Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1917, AUTOMOBILES, Image 38

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    4 D
Will ftevolutloniie Truck In
dustry, it Assertion of '
Sales Director Toner.
THat the Maxwell one-ton truck
recently' announced as Walter E.
Flanders' lateit achievement, will
revolutionize the truck industry was
the positive statement by T. J. Toner,
the director of tales of the Maxwell
Motor company, "
Mr. Toner has been in the auto
mobile business from its early days
and has been associated with Mr.
Flanders for the last ten years. He
is as authority on the development of
the motor car business and can re
count many interesting' and pictur
tsque phases of it.
"Early in the year 1008," said Mr.
Toner, "the new rnotor world was
startled by news from Detroit that
t newly organized company called the
E. M, F. Motor company would pro
duce a thirty-horse , power fully
equipped automobile for $1,200, Bear
in mind that in those dayt all other
similar cars were selling at prices
trom $Z,UUU to $J,uw. waiter fi.
Flanders, the organizer and president
of the E, M. F, company, said he
would build 20,000 cart the first year
an unheard of quantity and
through that big; volume he could
cut the selling price in half,
X Storm of Ridicule.
'Immediately there wal a storm of
ridicule. Manufacturer derided the
idea and some of the best posted
journals hooted the plan as that of
an impractical dreamer. And then
they went on to prove mathematic
ally that even if 20,000 such cart
could be built in a year, they could
not be sold.
"Of course, the cars were built, as
everyone now tnows, and they were
told. How wat it done? By con
centrating on one model, by more
efficient automatic machinery, by the
economies of quantity purchases, by
big newspaper advertising.
Situation it Same.
"We are now confronted with the
identical situation with respect to the
Maxwell Truck. There it no such
thing at present as big truck produc
tion. We do not know of any truck
builder who has an annual produc
tion of as many at 6,000 vehicles.
Consequently prices are high.
"We are entering the truck field is
the world's biggest producer. We
shall build perhaps 20,000 during the
first year. And the price we have
fixed, $795, is about one-half of that
quoted by the makers of similar
trucks. The Maxwell truck is bound
to win instant success. It is a real
truck, through end through, and has
a tremendous market to fill. Already
we have orders on hand for thousands
and our dealers say they could at1
once dispose of all We could manu
facture in two years,
"Watch the Maxwell Truek. It !
going to fulfill our prediction exactly
as its predecessor did."
Here's One of Our Reastms for
THIS MatjtMttaa
testes' Sarts atimiaatcd
kxtt fWkfhffcTDi.
that adoetwiafi
w ffllatt ao "baby
THE mn owning- a water-cooled car
n to man with whom wa like) to
d'?"s Franklin system of Direct
Air Cooling.
' i1! JiT.-?"? 'txtri'c what it
meant to get rid of the 177 watei-cool.
ing parts shown in the illustration. He
fSA??r e,tin y from
freezing troubles, overheating, leaks,
stoppages and other cooling annoyances
and repair bills.
That't exactly what Franklin own
" '"Wthisnaiomrom tool
tnt troubles.. If you know a Franklin5
owner, verify this. If you don't, we will
gladly furnish you the name of Frank,
lia owners hereabouts.
Franklin Motor Car Co,
2205 Farnam Street Phone Douglat 1712
Hudson Super -
King Armored Car
Is Great Aid to
- Army Recruiting
It takes the United State! marine
corps to be the prise winners ill mil
itary progressiveness.
Their latest move it the opening of
a United States marine Corps recruit
ing office at the King Motor Car com
pany's New York distributing house,
Broatlway and rittjr-second street,
New York. ,
There the new type of light armored
motor car, which is fitted with a
standard eight-cylinder King chassis,
is employed to attract attention. Ma
rines from the League Island Navy
Yard, under command of Captain
Frank E. Event, United States Marine
corps, are on duty at the King's met
topolitan distributing house. A 3e-
tachment of marines at aboard the
armored car In front of the salesroom,
large photographs showing this type
of war machine in action are exhibited
and the army recruiting flag ftyl from
the front of the store. Inside a non
commissioned officer, hit staff and t
medical attendant are on duty.
A big string of applicant! and ac
tual enlistments have accrued at a re
sult of the novel stunt. The govern
ment is putting all efforts behind the
steel mills to turn out armnred plates
for this new type of land cruisert.
