put in the biggest acreage of corn ever known in the state. Other farm work is going ahead and everything possible is being done to repair the damage of the severe winter. With an ordi narily favorable season the fields of Nebraska wilt respond to the demands on them with such bounty as will justify the faith of the country in the farmers. Advertising the Bond Issue, Secretary McAdoo of the Treasury department is arranging details for an extensive campaign to advertise the big bond issue just authorized by congress, the purpose being to get the people acquainted with the terms and intent of the is sue before it is placed on sale on June 1. The idea is a good one. Several years ago The Bee called attention to the fact that the government was negligent in not buying more advertising space in the newspapers to acquaint the people with what it had to set! the public. European governments found printer's ink a great adjunct in their prosecution of the war and no advertising campaign was ever projected on such a scale nor so successful as to results as that entered into by Great Britain in securing recruits. With these examples and the experience of private firms and individuals at home the secretary ought to be greatly encouraged by his choice' of a proper medium for reaching the people with his bargain in bonds. School Examination Papers, Criticism is again heard from different parts of the state because of the list of questions sent out from the state superintendent's office to be used in school examinations.. It is especially noted that in the lists designed for the Eighth grade pupils are questions entirely technical in their nature and beyond the comprehension of the pupil. Some of these are even controversial in their nature, educators differing as to the sound ness of conclusions to be drawn or the nature of definition to be given. This complaint is not new, but discussion has not been sufficiently general to bring about a change that will relieve the schools. Nebraskans require that their primary schools be kept at the highest possible state of efficiency, but this does not contemplate the in troduction of impractical or purely theoretical knowledge. What is needed is training that wilt be serviceable to the child who doesn't get beyond the Eighth grade and at the same time such as will be useful to those who do extend their study time into the high .school or beyond. Courses that introduce technical topics or call for special knowledge have no business in the primary school. Examinations must be thorough, but instruction should be within reach of the juvenile mind and tests made accordingly. , ..'.' , Economy In the Home. Household management, with an especial view to the conservation of food, is . coming in for much discussion and from the east comes a warn ing that saving may be carried too far and cease to be economy. Many ways for reaching the result aimed at have been put forth, some of them highly impractical and others easily workable with a lit tle readjustment of personal habits. The best way to effect a saving in the household is by the exer cise of care, by avoiding extravagance on one side and waste on the other. This has been forced on most people by the high prices demanded for foods. More prudence in purchasing and atten tive scrutiny of all factors in housekeeping will aid in mitigating if it does not solve the pressing problems of family life. The women are charged with carrying out any campaign in this direction, as the homes are in their charge ai managers and purchasing agents,, and to them the country now turns, confident they'will "do their bit" and fairly meet the situation. They may not be able to do away with high prices, but they can have a deter mining influence on the efficiency of any conser vation undertaken in face of a possible greater shortage of food. - The hidden pitfalls of the primrose path mul tiply when those who seek it carry the fateful gift of beauty. Colorado's contribution to the chronicles of golden romance, its tragedies and pathetic finish, merely emphasize warnings as old as the race. Salutary advice is given stock raisers by the Omaha commission men and packers who advise that young animals be not sent to market, no mat ter how tempting the price. In view of the high-flyina: stunts of cereal prices, grain elevators should be equipped with saicty plane landings. Department of Agriculture ' "' Making the Farm Pay By Frederic J. Haekin Washington, D. C, April 21 When the grain and cotton standards, now established by law, were still under discussion, the secretary of agri culture pointed