APRIL ,' ; 1917. 10 .HE BEE: OMAHA. Want Ad Rates LSK THE TELEPHONB If you cannot con venlantly bring or v-id In your ads. Ask tor ft Want Ad Taker and you will re ceive th Mm food servic aa when de livering your ad at this office. PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS 13:00 M. MORNING CD1T10N8 ., 10:00 P. NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN tOc, ONE TIME, OB LESS THAN 16 A DAT. 1. CASH WITH ORDER. P 8t Solid (No Mi play.) M PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. ' If Paragraphed or Displayed la Larger Typo: 8o per Una on time la par line, t or mora consecutiv Insertions. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rata 20ot par tine CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. I6e par Itne each Insertion (Minimum charge, 10 centa). MONTHLY RATS FOR STANDING ADS. (No change otfcopy allowed). On Mn li ft Two line or more $1.10 ALT FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: :c par word tlms lSo Pr word, two or mora consecutive In sertions, SPECIAL COMBINATION HATE. O Land, Poultry a ad Other Advrtialg. . THE OMAHA BEE (over $0,60 datly. 20TH CENTUBT FARMER (over 110,000 ' weakly). A combined circulation which will roach both the city and rural resident. Special Reg. Rate. Rata, I Inaertlona la Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 30th Century Farmer, per word 1 Insertion In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 20th Century Farmer- per word lOtfe lie (Contract ratea application). Movi Program Current offering, to th. Motion H tor. Theater In Omaha. (Chang. Dally.) Downtown PRINCESS, UH DOUOLAS MRS. VERNON CASTLE IN CHAPTER NO. It OF "P ATRIA." North. DIAMOND, :UH AND LAKE "UNCLE JOHN'S MONEY" . . "NARDINO A rjOBI.K" ' "OOINO gTRAIOHT." GRAND. I HTH AND BINNET PRANCH X BUSHMAN IN "THE GREAT SECRET" THB PHANTON HHOTOUN" VIII COMEDY. LOTHROP, , . , ' NTH AND LOTHROF EDITH STORET AND ANTONIO MARENO IN "ALADDIN FROM BROADWAY." !aEi HTH AND CALIFORNIA DOROTHY DAVENPORT, in THE GIRL AND THE CRISIS" AND HOOD COMEDT ALSO. South. APOLLO, SITH AND LEAVENWORTH LOUISE HUFF 'AND JACK PICKFORD IN "GREAT EXPECTATIONS." BOULEVARD. URD AND LEAVENWORTH ' DOROTHY DALTON. IN "CHICKEN CASEY." IDEAL, 1STH AND DORCAS ANITA STEWART in "THE OLORT OF TOLANDA AND GOOD COMEDT. West. 3l FARNAM JACK' MULHALL In "M. DOI.AN OF NEW YORK" , AND COMEDT. South Side. MAGIC, ' 14TH AND N RUTH STONEHOUSE in THE FLOWER OF DOOM" AND OOOD COMEDT. ORPHEUM, JtTH AND M " ONE OOOD PICTimn AND OOOD COMEDT SHOWN HERE TODAT. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. ICHNEIDER Frederick A., at hi. real dance, ml Burdette St., Sunday, April 32. HIT, aged TQ years. Survived by hie wife, wo aons, Fred at Waterloo, Neb.i Albert of Omaha; one daughter, Mrs. Wm. Morrleon of Omaha. Funeral Wedneaday, April it, HIT, at I p. m., from resldenefc Interment Foreet lAWn cemetery. MACrlANIEl-Mrs. Harry, aged It years, at her reeldence, 1711 Charles St. - Funeral Wednesday at 1:1. a. m. from Taggart's Chapel to St John's church at I. Interment Holy Sepulcher .era. ' tery. Mac DONALD. A. Funeral will be Tuesday, April 4, from Bratley Dorrance, Nineteenth and - Cunitng. Interment Forest Lawn. HAFFKE Mre. Julia. Funeral services at her sen's residence. 17il South Ninth street, Tureday, April S4. at I p. m. Fflehda Invited. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION! A. O. U. W. To the Officers and Members of Patten Lodge. No. 171. A. O. U. W.t Tott era re. quealed to attend the funeral of our laM Brother A. MacDonald, Tueaday. April 34, from BraUey ft Dorranc. chapel, at 1:10 p. m.. JOHN TONRT, Master Workman, L.. RASMIISSEN, Recorder -r ATTENTION. Druid Camp No. 14. W, O. W will hold a most Important meeting Monday even. tng, April It, at Druid Hell, 1414 Ames Ave. All members should attend this meeting, ae business of vital Importance to every Individual member and th. Camp aa whole will be tranearted. Come without fall. EDWARD I. FQ8TER. Clerk, Monuments nd Cemeteries. The largest display In the United States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1115-11 S. ISIh. Phone. Douglas 1IIMIII ORDER your grave marker for Decoration day, II to 11.. Redman Marker Co.. Id floor Ware Blk. llth and Parnam. P. 1111 , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. E, L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director. F. E. Fero, Mgr., S8d and- Cuming Sta. Phons Douglaa 677. Auto ambulanc. HUL8B RIEPEN, undertaker, end em' balmers, lei 8. Kth. Douglas Hit. Di;KFT i JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu- neral dlrectore. 717 B. Hth St. Tyler 1471. JOHN A. OENTLEMAN. undertaker and embalmer.' 1414 lavenworth. Doug. 145. aaamaBMg i. as FLORISTS BRING memuera of tho National Florlata' Telearaoh Delivery aaaodallon. wo arc In - position to deliver flowera on ahort notice anyher In tho V. B. or Canada. Heaa A Bwohoda, Florlata. LARGEST aaaortraent of freah flowera. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. Fontenella Florlat. LEE L. LARMON 1114 Douglaa Bt, Douglaa 1244. Parker Flower "hop. 411 a, leih. p. uos. BATH, National Florlat 1S04 Farnam St. A. PONAQHUE, 1623, Harney. Doug. lftOl BIRTHS AND DEATHS Bin hi Frank E. and Edith Shlvely. 141 South Twenty-aoeond, boy; N. P. and Clara JfiDoen. Sixtieth etreet and underwood ave nue, girl; Clyd W. and Margaret MHchelt 4121 California, girt; Artnur ana era v. Strong. 4526 North Thlrty-alxth avenue, boy Charles and Nellie E. Smith, 404 South Twentv-etahth. boy: Louie w. and Burnee- dtte Coffey, J417 Maple, girl, Stanley and Fellsa FlltDOwtrh, 4410 South Twenty-aev ertih. girl i Frank and Muntta Laberg, 4319 Hmifh Fortieth, girl: Walter and Agnea Wolff, lilt Hawl. boy: John and Kvi Z'."Tnl.a, 401 South Fortieth, boy; Charles find Tory Chtiatofferaon. (004 Seward, boy, tntha Mrs. rannie Tnaicner, az, rour ' 'th and Farnam: Miles J. Bums T7, " .1 Joarphtne: Anna Frances Doe, ouiHtia: Lou Ella Cornell. 14, hoepltal M Fot, 49, hoapltal; Mary E. Field. 