Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1917, AUTOMOBILES, Image 40

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    6 D
Woodmen of the World Con
tinue Busy in Their Camps
Throughout City.
German-American Camp No. 104.
Woodmen of the World, entertained
its members and friends at a social
given at New Bohemian Turner hall
last'Tuesday evening. Refreshments
were served and many addresses de
livered on "Good of the Order."
Members of Druid Camp Drill team
were guests of honor and upon the
invitation of the council commander
exemplified the floor work.
The entertainment Riven by Schiller
Camp No. .304, last Thursday evening
was a success. A large delegation
from Welcome Grove No. 54, at
tended as did representatives of other
groves in the city.
Pappio Camp No. 221, has treated
its hall, on West Dodge street, to a
new coat of paint.
Comenius Camp No. 76, will meet
'next Saturday evening at Mcti hall,
Thirteenth and Williams street, to
transact business and initiate can
didates. South Omaha Camp No. 211, will
meet Wednesday evening It Wood
men of the World hall, on Twenty
fourth street, for initiation of candi
dates. 1
The officers of Hungarian Petofi,
No. 47.1, have called a meeting for
April 29, at 124 North Fifteenth street,
for the purpose of reorganization.
Omaha-Seymour Camp No. 16, will
give a stag party on Tuesday at
Crounse hall, when rctrcsnmeius win
be provided. D. H. Mercer will deliver
an address on his travels in Europe.
Alpha Camp No. 1, the first Wood
men of the World camp ever organ
ized, has purchased a lot at 1811 Capi-
tol avenue, and intends to erect a
home and lodge hall there in the near
Woodmen Circle.
W. A. Frascr Grove No. 1, met last
Friday evening when a large , class
was initiated. The drill team of the
Dora Alexander Guards did the floor
work. The new uniforms were a spe
cial feature of thV work. Many guests
were present which included Mary E.
LaRocco, supreme guardian; Dora
Alexander, supreme clerk; Catherine
Remmington, , supreme delegate. Al
pha Camp, No. 2, was represented by
a large delegation which included
Mrs. Anderson, grand inner sentinel;
Mrs. Kingsbury, guardian, and the
newly elected grand chaplain, Cora V.
Welcome Grove. No. 54, entertained
iti members on lat Monday evening
by giving birthday party tor its
guardian, Mrs, Catherine Remming
ton. D. E. Bradshaw, supreme attor
ney; T. E. Patterson of the board of
auditors. Woodmen of the World, and
Dr. C. P, Brown, supreme physician,
Woodmen' Circle, wars present and
addressed the meeting. Mrs. Rem
mington was presented with a large
bouquet of American Beauties and a
birthday cake, containing ninety sec
tions, more or less. Catherine ,Cmp
bell Riepen gave an exhibition of
fancy dancing and Charlotte Gill sang,
both selections being greatly appreci
ated. The reorganization of the drill
team by Veretta Crane it now com-
Omaha't newest amusement resort to open Decoration Day.
A . vi..l'
5 ett
The Jack Rabbit coaler, which
will be the feature "attraction at Lake
view, Omaha's newest amusement
park, is fast Hearing completion. This
style of coaster is the newest thing
in park devices in the country and is
being built by a Philadelphia firm.
The Jack Rabbit has been installed
in several of the larger parks of
the country and has proved immense
ly popular from the very first. It
is said that this form of coaster is
far more thrilling and fascinating
than the "Figure Eight" which is
quite well known to park patrons.
The ride in itself is vastly different
from other coasters with the excep
tion of the fact that the cars must
travel an Incline, with the aid of
plcte and by persistent practice will,
no doubt, prove a great inspiration
to the future growth and development
of the grove.
Knights of Pythias.
Nebraska Lodge No. 1 will hold its'
regular weekly meeting Monday in1
Crounse hall at 8 p. ni. In all prob
ability there will be work in the rank
of page. The chef promises to have
a patriotic luncheon following the
festivitives. All kniglits arc expected
to be there.
Pythian Sisters will meet Monday
evening in Crounse hall. A class of
candidates will be put through the
course of instruction by the Sisters
from Council Bluffs. Grand Chief
Mrs, Calkins of Fremont, will be
present to aid in the work.