out that they were needed because the farmer rarely knew what he was selling, while the buyer always knew what he was buying As usual, the man with the knowledge got the best of the bargain. It was a rare thing, according to Secretary Houston, to find a farmer who knew the grade of cotton he had on his wagon. The man who bought it always knew, and he often bought it as one grade and sold it as a better one, with a corresponding profit. Prices on the best corn were based on a grade of "No. 3 or better." A farmer who raised No. 2 corn or No. 1 got np benefit from his good farming. Down in the southwest; where a big business is done in sheep pelts and goat skins, the skins are classified in different grades, and some grades are worth twice as much as others. Here, too, it is always the buyer who knows absolutely to which grade a skin belongs, and the grower is largely dependent on his honesty. In a word, the man who produces does not know as much about the business as. the man who buys his goods. This state of affairs must be changed. The whole campaign for better farming is in the broadest sense a campaign to make farm, life more attractive. Only by building up an attrac tive farm life can enough people be induced to stay on the farm to produce the nation's food and keep down prices. And one of the most attractive things about any businesses the money to be made out of it. , How to make farming as profitable as it ought to be in view of the investment in capital and labor is really the big economic problem of the country. The mattes, of grades and standards is only one detail of the question. This phase has been largely solved by the establishment of legal standard grades for all grain and cotton shipped in interstate commerce. To deal with the prob lem in all its phases is the object of the federal office of farm management,, which has been granted $286,000 for the coming year to continue its work. Lest it be said that after all the farmer ought to know more about his own business than the men in government offices and that there is usu ally a wide gap between theory and practice, the office of farm management points out that it is up to the farmers themselves to study the best methods. Here and there in every community you will find a farmer who gets bigger crops than the men all around him, who has worked out successful methods of his own. It has become almost an axiom with the experts that if all Amer ican farmers used the methods that the best farm ers use, the agriculture of the nation would be revolutionized, production would go up and prices would go down. The office of farm management has been studying the business angles of farming the best size of farm, the best crops to plant, how many horses and cows the farmer should keep, how many hogs he should raise, whether it pays bet ter to rent a farm or buy one and a hundred simi lar questions. Such work is particularly needed now, because we ai witnessing what seems to be a beginning of a back-to-the-farm movement. Whether it is due to the high prices of food stuffs, which make city life more expensive and farm work more profitable, or to the fact that country life has been getting more attractive with the building of roads and the advent of the cheap automobile and kindred improvements, there is an increasing activity to be noted all over the coun try in the purchase and sale of small farms. The inexperienced man who decides to take up farm ing is badly in need of guidance. 1 he business of making the farm pay involves a, great deal more than the production of a big yield per acre. If you have a 150-acre farm in Pennsylvania, how many acres are you going to plant to wheat? There is a certain wheat acreage that will give the maximum prom, it you plant too little wheat and too much of other crops, your profits go down; if you plant too much wheat and too little tor other crops, you make just as costly an error. Then you have to figure out how many head of cattle and hogs you will keep; if you have too few, you are losing out in meat and fer tilizer; if you have too many, you need too much pasture, and your profits go into feed. For each of these elements there is a single proportion that gets best results. This proportion is being de termined by careful study of the .year's earnings of hundreds of farmers. In the wheat problem in an eastern state, for instance, it was found that the proper amount to plant was thirty acres. The farmers who planted iess than thirty acres made less money and so did those who planted more. The profit curve touched its maximum point at the thirty-mark. Many