11, 423 Miami: Mary Klrhna. It, hospital Viola Bfdtarek. hoapltal; - Laura Tucker, 41, hoaptUL MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following permits to wed havo Issued : Name and Residence. Howard Rundy, Omaha Haael Petereon, Omaha Wtlllam P. Davit. Stout Clly, !a Alma O. Wright, Sloui City, la William H. Pick. Hartlngton, Neb Agatha M. Berg, Omalta..... Arthur B. Chan. San Franclaco, Cal. .. Jeaia Mercer, Omaha . Wllllard C. Stabaugh. Omaha Oertrude L. Aikin, Omaha... ,. ?1 .. 21 , . 26 2: .. 34 .. 3 2 .. 22 .. 28 .. 14 lgnary Zsgords. Omaha Mary GlaUs, Omaha Fred Bird, Omaha Mabel Roberlion, Omaha Frank Burke Rice, Valley, Neb,,... Elale M. Lentell, Valley, Neb... ...... Joseph Kaplc, Omaha. Emma Mertllk. Omaha Daniel J. Foley, Omaha Anna I Clark, Omaha John Trummer, Omaha Agnei Vankat, Omaha.. Oulaeppo Pace, Lexington, Neb..... Oulaeppa Falconl, Omaha Guat Mourufa, Carroll, Ta Myrtle Flscus, Carroll, la George 8. Cackley, Omaha Catherine R. Heyden, St, Paul, Minn John T. Toung, Omaha Cecelia A. Price, Omaha V. Joseph Stastney, Omaha.,... ,. 21 ,. 28 .. 21 . 46 . 46 Josephine Novak, Omaha LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lo. anything and will advertise it here yon will eurely trover It If ound by an honest pawn. Rsmarkable recov eries are brought .bout .very day through thl. column. THE HONE8T WAT. If you fin a something or value, or keepsake of valu. only lo th. ewnr. I. to ina.rt a .mall ad. Tho own.r of th. artlcl. In mo.t cases 1. will ing to refund th. cont of advertising. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, Persons having loot eome article would do well to rail up the office of tho Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left It In the atrnet car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to reatora them to the rightful owner. LOST Jan. 4 or &. a lady'e gold watch fob and locket at end of fob on flouth lath fit. between Leavenworth and Douglaa St. Plnder pleaae communicate with Mr.. Udlth Copeland, Crow Agency, Mont. Re ward. BEST RKSULTS A FAIR RATE. The reaaona for tho growing popularity are Beat Results and a Rats of lo per word. When you want both of the above CAL TYLER 1000. LOST April II, llttl. finger ring. Canary diamond eurronnaea .y .man wnue oia mond.. Reward If returned to Mr., Fred Hamilton, 60 go. Hth St. FOUND TSJSSr. QREEN'fl PHARMACY, llth and Howard. LOST Oold watoh and pen. Call Walnut 7. Liberal reward. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ATTENTION FURNITURE BUYERS. Do not buy a. r furniture, ruga or .tovee fjntll you have wen ur flret. We offer you I1S.O0O STOCK OF HIOH-ORADB FURN ITURE, RUGS, STOVES AND COMPLETE HOME OUTFITS for practically your own price. We are forced to vacate our four-story warehouse, and Its entire oontent, must be .old at once. , Bala takee place at our sale, rooms at the rorner of 14th and Dodge etreets. Do not fall to attend. It 1. an opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds have already taken advan tage of thl. wonderful opportunity. Why don't too. - pedal attention to out-of-town buyere. STATE FURNITURE CO.. , HIT. Cor. 14th aV Dodge St.. Omaha. AUCTION SALE. Complsts furnishings of a U-room house at 121 ri California Street, Tueaday, April 34th. at 1 P. U. Consisting of eitra good mahogany par lor set, mahogany bookcase, 1 largo rugs, china eloaet, dining chairs, t dreaaers, 4 beds, springe and mattresses; t wardrobes, I gas stoves, steel range, several small ruga, pillows, linens, dla.ies. lawn mower, earpat sweeper, washing maeMno, good porch swing, stair carpet, and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Coma to this sals. Dowd AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE. High dene furniture of . 6-room houee, at 1131 North 61st Strset (Benson). Wedneaday, April 16th, at 1:30 P. M. Consisting of dining tab), and chair, i. match, buffet, several rocking ohslre, kitchen cabinet, several good rugs, steel range, lr. box, beds, springs and rpat treeae,, dreaaers, and evsrythlng kept In a good 6-room home. Don't fall t. attend this sale. Dowd Auction Co., Auctioneers. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE). I tas stovsa, 16 eaehl 16 beds. 11 .aoh; I Ice boxea, rug. of all kinds, tables, chain, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dreesera, trunks, sullcses. leather daven porte. All kind, of bedding. , Full line of poultry netting. 1310-41 N. 14th St. Tel. Webeter 1407. Open till I p. m. AT A SACRIFICE. On. e.t.of 14 ft bar fixtures, 1160. In ludlng cigar ess. and bottl. case. On. l-ft. eteam table, practically new. Fin. lighting natures, celling fans, ta bles and chslrs and settee,. Alleyette Buffett, 111 South 16th St. Reasonable. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. -The reaaons for the growing popularity are Beat Result, and Rat. of 1. per word. - When yon want wsth of the abov.. CALL TYLER 1000. ICE CREAM tables and chairs, refrigerator, lee cootere, garaen noea, percn lurniiur,, vlctrolae and planoe. Loyal Furn. Co., 633 No. 16th: City Furn. Co.. 107 So. llth. SOLID mahogany library and oak dining room furniture. Thi. wee a. men. wal nut 10I. RUSH right down and get your ahare of all kinds furniture at aaorincs. tos rt. tetn. 11-INCH dining table and I leather-eeat theirs; must sell at once. 411S B. xitn. NEW kitchen cabinet, white enamel, latest model, 116. Pho." Harney 6,;i, FOR SALE A golden oak dlntng table anil six chairs. Reseonable. H, 4100. Pianos and Musical Instruments. CABINET Orand piano player. 11 note moat new, vaiui je. t-au lyier 1014. Harness and Saddlery. WE make them oureelvee and aell direct to oonaumer; no middleman a prent. wny pay tw. profits for Inferior goods when you oan get high grade goods at first cost! Alfred Cornleh Co., 1310 Far nam St., Omaha, Neb. Jewelry, Diamonds. Watches. TWO AND FIVE EIGHTHS karat ring. beauty. Box 3Q67. gee. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants! FOR THAT QARDEN Progreasive. ever j bearing atrawberry planta. 61.3. per nun- rro Biro, & .w.u.i. w i .,.. Colfax 1619. Ferguson Bros., Station D. Omaha. FINE NURSERY STOCK AT SAI.KS GROUND. 