Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1917, Want-Ad Section, Image 29

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    '7 C
, Poultry Pet Stock
Anconas. .
Pay their way by th eggs they lay.
Winner t Chicago, Bt. Lou If, Sprlng
f(ld. Kansas City. Eggs for hatching, 12
upward. Catalogue tails ail. ERNST &
BOWER. Olney, 111. .
A.NCON A3 H26.00 Cash prises for cnlx
batched from eggs bought thli sesson.
Catalogue free, kirnst Z. Bower, Olney,
11 aK'(jNA3. the a-reut en "pro-
dueers Mrs. 11. J. Gallatin. Aahland, Neb.
OOi.liKN .Sebright Bantams; alttlngB, IL
Arden Ellise, Troy, Mo.
HATCHING fKKa from my bred to lay 8.
C. white Leghorn; 18 per 100. At the Nob,
Stale Fair, Omaha show and Neb. State
how 1 had 43 entries, won .38 prizes and
three specials. More than all other White
Leghorn exhibitors combined. A few good
cockerels left write tor mating net.
Q. Thompson, Central City. Neb.
BLACK LANG SHAN eggs. 11.60 per 15,
ta per 80; incubator lots, To each. A, L.
Fahrenhols, Talmage. Neb.
170 BIG, BLACK LANG9HAN cockerels.
Ay Bros., Blair, Neb. Box t.
WHITB LA. NOSH AN eggs. Mrs. Gr,
Welch, Utica, Neb.-'
BLACK LANG8HAN eggs. Jaks Hetrlck,
Wahoo, Neb,
. FINS BLACK LANG SHAN cockerels for
sale. Margaret McClune, Wallace, Kan.
SINGLE COMB Buff Leghorn eggs, bred to
win and lay: many first prize birds will bs
produced from this great alfalfa range
flock; satisfaction guaranteed. .Win. F.
Gerlach. Havelock. Neb. ,
FOR SALE Pure-bred Single'-comb Whit
Leghorns; setting eggs. H Pr IS; t& Per
- 10 ; chicks, $10; per 100. Ivar Johnson,
Fremont, Neb.
ifGOS Eglantine, Barron Blngle-Comb
Whit Leghorns, Bingle-Comb White Or
pingtons, Emden Geese, Mammoth Pekln
Ducks, Beverrtale, Appleton City, Mo,
SINGLE comb Whits Leghorn eggs for
hatchlntv 1.60 per 10. Mrs. James
Healea, Crair. Neb.
If 19 par hundred; 86 per cent guaranteed
fertile. J. -H. P.ettnsr, Exeter. Neb.
SINGLE-COMB Whit and Black Leghorn
baby chicks. 10 cents each; eggs, M per
10. J. R. Frew, Eustls. Neb:
cent par setting, M-M per hundred. F. li
Hayett, Llnwooa, ivep.
f OUNG Strain Single-Comb White Leghorns
Eggs, t.60 fer 100. Jo Johnson, Routs
No. t, Craig. Neb,
THOROUGH BrtEU Rose-Comb Brown Leg
horn eggs, I per 109. Mrs, J. T. Web
ber. Nemaha, neb.
per 100. Ella PlttarQ, Route 1, Geneva,
range; eggs. 100, M.S0; IS, $1. S. T. Bat
tle, sr., Genoa, Neb.
BARRON'S World's Beat Layers; English
Whit Leghorn eggs, ceasonable. Andy
Mikktlson. utica. Neb.
FOR SALE Rose-Comb White Leghorn
eggt, 4.8ft per 100. Mrs. Anna Nelson,
Genoa, wen., kqutb on.
EGOSBaft Leghorn, .o 105; Buff Rocks,
II. M, 17; 16.00, 105. Pen, $3.00, 17.
frrt NatWigagt, Howells, Neb.
Minorca a.
f. C. BLACK Mlnorcas and Black Cochin
Bantam hatching eggs. Send for mating
list. Myers Poultry Yard. 1116 Sixth Ave.
C. Bluffs, la.; Tel. HtL
INGLE-COMB Black Mfnorcas and White
Wyanfdotte, won first and silver cup
at Omaha. Eggs, $2, $5 and HO per
setting. J. F. Porter, Fremont, wen.