other farm problems are being worked out by studying the , successful farmer. A sys tem of bookkeeping for farms has been devised on this plan. Almost every farmer feels the need of keeping books, but comparatively few of them have a simple and adequate system. The office of farm management studied the systems in use. They found that there were scores of different systems on the farms, but most of the farmers had only been using a particular system for a few months or a year. They studied the systems of farmers who had been keeping their books on one plan for more than two years and found that they were all using practically the same sys tem. A standard system was worked out on this basis, and it is proving popular alt over the country. The best size for the farm has been studied and the conclusion is that the ideal farm for this country, considering profits and standards of liv ing, is one that will keep two men and four horses busy. Smaller farms are not so profitable, and larger ones tend to concentrate the owner ship of land in a few hands. An. interesting re sult reached in the investigation is the conclusion that it is a good deal more profitable to rent a small farm than to buy one. A man who has only a few thousand dollars to invest can make more money by paying rent and sinking his capital in tools and stock than by tying it up in the land. The whole problem of making the farm pay is a very fundamental one. In unusual times such as these the farmer is a prosperous citizen. But in normal or depressed periods' he has to get all the profit that is coming to him or big crops alone will not suffice. And the farmer must be kept contented or the whole nation- has to pay the bill. Nebraska Press Comment York Republican: Says the Omaha Bee; "The United States, let it be remembered, is not out for land or gold." That's what we heard them say. Will The Bee kindly take a couple of days off and tell us just what the United States is out for? . Rushville Standard: Senator Norris of Ne braska, the notorious hyphenate senator, dis graced himself when he suggested the "dollar mark" design for a war flag. No, senator, we are not fighting tor dollars; we are fighting .for liberty, liberty of our descendants, just the same as our forefathers foutrht a tvrant on the other side of the Atlantic, that their descendants might be free. Civilization hangs in the balance, until that mad monster, the kaiser, and his mad military machine are crushed to rise no more. And it is going to be crushed. Nebraska City Press: The Omaha Bee thinks the closing of several hundred thirst palaces on May 1 should relieve the economic pressure on the ice man and, at the same time, relieve the ulti mate consumer by providing lower prices. Indi cations point in the opposite direction. The ice man in Nebraska City has announced a raise in the price of his product. Is it possible that be cause the ice aian's largest and most extravagant customer is to be removed on May I he expects the rest of us to pay a bill that can no longer DC presented to the saloon manr : Proverb for the Day. A quiet tongue makes a wise head. One Year Ago Today In the War. Severe bombardments followed French gain at Verdun. Kevolt broke out in uuDiin unuer dlrectlon of the 81nn Fein. British caDtured Sir Roger case ment in his attempt to land arms in Ireland. Italians took another mountain peak, but lost part of recent conquest on'theCarao. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Mr. Penrose, of Penrose & Hardin, has returned from a few hours' shoot over in lowa with a friend from Chi cago, the result being 107 jacksnlpes and about twenty ducks. Georire Karl, the well known on- stable, declares that while standing near thd corner of Tenth and Howard talking with two or three menus a large Ash ten Inches In length came whizzing past his face and dropped on his toes. Ms. Karl regards with scorn all Insinuations that the fish was a species of the "snakes." John L. .Webster has retutrned from Washington, D. C where he went to argue two important cases before the supreme court. Jeter O'Malley, of this city, received his commission as gauger, being ap pointed as the successor or i . M. Tur ner. At a meeting of the Omaha presby tery in Blair, Rev. Mr. Harsha. of the First Presbyterian church; Rev. Mr. Kerr, of the Southwest Presbyterian and P. L. Perine were appointed com missioners to establish the Park Ave nue Presbyterian church. T. P. Wilson, one of the best sten ographers in the! Union Pacific em ploy, has resigned his position in the ticket department to become court stenographer under Judge Groft. G. w. Chlvis, the colored letter car rier, was married to Miss Mattle John son, residing at 935 North Twenty-fifth. Rev T. J. Mackay, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church 1n Council Bluffs; united in marriage Miss Claire M. Jackson and W. J. Ward. This Day In History. 