1STK AND DavSHruKI. GATE CITY NURSERY. DOUG. J0SO. II P. BYHD NURSERY CO.. Kth and Ckc Hot. moved from llth and Dodge, ontcs. D. 7989. Nr. and Rea., Col. 8439. web. Mil, PEONIES, Irle and lilac planta, Call Beneon xllt. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. alao public Steno. Phone for prices. Douglaa 8Boa. 640 Paxton Block. OET our prices on lob printing. UNITKD STATUS- "K1N W., Bee Bldg. Douglaa 1176. Watera-Barnhardt Ptg. Co.. 614 3. 13th St, Sewing Machine. "SEWING MACHINES Wt rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICKBL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.," IMh and .Harney B Doug. 104 Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repalrn Rent an Oliver typewriter 3 months fol I ft. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1101 Farnam. REMINGTON.' Uonak-h "and rfmlth Pr? ml ore for rent: sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting Company. aP. II! Uua ran teed Typewriters, 1 and up. Write for Uat. Midland Tjp. Co., 1404 Dodge, FOR SALE Miscellaneous Billiards and Pocket Tables. I'Oll SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand tirw carom and pocket, with complete out nt, 160, eerond-hend tables at re ducod prices; bowling alleys snd supplies; eaiy payment!- Cigar store fixtures a specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRLNHWICK-BALKK-COLLENDER CO., 407-409 Smith 10th Ht. Lumber and Building Materials. SAVK HALF on beanie, columns, brick. H. Orosa L'jmber and Wreck. Co. Web. JIM. Miscellaneous. t HAVE a lot of shafthangers and pulleys at your own price; a mill saw, bench and other machinery; corns and look. Call at tho National Mattress Co. at noon, or call Doug. 4700 after 4 p. m. Ask for Ed Ray at both places. WE HAVK moved to new location. We buy, sell and make desks, safes, showcases, helving, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 8. W, Cor. llth and Douglas Sta. Phone Doug. 2734. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steam renovated and mads up In freah ticks coat half the price of new pillows. Call us for samples of ticking and prices. 1907 Cum ing. DOUgiaa "107. FOR SALE Dray lino. W. P. Detour, Outdo Rork, Neb. TO HE MOVED 6-room house; good con dltljn; 1160. Phone Harney 4047. HRY KIXDTJNO WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1H17. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE an Al pacer stallion, 1 years old; sure breeder, valued at f.,000; will trade for a cottage, property or varant lot. Col, R. W. Olrterog, box 117, Orelna, Neb. FOR TRADE Have Edlaon Dictaphone with six records. In fine condition, will trade for a Keoalyle or Edlaon Mimeograph ma chine. Box "J." Broken How, Neb. TWO-SEATED rubbcr-llred buggy nicely upholstered; full leather seats and! leather top, for what have you? Colfax 037. COVttilEM spring wstron, will sell cheap for cash or trade. What have your 1404 Douglua St, FILMS developed free, one-day service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., 16th and Harney, HAVK 1-carat diamond to trade for Vlc trola and cash. Box 2866, Bee. pianlonda and Jewelry for ahot guns, rifles snd revolvers. Frledman,Vi2H Douglas. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deeks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. need. 1107 Farnam. D. 8146. GET TUB FULL VALUE. FOR YOUR ZD HAND CLOTHES and SHOES. Will call. Give lis a trial. Phone Douglua elSS, JENKINS Pays highest pries for clothes, shoes, trunks. Red 8307. Res.. Doug. 8033. SELNER will treat you right; best prices paid for fornituro and olothoa. Call Wob. 1S47 or South 1684. Llndenbaum pays special prices for house hold hold gonna ant men's ciotncs. weo. 7483. MONDS 40! R. ltth Bt. SOL BERGMAN A CO. ACT QUICK: MUST HAVE 10 CARS FUR NITURE AT ONCK. WEBSTER 1361. WB will pay very good price., (or your old clothee. Call ua flret, Doug. 6114. WANT pool hall or grocery store. 410 Roee aidg. Phone Tyler Til. B. I.AYTIN pays highest prices (or old etolhee. eheea and hate. Phone Tyler 610. WANTED TO BUY Few cone, fresh. In middle of summer. Call fl. S016. WANTED TO BUY A cream separator. Phono Florence SB3S. ' HAVE client (or good rooming houss. 413 Bee Bldg. BOOKS bought. Kleeer, Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL Smith Tail Co., Douglas 180. Cadillac "R," limousines and touring ears. ' Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 631 Rmgs Bldg. Phone Doug. S169. Accordeon Pleating. . ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, hoi pleating, covered buttons, all slses and styles, hemstltrhlng, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, ,y. let cut work, buttenholea. pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., too Dnurlsa Blk. Douglas 1936. VAN ARMAN Dreaa Pleating and Buttos Co., 336-7 Paxton Blk. Douglas 31 or. Carpenters and Contractora, iTCSBARD SON, 8031 Cuming. Ty. 168$. Auto Ambulance. OUR new Invalid coach Is now In service. Prompt attention to all cane, either day or night. W. C. Crosby,' Webeter 47. Bakeries. ' ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, J1J N. 16th. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED CJOaDS." Baths. MASSEUSE y Apl.; manicuring, physical cult, Hiss Walker, $24 Nevtlt Blk. D. 4297. EXPERIENCED opera tos, baths of all kinds. Room $28, Neville Blk. 16th and Harney. R1TTKN HOUSE Senllarlumi all klnda baths. 110-314 Balrd Blk.. llth and Douglaa. CENTRAL bath Institute, 1(06 Harnsy. Doug. 1067. Anna Fleher, sulphur bath,, maaa. D. 1669. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 37th and Martha Sta. Chirooodist. Carrie J. Burford, 630 Paxton Blk. Chiropractors. . S. L. Bllllngham. 1062 Farn. D. f$0$. Cleaners and Dyers. 3-PIECB suit steam cleaned and pressed, $1; pressed, l&c. 06 Hsrney. Phone Red 8761. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. burhora, Kose Bldg. Palmer school gradua t. Douglas &34T. DancinR Academy. HP T TTYP SAT., SUN. TCVH. SCHOOL wvau BALL TUBS.. THuRS.. MOV. KV E, til 8. 18th St., Op. Fon tone lie. Fixtures and Winn. TTTTLrTT Electrlo washing machines, .WUl-XY-U etectrto Irons and reading lamps. 