Pythian Knighls will be permitted
to debate the fifteenth and one-half
order of business on Monday night.
This discussion promises to be spirit
ed and interesting.
Loyal Order of Moose.
Central Lodge No. 90, Wednesday
evening installed officers as follows:
R. W. Hutchison, dictator; H. V.
Smith vice dictator; H. F. Wulf, past
distator; C. E. White, secretary-treasurer,
and W. J. Norman, trustee.
After electing thirty-five new mem
bers and conferring the degree on
those present, repaired to the banquet
hall and enjoyed the refreshments
ana cigars,
' Fraternal Order of Eagles,
The next meeting of the joint com
mittee of Omaha, South Omaha, Ben
son and Florence Aeries, wUI be held
Sunday. April 22, at 3 o'clock p. in., at
the hall of South Omaha iAerie.1 At
the last meeting of the committee it
was decided to hold the first class
initiation by the joint degree team
May 8, at the hall of South Omaha
Aerie, a complete team has been se
lected by Henry Rotholz, who is in
1 Qght-Cytmde Four-Paeserrgef
Rugged Honesty
"ON EST Y of construction is the
Scrippa-Booth popularity.
The car is like a lean, sure-footed thoroughbred with
sinews of steel and muscles of whipcord.
It is built to do heroic things. It does them.
Beneath its surface-beauty, Scripps-Booth hides homely
qualities which spring from an honest purpose.
It has road steadiness without weight, strength without
It's performance is consistent, responsive and enduring,
even under abuse. 1
It's mechanism is in perfect balance.
The ruggedness of the big car, plus a luxury all its own,
plus tte economy of the cheap light car sums Scripps
Booth's distinctive value.
2514 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. ,
Phone Douglas 52 IS.
Fow-CyUnder Roadster . - 935
Four-Cylia Jer Coupe- ... 1450
Eight-Cylinder Four-Patsenger 1 285
Eight-Cylinder Town Car 2575
a grooved chain, from the top of
which the cars are released, to travel
ocr a series of dips, turns, camel
hacks,,, through tunnels ( and other
mirth provoking ideas. The Jack
Rabbit is about 3,000 feet in- length
and it requires about fifty seconds to
traverse the entire distance.
Other attractions of interest that
are now under construction include
the dance pavillion with a promenade
all around; a roller rink, with many
npw foafiirp' a hatliini hiarll! an
Old Mill, which will house many
surprises; a mmature railway system;
and host of other meritorious attrac
tions. The new resort will open not
lt. tl, nnratinn .Uu with M P
,.-l .w... ........ ...... .
and J, W. Munchhoft the active man
charge of the initiation, and manytew
ideas will be introduced. I he mitia
tion will he joint and the candidates
will come troin the ditfercnt Aeries,
South Omaha Aerie gave a smoker
and musical at its hall last Tuesday
evening, including wrestling, boxing
and a splendid musical program. .
All aeries will attend the meeting
of the state aerie, which will be held
at iNCbraska City, April 23, 24 and 25,
Brotherhood American Yeomen.
On last Wednesday evening, Omaha
Homestead No. 1404 initiated candt
dates, after which rcfresments were
served. The iw district manager,
Edward De Ville, recently transferred
to Omaha from the North district
spoke. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Des
Moines, la., formerly charter members
of Omaha Homestead, were present
an spoke concerning the progress
ot the yeomen inlowa.
Next Wednesday evening, Omaha
Homestead will give a dance to mem
bers and their friends in the hall in
Labor tcmp'c.
Order of Scottish Clans.
Clan Gordon No. 63, Order Scottish
Clans, met Tuesday evening and one
member wa added to the roll. Con
siderable business was transacted.
Daughters of Rebekah. .
Benson will entertain the conven
tion of Daughters of Rebekah of Ne'
hraska District No. 2, Friday, in the
Odd Fellows' hall, when about 400
will be in attendance. The address of
welcome will be by Mrs. Jennie Pad
dock, vice grand of Benson's Re
bckah Lodge. Other addresses and
number ot drills with vocal and mtisi
cat numbers, closing with a question
aox wi'i be the program ipr titer
noon ana evening.