SINGLE-COMB Black Minorca eggs, $1.66
for 16; 100, so. Anna layvrm, rairuuir,
Neb. Routs 1.
LARGE Single Comb Black Minorca eggs
for hatching; write or maung mi. v.
E. Hawklnsofl, Randolph, Ran. ., ,
SUPREME Black Orpington eggs. $8.00
Pharoah. Empress. Pen. (Individual mat
ting); 10 eggs, $6.00. . .Carl Bartlett, Over
land, MO,
k tcK iirmriKiona. aarro uu
Rocks 2 per 16, $5 for 30; $10 per 100,
Arc Mai .Farm, rremont. nn.
6. C. Bf. Orpington and Houdan hatching
eggs, $2 for 16; $4.50 for 60; 98 for 100;
winner Greater Omaha show, 1916. M. P.
Nelson, 1002 Biutr, Florence, no. a.
mRE-BRED eggs, S. C. Buff and WhH
Orpington, White Leghorn; excellent lay
ers. $1 per 109. White Pekin ducks, 11 for
. 91.25. MrS, John Bitten, JVirKmen, i.
9 r tiiipf OrDinston eKKs: the big, heavy
boned kind; nothing- but clear Buff. 15
for $1.60: 60 for $4. J. P. roiiock,
BlnomAeld, Neb.
FOR SALE Pur bred S. f . "Golden" Buff
Orpington eggs, I! letting, 98 per uot,
C. E. Fisn. Bolivar, am.
VHITE ORPINGTON eggs. $1.60 per setting.
Waiting UsL ready. William Radschlag,
Sioux City, la.
SINGLE-COMB White Orpington eggs; fif
teen, $1; fifty, $3; hundred, $5. J, A
Russell, Corning, It.
SI.VGLK-60MS Buff Orpington eggs, SO, $3;
190, $6. Jos. Konlcek, , Clarkson, Neb.
Route 1,
SINGLE-COMB Buff Orpington eggs; four
pnn winning po-y co vwi,i, nmHK
in en,
BUFF ORPINQTON aggs from heavy winter
layers, writ lor price., u. J. xvacniigaii.
Alsxanarik, nsp.
fc;m Tin nrntntan East rn ' larce. stored
hi I. 81.10 settlna. 16 per 100, Otto
nampp, aeaver .roaains:, neu.
WHITB Orpington eggs, mated pens, $5
utility eggs, 76 cents. L. J. Aieaingsr,
David City, Neb. '
BUPP Orpingtons, choice flock, eggs, 16 for
11.: in larger lots, so eaciw rranx Kaiser,
Dtykln, Neb.
TOU will be glad In Oct. If you buy Getty's
8. C Buff Orpington? eggs in April ; is,
91.3. Mrs. K, Getty, K. , waro, xveo.
PRIZE-WINNING Single-Comb Btift Or
plngtoni; egg9, "II.2S, 18, postpaid. Cart
Bcnereacner, uume hock, n
FOR SALE 4o Buff Orpington hens and
pullets, $t.00 each; good healthy breeders;
heavy 'fryers: Bert Long.Little flious. la.
PURE-BRED Buff Orpington egga," selected
stock. Mrs. Blermann, Wtsner. Neb.
SINGLE-COMB Buff Orpington eggs, $6 per
100. Mrs. Henry Martin, Eddyvllle, Neb.
SINGLE COMB Buff Orpington, eggs. Louis
S, Juracsk. Niobrara, Neb.
ORPINGTONS, white o buff. List frse.
rranlt Lewis, superior. Neb,
PURE-BRED Buff Orpington eggs, $5 per
1A0 Mr Geo. Fell, River ton, la.
BUFF Orpington eggs for setting.
Dbugtas 6288. 2124 Douglas.
Rhode Island Reds.
R. C. Rhode Island Reifls.
First prize Chicago Coliseum.
Two first prizes Neb. slate fair last
Two first prizes Iowa state fair last
First prize Omaha Auditorium. 1916.
Ems for hatching, $1.59 per IS up.
M. tviffey. 9214 S. 11th St.. Onftha, Neb,
R. C. Rhode Island Reds. ,
First prize Chicago Coliseum,
Two first prizes Neb. State fair laot year.
Ft rut prlz Omaha Auditorium, 1916.
