Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 22

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
now uma
Comb Honey
Playing in the Bind
Those who hive never plye! In
the town bind hive missed much of
the joy of life. In recounting the
great moments of their livei some
mm hive referred to the time they
delivered in oration it i Fourth of
July celebration, played SartU Claus
it i Christmas tree entertainment,
laid the cornerstone of a town hall,
stopped a runaway team or served as
judge at a baby show. Those may
be honors in their way, but playing
in the town band, when you and I
ere boys, transcended all earthly
stations, except, pernaps, Being s
tionmaster or oostmaster.
Yon. practiced on an old horn at
home until you could play "Old Black
foe," "Dixie." "Shall We Gather at
the River." "A ce Ben Bolt." "Home,
Sweet Home," "The Vacant Chair"
and "Captain Jinks" in such a manner
so that listeners of musical discern
ment could recognize the tunes.
Come t time when you proudly broke
the news at home, that you were go
ing to ioin the band. Your mother
looked at you in admiration and ex
pressed the hope that your new ami
ution would not keep you out late of
nights. Your dad concealed a feeling
of satisfaction over the prospect mat
your musical activities would relieve
the family fireside of some of the
shrill noises which had been assault
ing his ears for several months last
The band was just being organized
when you joined. The players met
to practice in a lodge room over the
town drug store. There were no uni
forms for some time. Bv diligent re
hearsing the instrumentalists man
tged in the fullness of time to play
a tune m unison. J hen came l:.t
proud moment the first appearance
n public, on the occasion of a Fourth
of July parade to the park, where
there was speaking and games. That
was the day when you wore the new
niform for the first time. All along
the line of march yon were greeted
with laudations from those who had
known you from the cradle to the
band. Yon wanted to catch a
jlimpse of an admiring eye, but
watchfulness of the notes on the book
in front of your instrument required
all of your attention. Wasn t it hot
in that tight suit I At the park you
tat on a platform and were cheered
after each tune. Between tunes you
recognized a pair of eyes which
seemed different from all of the other
eyes in the gathering. Those eyes
were shining only for you, so you
thought, and perhaps you thought
right. You had met those eyes be
fore, across an ice cream table at the
drug store. You wanted to ask her
what the thought of you in your new
band (uit And if you could have
taken off that hot coat, what a com
fort it would have been I .
Yes, playing in the old town band
when you and I were boya was not
to be sneezed at It was some band,
wasn't it? Remember that fat fellow
with the big drum?
Do you remember (he days when
the meat market man gave you a
piece of sausage every time you en
tered for a purchase? -
Heard by the Eavesdropper.
' "I'd rather go to war than get mar
ried." "You can't expect that 1 can buy
you candy everv time we come to
Everybody lias a
Poetry is Judge Wakeley'a hobby.!
Ask him and he will tell you all about
it When he doffs the judicial toga
at the court house and hies homeward
to don his smoking jacket he com
munes with the poets.
"During one of my trips to Europe
I visited the graves of Shelly and
Keats in a Protestant cemetery in
, Rome and while in England I visited
. Stoge Fogis graveyard and saw the
acene of Thomas Gray's "Elegy of a
Country Churchyard," said the judge.
He believes poetry is the last word
of hobbies.. He says it stimulates the
imagination and makes a man broad
minded, with a larger aympathy for
all mankind.
He remember the inscriptions he
read on the graves of the famous
poeta buried in Europe and can re
cite many poems of these writers. He
enjoys Burns and Moore and Kipling
and many others.
"If you want a hobby that is worth
while just go in for poetry. The poets
are my best friends. Oh, yes, I enjoy
Riley's poems, too," added the judge.
