The Omaha . Bee Uae the telephone for BEE WANT-ADS Telephone Tyler 1000 Easiest Way VOL XL VI NO. 265. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL '24, 1917. TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. X BRITISH RENEW FIERCM&. TTACK ON GERMAN FRONT, FIRST PROCEEDS 0U.S.WAR LOAN GO TO ENGLAND DAILY THE WEATHER. Unsettled r BATTLE OF ARRAS BREAKS OUT ANEW III TERRIFIC FURY English Torces Capture Two Towns and More Than Thou sand Prisoners As They Smash Enemy Front. riQHT LASTS ALL HIOHT Cne of Heaviest Engagements f Entire War in Progress Where Haig Strikes. BERLIN SAYS "ALL'S WELL" (From staff Correspondent of Tht Asso ciated Press.) With he British Armies in France (Via London), April 23. The battle of Arras, which had been smouldering for a week past, burst into flaming fury again today and is still raging tonight with some of the heaviest fighting of the war in progress. The sky is alight for miles with the flashing of guns and with vari-colored rocKeis, wmcn-nasn signals 10 me op posing artillery. The cold east wind carries the echoes of the cannonade far back of the British lines. Take More Than 1,000 Prisoners. ihe hghtine today covered an - eight-mile front, from south of the Vimy Tidee to a point well below Croisilles. At the north end of the at tack the British swept over German fixed positions running almost due south from Lens and captured long sections of German positions in front of the Hindenburg line and a great number of prisoners. More tnan l.iw prisoners 1 were counted in this sector late today and others were still coming in. Ihe largest number of prisoners was from the 141st Pomeranians, who aurren- oerea in hundreds atter very brief re- sistance. A battery of field guns also was talcen. Cling to Slopes of Hill. Between Gavrelle and Croisilles. the heaviest fighting occurred along botn banks ot the scarpe and around Monehy-Le-Preux, where the British Easter advance had projected a sharp salient into the German lines. Monchy was taken in the first phase of the Arras battle after three days' fighting and has been held against desperate counter-assaults. . -:, The Germans always managed 4o , cling to the slopes on, either side .of '-e--h?Il' Wt wiiich-'Mdricfiy-Ee-Preux is perched, this being the highest point east of" Arras and Vimy, over looking the great broad eastern plains of northern France. ' , " The Germans today were undoubt edly throwing their full force into , their resistance along the Scarpe. They had brought up strong reserves to oppose a -further British advance and had thrown in scores of new bat teries of artillery. Berlin Says Offensive Fails. Berlin (Via London), April 23. The new British offensive on the Ar ras was repulsed today with heavy loss to the attackers, according to the official communication issued by the war office this evening. , Uncle Sam Calls Out New Mexico Guardsmen Washington, April 23 The first regiment of infantry and battery of field artillery, New Mexico National Guard, today were ordered intosthe federal service for purposes of police protection. American Aviator With French Army Missing Pans, April 23. Sergeant William Dugan. one of the American aviators with the, French army, is reported missing. ' He was 27 years old and was born at Patchogue, Long Island, hut lived latterly in Rochester, N. Y. The Weather For Nebraska Unsettled. Temperature at Omaha Teiterday. Hour. I 8 5 a. m 4..., 6 a. m.. ,. 5 7 a. m.. s a. f 9 a. i . 1 1 a. VJ" 12 m. T. f in. . . .3p. m 6S 1 4 p. m v 70 S p. m 68 s p. m er 7 p. m 64 ,8 p. m : 60 Comparative Local Record. 1S17.1916 1911 1514 HKh'at today 70 64 74 68 Lowest today . . 48 48 82 65 Mean temperature ..58 ii 68 62 Precipitation 0 0 .01 1.31 Temperature and precipitation departure rrom the normal at Omaha alnca March 1st. anV compared with the past two years: Normal temperature S4 Kxcens for the day 4 Normal precipitation . 12 Inch Deficiency for the day 12 Inch Total rainfall since March 1.... 1.08 Inches Deficiency since March 1. 1917.. .48 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1916. .1.48 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 19 6 ..1.19 Inches Reports From Stations at 7 p. m. Station and State Temp. High of Weather. 7 p. m. est t'heyenne, cloudy 60 61 Davenport, cloudy BO fin Rain fall. .00 .00 Denver, cloudy 70 72 .00 Des Moines, cloudy .... 86 60 .00 Dodge City, clear ,6 80 .00 tender, cloudy 60 62 .00 North Platte, pt. cloudy 66 To .00 Omaha, cloudy 64 70 .00 Pueblo, clear 74 78 .00 tlspld City, elburty .... 