1323 fuming St. Douglas sail. Phono irraDh Record Exchange. Omaha Sperlslty Co., 441 Paxton. D. 0313, Pianna for tfcrit. $8.80 per Won. A Hnsp Co., IMS Douglaa, Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 9S8 lat Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 2810. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all rases, Tyler 1156. D. JOLLY. 813 P&xton. Red 7401. Everything for Women. SWITCH and combings, 3 strana, $1.00. Web- sier irs, soi ursnt Bt. Dressmaking. MRS. H. T. Mottas. 638 8. 17th. Har. 89SS. Mrs. R. A. Connelly, 416 Karbach. K. 1104. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 20th and Farnam, DRESSMAKING, maaonable. Tyler 942. Hat Cleaners. ALT, kinds hats cleaned and reblocked; la- dies' hats spectst. 1620 Harney. R. 4673. Housecleaners, WE'LL clean your house from top to bottom. prices reaaonable, Pe Luxe. P. Insurance. . BANKERS' LIFE OF LINCOLN, I1S-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2810, foasseureg. Fred C. Allen Scientific maaaeur; Swedish massage; 1617 Dodge; by aptn't. Hrs. 9 to t. Massage, chiropody, Minnie Nagle, 208-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. D. 3468. Central Bath Inst., 1606 Harney. Doug. 7097. M18S LILLY, bath, massage. 1332 Farnam. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME SEE FRED PARKS. Wall Paper, Paints and Glass, Picture Framing, fainting ana raper Hanging. 4633 S. 34th. Phone 8. 101. CHAS. CLAPP for painting and paperhang Ing; eatimatea free. Phon South 044. Painting, paperhanging. cleaning. H. 6T7. Patent Attorneys. 8TURGES A ST URGES, U, S. and foreign patents and trademarks, 330 Bee Bldg, FATE NTS procured, bnurht snd sold. Inter- national Patent Co.. j3 Brand-Is. D.6691, Ragtime. Lesra to play popular mimic in 24 !esann. 3816 X, 2th. Phone Web. 3PM after 6 p. m, Roofing. DOES your roof leakT our product can ba 1 put right over ah Ingles, Work guaranteed. Call Horn Rooting Co., IS8 Sraiidels Bldg. Phon Doug. 7T68, . ANNOUNCEMENTS c r OA t?CC! BAROa'ins. 1111 Farnam. ijArW J. J.Derlght Sere Co. Shoe Parlors. clean, bronee. 1822 Farnam. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowne, full dreea suits for rent. 20N. I7th. John Feldman. D. 31-s. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN. 1S0 FARNAM. BURROUGHS' CAFE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service) LINCOLN, NEB. 316 n. itn. mzn. latnnr. - Towel Supplies. Omaha TowJ Nupply. 27 llth. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. Dnuglae Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 644 BUSINESS CHANCES I OR SALE A saloon and family liquor store, In one of the very pest manufac turing towns In Wisconsin; population 20.000; will give long lease; no fear for county option: lino brick building, 100foot bar; will show books for receipts. My reason for selling, want to retire from business. I havo had this place fnr 12 years. Prefer, a party who can speak seversl foreign languages. Write for particulars to owner, Jas. W. Rose, 607 Eliiabeth St., Kenosha, Wis. FOR SALE Picture show, opera house and restaurant combined. Restaurant equip ped with soda fountain. Only amuse ment place In county seat town of Ne braska, Doing good business, good rea son for selling. J, O. Jackson, Flat Top, Colo. FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures. Or will sell stock and rent fixtures and building, or sell stock, fixtures and build ing. Nice, clean town and a good class of people, A bargain for a good drugglet or doctor. Address J. C. Lanham, Sr., Nora, Neb, Box No. 3. FOR HALE Hardware store, about $6,1.00. Well trstabllshed business In cholcs loca tion In Nebraska City, Neb. Reasonable rent; term tease for building If desired. Reason for selling 'death of owner, and estate must be settled. Answer quick. A. A. BlBchof, Nebraska City, Neb. 1 A GOOD-PAYING iAp facttyy for sale; on account of other business must sell at once. Tf you are Interested In a good established business get busy, as this will not last long. Address Box Y $70, Bee. SALOON Kansas City. Mo. at a bargain. Eatabllahed 1878; located In wholesale, manufacturing and city hall district. Box Y $75, Bee. , WANTED to buy, billiard room or rent va cant room for same purpose in a thriving Nebraska or Iowa town. O. L., $618 L St.gJ Doum oiue, umtna, rteu. ONLY bakery In county seat town, with lunchroom attached, rooms upstairs: for sals cheap. Good reasons for selling. Robert Moake, Grant, Neb. FOR SALE Meat market In town of 4,000, with only two markets. Business guar anteed. Owner leaving town. Palace Meat Market, McCook, Neb. FOR SALS Saloon, doing good business, lo cated in one of the best theaters in Kan sas City; price reasonable. Address Box T-967. Bee. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise, tn city or country; quick action. Omaha Salvage Co., 750 Omaha Nat'l Bank. D. 7o9. WANTED A bright young man to work In bank as bookkeeper, habits must be clean; salary small to start with, glvs reference. Address Box T $70, Beet HAVE complete moving picture outfit, nearly new machine, chairs, matting, frames, piano, ate. Priced right. 210 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE Only garage tn town of 400 population; doing a live business: located In eastern Neb. Address Box Y 960, Bee. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Buech Borghoff, 730 World -Herald Bldg. Phone D. 331$. MOTION picture machine (new and re built), theaters supplied, Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S. 14th St. DRUG store for sale; finely fitted; good agricultural and railroad town. Box 324, La Junta, Colo. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup- piy Co., loi Wat. Bldg, ISEAT, dean, complete .restaurant for sal. - Iowa Restaurant $0$ No. 16th, Omaha, Neb. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 W n XV DMv Dart 1SS J TO OET In or out of business call on OANGESTAD. 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. I guarantee sale of any business or real es tate. F. v. Kntest. Bee Bldg., Omaha. GOOD paying auto accessory line; small amount capital required. 