Digging up .fossilized remains of
prehistoric races ; the hobby which
has fastened itself upon! Robert F. Gil
der, an Omaha newspaperman. The
hobby has stuck so that a score of
vears be has been Aiaa'ma. Th
result is that he has one of the finest
collections of remains ever gathered
by any individual with his own shovel
and pick. The Gilder collection in
the museum at the Omaha city library
is one of the most interesting collec
tions to be found there, and betidei
, this he has given away fine speci
mens, including three exceptionally
rare skuiis. to tne college of medicine
of the University of Nebraska. A
decade ago he had the scientists of
two continents alarmed over his dis.
covery of what became known as the
.Nebraska Loess Man. the skull of
which he unearthed from some gla-
. ciai unit in the mils north ot Flo
rence, lhen some jealous eastern
scientists sought to pronounce the
Srote HisWof Omalia
All flie trutti zmi unlfiifli lhafe fit b know
, v. By A. R. GROH.
Government Gets Started.
Omaha was the first capital of Ne
braska. Bellevue came near getting
the honor. .Francis Burt, the first
territorial governor, was going to
place it there, but he died. He was a
refined and honest man, but not much
good at selecting capitals. His suc
cessor, Thomas B. Cuming, designa
ted Omaha as the capital.
The first session met in January,
1855, and the members abused the
hospitality of. Omaha - by beginning
agitation to remove the capitol to Lin
coln. I his question came - up at
every session after that for twelve
years and finally, in 1866, they decided
to remove the capitol to Lincoln.
Those who know what a session of
the legislature is are doubtless glad
it meets in Lincoln. The capitol
building doesn't amount to much,
town. I bought you some apples, and
they are better for you."
"I hope the peach crop is safe."
"I'd set married if 1 had a clean
collar." "
"May first won't bother me. I
should grieve."
War Notes. '
Somebody suggests enlisting the
Baptists for submarine service.
A group of Omaha young women
say they will decorate the slackers
with yellow ribbons. Another yellow
Omaha women would make good
secret service workers because they
can keep a secret , 1
He Can Hear i Motion. ,
A lawyer, calling to interview Judge
Woodrough of federal court was met
at the door by Deputy Marshal Quin
ley, who announced, "The judge is
hearing motions."
"The judge must have an acu(e
sense of hearing to be able to hear a
motion," factitiously replied thelaw-
Thinking It Over.
It might be' said that the Teutons
are getting too rrroch Haig-and-Haig
on the western front. And it might
also be said that the Germans are
being 'arrassed by the Britons in the
Arras region. In any event, it ap
pears that 'the British are having a
ripping time on the Hindenbursj line.
Internal Improvements:
Shi $in vnu have been tn a hos
pital." ,
He: "Yea. had mv annendix re
She: Internal improvements, as
it were."
He: "Yes."
skull that of a common Indian, but
they did not aucceed in convincing
anyone but themselves. Anyway Mr.
Gilder won such distinction in the
archaeological field that he was ap
pointed by the University of Nebraska
as official field archaeologist This
gives official co'or to his long years
of hard digging in the hills, and gives
him a nice little fee for his work be
sides. It is seldom that a man has two
hobbies. Any man can have one, but
when it comes to having more some
one of them is likely to suffer from
neglect However, in this town there
is a man, John Mellen, general agent
of the Northwestern, who has a
couple of hobbies and he hobbies on '
one as much as the other, though one
noDDy goes into the discard when
cold weather comes.
Aside from his railroad work, the
real hobby of John Mellen is to swim
and as a swimmer he is counted about
the best among the cottage dwellers
at Carter lake. In summer he usually
spends four hours in the water, two
from 4 to 6 o'clock, in the morning
and two from 7 to 9 o'clock in the
John Mellen swims because he likes
it and because it is his recreation. Al
though 55 years of age, in the water
lie is as light and active as a water
fowl and when it comes to fancy
swimming there are few of the swim
mers who are his equal.
Ed Slater's hobby is the Omaha
Real Estate board. Ed is president.
He came into the presidency about
til tim- ,V.. nA b 1 tr...
....... ...v ,aiuiG ex
change became the board. It used to
" ura, nut a mere sningie.
