Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1917, Image 1

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Want-ad ,
Night Service
to 10 p. m.
Tyler 1000
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLVI NO. 264.
- 0 : - . i-
German. Destroyers Firing on
French Port Believed Same
Ones Attacking Britain in
Raid to Ost Lloyd George.
IN THE RECONQUERED CITY OF PERONNE British troop marching through the streets,
of the recaptured city of Peronne, another of the French cities taken from the German in
the great British drive.
ritish Statesmen Arrive in
Washington After Running
Gauntlet of German Sub
marine Blockade.
Leader Expresses Appreciation
of Relief Work America Per
formed While Neutral.
' Washington, April 22,-The Amer
ican capital today extended a simple
but heartfelt welcome to the British
minister for foreign affairs, Arthur
T. Balfour, and the other members
of the British commission which has
come to Washington, as Mr. Balfour
himself expressed it, "ta make co
operation easy and effective between
those who are striving with all their
power--to bring about a lasting peace
by the only means that cansecureit
namely, a successful war."
With a genial smile playing over
hij features, he consented to a brief
interview, warmly expressing his ap
preciation of all the United States has
done as a neutral in charitable and
relief work in Belgium and in Ger
many's prison camps, his gratification
that England and the United States
now were allied for a common pur
pose and his conviction that this
country in its war efforts would as
tound the world, particularly Ger
manv. ,
"Your president, in a most apt and
vivid phrase," Mr. Balfour added,
proclaimed that the world must be
made safe for democracy; that self
governing communities are not to be
treated as negligible simply because
they are small; that the ruthless dom
ination of one unscrupulous power
imperils the future of civilization and
the liberties of mankind are truths
of political ethics which the bitter ex
perience of war is burning into the
souls of all freedoin-loving peoples.
Received With High Honors.
England's leading statesmen hav
ing safely evaded the .German sub
marines and mines which sent Lord
Kitchener to -his- death, were-., re
ceived with the highest honors as
guests of the American people, when
they arrived at a place in America
which cannot be named.
A delegation of officials welcomed
the commission in the name of the
government and set out with them
to the capital for what is admittedly
the most vital conference in American
history. ' . . i
The commission was received with
the utmost simplicity and cordiality
and with every recognition of the fact
that Great Britain had given of its
best.' It is? said, indeed, that no for
eign minister has Keft England for
the length 6f time that Mr. Balfour
will be away since; the congress of
Vienna, a century ag:o.
Long Extends Welcome. .
The formal welcome was extended
bv Third Assistant Secretary of
iitn Rreekinridsre Lone, through the
presentation to' Mr. ,Balfour of a let
ter of greeting from Secretary Lan
sing, which the British statesman ac
knowledged with equal simplicity,
while British and American officials
mingled together. ,
A soecial train of ifive cars, which
had been waiting with steam up and
crew aboard for fiVe days, at once
eot under way for the capital
guarded as almost no! other train ever
has been guarded n this country.
Double nrotection had been afforded
at all bridges and tunnels, and every
mile of the track had been gone over
within the previous fwenty-four hours
to guard against a possible fanatic.
No detail which could betray the
place of arrival or 'route of travel
was allowed to escape.1
Party Breaks Into Groups.
Almost immediately when the train
started the large partyj broke up into
groups of army, navy( and state de
partment officials to tpegin at once
the informal conversations which are
expected to, sketch out (America's part
in the world fight against German
autocracy. Mr. Balfour; and secre
tary Long; Lieutenant General
Bridges, who drew the fiist blood for
England in August, l14t and Major
General Leonard Wood, afnd Rear Ad
' miral De Chair and Rear Admiral F.
F. Fletcher soon were J in deep con-
(Contlnutd on rwra TwoJ Column Two)
The Weather
Comparative Loral, Record.
in;.; im, nit.
HI ) f.4 7ft
Hlirr-at yesterday. . . ,
Onwest yeHterday. . . .
Mean temperature...