1611 Howard St. Rooming Houses. FOR SALE A 80-room hotel, steam heat. not ana com water natn. Doing good business. Good reasona for selling. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Must aell. J. E. Volf, Bed Cloud, Neb. P. O. Box 81 6. FOR SALE. Sixtaen-roonv hotel, booming town east ern Colorado; rent only $40 month, full all th time. Reaaonable terms. Central Hotel, Haxtun, Colo. No agents. HOTEL of 20 rooms. In town of 3,000 peo ple in eastern Nebraska, in splendid ter ritory, can be bought for $1,600, Investl- gate. Box T-860. Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED . WEEKLY BATE, 20c PER LINE. Business ads, regular rates: S lines ons week 40o $ lines on week... ... 60e Each extra line. . ,,20c per week Male. MARRIED man 30 want position with re liable contractor or architect. Eight years experience in general 'carpentry; some experience In architectural drawing. Excellent reference. Interview, Box 3086, Be. RELIABLE man, middle-aged, desires of fice position, or on along similar - lines. Experienced bookkeeper and accountant; familiar with all office detail work, etc Good record and references. Box 3092, Bee. POSITION aa building sup't or foreman. Five years' experience handling men and work, results guaranteed. Robert Detlrck, 1128 South 31st St. Phon Harney 1461. SITUATION WANTED Stenographic ot bookkeeping, 3 years' experience, age it, best reference. Address Box 8101, Bee. YOUNG man, good farm hand, wants po sition on farm. Roumanian. John Lunan, 6138 8. 26th - MIDDLE-AGED man desires position as night watchman, best of references, ri, Boyd, 2418 N. 17th. Web. 606L EXPERIENCED chauffeur In private fam ily; married man; best references, call Douglaa 8238. 1 - YOUNG man. good farm hand, wants po sition on farm. Roumanian. Ely Car- pelean, 6138 S. 26th. Whitewashing, windows washed, rugs beaten screens repaired, hung. Call walnut 1868, HOUSECIJEANINO. fine paint and paper cleaning. D. 8064. Sanitary Cleaning lo. TOUNO man wants position driving private car. Call Tyler 6-4-W. PAINTING and paperhang Ing. Web. 8117. Female. SITUATION WANTED Asst. dsy or night csshier csr. hotel : nouaeKeeper or nurse, by middle-aged lsdy. Box 966 T, Bee. WIDOW with one child desires a respects bl position ss housekeeper, In or out or city, uox auao. Me. WANTED Position as tenographer, be ginner. A-No.-l schooling. Box 3tMg, pee, WANTED Position as housekeeper by wld UOW in or out oi cur. v eonrr ioj NURSE "w ants position. H arney4994" Laundry and Day Work. WHIT laundress wants washing and Iron - tng to do at home: oan glv references; work don reasonable. 3133 Chicago St. Call Harney 4172. CURTAINS LAUNDERED. 36C PER PAIR, JERGENSON 8. WEBSTER 47:8 FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ster 1877. Prompt delivery. Bundle wsshlng and day work. Web. 1746. M. Miller. Ex. colored lady wants day work. Har. 6768. WANTED Day work. Call Douglas 7517, LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 29"3. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4850. Washing and lae curtains done. Tyler 1144, DAY WORK. Call after T p. m. Web. 6994. Day work, waahlng or cleaning. Wal. 2638, Hundlo washing and day work. Web."'80j.v KeKablfl col lady wants day work. D. 6698 DAY work or housecleanlng. f xp Web. 4C67, CUanlng. day or hr. Mrs. Scott. Web. 374S. LACE tfurtal ns neatly done. Colfax 3466. DAY work Wanted. We be tar 2317. -HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED A combination bookkeeper and hardware man capable of acting as as sistant manager and buytr In hardware and Implement concern. State age, ex perience and salary required. Address T. E. Gay, Hardin, Mont . IK you are an eiperlenced grocery man or clerk, with ability to manage, good repu tation and of clean habits, you might call at the Basket Stores' office, 10H No. ftn. BOOKKEEPERS. St, 7&, )W STENOGRAPHERS, 990, 8f. Tt. OFFIOK CLERKS, M0, $76, $05. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat. Bank Bldg. St to. s )c'y. Elect. Light syndicate, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'S. FOUR ORDER CLERKS, $6, $50. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg AS- T bkpr. small mfg. $76. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. Wanted, by May 1 Ten good harness makers and two Campbell machine operators to work on government contracts. Good wages. Walter Boyt Saddlery Co., Pes Moines. la. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. Tho reason for the growing popularity ars Best Results and a Rat of lo per word. S When you want both of th abov CALL TTLER 1000. WANTED Non-union machinists, molders. patternmakers, ooi.ermaitera, macninery blacksmiths. Steady work, good wages. Addrevs 600, Central Bldg.. Seattle, Waah. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT Hour packera wanted for steady work; state If married or single and give references. Address Postoffica box 113d, Omaha. WANTED At once, a granite cutter; must be able to handle pneu. tools. Address Stuart Marble and Granite Works, Stuart, la. Steady work to right man. MOLDERS WANTED Wages from $4.2fr to $4.60 for nine hous' work. No labor trouble. Apply at one to Lov Brothers, Inc., Aurora, III.. WANTED A flrt-t-clsas phonograph me chanic. The BruQswlck-Batke-Collender Co., IQt B. 10th St. WANTED Blacksmith In a new good Iocs- tlon, connected with anf Implement busi ness. Hayland, Neb. j DHUO POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. PACKING- house foreman, capable taking complete charge beef - killing, rasing, hides, bones and tallow. Box Y 063, Bee. WANTED Foreman for reinforced concrete bridge construction. TS llaon Concrete Co., Red Oak, la. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or writ Barber College, II. 4 Douglas Bt. WANTED, a flrst-clRss painter. H. Summltt, Macedonia, la. Phone 43, ATTENTION. ELECTRICIANS! Kep away from Omaha. Troubl on. JOBS for all trades- Come and scs us. Weaver Em p. Agency, $1$ S. llth. WANTED A registered drug clerk. Address Box 3232, Bee.. . FIR EM EX, BRAKEMEN. beginners, $126, Railway, care Box Y 940, Beo. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesmen who hav sold and can sell to professional men; best of ref erence; men that have made good; can earn from $60 to $ o per week. Apply F. D. Browning, 312 Balrd Bldg., between 10 and 12 a. m. SALESMEN Calling on wholes 1 and re- tall hard war trade, to represent tne manufacturers of two well known Unea Commission basis. H. P. French Company, Inc., 330 Broadway, ry T. WANTED Salesmen to sell Perry auto locks direct to auto owners. Commission and gaurantee, all or part time. National Auto Accessories Co., 886 Brandels Bldg. MEN for out of door positions, steady work, liberal compensation; references required. Call at 62$ B. 10th St. WANTED Two live saleamen to call on auto owners. Call Douglas 6002. Agents and Canvassers. AGENT Malt big money, Beason la on, sell Macus Raincoats, "Goodyear Brana. Sample coats, $2 and postage. Lincoln Raincoat Co., Silver Creek, Neb. J.OUNG man, 20 to 25 years otd, to aell Rumford Baking Powder, house to House work; salary $14 a week at start. John M. Maker, 4549 Seward. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS wanted for retail Ico delivery. West Omaha Fuel and Ice Co., 4801 Leav- , enworth St. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS, EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Dam and. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN., - 2817 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata logue explaining how wo teach th barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful 4structlon, etc. ; largest modern equipped barber college In the west. Moler's, 110 S. 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Es tablished 1893.) THERE Is a greater demand for automo bile repair men than txver nerore. - you get absolute practical experience here. Nebraska Automobile School, 3026 Farnam. NIGHT AND PAY SCHOOL Autos and electrlo starters. For particulars call Douglas 4473 or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. Temporary Address. 407 S. 20th St.. Omaha. LEARN barber1 trade; be independent; more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St, TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE, Boy. WANTED BRIGHT BOY BETWEEN 16 UR IT lb A HO. KUBT OAVrj UWU HABITS. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR BIGHT BOT. APPLY AT ONCE. CUD- AHY OFFICE, S. 8ID& CAN always us boys who want to work; minimum wage, 81.40 per nay. uooa chance for advancement. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Several boys, over 16, In our bottling department; good wages. Willow Springs Distillery, 4tn ana fierce sta. WANTED Good delivery boy, white or colored, with or wlthtut wheel. Blake Drug Co. Webster 704. WANTED Bright boy to start as messen ger; good chance for advancement ir you mean business. Aauress box ama, we. BOYS WANTED to learn trade; must be 16 yrs. age. Gordon Lawless Co.. 8th A Dodge. STOUT 'boy to" learn frade. Champion Iron Worka, 18th ana Jackson. WANTED Delivery boy with blcyct. Bath, the Florist. 1804 Farnam. WANTED Boys who live at home as help ers In candy factory. Apply lam Jones i Miscellaneous. WANTED W can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. " Must be at least 5 feet 7 Inches tall, physically sound, of good character and habits and must coge well recommenaea, Apply tn person between the hours of t a. m. and 13 o'clock noon at offices of Superintendent of Transportation, Room 306, second floor. Merchants' National Bank Bldg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. TEAMSTERS LABORERS 1 Wanted by Sunderland Bros. Co. Steady work. Good wages. Apply at: South yard, 20th and Hickory Sts. North yard. 34th and Taylor Sta. West yard. 42d and Ixard ta. WANTED A farm hand for general farm work and a man to handle stock; pay $30 and $36 per month and board; reference in nrst lener; siaie sxpenuacD, uui . WANTED 2 strong men to bale paper with electrlo bailer, steady work, no booser wanted. Omaha Paper Stock Co., ltth and Marcy. nea man ana weu ncommcnaru. v, riu Bros. vi-A N'T froiKht " handlers. Union Pacific It. Co. f retain house,' 9th and Jackson Sta.; good wages, steady work and chance for advancement . ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help w oan supply you. Blurt city Employ ment Bureau. 016 H. W. Broadway. P. 431, MEN tor out-door position, steady work, lib eral compensation, reference required, uui (38 B. 16th SU HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. LABORERS Union Pad lie store dept.; steady work. Apply Cans St. gate. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTEr Malda, housemen, and porters; good wages; steady employment. Hen BjtaHotej1MMMMMMM HELP WANTED FEMALE Store, and Offices'. STENOGRAPH KR8 AND OFFICE GIRLS. No charge to reglater here. No need of It Better come In. We can place you. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS N., Room 1202 W.-O. W. Bldg. STKNO, and BOOKKEEPER, out town.. 176 STBNO eo CASHIER and BOOK I6 Bd. THE CANO AGENCY, 6" BEB BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS! See us for a position. More calls than vs can nil. NO FILING FEE. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, ,75, 170. $65, I&0, $40. WATTS REF. CO.. lat Nat'l Bank Bldg. See Co-Operatlve Reference Co. for com mercial posltlona No filing fee. STENOGRAPHER, wholeeele, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE V BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and long dlstanc telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wages. A aalary la paid while learning. Parents deairlng to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other detAlls ars especially invited to accom pany" th applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas St. GIRLS wanted, light, cheerful work room, good pay; power sewing machines. Apply to floor lady on third floor, Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. 