4C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 22. . 1917. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. ttn Hir.B In Frcino and Kinf count. , S Joaouln VUy, California, Ideal land for alfalfa, grata and fruit crowing, atock -and poultry railing. Ont-tanth down and nloa aaay annual pymnl on Balance at I pet In food farm aalffhborbood. cloi to markat 0? Ji.OOt aerca of choice land, at very raaaonabla price, to aclact from. To ba aura you art get tine what you want; you may leaaa for ont, two or thr yoara with option to purchaaa on bov tarma. wnta ror attain oi mis ai traetlva method of buying- on terma In roach of aavon. Tou could aak for Bo falrar dal San Joaquin Valley It In the heart of wlnterleaa California; acrea nough and ahould.pay for ltaelf to five yoara. Tou can atari hero with only 1,0 00 and makft food. I will gladly place you In touch with thoao having tha landa for tale. Thla la auch an aaay way to gat a California farm that my advice la to act quickly. C. I. Heagravea, in , duitrfal Commlaaloner, A. T. ft fl. P. Ry 1107 ny. Exrh., Chicago. FOR SALE -IMPROVED FRUIT. DAIRY and atock tarma. 50, 40 or mora acrea, In vicinity or Frame, Ban joaquia "auey, heart of frlnUrlwa California, (rtataat ralaln bolt In world; now paying good profit! ; houaeot bama fence, llva lock verythtng ready; cropa in many Inataneea paying batter than iiifo an acre, iz.suo will buy a 110,000 place, with long tima on balance. Tour farm Income will take car jf future payment!. Only limited number of farma can be tied on theaa term, to Write today. I will gladly put you Id touch with thoea having farma for gaie. V. 1 bkaukavk.9, inauainai CommlifcloBT, A. T. S, F. H7.. 2007 By Ech.. Chicago Colorado 7 YAMPA VALLE lit ACRES. Routt county, Colorado! all fenced and croa fenced; oedar poeta and barbed wire; two aele of good Improve menti; all aubject to Irrigation; unlimited aupply of water; paid up water right; Ir rigated aye t era laid out by government engineer, Thil farm la located 2hk mllea from ehlpptng station. There are now 40 aorea of thla farm la wheat; 10 acrea ready for email grain thla aprlng. Will furnish aeed for apwirif. Thla farm hae paid better than ,000 per year Income on one-half of aame In cultivation. Owner haa recently acquired thla treat of Hand, but rati not operate, -hut la In a position to offer at a hnrgaln, la well worth fU per acre, but I am author! ted to aell $30 per acre' cash. If you have not all cash, er a email piece of clear property, will take It at cash value and make terme, J. W. LAWSON, 61S Commerce Bid., Kansas City, Mo. After April 2 address Denver, Colo., care AiMny hotel, ror seven flaya. FOR "aArBChoicSleff a.. IB a. In cultlva tlon; cement house, bern, well; good soft water; land gently rolling; 4 mllea from town. Price, 1 17 SO. If you ar looking for a enap, this la one, and will not be on the market long at this, price. - 1 also have large ana imau aairy ana grain farms. If you want a good home or Investment .call or Writs Zlckrlck, Kuan, Colo., Weld county. BAkGAINS. I4t ACRES, valley land, sheet Water, best eoll, one year's wheat erop will pay for place; 11 tnliea front Cltyj only $11.60 per acre. Terms. 160 aorea, one mile from town, good Im provements, fin Wheat and bean farm. Only l per acre. Lay to a A Maxwell, av.t n-i. LOOK HERE DON'T MISS IT. Choice Colorado farming lande on II years' tlma, ene-tenth oaah down, belanca one eighteenth per year at I per cent lntereet. Price $30 per aora, Tha Llebler Land Co., Hugo, Colo. Michigan Landa. - OWN LAND! fti a ihort time you can own a farm .homel Bo your own hoes, Pay $21 to $100 down, 17 to fie monthly per 40 acres; or lower terras for smaller tracts. These , Michigan lands are fine for general farm ' lng. atock dairying, poultry vegetables, fruit Near towns, schools, Marketa. $16 to Hi n acre. It pag booklet free. Owner, George W. Swlgart. Vltll First Kb t. Bank Bldg Chicago, III. fdR salkcLOVeR-land farms. Oralna thrive, .Drouth, haft unknown. Root cropes dairying grating Ideal, Pine roads, market; lit growing days. Aver age killing froata October 1. Terma, easy. George RowelU Jr SI Baeos Blk. Mar-1 queue, Mien, Minnesota Lajiflu 1 . raibb pl'a Flat 1e selling at more .than.M.O per fjuahel at, country, points mWmnW ana North, Dakota today and may go higher; Mr tend eeelly producea'U rb 21 bushels i per acre) break od ahd-gowaeed-kp until June II; lot of time for thla year's erop; I -own g number 'Cholca, Imooth tracts at beat oral He od Morth Wee tern Minne sota and ofrer at in pVice) o( iSo to tat per acre, easy terma; this year flax crab will pay'toftthe Ian 4; yoa may, never are I A have enrh. en opportunUy to be-' . some Independent! It Is the chftace of a lift timet coma at onrb and see me or write bat act tromptly. tit HeRtfgnt Bid.,' MlnneVpoNs, Mmn. 140 ACRES, 41 Uilel from Hlnheepolla, near . two good railroad towns; one-half