Srirnrtim it .l.:nl-4 :. uvnil UIIM1 11
was a mere sliver, but since Ed Slater
us Dn president it has been a real
board. At th la., r.. .t. -
-. ... .., ,aL lulling wic
attendance was so large that it looked
iim a pianic, or a two-oy-tour
at least. Estill VA ;!,,.. a. .':
all credit for making a big real estate
gjliais Y(
anyway, as it is dilapidated and fall
ing to pieces.
The capitol having been taken to
Lincoln, the energetic citizens of
Omaha determined to have a court
house, anyway. So the block bound
ed by Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Far
nam and Harney streets was pur
chased and a nice county jail was
built afthe southwest corner. Later
the court house was erected.
The court house stood on top of a
high clay bank, reached by a long
flight of steps. That was before the
days of elevators, and it was a hard
job to climb up to the first floor, and
still harder to get to the third and
fourth floors. Many lawyers got so
tuckered out climbing up that they
couldn't shout as loud as they do
nowadays when addressing juries.
The people of that day, however,
weri a iiardy race.
Eventually, leaders in thought saw
that if the clay bank were removed
and the court house built on the level
of the street all this climbing would
be done away with. So the old court
house was pulled down, the clay bank
removed 'and the new court house
built and equipped with elevators,
rooms for the pioneers to meet in,
benches in the ccrridors, ornamental
brass cuspidors and many other con
veniences undreamed of by the men
who built the first court house and
thought it such a fine building. Thus
does civilization move forward in its
irresistible march.
Jesse Lowe was the first mayor of
Omaha and the first council meeting
was held March 5, 1857. They
passed an ordinance to prevent hogs
from running at large and other in
nortant legislation.
Hapburn & Chapman offered to do
the city printing at the following
prices: One-fourth sheet bills, first
100, $4; each subsequent 100, $3; one-
half sheet bills, first 1UU, yj; each sub
sequent 100, $4. Whether this bid
was accepted or not is one of the ob
scure points of history which has not
been definitely solved, and perhaps
never will be.
The city council of those days was
very industrious. It used to meet
every day except Sunday during the
first three months. By that time the
novelty of being councilmen wore off
and they decided to meet only Tues
day evenings at 8 o'clock.
They spent money freely and finally
got so hard up that the city had' to
issue script money, and things soon
got so tight that the council couldn't
afford to spend $150 to repair the
state capitol building.
Some fellow rented a room in the
basement of the capitol building and
started to open a saloon there. When
the city council heard this it passed
a resolution forbidding it by a vote
of 6 to 2. Thus the dignity of the
state was preserved, even though the
board out of this organization. He is
modest enough at that. He knows as
well as all the members know that the
other fellows have helped and have
worked hard, and that Frank H.
Meyers toiled like a Turk to get this
organization on its feet and to frame
articles of incorporation for it,
Deputy United States Marshal
Quinley's hobby is farming. His
ranch is in the suburbs and it is so
large that it would take a week to
walk around it; that is, it would take
a turtle that long to walk around it
The ranch has an area of one acre.
Mr. Quinley has already put in
half an acre of potatoes and a quar
ter acre of other foodstuffs. The rest
of the ranch is occupied by the resi-1
dence, chicken yard and flivver cup
board,. , .
"I've got a lot of chickens," said
Farmer Quinley. "Fresh eggs all the
time and a broiler now and then."
"Haven't you got any other live
stock?" he was interrogated.
"Wall, no;" he repield, stroking an
imaginary set of whiskers. "But I
do kinds figger on getting a pair o'
young shoals (pigs, you know), and
raise em and have plenty of sausage
and ham and bacon. Probably I'll oo
that before long." ;
Tnn1l IT. Mttlarrl nr.tiil.til ti
Omaha National bank and former
united Mates senator, has a hobby
of traveling on water. Ocean travel
is his favorite recreation. It is be
lieved that he has traveled more miles
than any other Omahan on the oceans
of the world. He has not missed a..
