Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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- ' n miii a i ' 'i ' ' -"
Tat Cattle Steady to Strong in
Spots Feeders Are Steady
1 Sheep Slow, Weak.
Omaha, April II, KIT.
UmltU wm: Cattle. Hogs. Bheer,.
Katlraate Mondar .... ." ' "
Same dar lest week... I.ttl 10.:10 11.414
fllml dav 1 weeks all (.OH a ll '.
Kama dar I weeks ago I.HS 1.828 S.tll
Same day 4 wki ago l.tlt .! 11.811
8ama dar laat year.. 1,017 t.lti MO
fterelnts and dlspoelllon of live stock at
the Union Slock yards (or twenty-four houra
ding at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon:
Cattle. Hots. Sheep. H'r's
C. M. St. P..,.. I J .. 1
MleBeurt Psclflcj
tnlon PaeiOc ST :
C. N. W east... HI.!
C. N W.. west.. It :t 2 10
C, 8t P.. M. 4 O.. IT 14 J
C, B. Q.. eaat... 1 . ..
C., B, weal.. H :i 4 1
a, B. I. P., at. T 3
.. B. I. ft P , wt 1
tlltnola rentral t 3
Chicago Gt. Waat... T
Totala ..
Cattle. Ho.
Morrla ft Co....
Swift ft Co
Cudahr Parkins Co....
Armour ft Co...
Schwerts ft Co
I. W. Murphy
Unrein Packing Co....
Cudahr from Denver.,,
or. B. Vsnsant Co......
P. B. Lewis
I. B. Root ft Co
J. H. Bulla.
t. F. Hi"
. oienatork Broo
F. O. Kellogg
lulllvan Broa . ...
Mo. ft Kanaaa Calf Co..
Ilsglns .. ......
taker. Jonea ft Smith..
lanncr Broa
ohn Harvar
)ennts ft Franrla
'naen ft Lungren
9tber buyera
Totala 8,'tl 1.111 . 1.133
Cattle Tleeelpla wera llfht thla morning,
inly 131 eara helng reported In. which la
tha amalleat run on ft Monday for ft good
many .weeka bark and smaller than ft year
ago by 1.804 head. The amall run thla
rooming would Indicate that tha country
haa recovered aomewhat from Hi aeara and
la unwilling to aacrlfica Ita cattle at the
lower prloes note laat week,
With light reeelpta there waa ft better
gaoling thla morning and beef eteera ware
fully ateady and In aome caeea possibly
a, little etronger than laat waek'a low point.
Cowl and halfera wera ateady to atrong,
arblla atockera and feedera were ateady ftt
laat waek'a decline.
Quotatlona . 4 Cattle Oood to oholea
beevea. tll.tO01t-li: fair to good haevea,
f lft.71911. 40; common to fair beeves,
10.76; good to 0'iolce l.elfera. tl.60010.16;
good to ctioto rows,; lair to
good eowa. I8.O00S.76: common to falrcowe,
fl. totpt.00: prima feeding ateers. It.tOO
t.76; good to choice feedera, il.75el-40
fair to good feedera, 18.0001-70; common to
fair feeders, ftl.71O8.00, good to oholea
atockera. tnck heifers. 17.000
1.76; stock cowa, ICOOtyt-llt: stock ealyes.
87.6tlOI0.0l); veal calves. lt.00O13.60; beef
bulls, stags, ate, IS. 00 9 1. 60
Reprasaulftll.-a salee;
Av. Pr No.
II 80 II
13.. ,
til I 81
!1S t Si
Ill t 36
.... 064 t in
....1011 10 40
.... (31 14 10
,,...1861 10 76
13 1148 10 80
Av. Pr.
133 17 16
118 I 60
733 'I 00
lit t 10
It I 86
1061 10 60
1144 10 46
7 147 It 10
SI 1030 11 00
10 1314 11 60
II.. 1304 11 86
0 1337 13 10
...1308 13 II
' II...
Only Few Oars of Wheat Re
ported Sold, as Cash De
mand is Slow.
Operations Are on Lighter and
Narrower Basis Than
Last Week.
13 .