under cultivation, balanea used for pasture and hayi can rariically all be cultivated; guod aei balldinge; this land Will produce SO bukhela of corn per acre; tountry te thickly lettled; tothpivtl sll bt mtchin ery; If head of stock, consisting if .11 cowl, bhlante 1 and 1-year-oldet 4 good horses, II hogs, chickens grid everything tin the farm artee at tit I tier aora: an. halt cash; Immediate poaseaalnn can be had Bchwas Bros., iozi Plymouth Btdg., ti aimnearone. Minn, Missouri Landa, SMALL MO Farm lift cash and IB month ly t no lntereet or taxes highly productive land; close to I btg markets. Write for photographs and full information. Manger, A-llr, M. t. Life Bldg., kansas City, MO. OREVf'bargafne, )l 3own,"le monthlytu:s o acrea gooa rniit and poultry land near inwn, souinern Missouri. Price only 1100. Address Bog 0b, KirceUlor BprlngB. Mo. VXU'ABI'B OaaraTfaritisr rahch, grtVinK , timber and mineral lands for sale; prices rrom fa.ww per acre up; write ua your wants. McCiMlah ft Henry, Eminence, Mo. Montana Lands! MONTANA la faat becoming and NOW 18 one of the best farming atates la the unlort. Lends are cheap there now. W . control targe noiainge in nearly every county Id Montana, Can Sell you moat ny kind of land you want to buy euam plow proposition Improved farma Irri gated lands relinquishment! or grsstng . lands. Can aUo advlee you how to secure ' frna homeeteads public lands of any kind aa Well 4i CnHadlan homestende free Of Charge. bODOB LAND A INVBStMRNT CO.. Ill Kew TOrk Ltla Building, Minne apolis, aiirm, 120 At;RKB lH miles from town, ffweel Ofae county, Montana; practically all uq ' der cultivation, fair buildings and fenced and cross fenced, bun dunce of Water. Riefcant propoaltioh for someone. Price 4I per arre. not ann, te, ' (00 ACRES 1 mllpt from town. Sweet QrsM -ceanty, Montana sov acres alfalfa, lt0 Seres grain lands, balance pasture, fenced, feir but id in m, well watered. Mighty good deal. Act quick, trie HO per acrt. Box ' silt; Bee. iiofrf AHA HOMESTftADB lMooTooft acres. 640 or ISO ac os for you. Circulars free. Write Homestead Bureaa of Montana, I'npi. wo, dui 00, XJUH0, MODI. Wanted Live agenia to aid ta fttmiig 10,000 acres hear Forsyth, Me. tit. Liberal commissions, good equipment, right prop, osltion. Address Frederick Washburn, 1741 romanv Ave., Minneapolis, sunn. "WANTED Eastern real estate agenta to operate with weatem land man in selling Montana lands. For particular write ?... .Mnr. oienqive, Mont. Nebraska Landa, 'ACkES NEAR DODGE ST. This It located about I mllea west of Fa I rac res, ctoss to Dodge an., and ib ttn pa roved, with food 7 -room S-ktorv houaa good barn, 10x81 ft. i ceracrlb, granary, two wells, tc, with about I acres In bearing fruit ev& ar eight years aid, Fins pasture, about 10 acres, balance in cropa. Prfee, $6 Si per aer tleaiitmabla . terras. Immediate possession. . investi gate, . GEORGE & COMPANY, KEAt.TORd , . 10k City Nllnl . tttt. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Land. 16 MILES NORTH OF OMAHA POSTOFFICE 111 acres, welt Improved, half a mile west of 8. W. corner of Fort Calhoun; high land, soma rough) T5 aorea under plow, to acres a if aire, 40 acre clever; seeded I years ago; the balance Is prairie pasture and some timber, si or t gage, $19,000, payable yearly. Want offer. 51 ACRES. on high road to Calhoun; good 7 -room house, barn and garage, 40x60, cement floor; all other necessary buildings; good orchard, fine lawn and trees; an Ideal small farm; l'fc miles from town. Pries, $12,100. Possession at once. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Doug. 1716. 101 Omaha Nat. Rk. Bldg. FORTY ACRES 4 miles west on Pacific, nice sprWs and running water and place for a pond. 1 mile aouth of Dodge on section line. 1-story square house, barn, chicken house, corn cribs, nice orchard, plenty of grapes; east part of land stands- high, slopes gently to west; claimed by or charding to he best slope for fruits; good chance for paving to come along south line. Terms, 2,inft to $1,000 cash, balance to bo arranged. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., DmirlM Omit, Ntt, Blc. BUlt. WHY CONTINUE TO RENT. high-priced eastern farm, when you oan buy la Kimball county. Neb., and south eastern Wyoming land In Laramie county, where one crop often pays for the land, when properly farmed. One man got 116,000 for his wheat crop on 120 acres. Price, $16 tit 2I per acre. See us about , It now. Only 4$7 miles directly weet of umana. O'KEEFE REAL ESTAlE CO. Doug. 171 R. 1011 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. HKHK are land bargains for the land buyer; we are going to sell the Liaro ranch in tract! to suit the purchaser; the land la located In Garden, Cheyenne and Deuel counties; the ranch contains 10,000 acres, fifteen miles of North Platte river front, and all the river bottom and all the Rush creek valley; a lot of good, level farm land on the table; terms one-third cash, balance I per cent Interest, Purchaser can name the sice of the farm he wants. We will sell the outside first. First man up gets his choice of the lend. Now Is the time to buy. D, R. Williams, Kept, i.ieco bona company, lisco. nea. lrOR8AI(E My 120-acre farm, S miles south of Brule, Keith county, Nebraska. About 171 acres In cultivation, mors as good can be cultivated ; the farm land Is table land, good productive eoll and nearly all level;. 