ocean voyage for many years. Last
year he pressed the Pacific and re
turned ort the same boat, just for thj
ride. Old ocean gray has a peculiar
charm for him. He loves the romance
of the sea and believes that Neptune's
blue expanse is a panacea for tired
' Thift war ft will f.-- I,:. ....... l
, j ma aiiuuAi
jaunt on the ocean for reasons which
uc ayi are generally Known. He may
(tis bogs fcv yr -
are tummi I Hmft &
loo much kkJf
is a 1
On a like lie led j-
4Re procession and tsjf fA
1 1 M
Ttow a. leaaer s &
He used to race on high wheeled
bicycles in the big circuits in Ne
braska,' and used to win, too. -
He used to ride running horses for
his" father and was at one time one
of "the best jockies in Nebraska.
In 1884 he bought his first high
wheeler bicycle, and how he did spin
around the tracks at York, Hastings,
Grand Island, Lincoln, and other
courses in the circuit!
"Here comes 'Dell' Eldredge," the
crowd would shout from the grand
stand, as he would come carving the
atmosphere around, the curve at the
last lap, leaning in on the turn like
the tower of Piza. -
And sul-e enough it was "Dell."
The crowd could recognize him clear
across the track or in the dust of
the home stretch by his green knick-
erobchers, (he purple blouse, or the
flying hair. I i
Then as he drew closer they could
recognize him still easier, for he was
literally crusted over with medals.
Every time he won he got some kind
of a medal, until his breast was fairly
clanking with bronze medals, iron
crosses, horseshoes and other scrap.
Today Eldredge cannot prove he
ever had a medal at all, for he admits
in those days he used to sell his med
als. "A quarter looked better to us
member! of the legislature may have
been inconveniencd. 4t
Qustlona on Chapter XI.
1 What is the nresent condition of
the capitol building?
2 Were there anv elevators in f J
old court .house? ; : ,
3. What prices were made 6n city
printing by Hepburn & Chapman?
a hi... j: j .1. ...i . L
. wily uiu uic 1!M" WIOI1 IV VVII
- t xi -1 i. . . : i .1 ; 4
take a trip to the Great Lakes. He
must have some kind ot a boat noe
during the summer. He has no desire
to travel in a submarine.
If there is anything Police Judge
Fitzgerald would rather, do than go
to a ball game, he nor no one else
has found it vet. Fitzgerald has not
missed a season's "opener" for years.
He said that if he had the time he
would have gone out to Denver to see
the Rourkes perform in their curtain
raiser with the Colorado club. It is a
safe bet that a ball player up before
Judge Fitzgerald would get off with a
light line. '
But base ball is not the only ath
letic sport that Judge Fitzgerald likes,
in the fall he is as ardent a foot ball
fan as the most unsophicated college
freshman. He has attended every big
gridiron battle staged in Omaha in
the last few years and avers he will
continue to do so as long as he has
the price of admission. The police
judge was an athlete in his younger
days, both in high school and college.
He is both a Creighton and Michigan
university man. Yearj ago, when he
was a High school student at Graf
ton, Neb., the present police judge
high jumped five feet, eleven inches
at a track meet. The record still
bold, in "his home town." ..-(-
County Attorney George Magney
is a rabid, thirty-third degree base ball
fan. During base ball season the erst
while prosecutor of criminals is a
visitor at Rourke field whenever he
has the time. He has not missed a
season's opening game in years, and
when he picks up a newspaper in the
summer time the sport page is the first
place he looks. The county attorney is
as well versed in batting averages,
pitchers' records and league standings
as he is in the law.-There is a saying
round the court house tha.t County
Attorney Magney's dream, of heaven
is Ty Cobb at bat, Walter Johnson
pitching and . Eddie Collins, Hans
Wagner and Napoleon Lajoie on
first, second and third, respectively.
kids than a medal in those days,'
he says. ' '
He was vice consul for the state of
Nebraska in the racing circuit for
two years, then official handicapper
and chairman ot, the racing board lor
three ysars. -
When he wasn't riding bicycles he
was training race horses for his fa
ther, John C. Eldredge, who, in the
firm of Eldredge & John Jacobs,
owned and raced a string of excep
tionally fine horses throughout Ne
braska and .other states in the
eighties. He could wield the bat
over the foaming flank of the most
vicious horse on the tracks and nose
-under the wire on time if it was in
the bone and thews of the animals to
get there at all.