60 . 66 .22 Halt Lake, cloudy 61 6t .on Santa Fc, clear 60 6t .oa Sheridan, cloudy ...... 68 liU .02 Sioux my, cloudy 66 6J .00 Val"ntlne. cloudy at 2 ,00 "T ' Indicates trac of prcrlcllaiion. J: A. WELSH. Meteorolociet. ENGLISH COMMANDER, who is directing British offensive, from Arras, now flaming afruh. CEti-JSlti. DOWGIAS HAIG; NEBRASKA GIVES PROMISE OF BIG YIELD OF CROPS Railroads Report Farmers Will Plant Greatly Increased Acreage of All Sorts -; v of Cereals. WINTER WHEAT HALF GONE Are to Substitute Corn, Oats and Spring Wheat to Make Up the Loss. TO DOUBLE POTATO PLANT The first of the crop reports of the season, issued by the Burlington and Northwestern railroads, covering practically all the grain-growing sec tions of Nebraska and dealing with the wheat, oati and torn conditions, are ourand ,maie- tsat instead -ot the Winter wheat crop of. .Nebraska being a total lailure it is going to be some 50 per cent ot a normal crop, better than shown by the gov ernment estimate of 35 per cent of a crop made a week ago. On the Umaha division ot tne Burlington the winter wheatcondi- tions are placed at ou; on tne wy- more. 40: on the Lincoln, JU. and on the McCook division, 60 per cent, as compared with the normal. Throughout a large portion ot Burlington territory the rains of the last week brought about wonderful results in the winter wheat fields and many of them in which it was sup posed the plant nad Been completely killed have, taken on new. life and give promise of a fair crop. , increased Acreage. In some sections, particularly the South Platte country, where the win ter wheat suffered most severely, the fields were plowed up and many of them seeded to spring wheat. It is estimated that the acreage put into. spring wheat will be 10 per cent more than the normal. As a result of the damage to win ter wheat killing it is estimated that of the acreage which has been plowed up -ft per cent will be put into corn, about the- same into oats and 10 per cent into spring wheat. It is believed that the alfalfa fields have been greatly damaged by the cold of. last winter, but no estimate is made on the acreage killed out. Throughout the territory! covered by the Northwestern report condi tions relative to winter wheat are about the same as that with which the Burlington deals. Many of the fields have been plowed up and a largely increased acreage of spring wheat and oats sown. Spring Grain Fine. Reports indicate that spring grain of all kinds is making rapid growth and, 'though early in the season, gives promise of an abundant yield. Everywhere . farmers are turning their attention to potatoes. This is particularly true with reference to the northern and western portions of the state, where it is estimated that the acreage will be increased 75 to 100 per cent. Generally throughout the state the ground is in good condition and pretty thoroughly soaked. What is most needed is warm weather. Pastures have been slow in starting, but within the last week the grass has made rapid growth. Farmers Optimistic. In line with the crop reports of the railroads letters from different por tions of the state and written by farmers indicate that damage to win ter wheat is not so great as it ap peared to be ten days ago or two weeks ago. From Sutherland comes the infor mation that in Lincoln county in many fields where it was thought the plant was dead recent rains have caused new shoots to be thrown up from the wheat roots and there is a promise f a fairly good yield. Reports from Broken Bow indicate that with the coming of rain the w in ter wheat in the Custer county fields has taken on new life and in numer ous localities there are indications that the crop will be -50 (o 75 per rent and in .'.onie inslnce ftillv un to normal -. - ' GRAVE INTERNAL TROUBLES IN TWO TEUTONJEMPIRES Meager Reports that Filter Past Censor Indicate More Anti-Dynastic Agitation. AUSTRIA REMAINS SILENT Persistent Rumors that Count Tiara Resigned followed "by Pall of Deathly Quiet. SWEDES SHOUT REPUBLIC (Br Associated Press.) A pall of silence has fallen over the central empires. This serves to ac centuate the reports of grave internal troubles. In spite of the assertions of the German press that the great Berlin strike, which involved 300,000 work. ers, is over, there is evidence that the agitation continues. The Berlin Tageblatt admits that the members of two of the munition workers unions have refused to re- turn to work and says that those who persist in theuvrefusal will be called