1 groves, balance pasture; farm fenced and crofts-fenced! well and wind mill; 4-rootn heuee, I closets Inside well finished; barn for 11 horse's with hay mow, granary and grain slide from mow, good chlcen house. Bell telephone. Price $10,000. Will sacrifice for cash or half cash. O. K. Davles, Andrews Block, Kear ney, Neb. Rf ACRES, tlx miles from the Colors do liast two miles from railroad town, level, good soil. In this locality they last year railed from 10 to 10 bushels of corn to the acre. It Is but of the hot wind dll trlct. Will trade for good Omsha prop erty, Pries 111 per acre. BIG 4 REALTY CO.. 1011-11 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 14 M. 16fl ACRES, Blaine county, 100, jqv acres, Dawes county, shoo. 149 aorea, Hares county, $800, 100 acres, Hayes county, $1,000. 120 acres. Holt county, ll.OoO, 80 scree. Lincoln county, $400. Ill acres, Lincoln county, $1,400, tAKEVIBW farm, 50- Vcfei, i mllea "n wi vncom, rtoo. a aairy ana nog farm, well equipped with buildings. 00 acrea alfalfa. No waste lend. Write tor particulars. I must sell loon. C. it, Aa- o.rews, ftv r ri., uncom, nob, 1.440 acre ranch Southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly Improved, price $13.10 per acre. ' ARCHER RBALfT (TOWPANV Douglas 8410. ISO Brandels Bldg SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments - vv m, orm w sell you. The Bungerrord Potato QroWers As sociation, 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha. WET land mads dry .houfth for eron. nr no py la our rr of dr.lnlu, land. No traot too l.rt or too Ouarantee ijrminaga Co., oaRKnfl, Neh. io AL'nRd hpar Av.ry: Ibrie acraa araoaa. 7 ftnlt tre; IS.Ino. , IfeTRH-ntATM RAt,t1r CO., . ..q.. ..IUg. JOU(. B,,T. EXIT oanttml N.b.. to axrM, hihl Hfc iu.. id .own, aoap, i.rma, poaaMrton at onca. 8. ,. and B. M. Mont- New York Lindi. wew TORk fahms writs roh caH-I. t-OO, rRBB roR ABK1NO, OtviNO CKS. CRIPTION8. PRICES, TERMS, ETC.. ON HUNDREDS OF FARMS. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., l TUB FLORENCE, SYRACUSE,' N. Y. Orrjiron Lanria. FOR EXCHANOK 54-acra appla-charry or- onard, bord.rln. La Uranda, Ora.i II.W) l rhopi u,Sot tits m-a.r. at.nirk ro aaulharn Calisornla, M,0. Joph Humphrry, Joncaboro, Ark. Oklahoma Lanria. FOR SALEJoToraa, Slnkdahar Co.. Okl. Leaaed for oil and und.r cultivation. House and well ll mil., front Klnmsber city. 1 mil., lo ralroad. Mra. Julia Jonea, 110 S. lath St.. nm.h. SoUth Dakota T.anHa FOR SALE OR ECHAdli. ' 0 Jyln, on a Una auto road, fear Bsnry. Coddlnkton county, South Da kota. Thla t a high-crass farm, highly ImprOTtd. fine grove, plenty df good water. .... . "'D-WEST LAND CO.. HIT Omaha Nat. B. Bldg. Dong, till. Utah Land. FREE komettea'da; 130 aor.s: circular free: good location.; reaaonabla teea. Home ateader,' Guide, Salt Lake City, Utah. S4 Brandela Theater Bldg.. Omaha. Government Lindt. HOMESTADynur farm Xrkanaaa Oaarda; - mm m.mir wnm to entry: por tion national roreete; largo m-colored, homeateed, aectlonal state map, showing eliminated land, amount vacant each coun ty, elevatlona, etc; ISO or lee Includes year's ,ubajripllon o Southwest Agrlcul tllral and Development Magaalne, Trav el.r and Development Magaalne. Harrlaon, Arkanaaa. mini. Lands. IMPROVED ranch. Bale or trade, 4(0 aorea; mviih m jjaraniie; ewe aeret irri gated; onto range for eo battle. Price if an acre. For Information call B. a. Wilcox, Houth 548. FARM LAND WANTED ANTl:b To hear trorn" owner of farm or Suit . ' "awle, VYANTBlw To hear from owner" of good im ii mibi ..... vaan price; lull par tlcalara. D, F. Bu.h. Mlnneapollt. Minn. Motorcyclta anil Bicycle gains in used machtnea. Victor H. Rooa. "The Motorcycle Han." 17th and Leaven. worth. Horses Live Stocks Vehicles Honroa for sale, itiii w.nat.r st. MEDICAL DR. . R. TARRY, Pilkh, rieniLA CtRjtD. rf. aV R. Tarry cares piles, astute and emer recta i dieeaies without surticSI ep erati&n. Cur guaranteed and aa Mnnev paid until cured. rit for book 6ft rec ta iiseaees with Ueumoniale. t m. a. tarrt, M Bee Wdf. . , ' Oeaaae, Keh. Personal WHY SUFFER f Latest and Most Belsntlftr Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 113-620 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He Is curing thou sanda. WHT NOT TOUT Delays ars dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours I a. m. to I p. m., 7:30 to 1:30 evenings Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 30 Bee Bldr. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBERG. SANITARIUM. Lsdy attandant, 14th and Farnam. D. 7206. dr. C. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bid. D. 8411. Dr. Frances Dawson, 502-3 Rose Dldg. T. 2366 Lrs. Johnston. 1328 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6621 Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 112 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent Rmi 808 Rosa Bldg. D. 2186. PERSONAL TJ!-e Salvation Army Industrial Horns so liclts your old clothing, lunjture, ma ga it nes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4I2S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our now boms, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt, BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATH The reasons for the growing popularity sre Beat Results and a Rats of lo per word. When you want both of the abots CALL TTLSR 10. F1T&I eured my daughter by simple 41s covery ; particulars free. z. Lepso, b Island Ave,, Milwaukee, Wis. BATHS and massage. Central Bath fnstl- tute, 1101 Harney St. D. 7007. Open evenings. PR I VAT K home for sick ladles, best care, very reas. zaos Bristol Bt. weo. o, MECHANO THERAPY treatme&tf. Miss Halloran, 222-8 Neville Blk. LUELLA WKB3TER, massage and mani- curlng, 618 Faxton Blk. Red Z400. MAE BRUQMAN, scientific'" masseuse and baths, 20S Karbach Blk. Red 2727. C. F. M. COMB home. I am sick. Every thing settled with I B. c Anna. . SCIENTIFIC massage, (20 Bos Bldg. PboM Douglas HA12. FACK and scalp massage, 128 Seville Blk. Anna Fliher, sulphur baths, mass. D. 1650. MISS LILLY, bath, mam age, 1322 Farnam. Manicuring and, mass, 1028 farnam. B. 10. EMMA BROTT massaging, 1110 Harney. MONEY TO LOAN FUftNITURE, ianos and hotel as security. g mh, H. goons, total cost, ss.du. 40t mo., indorsed notes, total cost, il-lO. Smaller, large am'ts, proportionate rate. , PROVIDENT LOAN BOCIKTT, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 431 Rose Bldg., 10th and Farnam. Ty. III. LOOKT tEGlAtj RAT LdANfll tOOKI $ oo.OO costs you 9 l.ss for six months. 102,00 costs you 20.27 for ons year, HMO costs you Si. to for ons year. 104.00 costs you 40.80 for ons year. $00.00 costs you 00.00 for ons year. Other amounta In proportion. EAST PAYMENTS, UTMOST PRIVACT. , OMAHA LOAN COM PANT 840 Paxton Blk. TeL Dour 11$$, REAL, fiSf ATE TRANSFERS. Columbian tnveatment Company to So- eurlty Land and improvement eom tt.ny, Ellt Ireet, 200 feet weat or Piltlath atraet. aonth aide. ROxlfiO..! 1 Pioneer B.altr tompany to Harry A, Tnitey, T-enty-rourtn atroat, o feet uiiii ui jn ati.ci, .... aiuc, .uii... . Peter Beaeh and wife to E. tt. Scott, outhweat corner Twenty-aeyenth and Deuelaa atr.ata. llz.flallB 1 devrge A. Vrad.nbur, and wife to i'.miw vreaenour,, Tnirty-aeventn atreet, 1st fett aonth of Maaon atreat. went aide. 47al0 l.tOft William B. culll.on andjvlfa to Ar thur B. Cullleon, Harn.y atreet, ISO feet eaat ot . Forty-fourth atreet Farmere' and Merobanta bank . to Alonao P. Knacp, Clinton avenue, 1&0 feet north of Alllaon ftvenuea, Weat , aide, toil!, , 1 Anion Riltel and wife lb A l no bt Maura, at el., wooiworth ttreet, t feet eaat ot Sixth atreet. north aide. SJ.Ht , l.m Jam.a B. Relt to John B. Watklna, Tn-enty-.IKhth ttreot, feet north of a atreet. eaat aid. tOxlbt...... ill Comervatlva Savlnge and Loan aaeo elation to Alfred I. crelgh. aouth toe.t corner sevehteenth and Caa. t.lar. Tl.Stlti 1 B.eala Kiln, Nelaon to Edna X Doug- la,, Doualaa atreet, 20, feet weat of Fnrty-aithlh atreett north aide, tox i.i.. -.. a Naomi J. riturerald and huaband ta Michael p. Barrett, Jackaon atreet. South Omaha, 100 feet Weat of Thlr- Johh J. Newtoh and Wife to MlrttaU P. Barrett, Polk, 1(1 ffet eaat of Thirteenth atreet, aouth aide, lr rn.illar. anarnalniatnlv AKalOO. k 1 Josephine Jenaen and husband to Tru man If. Reynolds. Wirt atreet, 141 feet west of Twenty-fourth atreet, north tide. Hunt 1 Fred ttlbat ancf wife to Slmoh Borch and wife, Twanty-Afth ttreet, n"4 (mi south ot Bancroft, eaat aide, l)xilH 1 REAL ESTATE NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE 2311 Castelar $400 Cash Balance Monthly . Va have Jt completed a cosy si. room house st aoove n urn her, and we cordially Invite you to com ou today end Inspect vrhat we believe is a masterpiece In a small home. Largs living room, 12 alt, with sun room." IflklO, In front: dtnlns room, 1114; kitchen, pantry and refrig erator room on first door. The living room and dicing room are finished In oak and the sun room In white enamel. Two bedrooms awl bath room on the Second floor; also, (our large closets, floors throughout the house are oak. We nAve built in many convenience In this horn. Including bookcase under one colon nado opening and writing desk under the other: axlra fine pantry with cupboards, drawers, etc Linen closet la the bath room, etc. CONSTRUCTION This