Eggs for hatching!!. 60 per 16 up, .
M, Coffey. 9214 S. 11th St, Omaha. Neb.
HARRISON'S Non-altting Single-Comb
Reds (3 50 -egg strain),. Mating list gives
facts free. Harrison, "Th Redman,"
Stromsbnrg. Neb.
Th6rOUOHBRED Rhode IslanrfRd eggs
far hatching from bred-to-lay farm range
stock. High fertility. $1.00 per 15 pre
1 paid; $5.75 per 100. Allc Tocom, Lo
gan, Is,
ROSE -CO MR REDS Flock average 198 eggs
six months. Heaviest winter producers.
Get egg price. Geo. 8. Schwab, Sutton,
Rhode Island Reds,
SINGLE COMB Red eggs, 13 for IS, 6 for
ID; one pen, all snow specimens, IV-id.
male at head. Free Illustrated circular.
Carruth Bros., Ashland, Nob,
PINQLB COMB red egs. Ib per aettlnr.
Carver'a malea mated to Tompkins and
Covalt females; three pens mated; every
one a good one W. R. Moore, Loup, Neb.
CROWN POINT Poultry Yards, Omaha.
Neb.; pure-bred. Single-Comb Reds and
Single-Comb White Leghorns. Eggs at half
price after May in.
FOR SALE Single-Comb Rhode Island Red
cockerels at $1.6 and $1 each. T. M.
Snspp, Coin, la,
R. C. R. I. Red and Andaluslan eggs from
thoroughbred mated pens for sale. Wal.
9 L 74. Clifton Hurst Poultry Yards. Omaha.
SINGLE CQJ1B red eggs from fine laying
strain; good color. Prices reasonable.
Allen Ely, Elk horn, Neb.
EGGS from Roa Comb Reds that scor 10
and up; guarantee 96 por cent fertile; $2
per 16. Alfred Anderson, Columbus, Neb.
HIGH bred Rose Comb RiAls; eggs. $1, 15;
$ IDO; baby chicks 16c each. Shady Lawn
Poultry Yards, Elm Creek, Neb.
SINGLE COMB Reds from stock that won
at Denver, Colo.; $1, 2, $3 for IB eggs.
Rev. A. A. Robertson, Bertrand, Neb.
EGGS Rose Comb Reds, $3.60 per 100 from
flock; select pen, $1 per setting, Julia
Baxter. Blair. Neb.
EGGS T Yes, Single Comb Red eggs. Win
ning and paying stork; mating list. C.
Bonsai I. Box T, Fair bury, Neb,
SINGLE-COMB Rhode Island Red eggs for
hatching, $1.80 and $3.00 per setting.
A, L. Hepp, Greeley, Ueb.
ROSE Comb R. I. Red, 75 cents a setting,
$4 a hundred. 'Mrs. Larson, 60th snd
Center. Walnut 3194.
S. C. RED eggs, $2.00 per 16; $4 per E0;
two 60-egg lnclubators, $8 each. Alex
McNeill, Harlan, la.
30; $6, 100. Dark
field. Neb.
ll.Se, 16; $2.60,
J. Burton, Fair-
DARK Rose-Comb Red eggs; four mated
pens; range flock; $1.00 per 100. Bother
Nelsm., Phillips, Neb.
TEN yars with R. C. Reds; eggs only $1.60
per 16, $6.00 per 100. W. H. Maasdam,
Petla, la. '
RHODE ISLAND REDS hatching eggs. $1
snd $2 per setting. Sunnyside Poultry
Farm, Elliott, 111.
FINE winter laying Rhode Island Red egga
for hatching. Call Webster H7.
R. C. BEDS eggs, $1 per 16;
Theo TredJI, Orleans. Neb.
FOR SALE Rose comb Rhode laland Red
hatching egga. Benson 491.
EGGS from good single-comb Reds, $5 per
100. Mrs. C. A. Carroll, Stanton, Neb.
WHITE Rock Eggs Two points considered
in selecting stock size and quality. Cock
erels weigh from 9 to IS pounds, Fllhel
strain; pullets JH to 9 pounds; heavy
layers. Eggs. 15, $1.60; 60, $4.60; 100, $8.
Special attention given incubator orders;
good, fresh stock always on hand, Mrs
Austin Klvfn, Jefferson, la.