Goodyear Tire Company
Wants the Metric System
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber
company of Akron, 0 has declared
for the metric system of weights and
measures, with the view of adopting
its use as far as possible in all its
work. The company is a member of
the American Metric association, a
society for the promulgation of this
Classes In the Goodyear factory
school have been organized among
the foremen and inspectors of the
plant, that they may become thor
oughly familiar with a system prior
to its application to the activitiet of
the factory.
The metric system I now the stand
ard in all countries of Eurone. and
Vias the same advantage-over our
method of weights and measures, with
tneir unit ot inches, pounds, quarts,
etc., that our system of coinage has
over the pounds and shillings of
Great Britain or the franct and tout
of France.
Our -United Slatet monetary sys
and Economy
Dtef wffl tell you a lew other' things
which only use of the car brintfs out: '
How the weight eliminated by
Franklin Direct Air Cooling makes 20
milts to th tallon of gasolint and 8000
to 10,000 miles to a ttt of Vires the
usual thing. How absence of wear and
, tear and breakage keeps up the high
value of the car.
Whenever yon wonder why other
fine ear eats' it a economical as the
Franklin, come see us and we'll do the
. It1 worth while hitmtot the Frank
lin before you make any decision about
a oar.
Six Town Car
tem, with its decimal denominations,
it really a division of the metric sys
tem, and since its use has been found
so satisfactory in our commercial life.
the wonder is that we have not long
ago adopted the use of the metric
method in determining all our weights
and measures '
All the tires that American rubber
manufacturers- are now exporting to
Other Parts of the world are stamped
in millimeter sizes. In measuring liq
uids and solids the cubes of these
Units are used.
In all probability the metric system
will become the standard throughout
the world within a few years, and Its
adoption by the Goodyear Tire and
Rubber company is in line with that
company's policy of always keeping
abreast ot the times.
Packard Cars Have New
Equipment for Luggage
The dciree to which motor luffeaie
has been developed is rather strik
ing. The complete outfit especially
deligned for Packard cars, for in
stance, consisti of seven Suit cases.
with suitable , waterproof contain
ers; two fender trunks and a tire
drum commodious enough to carry
all necessary items for seven per
sons. These baggage carrlerl are de
signed to fit Packard touring cart in
appearance and quality as well as
convenience, and they are enjoying
wide favor among Packard owners.
rroper arrangement of the eaum
ment leaves tne body space in both
forward and rear compartments of
the car entirely clear and. the tourists
are as comfortable as in a boulevard
drive about town.
Hamlin Special Used
' On Stage Wins an Order
Peculiar incidents Sometimes lead
to the sale of automobiles," asserts
W. M. Llemcnt, scnpps-Booth distri
butor. "A dramatic oroduction at i
Los Angeles theater called for the
appearance of a car on the stage. The
property man looked about, and tiDOn
seeing a Hamlin special of the Scripps
Booth line decided at once that owing
to tne particular luxurious appearance
tnis was the car best adapted for his
"Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McMurtry of
Denver, Colo., attended the theater
where the Scripps-Booth wat being
used. Mrs. McMurty was to im
pressed with it she told her husband
she wanted him to buy it. He made
uie ptircnase.
TUB redtaorel the
everage ear weijbt
75 pounds) the water,
Pxli fee, piping,
prop and other parti
add aeon weight.
Franklin Dim Ate
Cooling eaves the
Wphiiuow wight and
MkVUUlaag HlUUvBo
Sturdy Oar and Crew Reach
Floor of Tosemite Valley
A Sough Bide.
After weeks of hardships and per
severance, a Studebaker crew has
reached the floor of the Yosemite
Valley, and the Chester N, Weaver
company, San Francisco distributors
of Studebaker carl, it entitled to the
Desmond silver trophy offered at the
prize for the first Car to get into the
The following dispatch has been re
ceived at the offices of the Studebaker
Corporation, South Bend, from W. B
Lewis, supervisor of the Yosemite
National park:
ine atuaeoaker dovs. drivme
six-cylinder seven-passenger 18 series
model Studebaker, have arrived at the
Sentinel hotel. Yosemite Valley, the
nrst car to arrive in the valley this
year. Car made the trip from San
Francisco via the Coulterville road,
carrying 'A-l' license plate."
curing a recent heavy snowstorm
m the mountains Weaver thought
that the boys who were driving the
car were either lost or had suffered
serious injury. For many days no
and until a lion hunter employed by
the United States government to
shoot wild animals oif the Yosemite
reservation brought the news that he
nu.u u.u vecu iclcivcu irnm rnpm.
nad encountered them st the Merced
Grove of Big Tree checking station,
Weaver had no idea of their location.