Sons of Veterans.
Members of General Charles F.
Manderson Camp, No, 1, Sons of Vet
real source of
erans, and Anna Schcrmer Tent, No.
1, Daughters of Veterans, will hold a
patriotic meeting and social in Agri
cultural hall at the court house Thurs
day evening. A splendid program has
been nrenarcd. ailer which rcfrcsh-
cnts will be served. All members ot
Grand Army of the Republic camps of
Omaha are invited.
Mystic Workers Dance.
Alpha Lodge No. W. .Mystic
Workers of the World, will give a
prize mask ball at Labor Temple at
Nineteenth and I'urnam streets Thurs-
y evening, April 2o. Good music, i
Sons and Daughters of St. George.
Wednesday Die lodges win cotiininc
concert by members and friends, and
a performance of the humorous play,
ortune Hunting, given by the new- ;
organized hi. Ocorgcs Dramatic
:icty. Among taking part in
concert will be the following: Mrs. j
na Williams, soprano; L. Arm-
Rotcoo RawUy, Frop.
Excelaior Motorcycles
Accessories and Repairs
Ropair Work a Specialty
4809 South 24th St.
Phono South 140W
"Goodyear Service Station"
amaMtaaTiinraawMriihiiBiiiiii ii aintrti saaaiviasaBaaKHBViaaBnRseMrxany j Eut .rj i jr.... '.. . .'. gtv-.i-u i.i.'i j'.fw.w.,:. 'a1 "ll, ej'UL.'TiJJWl
l j f
The Goodyear Dealer's Platform-
The, Goodyear Service Station
Dealers in . Omaha are a
part of the Goodyear policy a
time and money saying advantage
to you. .
The one big aim of .the Good
year factories is to build mileage
into Goodyear Tires.
The big aim of the Goodyear '
Service Station Dealer is to see
that you have maximum enjoy
ment and use of your tires with
the least effort, time and expense.
In the rural hamlets, in the
medium-size towns, in the big
cities, you will always find a
Goodyear Service Station Dealer
within easy reach. ,
By the sign above, you will
know them. .
They will see that you use tires
of proper size; they will provide
proper inflation; they will tell
i uthorized Sales an 4
f ' - Service
4911-17 South 24th Street
Tel. South 420
"Goody &r Sorvic Station"
22, 1917.
strong, tenor; George Collins, bass; L.
hdncy, elocutionist: Louis Vacirca
and company, Hawaiian orchestra, etc.
Mrs. E. L. Nelson is in charge of
the "dross" department and T. B.
Hoylc is slage manager and coach,
cast is as follows:
T'rtr PrtUT (rptlml
tap mrrrhanl I .
Mrs. rutli'r nvllh "oriply'- Irmglnit!,! . . .
Ulna KHnpy
Mnliel (th-lr flaURhUTI .MlM K. 1'svte.
Sw.n (lli-lr maul! Ml B. Iiavlfa
.le.liti.-t .iHllntr ( f I u nrl funny l .... s. Murrl.
I'lm. Hrrli'Tl d Vcrt tnlth mnnnrlM..
H. U. Knrd.
Woodmen Circle Dance.
Emma B. Manchester grove No. 156,
Woodmen t'ircle, will give its regular
monthly dance and card parly in
Csnunsc hall Thursday evening.
Meet in New Hall.
Knights' and I adics of Security,
Harmony council No. I4RI). will hold
an open iiirctinR in iheir new h.-.ll at
the Ancient Order of I'nitcd Work
Minne Luoa Garage
J. A. Tuverton, Prop.
. Supplies
Filling Station x
Best Grada Lubricatinf Oil '
Repair Work by
1 One Block North of Miller Park
On 30th Street
Eight Years' Experience
All Work Guaranteed
Service Number, Colfax 403
'""Goodyear Servico Ctntion"
; Goodyear, Tires
Channel Bar Bumpers. ..$4.95
1-ton jack. ,...$1.65
Spotlight with mirror. . . .$2 95
HaTolina Oil But by Tt
The Motor Supply
1917 Farnam Stmt
Douglas 7895
"Goodjraar Sorvica Station"
men temple, Fourfecnih and Dodge,
Saturday evening, April ,28.