WHITE ROCK eggs out such strain as Lady
Show-You, the champion layer of the
world for 1818; and the Halbach's win
ners of every grand championship offered
at Chicago Coliseum In 1914 and 1916.
Priced to sell. E. Clausan, Mead, Neb.
BARRED ROCKS of the best quality; eggs
for hatching that will produce quality.
Henry Vosa, Jennings Station, St, Louis,
Mo. . .
WHITE Wyandot tea, Regala and Dorcas.
Winners 1st pen, stats show, 1917. Eggs,
$1.60, IS; $9.00, 100 Write Frank V.
Uridli, Leigh, Neb.
EGGS Silver-Laced Wyandottes. 15, $1.26;
60, 93. Rouen duck eggs, 11, 11.Z&. Burr
Orpington duck eggs, XI, 91.59. Fred Ku-
cera, Clarkson. Neb,
EGGS for hatching from cholc. pore-bred
White Wyandotte,. It Ber 100, 13 per (0.
Mrs. Walter F. Carlson, Rout. 1, Stroma.
bur,. Neb.
WHITE Rock eggs from large-boned, vig
orous, snow white birls, with mora alze
than atandara requires 16, 12; DO, I6i 100,
9. G. W. MFNabb, Bolivar, Mo.
BARRED ROCK eaas from too-notch qual
ity stock, $1.60 for IK, $6 for 100; nothing
but the best. AhlqulBt Bros., Box Q,
Florence, Neb.
BARRED Rock eggs frbm prize winners
satisfaction guaranteed; send for mating
list. , George Drlnnin, Columbus, Neb.
BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs for hatch
ing the better kind $3,5 and IS per IS.
Dr. Fltppln, Stromsburg, Neb.
EGGS Fancy Barred Rocka; winter layers:
11. U and 12.(1 setting. Clyde Karel,
Clarkson, Neb.
WHITE. Rocks, blue ribbon winners In four
states. Send .for mating list. Williams
foultry Farm, Cedsr Bluffs, Neb.
WHITE Rock eggs, pure bred, good layers;
S1.60 per If, II per 100. Fred Kroeger.
Carroll, la. .
FANCf Barred Plymouth eggs for hatch
ing, from laying strain, I1.2S setting; 17
per 100. Fred Deln, Hebron, Neb.
BABT chicks, pure-breds; White Rocks, He
eech; Barred Rocks, 12c, George Wolcett,
Central City, Neb.
HILLCP.EST Barred Rocks (Bradley strain).
Fawn and White Indian Runher ducks.
I:k, 100, 5; settling; 11, D. T. Gsntt,
CrMe, Neh.
CLAStiT Barred Rocks, farm range bred to
wlh and lay. 10. 100; la, 60; II 26, It. Few
settings from pen, 12.60. Mrs.'C. F. Sea
lock, Ncola. Ia '
for mating . list. Ralph R. Bowman,
Beemer. Neb.
BARRED ROCKegge, $1, 16; 12, 30; 13, 60;
16, 10,. Satisfied customers 12 states.
Mrs. George Schuls, Tutan, Neb.
FINE stock Barred Rock hens and cock
erels;, alao eggs tor hatching. H. 1836.
LET WESTMOOR Poultry Farm hatch your
eggs for you. Constant attention. Ca
pacity 20,000 per month, order baby
chicks bow for quk delivery. C, A.
Wallacs, Mgr. Phoflfe Benson 60E3.
W; WTANDOTTB hatching eggs. Florence
389. White Wyandotte Tarda, Florence,
WHITB Wyandottes, hesded by Flshel cock,
srtls, Eggs,-6 per hundred. Georg. Guth
rie, Exeter, Neb.
KIMSET'S partridge Wysnctattee, the beauty
breed. Eggs. 11.50 per 16. Jess, Kim.ey,
Shenandoah, lows.
SILVER-LACED Wysndottes; eggs. 11.26 tor
15; ,3 per 60; ,5 per 100. Mrs. H, R.
Toung. Stella, Neb.
STOCK all sold, nothing t-it hatching egg,
for sale now. Th. Squart Deal Poultry
Yards. Harney 167.
PETERS' White Wyandot'.e cockerels for
sale. Otto Peterson, Jr.. Aattejl. Neb.