Temperature and prnrlptf thilon departures
from the normal at Uma'lta yesterday:
Normal temperature I a 63
Kxreas for tho day 1. 13
Total eiteeea etnee MarchVl, 1117 106
Normal precipitation . . .1 1 1 Inch
Latltlency for. the day... II Inrh
Total rainfall Blnee Marirh 1 3.09 Im-hcs
Deficiency alnro March 1 0.31 Inch
Deficiency for cor. perlo.d 1916. .. .1.36 Inchee
Deficiency for cor. prrloM 1916 1.9s. inehee
L. A. WE,SH, Meteorologist.
' Temperature! at OmaT 1a Yesterday.
Hour. Be.
P, & nl 65
C a. m S3
r 7 a. m fi3
A a-1 ro &
t a. m sa
I in a. m 62
I 11 a.m 6k
' IS m.V 74
D i p. jln
II ! P. Sn SI
3 p. In It
4 p. (in 80
"SSSSSS e p.' ill'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.' 70
1 7 p. m IS
First Vice President of the
Omaha- National Succumbs
After Week's Sickness.
V. H. Bucholz, first vice president
of the Omaha National bany and
prominent in club and church circles,
died yesterday afternoon at 4 oclock
at his home, 1728 South Thirty-sec-
d avenue. Death was due to the
hardening of the arteries. Mr. Bu
cholz was taken ill about a week ago.
Earlv Sunday morning he took a
decided turn for the worse. He was
conscious until the end. He was 52
years old.
Mr. Bucholz came to umaiia to De
cashier of the Omaha National bank
ten years ago from Norfolk where he
was nresident of the Norfolk Na
tional bank. He was advanced to vice
president about five years later and
three years ago was male first vice
president. He had become recog
nized as a leader in banking circles of
Omaha. Previous to engaging in the
banking business at Norfolk he was.
head of a bank at Madison. He was
on, the. execute .committee of the
American Bankers association.
Mr. Bucholz was prominent in fra
ternal organizations and took an ac
tive part in clubs and church work
He was a member of the local order
of the Elks and Knight Templars and
belonged to the Country club, Com
mercial and Omaha club.
Because of his interest in art work
he was made treasurer of the Friends
of Art society.
Mr. Bucholz took an active part in
the raising of funds for the new site
and building of the St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church.
Besides his wife e is survived by
two sons, Frederick, now attending
Yale, and Arden.'
Holt County Farmers
Buy Seed Potatoes
O'Neill, Neb.. April ,22. (Special)
Holt county farmers will follow the
advise of the administration and raise
an abundance of supplies to assist in
maintaining the fighting forces of the
government. They will be assisted by
the busmess men of O'Neill, who will
furnish the seed to them at actual
cost and where the farme' is unable
to make payment at this time he will
be permitted to pay when his crop is
Large acreages of potatoes, beans,
onions, tomatoes and peas arc to be
planted, each farmer pledging himself
to plant at least several acres to each
vegetable. In addition the business
men of O'Neill each will rent and have
cultivated an acreage.
T. V. Golden stated the needs of
the country along this line at a meet
ing of the Commercial clurt last eve
ning and his plea tor a co-operative
effort met with hearty response. The
club decided to order several carloads
of seed potatoes and a car'of the other
Christian Endeavorers Close
Their Convention at York
York. Neb.. April 22. (Special Tel
egram.) The seventh annual conven
tion of the Sixth district Christian h-n-deavor
society, comprising the coun
ties of York, Hamilton, Seward, But
ler, Polk and Merrick, closed a three
days' session here tonight.
One hundred and fifty, delegates
were present. The following officers
were elected; L. B. Mathews, presi
dent; Edwin Huenfeld, Prairie. Gem,
vice president; Annetta Ettcll, York,
secretary. The next convention will
b,e held at Shelby.
Manhattan Oil Company .
Buys on Howard Street
The Manhattan Oil company has
purchased for $40,000 the northwest
corner of Nineteenth and Howard
streets and will locate its filling sta
tion there. The station is at present
at -Seventeenth and Howard on the
strip of ground recently donated to
the city to widen Howard street.
Member of Fremont Signal
Corps Weds Lexington Girl
Fremont, Neb., April 22. (Special.)
Lieutenant Ear! Whitcomb of the
Fremont signal corps, which is sta
tioned at Lincoln for guard duty, and
Miss Joy Hanna of Lexington were
married at the First Methodist par
sonage in Omaha Friday evening.