to the colors. The meager light which sifts through the veil of the German cen sorship disappears entirely in the case of Austria. Following persistent re ports that Count Tisza, premier of Hungary and 'foremost exponent in the dual monarchy of the German idea, had resigned all information as to conditions in Vienna or Budapest ceased. Use Inflammatory Language. One thing that appears certain is that the socialists and radicals in both empires have recently drawn much closer together and that inflam matory language is being used with an impunity inconceivable in the ear lier days of the war. In the meantime the revouttionarv spirit which is rampant tlffotighout burope Has given a sensational dem onstration in Sweden. The food sit uation is ostensibly the cause of the remarkable, events in Stockholm, where a great multitude of workers tried to force their way into the Par liament building. J he tact that there were unrebuked ("srlWt rof" 4 "republic and that the ominous word revolution was freely used gives another aspect to the af fair. The royal castle is under truard and more serious outbreaks are pre dicted for May 1. Meanwhile the armies of the Brit ish and French democracies are mass ing their guns and shells for another thrust against the German lines in r ranee. Ihe general omnion in the allied capitals is that General . Haig is about to make another great ef fort to smash his way through to Cambrai and Douai. Blow Aimed at Sultan. Pending these developments public interest has been keenly aroused bv the cryptic; words jf Lord Curaon, member of the British war council: Keep your eve on Mesoootainia " The uninterrupted successes of the British lorces in the valley of the Tigris, who are now eighty miles north of Bagdad, have given rise to the hope that Lord Curzons words are a prediction of some overwhelm ing blow against the shattered forces of the sultan. The main Turkish forces are at present practically surrounded ty the British and Russian armies and their only road of retreat lies across an almost impassable desert. Exports Are Near Record Despite Subsea Warfare Washington. Aoril 23. Desoite the German submarine campaign, Ameri can exports in March reached a value of $551,278,000, which has been ex ceeded only once, last January, the best month in the country's history. Imports of $270,84,000 set a new American record. roreign and domestic commerce bureau statistics announced today show the country's foreign trade in creased in March $156,000,000 over ebruary totals. Exports for the nine months furl ing with March were valued at $4.- 634,900,000, against $2,995,500,000 for the corresponding period in 1916 and $1,931,100,000 in 1915. Imports for me months ending with March were alued at $1,818,320,000. at $1,504,663.- 000 in 1916 and at $1,213,614,000 in 1915. - Import records show that the pro portionate amount of goods entering free of duty has been increasing steadily. The net balance of gold nriDorts for the nine months period was $651.- 108,000. uneral Service for . W. H.. Bucholz Wednesday Funeral services for W. H. Bucholz. Omaha banker, who died Sunday, will be held from the home, 1728 South Thirty-second avenue, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Services will be for friends only. Rev. G. A. Hul bert, pastor of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church, will officiate. The body will be taken to Norfolk, where services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Congre gational church. The family has requested that no flowers be sent. PART OF THF FIRST LINE noma, part ofJncle Sam't FRANK RAY HEADS POSTOFFICE MEM T, Bandhauer and E, A. Glas Are OmahanS Honored ; With Offices. nrvrtriv tavatwv tnn it in Frank A. Ray of Lincoln was yes terday elected president 'of the Ne braska State Branch of the United National Association of Postoflice Clerks, assembled at the Fontcnelle in their tenth annual convention v. Bandhauer of (Jmalia was made first vice president and O. R. Robinson of North Platte second vice president. Harry Armstrong of Lin coin is secretary and Miss Bessie Burlingame of -Clay Center treasurer. Miss Burlingame is the first woman ever honored with an office in the "oostomce -eJerks' aeciticm, - fc.. A. Was of Umaha was named to be the Nebraska delegate at the annual convention of the national as sociation at Fort Worth in Septem ber. The position of state organizer was given to D. J. O'Brien of Mc Cook. H. W. Eberstein of Lincoln, W. E. Hall of David City and G. P. O'Meara