16th and Howard. WANTED First class millinery saleslady. Answer Box 3200. Bie, WANTED Girl for factory labor. Apply Skinner Mfg. Co.. 14th tnd Jackson. WANTED Girls for wrapping and helpers In candy factory. Apply IS 1 6 Jones. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Lady who will Qualify to direct a forre of saleswomen; very profitable. Call 211 Balrd Bldg. after 10. Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent maid for cooking and general housework; no washing: fam ily of four; good wages. Phon Harney 2167. 131 South 81th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, small family, good homelike place, good wages. 1829 S. Slst St, Har ney 1540. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL, SMALL FAMILY, BEST WAGES. 101 N. 3KTH. HAR. 426. MRS. WALTER PAGE. COMPETENT, clean efficient and econom ical cook wanted at high wages: send ref erences. Hillside Sanitarium, Sioux City, Iowa. WANTED A good white girl for general housework; no wauhlng or cooking, good wages. Call 1336 8. 35th Ave. Har. 4573. WANTED Good girl for ajeneral housework: no laundry work; best wages and good home to right party. Call Walnut T80. GIRL for general housework; small family; no washing;" good wages; references re quired. Mrs. Arthur Hall. Walnut 128. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework, two In family ; no lp.undry work, Harney 1663. WANTED A good girt for general house work where second girl Is kept. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland. Walnut 292. GIRL for general housework, no washing, good wages, one who can go horn nights preferred. Mrs. W. A. Plxley, Walnut 382. GOOD girl for light housework; very good home to right girl; fair wages. Phon Harney 485 or Harney 2268, WANTED An experienced girl to cook in small family. No laundry, highest wage paid. 305 S. 88th St WANTED A good girl to do light house work, small family; no waaning. can Tyler 214i.WJ WANTED A young girl to assist with the housework. HO N. 33d St. sirs. ueo. Suchart. . WANTED Immediately, good maid for gen eral houaework; family of three. us fto. 33d St, WANTED Girl for general housework; $7 a weeK ; ja undress nopt - ). Cass St. WANTED Housekeeper, whit or colored; good wages; small family. 2770 Webster GIRL for general hourework, with or with out washing. 49i:-jodge Bt. vt ai. amo. WANTED A competent white cook. Ap ply 206 N. 32d Ave, or phone Harney zifb. WANTED Competent cook, white preferred. Apply 433 Bo. 38tn Ave. Tel. Harney GIRL or woman for general house work, $5 a week; 2 In Tamil; . wen-ster tu. WANTED An ex periencod second maid Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Harney 318, TO WORKING girl, board ana room aa at tendant evenings. luougias r jtu. COMPETENT whit cook; three in family. 607 S. 88th Bt. Harney Binnv RELIABLE girl to assist with houaework. 11$ S. 63d Bt. Walnut 1071. FOREIGN girl or woman, to assist with light nouseworK. -JQUgias rsv. WANTED Good nursa girl. Call Walnut VM. CUT this out, Chaa. L. Fish, the piano- tuning fish, Web. 120a, WANTED A competent nurse maid; beat of references. Telephone Harney l.M. WANTED A girl for general housework. Harney 24'i. -fobs jarason si. WANTED A girl to assist wtih general no Use W orK. rnnw nauici nvn. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Good experienced wsltrcss for noon hour from 11 to 2 o'clock. Apply TO tn Siewaro, Pllimru nmri WANTED Experienced waitress. Rex restsurant, 601 N. istn at. WOMAN to wsah dishes and peel vegetables. 1107 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED Girl of neat appearance to wait tables at soda lunch. R. c. rneips, rom peisn room, Brandels Storee. WANTED Girls, colored preferred. Omaha Paper Stork Co., ltn ana marcy. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every flay Is enrollment day. Book, keeping, shorthand, stenotype. typewrit. Ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1568. 18th and Harney Sts. van s a nt School of business. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglaa 6890. Y. M. C A. Day and Night School. Music, Art and Language. DE LONE Harp Studio; early applications favored; harp furnished; special summer harp term open, euua jus .wnu omi. Pg. 8704. . ; FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find thS room you desire smong these ads call at The Bre office for a Room List Gives compute 'detailed description' of va cant rooms tn all parts of the -city. If more convenient phono The Be Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists ar Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. IF TOH want a larje. pleasant room In th Hanscom Park district, just a half block to car line and only a 25-mlnut walk to 16th and Farnam 8ts. Call Har ney 1461. Breakfast served If desired, FOR RENT Now Is your chance to get a good room, with first-class board; high and sightly and plenty of fresh air at Irving, :ii2 Leavenwonn at. lyier m. NICE, cool, comfortable room for on or two arntlemen: in private family; all modern; walking dlttance; Just the place for summer; reasonable, warney eiuw. LARGO front parlor, clean and nicely fur nished: also two completely furnished ami-basement rooms: reasonable. i 8. loth 8L FOR RENTROOMS Furnished Rooms. BEST RESULTS A FA lit RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rata of lo per word. When you want both of the abov CALL TILEK ivvv. ATTRACTIVE front room, whit furnltur. cretonne covering, modern home, walking distance; serv breakfast; everything hove a vera re: good service. Har. 3188. PLEA8ANT south room, privats family, vi cinity of two hospitals: very qult; prefer gentlemen; reasonable; cloa In. Doug. 8976. j A LARGE south front furnished room, walking distsnce: references. Douglas 6306. Excellent board next door. FOR RENT Large, beautiful room In new, elegant home, for couple or two gentla- tlemen. 123 Georgia Ave. COMFORTABLE room for on or two gen tlemen In private family near Bemls Park. Harney 2347. NICELY furnished, well kept, front room, modern and walking distance. 