Assessor Fitzgerald Discovers
15,000,000 Founds of Table
Necessity Stored in Omaha
Dealers Declare They Are
Unable to Get Supply
, From Refiners.
With more than 15,000,000 pounds
of sugar stored in Omaha ware
houses, the price has been boosted
from 6 to 10 cents a pound retail to
housewives on the plea that no sugar
was to be had.
The accumulated stocks of the
great table necessity are said to be as
large, if not larger,' than they were
at this time last year. The price
then was 76-10 cents per pound.
Official" figures show there were
149,731 bags in storage April 1. This
at 100 pounds to the bag makes a
total of 14,973,100 pounds 75 pounds
for every man, woman and child and
in Omaha I
Armed with - reliable information
that this vast tonnage of a necessary
food article was being hoarded, The
Bee enlisted the services of County
Assessor Fitzgerald and his chief
deputy. Harry G. Counsman, to ascer
tain the quantity and whee and by)
whom it was being held.
Every warehouse and store room
in Omaha was visited by the officials
and a thorough check made of the
sugar on hand. Here are the figures
yesterday announced by Assessor
Fitzgerald showing the number of
bags in storage:
In Omaha Warehouse
Great Western Sugar Com
pany, Denver 37,182
Amalgamated Sugar Com
pany, Salt Lake 3,658
In Omaha Van and Storage
Great Western Sugar Com-
i pany, Denver 69,194
Utah and Idaho Sugar Com
pany, Salt Lake 4,195
Amalgamated Sugar Com- -
pany; Salt Lake 1,800
In Gordon Van and Storage Co.
Great Western Sugar Com
pany, Denver . 8,000
Iten Biscuit Co., Omaha.. 800
In Pacific Storage and Warehouse
H. J. Hughes Co., Omaha. . 1,100
Great Western Sugar Com
pany, Denver 15,630
Company, Omaha 500
Great Western Sugar Com
pany, Denver 3,239
Sprague -Warner Company,
Chicago 900
Sheridan Sugar Company, -
Denver 3,533
Total 149,731
Held for their own use. not specntatlon.
During the las, two weeks some of
this sugar has been shipped, but new
stock received is said to offset this.
No account is taken in the assessor's
figures of the stocks in the hands of
candy manufacturers or other private
holders. All of them are well sup
plied. Mr. Counsman, who compiled the
figures for Assessor Fitzgerald, said
last night he understood the pripe of
sugar would be advanced to 12 cents
per pound in a few days.
Conaumers Panic Stricken.
H. J. Hughes, president of the
wholesale grocery company bearing
his name, made this statement:
"We have only a small quantity on
hand and are unable to buy more
than a carload 6r so at a time. There
is plenty of sugar in storage here.
but the trouble is that consumers are
panic stricken and have been buying
beyond rule or reason.
"I know of instances of families
(Contllluad an Pane Two, Column Five.)
Hall Denies that He Will Not
Pay Warrants on Dry Fund
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 22. (Soecial.)
Someone tried last week to take the
joy out of life for State Treasurer
George Hall by stating that it was
his intention to refuse to pay war
rants drawn on the special $50,000
fund given the governnor for enforce
ment of the prohibition law. i
This haj caused the state treasurer
to issue a statement in which he de
nies the allegation and defies those
making it to prove it. "I have taken
the contrary view of the matter," said
Mr. Hall last night, "and will pay all
warrants drawn on the fund because
the law, in my estimation, is perfectly
Legislature Costs
Stale $109,689.25
(From a fltaff ComapondfDt.)
Lincoln, April 22. (Special.)
Up to April 1, according to figures
prepaid by State Auditor Smith,
the legislature had coat the state
$109,689.25. Three weeks have
passed since then and a new week
begini tomorrow.
The largest item in this expense
is for aalaries and mileage of the
members, which at that time
amounted to $72,508. Incidental
expenses amounted to $16,923.47.
The senate spent $12,000 for em
ployes and the house $8,257.78.
I , , '
4 1 . hi" V nt m
jp L ( ; C jiff 1
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French and British Troops
Make Further Progress
Against Germans.