housa was practically built by day labor, and in every Instance the material used Is tha highest grade obtainable. Heavy tar paper waa used between, the rough biding and the flnleh siding, and doubled around all windows and doors t SPty red rosin building paper was used between the rough and finished floor, thereby making the floor absolutely dust proof, moisture-proof and several degrees warmer In winter. The laths used were white pine, and the plaster the best In the market. The lumber came from Gutoil ft Ledwlch, and you ars at liberty to ask , them what quality wa 'is. The furnace was installed by Milton A Rogers, with sti absolute guarantee to heat the house no matter how cold It gets. Plumbing fu tures are Kohler enamel ware no better made, AH rooms are decorated; beauti ful lighting fixtures Installed; window shades and kolld brass curtain rods fur nished. Tha yard is graded and twill be sodded; cement walks are in. Come out today end see this "wonder house," whether you Intend to buy or not Open for inspection all day, PRICE, $3,900 THE BYRON REED CO., Pouglaa i. aealtora. tit 1 th St. BEE WANT ADS SUPPLY YOUR WANTS For Only Q Per Word REAL ESTATE DUNDEE Offers an Opportunity To the man who wants a good locatipn for a home or an investment where VAL UES ARE SURE TO INCREASE. Dundee South of Dodge Street Offers an exceptional opportunity for the man of small means. Here we can give, him unusual values upon a small cash payment. WE HAVE SOME ' CHOICE LOTS 1 WHERE ALL SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS ARE IN, FOR FROM $1150 to $1250. EASY TERMS GEORGE & COMPANY Realtors , Doug. 756. 902 City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. MUST BE SOLD 2211 Locust St. This Is k good house of ? robms, oak floors downstairs, hot water heat, good plumbing and electrle light fixtures- nice lot 40 ft. front, full depth to alley, with small shed or garage In the rear, All specials paid In full. Would sell this pises st a bargain taks fcmall payment down and balancs like rent. 2906 N. 25th St. flood, well-built house, etrictly modern, oak finish downstairs, all rooms good site and well arranged; first-class condition, with garage, nice east front lot dll spe cial taxes paid In full. Will sell on easy terms. Make ua a proposition. 2409-11 Hartman Ave. two akd tots on Hartmarl Ave., with room for two houses, or msks ntco place for one wanting a large yard; how two smalt buildings at the rear, of the lot partly modern, bringing In lit per month. Will sell the Whole thing for $1,906; (2S0 cash and balance like rent. 36th St. Near Mason East front Hours, hlgfl and slfchtiy. 7 rooms, very well arranged, Oak finish, strictly modern, full lot. Owner very anxious ta sell, as they heed a larger place. Will make reasonable terms tnd have out the price, to (1,400. Let us show you this. 3306 Walnut St . . Field Club Stucco WANT A PROPOSITION ON TWB I rooms, strictly modern, oak finish and oak floors throughout, fireplace, sleeping porch, tile bath, beam celling, vapor beet. Houae almost new, Must bs Sold. In vestigate this place. , ' . Southwest Bargain , Located on the corner, 6. W. of 'Hans corn park, fins piece, cart be bought at a bargain; his 8 rooms, good sfKe, tifenlare; hot water heat House in good condition Inside and out; full lot. Want a proposi tion on thiimust be sold. ACRES v', 10 acre north of riorencs, fens of the beet twenties We hftv looked at In a long while; About S acres II. grapes, couple of acroa in blackberries, apple, peach and pear orchard; lot of cherries; about 6 acres In alfalfa; exceptionally Ann barn,, chicken house and a good but kmall resi dence. A money-maker, Included with 1 the ground the owner will sell all ma chinery and farm Implements on the place, including team of horses, com gas engine and pump. This Is a mighty fine piece, beautiful view for grilles in all di rections and over the Mlnsourl river. The plocv Is rolling, but hot what you wduid call rough. Price for quick sals, 112,500. No trade considered, D. V. SHOLES CO., . (Realtors) 111 Cltr rttttionai Bank Biat. Dou. it. Potatoes Free Two Lots Price, $400 10 Cash, $5 Per, Month Welant, Care for and Deliver Free in West Benson Addition. Ow ing to the demand for these lots we have put on the market the hut block. (70 lots have already been sold.) This block it on paved road and Jitney line. We. furnish the seed, plow, disc, harrow, plant, spray, cultivate, dig end deliver to you anywhere within S miles of the Omaha postoffice. The new townsite of West Benson will be a live, up-to-date town as soon as the switch track is in. v " Buy Now Come Out Today Salesmen at end of car line, r come out on Jitney line, or call our office any week day. - Downtown office open evenings, T till 9 P. M. HASTINGS A HEYDEN , .Realtors. 