' 83
1027 11 40
.1111 11 78 II
.1J1 13 00 11
.1311 13 40 II
IT tti I 10 10 ,.. I 10
00 OS 1. ...... .1004 T 00
1 1060 7 30 ' t 100 1 76
t 1018 t 00 M0., ttt I 36
7 10IT I 86 13. ,...,,,1131 I 31
1 1130 I 30 6........ 841 t 60
11. ...... .1014 70 I. ...... .1141 t It
II .1311 It tt It. ...... .1311 10 16
Hogs Paokera completely controller! the
market thla morning and prices tumbi.'d
sharply. Shippers did praetlcallr nothing,
en early rounda at least, and with shsrp
declines all around tha circuit even mod
erate auppliea could not aave the market
from packera' bearishnesa. For tha bulk of
the offeringa It waa a 16016c lower mar
kot. The. movement was draggy from the
outeat and trade got deader the farther It
- went. Light hoga and the plainer mixed
kinda were again tha hardest te sell and
several loads remained la first hands- up
to ft lata hour.
Tha general market waa. as noled. 110
. 3to lower, and closed slow and weak. A,
'good share of the hogs-sold at ft spread of
llt.00Olt.3t. Early in the day ft load sold
at llt.tlt. but while It was a prime bunch
of atuff tha price could not have been
obtained after tha market waa established.
Prices are easily, T6c lower than at the
high time two weeke ago and some of the
light and plain mixed kinds are off
dollar or more.
Representative sales:
No, Av. Sh. Pr No. Av.
81., 110 80 14 10' 84. .!
Omaha. Aprl( 33, 1111.,
The local cash demand for wheat waa
very slow today ana, wnue me receipt!
of this cereal were fairly good, only ft few
cars of wheat were reported sold.
The usual demsnd. for com was siso
not much In evidence and. while white corn
sold fairly readily, the aelea of yellow and
mixed corn were very light. White corn
continued to aril at premium prices, ths
commercial grades of this variety helng
ouoted at II. lilt 01. II, whlla the yellow
h.n.,ht arnund 81.43 01.4341 and the mlied
old generally at 11.43, although one ear of
blah color mixed corn brought 11. It.
Moot wheat waa quoted from IO10C lower,
corn ruled about tc lower, oata "were quoted
from ICflVie lower, rye was quoted nomi
nally 3c lower and barley also sold about
t lower. ,
nets wee about tha best seller on -Ihe
list end there wsa a good Inquiry for thla
cereal at the prevailing prices.
Standard oata sold arouna onwsevic m.
S while brought from I10K'C and a
few cars of No, 4 wh'ts sold at l7U087Vie,
The receipts of rye ana barley were un-
Important and there was only ft moderats
demand for these cereale.
No sales ot barley were reporieu ano one
car of No. I rya aold at II. Is.
Clearances were: Whest and nour equal
to 104,000 bushels: corn, 300,000 bushels;
its, 31.000 bushels.
Primary wheat rerelpta were 1.311,000
bushels and 'shipments l.ltt.000 bushels.
sgahiKt receipts of 1,881,000 busnets ana
.hlnmente of 811.000 bushels last VSar.
Primary corn reeelpta were en.-.w
bushrla and shipments 1,887,000 bushels.
sgalnst receipts or XBA.nnv pusneie ano
Memento of 814.000 bushels Isst yesr,
Primary oats reeelpta were j.m.vno
bushels snd shipments Mwneis,
against receipts of tst.000 buohrle and ship
ments of 773.000 bushels last year.
Wheat, Corn,
Chicago 34
Minneapolis ...,....4ss
Duluth Hi
Omaha .,.'8t
Keness City Ill
HI. I.OUII...., 4
Winnipeg ........... .101 .. i .
' These ssles wera reported today:
' Wht No. a hard wlnterl 1 car, 13.41
1 ear, 13.43. Sample hard: 1 car, 12.41; 3-t
car. 3318. No. 2 spring: 1 car, IZ.68. no.
I spring: 1 car, 1 oar, 11.03.
Rye No, I: 1 car, 11. It.
Corn No. 3 white: 4 carg. 11.11. NO, 8
whltet 1 car, ll.M; 1 ear, 11.60(4.;.! cars,
11.80. No. 4 whlta: 1 car, 81.48Vi. No. I
yellow: 1 car (ehlppere' welghta), 11.48 l I
care. 11.4214: 1 car. 11.41. No. I yellow:
t ear lehloDsra' weights). 11.43!!: 1 car
(011100 weights). 11.48; I cars, 1.4S. No.
1 .ll- 1 ear. I1.43U: 1 car. 11.4314;
can. ti lt. No. I mixed: 1 car (near
while), It eara, 11,43,
, ... .a II 11U
. n.iti-Ria'nriard: 1 ar fahlppera' weights).