COLUMBIAN Wyandotte eggs for batching
.Mrs. Emu unrnner. sutinn, nen.
EOUS for hatching.
Center. Neb. .
JTrank LarkinT ciay
PURE-BRET) Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs.
i ror it, ri. ;iaoaugn, wnnroe, ieD.
Pblifc,-BKKL ailver-Lact;d Wyandotte eggs.
II for 16. H. Clabaugh. Monroe, Neb.
BLUB WYANDOTTKS Bggs for hatching.
write Jasper A. uauntt, vlncennes, ind.
iAR and White Cornish egga.
stales. I'aole Korh. riel).
BUTTKRCUPS The premier layers ot large
white egg.'; non-setters. Write for illus
trated mating list and prices for hatching
eggs. w. v. Bmninr, KiKftart, Jnfl,
EOQS for hatching; Buff Orpingtons Rose-
lomb Rhode Island Reds and Partridge
Wyandottes, ti.s te 13 per U. J. R.
jrrew, kiisus, Neh.
ALLvarietlea land yind- water fowls; 1m-
prizes. List free. Ilose Lawn Poultry Farm.
rldge Rocks, Bourbon turkeys, Toulouse
geese snd Buff ducks, drakes. Mri. Frank
Neel, Beverly, Kan.
WHITB POULTRY Exert quality; hatch-
ing eggs; circular fret. 31mhurst Poultry
Farm. Princeton. III.
ROSE-COMB Minorrss and Rhode Island
Reda,eggs, 11.60 Ifc V. O. French, Car
son. la.
Poultry for the Table
Many Things Influence Size and Flavor
Many factor-, influence desirable
quality in the flesh ot poultry intend
ed for table use. Flavor, texture,
amount of Aesh in proportion to total
weight of the bird, and the amount
and distribution of fat over the car
cass are some of the most important.
Besides the general differences be
tween various kinds and breeds of
birds, there are differences between
birds of the same stock, due to sex,
age, exercise, feeding and methods of
handling and marketing. The effect
of sex and age are often offset by spe
cial care and feeding.
The flesh of females is, as a rule,
milder in flavor and more tender than
that of males. Caponizing makes the
flavor of cocks more delicate and ten
der and increases the amount of flesh,
especially on the breast.
Age increases the flavor at first ad
vantageously, but later disadvanta
geous; Many persons consider the
flesh of young birds, such as broilers,
too mild and that the added richness
of flavor of the bird a year or two old
compensates for lack of tenderness.
The masses of flesh in proportion to
bone increase as the bird grows older.
Selecting Your Breed.
"What is the best breed?" is a ques
tion often asked by those who con
template raising chickens. The best
breed for any poultryman depends
upon the particular product in which
he is interested.
Those who wish to keep poultry for
home supply of meat and eggs will do
well to select the Plymouth Rock
Rhode Island Red, Wyandotte or Or
pington. These breeds lay a medium
number of brown-shelled eggs and
have carcasses heavy enough to meet
most family requirements. These
breeds are good .sitters and good
If egg production is the primary
purpose of keeping chickens, those
who expect a large income should se
lect such a breed as the Leghorn,
Minorca Or Ancona. These fowls lay
larger number of eggs, have smaller
carcasses, and require less feed than
the first named breeds. They are bet
ter rustlers than the heavier breeds,
but are non-sitters, and are affected
more by sudden change in tempera
ture, t
The heaviest breeds, such as the
Cochin, Brahma and Langshan, are
good as meat producers and are liked
by some breeders for their ornamental
When ornament is the chief ob-
ject, the Polish and such breeds of
bantams as the Japanese are often se
lected for their odd and beautiful
The selection of a breed within any
of these Krouos is not so important
as the selection of a good strain or
family in the breed chosen. When
buying, it is well to find out what the
breeder has been working toward in
the improvement of his flock. Of
two breeders of the same kind of
chickens, one may be selecting for
high egg production, while the other
is selecting for shape and color dis
tinction. One cannot look too care
fully into those details if the best re
sults are hoped tor. A growing num
ber of breeders afe developing strains
which combine all the desirable qual
ities In their particular breeds.
ONE light Brahma rooster and one White
Crested Black Polish rooster for ssle at
3916 N. 27th St. Prise winning stock.
WHlTrt Rock esgs. Halbach prise strain.
