11 A OlIUMUKTOf "if TIMbkY ARCHITECT! HINT and BUILDER and SUPPLY SUGGESTIONS about BUILDING DEALER, " THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 22, 1917. II 1 Ml I S I l:vJlI VMtf f I Bf 'II tmi 11 1 I liSXVa JMI uWi A V ,1 VMifli I I I I I 1 I i 1 1 B SF " i w i p i w m i m warn mmm r utm i r iHtvaMn 11 1 1 UfflSltfflHVJKByBJni ilMHM H ETHICS OF REALTY SALESDISCUSSED G. G. Wallace Says the Public Needs to Be Educated as Well as the Agents. OWNERS MUST TOTE FAIR "The public needs to be educated to the ethics of real estate deals as well as the agent himself," said Sec retary G. G. Wallace of the Omaha Real Estate board following the last meeting of the board when "Ethics" was discussed. Mr. Wallace said the discussion Srought out the fact that often the customer has vastly less respect for the ethics or the honor of a deal than the agent. The discussions brought out the fact that a prospective buyer will often go to a real estate dealer and find what property he has listed for sale. He will go with the real estate man to see the property and will negotiate with him for a time until he gets his lowest price, and will then go to the owner and seek to deal directly. Owners Double-Cross. Again the owner will often over step the bounds of ethics by listing a piece of property with an agent for sale and then secretly deal directly with prospective buyers. Cases of this kind have recently come up, when the owner sold his property direct to the buyer after he had listed it exclusively with a certain agent. Such transactions have frequently led to suits brought by the agent against the owner to recover the commission he felt he should have had for the sale. In many cases a real estate man . spends money advertising a piece of property after it has been exclusively listed with him, and this complicates the situation still further when the owner breaks over and sells the property direct after he has en gaged an agent to sell it for him. Salesman Club to Put On a Big Movie Show "The Troubles of a Stort keeper and How to Stop Them," a four-reel mo tion picture film will be presented for the first time in Omaha Monday night before the members of the Com mercial Salesmen's club. Because of the special nature of the film sales people and others employed in the stores of the city, as well as regular members of the Commercial club, have been invited to attend. This film, produced by the Essanay company for The National Cash Register company of Dayton, 0., was secured by the president, Joseph Bar ker, of the Salesmen's club, through Itr. Whitehouse, local agent for The National Cash Register company. It will be accompanied by a lecture by R. C. Routsong, who will bring out the points of the film that are of spe cial interest to merchants. Modern House With Large Rooms, BUY THE BEST Our Pure Copper Cable Conductor has no equal for r o d d i n g Churches, School Buildings, Chim neys, Elevators, Flouring I Mills, Ice Houses, Powder Magazines, Oil Tank s, ; Hospital Buildings, Silos, 1 Barns, Buildings. j Our Pure Copper Cable Conductor has stood the test for 20 years. It is ab solute pro t e c t i o n from lightning. Ask Your Dealer Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. (INC.) SAFETY FIRST Manufacturers and whole salers of Pure Copper Ca ble Con d u c t o r s, Orna ments for Barn Cupolas and Church Spires and Flag Pole Balls. OMAHA, NEB. DON'T STOP BUILDING We can save you money on your building material. A Million Brick, at $2.50 Per Load Cast Iron Columns and Linteli, at 2 Cents Per Pound Steel Beams, at 3 Cents Per Pound DRY WHITE PINE Second Hand Lumber $20 to $24 Per Thousand Doors and Windows. WALL PAPER lc to 3c Per Roll H. GROSS Lumber & Wrecking Co., Webster 2884. sit Lii llstw " I M ; ... . Ijfgtpv 1 HI 1 fer-e-RODM-.' l!,f"ti"!3i f.o-fraoM-i r pus VI Ill The house illustrated this week is under construction in Victor Place by the Willis Realty company. The house fronts north on Victor avenue, is surrounded