HUc: i cam. 480. No. I white: 1 car
i.hinMH1 welahtsl. 18 UC! I 3-t Cart, ItC
6 cere. t7c: 4 cars. 87 WC No. 4 whltet 4
cars, 47!4o: S cars, 4TVc; 1 car, tTo. Sam
ple white: i cars. tic.
Omaha Cash Prlcee: Wheat No. I hard
eiiM9KA- No. 1 hard, t3.420t.48; No. 4
i.. 1SSIA9.41: No. 3 spring. 13.6603.61;
No. 3 aprlng. Corn No. I while.
tl.t04i1.61i NO. I Wlllta, u-ivtli.MX,
4 white, ll.ti01.4IU; No. I white, tl.4IViO
1.41; No. I white. Il.4801.48tt: No. I yel
low. tl.431.01.43; No. 3 yellow. tl.tlKO
, m i vniiw. 81 414M.41I4: No. I Ve.
low.' I1.40V4O1.41: No. i yellow, 8I.40O
,uu. M. 1 mired. 81.4301.434: No.
mixed! tl.4iaiai.43: No. 4 mixed, 11.410
liiu, K. S mixed. Sl.40UOl.4l; No.
mixed. I1.40O1.40U. Oats No. S whlta.
iiuaila, standard. fSOSSttO NO, White,
ituaiini No. 4 white. 4TUOITUC. Bar-
i... u.lilnr: 1118A1.37: No. 1 feed. tl. II
1.31. Rye No. I, 11.1401.11; No. t, 11.18 .
Omaha Futnree Market.
t.'. uniim,ni In the local pit was during
the eerlv nert of the session quits bearish
and all grains ruled aomewhat lower. Tha
decline lasted until tns isei nour m
Ing, when ft good part of tha early loss was
recovered on profit-taking by shorls and
u. h,t eiileri w thin a xraction 01 ine
evening pries, whlla July wheat closed
knot 1 Vila-hee.
The coarse grstns wsra innusncea oy me
action of wheat and recovered from tha low
nntnt shortly before the CI
- May corn closed slightly lower, July corn
declined tic, wmis July oata auvanceu
Loral range of options
New Tork. April 33.-rDeallnge In stocks
todsy differed in no Important particular
from those of the lost fortnight, except
that operations were on a lighter and nar
rower basis. Such Initiative as was seen
at odd momenta owed He Impulse "wholly
to the profeesfonals, wh'o sold of ona group
and bought, of another.
Kvenla over the week end threw no new
light on Inveatment or apeculatlve conditioned
aide from the ease with wnicn oanKing
terenta absorbed ta treasury offering or
8200,000,000 of certificates plsr-ed by .federal
reeerva institutions. Arrival of the Brlttrh
hhxh commission was accepted aa tha pre
lude to Important International financing,
but of thla there was no direct reflection
In tha foreign exchsnge markele.
Opening quotatlona were steady, out soon
became Irregular. Liquidation of coppers
ddt-d to the unsettlement of the forenoon.
marines later displaying general heaviness.
Mr-ectaltleo made full recoveries later.
United states steel sroreu a ni gain or
practically a point. Ralls were relegated .to
o ace of secondary Im-portanre, wltn
material alteration of prices. Hales amounted
to 411,000 aharrs. Slight rnnresetons were
rraletered by Investment bonds. Total sales,
par value, 82,840,000, United Statea bonds
ere unchenaed on call.
Number of sales and rangs or pncea 01
leading stocks:
Sales. High. J.OW. Closs.
m. Beet Sugar .
mertcan Can.,...
Am, Car ft Fndry..
m. Iioromotlve . ,
m. Smell, ft Rfg.
Am. Sugar Rfg.....
m Tel. ft Tel. . , ,
Am. Klnc, L. ft S. ..
Anaconda Copper,',
All.o. ft W.I.S.S.L
Raltlmore ft Ohio.
Rutte ft Sup. Cop,
'el. Petroleum....
Canadian Paclflo
Central Leather. .'
'hes. ft Ohio
., M. ft St. P
. ft N. W.
hlno Copper
Colo, Fuel ft Iron,
Corn Prod. Rfg...
Crucible Steel,,..
Cuba Cane Sugar.
Ms. Securities.,..,
Erie .
Oen. Motors
a. North., pfd
North. Ore. ctfs.
Illinois Central
Insplr. Copper...,.
Int. M. M. pfd....
nter. Nickel
Inter. Paper
Kennacott Copper..
Louie, ft Naah
Maxwell Motors ..
tlex. Petroleum...
Miami Copper , .
Missouri pacific...
Montana Power. . . .
Nevada Copper , .