1778 Battle between the American ship Ranger and the British ship Drake. 1781 British' under Generals Phil lips and Benedict Arnold .occupied Petersburg, Va. ' 1820 congress abolished tne sale of public lands on credit. 1846 Pedro de Ampudia was superseded by Mariano Arista as com mander of the Mexican armies in the war with the United States. - 1868 Escape of the confederate cruiser Nashville Into Wilmington, N. C. 1864 A European conference as sembled at London to consider the Schleswig-Holsteln question. 1865 General Grant arrived at Raleigh, N. C. ' 1891 Count von Moltke, famous German field marshal, died. Born October 26, 1800. 1892 Great Britain Issued a proc lamation of neutrality In the war be tween the United States and Spain. and was followed subsequently by the other powers, except Germany. . The Day We Celebrate. T. J. O'Connor, city cleric, is 37 years of age today. K. c Peters, president or tne 1'e- ters Trust company. Is 55' today. He was born in Petersburg; Mich., and started out in business 'at West Point, Neb.. In 1886. He removed to Omaha in 1887, since which time he has built up the present large business institu tion. General Henri Philippe Petaln, the French commander at Verdun, born at Cauohy-a-la-Tour sixty-one years ago today, : General Joseph Simeon Gallienl, who saved Paris from the Germans and later became French minister of war, born in the Haute Garronne sixty-eight years ago today. William Elliott Gonzales, minister from the United States to Cuba since 1913, born at Charleston, S. C, fifty one years ago today. Cyril Maude, one of the foremost actors of the English-speaking stage, born in London flfty-nve years ago today, , . Timely Jottings nd reminders. The annual congress of the National Society of United States Daughters of 1813 meets today in Washington. Kearney, Neb., is to be the meeting place today of the annual convention of the Nebraska Association of Local Insurance Agents. Clergy of the Episcopal church will assemble today at Rock Island in an ticipation of the ceremonies of conse cration of 'Rev. G. H. Sherwood as bishop of Springfield. III. A board of officers of the Knights and Ladies of Security meets at Den ver today to select a site for a $260, 000 national home to be erected for the order. Francis G. Caffey, solicitor of the United States Department of Agricul ture for several years past, will to day enter upon his new duties as United States attorney at New York. In Boston this afternoon a notable reception is to be given In honor of Bishop William Lawrence nad in rec ognition of his work in creating the IS. 000,000 pension fund for Episcopal clergy. , , Storyettc of the Day. The energetic automobile sales man had Just delivered the fair cus tomer her new car and everything was lovely. He had scarcely entered the office, however, when he received a telephone call. Said she: "I thought you told me that this car was a self-starter. ' "So it Is," replied the salesman. "Nothing of the sort, I have to push a button to make it go." , MIRTHFUL REMARKS.' PATRIOTISM OF THE POETS. "I mt J aba thin and h told tne h hud enlisted to so to the war." "I didn't know h was no patriotic." "Isn't patriotism aya tt'a th only way ha knows of to vat aomo paaca." Balli mora Amartcan. , "Tou kp pens In this shopt" "W hava all kinds,, sir." "Than kindly put me up soma tranchanta nd sort In a few caustics. I've a polltl rai artlcla to wrie." Chtcavo Post. Did you know that the Bcntleyi are mov InB?" "Movinv? Why, they've op!y been here yr. People are just beg-lnnlne; to set to know them." 'That'a why they are golnf. New York Times. Ted One half the world used to wonder how the other half lives. - Ned Now the wondiJ:.ow they man ace to keep up such style. Judge. "My coat of-arma Is three losenfea on a blue field." "I ll bet 1 know how that originated." "Eh?" "The founder of the house made his money m cough d rope.' Louisville Cou rier Journal. The Amerleaa Eagle- Oh say, can you see la the arch of the sky That brave bird, now soaring, la majesty highT Tls the great golden eagle, lofty In flight; To each true loyal heart how precious the s vht. Her broad wings are outspread proteotlngly oar The mil ions, who've come from an alien shore: O'er those millions, who In allegiance have sworn To stand by the flag with