Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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    tub rrr,: ootaha, iumuai, Artuii 24. ism.
Tiny Village Sends Host of Re
cruits to Colors With
out Any Urging.
If every town in the United States
furnished as many war volunteers in
proportion to population as Manilla,
la.. Uncle Sam's army would be over
1,000,000 men in a short time.'
With only 1,200 inhabitants and
many of them of German extraction,
Manilla sent thirteen army volun
teers . Monday and two others re
cently. ' -
Furthermore, Mayor, R. C. Saun
ders, with sixty parents, sisters,
friends and the only four civil war
veterans still living at Manilla, ac
companied the lads to Omaha. Most
of the town turned out to bid them
God-speed in the greatest patriotic
'demonstration Manilla ever held.
Get Diplomas Early.
In recognition of the patriotic spirit
that animated the volunteers the Ma
nilla school board granted diplomas
Monday morning to three that were
In the senior high school class, al
though graduation usually occurs in
All of the Manilla volunteers de
cided to fight for Old Glory without
being directly appealed to by any re
cruiting officers. They made up their
minds alone.
When their decisions were anounced
a patriotic rally was held at Manilla
Sunday night in their honor. Then
after a farewell breakfast, given them
by the town's people, practically the
whole population of the town gath
ered at the railway station and waved
last goodbys as the volunteers and
the big committee of escort started
for Omaha.
Eldest Only Twenty.
Frank Berkemier. the oldest of the
nulla volunteers, is only A). Mar
Deter, the youngest, is only 16.
Allen and Robert Hird are twins. Vic
tor and Gifford Theobald are broth
ers. The others are Allen Saunders,
George Gaumer, Leslie Currier, Ed
Algee, Glen McCracken, Leo Perion
and Joseph Cooper.
McCracken, Gaumer and Robert
Hird were the three graduated from
high school early in order that they
might get diplomas and stilt serve
their country.
Velie Sowels, J. P. Barber, George
W. Fuller and Thomas Brown were
the civil war veterans who came to
Omaha with the mayor and commit
tee to start the' youthful soldiers on
the road to Old Glory's lighting
Manning, la., one of Manilla's
neighboring towns, also has sent a
large delegation of army volunteers
and more are reported coming to
Omaha to enlist.
Manilla promises to send another
group next week. Max Berkemier and
Joe Curtis of that town enlisted in
the army a short time ago.
Father Forgives Girl
Who Had Accused Him
After his daughter had accused him
of inciting her to a life of thievery,
R. B. Hawes, father of Irene Hawes.
has forgiven her. He says he will
help her in her fight to prove that she
and her chum, Emma Witcher, 1008
North Sixteenth street, are innocent
of stealing $200 worth of goods from
the Brandeis stores.
Mr. Hawes, who lives at 901 South
Twentieth street, first learned of his
daughter's arrest after she had told
police that he was the one who in
stigated the larceny of the goods.
Miss Hawes, who is 18 years old
and very pretty, will be the chief
witness for the state against G. H.
Moore, 4916 Cass street, held on a
statutory charge.
Nebraska Elks Convention
Held this Week in Lincoln
Lincoln has issued a call to Ne
braska Elks to assemble there April
26 and 27 to attend the annual state
The announcement promises every
"Bill" who attends that Lincoln will
"out-do" itself in furnishing the
proper kind of entertainment.
Edward Latoskey to Disprove
Cowardice Accusation
Ends His Life.
Edward Latoskey, 21-year-old car
penter living at 1047 Atlas street,
confirmed pacifist, to prove he was
not a coward, took his own life late
Sunday night. He feared that con
scription would compel him to
shoulder a gun and possibly take
other human lives before he would
IriSe his own.
His father, William Latoskey. natu
ralized citizen of German birth, de
clared that his son was a martyr to
principles of humanity. "He was not
a coward, anyway," he said, simply,
as he watched an undertaker carry
the body to the morgue.
Latoskey went to a barn in the
rear of 1026 Dominion street some
time Sunday flight and tied a half
inch rope to a rafter and then climbed
on top of a high box, from which he
jumped. Charles Pischa, 1026 Do
minion, found the body. In one of
Latoskey's pockets was a note: "I
leave my body to the medical college-According
to Latoskey's father, it
was incessant worry over war devel
opments that caused his son to pur
sue the course of action he did. It
was his third attempt at suicide with
in the last week, it is understood.
Orice before he jumped into the river,
but was pulled out by workmen who
saw him. The second time he tried
a rope, but it broke.
Armed Guards Now Watch
Food Storehouses Here
All elevators and warehouses where
foodstuffs are stored in and near
Omaha are now under armed protec
tion of the National Guard.
Before this additional guarding was
taken up Sunday, an incendiary fire
occurred in an elevator near here, but
it was put out before much damage
was done. The bomb in a carload of
oats shipped from Omaha to Denver,
combined with the incendiary fire and
other suspicious circumstances, led to
the guarding ot stores of grain and
After the guards were posted at
elevators, an auto passed one of the
new guard posts. Either a tire blow
out, an engine mis-fire or some similar
explosion, gave rise to a rumor that
a guardsman had been fire 1 on by a
This .eport was refuted by guard
officers. Trivate Larman of the
guard was one of the guards near the
scene of the noise. He and his super
ior officer.! reported to Vaior Todd
that the explosion was not that of a
firearm, but undoubtedly came from
a passing auto.