11.60 setting; Ifi 100. Phone South III.
C. W, Martin. '
TOUNG laying and setting hens, cheap. 1007
. N. 24th St. Wob. -481.
Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Etc.
10 PAIR large homer pigeon, fast squab
breeders, banded and now working. Must
sell thein quick. Address Box 741, Central
City, Neb.
I. R. DUCK egga. 11.60 per 22. For other
pure bred poultry write for particulars of
your want,. H. H. Telchmeler, Boelus.
INDIAN rVnner duck epgs for sale; good
' stock, reasonable prices. Writ. m. four
wants. Ed Crosier, oakflale. Neb.
MAMMOTH Bronse Turkeys. Toml, If t. 21
pounds, at 16, trl. at 110, Win. Schwlnck.
Stuart. Neb.
BOURBON Red Toms, price II.
Schlndler, Nebraska City, Neb.
TOULOUSE geea. eggs, fOo
elope Farm, Reaanor, la.
Poultry Supplies.
Squab Journal Treats on feeding, mar
'k e ting and general management of pig
eons for squab raising. Illuitrated. Pub
Mined monthly. Sample 10c. Four months'
trial, 86c. American Squab Journal, Dept
0, Warrenton, Mo.
ENOLI8H Coach Dogs for' sale.
Web. 101.
1121 Seward.
Marie Aberm&thy.
Bring Body of T. J. Mahoney
Back to Omaha for Burial
The body of T. J. Mahoney, who
died suddenly in Washington, D. C,
last Thursday morning, will arrive in
Omaha today at I o'clock In the
A committee from the Knights of
Columbus will be there to receive it.
Members of the Fourth degree,
Knights of Columbus, will act as a
guard of honor at his late home,
Thirty-seventh and Farnam streets,
duriug the day.
, Mrs. Mahoney is accompanying the
body home from Washington. Her
brother, L. H. Lipps, of New York,
is with her and she will meet her
sister in Chicago.
The funeral probably will be held
Monday at 10 a. m. from St. John's
Catholic church.
Asks $25,000 but Gets $700
' . In Suit Against Burlington
A jury in federal court awarded
Charles Fitzpatrick700 after hearing
his suit against tin Burlington rail
road for $23,000. He alleged he
boarded a freight train and that after
it had started the crew told him it did
not carry passengers and, he alleged,
The large masses of flesh found on
such birds can be utilized more satis
factorily than the smaller masses
found on young, immature ones.
Exercise affects the flavor and tex
ture of poultry flesh, as it. docs any
kind of meat. It increases 4he protein
extractives on which snecthc flavor
depends and toughens the individual
fibers of flesh and connective tissue.
Exercise also affects the distribution
of flesh and fat over the carcass. Ex
ercise of chickens may easily be con
trolled, as they are not put out of con
dition by Jono; confinement as are tur
keys and guinea fowls. Regulating
exercise is usually closely associated
with special feeling.
Fattening improves the flavor and
special feed may give specific flavor.
Chickens fattened on a mash of grain
and milk acquire a delicate flavor,
while the "wild" flavor of birds that
find their own food is probably due to
the variety of food they get while
ranging. Birds intended tor the table
should not be allowed t& eat onions
or wild garlic, as the sulphur com
pounds in these plants pass- into the
flesh aneritive taste which most per
sons consider undersiahle.
Why Anconas?
Every day 1 am asked, "Why do
you prefer Anconas to other breeds?"
I started out with ten different breeds
of birds, Anconas among them, but
my favorites were buffs of a heavier
breed. My second year I exhibited
all ten varieties and my pride were
the butts, but after another year 1 clis
carded all except my imported White
Leghorns and the Anconas. Why?
Because the Anconas have every
thing a utility fowl should have; they
are non-setters, which is one thing
worth a great deal to a breeder,
They are heavy layers of white
eggs and they lay most of their eggs
in December, January, February and
March, when eggs are high. They
lay more pounds of eggs to the least
pounds of teed.- , '
They are a beautiful fowl kind
gentle to handle and as a show bird
are hard to beat.
They are bright, quick and active;
will on range shift for themselves
and are the happiest, busiest little
bunch, always singing and always
lavine. The greatest laying hen
the world today is an Ancona, Queen
Hess, record Ail egtrs in Abb days.