her own native born. Lo' look in her talons, she hurls to the world. The most glorious banner ever unfurled; For here In Its folds is the ned, wnita ana Blue. The star-spangled ensign. Old Glory, the true. Ah seel She la now swiftly winging her way. Bearing that banner to the world'! fierce affray On our nation's dread foe she keeps her sharp eye. As she fearlessly shrieks Uncle Sam's battle cry. The nations that wantonly pecked at her beak Surprisingly And she In no way Is meek; For that beak transforms to a sword of de fence, v Causing deep regret (or each flagrant of fence. As she guides from aloft the great ship of state, Qod grant Its course may be steered true and straight, s Fondly we follow these emblems of glory, Recalling In them our nation's great story. Brave emblems of liberty, never retreat "Pltl despotio dynasties suffer defeat, And proud rulers In their barbarity fall, That Uod's peaceful reign may extend over all. Jennie t Bayer. Pender, Neb. Goeee Again. Some said that Wilson wouldn't light. That somewhere In his frame There was a streak of yellow, but They'd better guess again; Some people have the faculty Of dealing out hot air, But when the smoke has drifted by You'll And that Wilson's there. Your Uncle Samuel never yet Has stood for aught but Right, And when ho gets his dander up He'd leave his feed to fight; He'll take as much and maybe more As any man you know. But when his patience peters out He strikes a nifty blow. The kaiser walked around awhile On Uncle Samuel's corns, And when our Uncle shook his head, Says he, "I'll nub your horns." Then Uncle Samuel grinned a grin That wasn't good to see, And said, "Dear Sir, I think that I Will take you o'er my knee." The kaiser's banking very strong Upon his submarines. But Uncle Sam's big guns Will blow These things to smithereens. For Right Is Right and will prevail, And every loyal man Will stand behind the president And help him If he can. Orlswold, la. C. Q. Reynoli The Country for Me. From sea to sea Is there a land That holds me with a stronger band Than this, my own, my native land. My own America, the gran 4? Tell me. tell me. oh! Tell me this You glorious bird of winged bliss That soars forever, far and wide, la mere a lana lor wnom i d diedr You Stars and Stripes of glorious hue Oh! you, the red, the white, the blue Is there a flag from sea to sea That I love more than I love thee? I never loved another land; Wtth thee, old ship of state, I stand. Ohl Let me live or die with thee On land or on the rolling sea. From war's wild cry and bloody hue, We turn our eyes and hearts to you irrom land to lana, rrom aea to sea I love but one, and that Is thee. . Breathes there a man from sea to sea Who would not pledge himself to thee. Ah! Let htm die. -Oh! wretched man, Who will not with, this country stand. . Oma.ha. . HARRIETTS TIPTON. 014 Glory. Once when my Baby-Dear begged me anew, as babies nave forever done. For "just one more story, a story that'i true." T thfinarht at a wn nil or fill adb Bright with tradition that never will perish, The veriest gem Of a story. Well fit for my littlo one's memory to cherish. The tale of her birth -right Old Glory. Let us teach them the lesson of valor, I say, The love and allegiance they owe To the Flag of the Free that is lifted today Where the Ensigns of Equity biow. When my little one glimpses the colors All alive to the thrill of that story. The small hand salutes and the baby lips cry, '1 love you, I Jove you. Old Glory." Glenwood, la. MRS. DAL 3 MILLER, Raisin Spuds. When April skies are glum and cold, And April winds are raw and chill; When words of war are dn our lips, And thoughts of war our momenta fill; When plans for onr vacation fade Before the time of bursting buds; Cheer up, dear friends, console yourself You can ratstf spuds. The golf stick, friend, nas had Ha day, The tennis racquet's on the blink; The base ball bat and mask and glove, Are In the background now, I think; The rake and hoe are now In vogue. Come let the brown earth feel your thuds- Help uncle Sammy make a score By raisin apuds. In summers past, perhaps you toured To mountain, lake or sea coast far; Perhaps you basked at big hotels Where all the moneyed people are; But this year you will need a change You will not need your festive dude Clad In a pair of overalls You can raise spuds. In summers past your Uncle Sam Has made Vacation land so fair All Nature's beauties he conserved For tourists seklng change of air; Now Unrle Sammy Is In need, Just blow from off your life 'the suds, And show you're made of real stuff, By raisin spuds. P. S. . -Bui