Relief Corps Meets,
V. S. Grant post, Woman's
Relief corns No. 104, krnsingtou for
April will be at the residence of Mrs.
R. S. Wilcox at 4216 Douglas street
Tuesday at 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Council, No. 415, will give
a hard time ball iicM Thursday even
ing at its hall iir the buedttti audi
torium, to which members and friends
arc invited.
CiSiTlGr.t r2C3iV23 Kic
Saocncl Crlc:.:! h 'A'csk
I Y. H, Clement f.'otor company
I reee-cd on Fruby r.not.irr cn io-''.'!
J of Liberty tniirin;1, c;.:y,. i:-;.!.in;: t!ie
jvt'oml recci.C'l i:i f c lint
I Tliec r.rc very :''.;".'i" 've luiCV
c;;r;. l-e::i c::t';':tl v i.'j ,".-,. -co lored
vvceis r:d o-.c :''i i -. c ;": i
Tire r
Where you sot qnic';, ;
1"0-'M L
.Only P
i thoughtful, helpful xd-
vicc. Brinp; r,3" youi. Tiro
I Troubles; your sfee al
ways in stock.. .Modern
Vulcaniziifc Plant.
Succccnor to Zwcibel CrfV'.
2313 F.-.-ne.m ?.. P!i. D. ?7" B
' C.T)t';-e-.r Srrvsrs Stntioi"
you whether the wheels of your
car are in alignment
They will guard against the
various forms of tire abuse which
you may innocently inflict.
These tire experts are not sat
isfied merely to sell you Good
year Tires. v
Their interest continues until
you have had maximum mileage
and satisfaction from' them.
They all have the same pur
pose, the same disposition to
hold your business by getting
your friendship, by giving you
x "Such men, ho forego extra
discounts to sell you better tires,
are good men for you to deal with.
Goodyear Tires, Heacy Tourist Tubes and"Tirc
Saoer" Accessaries are easy to get from Good' '
year Service Station Dealers in Omaha.
' t
The Goodvear Tire h Rubber Co.. Akron, Ohio
' .' THE ' ...
2063 Farn.m St.
Battar Ford Rapairing
Gat Our Pricai Firit
Goodyear Tires
Ford Supplies
Auto Accessory Co.
Edwin L. Uhe, Manager
Oouglat 5194
"Goedyaar SarTica Station"
with while llouk wire wheels. .
Commenting mi these deliveries,
Mr. Clement said: "I believe that the
two carload., we have received in
such f hint spree of time from the
dale of our contract i.i an indication
ili,t deliveries r.rc soi'-R lu continue
in a satijlHctorv , (
"When ni llr I'.nctory a couple ol
w-cc'is n;;ti 1 si tucl up for this termor,-
1 was ll'.c i niuM-.icd I would
simply have ft) v.7.:c ny turn as tin
orders on It'A! v.o-.ild l:e filled -in
strict rerard to i':..e lilr!. The short
t f.-i:tn-"l p-im'ik -e'tt resulted in
3 pilc-t-p of o! .';. a-'l it look them
I sever-.! iV's to c it-'t n on theni.
ibttt fto-' f''t .'wis very lit
I tie irm'tic U erected .ltd we cr.n
' i-on:i-'c-: .'-.' r. uve cv;r; o!ie that v.-c
!m m:i; e"iVi .-.i-; -. ;.. r.::v lime, day
r- r-.
Tvco Yi-.lciiiizing'."'!
r:-.eao VtT-.lrut 5789
Wo c-.rry a fall stock of
Best electrical and self-starter
courses. No books-Eiia to
Innrn flnnri P a V. KtV . atv
weeks or longer, as you choose.
ADunaam repair worK on ail
makes of cars.
National Auto Training
v Association
2814 N. 26th St., Omaha, Nab.
"Goodyear Service Station"
I i; j' C-e7'";-e-.r G-i-.-v'ci Statist! . J