N. T. Central.....
T.. N. H. ft H.
Norfolk ft Weat..
Northern Pacific.
Pacific Mall
Pao. Tel. ft TsL..
Plttaburgh Coal...
Ray, Con. Copper..
Rep. Iron ft Steal..
Shattuck Arls. Cop.
Southern Pacific,
Southern Railway.,
Studebaker Corp.
Tnxaa Co.
Union Pacific
71. .lit 110
74. .Ill .130
70. .331 ...
I.. Ill S10
T1..380 ...
lit.. HO 814
II. ,344 ....
14 II
It Ot
It It
it at
it is
It 4e
li te
78. .134
73. ,314
II. .301
00.. 310
St.. 301
Sh. Pr.
410 814 li
40 it oo
It 10
It 31
it to
It 40
li It
IT. .Ill
St.. lit
13 00
II 80 II.. 101
14 10
Sheep It took the boys In Ihs sheep
barn all morning to come to an agreement
on prices, but In the end most -of Ihe
lsittba sold at prlcee that were not nuotably
different from last week's close. Westerns,
eeperlally tha medium kinds, were slower
sellers than the good Mexicans and a few
care had not changer handa at midday, but
walla tha tendency wee easier and move
ment very slow bulk of the Ismbs brought
about aleady flguree. What good Mexicans
were here sold up' around !16.7iOlt.80,
several cars at tha latter price equaling
tha record for the yards, A number of
loada of fed westerns Isnded around 816.11
4li-S4, none of them being of a real de
alrabls sort. Clipped lambs, which were
fslrly plentiful, brought about steady prices.
Part pf tha offerings were of ft mora de
alrabla ctaea than moat of those that were
hers last week. One two-oar bunch brought
a top of 812.70 and aoveral other loada want
ftt I13.40O13I0.
For the moot part old eheep wera lack
ing. About the only thing In the mature
Una that wan offered was a load of clipped
awes that sold at 810.00. The market was
stominally quoted about ateady.
Quotatlona on sheep and lambe: Lambs,
light and handy, 818.36 011-80: lambs, heavy,
S14.i0Oli.l0; lambs, fresh shoru, 813.00O
13.76; Ismbs, shearing, S14.00O14. 10; year
llnga, good ro choice, tl3.00O13.7fi; year,
llnga, fair to good. 813.00013.00; wetbers,
falV to choice, 311.80013-00; ewes, good to
choice. SU.O0O13.60-, ewes, fair to good.
31 1.00 013 0; awes, plain to culls. IT.iOO
10.76. . ,
No. ; Av. Pr.
ino clipped lambs 80 113 48
163 fed lambe , Si II II
lit Mexican lambs TS li 10
"Art. Open. High. fLow. Close. Sat'y.
Wht. I I I i
Mty I 44 t 44 341 S 48Vi 3lt
July 1 18 1 tmlliitl 1 It I"
Sept. 1 71 1 7Vi'17314 I 71 171 U
CMay 143 Tit 181 14U14IU
July 1 31 t 31 1.11 1 17 188 VI
Sept. 1 37 U 1 3714 121 1 17 U lit
Oata , '
May IT T 87 IT ITU
July I8U "K iiH SOU
Sept. ' 80 ' to to to U
Chlesgo closing prices, furnished The Bee
by Logan ft Bryart, atock and grain brokerii
316 South Sixteenth street. Omaha:
Art. Open. High, Low, Closs. Sat
Wht. I : I 1 1
May '3 i! I II 331 U I 33 UtM
July 1 II 1 lit 1 18 ItlU
Sep. 1 Tl 1 T4 178)4 1 T6K 171 ;
May HI 140 Hi 1 8tH 14
July 1 Sti 1 3814 131 1 3614 13H
Sep. 131 18114 137 13114 130
Msy 4'i I4H tSU I3't S4U
July 13 3 I1U US II
Sep. 14 I4H 13 ill, 6441
May 34 31 38 It It !i 81 6714 14 It
July 34 40 18 I7U 31 10 II tt II ii
May 20 Tt 10 11 U 3 76 30 81 tt Tl
July 30 I7U St ID 30 li 31 to 10 tl
Miy II 41 11 II It 41 11 SSltlll it
July It TO ,18 ITU It 1 It TT Villi 80
Cftttls and Hogs An Steady, Sheep Art
. ' Chicago. III.. April S3 Callle Receipts,
. 18.000 head: market weak! native beef cat-
' tie. tS.IOOll-44; atockera and feedere. 87.10; cowa and heifers, ti.10011,10;
Calves, S1.00O13.60.