when you've - harvested your spuds. Don't hoard them till the prices soar; You'll not be helpln' Uncle Sam If you thuswlse defraud his poor You'd better plan a mountain trip. And pack the gay vacation duds, And leave to patriots the Job Of raisin spuds. Omaha. BAYOLL NB TRELE. For a "Coalition" Cabinet. vmano. April zi. 10 tne junui- u. The Bee: .Your editorial advising that President Wilson recognize his predic- . ament, so far as the democratic party Is concerned, and place some repub lican leaders on his cabinet list, hits the nail squarely on the head. First of all, this is not a partisan move ment we are entering on; It concerns all the people. If It were a partisan movement then the president is de feated by the men of his own party. Patriotic republicans and democrats as well realize the country's need and are willing to sink party differences in, their efforts to promote general good. Without their union in congress the president's program for national de fense must fail. Then, as you have pointed out, If the action of congress depends on the bi-oartlsan coalition it Is reasonable that the combination be carried further and that the war cabinet be made up of the best men Ul uuLn pariira, lum uic auuun ul line country will truly be that of the peo ple. PATRIOT.: Farm Loans to Help. ' Omaha, April 21. To the Editor of The Bee: In air papers, news and' farm, you will find the plea for the farmer to put all available land Into crops, raise more live stock, etc. The government Is calling for enlistment to the farms. If there is such urgent need of more crops, more land broken up, more live stock, why is not some--thing done by the state and national governments to help the farmers. We have a federal land bank authorized since January 1, 1917, to help the farmers by loaning them money at low rate of Interest, but as yet not a cent has been loaned to them. Farm ers and stockmen throughout the west want money so they can get in crops this spring; are waiting on the federal farm banks so that they can get money to buy tractors to put in an increased acreage;' are waiting for the farm loans so they can buy seed to reseed land where the crops have been win ter killed; are waiting for farm loans so they can buy stock to build up their herds. Why not-hurry up the loans from the federal land bank? The farmers are giving the best of securi ties. They cannot borrow over. 60 per rent nf thA valiiA rit thati. lam., on,. why not let them have it at once? Are the speculators in - food supplies ths cause of this slowness of the fed- eral land bank in getting started to loan the farmers money? It will soon be too late for to help the farmers with their crop of 1917. T. C. AliLEN. 4234 S street. CHEERY CHAFF. "WSat about tha brld.'a cullusrjr forta!' asked Wombat. "Wall," said his friend judicially, "ba can make Ice cream that melts la yotr mouth." Louisville Courier-Journal. NuTON For- General Debility, Mal-nutrition, Nervousness, Weakness caused by Dissipation and Overwork, etc. -i-ForSale - At Any Reliable Pharmacy NuTdN BIG REMOVAL SALE 11017 Oil , , Of Drugs Medicinal Specialties Toilet Articles and Sundries At ths OWL DRUG COMPANY 16th and Harney St. V-lral immediate and permanent relief from eczema iprescrire Resinol "Hyodwint to txperiment, try some of those things you talk about. But if'.wsnt tnat 'tchin? stopped and your llein healed, get a jar of Resinol Ointment. We doctors have been pre scribing thai ever since you were a small boy so we ktuw what it will do,", , ; - Restaol Ointment la so nearly Sealveoterad that It can ba uted on exposed aarfacea without attracting . undne attention. Soldbyalldrnniats.. , Found Health in Cardui. Mrs. Anna Hileman, of Henryetta, Oklahoma, says that she Buffered for eight years with headache, backache, nervousness and other complaint caused from womanly troubles and that she had been to many places seek ing health but was not benefited until she took Cardui. At one time she was confined to her bed for three months. She further says: "Could sea after I had taken tha second bottle it was doing me good. .-. Today I am a ' well woman and I know that Cardui. . . baa cured me, and I would advise ivory Buffering woman to take It" All druggists sell Cardui (pronounced Card-you-eye) The Woman's Tonic. Try It 11 you seed a medicinal tonia 4 this kind. Get a bote today. . BLI THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, 'D. C. Enclosed find a two-cent stamp, for which you will please aend me, entirely free, the pamphlet "Care of Food in the Home." Name '. w . , Street Address v City ' State............'.