of Hastings were named on the advisory board. Several resolutions were adopted, including a pledge of support and loyalty to the president and the cbun try during the war. A recommendation that salaries of postoflice clerks start at $1,000 per annum and increase at regular inter vals to $1,500 was passed, as was a resolution advising' against the pro posed one-cent postage rate. A plea for better equipment in the postofhees was made. Mayor Dahlman welcomed the postal clerks for Omaha. Postmaster Fanning and George Klepfer, super intendent of mails in Omaha, made talks. Next year's convention will prob ably be awarded to Columbus."' Mahoney Wins Last Case Suit Against Union Pacific (From a Staff Correspondent.) Washington.' April 23. (Special Telegram.) A decision was given to day in the supreme court denying a writ of certiorari in the case of the Union Pacific Railroad company, pe tioners, against Maud C. Henderson, administrator of the estate of Edward C. Henderson. It was the particular case that brought T. J. Mahoney to Washington as counsel for the estate. He desired to know if his brief had been received in opposition to the no tice and petition filed by the railroad company. Having been told that everything was in accordance with the rules of the court, Mr. Mahoney went into the gallery of the senate reserved for visitors, where he died. The court denied the petition of the Union Pacific company to bring be fore the high tribnual a review of the case. This was a personal injury case growing out of the death of E. C. Henderson, who fell from a car while switching at Elkhorn. The widow brought suit in Douglas county and was awarded a verdict of $11,000, which was aflirmed by the supreme court of Nebraska. Mr. Mahoney won his last case. Paint Auto Dimmers to Help Raise Relief Fund Mrs. Clement Chase and Mrs. How ard Baldrige have brought their in genuity into play in doing war serv ice. They are coloring automobile dimmers in the patriotic hues, red, white and blue, and are selling them to raise funds for the National League for Woman Service. Frank W. Judson donated the discs, which've being sold for $2 a pair. Mrs. Chase and Mrs. Baldrige ad mit they spend most of their time in painters' aprons doing the coloring, but they refuse to divulge their work shop. They are going to apply for a patent for their coloring recipe. Already a request for 200 pairs of ihe dimmers has come from a Young Woman's Christian association out in the iStatc which would like to help 'in! the sale. N " f '111 f JtsJ s s v X ( r . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmtfmmmmm innii'axi i iiwiiiihiii i nun i ' rnm:m!!sr$ .. V.8.S. QXIAKOJTA, OF DEFENSE The riant suDordreadnotiffht U. S. S. OWL. first line of defense. APR EXERCISES AT NEBRASKA CITY Tree Planting Held Near Statue of the Late J. Sterling: Morton. - GREAT PASADX 18 S,TACtXD t ' ' r ' ' ' '-, : '" '" - v ' Nebraska! " City, Neb. - April 23-(Special- Telegram,) A parade two miles in length and participated in by over 1,000 schoolchildren,, farternal orders, three bands, the city fire de partment and many floats and deco rated, automobiles, including three in which road the board of governors of the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben, featured the annual Arbor day exercises here today. . . The parade was a perlude, to -the tree planting which took place near the statue of the late J. Sterling Mor ton,, father of Arbor day. .Chancellor Samuel Avery of the University of Nebraska made the principal address' at the tree planting an dhimself placed the roots of the first tree in the ground. ' ' Mark Morton, son of- the late J. Sterling MortonSterling t Morton, came from Chicago to attend the : S . j - . ... : . i. T? I. cxcrcisc5NU in uunipany wiui i-ibiik (KiO-Cirson. who drove the stage in the early days, rode in the parade in the historic old stage coach, which is one of Nebraska City!s most cher ished relics of the frontier days. Webster Makes Talk. lohn Lee Webster, president of the Nebraska Historical society, made the principal address at "the evening ex ercises, at the Overland theater. He spoke on the early history, of Ne braska and the important party play ed by the founder of Arbor day in the advancement and development of the cornluisker state. Dr. S, P. Cre sap. president of the Business Men's association, made the introductory address. Judges of the parade were: Mrs. A. C. Troupe, Mrs. Ed A. Allen and Gus. Renzc, G. E. Haverstick, Charles Black, J. D. Weaver and