1614 Harney Street BEE WANT ADS REAL ESTATE DUNDEE and L0CKW00D Btfildin? Sites Restricted to residences of brick, brick veneer, stone Or stucco con struction. No, frame buildings permitted. LARGE LOTS-50, 6o" and 75 feet frontage, with high class street improvements. . $860 AND UP' EASY TERMS Take the Lockwood drive today. Go west on Dodge or Farnam Sts. to 52d St. and turn sou& two blocks to the Lockwood office. Salesmen on the ground this afternoon. - Shuler. & Cary (Realtors) ( n Phone Dbuglas 5074 204 Keeline Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES. NQtlCfi $0 CONTRACTOR By direction of the property committee Of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska bids will be received until 4 b'clock p. m. Saturday. April 28, 191?, at the office bf the undersigned for con struction ot sn Agricultural Engineering building on the University 'arm campus near Lincoln. Separate bids wilt b received for Installation of heating, ventilating, plumbing and electrlo wiring for said build ing; an bids on building construction and the sever! installations of equipment must bs In strict accordance with plans, drawings and specifications now on file In the office of the superintendent ot construction In the University Ad nil nisi rat Ion building at Lin coln. Bidders must apply to and confer with the superintendent on all matters con cerning construction and bait thereon and must in an eases use tha blank forme pre pared under the direction of said super intendent for Jtlddtng purposes. Approxl matS estimated cost of said' building. In cluding equipment above mentioned. Is $140,- ooo, Bids must os accompanies oy oanx cashiers checks or certificate ot deposit payable unconditionally to the Board of Re gents oi tae universiry oi neorasKa in ins amounts and for purposes stated In tha "Instructions to bidders" accompanying plans and specifications. Bids must be sealed and plainly marked on the sutstda cover "Agricultural Building" oiv "Engineering Building Equipment," as the tas may be (heating, plumbing, te.). The right la re served to reject any and all bids. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. J. B. DALES, Secretary. 850. , - Station A. Lincoln. Cable Between Copenhagen And Great Britain Breaks (Comspondeitte ,1 Tha aalftlatt4 Fran.) V.c..B'-.t ......... wu. ... ing Copenhagen with Great Britain is conhrmea nere. uniy iwo caores now remain, one of which is devoted en tirely to Anglo-Rusin business. The newspapers here re urging the re- lumption ot me wireless service which existed at the beginning of the war. Persistent Advertising Is the Road To Success. ENGLAND CUTS THE IMPORT TONNAGE Direct Management of Ship pinf found to Be Impracti. cable Undertaking. ONE-THIRD SHIPS FOR WAR (rorrespondenc. of The A'.oclated Pr.s.) Liverpool; Feb. 21. The annual re. port of the Liverpool Steamship Own- Mauvi.iiuii( wmtn includes prac tically all the imonrtant- .limr.au. r in England, emphasites the serious ness ot the shipping situation, and de clares squarely that all the measures thus far taken by the government are insufficient. The report insists that state management . of shipping has failed and must fail, and expresses the opinion that only the most radical curtailment of imports and a similar radical limitation of the amount of tonnage used for' military purposes can save the nation from the most serious shortages of food and vital raw materials. Commenting on the appointment of a shipping minister as a member of the Lloyd George cabinet, the report saysi "The association welcomes the appointment of a minister charged with the duty of aeeing that tht mer cantile marine is used to the best advantage of the nation, and it will render every assistance, in its power to that minister. But the problem of providing the nation with itl essen tial supplies of food and raw material is only a part of the shipping prob lem. The essential factors, the limita tion oi imports, tne amount ot ton nage to be devoted to purely military purposes, ana the labor shortage, can ne dealt with bv no one denartment. They must be faced and dealt With by the whole war cabinet." Direct state management of ship pin J is impossible, says the report. The state is so bad a manager that state control of the) nation's tonnage woum mean quick starvation. - i he association views with grave concern the growing number of British shins placed under state management. Tht experience of two and a half years of war has shown that under state man agement there is constant and serious wastage. The conditions under which bur overseas supplies are obtained, the voyages made, and cargoes loaded and lischargcd, are so varying that waste in carrying power can only be checked through the compelling power of commercial pressure indi vidual profit and loss acting, directly on all those concerned, whether as traders, shipowners or transport Workers. Would Create Shortage. "The inevitable results of state mart agement have been waste ot time, loss of ocean carrying power, and