London, April 22. British troops
yesterday made further progress in
the region of Lens, where the fight
imr continues to go on. in their favor,
says the official statement' issued to
day by the British war officer. Three
German counter attacks were re
pulsed by the British, who captured
prisoners and machine guns.
' French Push Forward. 1
Paris. April 22.-1.. French "ig
fantry forces last night again push??
forward north of 5ancy "and Jchly, on
the St. Qtientin-Rheims battle front,
says the official statement this after
noon. Further east there was hand
grenade lighting, pi the sector of Hur
tebise. German airplanes last night
dropped several bombs in the region
of Dunkirk, slightly wounding three
The German Report.
Berlin, April 22. (Via London.) j
(British Admiralty per Wireless
Press.) On the Aisne-Champagnc
battle front, says the official state
ment today, there were battles last
night near Braye and Hurtebise farm,
on the Rheims-Ncufchatel road north
of Prosnes and on the western bank
of the river Suippes, all of which '
ended with heavy French losses. 1
On the British front in the Arras
Lens region, the statement says, the
artillery duel "increased fo Jhe most
extreme violence."
German aviators shot down near
Nieuport an entente? airship which fell
blazing into the sea.
Thayer County Leads
In Uni Extension Work
Desliler, Neb., April 22. (Special
Telegram.) County Superintendent
A. T. Holtzcn and E. J. Mitchell, sec
retary of the Thayer county fair, vis
ited the town schools of the county
in the interest of the children's de
partment of the fair and extension
club work of the state university.
Thayer county stands first in the
counties of Nebraska in this club
work and Nebraska leads the states
of the union in the movement.
Mr. lloltzen received notice about
a week ago that the extension depart
ment of this work from Washington,
D. C, would appropriate $200 to help
pay for an instructor for this work,
providing a like sum was appropriated
Jrom the county. The county com
"missioners will pav $)00, the banks
agreeing to pay $125. ' . '
The county superintendent and
Trofessor Lew Skinner, of the state
university, have selected Ptafessor J.
Clarence Hagey, of Alexandria, now
principal of the Belvidere public
schools to handle this-work.
Two Banks in Town
OfTwenty-Six People
Kimball, Neb., (April 22 (Spe
cial.) I here arc now two banks in
Dix. The Farmers' State bank, which
is made up of prominent men of Kim
ball and IJix, opened for business
Thursday morning. At the same time
Grand- Island and Potter men opened
the second bank making the city of
Uix, with its population of twenty
six souls, a great banking center and
equal in number of banks to tJic
capital city of the county. .
Electrical Contractors
Answer Strikers' Plaint
Omaha Electrical contractors have
prepared a statement to the public
antwfrttlfr tlia rinnrt civs-n Hit hv
I representatives of the electrical work
i ers union, who have called a strike
j until increased pay is granted. They
I declare that the demands of the union
' men are unreasonable, particularly
I at this time, and that until the union
men consent to meet with thenj in
J open arbitration of the dftrulties,
i they will continue to emplov electri
Icians, regardless of union affiliations.
utkur- jr'BXuFom
Oarfield Cirole Presents Em
blem to City With Patriotic
Exercises Sunday.
The liberty which America offers
is not license, despite the opinions of
those who. shirk the responsibilities of
citizenship when a crisis comes,' said
Kcv. C N. Dawson yesterday at the
flag-raising v exercises in Jefferson
J he sentiment was applauded.
Mrs. K. M. Smith formally pre
sented to the city the flag, which is
the gift of Garfield Circle. No. 11,
Ladies of the Grand Army of the Re
public. Mrs. Frank Carmony was in
charge of the ceremony.
Mayor Dahlman accepted the flag
in behalf of Omaha. '
"It is women such as the ladies of
the Grand Army who, by such gifts,
tend to keep alive the spirit of patri
otism in this glorious land of ours",
said Mr. Dahlman.
Kev. John F. Poucher said, that it
was to the "mothers of men" that
this nation owed not only its splendid
achievements but its very existence.
"There are American mothers', he
said, "who would not willingly let,
their sons shirk their duty, no matter
if its performance costs the lives of
their boys. It is of such sacrifices that
a nation's destiny is assured."
Two hundred persons joined in the
singing of "America" at the close of
the exercises.