C. D. Beaton of the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben, were guests of honor. Prizes for the . best decorated floats were awarded as follows: Gug genheim Clothiers, first; Cleveland stores, second; Forscutt's, third; Wessels, fourth, and the Elks, fifth. Dreadnought New To Any Warship, Is Launched New York, April 23 Another dreadnaught entered American waters as a unit of United States sea power today when the battleship New Mex ico, comparing favorably offensively and defensively with any other fight ing vessel afloat, was launched at the New York navy yard. With no untoward incident marking a ceremony. which, usually made an occasion of public festivity, was today of private character because the na tion is at war, the New Mexico moved down the ways at five minutes before the hour set. The New Mexico was christened by Miss Margaret C. DeBaca, daugh ter of a former governor of New Mexico, chosen for the honor by Wil liam C. McDonald, who was governor when the ceremony was arranged. After the sponsor had successfully smashed a bottle of champagne un der the bow Miss Virginia M. Carr as "maid of honor" broke against it a jug made by New Mexican Indians and containing a mixture of water FIGHT ON CAPITOL DELAYS WIHDDP Legislatori in Home and Sen ate of Two Hindi About Building. DEADLOCK IN PSOSPIOT (From it&ff Oorraspondant.) Lincoln, Neb., April 23. (Special.) Contest over an appropriation of $300,000 for repairing the state house is now holding back the adjournment ot tne legislature. I lie conference eommittee on the big maintenance bjll reported out an item formerly put in by the house of $50,000 for repair ing the east wing and raised it ts the above amount, to which- the senate agreed after attempts were made by inenas or a new state nous to reduce it first to $10,000 and then to $20,000. both) of which were defeated. The first amendment Jost by K vote of 13 Id R - '-.? . ' 1 ' The bill and the report' then went back to the house, where the matter was fought over again and the report voted down, 35 to 37. Then a motion to appoint-a new conference commit tee in the house carried and Rich mond, Peterson and Taylor were ap pointed. Friends of the new state house are opposing the expenditure of a large sum for repairs, because they believe It folly to spend! money on a building which is nothing better than a wreck and in which unlimited amounts may bejioured. . 1 The claims bill will hare to be fought out tomorrow. Two items, one for $500 attorney fees, and $35 for printing briefs, sent in by State Treasurer Hall as his expense in the suit against Fire Commissioner Rid gelt, are the- objectionable parti of the bill. The house turned down the report and insisted that the senate should recede from its action in adopt ing it., German Troop. Transports Leave PortofLibau London, April 23. German trans ports have left Libau, on the Baltic, south of the Gulf of Riga, for an un known destination, according to a Central News dispatch from Petro grad today. ' . A dispatch ' from Petrograd ' on Thursday said there were well found ed reports that the Germans were preparing" to attack the northern front, massing troops . along, the Dvinsk-Riga line.and concentrating troops and warships in the Baltic sea ports. A .portion of the German fleet was reported to have been sent from Kiel to Libau. The Petrograd dis patch said it was regarded as prob able that the plan was to make a descent in the rear of the Russian! northern flank, somewhere on the Gulf of Finland, and to cut off Petro grad. Mexico, Equal from the Rio Grande and Pecos riv ers. ; United States Senator A. A. Jones of New Mexico represented W. E. Dudley, and there were nearly fifty residents of New Mexico present, to gether with several, hundred native New Mexicans living in Washington and New York. Rear Admiral Nathaniel Rusher, commanding the New York navy yard, was master of ceremonies. Chaplain Isaacs of the yards read the invocation, and Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt rep resented the government. There were no speeches. - i The largest battleship ever con structed at the New York navy yard, the New Mexico is the' sister ship to the Mississippi, recently launched at Newport News, Va., and the. Idaho, under construction at Camden, N. -J. It will burn oil and is said to be the first battleship equipped with the electric drive. The keel was laid in October, 1915, EARLIEST MONEY :: RAISED PUT INTO LION WAR CHEST Balfour Greeted at Whits House by President