Hogs Receipts, 46,000 had; market
' ateady at lOo under Suturdaya average:
bulk ot sales, tli.40ll.7t; light, tll.too
ll.ti; mixed. S16.10O16.6i; heavy, II I. lot)
16.86; rough. tli.10Oli.30; pigs, tl.TiO
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 18,000 heed;
market strong: wethers, S10.00OU.00; awea.
. tl.iiO13.i0; Ismbs.
St. Loals Ura stark Market.
St.' Louis. April 38. Cattle Receipts.
' t-409 head; market, aleady; native beef
steers, I3.i0013.00; yearling steers and
heifers, lt.i0Olt.00: cows, lt.iooll.00;
Blockers and feeders,; Texas
quarantine ateersh; prima south
ern beat ateers.; beef cows and
helfera. 14.31Oi.00; prima yearling ateers
and helfera, li.ioeit.OO; native calvea,
Hogs Receipts. 11,100 market, lower
llghta, lli.3iOit.ti; pigs. 111.71014. 31:
mixed and butchers, 116.16011-14; good
heavy, lt.O0H.71; bulk of sales, llt.0
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, tot head;
- market, stesdy; lambs, llt.oofrli.lo; cweo.
, is.i0eit.3i; yearlings. 112.71014.31) Clip
pea is in os, sta.vvty u.ift.
Lowering f rricea Natad ift
.Wheat. .
Chicago, April 38. Restriction of wheat
trading to tha smallest volume In weeks
was accompanied today by ft decided low
erlng of prices, but there waa something of
a rally afterward owing to a. notable fall
Ing of the Cntted Statea vlalble supply total,
The markets eioeed uneettlcd at 83.33
I3.33U for May, and Il.t7i ta 11.1814 for
July, wttn the llnlsh aa ft wnota ranglm
from luc decline to IVie advance, aa com
pared with Saturday'a lateet flgurea Corn
cloeed the to lUc down, and oata off 4k
to Tto, In provisions tha outcome varied
from me losa to a rise of 17c.
Scarclty-or buying orders waa especially
evident at tha outset In the wheat pit. One
reason assigned waa that urgent domestic
household demsnd for flour waa aald
have flattened out and that European ca!
for wheat waa likely to be dlreeled in the
main ta the Canadian Block, owing to the
fact tnat grain carriers already had begu:
to move on the great lakes. Reports of
Improved crop proepecls In thveouthweet
tended further to handicap the bull aide
at the market, and ao too did current sett,
mates of a probable 10 par cent Increase
of seeded acreage In Canada this sraaoa
as compared with 1818. Besldea, heav
margalds asked from speculative operators
continued to act aa a curb to unduly lm.
pulslve rushes to purchase on seemingly' til.
considered grounds.
Admission that tha wheat market had
become temporarily aomea-hat oversold was
general In the last half of tha day, when
the extent of tha deecreaae In the visible
supply waa ftpparent, Ths shrinkage
amounted to nearly 4,000 buahela and
brought the total down 1o more than,
000 bushele under the total at the oorra-
eronoing lime last year, '
' Corn, like wheat, sagged from tack
aggressive demand. A reoovery In part took
place ialor influenced aa in the case
wheat by falling off In the visible supply
.igures. Oata had. :PO dndapendent action.
Trade wbb light.
Heavlnraa of tha hog and grain market
weakened provisions, but an active buying
movement aa te lara lea atterwaro to
moderate genera) upturn. Offerings dried up.
Chicago Caah Prlcee Wheat: Na. S red,; No. I red and No. I and I hard,
nomlnnl. CoriK No. S yellow. tl.itOl.iO
No. 1 yellow, 11.41 U 1.41 U: No. 4 yellow,
nominal. Corn: No. I whlta, flOttVic
standard, f7UOttcUc Rye: No. 3, itc,
Barley; Seeda: Timothy. 11.00
4.00: clover. I13.00 01T.00. Provletons: Pork. U; lard, t30.IOOIO.Iii ribs, 111.33
Butler Lower; creamery, 380 430,
Eggs Lower; racelpte. 33,481 . caaee
firsts, S3tt034Vjc; ordinary firsts, 111,
334tc; at mark, cases included, 38030.'
Potatoes Unsstlled; receipts. 88 cars
Washington, Idsho and Colorado, 18.00
3.10; Michigan and Wisconsin white, IMS
Poultry Alive, higher! fowls, SSe.
Man City Ura Stock Market.