New Law on "War Grooms"
Gives Preachers a Rest
Since the War department's ruling
that men eligible to the army under
the proposed draft, who were mar
ried after the brak with Germanyv
will be caHed the same as single men,
few prospective bridegrooms have ap
plied for marriage licenses in Douglas
county. Only five licenses were issued
Friday and only a handful of appli
cants showed up Saturday morning.
Prior to this ruling a score or more
licenses were issued every day,' bid
ding fair to break all records for a
single month.
Walks Into House andJells
Woman That He Will Kill Her
Tom Harris, 1715 California street,
walked into the house of Mrs. Fannie
McKenna, 60, 420 North Eighteenth
street, last night, grabbed hold 01 her
hair and threatened her with death.
Her screams attracted neighbors, who
chased Harris several blocks. He was '
captured at Eighteenth and Chicago
streets after he had stumbled on a 1
curbing. His face was badly bruised
by the fall.
Harris could give no reason for
threatening Mrs. McKenna. He said
that he had never seen her before.
Prediction That Nebraska Law
makers Would Quit Before
Tuesday Exploded.
(From a Staff Oorreapondanl.) i
Lincoln, April 22. (Special.) The
Nebraska legislature will adjourn for
good some time. Farther than that
no man knoweth for sure. Several
times wise men have ventured a pre
diction and each time their prophecy
has proved false. When both houses
took a recess yesterday until Mon
day afternoon at 2 oclock it was ca'U
culated that some time' tomorrow eve
ning the gavel would drop for the
last time. nut. tnat prophecy has at
ready been exploded.
Aeeordlng to Chief Clerk Potts of
the house it will heat IcastTuesday
before it is possible to drop the cur-,
tain. . ,
The big maintenance bill will have
to be engrossed after an agreement
has been reached tomorrow, and there
'may yet be some delay on that, for
enemies of the proposal to build a
new state house or even a wing, are
attempting to attach to the mainte
nance bill an item appropriating $100,-
vm tor repairs-01 the state house in
hopes that it can be fixed up so that
there will be no need of building
lor years to come. ,
They hope in that time that some
thing will happen which will enable
them to get before the people a propo.
sition to move the capital.
Women of Fullerton
Form Red Cross Branch
Fullerton, Neb., April 22. (Special
Telegram.) The women of Fullerton
have perfeettd an organization for the
purpose of doing Red Cross work.
All women'a societies of the city are
co-operating with this organization in
preparing to do extensive work to
assist the American .Red Cross so
ciety. Mrs. A. E. Bryson is in charge
ot the work, with Mrs. J. H. Kemp,
secretary; Mrs. Chauncey L.' Wiltse,
treasurer. . .
Pawnee Chapter, D. A. R met Sat
urday afternoon at the home of Mrs
F. G. Frame., It voted to assist in
the Red Cross work by being respon
sible for the equipment for one pa
tient as given in-"Box No.' 2" and to
aid in every way in the work of the
American Jted Cross society.
British Fire Four Million
Rounds Into German Ranks
London. April 22. The military
situation at the present moment is
distinctly encouraging to the entente
allies, declared Earl Curzon, member
of the war council, in an address at
Derby today. He said the recent oper
ations on French soil constituted a
considerable military victory.
These operations have shown the
wonderful superiority of 'British artil
lery, which fired 4,000,000 rounds of
ammunition, intof the ranks of the Ger
Chicago May Close Its
Saloons as a War Measure
Chicago, April 22. A possibility
that William H. Thompson, mayor,
may recommend to the city council
that alt Chicago saloons be closed as
a war measure or that the sale of
liquor be limited to certain hours in
the day was intimated at a conference
today between the mayor and. Samuel
bttelson, corporation counsel.
Would Turn Ball
P.arks Into Gardens
St. Paul, April 22. Use of bate
ball parks, golf links and all green
houses or the growth of garden
product! was recommended by L.
w. Hill, president of the Great
Northern railroad, who returned
today from California. "They are
not playing golf in Berlin nor
spending the afternoons shouting
at ball parks," he said.
British Craft Carrying Wound
ed Sent to Bottom Without
Warning and Scores Die. '
Calais. France, Saturday, April 21.