Mute, Denied in Militia,
Turns to Red Cross Work
James M. Gomme, 16, a deaf mute
attending the Nebraska School for
the Deaf here, tried to join the army
as a hospital corps man. When
turned down because of his loss of
hearing and speech he went to Jthe
Red Cross headquarters. 1219 Far
nam street, and joined that organiza
tion. He wrote that he desired to be
come an ambulance driver and that
other students at the Deaf institute
also wanted to serve their country in
the war.
A big membership campaign will
soon be ota-ted for the Red Cross
chapter here, Secretary W. G. Ure
said. In the meantime many Oma
haos are already paying in member
ship dues.
I You don't want the
i Germans to treat our
I country like they did
Belgium, do you ?
I "Womanhood, the
j Glory of the Nation"
is a stirring; appeal I
for the protection of I
or tomorrow
you must A CT if you want full information about the new Encyclopaedia
Britannica, printed on genuine India paper to help you decide whether this
great work will be useful to you, whether it will be an advantage to you. Send
in the coupon at once.
And you must act quickly if you want to buy one of the very last sets of
the Britannica printed on the famous India paper there are in stock only a
few thousand sets in all.
Because so few sets of the Britannica are left, it
would be useless for us to send out any more litera
ture, after TOMORROW. You simply wouldn't
have time to write for it, read it, make up your
mind Whether you want the Britannica, and then
get your order to us before the last set is gone.
Useful as the Britannica is for business
men and women, and as a work of reference
in the home: interesting as it is for its fund
of information on all subjects: low-priced as
it is in the , "Handy Volume" form" don't
buy it until you are convinced that it will be
of practical benefit to you.
And the way to reach an intelligent decision
is to write at once for illustrated literature
and full particulars regarding this wonder
ful library of knowledge.
Not enough sets remain to supply all those
who are today only "thinking" of ordering
this valuable work. Thousands of persons
are, in all probability, going to be disappointed
simply because they put off ordering. We
are warning YOU now!
Here's the-t!oupoh that brings the free illustrated booklet
about the new Britannica; also full information about prices
and how ,you can secure a set for only II down, paying
the balance in small monthly amounts,
or go and see sets at :
16th St., S. W. Corner Douglas.
YOUR CHANCE to buy onerof these last
sets at the present especially attractive price,
on convenient terms.
is slipping away!
If you act immediately, you have just about
enough time to send for literature which tells
fully how the Britannica would benefit you
in your work or business and home.
Do it now TODAY. All that you need
to do at this moment is to tear out the
coupon in the lower right-hand corner, sign
and mail it. Do that.
We want you to be sure before buy
ing the Britannica that it will be useful
to you. That is why we urge you to
send for full information.
We want you to be sure of getting a
set if you decide you want it. That
is why we urge you to act at once.
Qentleme n
Pleai imtniif one pour tret, Uluvtrated detcrtprJv
booklet about the "'Handy Volume" time of the Mw frcTcto
paedli Brltennlci, printer! on genuine Indie ptpcr.
I want ihlf so that 1 ran learn whether the Britannia wtll be
ueeful to re In my work end my home, and to that I cm 4eeid
SRiJ eete art mM whether or net I nut
end mt full Information at to the emellett rnitnlr My.
mi I will have to make (or one of these remainlni teti 1 1 aleo
ww eel con price.
Important Message
To the Public
f)UR responsibility as an institution of
service in this community, where for
about thirty years we have clothed the
majority of Omaha men, young men and
boys, makes it incumbent upon us to keep
our patrons correctly informed regarding
market conditions on men's wearing
U Some time ago we predicted that higher prices would
prevail, and urged the public to govern their .purchases
accordingly. Thousands profited by our suggestion.
On account of war being declared, a crisis has been
created in the woolen market, which directly involves
and greatly affects every man's personal interests. The
United States government has been offered all the wool
in the Boston market, much of which was expected to
be used in the manufacture of civilian clothing. We
foresaw the era of high prices and provided the largest
stocks of clothing, hats, furnishings and shoes for men,
young men and boys we have ever assembled.
We have not raised our prices (except in a few minor
instances) , nor do we intend to do so until our present
stocks are exhausted. We again urgently and conscien
tiously advise immediate purchasing for present and
later wants the only way to evade the higher prices of
the future. -
-)) '1
This, coupled with the pill snd laxative
habit, is the chief reason why women
suffer even more than men from con '
stipation and intestinal stasis.
Laxatives and cathartics ire without
exception irritants which whip the
bowels into action and over-stimulate
the intestinal nerve-centers. Physi
cians recognize that their habitual use
brings serious consequences, such as
appendicitis, intestinal toxaemia and
chronic constipation.
Hence physicians nowadays avoid the
drug remedies. Nujol, an intestinal
lubricant, is a far safer and more effect
ive means of relieving constipation.
It keeps the intestinal contents soft,
soothes and lubricates the irritated
mucous membranes and helps to re-
store normal bowel activity. Unlike
drugs or physics Nujol is not absorbed
by the sy stem.and does not form a habit
As Nujol is not a physio but a lubri
cant, it does not gripe or upset the
system. Being tasteless, it is not un
pleasant to take.
The Standard Oil Company (New
Jersey) has used its world-wide re
sources in producing Nujol and its
reputation is behind the product.
Nujol is the only remedy for constipation
we manufacture. The genuine sold only
in pin bottles bearing Nujol trade-mark.
All bottles filled at our Nujol plant, ab
solutely modern and sanitary.
W rite today for an instructive book
let on Nujol and its uses.
BiyooM WwJmw) NewJen.y
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