Sioux City, !a., April 13. Cattle Re.
ceipte, I, too head; market, klllere weak;
Blockers strong; beef ateers, lll.OOOlS-iO;
butchers, ti.tooll.00; fst cows and halfera.
1T.60OU.00; canners, tl iOO'.so: siocKere
and feeders. IT.iOOlOSl: calves, 17. too
bulls, stsgs. etc., I7.oooio.oo; xeeotng
cowe and helfera, I7.00O8-40.
Hogs-Receipts. 4.000 head; raarket lie
lower; light. tl4.76l6.0i; mixed; lli-100
11.30; heavy, tli.104vli.60: pigs, 111.000
13.10; bulk of sales. lli.00Oli.3i.
Sheep and Lambs Keceipis, 2tm neao;
market etrong; yearlings, 113.000 13.i0;
wethers. 111. 00 0 13.60; owes, 10.i0O12.itl
Ismbs, S13.i0Oli3i.
44 'a
MOO Ms ilU
41 S
. 1.000 134
3.000 30U
, 10,000 78 U
.1,800 103 lOl't 101U
'lOO 70U 74U 74
100 43 41 '4 41
400 30 11 18U
300 111 140 1I0U
8,100 ISO 83
41 U 10
i.iOO 12
300 48
1,400 34
4.300 80
1,400 48
1,800 13
6,200 37
Electric , 183
4,800 106 100 104
600 107 108O 108
1,000 80 10 30
100 103 103 103
1.100 14 tSU 13
i.600 78
1,100 41
200 31
7,100 43
71 77
40 41
88 88
41U 41
44 48
800 138 127 127
40 U
100 13
1,800 St
100 41
1,100 3t 88
1,700 14 13
1,300 0 71
100 Si 34
1,000 it 13
1,100 31 St
1,100 16 83
100 301 107
1.100 187 13t 131
Ind.-Alcohol 11,700 101 101 101
Steel 11,100 111 110 111
11 21
83 63
41 41
31 -83
tT.31011,00: calves, S7.00Olt.00.
HOgS Iteceipie, k.v-'v pu, nmmr.
lower; bulk, 111.00011 70: heavy, til. too
11.10; peckers snd butchers, tl Q.4nrpis.,u;
light, iu.7iaii.3i: pigs, iii.oaait.:.
Sheep Keceipis. J.ivw nnw, uism.
strong: lambs, yearlings,
81 3.0043 14. 3; wstbers, tiz.eovia.zi; ewea,
311.00013.00. x
SI, Joseph Live Stock Market,
St. Joseph, Mo., April 33, Cattle Re
ceipts, 3,600 head: market alow to 10c
lower; steers, 8i.00O13.l0: cows and helf
era. 11.10011,00: calves. 10.00Oll.3i.
Hogs Receipts. 7,100 head: market 10O
30c lower; top, 116.10; bulk of salee, lli.ti
sneep ana utmos Receipts, s.o'io neea;
msrket slow; lambs, lli.00O16,7t; swes,
312. 00O13.00.
It Will Soon Be "Bone Dry"
Kansas City General Market,
Kansaa City, April 13. Wheat
No. 2
hard, 12.1602 43, No. 3 red.
May, 33.41; July, V1.BS4.
Corn No. 3 mixed. II. 4301.41; No. 3
hlte, 81.6401,66: No. 3 yellow, 11.440
1.41: May. 11.41; July. Ii ssi.
oats no. x white, izuv'aitc; no, z
mixed, TlOTSc. '
Butter Creamery, 48c; firsts, 41c; sec
onds, 43c: packing, 83c.
Kggs Firsts, 83 e.
Poultry Ilsns, 20c; roostsrs, lie; tur-
kays, 24c.
MnsneapoHB Grain Market
Minneapolis, April 23. Flour Fancy pst-
ents, 30n lower, quoted at 113.60; other
grndeo unchanged.
Barley tl. 1101.43c.
Rye SI. 180181.
Bran !3i.6O04O.oo.
Wheat May, 83.31: July, 13.18; cash.
No. 1 hard. 12.66 '4; No. 1 northern. 83.48
03.63';; No. 1 northern, 12.4303.63; No.
1 wheat, S3.3303.44.
Corn No. S yellow, 11.41 01.48.
Oats No. I white, 87048c.
Flaxsoed 83.32 03.28.
"t. Louis CI rain Market. .
St. Louis, April 23. Wheat No. I red,
13.81; No. 2 hard, nominal; May, 12.41;
July, ll.ii.