(Via Paris, April 22.) German tor
pedo boat destroyers today fired one
hundred shells in the region of Calais.
Some civilians were killed. Twelve
persons were slightly wounded.
Calais is the western terminal of
the main railroad that supplies the
Britisih armies on the Lens-Arras
battle front in northwestern France.
The town lies directly opposite the
llfitish channel port ot Uover, near
which places two German destroyers
were sunk in an attempted raid on
British shipping l-riday night. ,
May Be Same vessels,
It has been suggested that the ob
ject of the Teuton naval raid was to
interrupt the return of Premier Lloyd
George Irom a conterence witn tue
French and Italian prime ministers.
The German destroyers which es
caped from the Dover battle may
have been the vessels which bom
barded Calais, on their return to the
naval bases at Zecbrugge and Ant
werp. . 1
Hospital Ships Torpedo.
' London. April 22. The British hos-
pital ships Donegal and Lanfranc.
with many wounded aboard, have
been . torpedoed without warning.
They were sunk on April 17.
Of those on the Donegal, twenty- , .
nine wounded men and twelve of the
crew are missing.
The , Lanfranc carried German
wounded as well as British. Of those
aboard nineteen British and fifteen
Germans are believed to have per
ished. Crowd Hoots'" German Survivors.
New ; York, April 22. Reynolds'
Weekly newspaper says that at Dover
twenty-eight German and twenty-two
British dead lie in the market hall.
The crowds hooted the German sur
vivors from the sunken destroyers
when the landed, on account of the
sinking of hospital ships by German
Berlin, Admita Destroyers Lost.
Berlin (Via London), April 22.
"After a naval engagement Friday
night to the east of Dqyer," says an
official statement today, "two German '
torpedo boat destroyers, the G-8S and
G-42, are reported to have been lost."
The German destroyer G-42 was
one of eleven vessels of this type built
at the Krupp-Germania yard in 1914.
The vessel displaced 620 tons and car
ried a complement of seventy-three
officers ami men. It was an oil burner
and had a speed of thirtywo and one
half knots. I The G-85 was a dstroyer
of a still later type. ,-
The chancellor of the exchequer,
Andrew Bonar Law, announced on
April 19 in the House of Commons
that there had recently been further
losses of British hospital ships, which
would be published soon. . Today the
secretary of the admiralty issued the
following statement:
"On the evening of April 17, the
steamships- Donegal and Lanfranc
while transporting wounded to Brit- .
ish ports were torpedoed without
warning. The Donegal carried slight- ,
ly wounded cases all British. Of
these twenty-nine men, as.weU as
twelve of the crew are missing and
presumed drowned.!
Carried Wounded Germans. '
"The Lanfranc, in addition to 234
wounded British officers and men,
carried 167 wounded German prison
ers, a medical personnel of fiftv-two
and a crew of 123. Of these, the fol-
lowing are missing and presumed
drowned: Two wounded British of
ficers, 11 wounded British, other
ranks: 1 Royal Army Medicarjtaff;
5 of the crew; 5 wounded German of
ficers and 10 wounded German, other
One hundred and fifty-two wound
ed German prisoners were rescued by
British patrols at the imminent risk
of being themselves torpedoed.
Uwing to the tierman practice of
sinking hospital ships at night and to
the fact that distinctive markingyand
lighting of such vessels render them
more conspicuous targets for German
submarines, it has become no longer
possible to distinguish our hospital
ships in the customary manner. One,
of these two ships, therefore, though
carrying wounded, was not "in any
wa outwardly distinguished as a hos
pital ship.
"The distinctive markings of the
other had not yet been removed.
Both were provided with an escort
for protection.
Henry Pollack Quits Rum
Business; Goes Into Oil ,
From the "oil-of-joy" to the "oil-of-joy-rides"
' is the commercial meta
morphosis of Henry Pollack, for fif
teen years in the liquor business, and
who recently established a big mail
order liquor house, which goes under
with - the operation of various dry
laws. Mr. Pollack is now in the oil
business. (
The Pollack Oil company, with its
headquarters in the Brandeis building,
has been incorporated with a capital
stock of $10,000. Mr. Pollack is ,
president '