Of course, "Cousin Kate," a spec
tacular racing mare of those days,
heaved him' over, her head many a
time, and piled him over, the inner
ropes and info the grandstand, but
then that made the races all the more
entertaining. ,
- "Cousin Kate" was a. "bolter f That
is, she would kick the scenery behind
her for a half mile just as though she
was in earnest,, and tVen would sud
denly sock her heels into.the dirt, rear
back on her haunches, and stop dead
in a great waltzing cloud of dust It
was upon such occasions that "Dell"
Eldredge would leave the saddle and
finish the race by aviation. ;
And yet this jockey had ambitions
above being a jockey.
He wanted to be a .merchant in a
wholesale way. He said litfle to his
Prize Winners and Prize
In the Last Puzzle Picture Contest
The Ten Prize Winner 'r '
V- I.
By C H.'Dixon, 536 South Twenty-eighth Street.
Enlist my boyl Your country and Old Glory call you
Give kaisensm one good staggering blow; ;.
The world is watching, and whate'er befall you,
You have our blessing, jow, uoa dicsb you uui
By Mrs. E. G. King, Edgar, Neb.
My ion, your country calls for you today.
I'm old in years, yet would not bid you stay.
Dear to my heart, my son, you truly are,. ...
" Yet dearer is my country's honor far '
And so I say to you, my son, go fight
Under your country's flag to speed the right
III. .
By Mrs. David C Grant, Western Union Tel Co., City.
Enter, my son, the ranks of those whJ dare,
Nor count the cost in women's tears; nor spare ,.
Love, life and service for they country's flag.
I charge thee, hold thy liberty so pure,
So high, so true, no circumstance can sag
Thy courage; of thyself be sure. . . -
IV. ' ......
By Frances Shaw, S20 Third Street Council Bluffs.
I am for peace. . "
I would not see men at each others throats,
But when oppression, treachery and shame
Would dominate the earth and crush the right,
Then peace is but the coward craven's part
So, go, my son, strike hard I
' Give all for freedom's cause,
Nor count it sacrifice. '
-v .. v. ; : ' - :
V By Miss Eda Warren, 2315 Haroey Street
, Throw back your shoulders, stick out your chest!
4 Among brave soldiers, you be the bestl
. Your colors call you, your country, too.
' Fight for their honorl Do all you can dol
Take hold of the pen, put down your name! ,
Your forefathers did it, you do the same!
. VI.''
By Willie Reynolds, Sutherland, Net. ;
Ah, soon in a battle-scarred trench yon may lurk,
With hell waging war all around;
. With death hotly work jn the grime and the murk ;
Where corpses embellish the ground.
You're off to get killed or bump off the mob - .
r" That'll be out to pot others and you,
So, give 'em your best and camp on' the job,
i And honor the Red, White and Blue. . ,
" V- ? '.. - VII. '.'.-:
By J. R. Davis, New York Central Railway, City. '
My boy, stand by your flag, for it unfurled,'
Means freedom and equality to all the world!
Your mothers' tears are those of pride and joy;
She'll shed no tears of shame for you, my boy.
Your country calls, and you have heard her voice.
God bless you, aonl You've made a noble choice. . .
' VIII. ; ; ' ..jV
By Manuel Gross, 2101 Paul Street r
My heart is sad, but bursting with pride that you
go when duty calls to protect the honor and self-respect
of our country and yourself. Go, son! And return,
as God wills, for "In God we trust" . .
By C. Seebe, 203 Stutsman Street Council Bluffs.
Enlist and do your part son! .
As I did mine in '61.
- The trumpet'i blare 1 The roll of druml
The gathering legions bid you cornel
Though it must grieve your mother's heart;
She would for you no cowird's part
Watck Ika B Stmt Saar tat tte FmO roil
S 7 "V .
father about it, for his father was a
racehorse man. So long as the lad
had to be a jockey, he threw his soul
into it to be a good one and he was.