Corn No. 3, No. I white, 11,140
Lit; May, 11.11; July, 11.17.
Oata No. S, 81c; No. 1 wnlte, 70c.
Closed easy and 4011 points lower.
Sales 11,310 tons. May 1.14c; July, i.48c;
Sept., I.Ho.
Metal Market.
New Tork. April 11. Metals Lead not
quoted. Spelter weak; spot Eaet St. Loula
delivery, I8.17UOI.13U. Copper quiet; elec
trolytic apot and second quarter, 121.000
10.00, nominal; third quarter. 124.60030.00.
Iron firm: No. 1 northern, S43.00O43.00; No.
3, 841,60043.00; No. 1 northern, 338.009
40.00; No. 3, l8t.iOIJM.IO. Tin1 strong; spot,
At London: Spot copper, 1133; futures,
1183 10s; electrolytic, 1146; spot tin, 1234
16s; futures, 1324 lis; lead, 130 10s; spelter,
For the benefit of the consumers who are unable to be
supplied with
from their regular dealers, we now invite them to pur-
chase their future needs direct from the Nebraska
Bottled n
' Bond,
Per Case.
Bottled in
Per Case.
- General Distributors. ,,
918 Farnam Street, -
Telephone Douglas 954.
Omaha, Neb.
Goods Delivered Promptly.
Open Evenings Until 8 P. M.
U. S steal, pfd 117
Utah Copper 17.100 110 107 100
Wabash pfd. "D".. 300 31 31 34
Western Union .. 100 It it it
Weatlnthouse Bile. 1,300 41 41 48
Total saiee for tha day 411,000 shares.
NawYork Money Market.'
New Tork, April 21. Meroantll. Papain
404 per cent.
sterling exchange to-day bins. 14.73:
commercial 40-day bills on banks. 14.73;
commercial 10-day bills. 4.71; demand,
H.76: cables, 14.74 T-lt.
Bllver Bar, T3c; Mexican dollar., tto.
Bonds government ateady; railroad lr
Time Loana Eaeler; 81 days, 803 bar
cent; 10 daya, 1U04 per cent; six months,
404 per cent.
Call Money Firm: high, 1 per cent; low,
3 per cant; ruling yate, 3U per cent; lest
loan, 1 per cent: oioslng bid. 2U par cent:
offered ftt X par oent. I
U. S. 3s. rag. .. It 'Int. M. M. ta ,. ii
do couoon .. tl'K. C. 8. ret is 87 .
IT. S. 3a reg. ,. 'L. N. un. 4s . 11
do coupon .. tt It. K. at T. let 4. 73
U. 8. 4a, reg. ..101 U. Fac. gen. 4s.. t3
do coupon ..lOlUMont Power is,, tt
Panama 3s, cpn it N. T. C. dob. 4a 101
A. P. Seo t ItUNo. Pao. 4a ... SO'i
A. T. T. clt ia iiNo. Pao. la .... 01
Anglo-French 6a I4UO. 8. Lino ref, ta i0i
Arm'r A Co 4B I3P. T. 4 T. is ,., 18
Atch gen. 4s ... tlUPenn. con. 4a 104
4b o. 4s ... 81 renn. gen. 4UB . 87
Csnt Lsather tsi8Readlng gen. 4s 13
Ceut Pao. 1st ... It 8UL,8.F.adJ.a . 6
'.. A O. cv. ia .. 10 So. Pac. cv. ta i3
!. B. A Q. It. 4a iiU do ref. 4. ... 8T
C.M.ftS.P.gon.4aST So. Railway la., it
.K.I.AP.r. 4b... TSU'Taz. ft Pac. 1st
3. At S. ret. 4Us tlUnlon Pac. 4b ii
O. R. Q. ret f a tl do cv. 4B . . . il
Dom. of Cls lilt it U. S. Rubber la 88
Kris gen. 4s .... 63 17. 8. Steel fa ,.10i
9. Elec Is 103O10! 'Wabash 1st ...100
Ot. No. 1st 4s IJPr. Cnlon 4B, ,. it
I. C. ref. 4s ... li 'Bid.
London htocke and Bond.
London, April 33. American aecurltles
wera slsck and only ft taw of the low priced
sharea received attention on tha atock ex
change today.
stiver Bar, ITd per ounos.
Money 4 per cent,
Discount Rates Short bills, 404 per
cent; thrsa montha, 40 per cent.