therefore the imports. If these be reduced under state management by Only 10 per ceht and judging by all ftast exnenence it mient well be re duced by 25 per cent and upwards the natibn would be taced with nn mediate shortage ef essential supplies, privation and panic prices. Weighed against such perils, the saving of freights, even if cargoes were carried for nothing, is a negligible factor. "To satisfy military demands siiict the outbrtak of the war, about one- third of the British mercantile mar ine haa been devoted to ouretv War purposes. One-third of the British mercantile marine has a carrying canacitv in bcean trade, in the course bf a year, of upwards of 53,000,000 tons weight ot imports ana exports. It is manifest that if the remaining two-thirds had been utilized only in proportion to the one-third under military control, tht nation mult have starved long ago. "If is no reflection on thft Officials Of the State that they havejbeeri Un able to build up an effective ergani aation. Their task has been n im possible one. They have obtained and welcomed the advice and assis tance of business men, but it is idle to imagine that departmental man agement, either with or without such help, can ever exercise over hundreds of ships the kind of control which the shipping companies, with their highly trained and specialized staffs, must exercise over tens Of ships if the maximum bf carrying power is ta be obtained. - ? Under average conditions a ihip Ipends half its time in port loading and discharging, and thus there it on (very voyage the risk of heavy delay. The avoidance of undue waste in these operations is at the root of the effective use of all ship-carrying power. To secure this the energy and enterprise of the shipowners and their staffs at home and abroad are taxed to the utmost. There is only one British steamship company that has under its control more than 100 vessels, and among the big British lines the average number bf vessels tinder a single management is about twenty. Among the 'tramps' there are few companies or firms having more than twelve vessels. With this form of management the shipowner is kept in the closest pbssible touch with each vessel on every voyage, and also with the requirements of the shippers and receivers of the cargo." Must Use foreign Flags. ' Touchin on the subject of shiotink under neutral flags, the report says: 1 he cardinal tact ot the situation is that after Satisfying war demands, the total shipping available in the world is not sufficient to carry the cargoes demanding to be transported. It must be realized that we are in great measure dependent on the car rying power of vessels under foreign flags. Under peace conditions, the employment of foreign vessels was a business convenience, but witn tne war demands, it is now an absolute necessity. The following table shows the extent to which our imports of food and raw materials have been, and ire now being carried in vessels under our own and other flags: British Foreign ' Shlna. Shioa. Total. Paaca rohitttlhns. 12 month. M 31 1A0 First alt month ot war.... 6fl It TS Sncond alx montha of war.. 47 3 Third aU months of war.. 4S 22 fiS Fourth alt months or war., in 51 l Fifth alt montha of war... 41 II so (Tha carrying power employed under pcaea aonditlons Is taken as los.) Lisa Tonnage Now. - As the total shipping tonnage now available it insufficient to carry all that we are accustomed to import, the management we must have is that which will bring in the greatest volume of the supplies of which we are most in need. Under normal con ditions the oversea food supplies bf the nation amounted to mora than .16, 000,000 tona t year, while overseas supplies of raw material amounted to about Z6,0UO,U00 tonl. To bring In these supplies, British and foreign vessels made upwards of 40,000 Yby. ages in the year. Notwithstanding the disorganization due to the war, the extent of which it it almost im possible to exaggerate, bur supplies ot all essentials and of man) conveni ences and even luxuries has been maintained. The jfchole reduction in our foreign trade as regards import may be shown by the following ton nage figures for six months prior to the war as compared with the six current months: Total tonnage, six months, 1914, 25,800.000; total ton nage six months ending January 31, 1917, 21,100,000." Discussing the state's efforts to ex ercise some control iiver neutral ship, ping, the report says: "The association views with grave concern the action of the state in re gard to foreign shipping. Under nor mal conditions such shipping would be regarded as our competitor, but now it is essential to our existence as a nation that, we should obtain the maximum 'of bccair carrying power under both '.the British and foreign flags. It must he recognized that while on the one hand, the enemy by hissubmarine campaign is doing Jlis utmost to stop foreign ships