But after the races, when the darkies
were sponging horses, and Jockey
Eldredge'was lying on a horseblanket
in the stall swappiu- tobacco with
the other"-boys of the purple trousers,
his thoughts would fly away to the
big cities where, he fancied himself a
merchant dealing in goods in large
quantities and signing big checks with
the name "D. C. Eldredge."
He broiigh. the ambition with him
from Ford county, 111., where he was
born.. He brought it with him from
Piano, 111., where, between the ages
of nine and fourteen, he divided his
time between school and mumble-te-peg.
He carried the ambition around tne
race tracks with him whether on a
highfwheeler or on .the whalebone
back , of, "C usin Kate."
He carried it with him through high
school in Lincoln.' And when he got
his diploma he laid it away in a trunk
and went into the butter and egg busi
ness in Lincoln. '
In 1893 he found himself in the
butter', eggs and j,oultry business in
By Hugh Clow, 2014 1 StreeSouth Side.
. , My son, remember your duty,
: " ".. And while fighting for Uncle Sara,
Don't-forget your daddy is praying
For peace to reign over our land.
some utner uooa Answers. . '
By C G. Reynolds, Griswold, la,
Your country, calls. Your duty's plain. ;
- Let not your footsteps lag.
Oh. son, if I were young again,
I'd take that dear old flag, '
And carry it 'mid shot and shell .
. Where sabers, flashing bright
Struck terror to the souls of men.
.-. Who trample on the right .
By J. L. J.ajpart, Loomis, NeWSS'
There are nations and there are nations, son. There)
is also a just God of nations. He has never deserted us
and will not do so now. Follow your instincts and fear
no danger. ' ..
By Pewey Gardner, Wall Lake, la
: fT.atpIv Fnlicrrrl in rhr National C.itrA
My boy, I fought to preserve the union. Go, and
. ' defend its honorl , v :
By Mrs. E- 'Morris, . Box 524, Omaha:
r Enlist, my boy, it's the proper thing,
Way back in 61 I had my fling.
The president has called, it must be done; - .
- Mother, sister and I will miss you son, :
. And though we knew you'd never come back, '
-"', We'd rather aee yon dead than have you "slack."
. , By Mrs. Dale Miller, Glenwood, la.
I bid you follow the flag, my ion,
i Loyal and unafraid, '
Till freedom's cause is fairly won,
. And a ricrhteoui oeace in mariV;
" . -In the name of an outraged nation
Keep step in the ranks of right,
- That the world may know that America
A Is not afraid to fight I
Bv Edith Palmer. Nchawka. IrH .
My, soul The
Americans or we
Mctn ui Ska A war
York. . In 1899 Armour & Company
reached out a great hand and dragged
him into Omaha as a manager of
their butter, egg and poultry depart
ment - . . ;
Thirteen years ago he jumped from
Armours to the Harding Creamery
company as vice president, a position
which he still holds. He became in
terested in the Farmers' Creamery
company of Des Moines, and is today
president of that concern. Having
capacity for still more executive re
...:k:i:.:.b. i.. i.c T... . .
president of the Benson-Thorne dry
goods house in Omaha.
Horse racing is now, in the' words
of Kipling: .
"All shoved behind him now,
Long ago, and faraway."
- Shooting ducks and chickens is now
his principal pastime. But there is
less and less opportunity for pastime
with Eldredge, for besides being an
executive in several going concerns in
Omaha, he is active in the University
club, Happy Hollow club, Carter Lake
club, and in the Masons, Knights
Templar, Shriners and various other
organizations. ' ; .
' Next In Thli gerle. - "How Onahs CM
Frank E. White."
Answers -
the Father Said to His Son
day of the "hyphen" is past, We are
are traitors I
ja Fnnduw Wkt CaaftMfc
. f ' "'--U '-1 1 s
. . X.