The next best recorrj is Lady Eglan
tine, white Leghorn hen, record 314
eggs in 365 days. Government and
state experiment farm statistics show
that it cost about $1.50 to feed a hen
a year, so why meat breeds? A
seven-pound hen won't pay for her
feed. It is the eggs we want, it is
the eggs that till the purae, so why
not Anconas?
Anconas for the table have a deli
cious flavored meat and far superior
to many of the so-called meat breeds
but if they only had the two qualities,
shelling out eggs and being non-set
ters, this alone would make them the
best fowl on earth.
Did you ever have an old hen go to
setting just when you needed the
ettgs, and how many times you have
ducked her under water, kept hr
cooned up for a week or ten days and
then have her go right back to set
ting? If you have ever raised these
setters, you sure will appreciate
"That Grand and Glorious Feeling"
of raising Anconas.
Olney, 111. ERNST Z. BOWER.
Methods for Destroying Lice and
- Mites.
Lice The louse spends all its life
on the body of the fowl. For that
reason each fowl must be treated in
dividually One rimhod of treatment
is to dust with a good louse powder.
A more satisfactory method is to use
blue ointment. This is very poison
ous and should be used with care.
Formula for Louse Powder.
Three parts gasoline, one part cre-
sol or 95 per cent crude carbolic acid.
Mix together and add as mucn
building cement as these liquids will
moisten. Allow to dry and apply
thoroughly. Repeat in a week to ten
days. This powder is too severe for
little chicks.
Formula (or Louse Olntmtnt.
One part blue ointment, one part
Rub a piece about the site of a pea
on skin close to vent. Repeat in a
week to ten days. This is not satis
factory for little chicks.
For little chicks probably small
amount of sweet oil or lard is most
satisfactory. This is applied on top
head and under wings.
Mites The mite spends the day
under the perchesin nests, in cracks
and in crevices and in the droppings.
It goes to the fowl at night and sucks
First, the house must be kept clean.
Then it should be sprayed with a i
per cent solution of a good stock
lip, with kerosene or with white
wash. , "
Formula (or White Wash.
Mixture A One bushel lime,
twelve gallons water.
Mixture B Two gallons water,
two pounds salt, one pound sulphate
ol tine.
After Mixture B is dissolved it is
stirred into Mixture A and two gal
lons of sweet skimmed milk is added.
Apply with a spray pump when pos
sible. Kansas City Agricultural Col
lege. ,
Infertile Eggs Keep Longer.
Too much emphasis cannot he
placed upon the production of infertile
eggs for market. The keeping quality
of infertile eggs is so much greater
than that of fertile eggs as to make
their production highly profitable to
the poultryman.
Keep the male birds from the flock
except during the breeding season.
Among extensive tests that have
been carried on to show the better
keeping quality of infertile eggs, one
reported from Kansas is typical. Dur
ing June, July and August experts
from the United States Department
of Agriculture candled 2,205 eggs
from Kansas flocks that had no male
birds present, nd found 1,427, or 63.8
per cent, were first-class eggs. Some
of these eggs had been properly cared
for and some had not. but all were
infertile. Out of 2,257 eggs from
Kansas flocks that had male birds
present, the same experts found only
916, or 40.6 per cent, first-class eggs.
The conditions in this case were ex
actly the same as in the first except
!"that there were no male birds pres.
em, and there was a difference of 23.2
per cent in favor of the infertile eggs.
In money this means that, even if
you are not taking particular pains
with your eRgs, you can, by removing
the male bird, make them net you
more than two-thirds of a cent a
doien more if you are receiving i
cents more for "firsts" than for "sec
onds." Profits in Squab Raising.
For squab culture only a few va
rieties of pigeons are used. Among
these the Homer is generally consid
ered the most popular. It is one of
the best squab producers because it is
prolific and is a good feeder and
mother. The fact that the Homer
pigeon will return home even if taken
hundreds of miles away makes it nec
essary to keep this variety confined,
if the pigeons have been purchased.
Breeders of the Homer pigeon have
paid little attention to plumage, io a
variety of colors may be found in
this breed.