Quotatlona of tha Day on Various Laadlog
Commodities, f
Nsw Tork, April St. Flour Market held
firm; aprlng patenta. I13.11O1I.40; winter
patents, 111,11013.40; winter atralghts,
111. 71013. 00; Xansss straights, SlS.tiO
Wheat Spot. Irregular: No. 1 bardlll.l
f. o. b. New York; No. 1 Northern, bututh.
83.47; No. 1 northern, Manitoba. 13.81 f, o.
b. New Tork, opening navigation.
Corn Spot, weak; No. 1 yellow, .11.10, c. 1.
f New Tork. -
'Oats Spot, easy; standard. 78077c.
Provisions Pork, firm; mess, 4M0O
40.10: family, f42.00O44.0t; ,nort clears,
I40.00O43.00. , Beef, firm: nine. 837.00
38.001 family, 180.00031.00. Lard, ateady;
middle west, 131.80,
Butter Unsettled; receipts, 1,458 tubs;
creamery, higher than extras, 44044c;
creamery extras (II ecore), 43o; flrats, 43
043o; Beronds, 40041c.
Kggs Firm; receipts. 81,383 eanaa: fresh
gsthered extras, 37c: fresh gathered atorsge
peeked first, 3603fc; fresh gathered
firsts, 3403i0.
Cheese strong: receipts, 4,333 boxes:
state fresh apeclaia, 36c; state freak ape
olalB, average run, 3i034c.
Poultry Alive, firm; no pricca quoted :
dressed, dull; chickens, 33 0 31c; fowls, 310
37c; turkeys, 110 34c.
Hay Market.
Reeelpta on both prairie hay and alfalfa
continue light. Market firmer and higher,
demand ronttnuea good.
Hay Choice upland prairie, 11t.00li.0O;
No. 1, 117.00Olt.00; No. I, lli.OOO 14.10;
No. I, ll0.00OlS.i0. Midland, No. 1. 117.00
O1I.00; No, 1. Ilt.tooit.oo. Lowland. No.
1, 113.10014.10$ No. 3, llt.00 011,00; No. 8,
7.i0O8.t0. '
Alfalfa Choice. 111. O0O33.00: No. 1,
SS0.00O31. 00; standard, S11-000 11.00; No. S,
lli.00Olt.00: No. 3. 813.00014.00.
Straw Oata,; wheat, 11,00
aauaa City live stock.
Kanaaa City, April 18. Cattla Reeelpta.
11.000 head; market ateady; prima fed
steers, 1117101131; dressed beef ateera,
tl.00Oll.7l; western ateers, 110.00O13.3i;
cows. It.iOOlO.iO: heifers, 18.00 011-80;
stocksrs and feeders, 17.tiO10-i0; bulls.
Fin Mortgage Bonti Qf
Dwaenlaetksae SlOo.OO, $500 00, 11,000.00
4th. Floor, First Nat. Bk. Bldg Omabs.
Do you think our Government
should confiscate the property of
its citizens without compensation?
yOU knOW that the annual revenue paid the government by the
liquor industry exceeds the total annual interest on the new
- that there are now stored in Government Bonded Ware
houses, over 211,000,000 gallons of whiskey and other spirits?
that disti)lers have given bonds to the Government for
over $232,000,000 for payment of taxes on these goods?
-that prohibition would confiscate not only the millions
a. a. .a. ' 1 1 .1 elle f 1
lawfully invested in distillery property, but also the millions of gal
lons stored in bonded warehouses, and would confiscate bonds to
the extent of $232,000,000 an amount greatly in excess of the
total capital and surplus of all the bonding companies in America
so that the Government would lose $232,000,000 taxes?
These conditions exist because the government in order to provide pure
jj and mature goods has decreed that whiskey may remain in bond 8 years
and, if bottled in bond, must remain in bond 4 years for bottling purposes.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees that private property shall
not be taken nor destroyed for the public good, without due compensation
to owners , .
TT Prohibition is alleged to be for the public good. Prohibition as now pro
Til posed is ruthless confiscation. From every standpoint of American justice,
should not the cost be borne by the Government state or national decreeing
it? Confiscation without compensation is un-American and contrary to the
Constitution of the United States.
TT The liquor industry has paid to date over six billion dollars in taxes to the
ll Federal Goernment, and is now paying nearly $1,000,000 per day.
(I We ask a just and equitable consideration of the economic,
moral and financial problems of proposed Prohibition.
Write for detailed iiiformation on any point.
The National Association of Distillers and Wholesale Dealers
Cemprttinj 80 ot lh Dittilleii and oliitd infgrgtti'o the United Stale
Executive Offices: Cincinnati, 0.
AWtttroflr . ;