After ' Former Sees Scr- . retary Laming-. AKMT AKD NAVY "CALLS" Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, Ambal . sador, Accompanies the - Visiting Officials.' f ; SUrrSAOKTTES WIK SMIL ' Washington, April 23, Great Britain will receive the first proceeds, to an amount as yet undetermined, of the $5,000,000,000 bond, issue soon to be offered to the public : , The amount of the British loan, it was stated authoritatively today and -other details probably will be an- -nounced by Secretary McAdoo within a few days. - . , British Foreign Minister Balfour . and members of the high commission, here to discuss conduct of the war, began their first official day in Wash ington with a round of calls, the first of which was at the State department. Call on Lansing. Soon after 10:30 o'clock Mr. Bal- ; four, accompanied by the British am bassador, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, drove from the mansion which has been given over to him to the' State de partment building and paid a formal ' call on Secretary Lansing. The British ambassador and Hugh . L. Gibson of the State department, who has been detailed as Mr. Bal four's -aide, remained with Secretary Lansing and the British foreign min- -ister only a short time and then with drew, leaving the high officials to gether. - . ' - The conference between Mr. Bal four and Mr. Lansing was not pro longed and at its conclusion the two crossed over to the. White House, where the British foreign minister was received by President Wilsdn.e ' President Greet! Balfour, ' As Mr. Balfour Uft the State de- . partinent building several hundred employes, crowding-tie stairways and , louoiy. , Mr. Ijalfour acknowledged the greeting by bowing and smiling. : Surrounded by a small escort, the - .. British foreign minister and secre tary of state crossed the avenue and . just before 11 o'clock passed in the ' main entrance of the executive man sion, where President Wilson, . sur rounded by a party of army and navy -aides, was waiting.' While Mr. Balfour and Mr. Lans ing were at the White House British naval officers, headed by Admiral De Chair, began arriving to call on Sec retary Daniels. They were accom panied by Rear Admiral Fletcher and other officers assigned to the party. ; As Mr. Balfour passed into the White House grounds the "silent sen- ' tinels" of the woman suffragists, do-' , ing "peaceful picketing" around thcv White. House grounds, waved their , banners and the British foreign min-; ister smiled broadly. ' Army Officers' Greetings, . ; The army officers of the British mission at the same time' were arriv ing at the War department to be re-' ceived by Secretary . Baker. ; Major General G. T. M. Bridges, . accom- . panied by , hi aides, were escorted first to the office of Major General : Scott, chief-of-staff, where they were received by a large party of American ; officers. . . ; The British officers were attired in i field uniforms of khaki, . while the American' officers were in the full dress uniforms of blue. Later the British guests were received bv Sec retary Baker. , The naval delegation munwtiilc. Jiad been received by Admiral Ben son, cniet ot operations, and left cards tor Assistant Secretary, Roosevelt,, who was out of the city. , . While Mr. Balfour and the nrrsi. dent were together the British army . and navy officers concluded their visits at the. War and Navy depart ments and returned to thir stopping places.. '.'.: , . , ; Call on Vice President. the President's receoticm of Vf Balfour lasted forty-five minutes. At ' n: o clock- Mr. Baltour left Ahe . ' White. House and accompanied Tv Secretary Lansing drove to the eapi- A tol to) be presented to Vice President Marshall. ' - ' -. , After the formal greetings the president and Mr. Balfour entered : the Blue room with Secretary Lansing -and remained in conversation more'. . (Continued on Pas Two, Colama Obo.) t Plot for New Revolution ; , :. In Cuba is Discovered New York", -April 23 Circtfchv stances of an alleged plot to stir, np a new Cuban revolution, with Kay 20 fixed as the date for the uprising, were made public here today by the republic of Cuba news bureau, which said a complaint shortly would be placed before the State department.. Bernhardt's Condition ' ' Is Slightly Improved New York, April 23 The condition of Sarah Bernhardt Improved during the night. Last- evening the physi cians attending the actress held out scant hope for recovery.. She was op erated on last Tuesday night for an infected kidney. . r. , .