The Carneaux pigeon is somewhat
larger than the Homer and is claimed
to be about as prolific and as good a
feeder. Carneaux pigeons are varied
in color, but those with red and yel
low shades are the commonest. This
variety of pigeons has only recently
become popular as a squab producer
in the United States,
Other varieties of pigeons, larger
than the Homer, are used by some
breeders, especially in crossing upon
the Homer and Carneaux to increase
the site of the squabs. The Runt is
one of the largest of these varieties,
but is neither as prolific nor as good
a breeder or feeder ass the Homer.
Some of the other varieties used as
squab breeders are the Dragoon, the
White Maltese or hen pigeon, the
White King and the common pigeon.
The small common pigeon is prob
ably the most widely distributed on
farms. These pigeons produce small
squabs, Often of poor quality.
Right housing for poultry is a sub
ject that could occupy many pages
with resultant benefit to those inter
ested. Conditions of housing com
mence miniediately the chicks are
placed in the brooder and many trou
bles mty be traced to bad conditions
in this part of the management A
flock of chicks of a month or less are
extremely susceptible to defects in
housing, for their power of resistance
to disease is much lower than in more
mature stock. If any are taken sick
the danger of contagion is greater be
cause of closer proximity in a smaller
Space, and weaker stamina; so many
of the young birds may succumb to
a trouble from which older birds
would easily recover.
The worst defect with management
in brooding young chicks is over
crowding, ass some, breeders forget
the fact that chicks of three weeks
require practically double the Space
they occupied at a week old. If a
brooder is used, that is built to hold
100 chicks they should be divided at
two weeks to allow room for their
quick growth.
One of the first signs of coming
trouble caused by overcrowding is a
"sweaty" condition and that is a sure
harbinger to serious colds and otheis
troubles. The chicks are at once set
back in growth, many may die and
what do recover will not amount te
much unless the greatest care and
best medication is observed.
By overcrowding the accumulation
of excretions (become a greater men
ace if such arc allowed to accumu
late and mites soon begiu to get in a
foothojd. Between the foul odor they
have to inhale and the deadly at
tacks on tncir blood by mites, the
chicks quickly get in a bad shape. The
nitny conditions conduce to quicker
growth of the mites and the mites
contribute to the spread of any colds
or similar disease that may com
mence, as they go from one bird to
another to get the secretions from
the nostrils for moisture or drink,
thus disseminating germs.
Another trouble with some brood
ers is lack of ventilation, the air ni
side ge close, no opportunity for
lie exnaianons trom trie turds to
escape, and if it is a heated brooder
the warmth may accumulate too much
during the night, so the chicks get
trouble in another form. The gradual
increase of bodily heat combined with
the heat from the lamp increases the
temperature much above what it
should be for health and growth. The
result of too much heat may be a
form of white diarrhoea.
The ideal methods of broodina- are
the large open room heated bv steant
Land the. large circular metal hovers
heated by either coal or oil. In such
places there Js no chance for foul
air to accumulate, because the venti
lation is good, rot o der stock. s.
pecially laying henl, houses should
be built to allow for excellent venti
lation. The general method is to
have ventilator screen wire at the
rear of the house opening underneath
the dropping boards, with ventilator
windows or slides near the roof on
the opposite side. For smaller houses
a space between the bottom edge ol
.the rafters or top of wall plate and
the shingles will suffice, thus leaving
a space of about three inches un
bearded. If the front wall is open
wire that takes the place for front
Where ventilation is not good in
laying or roosting houses, the heat
of the Interior increases during the
day, and makes it a hot box almost
unbearable during warm summer
days. In any case stagnant air in
any poultry house may become a
menace to health. The odor from
popr ventilation is easily noticeable
a few hours after the birds get to
roost, and a sign to look for coming
trouble unless it j soon remedied.
Nathan Bernstein Iihh gone to It. jAiph,
Mo., to visit hi brother, nabhl Bernstein,
and from there goes east on a bnslnsss trip.
Fred W,Hoover, manager of the hat d
Pkrtment or Browning, King k Co,, has gfm
,io Philadelphia and New York on a fill
bur ing trip 1
Tell Your Poultry Troubles to The Bee
Inquiries will be answered on this page when space
permits, otherwise by mail.
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Turn Llttl Ones Into Big Orris
' ThtPuiltry Supply Hsust
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Your Life Hangs by a Thread
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