2717 Jack son Bt. Harney fc06. TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms, suit able for one or two gentlemen, close In. Call Red 8298. HIGH-CLASS rooms In modern home; walk-' tng distance. On block Farnam car. 11$ 8. 28th Ave. LINCOLN Apartments, 2102 Chicago St., furnished housekeeping ana siespins rooms. Tyler 2607. LARGE, cool, pleasant room at $1.60 per month for working girl wnn ww wages. can wamut ibH. FOR RENT Two attractive furnished rooms in private home; gentlemen preierrea. Harney 2467. . STRICTLY modern sleeping .rooms and on private family; references. 3021 Daven port St. SLEEPING rooms, $1 to $2 per week; one block from car Un. 2212 N. 19th St., Web. 1280. PLEASANT south room, fin for ummr. suitable for one person; very reasonaoie. 2047 Dodge St. ' , FURN. or unfur. rooms, single or ensulte; walking diat. and good trana. wen, m. NICE Tooms, $2 per week and up. 1$1$ Capitol Ave. NICE clesn modern sleeping and house keeping rooms. 819 So. zotn at. 131 N. 31ST AVE. Desirable room; One lo cation. Harney 1188. ' ' - 11 CHICAGO Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. Douglas 37S. 2611 DEWEY Two large, airy, south rooms; all modern, cool for summer; reasona biw. THE WOODRUFF, nicely furnished rooms t 114 North 18th St. LARGE, beautiful furnished I -room suite, housekeeping apartment. Douglas BSZ3. LARGE room In rfounue Place home, south front. Call Webster 3620. FURNISHED room. 2Q2S Dodge St. Housekeeping Rooms. 3-ROOM cottage apartment for rent, suit able for man and wife; all modern con veniences; in quiet private home; reason able; walking distance. 2323 Harney tS. TWO or three nicely furnished rooms for H?ht housekeeping; all modern conveni ences; delightful for summer; also som sleeping rooms; close In. 2107 Farnam. ONE suite of furnished housekeeping rooms with gas range, laundry room, etc; close In. 410 Swoetwood Ave. Phon Dour. 7453. LARGE, beautiful furnished S-room suite, private family, very quiet; close In. Doug. 6113. 3020 Davenport St. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. walking distance. Harney 3161, 2S26 Cap itol Ave. 214 N. 25TH ST. Nice large front rooms with housekeeping privileges. Doug. 7910. FOR RENT 4 rooms in flat for light house- l.eeping. Tyler 1481. 614 N. 21ST Llht housekeeping rooms, walking dlstancs; reasonable. Doug, stviii. 3114 CHICAGO Two front rooms, nicely furnished for hous. keeping. Doug. 8376. TWO rooms, furnished for light housekeep ing, $8 month. Call Webster hbbz. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms at 61$ No. 20th St. Phone Doug. 7630. 1611 Howard, hk. and sleep, rms. Stm, heat.. 1609 CALIF. Hk. and sleep, rms, Reaa'ble. 3 OR ' 6-ROOM modern flats. Red 4819. '"" Board and Room. 3967 HARNEY ST., room and board, suita ble for 2 young men, In modern home, outside rooms, easy ' walking dlitancs. Harney 3076. - MOORCROFT, 133 S. 25th Ave., pleasant . room; private bath: rooms ensulte, for t or 4; good board and service; large perok and lawn. BOARD and room, modern .home, gentlemen preferred. 1010 Bo. 26th. Tyler 2108-J. BOARD and room for young man or two In new modern home, Colfax 2244. TO WORKING girl, board and room aa at tendant evenings. Douglas 716$.. Hotels. ROOMS, $2 wk.: spts. with kitchenette. Steam heated. Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs, Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms, modern except heat. Phone Web. 2397 petween a ana p. m. 4 ROOMS, suitable for man and wife; ref erences. 2667 Douglas. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Two Or three light housekeeping rooms;"modern:' furnished or unfurnished; near St. Berchman's academy. Best of references. Box 30R8, Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENT, 26TH AND HARNEY. t have a beautifully furnished apart ment In the "Llnwood" for rent on the lGth, also ons unfurnished. Thes con sist of 4 large rooms and bath. Every thing new and nifty. Rent, unfurnished, $40.00 In summer; furnished, $60.00. 8. B. JOHNSTON, Doug. 3302. TWO and three-room flats, 703 N. lth St. See janitor, 3rd floor. Phon Douglas 5388. . APARTMENTS, all sixes and prices, splendid lorstion. 24th and Farnam. D. 1473. ST. CLAIR. 24TH AND HARNEY. 1 fur. and 1 unfur. 3-r. apt. Call H. 4T. Houses. NICELY furnlnhfd 7 -room house, sleep, ig porch, garage, newly decorated. Call Walnut 2810. 426 N. Forty-first St. FOR RENT Completely furnlBhed $-room - houee on North 38th Ave. Call Har. 6202. FOR RENT HOUSES Wet. NICE three-room cottage, big lot and good well water, good place for garden. 4J06 Parker. NEW 6-room stucco house In Cathedral dis trict; sun room and sleeping porch, ga rage; $50, Harney 4778. . SIX ROOMS and bath, all modern: walking distance: adults only. Harney 204$. DUNDEE 7 -room house, all modern, aar Farnam ear. Walnut 2558. 208 SOUTH 41ST Modern, 7 rooms, 2S, JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 664. North. PRETTY home, entirely modern, nicely decorated, fine floors, everything In per fect condition, fu)l basement, Cartan fur . nace, Hon water heater. Near car line. In quire 712 Park Ave. Harney 2141. $25.00 7-room modern house; newly dee orated' and papered. 2515 Caldwell St. SCOTT & HILL CO., McCsgue Bldg. Douglas 100$. S R. HOUSE, 1813 N. 24th St. -r. cottage, 36!$ N. lth St. C. D. HUTCHINSON CO. Phone Doug. 411 FOUR clean rooms, modem garage, fink yard and shade. 4016 N. 26th SU Colfao 3258. FOR RENT $-room cottage, partly mod ern, 2020 Grace. Call between $ and 6:30 p. m. Monday and Tuesday. 8-ROOM bungalow, story and half, all mod em: $26. 1713 N. 28th Bt. Red I861. SIX -ROOM modern flat for rent. 1016 Pa- clflc SL Red. 336. CLOSE-IN 6-room and bath, all modern, 41$ N. 37th Ave.; $30. Harney 1769. 6-ROOM house, Webster 671. South CLOSE IN. $60. Ill Bo. 24th St., 9-r., strictly alt modem. 1 GLOVER ft SPAIN. Realtors, Douglas 39B2.. 019-211 City Nat. Bank. PRETTY horn", entirely modern, nicely decorated, fine floor?, everything In per feet condition, full basement, Cartan fur nace. Lion water heater. Near rar line. In quire 712 Park Ave. Hamey 1241. .-ROOM, all modern house except heat. IE4 S. SSth St . Harney 299U