by large shade trees, which add greatly to the attractive ness of the exterior. The house con tains five rooms and bath on the ground floor and one finished room, with southeast windows on the sec- Development of Waverly Park Site is Discussed A special meeting of the Omaha Real Estate board has been called for Monday noon at the Hotel Loyal. The development and sale of Waverly Park addition is to be discussed. Wav erly Park is the addition lying west of the Institute for the Deaf. It is own ed by the International Realty as sociates, a syndicate of real estate men from alt over the country. Many Omaha realtors are members of the international associates. ond floor. The rooms are unusually 'large and very beautiful. The dining room contains a built-in sideboard. The house is floored throughout with a good quality of oak flooring and the principal rooms are finished in oak. A full cement basement is pro vided. A house like this may be con structed, ready for occupancy, for ap proximately $3,200. This price would include heating, plumbing, decorating, cement walks, grading of lawn and gas water heater, and window shades. For further information regarding this house call Willis Realty com pany, Douglas 3919, 1122 City Na tional Bank building. Real Estate Man Joins Officers' Reserve Corps Don Adams of the Shelton Land company has joined the officers' re serve corps. He has had military training. He was captain of a com pany of cadets at the state university. FLAGS SIZES 2x3 FEET TO 6xJ2 FEET We also carry a line of Removable Steel Flag Poles. Prices are always right. Nebraska Tent and Awning Company H. S. McDonald, Mgr. 1204 Farnam St. Phone Dou. 3329 For Artistic, Well Planned, Honestly Built Houses SEE WILLIS REALTY CO. 1122 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 3919 m Capitol Avenue M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO., 18th, Sales grounds moved from Seventeenth and Dodge to Eighteenth and Capitol Avenue one block west of postoff ice. We have the largest selection of ornamental trees, shrubbery and fruit trees in this city. SAVE MONEY and agents' commission by calling us, or come to the nursery and pick out what you want. Get it freshly dug. We guarantee our trees to grow and have' a large surplus of trees that we have to dispose of this year. Cherry trees, 20c; apple trees, 15c; maple and elm trees, 10 to 12 feet, 75c. Let us plan your ground. landscape gardener's services are free. Call and get our prices. Telephone Douglas 7929 or Web.ter 3642 Phone your order now Nursery and Residence, Colfax 3439. Realtors Jealously Guard Their Patented Title The realtors are jealous of the use of their name. It has been ditficult so tar to persuade the public that every man who claims to be an agent for the sale of real estate is not a realtor. There is also a disposition to insist that those who carry the name shall live up to its claims. SEEDS Cardiospermum A handsome climber for porches, trellises and fences. Orowa from 6 to 8 feet hluh, thrives in tiny noil, Pkt., lOcf 3 pkU., 25c. Seed ft home Brown and true to name. Grown by MRS. F. C. GRAVES 3523 Sherman Are.. Omaha, Neb. Cyclone Sanitary Lawn Fence is the highest grade fence on the market; heavier, stronger and closer spaced than any other; complete, erected on wood posts, 25c per lineal foot and up. We carry a full line of wire and iron fences and gates, trel lises for roses and vines, flower bed borders, fences, stays, steel posts for field fencing. Also we make flag poles. Come in and see our line and get our low prices. Send for catalogue. Anchor Fence Co. 207 North 17th St. Phone Red 814. SAY When Speak in f of JjOME BUILDERS, Inc. They don't speculate. Thiy don't huy lota or build hounea ti sell for profit. SAY They only build to order and furnish construction money, necured by a mortgage on the new property. SAY HOME pUILDERS' $1.00 Shares itre safe investment for your money guaranteed 7 per cent with mortgage erurity, with not $1.00 of bonded indpbtedneea nor $1.00 of mortgage debts. Anyone can verify these eaylnga any time. Home Builders U aa an open book to everybody. JjOME GUILDERS, Inc. American Security Co, Flacal Agents. 