According to the report received by
telephone from the crew, the battle
with the muddy roadt and deep Snow
wat a severe test for the sturdy little
car and the men who were piloting it.
Weaver eent Out the car in order
to thoroughly test the power and
strength of the motor nd the ma
chine itself. He is well
that the new Series 18 Studebaktr it
able to withstand any sort of hard
driving to which it may be subjected.
Motorcycle Club Starts'
Campaign for Members
The Omaha Motorcycle club has
launched a membership campaign in
an effort to increase its membership
to 125. The. club it already one of
the largest motorcycle clubs in the
middle west and has a larger enroll
ment than all the other motorcycle
clubt in Nebraska combined.
Louis Vlacek and Sam Carpenter
have charge of the membership cam
paign and two teams of forty mem
bers each are at work securing mem
bers. Willys-Overland Firm
- Has Wonderful Growth
The Willys-Overland company of
Toledo in 1911. was producing 14,749
-Srif '
An Open Letter to
All Automobile Agents
of Omaha
Who it the Iivest motor car dealer in Omaha? We have It very un
tuual agency proposition to make him.
We have recently increased our capital to $1,000,000.00 In order
to greatly increase our output. A new, aggressive management has
taken charge. v - -
Tbi first move In our new galea policy it a vigorout advertising campaign
in local newspapers, to develop an active owner interest in the Dorria car and
!l if th,.Vtra,de ' to the Dorria dealer. We will back our agents to
the limit, with all the resources of our wonderful organization.
J? ty f " odk ha most Wractive dealer proposition ever offered On
i it Ih"ciM; r motor which at the price representa the best ear
value that can be found in America.
The Dorris of today is a perfect car, the ultimate of luxury and completeness,
graceful in design, absolutely dependable, of utmost durability. . '
It it conspicuous for fundamentally correct construction, unchanged for
a dozen years valve-ln-head motor, unit power plant, multiple disc clutch,
long, easy-riding platform spring featuret since adopted by many of the
other better grade cart. , ;
. It It alte conspicuous for the highest grade equipment-the accessories
that mean ao much to the car owneri "
Wtetlnghsuee starting and lighting system.
Boseh DU S magnate ignition.
Sternberg carburetor, with water-jacketed
admission pipe.
StewartWarner vacuum gasoline system.
Full floating Timkert rear axle. heltcaJ
bevel gear drive.
Warner speedometer, driven from trans.
SfxeH tires front and rear Goodrich,'
Firestone or Goodyear optional. ,
Tiro pump, power driven, Integral with
8evn.Paeenger Touring Car... ..$2475
iZ?XJlS x
Tho Dotrh Hon Truck it a marvel oftfficuncy, ttaneh, tfepenoVifel
Dorris Motor Car Co.
X Manufacturers
St. Louis, Mo.
H. CANNON, District Representative'
Omaha National Bank Building it OMAHA, NEB.
more cars than it built in 1908. The
gain of 1912 Over 1911 wat 11, $68. In
1913 the additional growth in produc
tion amounted to 7,715. The year
1914 taw big strides forward with
a gain of 13,976 and the 1915 gain ex
eeeded this by 45,251. Close to 100.
000 cars were produced by th com
pany that year. A still greatefgrowth
was recorded in 1916 when the pro
duction figures reached 142,807, or a
gain of 49,083 Over the previous year.
With a production contracted for 1917
You come in to our show
room today if you're car
wise. Drive the
We won't say a word. We won't have to
if you know cars. Get into
a Liberty today.
2514 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas 52 U.
... f '
Upholstering finest grade genuine black
leather. French pleated, double-springy
luxurious cushions. - ,-
One-man Pantasote top and dual cover.
Rain vision windshield, ventilating top and -bottom,
.... -'.''.,"..'
10-inch electrte headlights with doubt
bulbs and dimmer. Star diffusing lens '
optional,. . ..; t T
Th Derrit rankt with th very few top
trad cart in material and workmanship, ;
and in absolutely satisfactory performance.
It bear th not of real refinement. It it -a
true pleasure car in ail th term implies. .'
Four-Passenger Coupe...;
... 3350
... 3(7$
... 2185
of 200,000 cart I gain of more thai
57,000 cart it apparent. '
. "The Stability 6f the industry as (
whole is to no small degree due to tht
progress made by the Willys-Over
land company," said J, R. Jamisol
local Willys-Cverland branch mana
ger, the Other1 day. "The prtgr'csl
which the company has made in it
manufacturing methods, leading to i
greater production, is a factor whicl
plays a prominent part in determin
ing automobile values in America."
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