carrying for the United Kingdom, on the other hand, neutrals all over the world art in most urgent need of forfcigrt ton. nage, as they have- been deprived in very great measure of tlie, carrying power of the British ships upon which they relied in time of peace , "It is inevitable that foreign tbft nage will accept the mbst advantage ous employment offered; therefore, to meet the additional war risks, th United Kingdom must be prepared to pay for their services above, 4nd rtdt below, the rates offered by neutrall. Any attempts to keep the freights that can be earned bv foreign tonnage in the United Kingdom trad below tht rates that are being offered in tht in ternational freight market playt di. rectly into the enemy's hands by les sening our essential oversea supplies." Belligerent Countries Go. , To Holland for Supplies (Correspondence of The Associated Frasa. V The Hague, Netherlands, March 25. Despite itl effortstb prevent it, Holland is becoming, perforce, a larger lender to tht belligerent states. Great Britain set the example of pay ing for its large supplies of dairy and other produce in exchequer bills and, when Germany demanded the same privilege, neutrat Holland could not see its way f to refuse, however, differently it might fegard Berlin pa per. Holland has been trying to ap ply the brake on this downward road that might land it in ilncomfortable circumstances but, so far, apparently unsuccessfully. While? tbp.: natihri. rir-marirl vir tually evervthitiar on credit, thev re quire little Holland to pay for its im ported goods in cash. In one respect this operates to Holland's advautc owing to the fact that the rates of exchange in Germany and Austria art depressed and Holland purchasers, consequently, pay less now than they would after the war when the ex change rates may have risen. In the efforts ta prop up the rate of exchange in Germany and Austria, an organization for the controKof ex change values has been formed. Ivo marks 6r crowns, as tht case may be, are permitted to be sent to Germany Or Austria unless authorized by these Organizations. This means that Ger man and Austrian buyers of Holland goods cannot pay the bills until these controlling bodies have approved tht Purchase. Checks drawn in payment for luxuries shipped from Holland in to Germany and Austria are held up pending approval, the authorities rul ing that claims arising from tht im ports of luxuries cannot bt settled until alter tne war. Trade between Holland and the central empires has been seriously hampered by these restrictions. Poverty and Wealth Are Neighbors in Ireland (Correspondence of Tha Associated Preat.) Dublin. Ireland. Irfarcn 30 Whilft the Irish farmer in nrhsnerA.ua hit. yond precedent and wages in many trades are higlier than ever before,, the condition of the poottr classes in the cities is iti many cases wbfsi thaii for years. "At the present "moment the artisans and'the poor in Dublin are reduced, ta a atatt bf privatibn that causes a great. feeling .$f alarm and dismay," said the lord mayor at a meeting of tht Corporation thil week. ; . Member! bf tht CofbSratlbtf eft plained that tht work ef rebuilding the eity, which had bten expected to do much to relieve destitution, wal not going forward as -. had 6eea planned. It had not been found pbs lible, ht explained, to import tht tna terial necessary for the work of rta building although tht ministry of fhu. nitions had promised to facilitate it in every way. ... .. -A deputation was appointed to wait upon the chief secretary and impress him with the great need bf employ menf, especially in the building trades. ? v ; Americans Win Prizes ' v - At English University (CorrekponoVnca of The Associated Pre,,.) Oxford, Ehglahd.' March 31. A. G. Fite of Nashville, Tenn,, has recently won 4 prize of ten pounds offered by Christ Church. Oxford,: for tht best literary essay in French bv one of its members. Other Americans whb have lately Won prizes at Oxford Univer sity are B. H. Branstomb of Birming ham, Ala., who won a prize of 15 pounds for translation from the Greek Testament, and Clyde Eagleton "of Austin; Tex., who Won a similar prize n modern History. England Saves Large Sum by Floating Its New War Loan (Correapondence of Tha Asaoclated Press.) London, Match 25. Although the conversion of older securities into the new war loin yielding a higher rate of interest, cost the country just over ,uuu,uuu pounas aternng, it is esti mated that a saving of over 2.000.000 effected by not issuing the loan on a pounds in annual charges hat beta 6 per cent basis. " Germans Prepare Plans for Extending Bagdad Railroad (rorrMporiiWriE of Th ArtoclateA ri.) fit; in firr-li 1 rrmin Am. ginecring experts arc preparing fclatis for the extension of the Bagdad rail- uiav arrrUs thi ftncnhnrtife On nt U plans prepared it for a tunnel under w - . , - v.uvi VVHKU plated ftcrosxing by me apt xl t tl5 vwaT eM lti