17th and Douglaa Sta., Omaha, Neb. SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS Choice Named Varieties of CANNA, DAHLIA, GLADIOLUS Madeira, Cinnamon Vine, Tuberoses THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. 1613 Howard St. Doug. 1736 ssasasEcsssesmaaemsEossBm Saum's Preservative A wonderful floor pre servative that will pay any builder big returns in the durability of his floors. Invented by an eminent chemist. Preserves Floor of Any Material Furnlthed and appllad by Joseph P. Redding 314-315 Finum Building (Old Flrit Nat'l Bank Bldf.) Heavy Hoisting E. J. DAVIS 1212 Farniin St, Tel. D. HI i (Old Flrit Nat'l Bank Bldf.) ) jjj Omaha, Nab. i We Have Moved! NEBRASKA COMPOUND & OIL CO. Formerly located at 306 South Twelfth Street New Location 602 Bee Bldg. Same Phone number Dougla 105. The Keynote to Success is Attention to Business Our trees and shrubs grow because they are fresh dug and properly handled. Let us figure your wants today. Choice Concord Grapes, $2.50 Per 100 BENSON-OMAHA NURSERIES Phone Benion 534. P. 1. FLYNN. Prop. Building Loans Our Specialty Effective April 1, 1917, we announce a reduction in the interest rate to 6 per cent per annum. Loans to home makers on first mortgage, that can be repaid monthly, like paying rent. There are many advantages in borrowing from the Nebraska Sav ings and Loan Association, a local institution. Nebraska Savings and Loan Association 211 South 18th Street. THOS A. FRY, Prident. Telephone Douglas 133. J. R. BRANDT, Secretary. Wire and Iron Fences asr' Gates for Lawn Garden and Poultry Yardi Trellises for Vines and P. Grape Arbors Flower Be if. ' Clothes Posts Iron and Wire Window Guards Screen Door Guards Send for Catalogue iiiflii llillllMflMll J; I Wire Arches Summer Houses - Chairs and Settees Tree and Flower Guards Lawn Vases CHAMPION IRON & WIRE WORKS 15th and Jackson Sts. Tel. Douglas 1590. ATTENTION! To Furniture Buyers! THIS BIQ WAREHOUSE l- Must Be Vacated at Onca $25,00 0 Stock of high grade Furniture. Rugs. Stoves and complete home outfits. V at practically yonr own price. We are forced to vacate our four, story warehouse, and Its entire content must he Hold at once. Nile takes place at our salesrooms at Corner 14th and Dodge Sts. 1)0 not fall to attend It U an opportunity of a lifetime. Hnndreda hare already taken advantage of this wonderful op portunity why don't youl SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OCT-OI'-TOWN BITERS. STATE FURNITURE GO. Phone Doniclas 1.11J. , Corner 14th and Podge, Omaha, Neh. CENTS A WEEK for LOTS SOUTH OF ELMWOOD PARK West Lawn HilT On Sixtieth Street, Between Woolworth and Walnut You Pay $1 Down You get potsetsion of the lot at once and You may fence or cultivate the lot You may build or not, ai you please You pay no interest for two years You pay no taxes for two years See These Prices: $239, $249, $264, $284, $299, $314 Special Sale Today On account of bad weather last Sunday there are still a few lots left. Salesmen on the Grounds Take West Leavenworth car to Elmwood Park. Walk south on Sixtieth Street to our big sign. Our free automobile meets every car during this sale all day and evening. Bring Your Dollar and Come Today N. P. Dodge & Co. 15th and Harney. Phone Douglas 829. 3T Phon Doug . 349. Glazing Buy your glau and paint at Henry M. Johannszen Glati and Paint Company IMS. 14th St. Omaha, Neb. A good contractor U Mutlal to th making of a .ubatantial bom. All roat danc. work and repairing i. my spMtalty. . E.tlmat. cheerfully furnished. N. L. THOMSEN 5204 Leavenworth St Phon. Wai. 1397. Telephone Dougla. 89B0. The Beat in Aabeatoa. Cotft Supply Co. of Q , VU INSULATIONS & ROOFING w,a We contract for the application of all roofing and iniulativo material. NATRO CO. Roofing Product.. 1114 Jackson St.